From 66d7b779cf7db996a51be4920a209c42c1fc10b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hans-christoph Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 18:43:18 +0000 Subject: Reorganisation des Codes durch Matthias Wächter. Details siehe CHANGES.txt, Abschnitt 2008-08-10 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit git-svn-id: b9310e46-f624-0410-8ea1-cfbb3a30dc96 --- windows/autohotkey/CHANGES.txt | 48 + windows/autohotkey/README.txt | 2 +- windows/autohotkey/Source/Changelog-and-Todo.ahk | 3 +- windows/autohotkey/Source/Global-Part.ahk | 8 +- windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Neo.ahk | 3683 ++++----------- windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk | 166 +- windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Layers.ahk | 143 +- windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Other.ahk | 410 +- .../autohotkey/Source/Methods-ScreenKeyboard.ahk | 215 +- windows/autohotkey/neo20.ahk | 4720 +++++++------------- windows/autohotkey/neo20.exe | Bin 447332 -> 446327 bytes 11 files changed, 3057 insertions(+), 6341 deletions(-) create mode 100644 windows/autohotkey/CHANGES.txt (limited to 'windows') diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/CHANGES.txt b/windows/autohotkey/CHANGES.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b61c6bb --- /dev/null +++ b/windows/autohotkey/CHANGES.txt @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +== Neo 2.0 Autohotkey-Treiber für Windows == + +== 2008-08-10 Matthias Wächter == + +• Erstmal ist fast kein Stein auf dem anderen geblieben. Die grobe Struktur und das Verhalten (natürlich auch die Tastenbelegung ist 100% NEO!) sind grundsätzlich gleich geblieben, aber einerseits hat sich im Feinen viel getan (z.B. Tab-Behandlung), andererseits schauen viele Zeilen altbekannten Codes jetzt anders aus. + +• Beim »Booten« wird einmal EbeneAktualisieren() aufgerufen, um die Ebene sicher richtig zu haben. Dieses fragt jetzt auch den Zustand von NumLock ab, damit man es bei der NumPad-Behandlung gleich parat hat. + +• Die DeadKey- und CompKey-Behandlung ist zwar im Prinzip gleich geblieben, aber die Syntax habe ich wesentlich gestrafft. Die einzelnen Subs haben jetzt nur mehr den Job, DeadKey und CompKey zu setzen, wenn dieser nach Verlassen des Subs einen Wert haben soll EbeneAktualisieren() überträgt für eine einfachere Handhabung die beiden Variablen DeadKey und CompKey nach PriorDeadKey und PriorCompKey. Letztere können im Programm abgefragt werden, während die nicht-Prior-Varianten schamlos verändert werden dürfen. Das entfernt die immer gleichen (aber doch manchmal unterschiedlichen und nicht selten lückenhaften) Zeilen a la »CompKey := ""«. + +• Ich habe ganz dreist auf Scancodes mit Virtual Keys umgestellt. Schöner wäre es natürlich gewesen, wenn ich auf die VKs hätte verzichten können, aber das führt ja zu bekannten Problemen mit AHK-Bugs, sodass Scancode-Trigger plötzlich von SendUnicodeChar-Zeilen aktiviert werden. Durch das Abfragen der VKs sind wir aber immer noch nicht soweit, dass wir Layout-agnostisch arbeiten können. + +• Dabei gibt es noch ein paar wesentliche Änderungen im Bereich der Tastentrigger: Erstens gehen alle bekannten Scancodes für den NumPad auf paarweise gemeinsame Routinen. Das hält sie nicht nur konsistent, sondern ermöglicht erst eine konsequente Analyse in Zusammenhang mit NumLock und Shift. Zweitens wird bei der Tab-Taste _nur_ mehr der Trigger ohne Modifier abgefragt. Das bedeutet, dass beispielsweise Tab in Verbindung mit Alt an unserem Skript vorbei geschleust wird, um Probleme zu verhindern. + +• Drittens, und eines eigenen Punktes in dieser Liste würdig, werden die Modifier in deutlich reduziertem Umfang abgefragt und nur die wirklich interessanten Fälle behandelt. Auch das erlaubt beispielsweise der Alt-Taste wieder ungestörten Einsatz, Shifts werden ganz normal der Applikation gemeldet, wenn sie gedrückt sind, und weniger Merkwürdigkeiten mir lange gehaltenen Modifiern. Grundsätzlich ist in diesem Bereich aber einer der Schwachpunkte des AHK-Skripts sauberer Key-Repeat. + +• In jedem Fall laufen bei mir alle Modifier-Locks: Shift+Shift in jedwelcher Reihenfolge für CapsLock, Mod3+Mod3 genauso, und auch Mod4-Lock spielt auf die Art problemlos! + +• Bei mir hat die Bildschirmtastatur nicht richtig funktionieren wollen, wenn ich das all.ahk aus dem source/-Verzeichnis verwendet habe. Ein kleiner Patch, und schon geht’s. Ein Refresh beim ersten Start war auch eingebaut, der hat ein unnötiges Flackern produziert. Vielleicht braucht ihn ja wer, bitte melden (mit Begründung!). Außerdem habe ich die Abfragen für die Funktionstasten und von Shift+Pause im Stil der anderen Tasten abgeändert. + +• Nachdem ich viel Zeit verplempert hatte, weil ich den Unterschied zwischen »if Ebene = 2« und »if (Ebene = 2)« nicht gekannt und daher den ganzen Quellcode großzügig editiert hatte, um dann herauszufinden, dass es so nicht geht‘, habe ich jetzt konsequent (hoffentlich) alle Abfragen mit »if ()«, also mit konsequenter Klammersetzung zur richtigen Evaluirung durch AHK gemacht. + +• Nicht ganz fertig bin ich mit meinem deadKeys-deadComposeKeys geworden: Ãœber Tastendrücke (z.B. Mod4+F9) sollen sich die Deadkeys und ComposeKeys tatsächlich dergestalt »umbringen«, dass sie nicht mehr am Schirm erscheinen, wodurch das Skript sie auch nicht mehr mit {bs} löschen muss, wenn das endgültige Zeichen fest steht. Für die DeadKeys ist’s schon drinnen, aber für die Compose-Sachen müsste ich die Logik ein weiteres Mal auf den Kopf stellen, und das ist mir für heute einfach zu viel. + +• Für das Abfragen von gemerkten DeadKeys und CompKeys habe ich Routinen geschrieben, die sich mit einem Shortcut-Evaluations-Trick recht kompakt darstellen lassen. Zusätzlich habe ich bei den Buchstaben die Abfragen für die Ebenen 1 und 2 zusammen gelegt, was nochmals deutlich Platz spart und der Ãœbersichtlichkeit dienlich ist. + +• Ich habe jetzt, wo möglich, doch die Ausgabe mit »send« der mit »SendUnicodeChar« vorgezogen, da so manches Windows-Programm doch nicht ganz so intelligent wie der Rest der Meute ist. Andererseits habe ich ziemlich konsequent mit {blind} gearbeitet. Ein paar Passagen fehlen noch, insbesondere auf Ebene 2, die noch ohne {blind} sind diese sollte man wohl umstellen auf »send {blind}{Shift up}..{shift down}«, um auch mit Alt, Strg und Win korrekt kombinieren zu können (Shift fällt ja leider flach, da bereits gedrückt). + +• Diverse Compose-Namen habe ich gekürzt wenn man case sensitive vergleichen möchte, muss man nur mit == abfragen, statt die Strings auf beispielsweise »r_capital« zu setzen. + +• Die Sache mit Capslock ist für meinen Geschmack immer noch nicht befriedigend gelöst, scheint aber im Moment ganz gut zu laufen. Mit Compose verträgt sich CapsLock garnicht, außer man erwartet bei aktiviertem CapsLock nach Eingabe von »R12« das da: â…». + +• Ungeachtet der Vorschläge, wie mit dem NumPad weiter vor zu gehen ist, habe ich es jetzt erst mal -YÂ¥unangetastet´ lassen, wenn man bei solch einer Baustelle noch von Unversehrtheit sprechen kann. + +• Das Numpad auf Ebene 4 unter der rechten Hand habe ich derart abgeändert, dass es statt der blanken Zahlen NumPad-Codes liefert. Damit kann man es reichhaltiger verwenden als die Tasten in Zeile 1. Auch die Cursortasten auf gleicher Ebene, linke Hand, werden jetzt {blind} geschickt, um diverse Navigationsmöglichkeiten mit den anderen Modifiern (Shift, Strg) zu öffnen. + +• Insgesamt hat sich der Code-Umfang drastisch verringert: mein fertiges neo20.ahk hat jetzt nur mehr 93 kB, wo das alte noch 126 kB hatte. Das ist mit 33 kB fast ¼ weniger Code! Ob’s auch damit ¼ weniger Bugs sind, kann ich nicht sagen … ;-) + +Known Bugs: +=========== + +• Ich kann keine Flash-Spiele spielen (Firefox), die die Tastatur benötigen. Ist das bekannt? Ist davon auch Java betroffen? + +• Manche Compose-Kombinationen zwischen den Zahlen habe ich auf dem NumPad vereinheitlicht aber noch nicht auf Zeile 1. + +• Die diversen Compose-Experimentierkästen unter Compose/ habe ich nicht angerührt, sie werden woht auch kleine Anpassungen benötigen. + +• Der Patch ist in dieser Form quasi ungetestet. Die wichtigsten funktionalen Änderungen wie die Mod-Lock und das Zusammenführen der Numlock-Numpad-Ebenen habe ich schon vor diesem Patch ausprobiert, aber insbesondere die diversen CheckDead* und CheckComp*-Aufrufe sind erst vor ein paar Stunden entstanden. diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/README.txt b/windows/autohotkey/README.txt index b2b510d..7b77cee 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/README.txt +++ b/windows/autohotkey/README.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ == Hinweise für Nutzer == -=== Direkte Installation === +=== Direkte Installation === Einfach die Datei neo20.exe herunterladen und die Datei irgendwo speichern (bspw. auf dem Desktop oder in dem Order »Eigenen Dateien«). Nach einem einfachen Doppelklick auf diese .exe-Datei steht NEO in voller Funktionalität zur Verfügung! Das alles geht ohne Administratoren-Rechte und ist auf jedem Rechner sofort ausführbar. === Rückkehr zum normalen Tastaturlayout === diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Changelog-and-Todo.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Changelog-and-Todo.ahk index 659c2ce..1363c71 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Changelog-and-Todo.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Changelog-and-Todo.ahk @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Nora Geissler Matthias Berg Martin Roppelt Dennis Heidsiek +Matthias Wächter ... @@ -16,8 +17,6 @@ Dennis Heidsiek * TODO: * ********* - Die Bildschirmtastatur mit Mod4 hat den Mod4-Lock deaktiviert! -- Auf der 6. Ebene von 2 und 3 werden noch immer Delta und Nabla gesendet, aber nicht die logischen Symbole UND und ODER (wie in der Referenz); siehe hierzu auch -- send und send{blind} durch SendUnicodeChar ersetzen (aus Performance-Gründen jedoch nicht a-z, A-Z, 0-9) - Compose vollständig implementieren (Welche Methode ist hierzu am besten geeignet?) - ausgiebig testen... (besonders Vollständigkeit bei Deadkeys) - Bessere Lösung für das Leeren von PriorDeadKey finden, damit die Sondertasten nicht mehr abgefangen werden müssen. diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Global-Part.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Global-Part.ahk index c7641ee..06d051f 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Global-Part.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Global-Part.ahk @@ -188,8 +188,12 @@ menu, tray, tip, %name% Variablen initialisieren */ -Ebene = 1 -PriorDeadKey := "" +DeadKey = "" +CompKey = "" +PriorDeadKey = "" +PriorCompKey = "" +Ebene12 = 0 +EbeneAktualisieren() diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Neo.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Neo.ahk index 1517cc3..ca98dec 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Neo.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Neo.ahk @@ -19,780 +19,404 @@ Die eigentliche NEO-Belegung und der Hauptteil des AHK-Treibers. neo_tot1: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02C6) ; circumflex, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c1" + deadUni(0x02C6) ; circumflex, tot + DeadKey := "c1" } - else if Ebene = 2 + else if (Ebene = 2) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02C7) ; caron, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c2" + deadUni(0x02C7) ; caron, tot + DeadKey := "c2" } - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02D8) ; brevis - PriorDeadKey := "c3" + deadUni(0x02D8) ; brevis + DeadKey := "c3" } - else if Ebene = 4 + else if (Ebene = 4) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00B7) ; Mittenpunkt, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c4" + deadUni(0x00B7) ; Mittenpunkt, tot + DeadKey := "c4" } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) { - send - ; querstrich, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c5" + deadAsc("-") ; querstrich, tot + DeadKey := "c5" } - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) { - Send . ; punkt darunter (colon) - PriorDeadKey := "c6" + deadAsc(".") ; punkt darunter (colon) + DeadKey := "c6" } + CompKey := PriorCompKey return neo_1: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex 1 - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2081) - else if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x217A) ; römisch xi - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x216A) ; römisch XI - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}1 - } - else - { - send 1 - } - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}1 - } - } - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B9) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2081) + or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x217A) ; römisch xi + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x216A)) ; römisch XI + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}1{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}1 + + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "1" - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompKey := "r_small_1" - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompKey := "r_capital_1" - else - CompKey := "" + else if (PriorCompKey = "r") + CompKey := "r_1" + else if (PriorCompKey = "R") + CompKey := "R_1" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) send ° - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) ; 2 Hochgestellte - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + else if (Ebene = 4) SendUnicodeChar(0x2022) ; bullet - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2640) ; Piktogramm weiblich - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x00AC) ; Nicht-Symbol - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_2: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2082) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2171) ; römisch ii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2161) ; römisch II - else if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x217B) ; römisch xii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x216B) ; römisch XII - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}2 - } - else - { - send 2 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}2 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B2) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2082) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2171) ; römisch ii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2161) ; römisch II + or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x217B) ; römisch xii + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x216B)) ; römisch XII + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}2{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}2 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "2" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2116) ; numero - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) ; 2 Hochgestellte - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + else if (Ebene = 4) SendUnicodeChar(0x2023) ; aufzaehlungspfeil - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x26A5) ; Piktogramm Zwitter - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2228) ; Logisches Oder - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_3: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2083) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 - else if (CompKey = "2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2172) ; römisch iii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2162) ; römisch III - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}3 - } - else - { - send 3 - } - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}3 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B3) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2083) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2153) ; 1/3 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2154) ; 2/3 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2172) ; römisch iii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2162)) ; römisch III + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}3{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}3 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "3" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) send § - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) ; 3 Hochgestellte - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2642) ; Piktogramm Mann - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2227) ; Logisches Und - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_4: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2074) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2084) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2173) ; römisch iv - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2163) ; römisch IV - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}4 - } - else - { - send 4 - } - - } - else - { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}4 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2074) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2084) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2173) ; römisch iv + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2163)) ; römisch IV + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}4{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}4 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "4" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00BB) ; », Double guillemot right - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - Send › ; Single guillemot right - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send {PgUp} ; Prev - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x00BB) ; », Double guillemot right + else if (Ebene = 3) + Send {blind}› ; Single guillemot right + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{PgUp} ; Prev + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2113) ; Script small L - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x22A5) ; Senkrecht - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_5: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2075) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2085) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 - else if (CompKey = "2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 - else if (CompKey = "3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 - else if (CompKey = "4") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2174) ; römisch v - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2164) ; römisch V - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}5 - } - else - { - send 5 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}5 - } - } - } + if (Ebene = 1) + { + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2075) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2085) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2155) ; 1/5 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2156) ; 2/5 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x2157) ; 3/5 + or CheckCompUni("4",0x2158) ; 4/5 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2174) ; römisch v + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2164)) ; römisch V + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}5{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}5 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "5" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00AB) ; «, Double guillemot left - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - Send ‹ ; Single guillemot left - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 4 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x00AB) ; «, Double guillemot left + else if (Ebene = 3) + Send {blind}‹ ; Single guillemot left + else if (Ebene = 4) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2020) ; Kreuz (Dagger) - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2221) ; Winkel - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_6: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2076) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2086) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 - else if (CompKey = "5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2175) ; römisch vi - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2165) ; römisch VI - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}6 - } - else - { - send 6 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}6 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2076) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2086) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2159) ; 1/6 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215A) ; 5/6 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2175) ; römisch vi + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2165)) ; römisch VI + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}6{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}6 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "6" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send € - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ¢ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - send £ - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send € + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}¢ + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}£ + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2225) ; parallel - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_7: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2077) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2087) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2176) ; römisch vii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2166) ; römisch VII - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}7 - } - else - { - send 7 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}7 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2077) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2087) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2176) ; römisch vii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2166)) ; römisch VII + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}7{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}7 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "7" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send $ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ¥ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - send ¤ - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send $ + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}¥ + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}¤ + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BA) ; greek small letter kappa - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2209) ; nicht Element von - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_8: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2078) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2088) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 - else if (CompKey = "3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 - else if (CompKey = "5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 - else if (CompKey = "7") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2177) ; römisch viii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2167) ; römisch VIII - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}8 - } - else - { - send 8 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}8 - } - } - } + if (Ebene = 1) + { + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2078) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2088) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x215B) ; 1/8 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x215C) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215D) ; 5/8 + or CheckCompUni("7",0x215E) ; 7/8 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2177) ; römisch viii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2167)) ; römisch VIII + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}8{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}8 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "8" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send „ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ‚ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send / - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send „ + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}‚ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumpadDiv} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x27E8) ;bra (öffnende spitze klammer) - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2204) ; es existiert nicht - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_9: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2079) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2089) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2178) ; römisch ix - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2168) ; römisch IX - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}9 - } - else - { - send 9 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}9 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2079) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2089) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2178) ; römisch ix + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2168)) ; römisch IX + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}9{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}9 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "9" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send “ - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ‘ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send * - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send “ + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}‘ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumpadMult} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x27E9) ;ket (schließende spitze klammer) - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2226) ; nicht parallel - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_0: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) - else if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2179) ; römisch x - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2169) ; römisch X - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}0 - } - else - { - send 0 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}0 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2070) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2080) + or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x2179) ; römisch x + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x2169)) ; römisch X + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}0{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}0 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "0" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send ” - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ’ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send - - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send ” + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}’ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumpadMinus} + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2205) ; leere Menge - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_strich: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}- - } - else - { - send - - } - - } - else { - send {blind}- ;Bindestrich - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}-{Shift up} + else + send {blind}- ; Bindestrich-Minus + else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2013) ; Gedankenstrich - else if Ebene = 3 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2014) ; Englische Gedankenstrich - else if Ebene = 4 - { } ; leer ... SendUnicodeChar(0x254C) - else if Ebene = 5 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2011) ; geschützter Bindestrich - else if Ebene = 6 - SendUnicodeChar(0x00AD) ; weicher Trennstrich - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2014) ; Englischer Gedankenstrich (Geviertstrich) + else if (Ebene = 4) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2011) ; geschützter Bindestrich (Bindestrich ohne Zeilenumbruch) + else if (Ebene = 6) + SendUnicodeChar(0x00AD) ; weicher Bindestrich return neo_tot2: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - send {´}{space} ; akut, tot - PriorDeadKey := "a1" + deadAsc("{´}{space}") ; akut, tot + DeadKey := "a1" } - else if Ebene = 2 + else if (Ebene = 2) { - send ``{space} - PriorDeadKey := "a2" + deadAsc("``{space}") + DeadKey := "a2" } - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) { - send ¸ ; cedilla - PriorDeadKey := "a3" + deadAsc("¸") ; cedilla + DeadKey := "a3" } - else if Ebene = 4 + else if (Ebene = 4) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02D9) ; punkt oben drüber - PriorDeadKey := "a4" + deadUni(0x02D9) ; punkt oben drüber + DeadKey := "a4" } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02DB) ; ogonek - PriorDeadKey := "a5" + deadUni(0x02DB) ; ogonek + DeadKey := "a5" } - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02DA) ; ring obendrauf - PriorDeadKey := "a6" + deadUni(0x02DA) ; ring obendrauf + DeadKey := "a6" } + CompKey := PriorCompKey return @@ -804,506 +428,247 @@ return neo_x: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - sendinput {blind}x - else if Ebene = 2 - sendinput {blind}X - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12) + OutputChar("x","X") + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ;Ellipse - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BE) ;xi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x039E) ; Xi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_v: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E7F) + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E7F,0x1E7E))) + OutputChar("v","V") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}_ + else if (Ebene = 4) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_neo_Backspace) + Send {blind}{Backspace} else - sendinput {blind}v - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E7E) - else - sendinput {blind}V - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send _ - else if Ebene = 4 - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_neo_Backspace) ) { - Send {Backspace} - } - else - {} ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2259) ; estimates - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_l: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0142) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Mittenpunkt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0140) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E37) - else - sendinput {blind}l - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "l_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0139) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0141) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Mittenpunkt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E36) - else - sendinput {blind}L - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "l_capital" - else CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send [ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Sendinput {Blind}{Up} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x013A,0x0139) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x013C,0x013B) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x013E,0x013D) + or CheckDeadUni12("c4",0x0140,0x013F) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E37,0x1E36) + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x0142,0x0141))) + OutputChar("l","L") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}[ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Up} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BB) ; lambda - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x039B) ; Lambda - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_c: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0109) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0107) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E7) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010B) - else if ( (CompKey = "o_small") or (CompKey = "o_capital") ) - Send {bs}© - else - { - sendinput {blind}c - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "c_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0108) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0106) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E6) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010A) - else if ( (CompKey = "o_small") or (CompKey = "o_capital") ) - Send {bs}© - else - sendinput {blind}C - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey = "c_capital" + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0107,0x0106) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x00E7,0x00E6) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x010B,0x010A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0109,0x0108) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x010D,0x010C) + or CheckCompAsc12("o","©","©") + or CheckCompAsc12("O","©","©"))) + OutputChar("c","C") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}] + else if (Ebene = 4) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_neo_Entf) + Send {blind}{Del} else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ] - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_neo_Entf) ) { - Send {Del} - CompKey := "" - } - else - {} ; leer - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C7) ;chi - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2102) ; C (Komplexe Zahlen) - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_w: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0175) - else - sendinput {blind}w - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0174) - else - sendinput {blind}W - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0175,0x0174))) + OutputChar("w","W") + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x005E) ; untotes ^ - Unicode-Name: CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ;send {^}{space} ; Funktioniert nicht unter Java-Programmen - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {Insert} - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{Insert} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C9) ; omega - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A9) ; Omega - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_k: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0137) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E33) - else - sendinput {blind}k - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0136) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E32) - else - sendinput {blind}K - } - else if Ebene = 3 - sendraw ! - else if Ebene = 4 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0137,0x0136) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E33,0x1E32))) + OutputChar("k","K") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}{!} + else if (Ebene = 4) Send ¡ - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03F0) ;kappa symbol (varkappa) - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x221A) ; Wurzel - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_h: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0125) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0127) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E23) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E25) - else sendinput {blind}h - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0124) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0126) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E22) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E24) - else sendinput {blind}H - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; kleiner gleich - else - send {blind}< - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2077) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2087) - else - Send 7 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E23,0x1E22) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0125,0x0124) + or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0127,0x0126) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E25,0x1E24))) + OutputChar("h","H") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2264))) ; kleiner gleich + send {blind}< + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2077) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2087))) + Send {blind}{NumPad7} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C8) ;psi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A8) ; Psi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_g: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0123) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0121) - else sendinput {blind}g - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0122) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0120) - else sendinput {blind}G - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; größer gleich - else - send > - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2078) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2088) - else - Send 8 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0123,0x0122) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0121,0x0120) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x011D,0x011C) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x011F,0x011E))) + OutputChar("g","G") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2265))) ; größer gleich + send {blind}> + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2078) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2088))) + Send {blind}{NumPad8} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B3) ;gamma - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0393) ; Gamma - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_f: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; durchgestrichen - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0192) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E1F) - else sendinput {blind}f - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; durchgestrichen - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0191) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E1E) - else sendinput {blind}F - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2259) ; entspricht - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2245) ; ungefähr gleich - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; ungleich - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2261) ; identisch - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x225A) ; EQUIANGULAR TO - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; ring drüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2257) ; ring equal to - else - send `= - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2079) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2089) - else - Send 9 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E1F,0x1E1E) + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x0192,0x0191))) + OutputChar("f","F") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("a6",0x2257) ; ring equal to + or CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2259) ; entspricht + or CheckDeadUni("c2",0x225A) ; EQUIANGULAR TO + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2261) ; identisch + or CheckDeadUni("t1",0x2245) ; ungefähr gleich + or CheckDeadUni("t4",0x2260))) ; ungleich + send {blind}`= + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2079) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2089))) + Send {blind}{NumPad9} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C6) ; phi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A6) ; Phi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_q: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - sendinput {blind}q - else if Ebene = 2 - sendinput {blind}Q - else if Ebene = 3 - send {&} - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208A) - else - Send {+} - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12) + OutputChar("q","Q") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}{&} + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207A) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208A))) + Send {blind}{NumPadPlus} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03D5) ; phi symbol (varphi) - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211A) ; Q (rationale Zahlen) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_sz: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; verssal-ß - } + else if (LangSTastatur = 1) + send {blind}s else - { - if (LangSTastatur = 1) - { - sendinput {blind}s - } - else - { - send ß - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { + send ß + else if (Ebene = 2) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) if (LangSTastatur = 1) - { - sendinput {blind}s - } + send {blind}s else - { send ß - } - } else - { SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; versal-ß - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) if (LangSTastatur = 1) send ß else SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s - } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C2) ; varsigma - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2218) ; Verknüpfungsoperator - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_tot3: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02DC) ; tilde, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t1" + deadUni(0x02DC) ; tilde, tot + DeadKey := "t1" } - else if Ebene = 2 + else if (Ebene = 2) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00AF) ; macron, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t2" + deadUni(0x00AF) ; macron, tot + DeadKey := "t2" } - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00A8) ; diaerese - PriorDeadKey := "t3" + deadUni(0x00A8) ; diaerese + DeadKey := "t3" } - else if Ebene = 4 + else if (Ebene = 4) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x002F) ; Schrägstrich, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t4" + deadUni(0x002F) ; Schrägstrich, tot + DeadKey := "t4" } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) { - sendUnicodeChar(0x02DD) ;doppelakut - PriorDeadKey := "t5" + deadUni(0x02DD) ;doppelakut + DeadKey := "t5" } - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02CF) ; komma drunter, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t6" + deadUni(0x02CF) ; komma drunter, tot + DeadKey := "t6" } + return @@ -1315,1116 +680,431 @@ return neo_u: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ü - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0171) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0173) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0169) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D4) - else - sendinput {blind}u - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}Ü - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0170) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0172) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0168) - else - sendinput {blind}U - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send \ - else if Ebene = 4 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00FA,0x00DA) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00F9,0x00D9) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0173,0x0172) + or CheckDeadUni12("a6",0x016F,0x016E) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00FB,0x00DB) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D4,0x01D3) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x016D,0x016C) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x0169,0x0168) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x016B,0x016A) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ü","Ü") + or CheckDeadUni12("t5",0x0171,0x0170))) + OutputChar("u","U") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}\ + else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{Home} - else if Ebene = 5 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x222E) ; contour integral - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_i: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EE) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00ED) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EC) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ï - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - defekt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0129) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0131) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D0) - else - sendinput {blind}i - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "i_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CE) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CD) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CC) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}Ï - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0128) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0130) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CF) - else - sendinput {blind}I - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "i_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send `/ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Sendinput {Blind}{Left} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00ED,0x00CD) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00EC,0x00CC) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x012F,0x012E) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0131,0x0130) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00EE,0x00CE) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D0,0x01CF) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x012D,0x012C) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x0129,0x0128) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x012B,0x012A) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ï","Ï"))) + OutputChar("i","I") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`/ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Left} + else if (Ebene = 5 ) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B9) ; iota - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x222B) ; integral - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_a: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - send {bs}ä - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - Send {bs}å - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0105) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0101) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0103) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CE) - else - sendinput {blind}a - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "a_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - send {bs}Ä - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - Send {bs}Å - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0100) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0102) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0104) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CD) - else - sendinput {blind}A - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "a_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - sendraw { - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Sendinput {Blind}{Down} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00E1,0x00C1) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00E0,0x00C0) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0105,0x0104) + or CheckDeadAsc12("a6","å","Å") + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00E2,0x00C2) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01CE,0x01CD) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x0103,0x0102) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00E3,0x00C3) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x0101,0x0100) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ä","Ä"))) + OutputChar("a","A") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}{{} ; } + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Down} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B1) ;alpha - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2200) ;fuer alle - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_e: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ë - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0119) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0113) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - defekt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0115) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - defekt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0117) - else if (CompKey = "a_small") ; compose - { - Send {bs}æ - CompKey := "" - } - else if (CompKey = "o_small") ; compose - { - Send {bs}œ - CompKey := "" - } - else - sendinput {blind}e - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}Ë - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0112) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0114) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0118) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0116) - else if (CompKey = "a_capital") ; compose - { - Send {bs}Æ - CompKey := "" - } - else if (CompKey = "o_capital") ; compose - { - Send {bs}Œ - CompKey := "" - } - else - sendinput {blind}E - } - else if Ebene = 3 - sendraw } - else if Ebene = 4 - Sendinput {Blind}{Right} - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00E9,0x00C9) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00E8,0x00C8) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0117,0x0116) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0119,0x0118) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00EA,0x00CA) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x011B,0x011A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x0115,0x0114) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x0113,0x0112) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ë","Ë") + or CheckCompAsc12("a","æ","Æ") + or CheckCompAsc12("A","Æ","Æ") + or CheckCompAsc12("o","œ","Œ") + or CheckCompAsc12("O","Œ","Œ"))) + OutputChar("e","E") + else if (Ebene = 3) ; { + send {blind}{}} + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Right} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B5) ;epsilon - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2203) ;es existiert - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_o: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F4) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ö - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F5) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0151) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01EB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D2) - else - sendinput {blind}o - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "o_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D4) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D5) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0150) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - send {bs}Ö - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01EA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D1) - else - sendinput {blind}O - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "o_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send * - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00F3,0x00D3) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00F2,0x00D2) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x01EB,0x01EA) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00F4,0x00D4) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D2,0x01D1) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x014F,0x014E) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00F5,0x00D5) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x014D,0x014C) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ö","Ö") + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x00F8,0x00D8) + or CheckDeadUni12("t5",0x0151,0x0150))) + OutputChar("o","O") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}* + else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{End} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BF) ; omicron - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2208) ; element of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_s: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0161) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E61) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E63) - else - { - if (LangSTastatur = 1) - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - sendinput {blind}s - else - SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s - } + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x015B,0x015A) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x015F,0x015E) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E61,0x1E60) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x015D,0x015C) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0161,0x0160) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E63,0x1A62))) + if (LangSTastatur = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") xor (Ebene = 1)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s else - sendinput {blind}s - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "s_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0160) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E60) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E62) + OutputChar("s","S") else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") && (LangSTastatur = 1) - SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) - else - sendinput {blind}S - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "s_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ? - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + OutputChar("s","S") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}? + else if (Ebene = 4) Send ¿ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C3) ;sigma - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A3) ; Sigma - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_n: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0144) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0148) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0146) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E45) - else - sendinput {blind}n - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0147) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0143) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0145) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E44) - else - sendinput {blind}N - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send ( - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2074) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2084) - else - Send 4 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0144,0x0143) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0146,0x0145) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E45,0x1E44) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0148,0x0147) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00F1,0x00D1))) + OutputChar("n","N") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}( ; ) + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2074) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2084))) + Send {blind}{NumPad4} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BD) ; nu - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2115) ; N (natürliche Zahlen) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_r: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0155) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0159) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0157) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0E59) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E5B) - else - sendinput {blind}r - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "r_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0158) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0154) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0156) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E58) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E5A) - else - sendinput {blind}R - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "r_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ) - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2075) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2085) - else - Send 5 - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0155,0x0154) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0157,0x0156) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0E59,0x0E58) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0159,0x0158) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E5B,0x1E5A) + or CheckCompAsc12("o","®","®") + or CheckCompAsc12("O","®","®"))) + OutputChar("r","R") + else if (Ebene = 3) ;( + send {blind}) + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2075) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2085))) + Send {blind}{NumPad5} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03F1) ; rho symbol (varrho) - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211D) ; R (reelle Zahlen) - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_t: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0165) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0163) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0167) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6D) - else - sendinput {blind}t - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "t_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0164) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0162) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0166) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6C) - else - sendinput {blind}T - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "t_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send {blind}- ; Bis - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2076) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2086) - else - Send 6 - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x03C4) ; tau - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2202 ) ; partielle Ableitung - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" + EbeneAktualisieren() + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0163,0x0162) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E6B,0x1E6A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0165,0x0164) + or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0167,0x0166) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E6D,0x1E6C))) + OutputChar("t","T") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}- ; Bis + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2076) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2086))) + Send {blind}{NumPad6} + else if (Ebene = 5) + SendUnicodeChar(0x03C4) ; tau + else if (Ebene = 6) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2202 ) ; partielle Ableitung return neo_d: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0111) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0D) - else - sendinput {blind}d - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0110) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0D) - else sendinput {blind}D - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send : - else if Ebene = 4 - Send `, - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E0B,0x1E0A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x010F,0x010E) + or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0111,0x0110) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E0D,0x1E0C) + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x00F0,0x00D0))) + OutputChar("d","D") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}: + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumPadKomma} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B4) ;delta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0394) ; Delta - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_y: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send {bs}ÿ - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FD) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0177) - else - sendinput {blind}y - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DD) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send {bs}Ÿ - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0176) - else - sendinput {blind}Y - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send @ - else if Ebene = 4 - Send . - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00FD,0x00DD) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0177,0x0176) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ÿ",Ÿ))) + OutputChar("y","Y") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}@ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}. + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C5) ; upsilon - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2207) ; nabla - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return -;SC02B (#) wird zu Mod3 - - /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 4 ------------------------------------------------------ */ -;SC056 (<) wird zu Mod4 - neo_ü: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D6) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DC) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DA) - else - sendinput {blind}ü - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D5) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D7) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D9) - else - sendinput {blind}Ü - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x01D8,0x01D7) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x01DC,0x01DB) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01DA,0x01D9) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x01D6,0x01D5))) + OutputChar("ü","Ü") + else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{#} - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {Esc} - else if Ebene = 5 - {} ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{Esc} + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + CompKey := PriorCompKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x221D) ; proportional - - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_ö: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x022B) - else - sendinput {blind}ö - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x022B,0x022A))) + OutputChar("ö","Ö") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}$ + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}{Tab} + else if (Ebene = 5) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x022A) - else - sendinput {blind}Ö - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send $ - else if Ebene = 4 - goto neo_tab - else if Ebene = 5 - {} ;leer - else if Ebene = 6 + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + CompKey := PriorCompKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2111) ; Fraktur I - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_ä: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DF) - else - sendinput {blind}ä - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x001DE) - else - sendinput {blind}Ä - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send | - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {PgDn} ; Next - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x01DF,0x01DE))) + OutputChar("ä","Ä") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}| + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{PgDn} ; Next + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B7) ; eta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211C) ; altes R - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_p: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E57) - else - sendinput {blind}p - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E56) - else - sendinput {blind}P - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2248) - else - sendraw ~ - } - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {Enter} - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E57,0x1E56))) + OutputChar("p","P") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("t1",0x2248))) + send {blind}~ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{Enter} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C0) ;pi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A0) ; Pi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_z: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt drüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt drunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E93) - else - sendinput {blind}z - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0179) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt drunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E92) - else - sendinput {blind}Z - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x017A,0x0179) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x017C,0x017B) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x017E,0x017D) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E93,0x1E92))) + OutputChar("z","Z") + else if (Ebene = 3) send ``{space} ; untot - else if Ebene = 4 - {} ; leer - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) + { + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + CompKey := PriorCompKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B6) ;zeta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2124) ; Z (ganze Zahlen) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_b: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E03) - else - sendinput {blind}b - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E02) - else - sendinput {blind}B - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E03,0x1E02))) + OutputChar("b","B") + else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{+} - else if Ebene = 4 - send : - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}: + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B2) ; beta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D2) ; Doppel-Pfeil rechts - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_m: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E41) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E43) - else if ( (CompKey = "t_small") or (CompKey = "t_capital") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2122) ; TM - else if ( (CompKey = "s_small") or (CompKey = "s_capital") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2120) ; SM - else - sendinput {blind}m - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E40) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E42) - else if ( (CompKey = "t_capital") or (CompKey = "t_small") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2122) ; TM - else if ( (CompKey = "s_capital") or (CompKey = "s_small") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2120) ; SM - else - sendinput {blind}M - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send `% - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2081) - else - Send 1 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E41,0x1E40) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E43,0x1E42) + or CheckCompUni12("t",0x2122,0x2122) ; TM + or CheckCompUni12("T",0x2122,0x2122) ; TM + or CheckCompUni12("s",0x2120,0x2120) ; SM + or CheckCompUni12("S",0x2120,0x2120))) ; SM + + OutputChar("m","M") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`% + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B9) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2081))) + Send {blind}{NumPad1} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BC) ; griechisch mu, micro wäre 0x00B5 - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D4) ; doppelter Doppelpfeil (genau dann wenn) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_komma: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}, - } - else - { - send `, - } - - } - else - { - send {blind}, - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 - SendUnicodeChar(0x22EE) ; vertikale ellipse - else if Ebene = 3 - send " - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2082) + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down},{Shift up} else - Send 2 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + send {blind}, + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x22EE) ; vertikale ellipse + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}" + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B2) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2082))) + Send {blind}{NumPad2} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C1) ; rho - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D0) ; Doppelpfeil links - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_punkt: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}. - } - else - { - send . - } - - } - else { - send {blind}. - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ; ellipse - else if Ebene = 3 - send ' - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2083) + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}.{Shift up} else - Send 3 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + send {blind}. + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ; ellipse + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}' + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B3) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2083))) + Send {blind}{NumPad3} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03D1) ; theta symbol (vartheta) - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0398) ; Theta - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_j: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0135) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01F0) - else if (CompKey = "i_small") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x0133) ; ij - else if (CompKey = "l_small") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x01C9) ; lj - else if (CompKey = "l_capital") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x01C8) ; Lj - else - sendinput {blind}j - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0134) - else if (CompKey = "i_capital") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x0132) ; IJ - else if (CompKey = "l_capital") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x01C7) ; LJ - else - sendinput {blind}J - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send `; - else if Ebene = 4 - Send `; - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0135,0x0134) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01F0,"") + or CheckCompUni12("i",0x0133,"") ; ij + or CheckCompUni12("I","",0x0132) ; IJ + or CheckCompUni12("l",0x01C9,"") ; lj + or CheckCompUni12("L",0x01C8,0x01C7) ; Lj/LJ + or CheckCompUni12("n",0x01CC,"") ; nj + or CheckCompUni12("N",0x01CB,0x01CA))) ; Nj/NJ + OutputChar("j","J") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`; + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}`; + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B8) ; theta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2261) ; identisch - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* @@ -2438,748 +1118,328 @@ return neo_NumpadDiv: EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - send {NumpadDiv} - else if Ebene = 3 - send ÷ - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) + if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + send {blind}{NumpadDiv} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}÷ + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2215) ; slash - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_NumpadMult: EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - send {NumpadMult} - else if Ebene = 3 - send × - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) + if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + send {blind}{NumpadMult} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}× + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x22C5) ; cdot - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_NumpadSub: EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208B) - else - send {blind}{NumpadSub} - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207B) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208B))) + send {blind}{NumpadSub} + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2212) ; echtes minus - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_NumpadAdd: EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208A) - else - send {blind}{NumpadAdd} - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send ± - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) + if (((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207A) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208A))) + send {blind}{NumpadAdd} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}± + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2213) ; -+ - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_NumpadEnter: EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - send {NumpadEnter} - else if Ebene = 3 + if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + send {blind}{NumpadEnter} + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; neq - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2248) ; approx - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock - unterschiedlich: - - bei NumLock ein + unterschiedlich */ neo_Numpad7: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadHome} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadHome}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {blind}{Numpad7} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad7} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad7}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_7" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadHome} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2195) ; Hoch-Runter-Pfeil - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad8: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_7") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 - else - send {blind}{Numpad8} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadUp} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadUp}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x215B) ; 1/8 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x215B) ; 1/8 + or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x215C) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x215C) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("Num_5",0x215D) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215D) ; 5/8 + or CheckCompUni("Num_7",0x215E) ; 7/8 + or CheckCompUni("7",0x215E)) ; 7/8 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad8} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad8}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_8" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_Numpad9: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadPgUp} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadPgUp}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {blind}{Numpad9} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad9} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad9}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_9" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadPgUp} - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2297) ; Tensorprodukt ; Vektor in die Ebene zeigend - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad4: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BC) ; 1/4 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BE) ; 3/4 - else - send {blind}{Numpad4} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadLeft} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadLeft}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x00BC) ; 1/4 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x00BE) ; 1/4 + or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x00BE) ; 3/4 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x00BE)) ; 3/4 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad4} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad4}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_4" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadLeft} - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad5: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_4") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 - else - send {blind}{Numpad5} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadClear} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadClear}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2155) ; 1/5 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2155) ; 1/5 + or CheckCompUni("Num_2",0x2156) ; 2/5 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2156) ; 2/5 + or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x2157) ; 3/5 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x2157) ; 3/5 + or CheckCompUni("Num_4",0x2158) ; 4/5 + or CheckCompUni("4",0x2158)) ; 4/5 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad5} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad5}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_5" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadClear} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x221E) ; INFINITY - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x220B) ; enthält das Element - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad6: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 - else - send {blind}{Numpad6} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadRight} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadRight}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2159) ; 1/6 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2159) ; 1/6 + or CheckCompUni("Num_5",0x215A) ; 5/6 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215A)) ; 5/6 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad6} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad6}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_6" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadRight} - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad1: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadEnd} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadEnd}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {blind}{Numpad1} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad1} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad1}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_1" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadEnd} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2194) ; Links-Rechts-Pfeil - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad2: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadDown} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadDown}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BD) ; 1/2 - else - send {blind}{Numpad2} + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x00BD) ; 1/2 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x00BD)) ; 1/2 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad2} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad2}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_2" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadDown} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_Numpad3: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 - else - send {blind}{Numpad3} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadPgDn} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadPgDn}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2153) ; 1/3 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2154) ; 1/3 + or CheckCompUni("Num_2",0x2154) ; 2/3 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2154)) ; 2/3 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad3} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad3}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_3" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - send {NumpadPgDn} - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_Numpad0: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {blind}{Numpad0} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_0" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadIns} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send `% - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - send ‰ - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadDot: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadDot} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadDel} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send . - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - send `, - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -/* - bei NumLock aus -*/ - -neo_NumpadHome: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadHome} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {Numpad7} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_7" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadUp: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_7") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 - else - send {Numpad8} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_8" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadPgUp: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadPgUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {Numpad9} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_9" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - - SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadLeft: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadLeft} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BC) ; 1/4 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BE) ; 3/4 - else - send {Numpad4} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_4" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadClear: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadClear} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_4") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 - else - send {Numpad5} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_5" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send † - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x220A) ; small element of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadRight: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadRight} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 - else - send {Numpad6} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_6" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadEnd: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadEnd} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {Numpad1} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_1" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x21CB) ; LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadDown: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadDown} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BD) ; 1/2 - else - send {Numpad2} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_2" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadPgDn: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadIns} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadIns}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {NumpadPgDn} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad0} else - send {Numpad3} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_3" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad0}{Shift down} -neo_NumpadIns: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadIns} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {Numpad0} if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_0" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send `% - CompKey := "" } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`% + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) send ‰ - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadDel: +neo_NumpadDot: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadDel} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadDot} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send . - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadDel} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadDel}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{NumpadDot} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{NumpadDot}{Shift down} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}. + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) send `, - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return @@ -3189,16 +1449,16 @@ return ------------------------------------------------------ */ *space:: - if (einHandNeo) + if ((einHandNeo)) spacepressed := 1 else goto neo_SpaceUp return *space up:: - if (einHandNeo) + if ((einHandNeo)) { - if (keypressed) + if ((keypressed)) { keypressed := 0 spacepressed := 0 @@ -3214,69 +1474,27 @@ return neo_SpaceUp: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2170) ; römisch i - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2160) ; römisch I - else - Send {blind}{Space} - } - if Ebene = 2 - Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 3 + if ((Ebene = 1) and !(CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x2170) ; römisch i + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x2160))) ; römisch I Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 4 - { + else if ((Ebene = 2) or (Ebene = 3)) + Send {blind}{Space} + else if (Ebene = 4) if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) else - Send 0 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + Send {blind}{NumPad0} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x00A0) ; geschütztes Leerzeichen - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x202F) ; schmales Leerzeichen - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" spacepressed := 0 keypressed := 0 return -/* -*Space:: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2170) ; römisch i - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2160) ; römisch I - else - Send {blind}{Space} - } - if Ebene = 2 - Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 3 - Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) - else - Send 0 - } - else if Ebene = 5 - SendUnicodeChar(0x00A0) ; geschütztes Leerzeichen - else if Ebene = 6 - SendUnicodeChar(0x202F) ; schmales Leerzeichen - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return -*/ /* Folgende Tasten sind nur aufgeführt, um PriorDeadKey zu leeren. Irgendwie sieht das noch nicht schön aus. Vielleicht lässt sich dieses @@ -3288,33 +1506,29 @@ return */ *Enter:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Return) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Return) { - sendinput {Blind}{Enter} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Enter} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Backspace:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Backspace) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Backspace) { - sendinput {Blind}{Backspace} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Backspace} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Del:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Entf) ) - { - sendinput {Blind}{Del} - } + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Entf) + send {Blind}{Del} return *Ins:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Einf) ) - { - sendinput {Blind}{Ins} - } + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Einf) + send {Blind}{Ins} return @@ -3322,115 +1536,86 @@ return /* -Auf Mod3+Tab liegt Compose. AltTab funktioniert, jedoch ShiftAltTab nicht. -Wenigstens kommt es jetzt nicht mehr zu komischen Ergebnissen, wenn man Tab -nach einem DeadKey drückt... +Auf Mod3+Tab liegt Compose. */ neo_tab: - if ( GetKeyState("SC038","P") ) - { - Send,{Blind}{AltDown}{tab} - -/* - if (isShiftPressed()) - { - Send,{ShiftDown}{AltDown}{tab} - } - else - { -; msgbox alt+tab - Send,{AltDown}{tab} - ; SC038 & Tab::AltTab ; - } -*/ - } - else if (IsMod3Pressed()) ;# + if (IsMod3Pressed()) ;# { #Include *i %a_scriptdir%\ComposeLaunch.ahk #Include *i %a_scriptdir%\Source\ComposeLaunch.ahk - PriorDeadKey := "comp" + DeadKey := "comp" CompKey := "" } else { send {blind}{Tab} - PriorDeadKey := "" + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return -*SC038 up:: - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" - send {blind}{AltUp} -return - -*SC038 down:: ; LAlt, damit AltTab funktioniert - Send,{Blind}{AltDown} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - *Home:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Pos1) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Pos1) { - sendinput {Blind}{Home} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Home} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *End:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Ende) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Ende) { - sendinput {Blind}{End} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{End} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *PgUp:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_PgUp) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_PgUp) { - sendinput {Blind}{PgUp} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{PgUp} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *PgDn:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_PgDn) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_PgDn) { - sendinput {Blind}{PgDn} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{PgDn} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Up:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Hoch) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Hoch) { - sendinput {Blind}{Up} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Up} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Down:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Runter) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Runter) { - sendinput {Blind}{Down} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Down} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Left:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Links) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Links) { - sendinput {Blind}{Left} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Left} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Right:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Rechts) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Rechts) { - sendinput {Blind}{Right} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Right} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk index 2f3490a..8485b03 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Keys-Qwert-to-Neo.ahk @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ ------------------------------------------------------ */ ; Reihe 1 -*SC029::goto neo_tot1 ; Zirkumflex ^ -*1::goto neo_1 -*2::goto neo_2 -*3::goto neo_3 -*4::goto neo_4 -*5::goto neo_5 -*6::goto neo_6 -*7:: +*VKDCSC029::goto neo_tot1 ; Zirkumflex ^ +*VK31SC002::goto neo_1 +*VK32SC003::goto neo_2 +*VK33SC004::goto neo_3 +*VK34SC005::goto neo_4 +*VK35SC006::goto neo_5 +*VK36SC007::goto neo_6 +*VK37SC008:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_7 else @@ -19,8 +19,7 @@ keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_7% } -return -*8:: +*VK38SC009:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_8 else @@ -28,8 +27,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_8% } -return -*9:: +*VK39SC00A:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_9 else @@ -37,8 +35,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_9% } -return -*0:: +*VK30SC00B:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_0 else @@ -46,8 +43,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_0% } -return -*SC00C:: ; ß +*VKDBSC00C:: ; ß if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -62,10 +58,10 @@ return { goto neo_sz } -*SC00D::goto neo_tot2 ; Akut +*VKDDSC00D::goto neo_tot2 ; Akut ; Reihe 2 -*Tab::goto neo_tab -*q:: +VK09SC00F::goto neo_tab +*VK51SC010:: ; q (x) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_x @@ -74,7 +70,7 @@ return { goto neo_q } -*w:: +*VK57SC011:: ; w (v) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_v @@ -83,7 +79,7 @@ return { goto neo_w } -*e:: +*VK45SC012:: ; e (l) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_l @@ -92,7 +88,7 @@ return { goto neo_e } -*r:: +*VK52SC013:: ; r (c) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_c @@ -101,7 +97,7 @@ return { goto neo_r } -*t:: +*VK54SC014:: ; t (w) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_w @@ -110,7 +106,7 @@ return { goto neo_t } -*SC015:: ; z +*VK5ASC015:: ; z (k) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -125,7 +121,7 @@ return { goto neo_z } -*u:: +*VK55SC016:: ; u (h) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -140,7 +136,7 @@ return { goto neo_u } -*i:: +*VK49SC017:: ; i (g) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -155,7 +151,7 @@ return { goto neo_i } -*o:: +*VK4FSC018:: ; o (f) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -170,7 +166,7 @@ return { goto neo_o } -*p:: +*VK50SC019:: ; p (q) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -185,7 +181,7 @@ return { goto neo_p } -*SC01A:: ; ü +*VKBASC01A:: ; ü (ß) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -200,7 +196,7 @@ return { goto neo_ü } -*SC01B:: ; + +*VKBBSC01B:: ; + (tot3) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -213,8 +209,9 @@ return } else { } ; this should never happen + ; Reihe 3 -*a:: +*VK41SC01E:: ; a (u) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_u @@ -223,7 +220,7 @@ return { goto neo_a } -*s:: +*VK53SC01F:: ; s (i) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_i @@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ return { goto neo_s } -*d::goto neo_a +*VK44SC020:: ; d (a) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_a @@ -241,7 +238,7 @@ return { goto neo_d } -*f:: +*VK46SC021:: ; f (e) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_e @@ -250,7 +247,7 @@ return { goto neo_f } -*g:: +*VK47SC022:: ; g (o) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_o @@ -259,7 +256,7 @@ return { goto neo_g } -*h:: +*VK48SC023:: ; h (s) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -274,7 +271,7 @@ return { goto neo_h } -*j:: +*VK4ASC024:: ; j (n) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -289,7 +286,7 @@ return { goto neo_j } -*k:: +*VK4BSC025:: ; k (r) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -304,7 +301,7 @@ return { goto neo_k } -*l:: +*VK4CSC026:: ; l (t) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -319,7 +316,7 @@ return { goto neo_l } -*SC027:: ; ö +*VKC0SC027:: ; ö (d) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -334,7 +331,7 @@ return { goto neo_ö } -*SC028:: ; ä +*VKDESC028:: ; ä (y) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_y @@ -343,8 +340,9 @@ return { goto neo_ä } + ; Reihe 4 -*SC02C:: ; y +*VK59SC02C:: ; y (ü) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_ü @@ -353,7 +351,7 @@ return { goto neo_y } -*x:: +*VK58SC02D:: ; x (ö) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_ö @@ -362,7 +360,7 @@ return { goto neo_x } -*c:: +*VK43SC02E:: ; c (ä) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_ä @@ -371,7 +369,7 @@ return { goto neo_c } -*v:: +*VK56SC02F:: ; v (p) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_p @@ -380,7 +378,7 @@ return { goto neo_v } -*b:: +*VK42SC030:: ; b (z) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_z @@ -389,7 +387,7 @@ return { goto neo_b } -*n:: +*VK4ESC031:: ; n (b) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -404,7 +402,7 @@ return { goto neo_n } -*m:: +*VK4DSC032:: ; m (m) if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_m else @@ -412,8 +410,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_m% } -return -*SC033:: ; Komma , +*VKBCSC033:: ; , (,) if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_komma else @@ -421,8 +418,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_komma% } -return -*SC034:: ; Punkt . +*VKBESC034:: ; . (.) if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_punkt else @@ -430,8 +426,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_punkt% } -return -*SC035:: ; Minus - +*VKBDSC035:: ; - (j) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -446,34 +441,43 @@ return { goto neo_strich } + ; Numpad -*NumpadDiv::goto neo_NumpadDiv -*NumpadMult::goto neo_NumpadMult -*NumpadSub::goto neo_NumpadSub -*NumpadAdd::goto neo_NumpadAdd -*NumpadEnter::goto neo_NumpadEnter -*Numpad7::goto neo_Numpad7 -*Numpad8::goto neo_Numpad8 -*Numpad9::goto neo_Numpad9 -*Numpad4::goto neo_Numpad4 -*Numpad5::goto neo_Numpad5 -*Numpad6::goto neo_Numpad6 -*Numpad1::goto neo_Numpad1 -*Numpad2::goto neo_Numpad2 -*Numpad3::goto neo_Numpad3 -*Numpad0::goto neo_Numpad0 -*NumpadDot::goto neo_NumpadDot -*NumpadHome::goto neo_NumpadHome -*NumpadUp::goto neo_NumpadUp -*NumpadPgUp::goto neo_NumpadPgUp -*NumpadLeft::goto neo_NumpadLeft -*NumpadClear::goto neo_NumpadClear -*NumpadRight::goto neo_NumpadRight -*NumpadEnd::goto neo_NumpadEnd -*NumpadDown::goto neo_NumpadDown -*NumpadPgDn::goto neo_NumpadPgDn -*NumpadIns::goto neo_NumpadIns -*NumpadDel::goto neo_NumpadDel +*VK6FSC135::goto neo_NumpadDiv +*VK6ASC037::goto neo_NumpadMult +*VK6DSC04A::goto neo_NumpadSub +*VK6BSC04E::goto neo_NumpadAdd +*VK0DSC11C::goto neo_NumpadEnter + +*VK67SC047:: ; NumPad7 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK24SC047::goto neo_Numpad7 ; NumPadHome (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK68SC048:: ; NumPad8 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK26SC048::goto neo_Numpad8 ; NumPadUp (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK69SC049:: ; NumPad9 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK21SC049::goto neo_Numpad9 ; NumPadPgUp (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK64SC04B:: ; NumPad4 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK25SC04B::goto neo_Numpad4 ; NumPadLeft (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK65SC04C:: ; NumPad5 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK0CSC04C::goto neo_Numpad5 ; NumPadClear(ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK66SC04D:: ; NumPad6 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK27SC04D::goto neo_Numpad6 ; NumPadRight(ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK61SC04F:: ; NumPad1 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK23SC04F::goto neo_Numpad1 ; NumPadEnd (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK62SC050:: ; NumPad2 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK28SC050::goto neo_Numpad2 ; NumPadDown (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) +*VK63SC051:: ; NumPad3 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK22SC051::goto neo_Numpad3 ; NumPadPgDn (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) +*VK60SC052:: ; NumPad0 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK2DSC052::goto neo_Numpad0 ; NumPadIns (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) +*VK6ESC053:: ; NumPadDot (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK2ESC053::goto neo_NumpadDot ; NumPadIns (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Layers.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Layers.ahk index e2d4bb7..40a0bbc 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Layers.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Layers.ahk @@ -5,38 +5,69 @@ */ -; CapsLock durch Umschalt+Umschalt -;*CapsLock::return ; Nichts machen beim Capslock release event (weil es Mod3 ist) +;LShift+RShift == CapsLock (simuliert) +; Es werden nur die beiden Tastenkombinationen abgefragt, +; daher kommen LShift und RShift ungehindert bis in die +; Applikation. Dies ist aber merkwürdig, da beide Shift- +; Tasten nun /modifier keys/ werden und, wie in der AHK- +; Hilfe beschrieben, eigentlich nicht mehr bis zur App +; durchkommen sollten. -*#::return ; Nichts machen beim # release event (weil es Mod3 ist) ; # = SC02B - -;RShift wenn vorher LShift gedrückt wurde -LShift & ~RShift:: - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - setcapslockstate, off - } - else - { - setcapslockstate, on - } +VKA1SC136 & VKA0SC02A:: ; RShift, dann LShift +VKA0SC02A & VKA1SC136:: ; LShift, dann RShift +; +; mit diesen funktioniert das automatische Übernehmen der +; gedrückten Shift-Tasten nicht, also z.B. Shift-Ins, wenn Ins +; bei gedrückter Shift-Taste {blind} gesendet wird +; *VKA1SC136:: +; *VKA0SC02A:: + if (GetKeyState("VKA1SC136", "P") and GetKeyState("VKA0SC02A", "P")) + send {blind}{capslock} return -;LShift wenn vorher RShift gedrückt wurde -RShift & ~LShift:: - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") + +; Mod3+Mod3 == Mod3-Lock +; Im Gegensatz zu LShift+RShift werden die beiden Tasten +; _nicht_ zur Applikation weitergeleitet, da '#' kein +; Modifier ist und CapsLock sonst den CapsLock-Status +; beeinflusst. Dafür werden sämtliche Events dieser +; Tasten abgefangen, und nur bei gleichzeitigem Drücken +; wird der Mod3-Lock aktiviert und angezeigt. + +IsMod3Locked := 0 +; VKBFSC02B & VK14SC03A:: +; VK14SC03A & VKBFSC02B:: +*VKBFSC02B:: ; # +*VK14SC03A:: ; CapsLock + if (GetKeyState("VKBFSC02B", "P") and GetKeyState("VK14SC03A", "P")) + { + if (IsMod3Locked) { - setcapslockstate, off + IsMod3Locked = 0 + MsgBox Mod3-Feststellung aufgebehoben } else { - setcapslockstate, on + IsMod3Locked = 1 + MsgBox Mod3 festgestellt: Um Mod3 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod3 Tasten gleichzeitig } + } return -; Mod4-Lock durch Mod4+Mod4 +; Mod4+Mod4 == Mod4-Lock +; Wie bei Mod3-Lock werden im Gegensatz zu LShift+RShift +; die beiden Tasten _nicht_ zur Applikation weitergeleitet, +; und nur bei gleichzeitigem Drücken wird der Mod4-Lock +; aktiviert und angezeigt. + IsMod4Locked := 0 -< & *SC138:: +; VKA5SC138 & VKE2SC056:: ; AltGr, dann < +; VKE2SC056 & VKA5SC138:: ; <, dann AltGr +*VKA5SC138:: +*VKE2SC056:: + if (GetKeyState("VKA5SC138", "P") and GetKeyState("VKE2SC056", "P")) + { + ; Mod4-Lock durch Mod4(rechts)+Mod4(links) if (IsMod4Locked) { MsgBox Mod4-Feststellung aufgebehoben @@ -55,75 +86,5 @@ IsMod4Locked := 0 KeyboardLED(1,"on") } } -return - -*SC138:: - altGrPressed := 1 -return ; Damit AltGr nicht extra etwas schickt und als stiller Modifier geht. -*SC138 up:: - altGrPressed := 0 -return - -; das folgende wird seltsamerweise nicht gebraucht :) oder führt zum AltGr Bug; Umschalt+‹ (Mod4) Zeigt ‹ -SC138 & *<:: - if (IsMod4Locked) - { - MsgBox Mod4-Feststellung aufgebehoben - IsMod4Locked = 0 - } - else - { - MsgBox Mod4 festgestellt: Um Mod4 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod4 Tasten gleichzeitig - IsMod4Locked = 1 - } -return - - - ; Mod3-Lock durch Mod3+Mod3 -IsMod3Locked := 0 -SC02B & *Capslock:: ; # - if (IsMod3Locked) - { - MsgBox Mod3-Feststellung aufgebehoben - IsMod3Locked = 0 - } - else - { - MsgBox Mod3 festgestellt: Um Mod3 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod3 Tasten gleichzeitig - IsMod3Locked = 1 - } -return - - -*Capslock:: return -;Capslock::MsgBox hallo -/* -Capslock & *: - if (IsMod3Locked) - { - MsgBox Mod3-Feststellung aufgebehoben - IsMod3Locked = 0 - } - else - { - MsgBox Mod3 festgestellt: Um Mod3 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod3 Tasten gleichzeitig - IsMod3Locked = 1 - } -return -*/ - -/* -; Wird nicht mehr gebraucht weil jetzt auf b (bzw. *n::) -; KP_Decimal durch Mod4+Mod4 -*<:: -*SC138:: - if GetKeyState("<","P") and GetKeyState("SC138","P") - { - send {numpaddot} } return - -*/ - - - diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Other.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Other.ahk index 7413690..86983c6 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Other.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-Other.ahk @@ -14,72 +14,42 @@ Ebenen laut Referenz: EbeneAktualisieren() { global + PriorDeadKey := DeadKey + PriorCompKey := CompKey + DeadKey := "" + CompKey := "" + Ebene12 := 0 + Modstate := IsShiftPressed() . IsMod3Pressed() . IsMod4Pressed() + if (ahkTreiberKombi) - { - if ( IsMod4Pressed() and not(IsShiftPressed()) and not(IsMod3Pressed())) - { + if ( Modstate = "001") Ebene = 6 - } else - { - Ebene = -1 - } - } + Ebene = -1 else - { - if ( IsShiftPressed() ) - { ; Umschalt - if ( IsMod3Pressed() ) - { ; Umschalt UND Mod3 - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Umschalt UND Mod3 UND Mod4 - ; Ebene 8 impliziert Ebene 6 - Ebene = 6 - } - else - { ; Umschald UND Mod3 NICHT Mod4 - Ebene = 5 - } - } - else - { ; Umschalt NICHT Mod3 - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Umschalt UND Mod4 NICHT Mod3 - ; Ebene 7 impliziert Ebene 4 - Ebene = 4 - } - else - { ; Umschalt NICHT Mod3 NICHT Mod4 - Ebene = 2 - } - } - } - else - { ; NICHT Umschalt - if ( IsMod3Pressed() ) - { ; Mod3 NICHT Umschalt - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Mod3 UND Mod4 NICHT Umschalt - Ebene = 6 - } - else - { ; Mod3 NICHT Mod4 NICHT Umschalt - Ebene = 3 - } - } - else - { ; NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Mod4 NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 - Ebene = 4 - } - else - { ; NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 NICHT Mod4 - Ebene = 1 - } - } - } - } + if (Modstate = "000") + Ebene = 1 ; Ebene 1: Ohne Mod + else if (Modstate = "100") + Ebene = 2 ; Ebene 2: Shift + else if (Modstate = "010") + Ebene = 3 ; Ebene 3: Mod3 + else if (Modstate = "001") + Ebene = 4 ; Ebene 4: Mod4 + else if (Modstate = "110") + Ebene = 5 ; Ebene 5: Shift+Mod3 + else if (Modstate = "011") + Ebene = 6 ; Ebene 6: Mod3+Mod4 + else if (Modstate = "101") + Ebene = 4 ; Ebene 7: Shift+Mod4 impliziert Ebene 4 + else if (Modstate = "111") + Ebene = 6 ; Ebene 8: Shift+Mod3+Mod4 impliziert Ebene 6 + + Ebene12 := ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + + if GetKeyState("NumLock","T") + NumLock = 1 + else + NumLock = 0 } @@ -108,38 +78,26 @@ IsMod4Pressed() { if (IsMod4Locked) { - return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or altGrPressed )) + return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P"))) } else { - return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or altGrPressed ) + return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P")) } } else { if (IsMod4Locked) { - return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P") or altGrPressed )) + return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P"))) } else { - return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P") or altGrPressed ) + return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P")) } } } -IsModifierPressed() -{ - if (GetKeyState("LControl","P") or GetKeyState("RControl","P") or GetKeyState("LAlt","P") or GetKeyState("RAltl","P") or GetKeyState("LWin","P") or GetKeyState("RWin","P") or GetKeyState("LShift","P") or GetKeyState("RShift","P") or GetKeyState("AltGr","P") ) - { - return 1 - } - else - { - return 0 - } -} - SendUnicodeChar(charCode) { IfWinActive, ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel @@ -160,7 +118,7 @@ SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } } /* -Über den GDK-Workaround: +Über den GTK-Workaround: Dieser basiert auf Der Aufruf von »SubStr(charCode,3)« geht davon aus, dass alle charCodes in Hex mit führendem „0x“ angegeben sind. Die abenteuerliche „^+u“-Konstruktion benötigt im Übrigen den Hex-Wert in Kleinschrift, was derzeit nicht bei den Zeichendefinitionen umgesetzt ist, daher zentral und weniger fehlerträchtig an dieser Stelle. Außerdem ein abschließend gesendetes Space, sonst bleibt der „eingetippte“ Unicode-Wert noch kurz sichtbar stehen, bevor er sich GTK-sei-dank in das gewünschte Zeichen verwandelt. @@ -181,8 +139,7 @@ CompUnicodeChar(charCode) Comp3UnicodeChar(charCode) { - send {bs} - send {bs} + send {bs}{bs} SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } @@ -192,9 +149,296 @@ EncodeInteger(ref, val) DllCall("ntdll\RtlFillMemoryUlong", "Uint", ref, "Uint", 4, "Uint", val) } +DeadSilence = 0 + +deadAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + send % "{blind}" . val +} + +deadUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +undeadAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + send % "{blind}" . val + else + send % "{blind}{bs}" . val +} + +undeadUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + {} ; keine ausgabe + else + send {bs} + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +CheckDeadAsc(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + undeadAsc(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckDeadUni(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + undeadUni(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckDeadAsc12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + undeadAsc(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + undeadAsc(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckDeadUni12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + undeadUni(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + undeadUni(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +DeadCompose = 0 + +compAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + send % "{blind}" . val +} + +compUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +uncompAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + send % "{blind}" . val + else + send % "{blind}{bs}" . val +} + +uncompUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine ausgabe + else + send {bs} + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +uncomp3Uni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine ausgabe + else + send {bs}{bs} + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +CheckCompAsc(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + uncompAsc(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckCompAsc12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + uncompAsc(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + uncompAsc(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + else + return 0 +} + +CheckCompUni(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + uncompUni(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckCompUni12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + uncompUni(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + uncompUni(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckComp3Uni(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + uncomp3Uni(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckComp3Uni12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + uncomp3Uni(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + uncomp3Uni(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +outputChar(val1,val2) +{ + global + if (Ebene = 1) + c := val1 + else + c := val2 + send % "{blind}" . c + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") + CompKey := c +} + +;Tote/Untote Tasten +*F9:: + if (isMod4pressed()) + DeadSilence := not(DeadSilence) + else + send {blind}{F9} +return + +;Tote/Untote Compose +*F10:: + if (isMod4pressed()) + DeadCompose := not(DeadCompose) + else + send {blind}{F10} +return ;Lang-s-Tastatur: -SC056 & *F11:: -LangSTastatur := not(LangSTastatur) ; schaltet die Lang-s-Tastatur ein und aus +*F11:: + if (isMod4pressed()) + LangSTastatur := not(LangSTastatur) ; schaltet die Lang-s-Tastatur ein und aus + else + send {blind}{F11} return + diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-ScreenKeyboard.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-ScreenKeyboard.ahk index 0847c96..6b12990 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-ScreenKeyboard.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/Source/Methods-ScreenKeyboard.ahk @@ -5,167 +5,107 @@ */ guiErstellt = 0 alwaysOnTop = 1 -aktuellesBild = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png -SC056 & *F1:: -SC138 & *F1:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + +*F1:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch1 - return -} -SC056 & *F2:: -SC138 & *F2:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F1} +return + +*F2:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch2 - return -} -SC056 & *F3:: -SC138 & *F3:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F2} +return + +*F3:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch3 - return -} -SC056 & *F4:: -SC138 & *F4:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F3} +return + +*F4:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch4 - return -} -SC056 & *F5:: -SC138 & *F5:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F4} +return + +*F5:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch5 - return -} -SC056 & *F6:: -SC138 & *F6:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F5} +return + +*F6:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch6 - return -} -SC056 & *F7:: -SC138 & *F7:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F6} +return + +*F7:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Show - return -} -SC056 & *F8:: -SC138 & *F8:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F7} +return + +*F8:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto ToggleAlwaysOnTop - return -} + else + send {blind}{F8} +return + Switch1: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene1.png" + goto Switch Return Switch2: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene2.png" + goto Switch Return Switch3: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene3.png" + goto Switch Return Switch4: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene4.png" + goto Switch Return Switch5: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene5.png" + goto Switch Return Switch6: + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene6.png" + goto Switch +Return + +Switch: if (guiErstellt) { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png") + if (Image = tImage) goto Close else { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png + Image := tImage SetTimer, Refresh } } else { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png + Image := tImage goto Show } Return @@ -179,7 +119,7 @@ Show: { if (Image = "") { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png + Image := ResourceFolder . "\ebene1.png" } yPosition := A_ScreenHeight -270 Gui, Color, FFFFFF @@ -203,7 +143,7 @@ Show: Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit ys w564 h200 vPicture, %Image% Gui, +AlwaysOnTop Gui, Show, y%yposition% Autosize - SetTimer, Refresh +; SetTimer, Refresh guiErstellt = 1 } Return @@ -242,15 +182,18 @@ Return ------------------------------------------------------ */ -+pause:: +*pause:: Suspend, Permit - goto togglesuspend + if isshiftpressed() + goto togglesuspend + else + send {blind}{pause} return ; ------------------------------------ -^SC034::einHandNeo := not(einHandNeo) ; Punkt -^SC033::lernModus := not(lernModus) ; Komma +^.::einHandNeo := not(einHandNeo) ; Punkt +^,::lernModus := not(lernModus) ; Komma @@ -325,9 +268,3 @@ return exitprogram: exitapp return - - - - - - diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/neo20.ahk b/windows/autohotkey/neo20.ahk index f8dbb6c..1b8a783 100644 --- a/windows/autohotkey/neo20.ahk +++ b/windows/autohotkey/neo20.ahk @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Nora Geissler Matthias Berg Martin Roppelt Dennis Heidsiek +Matthias Wächter ... @@ -54,8 +55,6 @@ Dennis Heidsiek * TODO: * ********* - Die Bildschirmtastatur mit Mod4 hat den Mod4-Lock deaktiviert! -- Auf der 6. Ebene von 2 und 3 werden noch immer Delta und Nabla gesendet, aber nicht die logischen Symbole UND und ODER (wie in der Referenz); siehe hierzu auch -- send und send{blind} durch SendUnicodeChar ersetzen (aus Performance-Gründen jedoch nicht a-z, A-Z, 0-9) - Compose vollständig implementieren (Welche Methode ist hierzu am besten geeignet?) - ausgiebig testen... (besonders Vollständigkeit bei Deadkeys) - Bessere Lösung für das Leeren von PriorDeadKey finden, damit die Sondertasten nicht mehr abgefangen werden müssen. @@ -78,7 +77,7 @@ Dennis Heidsiek -Revision 7?? (von Dennis Heidsiek): +Revision 728 (von Dennis Heidsiek): - Ist die Datei [...]\Anwendungsdaten\NEO2\NEO2.ini vorhanden, werden dort eventuell vonhandene Werte für die Globalen Schalter beim Start übernommen Revision 707 (von Dennis Heidsiek): - Die Resourcen-Dateien (PNGs, ICOs) werden nun nach "Von Windows vorgegebenes TEMP Verzeichnis\NEO2\ extrahiert und nicht mehr in das Verzeichnis, in dem sich die EXE befindet @@ -403,8 +402,12 @@ menu, tray, tip, %name% Variablen initialisieren */ -Ebene = 1 -PriorDeadKey := "" +DeadKey = "" +CompKey = "" +PriorDeadKey = "" +PriorCompKey = "" +Ebene12 = 0 +EbeneAktualisieren() @@ -457,38 +460,69 @@ gespiegelt_j = neo_ */ -; CapsLock durch Umschalt+Umschalt -;*CapsLock::return ; Nichts machen beim Capslock release event (weil es Mod3 ist) - -*#::return ; Nichts machen beim # release event (weil es Mod3 ist) ; # = SC02B +;LShift+RShift == CapsLock (simuliert) +; Es werden nur die beiden Tastenkombinationen abgefragt, +; daher kommen LShift und RShift ungehindert bis in die +; Applikation. Dies ist aber merkwürdig, da beide Shift- +; Tasten nun /modifier keys/ werden und, wie in der AHK- +; Hilfe beschrieben, eigentlich nicht mehr bis zur App +; durchkommen sollten. -;RShift wenn vorher LShift gedrückt wurde -LShift & ~RShift:: - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - setcapslockstate, off - } - else - { - setcapslockstate, on - } +VKA1SC136 & VKA0SC02A:: ; RShift, dann LShift +VKA0SC02A & VKA1SC136:: ; LShift, dann RShift +; +; mit diesen funktioniert das automatische Übernehmen der +; gedrückten Shift-Tasten nicht, also z.B. Shift-Ins, wenn Ins +; bei gedrückter Shift-Taste {blind} gesendet wird +; *VKA1SC136:: +; *VKA0SC02A:: + if (GetKeyState("VKA1SC136", "P") and GetKeyState("VKA0SC02A", "P")) + send {blind}{capslock} return -;LShift wenn vorher RShift gedrückt wurde -RShift & ~LShift:: - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") + +; Mod3+Mod3 == Mod3-Lock +; Im Gegensatz zu LShift+RShift werden die beiden Tasten +; _nicht_ zur Applikation weitergeleitet, da '#' kein +; Modifier ist und CapsLock sonst den CapsLock-Status +; beeinflusst. Dafür werden sämtliche Events dieser +; Tasten abgefangen, und nur bei gleichzeitigem Drücken +; wird der Mod3-Lock aktiviert und angezeigt. + +IsMod3Locked := 0 +; VKBFSC02B & VK14SC03A:: +; VK14SC03A & VKBFSC02B:: +*VKBFSC02B:: ; # +*VK14SC03A:: ; CapsLock + if (GetKeyState("VKBFSC02B", "P") and GetKeyState("VK14SC03A", "P")) + { + if (IsMod3Locked) { - setcapslockstate, off + IsMod3Locked = 0 + MsgBox Mod3-Feststellung aufgebehoben } else { - setcapslockstate, on + IsMod3Locked = 1 + MsgBox Mod3 festgestellt: Um Mod3 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod3 Tasten gleichzeitig } + } return -; Mod4-Lock durch Mod4+Mod4 +; Mod4+Mod4 == Mod4-Lock +; Wie bei Mod3-Lock werden im Gegensatz zu LShift+RShift +; die beiden Tasten _nicht_ zur Applikation weitergeleitet, +; und nur bei gleichzeitigem Drücken wird der Mod4-Lock +; aktiviert und angezeigt. + IsMod4Locked := 0 -< & *SC138:: +; VKA5SC138 & VKE2SC056:: ; AltGr, dann < +; VKE2SC056 & VKA5SC138:: ; <, dann AltGr +*VKA5SC138:: +*VKE2SC056:: + if (GetKeyState("VKA5SC138", "P") and GetKeyState("VKE2SC056", "P")) + { + ; Mod4-Lock durch Mod4(rechts)+Mod4(links) if (IsMod4Locked) { MsgBox Mod4-Feststellung aufgebehoben @@ -507,92 +541,22 @@ IsMod4Locked := 0 KeyboardLED(1,"on") } } -return - -*SC138:: - altGrPressed := 1 -return ; Damit AltGr nicht extra etwas schickt und als stiller Modifier geht. -*SC138 up:: - altGrPressed := 0 -return - -; das folgende wird seltsamerweise nicht gebraucht :) oder führt zum AltGr Bug; Umschalt+‹ (Mod4) Zeigt ‹ -SC138 & *<:: - if (IsMod4Locked) - { - MsgBox Mod4-Feststellung aufgebehoben - IsMod4Locked = 0 - } - else - { - MsgBox Mod4 festgestellt: Um Mod4 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod4 Tasten gleichzeitig - IsMod4Locked = 1 - } -return - - - ; Mod3-Lock durch Mod3+Mod3 -IsMod3Locked := 0 -SC02B & *Capslock:: ; # - if (IsMod3Locked) - { - MsgBox Mod3-Feststellung aufgebehoben - IsMod3Locked = 0 - } - else - { - MsgBox Mod3 festgestellt: Um Mod3 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod3 Tasten gleichzeitig - IsMod3Locked = 1 - } -return - - -*Capslock:: return -;Capslock::MsgBox hallo -/* -Capslock & *: - if (IsMod3Locked) - { - MsgBox Mod3-Feststellung aufgebehoben - IsMod3Locked = 0 - } - else - { - MsgBox Mod3 festgestellt: Um Mod3 wieder zu lösen drücke beide Mod3 Tasten gleichzeitig - IsMod3Locked = 1 - } -return -*/ - -/* -; Wird nicht mehr gebraucht weil jetzt auf b (bzw. *n::) -; KP_Decimal durch Mod4+Mod4 -*<:: -*SC138:: - if GetKeyState("<","P") and GetKeyState("SC138","P") - { - send {numpaddot} } return - -*/ - - - /* ------------------------------------------------------ QWERTZ->Neo umwandlung ------------------------------------------------------ */ ; Reihe 1 -*SC029::goto neo_tot1 ; Zirkumflex ^ -*1::goto neo_1 -*2::goto neo_2 -*3::goto neo_3 -*4::goto neo_4 -*5::goto neo_5 -*6::goto neo_6 -*7:: +*VKDCSC029::goto neo_tot1 ; Zirkumflex ^ +*VK31SC002::goto neo_1 +*VK32SC003::goto neo_2 +*VK33SC004::goto neo_3 +*VK34SC005::goto neo_4 +*VK35SC006::goto neo_5 +*VK36SC007::goto neo_6 +*VK37SC008:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_7 else @@ -600,8 +564,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_7% } -return -*8:: +*VK38SC009:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_8 else @@ -609,8 +572,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_8% } -return -*9:: +*VK39SC00A:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_9 else @@ -618,8 +580,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_9% } -return -*0:: +*VK30SC00B:: if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_0 else @@ -627,8 +588,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_0% } -return -*SC00C:: ; ß +*VKDBSC00C:: ; ß if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -643,10 +603,10 @@ return { goto neo_sz } -*SC00D::goto neo_tot2 ; Akut +*VKDDSC00D::goto neo_tot2 ; Akut ; Reihe 2 -*Tab::goto neo_tab -*q:: +VK09SC00F::goto neo_tab +*VK51SC010:: ; q (x) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_x @@ -655,7 +615,7 @@ return { goto neo_q } -*w:: +*VK57SC011:: ; w (v) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_v @@ -664,7 +624,7 @@ return { goto neo_w } -*e:: +*VK45SC012:: ; e (l) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_l @@ -673,7 +633,7 @@ return { goto neo_e } -*r:: +*VK52SC013:: ; r (c) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_c @@ -682,7 +642,7 @@ return { goto neo_r } -*t:: +*VK54SC014:: ; t (w) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_w @@ -691,7 +651,7 @@ return { goto neo_t } -*SC015:: ; z +*VK5ASC015:: ; z (k) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -706,7 +666,7 @@ return { goto neo_z } -*u:: +*VK55SC016:: ; u (h) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -721,7 +681,7 @@ return { goto neo_u } -*i:: +*VK49SC017:: ; i (g) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -736,7 +696,7 @@ return { goto neo_i } -*o:: +*VK4FSC018:: ; o (f) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -751,7 +711,7 @@ return { goto neo_o } -*p:: +*VK50SC019:: ; p (q) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -766,7 +726,7 @@ return { goto neo_p } -*SC01A:: ; ü +*VKBASC01A:: ; ü (ß) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -781,7 +741,7 @@ return { goto neo_ü } -*SC01B:: ; + +*VKBBSC01B:: ; + (tot3) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -794,8 +754,9 @@ return } else { } ; this should never happen + ; Reihe 3 -*a:: +*VK41SC01E:: ; a (u) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_u @@ -804,7 +765,7 @@ return { goto neo_a } -*s:: +*VK53SC01F:: ; s (i) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_i @@ -813,7 +774,7 @@ return { goto neo_s } -*d::goto neo_a +*VK44SC020:: ; d (a) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_a @@ -822,7 +783,7 @@ return { goto neo_d } -*f:: +*VK46SC021:: ; f (e) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_e @@ -831,7 +792,7 @@ return { goto neo_f } -*g:: +*VK47SC022:: ; g (o) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_o @@ -840,7 +801,7 @@ return { goto neo_g } -*h:: +*VK48SC023:: ; h (s) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -855,7 +816,7 @@ return { goto neo_h } -*j:: +*VK4ASC024:: ; j (n) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -870,7 +831,7 @@ return { goto neo_j } -*k:: +*VK4BSC025:: ; k (r) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -885,7 +846,7 @@ return { goto neo_k } -*l:: +*VK4CSC026:: ; l (t) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -900,7 +861,7 @@ return { goto neo_l } -*SC027:: ; ö +*VKC0SC027:: ; ö (d) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -915,7 +876,7 @@ return { goto neo_ö } -*SC028:: ; ä +*VKDESC028:: ; ä (y) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_y @@ -924,8 +885,9 @@ return { goto neo_ä } + ; Reihe 4 -*SC02C:: ; y +*VK59SC02C:: ; y (ü) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_ü @@ -934,7 +896,7 @@ return { goto neo_y } -*x:: +*VK58SC02D:: ; x (ö) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_ö @@ -943,7 +905,7 @@ return { goto neo_x } -*c:: +*VK43SC02E:: ; c (ä) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_ä @@ -952,7 +914,7 @@ return { goto neo_c } -*v:: +*VK56SC02F:: ; v (p) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_p @@ -961,7 +923,7 @@ return { goto neo_v } -*b:: +*VK42SC030:: ; b (z) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { goto neo_z @@ -970,7 +932,7 @@ return { goto neo_b } -*n:: +*VK4ESC031:: ; n (b) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -985,7 +947,7 @@ return { goto neo_n } -*m:: +*VK4DSC032:: ; m (m) if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_m else @@ -993,8 +955,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_m% } -return -*SC033:: ; Komma , +*VKBCSC033:: ; , (,) if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_komma else @@ -1002,8 +963,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_komma% } -return -*SC034:: ; Punkt . +*VKBESC034:: ; . (.) if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) goto neo_punkt else @@ -1011,8 +971,7 @@ return keypressed := 1 goto %gespiegelt_punkt% } -return -*SC035:: ; Minus - +*VKBDSC035:: ; - (j) if ( not(ahkTreiberKombi) ) { if( not(einHandNeo) or not(spacepressed) ) @@ -1027,37 +986,46 @@ return { goto neo_strich } + ; Numpad -*NumpadDiv::goto neo_NumpadDiv -*NumpadMult::goto neo_NumpadMult -*NumpadSub::goto neo_NumpadSub -*NumpadAdd::goto neo_NumpadAdd -*NumpadEnter::goto neo_NumpadEnter -*Numpad7::goto neo_Numpad7 -*Numpad8::goto neo_Numpad8 -*Numpad9::goto neo_Numpad9 -*Numpad4::goto neo_Numpad4 -*Numpad5::goto neo_Numpad5 -*Numpad6::goto neo_Numpad6 -*Numpad1::goto neo_Numpad1 -*Numpad2::goto neo_Numpad2 -*Numpad3::goto neo_Numpad3 -*Numpad0::goto neo_Numpad0 -*NumpadDot::goto neo_NumpadDot -*NumpadHome::goto neo_NumpadHome -*NumpadUp::goto neo_NumpadUp -*NumpadPgUp::goto neo_NumpadPgUp -*NumpadLeft::goto neo_NumpadLeft -*NumpadClear::goto neo_NumpadClear -*NumpadRight::goto neo_NumpadRight -*NumpadEnd::goto neo_NumpadEnd -*NumpadDown::goto neo_NumpadDown -*NumpadPgDn::goto neo_NumpadPgDn -*NumpadIns::goto neo_NumpadIns -*NumpadDel::goto neo_NumpadDel +*VK6FSC135::goto neo_NumpadDiv +*VK6ASC037::goto neo_NumpadMult +*VK6DSC04A::goto neo_NumpadSub +*VK6BSC04E::goto neo_NumpadAdd +*VK0DSC11C::goto neo_NumpadEnter +*VK67SC047:: ; NumPad7 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK24SC047::goto neo_Numpad7 ; NumPadHome (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) +*VK68SC048:: ; NumPad8 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK26SC048::goto neo_Numpad8 ; NumPadUp (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) +*VK69SC049:: ; NumPad9 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK21SC049::goto neo_Numpad9 ; NumPadPgUp (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK64SC04B:: ; NumPad4 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK25SC04B::goto neo_Numpad4 ; NumPadLeft (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK65SC04C:: ; NumPad5 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK0CSC04C::goto neo_Numpad5 ; NumPadClear(ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK66SC04D:: ; NumPad6 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK27SC04D::goto neo_Numpad6 ; NumPadRight(ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK61SC04F:: ; NumPad1 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK23SC04F::goto neo_Numpad1 ; NumPadEnd (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK62SC050:: ; NumPad2 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK28SC050::goto neo_Numpad2 ; NumPadDown (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK63SC051:: ; NumPad3 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK22SC051::goto neo_Numpad3 ; NumPadPgDn (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK60SC052:: ; NumPad0 (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK2DSC052::goto neo_Numpad0 ; NumPadIns (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) + +*VK6ESC053:: ; NumPadDot (mit NumLock und ohne Shift) +*VK2ESC053::goto neo_NumpadDot ; NumPadIns (ohne Numlock oder mit Shift) /* Die eigentliche NEO-Belegung und der Hauptteil des AHK-Treibers. @@ -1079,780 +1047,404 @@ Die eigentliche NEO-Belegung und der Hauptteil des AHK-Treibers. neo_tot1: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02C6) ; circumflex, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c1" + deadUni(0x02C6) ; circumflex, tot + DeadKey := "c1" } - else if Ebene = 2 + else if (Ebene = 2) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02C7) ; caron, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c2" + deadUni(0x02C7) ; caron, tot + DeadKey := "c2" } - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02D8) ; brevis - PriorDeadKey := "c3" + deadUni(0x02D8) ; brevis + DeadKey := "c3" } - else if Ebene = 4 + else if (Ebene = 4) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00B7) ; Mittenpunkt, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c4" + deadUni(0x00B7) ; Mittenpunkt, tot + DeadKey := "c4" } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) { - send - ; querstrich, tot - PriorDeadKey := "c5" + deadAsc("-") ; querstrich, tot + DeadKey := "c5" } - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) { - Send . ; punkt darunter (colon) - PriorDeadKey := "c6" + deadAsc(".") ; punkt darunter (colon) + DeadKey := "c6" } + CompKey := PriorCompKey return neo_1: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex 1 - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2081) - else if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x217A) ; römisch xi - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x216A) ; römisch XI - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}1 - } - else - { - send 1 - } - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}1 - } - } - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B9) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2081) + or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x217A) ; römisch xi + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x216A)) ; römisch XI + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}1{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}1 + + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "1" - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompKey := "r_small_1" - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompKey := "r_capital_1" - else - CompKey := "" + else if (PriorCompKey = "r") + CompKey := "r_1" + else if (PriorCompKey = "R") + CompKey := "R_1" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) send ° - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) ; 2 Hochgestellte - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + else if (Ebene = 4) SendUnicodeChar(0x2022) ; bullet - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2640) ; Piktogramm weiblich - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x00AC) ; Nicht-Symbol - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_2: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2082) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2171) ; römisch ii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2161) ; römisch II - else if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x217B) ; römisch xii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x216B) ; römisch XII - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}2 - } - else - { - send 2 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}2 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B2) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2082) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2171) ; römisch ii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2161) ; römisch II + or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x217B) ; römisch xii + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x216B)) ; römisch XII + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}2{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}2 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "2" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2116) ; numero - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) ; 2 Hochgestellte - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + else if (Ebene = 4) SendUnicodeChar(0x2023) ; aufzaehlungspfeil - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x26A5) ; Piktogramm Zwitter - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2228) ; Logisches Oder - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_3: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2083) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 - else if (CompKey = "2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2172) ; römisch iii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2162) ; römisch III - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}3 - } - else - { - send 3 - } - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}3 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B3) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2083) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2153) ; 1/3 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2154) ; 2/3 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2172) ; römisch iii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2162)) ; römisch III + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}3{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}3 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "3" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 2 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) send § - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) ; 3 Hochgestellte - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2642) ; Piktogramm Mann - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2227) ; Logisches Und - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_4: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2074) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2084) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2173) ; römisch iv - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2163) ; römisch IV - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}4 - } - else - { - send 4 - } - - } - else - { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}4 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2074) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2084) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2173) ; römisch iv + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2163)) ; römisch IV + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}4{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}4 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "4" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00BB) ; », Double guillemot right - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - Send › ; Single guillemot right - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send {PgUp} ; Prev - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x00BB) ; », Double guillemot right + else if (Ebene = 3) + Send {blind}› ; Single guillemot right + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{PgUp} ; Prev + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2113) ; Script small L - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x22A5) ; Senkrecht - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_5: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2075) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2085) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 - else if (CompKey = "2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 - else if (CompKey = "3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 - else if (CompKey = "4") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2174) ; römisch v - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2164) ; römisch V - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}5 - } - else - { - send 5 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}5 - } - } - } + if (Ebene = 1) + { + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2075) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2085) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2155) ; 1/5 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2156) ; 2/5 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x2157) ; 3/5 + or CheckCompUni("4",0x2158) ; 4/5 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2174) ; römisch v + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2164)) ; römisch V + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}5{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}5 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "5" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00AB) ; «, Double guillemot left - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - Send ‹ ; Single guillemot left - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 4 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x00AB) ; «, Double guillemot left + else if (Ebene = 3) + Send {blind}‹ ; Single guillemot left + else if (Ebene = 4) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x2020) ; Kreuz (Dagger) - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2221) ; Winkel - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_6: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2076) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2086) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 - else if (CompKey = "5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2175) ; römisch vi - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2165) ; römisch VI - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}6 - } - else - { - send 6 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}6 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2076) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2086) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2159) ; 1/6 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215A) ; 5/6 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2175) ; römisch vi + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2165)) ; römisch VI + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}6{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}6 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "6" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send € - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ¢ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - send £ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send € + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}¢ + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}£ + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2225) ; parallel - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_7: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2077) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2087) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2176) ; römisch vii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2166) ; römisch VII - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}7 - } - else - { - send 7 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}7 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2077) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2087) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2176) ; römisch vii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2166)) ; römisch VII + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}7{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}7 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "7" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send $ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ¥ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - send ¤ - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send $ + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}¥ + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}¤ + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BA) ; greek small letter kappa - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2209) ; nicht Element von - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_8: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2078) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2088) - else if (CompKey = "1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 - else if (CompKey = "3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 - else if (CompKey = "5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 - else if (CompKey = "7") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2177) ; römisch viii - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2167) ; römisch VIII - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}8 - } - else - { - send 8 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}8 - } - } - } + if (Ebene = 1) + { + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2078) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2088) + or CheckCompUni("1",0x215B) ; 1/8 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x215C) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215D) ; 5/8 + or CheckCompUni("7",0x215E) ; 7/8 + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2177) ; römisch viii + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2167)) ; römisch VIII + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}8{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}8 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "8" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send „ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ‚ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send / - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send „ + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}‚ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumpadDiv} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x27E8) ;bra (öffnende spitze klammer) - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2204) ; es existiert nicht - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_9: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2079) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2089) - else if (CompKey = "r_small") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2178) ; römisch ix - else if (CompKey = "r_capital") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2168) ; römisch IX - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}9 - } - else - { - send 9 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}9 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2079) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2089) + or CheckCompUni("r",0x2178) ; römisch ix + or CheckCompUni("R",0x2168)) ; römisch IX + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}9{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}9 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "9" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send “ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ‘ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send * - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send “ + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}‘ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumpadMult} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x27E9) ;ket (schließende spitze klammer) - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2226) ; nicht parallel - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_0: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) - else if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2179) ; römisch x - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2169) ; römisch X - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}0 - } - else - { - send 0 - } - - } - else { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) ) - { - send {blind}0 - } - } - } + if !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2070) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2080) + or CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x2179) ; römisch x + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x2169)) ; römisch X + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}0{Shift up} + else if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_ZahlenReihe) + send {blind}0 + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "0" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send ” - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ’ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Send - - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 2) + send ” + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}’ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumpadMinus} + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2205) ; leere Menge - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_strich: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}- - } - else - { - send - - } - - } - else { - send {blind}- ;Bindestrich - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}-{Shift up} + else + send {blind}- ; Bindestrich-Minus + else if (Ebene = 2) SendUnicodeChar(0x2013) ; Gedankenstrich - else if Ebene = 3 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2014) ; Englische Gedankenstrich - else if Ebene = 4 - { } ; leer ... SendUnicodeChar(0x254C) - else if Ebene = 5 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2011) ; geschützter Bindestrich - else if Ebene = 6 - SendUnicodeChar(0x00AD) ; weicher Trennstrich - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2014) ; Englischer Gedankenstrich (Geviertstrich) + else if (Ebene = 4) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2011) ; geschützter Bindestrich (Bindestrich ohne Zeilenumbruch) + else if (Ebene = 6) + SendUnicodeChar(0x00AD) ; weicher Bindestrich return neo_tot2: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - send {´}{space} ; akut, tot - PriorDeadKey := "a1" + deadAsc("{´}{space}") ; akut, tot + DeadKey := "a1" } - else if Ebene = 2 + else if (Ebene = 2) { - send ``{space} - PriorDeadKey := "a2" + deadAsc("``{space}") + DeadKey := "a2" } - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) { - send ¸ ; cedilla - PriorDeadKey := "a3" + deadAsc("¸") ; cedilla + DeadKey := "a3" } - else if Ebene = 4 + else if (Ebene = 4) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02D9) ; punkt oben drüber - PriorDeadKey := "a4" + deadUni(0x02D9) ; punkt oben drüber + DeadKey := "a4" } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02DB) ; ogonek - PriorDeadKey := "a5" + deadUni(0x02DB) ; ogonek + DeadKey := "a5" } - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02DA) ; ring obendrauf - PriorDeadKey := "a6" + deadUni(0x02DA) ; ring obendrauf + DeadKey := "a6" } + CompKey := PriorCompKey return @@ -1864,506 +1456,247 @@ return neo_x: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - sendinput {blind}x - else if Ebene = 2 - sendinput {blind}X - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12) + OutputChar("x","X") + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ;Ellipse - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BE) ;xi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x039E) ; Xi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_v: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E7F) + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E7F,0x1E7E))) + OutputChar("v","V") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}_ + else if (Ebene = 4) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_neo_Backspace) + Send {blind}{Backspace} else - sendinput {blind}v - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E7E) - else - sendinput {blind}V - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send _ - else if Ebene = 4 - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_neo_Backspace) ) { - Send {Backspace} - } - else - {} ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2259) ; estimates - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_l: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0142) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Mittenpunkt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0140) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E37) - else - sendinput {blind}l - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "l_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0139) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0141) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c4") ; Mittenpunkt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x013F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E36) - else - sendinput {blind}L - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "l_capital" - else CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send [ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Sendinput {Blind}{Up} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x013A,0x0139) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x013C,0x013B) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x013E,0x013D) + or CheckDeadUni12("c4",0x0140,0x013F) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E37,0x1E36) + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x0142,0x0141))) + OutputChar("l","L") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}[ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Up} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BB) ; lambda - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x039B) ; Lambda - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_c: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0109) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0107) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E7) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010B) - else if ( (CompKey = "o_small") or (CompKey = "o_capital") ) - Send {bs}© - else - { - sendinput {blind}c - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "c_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0108) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0106) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E6) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010A) - else if ( (CompKey = "o_small") or (CompKey = "o_capital") ) - Send {bs}© - else - sendinput {blind}C - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey = "c_capital" + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0107,0x0106) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x00E7,0x00E6) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x010B,0x010A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0109,0x0108) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x010D,0x010C) + or CheckCompAsc12("o","©","©") + or CheckCompAsc12("O","©","©"))) + OutputChar("c","C") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}] + else if (Ebene = 4) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_neo_Entf) + Send {blind}{Del} else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ] - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_neo_Entf) ) { - Send {Del} - CompKey := "" - } - else - {} ; leer - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C7) ;chi - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2102) ; C (Komplexe Zahlen) - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_w: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0175) - else - sendinput {blind}w - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0174) - else - sendinput {blind}W - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0175,0x0174))) + OutputChar("w","W") + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x005E) ; untotes ^ - Unicode-Name: CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT ;send {^}{space} ; Funktioniert nicht unter Java-Programmen - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {Insert} - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{Insert} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C9) ; omega - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A9) ; Omega - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_k: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0137) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E33) - else - sendinput {blind}k - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0136) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E32) - else - sendinput {blind}K - } - else if Ebene = 3 - sendraw ! - else if Ebene = 4 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0137,0x0136) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E33,0x1E32))) + OutputChar("k","K") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}{!} + else if (Ebene = 4) Send ¡ - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03F0) ;kappa symbol (varkappa) - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x221A) ; Wurzel - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_h: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0125) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0127) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E23) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E25) - else sendinput {blind}h - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0124) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0126) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E22) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E24) - else sendinput {blind}H - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; kleiner gleich - else - send {blind}< - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2077) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2087) - else - Send 7 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E23,0x1E22) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0125,0x0124) + or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0127,0x0126) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E25,0x1E24))) + OutputChar("h","H") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2264))) ; kleiner gleich + send {blind}< + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2077) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2087))) + Send {blind}{NumPad7} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C8) ;psi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A8) ; Psi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_g: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0123) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0121) - else sendinput {blind}g - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0122) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0120) - else sendinput {blind}G - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; größer gleich - else - send > - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2078) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2088) - else - Send 8 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0123,0x0122) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0121,0x0120) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x011D,0x011C) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x011F,0x011E))) + OutputChar("g","G") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2265))) ; größer gleich + send {blind}> + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2078) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2088))) + Send {blind}{NumPad8} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B3) ;gamma - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0393) ; Gamma - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_f: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; durchgestrichen - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0192) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E1F) - else sendinput {blind}f - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; durchgestrichen - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0191) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E1E) - else sendinput {blind}F - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2259) ; entspricht - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2245) ; ungefähr gleich - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; ungleich - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2261) ; identisch - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x225A) ; EQUIANGULAR TO - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; ring drüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2257) ; ring equal to - else - send `= - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2079) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2089) - else - Send 9 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E1F,0x1E1E) + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x0192,0x0191))) + OutputChar("f","F") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("a6",0x2257) ; ring equal to + or CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2259) ; entspricht + or CheckDeadUni("c2",0x225A) ; EQUIANGULAR TO + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2261) ; identisch + or CheckDeadUni("t1",0x2245) ; ungefähr gleich + or CheckDeadUni("t4",0x2260))) ; ungleich + send {blind}`= + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2079) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2089))) + Send {blind}{NumPad9} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C6) ; phi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A6) ; Phi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_q: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - sendinput {blind}q - else if Ebene = 2 - sendinput {blind}Q - else if Ebene = 3 - send {&} - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208A) - else - Send {+} - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12) + OutputChar("q","Q") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}{&} + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207A) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208A))) + Send {blind}{NumPadPlus} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03D5) ; phi symbol (varphi) - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211A) ; Q (rationale Zahlen) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_sz: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; verssal-ß - } + else if (LangSTastatur = 1) + send {blind}s else - { - if (LangSTastatur = 1) - { - sendinput {blind}s - } - else - { - send ß - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { + send ß + else if (Ebene = 2) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) if (LangSTastatur = 1) - { - sendinput {blind}s - } + send {blind}s else - { send ß - } - } else - { SendUnicodeChar(0x1E9E) ; versal-ß - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) if (LangSTastatur = 1) send ß else SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s - } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C2) ; varsigma - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2218) ; Verknüpfungsoperator - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_tot3: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if (Ebene = 1) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02DC) ; tilde, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t1" + deadUni(0x02DC) ; tilde, tot + DeadKey := "t1" } - else if Ebene = 2 + else if (Ebene = 2) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00AF) ; macron, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t2" + deadUni(0x00AF) ; macron, tot + DeadKey := "t2" } - else if Ebene = 3 + else if (Ebene = 3) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x00A8) ; diaerese - PriorDeadKey := "t3" + deadUni(0x00A8) ; diaerese + DeadKey := "t3" } - else if Ebene = 4 + else if (Ebene = 4) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x002F) ; Schrägstrich, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t4" + deadUni(0x002F) ; Schrägstrich, tot + DeadKey := "t4" } - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 5) { - sendUnicodeChar(0x02DD) ;doppelakut - PriorDeadKey := "t5" + deadUni(0x02DD) ;doppelakut + DeadKey := "t5" } - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) { - SendUnicodeChar(0x02CF) ; komma drunter, tot - PriorDeadKey := "t6" + deadUni(0x02CF) ; komma drunter, tot + DeadKey := "t6" } + return @@ -2375,1871 +1708,766 @@ return neo_u: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ü - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0171) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0173) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0169) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D4) - else - sendinput {blind}u - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}Ü - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0170) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x016A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0172) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0168) - else - sendinput {blind}U - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send \ - else if Ebene = 4 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00FA,0x00DA) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00F9,0x00D9) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0173,0x0172) + or CheckDeadUni12("a6",0x016F,0x016E) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00FB,0x00DB) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D4,0x01D3) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x016D,0x016C) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x0169,0x0168) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x016B,0x016A) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ü","Ü") + or CheckDeadUni12("t5",0x0171,0x0170))) + OutputChar("u","U") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}\ + else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{Home} - else if Ebene = 5 - { } ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + CompKey := PriorCompKey + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x222E) ; contour integral - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_i: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EE) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00ED) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EC) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ï - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - defekt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0129) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0131) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D0) - else - sendinput {blind}i - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "i_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CE) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CD) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CC) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}Ï - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x012E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0128) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0130) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CF) - else - sendinput {blind}I - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "i_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send `/ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Sendinput {Blind}{Left} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00ED,0x00CD) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00EC,0x00CC) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x012F,0x012E) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0131,0x0130) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00EE,0x00CE) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D0,0x01CF) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x012D,0x012C) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x0129,0x0128) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x012B,0x012A) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ï","Ï"))) + OutputChar("i","I") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`/ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Left} + else if (Ebene = 5 ) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B9) ; iota - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x222B) ; integral - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_a: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - send {bs}ä - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - Send {bs}å - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0105) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0101) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0103) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CE) - else - sendinput {blind}a - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "a_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - send {bs}Ä - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a6") ; Ring - Send {bs}Å - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0100) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0102) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0104) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01CD) - else - sendinput {blind}A - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "a_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - sendraw { - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - Sendinput {Blind}{Down} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00E1,0x00C1) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00E0,0x00C0) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0105,0x0104) + or CheckDeadAsc12("a6","å","Å") + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00E2,0x00C2) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01CE,0x01CD) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x0103,0x0102) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00E3,0x00C3) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x0101,0x0100) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ä","Ä"))) + OutputChar("a","A") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}{{} ; } + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Down} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B1) ;alpha - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2200) ;fuer alle - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_e: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00EA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00E8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ë - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0119) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0113) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - defekt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0115) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - defekt - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0117) - else if (CompKey = "a_small") ; compose - { - Send {bs}æ - CompKey := "" - } - else if (CompKey = "o_small") ; compose - { - Send {bs}œ - CompKey := "" - } - else - sendinput {blind}e - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00CA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00C8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}Ë - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x011A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0112) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0114) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0118) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0116) - else if (CompKey = "a_capital") ; compose - { - Send {bs}Æ - CompKey := "" - } - else if (CompKey = "o_capital") ; compose - { - Send {bs}Œ - CompKey := "" - } - else - sendinput {blind}E - } - else if Ebene = 3 - sendraw } - else if Ebene = 4 - Sendinput {Blind}{Right} - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00E9,0x00C9) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00E8,0x00C8) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0117,0x0116) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x0119,0x0118) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00EA,0x00CA) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x011B,0x011A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x0115,0x0114) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x0113,0x0112) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ë","Ë") + or CheckCompAsc12("a","æ","Æ") + or CheckCompAsc12("A","Æ","Æ") + or CheckCompAsc12("o","œ","Œ") + or CheckCompAsc12("O","Œ","Œ"))) + OutputChar("e","E") + else if (Ebene = 3) ; { + send {blind}{}} + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {Blind}{Right} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B5) ;epsilon - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2203) ;es existiert - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_o: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F4) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send, {bs}ö - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F5) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0151) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01EB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D2) - else - sendinput {blind}o - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "o_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D4) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D5) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t5") ; doppelakut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0150) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - send {bs}Ö - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c3") ; brevis - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x014E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a5") ; ogonek - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01EA) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D1) - else - sendinput {blind}O - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") ; compose - CompKey := "o_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send * - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00F3,0x00D3) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x00F2,0x00D2) + or CheckDeadUni12("a5",0x01EB,0x01EA) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x00F4,0x00D4) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01D2,0x01D1) + or CheckDeadUni12("c3",0x014F,0x014E) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00F5,0x00D5) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x014D,0x014C) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ö","Ö") + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x00F8,0x00D8) + or CheckDeadUni12("t5",0x0151,0x0150))) + OutputChar("o","O") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}* + else if (Ebene = 4) Send {blind}{End} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BF) ; omicron - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2208) ; element of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_s: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0161) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E61) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E63) - else - { - if (LangSTastatur = 1) - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - sendinput {blind}s - else - SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s - } + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x015B,0x015A) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x015F,0x015E) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E61,0x1E60) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x015D,0x015C) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0161,0x0160) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E63,0x1A62))) + if (LangSTastatur = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") xor (Ebene = 1)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) ; langes s else - sendinput {blind}s - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "s_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0160) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x015E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E60) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E62) - else - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") && (LangSTastatur = 1) - SendUnicodeChar(0x017F) - else - sendinput {blind}S - } - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "s_capital" + OutputChar("s","S") else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ? - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { + OutputChar("s","S") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}? + else if (Ebene = 4) Send ¿ - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C3) ;sigma - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A3) ; Sigma - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_n: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0144) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0148) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0146) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E45) - else - sendinput {blind}n - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0147) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D1) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0143) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0145) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E44) - else - sendinput {blind}N - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send ( - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2074) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2084) - else - Send 4 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0144,0x0143) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0146,0x0145) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E45,0x1E44) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0148,0x0147) + or CheckDeadUni12("t1",0x00F1,0x00D1))) + OutputChar("n","N") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}( ; ) + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2074) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2084))) + Send {blind}{NumPad4} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BD) ; nu - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2115) ; N (natürliche Zahlen) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_r: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0155) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0159) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0157) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0E59) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E5B) - else - sendinput {blind}r - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "r_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0158) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0154) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0156) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E58) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E5A) - else - sendinput {blind}R - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "r_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send ) - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2075) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2085) - else - Send 5 - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x0155,0x0154) + or CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0157,0x0156) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x0E59,0x0E58) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0159,0x0158) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E5B,0x1E5A) + or CheckCompAsc12("o","®","®") + or CheckCompAsc12("O","®","®"))) + OutputChar("r","R") + else if (Ebene = 3) ;( + send {blind}) + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2075) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2085))) + Send {blind}{NumPad5} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03F1) ; rho symbol (varrho) - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211D) ; R (reelle Zahlen) - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return neo_t: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0165) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0163) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0167) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6D) - else - sendinput {blind}t - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "t_small" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0164) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a3") ; cedilla - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0162) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0166) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E6C) - else - sendinput {blind}T - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "t_capital" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send {blind}- ; Bis - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2076) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2086) - else - Send 6 - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 5 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x03C4) ; tau - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 6 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2202 ) ; partielle Ableitung - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" + EbeneAktualisieren() + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a3",0x0163,0x0162) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E6B,0x1E6A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x0165,0x0164) + or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0167,0x0166) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E6D,0x1E6C))) + OutputChar("t","T") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}- ; Bis + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x2076) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2086))) + Send {blind}{NumPad6} + else if (Ebene = 5) + SendUnicodeChar(0x03C4) ; tau + else if (Ebene = 6) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2202 ) ; partielle Ableitung return neo_d: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0111) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00F0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010F) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0D) - else - sendinput {blind}d - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; Querstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0110) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t4") ; Schrägstrich - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00D0) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x010E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E0D) - else sendinput {blind}D - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send : - else if Ebene = 4 - Send `, - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E0B,0x1E0A) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x010F,0x010E) + or CheckDeadUni12("c5",0x0111,0x0110) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E0D,0x1E0C) + or CheckDeadUni12("t4",0x00F0,0x00D0))) + OutputChar("d","D") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}: + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{NumPadKomma} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B4) ;delta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0394) ; Delta - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_y: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send {bs}ÿ - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00FD) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0177) - else - sendinput {blind}y - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00DD) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "t3") ; diaerese - Send {bs}Ÿ - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0176) - else - sendinput {blind}Y - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send @ - else if Ebene = 4 - Send . - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x00FD,0x00DD) + or CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0177,0x0176) + or CheckDeadAsc12("t3","ÿ",Ÿ))) + OutputChar("y","Y") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}@ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}. + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C5) ; upsilon - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2207) ; nabla - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return -;SC02B (#) wird zu Mod3 - - /* ------------------------------------------------------ Reihe 4 ------------------------------------------------------ */ -;SC056 (<) wird zu Mod4 - neo_ü: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D6) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D8) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DC) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DA) - else - sendinput {blind}ü - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D5) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D7) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a2") ; grave - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DB) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01D9) - else - sendinput {blind}Ü - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x01D8,0x01D7) + or CheckDeadUni12("a2",0x01DC,0x01DB) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01DA,0x01D9) + or CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x01D6,0x01D5))) + OutputChar("ü","Ü") + else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{#} - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {Esc} - else if Ebene = 5 - {} ; leer - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{Esc} + else if (Ebene = 5) + { + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + CompKey := PriorCompKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x221D) ; proportional - - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_ö: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x022B) - else - sendinput {blind}ö - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x022B,0x022A))) + OutputChar("ö","Ö") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}$ + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}{Tab} + else if (Ebene = 5) { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x022A) - else - sendinput {blind}Ö - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send $ - else if Ebene = 4 - goto neo_tab - else if Ebene = 5 - {} ;leer - else if Ebene = 6 + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + CompKey := PriorCompKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2111) ; Fraktur I - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_ä: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01DF) - else - sendinput {blind}ä - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t2") ; macron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x001DE) - else - sendinput {blind}Ä - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send | - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {PgDn} ; Next - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("t2",0x01DF,0x01DE))) + OutputChar("ä","Ä") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}| + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{PgDn} ; Next + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B7) ; eta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x211C) ; altes R - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_p: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E57) - else - sendinput {blind}p - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E56) - else - sendinput {blind}P - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "t1") ; tilde - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2248) - else - sendraw ~ - } - else if Ebene = 4 - Send {Enter} - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E57,0x1E56))) + OutputChar("p","P") + else if ((Ebene = 3) and !(CheckDeadUni("t1",0x2248))) + send {blind}~ + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}{Enter} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C0) ;pi - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x03A0) ; Pi - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_z: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017E) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt drüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017C) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt drunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E93) - else - sendinput {blind}z - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017D) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a1") ; akut - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0179) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x017B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt drunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E92) - else - sendinput {blind}Z - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a1",0x017A,0x0179) + or CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x017C,0x017B) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x017E,0x017D) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E93,0x1E92))) + OutputChar("z","Z") + else if (Ebene = 3) send ``{space} ; untot - else if Ebene = 4 - {} ; leer - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) + { + DeadKey := PriorDeadKey + CompKey := PriorCompKey + } ; leer + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B6) ;zeta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2124) ; Z (ganze Zahlen) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_b: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E03) - else - sendinput {blind}b - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E02) - else - sendinput {blind}B - } - else if Ebene = 3 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E03,0x1E02))) + OutputChar("b","B") + else if (Ebene = 3) send {blind}{+} - else if Ebene = 4 - send : - else if Ebene = 5 + else if (Ebene = 4) + send {blind}: + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B2) ; beta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D2) ; Doppel-Pfeil rechts - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_m: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E41) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E43) - else if ( (CompKey = "t_small") or (CompKey = "t_capital") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2122) ; TM - else if ( (CompKey = "s_small") or (CompKey = "s_capital") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2120) ; SM - else - sendinput {blind}m - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "a4") ; punkt darüber - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E40) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c6") ; punkt darunter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x1E42) - else if ( (CompKey = "t_capital") or (CompKey = "t_small") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2122) ; TM - else if ( (CompKey = "s_capital") or (CompKey = "s_small") ) ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x2120) ; SM - else - sendinput {blind}M - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send `% - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B9) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2081) - else - Send 1 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("a4",0x1E41,0x1E40) + or CheckDeadUni12("c6",0x1E43,0x1E42) + or CheckCompUni12("t",0x2122,0x2122) ; TM + or CheckCompUni12("T",0x2122,0x2122) ; TM + or CheckCompUni12("s",0x2120,0x2120) ; SM + or CheckCompUni12("S",0x2120,0x2120))) ; SM + + OutputChar("m","M") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`% + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B9) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2081))) + Send {blind}{NumPad1} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03BC) ; griechisch mu, micro wäre 0x00B5 - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D4) ; doppelter Doppelpfeil (genau dann wenn) - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_komma: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}, - } - else - { - send `, - } - - } - else - { - send {blind}, - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 - SendUnicodeChar(0x22EE) ; vertikale ellipse - else if Ebene = 3 - send " - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B2) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2082) + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down},{Shift up} else - Send 2 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + send {blind}, + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x22EE) ; vertikale ellipse + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}" + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B2) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2082))) + Send {blind}{NumPad2} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03C1) ; rho - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x21D0) ; Doppelpfeil links - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_punkt: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if GetKeyState("CapsLock","T") - { - if (IsModifierPressed()) - { - send {blind}. - } - else - { - send . - } - - } - else { - send {blind}. - } - } - else if Ebene = 2 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ; ellipse - else if Ebene = 3 - send ' - else if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x00B3) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2083) + if (Ebene = 1) + if (GetKeyState("CapsLock","T")) + send {blind}{Shift down}.{Shift up} else - Send 3 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + send {blind}. + else if (Ebene = 2) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2026) ; ellipse + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}' + else if ((Ebene = 4) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x00B3) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x2083))) + Send {blind}{NumPad3} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03D1) ; theta symbol (vartheta) - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x0398) ; Theta - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return neo_j: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0135) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c2") ; caron - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x01F0) - else if (CompKey = "i_small") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x0133) ; ij - else if (CompKey = "l_small") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x01C9) ; lj - else if (CompKey = "l_capital") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x01C8) ; Lj - else - sendinput {blind}j - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x0134) - else if (CompKey = "i_capital") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x0132) ; IJ - else if (CompKey = "l_capital") ; compose - CompUnicodeChar(0x01C7) ; LJ - else - sendinput {blind}J - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send `; - else if Ebene = 4 - Send `; - else if Ebene = 5 + if (Ebene12 and !(CheckDeadUni12("c1",0x0135,0x0134) + or CheckDeadUni12("c2",0x01F0,"") + or CheckCompUni12("i",0x0133,"") ; ij + or CheckCompUni12("I","",0x0132) ; IJ + or CheckCompUni12("l",0x01C9,"") ; lj + or CheckCompUni12("L",0x01C8,0x01C7) ; Lj/LJ + or CheckCompUni12("n",0x01CC,"") ; nj + or CheckCompUni12("N",0x01CB,0x01CA))) ; Nj/NJ + OutputChar("j","J") + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`; + else if (Ebene = 4) + Send {blind}`; + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x03B8) ; theta - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x2261) ; identisch - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" return /* ------------------------------------------------------ - Numpad - ------------------------------------------------------ - - folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem - NumLock gleich: -*/ - -neo_NumpadDiv: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - send {NumpadDiv} - else if Ebene = 3 - send ÷ - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - SendUnicodeChar(0x2215) ; slash - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadMult: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - send {NumpadMult} - else if Ebene = 3 - send × - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - SendUnicodeChar(0x22C5) ; cdot - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadSub: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207B) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208B) - else - send {blind}{NumpadSub} - } - else if Ebene = 3 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2212) ; echtes minus - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadAdd: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x207A) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x208A) - else - send {blind}{NumpadAdd} - } - else if Ebene = 3 - send ± - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - SendUnicodeChar(0x2213) ; -+ - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - -neo_NumpadEnter: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if ( (Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2) ) - send {NumpadEnter} - else if Ebene = 3 - SendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; neq - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - SendUnicodeChar(0x2248) ; approx - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - -/* - folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock - unterschiedlich: - - bei NumLock ein -*/ - - - -neo_Numpad7: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {blind}{Numpad7} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_7" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadHome} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2195) ; Hoch-Runter-Pfeil - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_Numpad8: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_7") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 - else - send {blind}{Numpad8} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_8" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - -neo_Numpad9: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {blind}{Numpad9} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_9" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadPgUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2297) ; Tensorprodukt ; Vektor in die Ebene zeigend - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - - - -neo_Numpad4: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BC) ; 1/4 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BE) ; 3/4 - else - send {blind}{Numpad4} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_4" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadLeft} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_Numpad5: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_4") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 - else - send {blind}{Numpad5} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_5" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadClear} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x221E) ; INFINITY - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x220B) ; enthält das Element - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_Numpad6: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 - else - send {blind}{Numpad6} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_6" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadRight} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_Numpad1: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {blind}{Numpad1} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_1" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadEnd} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2194) ; Links-Rechts-Pfeil - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" -return - -neo_Numpad2: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BD) ; 1/2 - else - send {blind}{Numpad2} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_2" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadDown} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" + Numpad + ------------------------------------------------------ + + folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem + NumLock gleich: +*/ + +neo_NumpadDiv: + EbeneAktualisieren() + if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + send {blind}{NumpadDiv} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}÷ + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2215) ; slash return -neo_Numpad3: +neo_NumpadMult: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 - else - send {blind}{Numpad3} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_3" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - send {NumpadPgDn} - else if Ebene = 3 - SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + send {blind}{NumpadMult} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}× + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x22C5) ; cdot return -neo_Numpad0: +neo_NumpadSub: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {blind}{Numpad0} - if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") - CompKey := "Num_0" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadIns} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send `% - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - send ‰ - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" + if (((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207B) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208B))) + send {blind}{NumpadSub} + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2212) ; echtes minus return -neo_NumpadDot: +neo_NumpadAdd: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadDot} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadDel} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send . - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - send `, - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" + if (((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) and !(CheckDeadUni("c1",0x207A) + or CheckDeadUni("c5",0x208A))) + send {blind}{NumpadAdd} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}± + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2213) ; -+ +return + +neo_NumpadEnter: + EbeneAktualisieren() + if ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + send {blind}{NumpadEnter} + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2260) ; neq + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2248) ; approx return /* - bei NumLock aus + folgende Tasten verhalten sich bei ein- und ausgeschaltetem NumLock + unterschiedlich */ -neo_NumpadHome: + + +neo_Numpad7: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadHome} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadHome} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadHome}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {Numpad7} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad7} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad7}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_7" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2195) ; Hoch-Runter-Pfeil + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x226A) ; ll - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadUp: +neo_Numpad8: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215B) ; 1/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215C) ; 3/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215D) ; 5/8 - else if (CompKey = "Num_7") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215E) ; 7/8 - else - send {Numpad8} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadUp} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadUp}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x215B) ; 1/8 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x215B) ; 1/8 + or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x215C) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x215C) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("Num_5",0x215D) ; 3/8 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215D) ; 5/8 + or CheckCompUni("Num_7",0x215E) ; 7/8 + or CheckCompUni("7",0x215E)) ; 7/8 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad8} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad8}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_8" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2191) ; uparrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2229) ; intersection - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadPgUp: +neo_Numpad9: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadPgUp} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadPgUp} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadPgUp}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {Numpad9} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad9} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad9}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_9" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2297) ; Tensorprodukt ; Vektor in die Ebene zeigend + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x226B) ; gg - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadLeft: + + +neo_Numpad4: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadLeft} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BC) ; 1/4 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BE) ; 3/4 - else - send {Numpad4} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadLeft} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadLeft}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x00BC) ; 1/4 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x00BE) ; 1/4 + or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x00BE) ; 3/4 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x00BE)) ; 3/4 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad4} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad4}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_4" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2190) ; leftarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2282) ; subset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadClear: +neo_Numpad5: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadClear} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2155) ; 1/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2156) ; 2/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_3") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2157) ; 3/5 - else if (CompKey = "Num_4") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2158) ; 4/5 - else - send {Numpad5} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadClear} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadClear}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2155) ; 1/5 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2155) ; 1/5 + or CheckCompUni("Num_2",0x2156) ; 2/5 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2156) ; 2/5 + or CheckCompUni("Num_3",0x2157) ; 3/5 + or CheckCompUni("3",0x2157) ; 3/5 + or CheckCompUni("Num_4",0x2158) ; 4/5 + or CheckCompUni("4",0x2158)) ; 4/5 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad5} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad5}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_5" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send † - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x220A) ; small element of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x221E) ; INFINITY + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) + SendUnicodeChar(0x220B) ; enthält das Element return -neo_NumpadRight: +neo_Numpad6: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadRight} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2159) ; 1/6 - else if (CompKey = "Num_5") - CompUnicodeChar(0x215A) ; 5/6 - else - send {Numpad6} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadRight} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadRight}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2159) ; 1/6 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2159) ; 1/6 + or CheckCompUni("Num_5",0x215A) ; 5/6 + or CheckCompUni("5",0x215A)) ; 5/6 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad6} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad6}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_6" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2192) ; rightarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2283) ; superset of - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadEnd: +neo_Numpad1: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadEnd} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadEnd}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {NumpadEnd} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {Numpad1} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad1} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad1}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_1" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x21CB) ; LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON - CompKey := "" } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x2194) ; Links-Rechts-Pfeil + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2264) ; leq - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadDown: +neo_Numpad2: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadDown} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadDown} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadDown}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x00BD) ; 1/2 - else - send {Numpad2} + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x00BD) ; 1/2 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x00BD)) ; 1/2 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad2} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad2}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_2" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { + else if (Ebene = 3) SendUnicodeChar(0x2193) ; downarrow - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x222A) ; vereinigt - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadPgDn: +neo_Numpad3: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadPgDn} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - if (CompKey = "Num_1") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2153) ; 1/3 - else if (CompKey = "Num_2") - CompUnicodeChar(0x2154) ; 2/3 - else - send {Numpad3} + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadPgDn} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadPgDn}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + { + if !(CheckCompUni("Num_1",0x2153) ; 1/3 + or CheckCompUni("1",0x2154) ; 1/3 + or CheckCompUni("Num_2",0x2154) ; 2/3 + or CheckCompUni("2",0x2154)) ; 2/3 + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad3} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad3}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_3" - else - CompKey := "" } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if (Ebene = 3) + SendUnicodeChar(0x21CC) ; RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) SendUnicodeChar(0x2265) ; geq - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadIns: +neo_Numpad0: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadIns} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadIns}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) { - send {NumpadIns} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {Numpad0} + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{Numpad0} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{Numpad0}{Shift down} + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") CompKey := "Num_0" - else - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send `% - CompKey := "" } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}`% + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) send ‰ - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return -neo_NumpadDel: +neo_NumpadDot: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - send {NumpadDel} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 2 - { - send {NumpadDot} - CompKey := "" - } - else if Ebene = 3 - { - send . - CompKey := "" - } - else if ( (Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5) ) - { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 0)) + send {blind}{NumpadDel} + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 1)) + send {blind}{Shift up}{NumpadDel}{Shift down} + else if (((Ebene = 1) and (NumLock = 1)) or ((Ebene = 2) and (NumLock = 0))) + if (Ebene = 1) + send {blind}{NumpadDot} + else + send {blind){Shift up}{NumpadDot}{Shift down} + else if (Ebene = 3) + send {blind}. + else if ((Ebene = 4) or (Ebene = 5)) send `, - CompKey := "" - } - PriorDeadKey := "" return @@ -4249,16 +2477,16 @@ return ------------------------------------------------------ */ *space:: - if (einHandNeo) + if ((einHandNeo)) spacepressed := 1 else goto neo_SpaceUp return *space up:: - if (einHandNeo) + if ((einHandNeo)) { - if (keypressed) + if ((keypressed)) { keypressed := 0 spacepressed := 0 @@ -4274,69 +2502,27 @@ return neo_SpaceUp: EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2170) ; römisch i - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2160) ; römisch I - else - Send {blind}{Space} - } - if Ebene = 2 - Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 3 + if ((Ebene = 1) and !(CheckComp3Uni("r_1",0x2170) ; römisch i + or CheckComp3Uni("R_1",0x2160))) ; römisch I Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 4 - { + else if ((Ebene = 2) or (Ebene = 3)) + Send {blind}{Space} + else if (Ebene = 4) if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) else - Send 0 - } - else if Ebene = 5 + Send {blind}{NumPad0} + else if (Ebene = 5) SendUnicodeChar(0x00A0) ; geschütztes Leerzeichen - else if Ebene = 6 + else if (Ebene = 6) SendUnicodeChar(0x202F) ; schmales Leerzeichen - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" spacepressed := 0 keypressed := 0 return -/* -*Space:: - EbeneAktualisieren() - if Ebene = 1 - { - if (CompKey = "r_small_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2170) ; römisch i - else if (CompKey = "r_capital_1") - Comp3UnicodeChar(0x2160) ; römisch I - else - Send {blind}{Space} - } - if Ebene = 2 - Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 3 - Send {blind}{Space} - if Ebene = 4 - { - if (PriorDeadKey = "c1") ; circumflex - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2070) - else if (PriorDeadKey = "c5") ; toter - - BSSendUnicodeChar(0x2080) - else - Send 0 - } - else if Ebene = 5 - SendUnicodeChar(0x00A0) ; geschütztes Leerzeichen - else if Ebene = 6 - SendUnicodeChar(0x202F) ; schmales Leerzeichen - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return -*/ /* Folgende Tasten sind nur aufgeführt, um PriorDeadKey zu leeren. Irgendwie sieht das noch nicht schön aus. Vielleicht lässt sich dieses @@ -4348,33 +2534,29 @@ return */ *Enter:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Return) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Return) { - sendinput {Blind}{Enter} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Enter} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Backspace:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Backspace) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Backspace) { - sendinput {Blind}{Backspace} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Backspace} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Del:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Entf) ) - { - sendinput {Blind}{Del} - } + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Entf) + send {Blind}{Del} return *Ins:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Einf) ) - { - sendinput {Blind}{Ins} - } + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Einf) + send {Blind}{Ins} return @@ -4382,115 +2564,86 @@ return /* -Auf Mod3+Tab liegt Compose. AltTab funktioniert, jedoch ShiftAltTab nicht. -Wenigstens kommt es jetzt nicht mehr zu komischen Ergebnissen, wenn man Tab -nach einem DeadKey drückt... +Auf Mod3+Tab liegt Compose. */ neo_tab: - if ( GetKeyState("SC038","P") ) - { - Send,{Blind}{AltDown}{tab} - -/* - if (isShiftPressed()) - { - Send,{ShiftDown}{AltDown}{tab} - } - else - { -; msgbox alt+tab - Send,{AltDown}{tab} - ; SC038 & Tab::AltTab ; - } -*/ - } - else if (IsMod3Pressed()) ;# + if (IsMod3Pressed()) ;# { #Include *i %a_scriptdir%\ComposeLaunch.ahk #Include *i %a_scriptdir%\Source\ComposeLaunch.ahk - PriorDeadKey := "comp" + DeadKey := "comp" CompKey := "" } else { send {blind}{Tab} - PriorDeadKey := "" + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return -*SC038 up:: - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" - send {blind}{AltUp} -return - -*SC038 down:: ; LAlt, damit AltTab funktioniert - Send,{Blind}{AltDown} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" -return - *Home:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Pos1) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Pos1) { - sendinput {Blind}{Home} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Home} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *End:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Ende) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Ende) { - sendinput {Blind}{End} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{End} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *PgUp:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_PgUp) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_PgUp) { - sendinput {Blind}{PgUp} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{PgUp} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *PgDn:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_PgDn) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_PgDn) { - sendinput {Blind}{PgDn} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{PgDn} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Up:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Hoch) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Hoch) { - sendinput {Blind}{Up} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Up} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Down:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Runter) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Runter) { - sendinput {Blind}{Down} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Down} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Left:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Links) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Links) { - sendinput {Blind}{Left} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Left} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return *Right:: - if ( not(lernModus) or (lernModus_std_Rechts) ) + if (not(lernModus) or lernModus_std_Rechts) { - sendinput {Blind}{Right} - PriorDeadKey := "" CompKey := "" + send {Blind}{Right} + DeadKey := "" CompKey := "" } return @@ -4636,72 +2789,42 @@ Ebenen laut Referenz: EbeneAktualisieren() { global + PriorDeadKey := DeadKey + PriorCompKey := CompKey + DeadKey := "" + CompKey := "" + Ebene12 := 0 + Modstate := IsShiftPressed() . IsMod3Pressed() . IsMod4Pressed() + if (ahkTreiberKombi) - { - if ( IsMod4Pressed() and not(IsShiftPressed()) and not(IsMod3Pressed())) - { + if ( Modstate = "001") Ebene = 6 - } else - { - Ebene = -1 - } - } + Ebene = -1 else - { - if ( IsShiftPressed() ) - { ; Umschalt - if ( IsMod3Pressed() ) - { ; Umschalt UND Mod3 - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Umschalt UND Mod3 UND Mod4 - ; Ebene 8 impliziert Ebene 6 - Ebene = 6 - } - else - { ; Umschald UND Mod3 NICHT Mod4 - Ebene = 5 - } - } - else - { ; Umschalt NICHT Mod3 - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Umschalt UND Mod4 NICHT Mod3 - ; Ebene 7 impliziert Ebene 4 - Ebene = 4 - } - else - { ; Umschalt NICHT Mod3 NICHT Mod4 - Ebene = 2 - } - } - } - else - { ; NICHT Umschalt - if ( IsMod3Pressed() ) - { ; Mod3 NICHT Umschalt - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Mod3 UND Mod4 NICHT Umschalt - Ebene = 6 - } - else - { ; Mod3 NICHT Mod4 NICHT Umschalt - Ebene = 3 - } - } - else - { ; NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 - if ( IsMod4Pressed() ) - { ; Mod4 NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 - Ebene = 4 - } - else - { ; NICHT Umschalt NICHT Mod3 NICHT Mod4 - Ebene = 1 - } - } - } - } + if (Modstate = "000") + Ebene = 1 ; Ebene 1: Ohne Mod + else if (Modstate = "100") + Ebene = 2 ; Ebene 2: Shift + else if (Modstate = "010") + Ebene = 3 ; Ebene 3: Mod3 + else if (Modstate = "001") + Ebene = 4 ; Ebene 4: Mod4 + else if (Modstate = "110") + Ebene = 5 ; Ebene 5: Shift+Mod3 + else if (Modstate = "011") + Ebene = 6 ; Ebene 6: Mod3+Mod4 + else if (Modstate = "101") + Ebene = 4 ; Ebene 7: Shift+Mod4 impliziert Ebene 4 + else if (Modstate = "111") + Ebene = 6 ; Ebene 8: Shift+Mod3+Mod4 impliziert Ebene 6 + + Ebene12 := ((Ebene = 1) or (Ebene = 2)) + + if GetKeyState("NumLock","T") + NumLock = 1 + else + NumLock = 0 } @@ -4730,38 +2853,26 @@ IsMod4Pressed() { if (IsMod4Locked) { - return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or altGrPressed )) + return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P"))) } else { - return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or altGrPressed ) + return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P")) } } else { if (IsMod4Locked) { - return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P") or altGrPressed )) + return (not ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P"))) } else { - return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P") or altGrPressed ) + return ( GetKeyState("<","P") or GetKeyState("SC138","P") or GetKeyState("ä","P")) } } } -IsModifierPressed() -{ - if (GetKeyState("LControl","P") or GetKeyState("RControl","P") or GetKeyState("LAlt","P") or GetKeyState("RAltl","P") or GetKeyState("LWin","P") or GetKeyState("RWin","P") or GetKeyState("LShift","P") or GetKeyState("RShift","P") or GetKeyState("AltGr","P") ) - { - return 1 - } - else - { - return 0 - } -} - SendUnicodeChar(charCode) { IfWinActive, ahk_class gdkWindowToplevel @@ -4782,7 +2893,7 @@ SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } } /* -Über den GDK-Workaround: +Über den GTK-Workaround: Dieser basiert auf Der Aufruf von »SubStr(charCode,3)« geht davon aus, dass alle charCodes in Hex mit führendem „0x“ angegeben sind. Die abenteuerliche „^+u“-Konstruktion benötigt im Übrigen den Hex-Wert in Kleinschrift, was derzeit nicht bei den Zeichendefinitionen umgesetzt ist, daher zentral und weniger fehlerträchtig an dieser Stelle. Außerdem ein abschließend gesendetes Space, sonst bleibt der „eingetippte“ Unicode-Wert noch kurz sichtbar stehen, bevor er sich GTK-sei-dank in das gewünschte Zeichen verwandelt. @@ -4803,8 +2914,7 @@ CompUnicodeChar(charCode) Comp3UnicodeChar(charCode) { - send {bs} - send {bs} + send {bs}{bs} SendUnicodeChar(charCode) } @@ -4814,12 +2924,299 @@ EncodeInteger(ref, val) DllCall("ntdll\RtlFillMemoryUlong", "Uint", ref, "Uint", 4, "Uint", val) } +DeadSilence = 0 + +deadAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + send % "{blind}" . val +} + +deadUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +undeadAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + send % "{blind}" . val + else + send % "{blind}{bs}" . val +} + +undeadUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadSilence) + {} ; keine ausgabe + else + send {bs} + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +CheckDeadAsc(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + undeadAsc(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckDeadUni(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + undeadUni(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckDeadAsc12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + undeadAsc(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + undeadAsc(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckDeadUni12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorDeadKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + undeadUni(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + undeadUni(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +DeadCompose = 0 + +compAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + send % "{blind}" . val +} + +compUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine Ausgabe + else + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +uncompAsc(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + send % "{blind}" . val + else + send % "{blind}{bs}" . val +} + +uncompUni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine ausgabe + else + send {bs} + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +uncomp3Uni(val) +{ + global + if (DeadCompose) + {} ; keine ausgabe + else + send {bs}{bs} + SendUnicodeChar(val) +} + +CheckCompAsc(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + uncompAsc(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckCompAsc12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + uncompAsc(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + uncompAsc(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + else + return 0 +} + +CheckCompUni(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + uncompUni(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckCompUni12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + uncompUni(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + uncompUni(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckComp3Uni(d,val) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + uncomp3Uni(val) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 +} + +CheckComp3Uni12(d,val1,val2) +{ + global + if (PriorCompKey == d) + { + if ((Ebene = 1) and (val1 != "")) + { + uncomp3Uni(val1) + return 1 + } + else if ((Ebene = 2) and (val2 != "")) + { + uncomp3Uni(val2) + return 1 + } + else + return 0 + } + else + return 0 +} + +outputChar(val1,val2) +{ + global + if (Ebene = 1) + c := val1 + else + c := val2 + send % "{blind}" . c + if (PriorDeadKey = "comp") + CompKey := c +} + +;Tote/Untote Tasten +*F9:: + if (isMod4pressed()) + DeadSilence := not(DeadSilence) + else + send {blind}{F9} +return + +;Tote/Untote Compose +*F10:: + if (isMod4pressed()) + DeadCompose := not(DeadCompose) + else + send {blind}{F10} +return ;Lang-s-Tastatur: -SC056 & *F11:: -LangSTastatur := not(LangSTastatur) ; schaltet die Lang-s-Tastatur ein und aus +*F11:: + if (isMod4pressed()) + LangSTastatur := not(LangSTastatur) ; schaltet die Lang-s-Tastatur ein und aus + else + send {blind}{F11} return + /* ------------------------------------------------------ Methoden zum Senden von Unicode-Zeichen @@ -4863,167 +3260,107 @@ BSUnicode(code) */ guiErstellt = 0 alwaysOnTop = 1 -aktuellesBild = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png -SC056 & *F1:: -SC138 & *F1:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + +*F1:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch1 - return -} -SC056 & *F2:: -SC138 & *F2:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F1} +return + +*F2:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch2 - return -} -SC056 & *F3:: -SC138 & *F3:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F2} +return + +*F3:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch3 - return -} -SC056 & *F4:: -SC138 & *F4:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F3} +return + +*F4:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch4 - return -} -SC056 & *F5:: -SC138 & *F5:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F4} +return + +*F5:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch5 - return -} -SC056 & *F6:: -SC138 & *F6:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F5} +return + +*F6:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Switch6 - return -} -SC056 & *F7:: -SC138 & *F7:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F6} +return + +*F7:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto Show - return -} -SC056 & *F8:: -SC138 & *F8:: -{ - if (zeigeBildschirmTastatur) + else + send {blind}{F7} +return + +*F8:: + if (isMod4Pressed() and zeigeBildschirmTastatur) goto ToggleAlwaysOnTop - return -} + else + send {blind}{F8} +return + Switch1: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene1.png" + goto Switch Return Switch2: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene2.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene2.png" + goto Switch Return Switch3: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene3.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene3.png" + goto Switch Return Switch4: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene4.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene4.png" + goto Switch Return Switch5: - if (guiErstellt) - { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png") - goto Close - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png - SetTimer, Refresh - } - } - else - { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene5.png - goto Show - } + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene5.png" + goto Switch Return Switch6: + tImage := ResourceFolder . "\ebene6.png" + goto Switch +Return + +Switch: if (guiErstellt) { - if (Image == "%ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png") + if (Image = tImage) goto Close else { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png + Image := tImage SetTimer, Refresh } } else { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene6.png + Image := tImage goto Show } Return @@ -5037,7 +3374,7 @@ Show: { if (Image = "") { - Image = %ResourceFolder%\ebene1.png + Image := ResourceFolder . "\ebene1.png" } yPosition := A_ScreenHeight -270 Gui, Color, FFFFFF @@ -5061,7 +3398,7 @@ Show: Gui, Add, Picture,AltSubmit ys w564 h200 vPicture, %Image% Gui, +AlwaysOnTop Gui, Show, y%yposition% Autosize - SetTimer, Refresh +; SetTimer, Refresh guiErstellt = 1 } Return @@ -5100,15 +3437,18 @@ Return ------------------------------------------------------ */ -+pause:: +*pause:: Suspend, Permit - goto togglesuspend + if isshiftpressed() + goto togglesuspend + else + send {blind}{pause} return ; ------------------------------------ -^SC034::einHandNeo := not(einHandNeo) ; Punkt -^SC033::lernModus := not(lernModus) ; Komma +^.::einHandNeo := not(einHandNeo) ; Punkt +^,::lernModus := not(lernModus) ; Komma @@ -5183,10 +3523,4 @@ return exitprogram: exitapp return - - - - - -  \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/windows/autohotkey/neo20.exe b/windows/autohotkey/neo20.exe index 0ab0476..95c8357 100644 Binary files a/windows/autohotkey/neo20.exe and b/windows/autohotkey/neo20.exe differ -- cgit v1.2.3