/* Copyright (c) 2008 Lars-Dominik Braun Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "terminal.h" #include "settings.h" struct aacPlayer { /* buffer */ char *buffer; size_t bufferFilled; char lastBytes[4]; /* got mdat atom */ char dataMode; char foundEsdsAtom; char audioInitialized; /* aac */ NeAACDecHandle aacHandle; unsigned long samplerate; unsigned char channels; /* audio out */ ao_device *audioOutDevice; char *url; char finishedPlayback; char doQuit; }; void dumpBuffer (char *buf, size_t len) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf ("%02x ", buf[i] & 0xff); } printf ("\n"); } /* FIXME: this is a huge block of _bad_ and buggy code */ int playCurlCb (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *stream) { char *data = ptr; struct aacPlayer *player = stream; if (player->doQuit) { return -1; } if (player->dataMode == 1) { size_t bufferOffset = 0, aacBufferN; char *aacDecoded, *aacBuffer; NeAACDecFrameInfo frameInfo; aacBufferN = player->bufferFilled + nmemb; aacBuffer = calloc (aacBufferN, sizeof (char)); memcpy (aacBuffer, player->buffer, player->bufferFilled); memcpy (aacBuffer + player->bufferFilled, data, nmemb * size); free (player->buffer); /* keep some bytes in buffer */ while (bufferOffset < aacBufferN-500) { /* FIXME: well, i think we need this block length table */ aacDecoded = NeAACDecDecode(player->aacHandle, &frameInfo, (unsigned char *) aacBuffer+bufferOffset, aacBufferN-bufferOffset); if (frameInfo.error != 0) { printf ("error: %s\n\n", NeAACDecGetErrorMessage (frameInfo.error)); break; } ao_play (player->audioOutDevice, aacDecoded, frameInfo.samples*frameInfo.channels); bufferOffset += frameInfo.bytesconsumed; } /* copy remaining bytes */ player->buffer = calloc (aacBufferN - bufferOffset, sizeof (char)); memcpy (player->buffer, aacBuffer+bufferOffset, aacBufferN - bufferOffset); player->bufferFilled = aacBufferN - bufferOffset; free (aacBuffer); } else { player->buffer = calloc (nmemb + sizeof (player->lastBytes), size); /* we are going to find a 4-byte string, but curl sends fragments and * if the identifier is cut into two pieces, we will get into big * trouble... */ memcpy (player->buffer, player->lastBytes, sizeof (player->lastBytes)); memcpy (player->buffer+sizeof (player->lastBytes), data, size*nmemb); char *searchBegin = player->buffer; if (!player->foundEsdsAtom) { while (searchBegin < player->buffer + nmemb) { if (memcmp (searchBegin, "esds", 4) == 0) { player->foundEsdsAtom = 1; break; } searchBegin++; } } if (player->foundEsdsAtom && !player->audioInitialized) { /* FIXME: is this the correct way? */ while (searchBegin < player->buffer + nmemb) { if (memcmp (searchBegin, "\x05\x80\x80\x80", 4) == 0) { ao_sample_format format; int audioOutDriver; char err = NeAACDecInit2 (player->aacHandle, (unsigned char *) searchBegin+1+4, 5, &player->samplerate, &player->channels); if (err != 0) { printf ("whoops... %i\n", err); return 1; } audioOutDriver = ao_default_driver_id(); format.bits = 16; format.channels = player->channels; format.rate = player->samplerate; format.byte_format = AO_FMT_LITTLE; player->audioOutDevice = ao_open_live (audioOutDriver, &format, NULL); player->audioInitialized = 1; break; } searchBegin++; } } if (player->audioInitialized) { while (searchBegin < player->buffer + nmemb) { if (memcmp (searchBegin, "mdat", 4) == 0) { player->dataMode = 1; memmove (player->buffer, searchBegin+4, nmemb - (searchBegin-player->buffer)); player->bufferFilled = nmemb - (searchBegin-player->buffer); break; } searchBegin++; } } if (!player->dataMode) { memcpy (player->lastBytes, data + (size * nmemb - sizeof (player->lastBytes)), sizeof (player->lastBytes)); free (player->buffer); } } return size*nmemb; } /* player thread; for every song a new thread is started */ void *threadPlayUrl (void *data) { struct aacPlayer *player = data; NeAACDecConfigurationPtr conf; CURL *audioFd; audioFd = curl_easy_init (); player->aacHandle = NeAACDecOpen(); conf = NeAACDecGetCurrentConfiguration(player->aacHandle); conf->outputFormat = FAAD_FMT_16BIT; conf->downMatrix = 1; NeAACDecSetConfiguration(player->aacHandle, conf); curl_easy_setopt (audioFd, CURLOPT_URL, player->url); curl_easy_setopt (audioFd, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, playCurlCb); curl_easy_setopt (audioFd, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, player); /* at the moment we don't need publicity */ curl_easy_setopt (audioFd, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.9pre) Gecko/2008051115 Firefox/3.0pre"); curl_easy_perform (audioFd); free (player->buffer); NeAACDecClose(player->aacHandle); ao_close(player->audioOutDevice); curl_easy_cleanup (audioFd); player->finishedPlayback = 1; return NULL; } PianoStation_t *selectStation (PianoHandle_t *ph) { PianoStation_t *curStation; size_t i; printf ("which station do you want to listen to?\n"); i = 0; curStation = ph->stations; while (curStation != NULL) { printf ("%2i) %s\n", i, curStation->name); curStation = curStation->next; i++; } scanf ("%i", &i); curStation = ph->stations; while (curStation != NULL && i > 0) { curStation = curStation->next; i--; } return curStation; } PianoSong_t *selectSong (PianoSong_t *startSong) { PianoSong_t *tmpSong; size_t i; tmpSong = startSong; i = 0; while (tmpSong != NULL) { printf ("%2u) %s - %s\n", i, tmpSong->artist, tmpSong->title); i++; tmpSong = tmpSong->next; } scanf ("%i", &i); tmpSong = startSong; while (tmpSong != NULL && i > 0) { tmpSong = tmpSong->next; i--; } return tmpSong; } PianoArtist_t *selectArtist (PianoArtist_t *startArtist) { PianoArtist_t *tmpArtist; size_t i; tmpArtist = startArtist; i = 0; while (tmpArtist != NULL) { printf ("%2u) %s\n", i, tmpArtist->name); i++; tmpArtist = tmpArtist->next; } scanf ("%i", &i); tmpArtist = startArtist; while (tmpArtist != NULL && i > 0) { tmpArtist = tmpArtist->next; i--; } return tmpArtist; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { PianoHandle_t ph; struct aacPlayer player; char doQuit = 0; PianoSong_t *curSong = NULL; PianoStation_t *curStation; BarSettings_t bsettings; /* init some things */ curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_SSL); xmlInitParser (); ao_initialize(); BarSettingsInit (&bsettings); readSettings (&bsettings); if (bsettings.username == NULL) { bsettings.username = readline ("Username: "); } if (bsettings.password == NULL) { termSetEcho (0); bsettings.password = readline ("Password: "); termSetEcho (1); } PianoInit (&ph); /* setup control connection */ if (bsettings.controlProxy != NULL && bsettings.controlProxyType != -1) { curl_easy_setopt (ph.curlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXY, bsettings.controlProxy); curl_easy_setopt (ph.curlHandle, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE, bsettings.controlProxyType); } curl_easy_setopt (ph.curlHandle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 60); termSetBuffer (0); printf ("Login...\n"); if (PianoConnect (&ph, bsettings.username, bsettings.password) != PIANO_RET_OK) { printf ("Login failed. Check your username and password\n"); return 0; } printf ("Get stations...\n"); if (PianoGetStations (&ph) != PIANO_RET_OK) { printf ("Error while fetching your stations.\n"); return 0; } /* select station */ curStation = selectStation (&ph); printf ("playing station %s\n", curStation->name); PianoGetPlaylist (&ph, curStation->id); curSong = ph.playlist; while (!doQuit) { pthread_t playerThread; printf ("\"%s\" by \"%s\"%s\n", curSong->title, curSong->artist, (curSong->rating == PIANO_RATE_LOVE) ? " (Loved)" : ""); memset (&player, 0, sizeof (player)); player.url = strdup (curSong->audioUrl); /* start player */ pthread_create (&playerThread, NULL, threadPlayUrl, &player); /* in the meantime: wait for user actions */ while (!player.finishedPlayback) { struct pollfd polls = {fileno (stdin), POLLIN, POLLIN}; char buf, yesnoBuf; char *lineBuf; PianoSearchResult_t searchResult; PianoArtist_t *tmpArtist; PianoSong_t *tmpSong; if (poll (&polls, 1, 1000) > 0) { read (fileno (stdin), &buf, sizeof (buf)); switch (buf) { case '?': printf ("n\tnext track\nq\tquit\ns\tchange station\n"); break; case 'b': player.doQuit = 1; if (PianoRateTrack (&ph, curStation, curSong, PIANO_RATE_BAN) == PIANO_RET_OK) { printf ("Banned.\n"); } else { printf ("Error while banning track.\n"); } /* pandora does this too, I think */ PianoDestroyPlaylist (&ph); curSong = NULL; break; case 'c': lineBuf = readline ("Search for artist/title\n"); if (lineBuf != NULL && strlen (lineBuf) > 0) { PianoSearchMusic (&ph, lineBuf, &searchResult); if (searchResult.songs != NULL && searchResult.artists != NULL) { printf ("Is this an [a]rtist or [t]rack name?\n"); read (fileno (stdin), &yesnoBuf, sizeof (yesnoBuf)); if (yesnoBuf == 'a') { tmpArtist = selectArtist (searchResult.artists); PianoCreateStation (&ph, tmpArtist->musicId); printf ("Ok.\n"); } else if (yesnoBuf == 't') { tmpSong = selectSong (searchResult.songs); PianoCreateStation (&ph, tmpSong->musicId); printf ("Ok.\n"); } } else if (searchResult.songs != NULL) { printf ("Select song\n"); tmpSong = selectSong (searchResult.songs); PianoCreateStation (&ph, tmpSong->musicId); printf ("Ok.\n"); } else if (searchResult.artists != NULL) { printf ("Select artist\n"); tmpArtist = selectArtist (searchResult.artists); PianoCreateStation (&ph, tmpArtist->musicId); printf ("Ok.\n"); } else { printf ("Nothing found...\n"); } PianoDestroySearchResult (&searchResult); } if (lineBuf != NULL) { free (lineBuf); } break; case 'd': printf ("Really delete \"%s\"? [yn]\n", curStation->name); read (fileno (stdin), &yesnoBuf, sizeof (yesnoBuf)); if (yesnoBuf == 'y') { if (PianoDeleteStation (&ph, curStation) == PIANO_RET_OK) { player.doQuit = 1; printf ("Deleted.\n"); PianoDestroyPlaylist (&ph); curSong = NULL; curStation = selectStation (&ph); } else { printf ("Error while deleting station.\n"); } } break; case 'l': if (curSong->rating == PIANO_RATE_LOVE) { printf ("Already loved. No need to do this twice.\n"); break; } if (PianoRateTrack (&ph, curStation, curSong, PIANO_RATE_LOVE) == PIANO_RET_OK) { printf ("Loved.\n"); } else { printf ("Error while loving track.\n"); } break; case 'n': player.doQuit = 1; break; case 'q': doQuit = 1; player.doQuit = 1; break; case 'r': lineBuf = readline ("New name?\n"); if (lineBuf != NULL && strlen (lineBuf) > 0) { if (PianoRenameStation (&ph, curStation, lineBuf) == PIANO_RET_OK) { printf ("Renamed.\n"); } else { printf ("Error while renaming station.\n"); } } if (lineBuf != NULL) { free (lineBuf); } break; case 's': player.doQuit = 1; PianoDestroyPlaylist (&ph); curSong = NULL; curStation = selectStation (&ph); printf ("changed station to %s\n", curStation->name); break; } } } pthread_join (playerThread, NULL); free (player.url); /* what's next? */ if (curSong != NULL) { curSong = curSong->next; } if (curSong == NULL && !doQuit) { printf ("receiving new playlist\n"); PianoDestroyPlaylist (&ph); PianoGetPlaylist (&ph, curStation->id); curSong = ph.playlist; if (curSong == NULL) { printf ("no tracks left\n"); doQuit = 1; } } } /* destroy everything (including the world...) */ PianoDestroy (&ph); curl_global_cleanup (); ao_shutdown(); xmlCleanupParser (); BarSettingsDestroy (&bsettings); return 0; }