#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """OSD Neo2 ======== On screen display for learning the keyboard layout Neo2 Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Martin Zuther (http://www.mzuther.de/) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Thank you for using free software! """ # Here follows a plea in German to keep the comments in English so # that you may understand them, dear visitor ... # # Meine Kommentare in den Quellcodes sind absichtlich auf Englisch # gehalten, damit Leute, die im Internet nach Lösungen suchen, den # Code nachvollziehen können. Daher bitte ich darum, zusätzliche # Kommentare ebenfalls auf Englisch zu schreiben. Vielen Dank! import pygtk pygtk.require('2.0') import gtk import gobject import gettext import locale import os import time import SimpleXkbWrapper from optparse import OptionParser from Settings import * # set standard localisation for application locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') # initialise localisation settings module_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) gettext.bindtextdomain('OSDneo2', os.path.join(module_path, 'po/')) gettext.textdomain('OSDneo2') _ = gettext.lgettext # specifies distance between main keyboard and numeric keyboard (in pixels) DISTANCE_LAYOUT_BLOCKS = 10 class OSDneo2: # layer matrix for "xkbdmap" with disabled Locks (plain) # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 1 | 4 | # | Mod3 on | 3 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 2 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 0 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xkbdmap_layers_plain = {' ': 1, \ ' 3 ': 3, \ ' 4': 4, \ ' 34': 6, \ 'S ': 2, \ 'S3 ': 5, \ 'S 4': 0, \ 'S34': 0} # layer matrix for "xkbdmap" with enabled Caps Lock # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 7 | 4 | # | Mod3 on | 3 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 8 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 0 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xkbdmap_layers_caps_lock = {' ': 7, \ ' 3 ': 3, \ ' 4': 4, \ ' 34': 6, \ 'S ': 8, \ 'S3 ': 5, \ 'S 4': 0, \ 'S34': 0} # layer matrix for "xkbdmap" with enabled Mod4 Lock # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 4 | 1 | # | Mod3 on | 6 | 3 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 0 | 2 | # | Mod3 on | 0 | 5 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xkbdmap_layers_mod4_lock = {' ': 4, \ ' 3 ': 6, \ ' 4': 1, \ ' 34': 3, \ 'S ': 0, \ 'S3 ': 0, \ 'S 4': 2, \ 'S34': 5} # layer matrix for "xkbdmap" with enabled Caps+Mod4 Lock # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 4 | 7 | # | Mod3 on | 6 | 3 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 0 | 8 | # | Mod3 on | 0 | 5 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xkbdmap_layers_caps_mod4_lock = {' ': 4, \ ' 3 ': 6, \ ' 4': 7, \ ' 34': 3, \ 'S ': 0, \ 'S3 ': 0, \ 'S 4': 8, \ 'S34': 5} # layer matrix for "xmodmap" with disabled Locks (plain) # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 1 | 4 | # | Mod3 on | 3 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 2 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xmodmap_layers_plain = {' ': 1, \ ' 3 ': 3, \ ' 4': 4, \ ' 34': 6, \ 'S ': 2, \ 'S3 ': 5, \ 'S 4': 0, \ 'S34': 6} # layer matrix for "xmodmap" with enabled Caps Lock # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 2 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 2 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xmodmap_layers_caps_lock = {' ': 2, \ ' 3 ': 5, \ ' 4': 0, \ ' 34': 6, \ 'S ': 2, \ 'S3 ': 5, \ 'S 4': 0, \ 'S34': 6} # layer matrix for "xmodmap" with enabled Mod4 Lock # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 4 | 4 | # | Mod3 on | 3 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 0 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 6 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xmodmap_layers_mod4_lock = {' ': 4, \ ' 3 ': 3, \ ' 4': 4, \ ' 34': 6, \ 'S ': 0, \ 'S3 ': 5, \ 'S 4': 0, \ 'S34': 6} # layer matrix for "xmodmap" with enabled Caps+Mod4 Lock # # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift off | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 0 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 5 | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Shift on | Mod4 off | Mod4 on | # |-----------+----------+---------| # | Mod3 off | 0 | 0 | # | Mod3 on | 5 | 5 | # |-----------+----------+---------| xmodmap_layers_caps_mod4_lock = {' ': 0, \ ' 3 ': 5, \ ' 4': 0, \ ' 34': 5, \ 'S ': 0, \ 'S3 ': 5, \ 'S 4': 0, \ 'S34': 5} def __init__(self): # initialise version information, ... version_long = _('%(description)s\n%(copyrights)s\n\n%(license)s') % \ {'description':settings.get_description(True), \ 'copyrights':settings.get_copyrights(), \ 'license':settings.get_license(True)} # ... ,usage information and... usage = 'Usage: %(cmd_line)s [options]' % \ {'cmd_line':settings.get_variable('cmd_line')} # ... the command line parser itself parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=version_long) # parse command line (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # setting: display main keyboard (Boolean) self.display_main_keyboard = (settings.get( \ 'settings', 'display_main_keyboard', str(True)) == "True") # setting: display numeric keyboard (Boolean) self.display_numeric_keyboard = (settings.get( \ 'settings', 'display_numeric_keyboard', str(True)) == "True") # setting: magnification of keyboard (in percent) self.magnification = int(settings.get( \ 'settings', 'magnification_in_percent', str(100))) # setting: interval of update timer (in milliseconds) self.polling = int(settings.get( \ 'settings', 'polling_in_milliseconds', str(100))) # setting: selected driver ("xkbdmap" or "xmodmap") self.keyboard_driver = settings.get( \ 'settings', 'selected_keyboard_driver', 'xkbdmap') # initialise core keyboard self.initialise_keyboard() # set currently selected keyboard layer to defaults (for your # information, "leer" is German for "empty") self.current_modifier = 'leer' self.mod_states = None # create main window and set its title self.window = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) self.window.set_title(settings.get_description(False)) # allow window to get killed and keep it on top self.window.connect('delete-event', self.on_delete_event) self.window.set_keep_above(True) # restore old window position x = int(settings.get('settings', 'window_position_x', str(0))) y = int(settings.get('settings', 'window_position_y', str(0))) if (x > 0) and (y > 0): self.window.move(x, y) # create an HBox, ... self.hbox = gtk.HBox(False, DISTANCE_LAYOUT_BLOCKS) self.window.add(self.hbox) # ..., attach image for main keyboard (if requested) ... if self.display_main_keyboard: self.image_main = gtk.Image() self.hbox.pack_start(self.image_main) # ... and attach image for numeric keyboard (if requested) if self.display_numeric_keyboard: self.image_numeric = gtk.Image() self.hbox.pack_start(self.image_numeric) # the window size depends on the loaded images and # "self.magnification", so we'll set it later self.window_width = -1 self.window_height = -1 # later on, the keyboard layout will only be drawn when the # selected keyboard layer changes, so we'll force the initial # drawing self.update_display() # show everything in window self.window.show_all() # update status of modifier leys once ... self.update_status() # ... before starting the timer for polling modifier keys gobject.timeout_add(self.polling, self.update_status) def main(self): # main event loop gtk.main() def on_delete_event(self, widget, event, data=None): # store current window position, ... (x,y) = self.window.get_position() settings.set('settings', 'window_position_x', str(x)) settings.set('settings', 'window_position_y', str(y)) # ... and quit the application gtk.main_quit() return False def initialise_keyboard(self): # initialise wrapper for the X Keyboard Extension (v1.0) and # open connection to X display self.xkb = SimpleXkbWrapper.SimpleXkbWrapper() # we'll use the default X display display_name = None # we need version 1.0 of the X Keyboard Extension major_in_out = 1 minor_in_out = 0 # open X display and check for compatible X Keyboard Extension try: ret = self.xkb.XkbOpenDisplay(display_name, major_in_out, \ minor_in_out) except OSError, error: self.error_dialog(_('Error'), error) # store handle to X display for later use self.display_handle = ret['display_handle'] def update_status(self): """ This function is called by the timer in order to check the status of modifier keys. """ # we only have to update the main window if the modifier # states have changed, so store the current modifier states old_mod_states = self.mod_states # select the core keyboard ... device_spec = self.xkb.XkbUseCoreKbd # ... and poll modifier state xkbstaterec = self.xkb.XkbGetState(self.display_handle, device_spec) self.mod_states = self.xkb.ExtractLocks(xkbstaterec) # as promised above, we'll only update the main window if the # modifier states have changed if self.mod_states != old_mod_states: self.set_current_modifier() # keep the timer running return True def set_current_modifier(self): # we'll keep CPU usage low by updating the main window only # when the selected keyboard layer has changed, so let's store # the currently selected keyboard layer old_modifier = self.current_modifier # please don't confuse the modifiers defined by Neo2 ("MOD3" # in the following section) with modifiers defined by X11 # ("mod3") -- let's set the modifiers for accessing the layer # matrices # user selected Neo2 keyboard driver "xkbdmap" if self.keyboard_driver == 'xkbdmap': if self.mod_states['shift']: SHIFT = 'S' else: SHIFT = ' ' if self.mod_states['mod5']: MOD3 = '3' else: MOD3 = ' ' if self.mod_states['mod3']: MOD4 = '4' else: MOD4 = ' ' # get status of locks CAPS_LOCK = self.mod_states['lock_lock'] MOD4_LOCK = self.mod_states['mod2_lock'] # user selected Neo2 keyboard driver "xmodmap" elif self.keyboard_driver == 'xmodmap': if self.mod_states['shift']: SHIFT = 'S' else: SHIFT = ' ' if self.mod_states['mod3']: MOD4 = '4' else: MOD4 = ' ' if self.mod_states['group'] == 0: MOD3 = ' ' elif self.mod_states['group'] == 1: MOD3 = '3' elif self.mod_states['group'] == 2: MOD3 = '3' MOD4 = '4' # get status of locks CAPS_LOCK = self.mod_states['shift_lock'] MOD4_LOCK = self.mod_states['mod3_lock'] # user selected invalid Neo2 keyboard driver else: error = _('Invalid keyboard driver "%s" selected.') % \ self.keyboard_driver self.error_dialog(_('Error'), error) # assemble matrix key MODIFIERS = '%s%s%s' % (SHIFT, MOD3, MOD4) # select correct matrix and get current layer for Neo2 # keyboard driver "xkbdmap" ... if self.keyboard_driver == 'xkbdmap': if CAPS_LOCK: if MOD4_LOCK: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xkbdmap_layers_caps_mod4_lock[MODIFIERS] else: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xkbdmap_layers_caps_lock[MODIFIERS] elif MOD4_LOCK: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xkbdmap_layers_mod4_lock[MODIFIERS] else: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xkbdmap_layers_plain[MODIFIERS] # ... or keyboard driver "xmodmap" elif self.keyboard_driver == 'xmodmap': if CAPS_LOCK: if MOD4_LOCK: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xmodmap_layers_caps_mod4_lock[MODIFIERS] else: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xmodmap_layers_caps_lock[MODIFIERS] elif MOD4_LOCK: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xmodmap_layers_mod4_lock[MODIFIERS] else: current_modifier_temp = \ self.xmodmap_layers_plain[MODIFIERS] else: error = _('Invalid keyboard driver "%s" selected.') % \ self.keyboard_driver self.error_dialog(_('Error'), error) # for your information, "Ebene" is German for "layer", while # "leer" is German for "empty" if current_modifier_temp < 1: self.current_modifier = 'leer' # add Caps Lock to layers 1 and 2 elif current_modifier_temp > 6: self.current_modifier = 'ebene%d-caps' % \ (current_modifier_temp - 6) # plain (i.e. no locks) else: self.current_modifier = 'ebene%d' % current_modifier_temp # as promised above, we'll only update the main window if the # selected keyboard layer has changed if self.current_modifier != old_modifier: self.update_display() def update_display(self): if self.display_main_keyboard: # check whether image for main keyboard exists path_main = os.path.join(module_path, 'images', \ 'neo2-hauptfeld_' + \ self.current_modifier + '.png') if not os.path.exists(path_main): error = _('The following image file was not found:\n"%s"') % \ path_main self.error_dialog(_('Error'), error) # load image for main keyboard in PixBuf, ... pixbuf_main = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path_main) # ... re-size it according to "self.magnification" ... if self.magnification != 100: pixbuf_main = pixbuf_main.scale_simple( \ int(pixbuf_main.get_width() * \ self.magnification / 100), \ int(pixbuf_main.get_height() * \ self.magnification / 100), \ gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) # ... and copy it to the main window self.image_main.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf_main) if self.display_numeric_keyboard: # check whether image for numeric keyboard exists path_numeric = os.path.join(module_path, 'images', \ 'neo2-ziffernfeld_' + \ self.current_modifier + '.png') if not os.path.exists(path_numeric): error = _('The following image file was not found:\n"%s"') % \ path_numeric self.error_dialog(_('Error'), error) # load image for numeric keyboard in PixBuf, ... pixbuf_numeric = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(path_numeric) # ... re-size it according to "self.magnification" ... if self.magnification != 100: pixbuf_numeric = pixbuf_numeric.scale_simple( \ int(pixbuf_numeric.get_width() * \ self.magnification / 100), \ int(pixbuf_numeric.get_height() * \ self.magnification / 100), \ gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) # ... and copy it to the main window self.image_numeric.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf_numeric) # the window size depends on the loaded images and # "self.magnification", so we'll set it here if not yet done if (self.window_width == -1) or (self.window_height == -1): # only main keyboard has been requested if self.display_main_keyboard and not self.display_numeric_keyboard: self.window_width = pixbuf_main.get_width() self.window_height = pixbuf_main.get_height() # only numeric keyboard has been requested elif self.display_numeric_keyboard and not \ self.display_main_keyboard: self.window_width = pixbuf_numeric.get_width() self.window_height = pixbuf_numeric.get_height() # only main and numeric keyboard have been requested else: self.window_width = pixbuf_main.get_width() + \ DISTANCE_LAYOUT_BLOCKS + pixbuf_numeric.get_width() # set window height to highest image (in case they differ) if pixbuf_main.get_height() >= pixbuf_numeric.get_height(): self.window_height = pixbuf_main.get_height() else: self.window_height = pixbuf_numeric.get_height() # re-size main window accordingly self.window.resize(self.window_width, self.window_height) def error_dialog(self, title, error): # display a dialog with the given error ... dialog = gtk.Dialog(title, None, gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, \ (gtk.STOCK_OK, gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT)) dialog.vbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(str(error))) dialog.show_all() dialog.run() # ... and exit after user has pressed "Ok" exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': # check whether the script runs with superuser rights if (os.getuid() == 0) or (os.getgid() == 0): print _('For security reasons you may not run this application with superuser rights.') base = OSDneo2() base.main()