/* FLAM3 - cosmic recursive fractal flames Copyright (C) 1992-2009 Spotworks LLC This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include "private.h" #include "variations.h" #include "palettes.h" #include "math.h" #include "rect.h" typedef struct { double timelimit; unsigned int sub_batch_size, fuse; unsigned short *xform_distrib; flam3_palette dmap; unsigned int cmap_size; /* camera stuff */ double ws0, wb0s0, hs1, hb1s1; /* shortcuts for indexing */ double bounds[4]; /* Corner coords of viewable area */ double2 rot[3]; /* Rotation transformation */ double ppux, ppuy; } render_constants; /* Lookup color [0,1] */ static double4 color_palette_lookup (const double color, const color_palette_mode mode, const flam3_palette map, const unsigned int map_count) { assert (color >= 0.0 && color <= 1.0); switch (mode) { case PALETTE_MODE_LINEAR: { const double ix = color * map_count; const double bottomix = floor (ix); const double frac = ix - bottomix; const unsigned int intix = bottomix; if (intix == map_count-1) { return map[intix].color; } else { return map[intix].color * (1.0-frac) + map[intix+1].color * frac; } break; } case PALETTE_MODE_STEP: { const unsigned int intix = nearbyint (color * map_count); return map[intix].color; break; } default: assert (0); break; } } static void iter_thread (flam3_genome * const input_genome, bucket * const bucket, const render_constants * const c, volatile bool * const stopped) { randctx rc; rand_seed (&rc); flam3_genome genome; flam3_copy (&genome, input_genome); double4 *iter_storage; int ret = posix_memalign ((void **) &iter_storage, sizeof (*iter_storage), c->sub_batch_size * sizeof (*iter_storage)); assert (ret == 0); assert (iter_storage != NULL); const double starttime = omp_get_wtime (); do { /* Seed iterations */ const double4 start = (double4) { rand_d11(&rc), rand_d11(&rc), rand_d01(&rc), rand_d01(&rc), }; /* Execute iterations */ const unsigned long badcount = flam3_iterate(&genome, c->sub_batch_size, c->fuse, start, iter_storage, c->xform_distrib, &rc); #pragma omp critical { /* Add the badcount to the counter */ bucket->badvals += badcount; bucket->samples += c->sub_batch_size; /* Put them in the bucket accumulator */ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < c->sub_batch_size; j++) { double4 p = iter_storage[j]; if (genome.rotate != 0.0) { const double2 p01 = (double2) { p[0], p[1] }; const double2 rotatedp = apply_affine (p01, c->rot); p[0] = rotatedp[0]; p[1] = rotatedp[1]; } /* Skip if out of bounding box or invisible */ if (p[0] >= c->bounds[0] && p[1] >= c->bounds[1] && p[0] <= c->bounds[2] && p[1] <= c->bounds[3] && p[3] > 0) { const size_t ix = (int)(c->ws0 * p[0] - c->wb0s0) + bucket->dim[0] * (int)(c->hs1 * p[1] - c->hb1s1); #if HAVE_BUILTIN_PREFETCH /* prefetch for reading (0) with no locality (0). This (partially) * hides the load latency for the += operation at the end of this * block */ __builtin_prefetch (&bucket->data[ix], 0, 0); #endif double4 interpcolor = color_palette_lookup (p[2], genome.palette_mode, c->dmap, c->cmap_size); const double logvis = p[3]; if (logvis != 1.0) { interpcolor *= logvis; } bucket->data[ix] += interpcolor; } } } #pragma omp master { if (omp_get_wtime () - starttime > c->timelimit) { *stopped = true; } } } while (!(*stopped)); free (iter_storage); } /* Perform clipping */ static double4 clip (const double4 in, const double g, const double linrange, const double highpow, const double vibrancy) { double alpha, ls; if (in[3] <= 0.0) { alpha = 0.0; ls = 0.0; } else { alpha = flam3_calc_alpha (in[3], g, linrange); ls = vibrancy * alpha / in[3]; alpha = clamp (alpha, 0.0, 1.0); } double4 newrgb = flam3_calc_newrgb (in, ls, highpow); newrgb += (1.0-vibrancy) * pow_d4 (in, g); if (alpha > 0.0) { newrgb /= alpha; } else { newrgb = (double4) {0, 0, 0, 0}; } newrgb[3] = alpha; newrgb = clamp_d4 (newrgb, 0.0, 1.0); return newrgb; } void bucket_init (bucket * const b, const uint2 dim) { memset (b, 0, sizeof (*b)); b->dim = dim; size_t size = dim[0] * dim[1] * sizeof (*b->data); int ret = posix_memalign ((void **) &b->data, sizeof (*b->data), size); assert (ret == 0); assert (b->data != NULL); memset (b->data, 0, size); } static void compute_camera (const flam3_genome * const genome, const bucket * const bucket, render_constants * const c) { assert (genome != NULL); assert (bucket != NULL); assert (c != NULL); double corner0, corner1; const double scale = pow(2.0, genome->zoom); c->ppux = genome->pixels_per_unit * scale; c->ppuy = c->ppux; //ppux /= spec->pixel_aspect_ratio; corner0 = genome->center[0] - bucket->dim[0] / c->ppux / 2.0; corner1 = genome->center[1] - bucket->dim[1] / c->ppuy / 2.0; c->bounds[0] = corner0; c->bounds[1] = corner1; c->bounds[2] = corner0 + bucket->dim[0] / c->ppux; c->bounds[3] = corner1 + bucket->dim[1] / c->ppuy; const double size[2] = {1.0 / (c->bounds[2] - c->bounds[0]), 1.0 / (c->bounds[3] - c->bounds[1])}; rotate_center ((double2) { genome->rot_center[0], genome->rot_center[1] }, genome->rotate, c->rot); c->ws0 = bucket->dim[0] * size[0]; c->wb0s0 = c->ws0 * c->bounds[0]; c->hs1 = bucket->dim[1] * size[1]; c->hb1s1 = c->hs1 * c->bounds[1]; } bool render_bucket (flam3_genome * const genome, bucket * const bucket, const double timelimit) { assert (bucket != NULL); assert (genome != NULL); int ret = prepare_precalc_flags(genome); assert (ret == 0); render_constants c = { .fuse = 100, .sub_batch_size = 10000, .xform_distrib = flam3_create_xform_distrib(genome), .timelimit = timelimit, }; assert (c.xform_distrib != NULL); /* compute the colormap entries. */ /* the input colormap is 256 long with entries from 0 to 1.0 */ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < CMAP_SIZE; j++) { c.dmap[j].index = genome->palette[(j * 256) / CMAP_SIZE].index / 256.0; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { c.dmap[j].color[k] = genome->palette[(j * 256) / CMAP_SIZE].color[k]; } } c.cmap_size = 256; /* compute camera */ compute_camera (genome, bucket, &c); bool stopped = false; #pragma omp parallel shared(stopped) iter_thread (genome, bucket, &c, &stopped); free (c.xform_distrib); return true; } void render_image (const flam3_genome * const genome, const bucket * const bucket, void * const out, const unsigned int bytes_per_channel) { assert (genome != NULL); assert (bucket != NULL); assert (bucket->data != NULL); const unsigned int pixels = bucket->dim[0] * bucket->dim[1]; const unsigned int channels = 4; /* XXX: copied from above */ const double scale = pow(2.0, genome->zoom); const double ppux = genome->pixels_per_unit * scale; const double ppuy = ppux; const double sample_density = (double) bucket->samples / (double) pixels; const double g = 1.0 / genome->gamma; const double linrange = genome->gam_lin_thresh; const double vibrancy = genome->vibrancy; /* XXX: the original formula has a factor 268/256 in here, not sure why */ const double k1 = genome->contrast * genome->brightness; const double area = (double) pixels / (ppux * ppuy); const double k2 = 1.0 / (genome->contrast * area * sample_density); const double highpow = genome->highlight_power; #pragma omp parallel for for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pixels; i++) { double4 t = bucket->data[i]; const double ls = (k1 * log(1.0 + t[3] * k2))/t[3]; t = t * ls; t = clip (t, g, linrange, highpow, vibrancy); const double maxval = (1 << (bytes_per_channel*8)) - 1; t = nearbyint_d4 (t * maxval); switch (bytes_per_channel) { case 2: { uint16_t * const p = &((uint16_t *) out)[channels * i]; p[0] = t[0]; p[1] = t[1]; p[2] = t[2]; p[3] = t[3]; break; } case 1: { uint8_t * const p = &((uint8_t *) out)[channels * i]; p[0] = t[0]; p[1] = t[1]; p[2] = t[2]; p[3] = t[3]; break; } default: assert (0); break; } } }