.TH pianobar 1 .SH NAME pianobar \- console pandora.com music player .SH SYNOPSIS .B pianobar .SH DESCRIPTION .B pianobar is a lightweight console music player for the personalized online radio pandora.com. .SH USAGE Press one of these keys while running .B pianobar. .TP .B a Add more music to current station. You will be asked for a search string. Just follow the instructions. .TP .B b Ban current track. It will not be played again and can only removed using the pandora.com web interface. .TP .B c Create new station. You have to enter a search string and select the song or artist of your choice. .TP .B d Delete current station. .TP .B e Explain why this song is played. .TP .B g Add genre station provided by pandora. .TP .B l Love currently played song. .TP .B n Skip current song. .TP .B p Pause/Continue .TP .B q Quit .B pianobar. .TP .B r Rename currently played station. .TP .B s Play another station. .TP .B t Ban song for one month. .TP .B u Show next songs in playlist. .TP .B x Select quickmix stations. .SH FILES .I $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pianobar/config or .I ~/.config/pianobar/config .RS Per-user configuration file. See .B CONFIGURATION. .SH CONFIGURATION The configuration file consists of simple .B key = value lines. Each terminated with a newline (\\n) character. Keys and values are both case sensitive. .TP .B control_proxy = host:port Non-american users need a proxy to use pandora.com. Only the xmlrpc interface will use this proxy. The music is streamed directly. .TP .B control_proxy_type = {http,socks4,socks4a,socks5} If you want to use a proxy you need to specify the proxy type you're going to use. Note that .B socks5 needs an IP address specified in .B control_proxy .TP .B disable_secure_login = {1,0} If you have problems when loggin in and you know your control proxy definitively works try setting this option to .B 1. It disables the SSL secured login. Beware! .I Your password will be sent as plain-text! .TP .B lastfm_user = your_username If you want to send your played song to last.fm set this to your last.fm username. .TP .B lastfm_password = plain_password A password is needed too if you want to scrobble your played song. .TP .B lastfm_scrobble_percent = 50-100 When should a track be submitted to last.fm. Percent value. Don't append percent sign. .TP .B password = plaintext_password Your pandora.com password. Plain-text. .TP .B user = your@user.name Your pandora.com username. .SH AUTHOR Lars-Dominik Braun <PromyLOPh@gmail.com>