.TH pianobar 1

pianobar \- console pandora.com music player

.B pianobar

.B pianobar
is a lightweight console music player for the personalized online radio

.I $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pianobar/config
.I ~/.config/pianobar/config
Per-user configuration file. See

The configuration file consists of simple
.B key = value
lines. Each terminated with a newline (\\n) character. Keys and values are both
case sensitive. act_*-keys control 
.B pianobar's

.B act_help = ?
Show keybindings.

.B act_songlove = +
Love currently played song.

.B act_songban = -
Ban current track. It will not be played again and can only removed using the
pandora.com web interface.

.B act_stationaddmusic = a
Add more music to current station. You will be asked for a search string. Just
follow the instructions. If you're clueless try '?' (without quotes).

.B act_stationcreate = c
Create new station. You have to enter a search string and select the song or
artist of your choice.

.B act_stationdelete = d
Delete current station.

.B act_songexplain = e
Explain why this song is played.

.B act_stationaddbygenre = g
Add genre station provided by pandora.

.B act_songinfo = i
Print information about currently played song/station.

.B act_addshared = j
Add shared station by id. id is a very long integer without "sh" at the

.B act_songmove = m
Move current song to another station

.B act_songnext = n
Skip current song.

.B act_songpause = p

.B act_quit = q
.B pianobar.

.B act_stationrename = r
Rename currently played station.

.B act_stationchange = s
Select another station.

.B act_songtired = t
Ban song for one month.

.B act_upcoming = u
Show next songs in playlist.

.B act_stationselectquickmix = x
Select quickmix stations.

.B audio_format = {aacplus,mp3,mp3-hifi}
Select audio format. aacplus is default if both libraries (faad, mad) are
available. mp3-hifi is available for Pandora One customers only.

.B autostart_station = stationid
Play this station when starting up. You can get the
.B stationid
by pressing
.B i
or the key you defined in
.B act_songinfo.

.B control_proxy = http://host:port/
Non-american users need a proxy to use pandora.com. Only the xmlrpc interface
will use this proxy. The music is streamed directly.

.B event_command = path
File that is executed when event occurs. The file is called with the event type
as it's first argument. More information is supplied through stdin.

.B lastfm_user = your_username
If you want to send your played songs to last.fm set this to your last.fm

.B lastfm_password = plain_password
A password is needed too if you want to scrobble your played song.

.B lastfm_scrobble_percent = 50-100
When should a track be submitted to last.fm. Percent value. Don't append
percent sign, do not set larger than 90 to ensure all songs are scrobbled.

.B password = plaintext_password
Your pandora.com password. Plain-text.

.B user = your@user.name
Your pandora.com username.

.B pianobar
can be controlled through a fifo. You have to create it yourself by executing

 mkfifo ~/.config/pianobar/ctl

Adjust the path if you set up a $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. Afterwards you can write
commands directly into the fifo. Example (next song):

 echo -n 'n' > ~/.config/pianobar/ctl

.B n
is the keybinding for "next song". If you customized your keybindings you have to use these characters to control
.B pianobar.
.I This behaviour may change in the future!

Another example:

 while true; do;
    nc -l -p 12345 -s localhost localhost > ~/.config/pianobar/ctl;
    sleep 1;

 echo -ne 'n\\x1a' | nc -q 0 12345

Lars-Dominik Braun <PromyLOPh@lavabit.com>