/* FLAM3 - cosmic recursive fractal flames Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Spotworks LLC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "filters.h" /* * filter function definitions * from Graphics Gems III code * and ImageMagick resize.c */ double flam3_spatial_support[flam3_num_spatialfilters] = { 1.5, /* gaussian */ 1.0, /* hermite */ 0.5, /* box */ 1.0, /* triangle */ 1.5, /* bell */ 2.0, /* b spline */ 2.0, /* mitchell */ 1.0, /* blackman */ 2.0, /* catrom */ 1.0, /* hanning */ 1.0, /* hamming */ 3.0, /* lanczos3 */ 2.0, /* lanczos2 */ 1.5 /* quadratic */ }; double flam3_hermite_filter(double t) { /* f(t) = 2|t|^3 - 3|t|^2 + 1, -1 <= t <= 1 */ if(t < 0.0) t = -t; if(t < 1.0) return((2.0 * t - 3.0) * t * t + 1.0); return(0.0); } double flam3_box_filter(double t) { if((t > -0.5) && (t <= 0.5)) return(1.0); return(0.0); } double flam3_triangle_filter(double t) { if(t < 0.0) t = -t; if(t < 1.0) return(1.0 - t); return(0.0); } double flam3_bell_filter(double t) { /* box (*) box (*) box */ if(t < 0) t = -t; if(t < .5) return(.75 - (t * t)); if(t < 1.5) { t = (t - 1.5); return(.5 * (t * t)); } return(0.0); } double flam3_b_spline_filter(double t) { /* box (*) box (*) box (*) box */ double tt; if(t < 0) t = -t; if(t < 1) { tt = t * t; return((.5 * tt * t) - tt + (2.0 / 3.0)); } else if(t < 2) { t = 2 - t; return((1.0 / 6.0) * (t * t * t)); } return(0.0); } double flam3_sinc(double x) { x *= M_PI; if(x != 0) return(sin(x) / x); return(1.0); } double flam3_blackman_filter(double x) { return(0.42+0.5*cos(M_PI*x)+0.08*cos(2*M_PI*x)); } double flam3_catrom_filter(double x) { if (x < -2.0) return(0.0); if (x < -1.0) return(0.5*(4.0+x*(8.0+x*(5.0+x)))); if (x < 0.0) return(0.5*(2.0+x*x*(-5.0-3.0*x))); if (x < 1.0) return(0.5*(2.0+x*x*(-5.0+3.0*x))); if (x < 2.0) return(0.5*(4.0+x*(-8.0+x*(5.0-x)))); return(0.0); } double flam3_mitchell_filter(double t) { double tt; tt = t * t; if(t < 0) t = -t; if(t < 1.0) { t = (((12.0 - 9.0 * flam3_mitchell_b - 6.0 * flam3_mitchell_c) * (t * tt)) + ((-18.0 + 12.0 * flam3_mitchell_b + 6.0 * flam3_mitchell_c) * tt) + (6.0 - 2 * flam3_mitchell_b)); return(t / 6.0); } else if(t < 2.0) { t = (((-1.0 * flam3_mitchell_b - 6.0 * flam3_mitchell_c) * (t * tt)) + ((6.0 * flam3_mitchell_b + 30.0 * flam3_mitchell_c) * tt) + ((-12.0 * flam3_mitchell_b - 48.0 * flam3_mitchell_c) * t) + (8.0 * flam3_mitchell_b + 24 * flam3_mitchell_c)); return(t / 6.0); } return(0.0); } double flam3_hanning_filter(double x) { return(0.5+0.5*cos(M_PI*x)); } double flam3_hamming_filter(double x) { return(0.54+0.46*cos(M_PI*x)); } double flam3_lanczos3_filter(double t) { if(t < 0) t = -t; if(t < 3.0) return(flam3_sinc(t) * flam3_sinc(t/3.0)); return(0.0); } double flam3_lanczos2_filter(double t) { if(t < 0) t = -t; if(t < 2.0) return(flam3_sinc(t) * flam3_sinc(t/2.0)); return(0.0); } double flam3_gaussian_filter(double x) { return(exp((-2.0*x*x))*sqrt(2.0/M_PI)); } double flam3_quadratic_filter(double x) { if (x < -1.5) return(0.0); if (x < -0.5) return(0.5*(x+1.5)*(x+1.5)); if (x < 0.5) return(0.75-x*x); if (x < 1.5) return(0.5*(x-1.5)*(x-1.5)); return(0.0); } double flam3_spatial_filter(int knum, double x) { if (knum==0) return flam3_gaussian_filter(x); else if (knum==1) return flam3_hermite_filter(x); else if (knum==2) return flam3_box_filter(x); else if (knum==3) return flam3_triangle_filter(x); else if (knum==4) return flam3_bell_filter(x); else if (knum==5) return flam3_b_spline_filter(x); else if (knum==6) return flam3_mitchell_filter(x); else if (knum==7) return flam3_sinc(x)*flam3_blackman_filter(x); else if (knum==8) return flam3_catrom_filter(x); else if (knum==9) return flam3_sinc(x)*flam3_hanning_filter(x); else if (knum==10) return flam3_sinc(x)*flam3_hamming_filter(x); else if (knum==11) return flam3_lanczos3_filter(x)*flam3_sinc(x/3.0); else if (knum==12) return flam3_lanczos2_filter(x)*flam3_sinc(x/2.0); else if (knum==13) return flam3_quadratic_filter(x); assert (0); } int normalize_vector(double *v, int n) { double t = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) t += v[i]; if (0.0 == t) return 1; t = 1.0 / t; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) v[i] *= t; return 0; } double flam3_create_temporal_filter(int numsteps, int filter_type, double filter_exp, double filter_width, double **temporal_filter, double **temporal_deltas) { double maxfilt = 0.0; double sumfilt = 0.0; double slpx,halfsteps; double *deltas, *filter; int i; /* Allocate memory - this must be freed in the calling routine! */ deltas = (double *)malloc(numsteps*sizeof(double)); filter = (double *)malloc(numsteps*sizeof(double)); /* Deal with only one step */ if (numsteps==1) { deltas[0] = 0; filter[0] = 1.0; *temporal_deltas = deltas; *temporal_filter = filter; return(1.0); } /* Define the temporal deltas */ for (i = 0; i < numsteps; i++) deltas[i] = ((double)i /(double)(numsteps - 1) - 0.5)*filter_width; /* Define the filter coefs */ if (flam3_temporal_exp == filter_type) { for (i=0; i < numsteps; i++) { if (filter_exp>=0) slpx = ((double)i+1.0)/numsteps; else slpx = (double)(numsteps - i)/numsteps; /* Scale the color based on these values */ filter[i] = pow(slpx,fabs(filter_exp)); /* Keep the max */ if (filter[i]>maxfilt) maxfilt = filter[i]; } } else if (flam3_temporal_gaussian == filter_type) { halfsteps = numsteps/2.0; for (i=0; i < numsteps; i++) { /* Gaussian */ filter[i] = flam3_spatial_filter(flam3_gaussian_kernel, flam3_spatial_support[flam3_gaussian_kernel]*fabs(i - halfsteps)/halfsteps); /* Keep the max */ if (filter[i]>maxfilt) maxfilt = filter[i]; } } else { // (flam3_temporal_box) for (i=0; i < numsteps; i++) filter[i] = 1.0; maxfilt = 1.0; } /* Adjust the filter so that the max is 1.0, and */ /* calculate the K2 scaling factor */ for (i=0;i