/* NEO-Layout nach NoAdmin-Svorak von Simon Griph, 2004 3./4. Ebene funktioniert nur ber AltGr, nicht ber CapsLock 5./6. Ebene noch gar nicht */ #InstallKeybdHook ;#notrayicon #singleinstance force #hotkeyinterval 1024 #maxhotkeysperinterval 64 #Hotstring C * ? ;setstorecapslockmode, off name = NEO-Layout 2.0 enable = Aktiviere NEO disable = Deaktiviere NEO ; berprfung auf deutsches Tastaturlayout ; ---------------------------------------- regread, inputlocale, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Keyboard Layout\Preload, 1 regread, inputlocalealias, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Keyboard Layout\Substitutes, %inputlocale% if inputlocalealias <> inputlocale = %inputlocalealias% if inputlocale <> 00000407 { suspend regread, inputlocale, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\%inputlocale%, Layout Text msgbox, 48, Warning!, Incompatible keybord layout: `n`n "inputlocale" `n`nGerman QWERTZ has to be the standardlayout for `n%name% works as expected. `n`nChange the standard layout under control panel `n-> Local and language settings `n-> Language -> Information... `n exitapp } ; Men des Systray-Icons ; ---------------------- menu, tray, nostandard menu, tray, add, ffnen, open menu, helpmenu, add, About, about menu, helpmenu, add, Autohotkey-Hilfe, help menu, helpmenu, add menu, helpmenu, add, http://&autohotkey.com/, autohotkey menu, helpmenu, add, http://www.neo-layout.org/, neo menu, tray, add, Hilfe, :helpmenu menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, %disable%, toggleneo menu, tray, default, %disable% menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Edit, edit menu, tray, add, Reload, reload menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Nicht im Systray anzeigen, hide menu, tray, add, %name% beenden, exitprogram menu, tray, tip, %name% #usehook on ;1. Ebene ;--------- SC029::send {^} ;tot 1::send 1 2::send 2 3::send 3 4::send 4 5::send 5 6::send 6 7::send 7 8::send 8 9::send 9 0::send 0 ::send - SC00D::send {} ;tot q::send x w::send v e::send l r::send c t::send w z::send k u::send h i::send g o::send f p::send q ::send SC01B::send {~} ;soll tot, ist aber nicht -> extra definieren? a::send u s::send i d::send a f::send e g::send o h::send s j::send n k::send r l::send t ::send d ::send y ;SC02B (#) wird zu AltGr ;SC056 (<) wird zu Mod5 y::send x::send c::send v::send p b::send z n::send b m::send m SC033::send `, SC034::send . SC035::send j ;2. Ebene (Shift) ;--------- +SC029:: ; soll tot MyUTF_String = ˇ Gosub Unicode return +1::send +2::send 2 +3::send +4::send $ +5::send +6::send +7::send +8::send +9::send +0::send +:: MyUTF_String = – Gosub Unicode return +SC00D::send `` ;tot +q::send X +w::send V +e::send L +r::send C +t::send W +z::send K +u::send H +i::send G +o::send F +p::send Q +::send +SC01B:: ; sollte tot sein... MyUTF_String = ˉ Gosub Unicode return +a::send U +s::send I +d::send A +f::send E +g::send O +h::send S +j::send N +k::send R +l::send T +::send D +::send Y ;SC02B (#) wird zu AltGr ;SC056 (<) wird zu Mod5 +y::send +x::send +c::send +v::send P +b::send Z +n::send B +m::send M +SC033::send `; +SC034::send : +SC035::send J ;3. Ebene (AltGr) ;--------- <^>!SC029:: ; soll tot MyUTF_String = ˘ Gosub Unicode return <^>!1:: MyUTF_String = ¬ Gosub Unicode return <^>!2::send {^} <^>!3::send 3 <^>!4::send <^>!5::send <^>!6::send <^>!7::send <^>!8::send <^>!9::send <^>!0::send <^>!:: MyUTF_String = — Gosub Unicode return <^>!SC00D::send ; soll tot <^>!q::send @ <^>!w::send _ <^>!e::send [ <^>!r::send ] <^>!t::send {^} ; tot, soll der untot sein? <^>!z::sendraw ! <^>!u::send < <^>!i::send > <^>!o::send `= <^>!p::send `; <^>!:: MyUTF_String = ij Gosub Unicode return <^>!SC01B:: ; ?? MyUTF_String = Gosub Unicode return <^>!a::send \ <^>!s::send `/ <^>!d::sendraw { <^>!f::sendraw } <^>!g::send * <^>!h::send ? <^>!j::send ( <^>!k::send ) <^>!l::send - <^>!::send : <^>!::send y <^>!y::sendraw ~ <^>!x::send $ <^>!c::send | <^>!v::send {#} <^>!b::send `` ; tot, soll der untot sein? <^>!n::send {+} <^>!m::send `% <^>!SC033::send {&} <^>!SC034::send " <^>!SC035::send ' ;4. Ebene (AltGr+Shift) ;--------- <^>!+SC029::send <^>!+1::send <^>!+2::send <^>!+3::send <^>!+4::send <^>!+5::send <^>!+6::send <^>!+7::send <^>!+8::send <^>!+9::send <^>!+0::send <^>!+::send <^>!+SC00D:: ; nicht tot MyUTF_String = ˛ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+q:: ;xi MyUTF_String = ξ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+w::send v <^>!+e:: ;lambda MyUTF_String = λ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+r:: ;chi MyUTF_String = χ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+t::send w <^>!+z:: ;kappa MyUTF_String = κ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+u:: ;psi MyUTF_String = ψ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+i:: ;gamma MyUTF_String = γ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+o:: ;phi MyUTF_String = φ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+p::send q <^>!+:: ;IJ MyUTF_String = IJ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+SC01B::send " ;soll tot <^>!+a::send u <^>!+s:: ;iota MyUTF_String = ι Gosub Unicode return <^>!+d:: ;alpha MyUTF_String = α Gosub Unicode return <^>!+f:: ;epsilon MyUTF_String = ε Gosub Unicode return <^>!+g:: ;omega MyUTF_String = ω Gosub Unicode return <^>!+h:: ;sigma MyUTF_String = σ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+j:: ;nu MyUTF_String = ν Gosub Unicode return <^>!+k:: ;rho MyUTF_String = ρ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+l:: ;tau MyUTF_String = τ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+:: ;delta MyUTF_String = δ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+:: ;upsilon MyUTF_String = υ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+y::send <^>!+x::send <^>!+c:: ;eta MyUTF_String = η Gosub Unicode return <^>!+v:: ;pi MyUTF_String = π Gosub Unicode return <^>!+b:: ;zeta MyUTF_String = ζ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+n:: ;beta MyUTF_String = β Gosub Unicode return <^>!+m:: ;mu MyUTF_String = μ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+SC033:: ;vartheta? MyUTF_String = Gosub Unicode return <^>!+SC034:: ;theta MyUTF_String = θ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+SC035::send j ;5. Ebene (Win + Ctrl) ;--------- #^4::Send {PgUp} ;Prev #^8::Send / #^9::Send * #^0::Send - #^SC00D:: ;soll tot MyUTF_String = ˙ Gosub Unicode return #^q::Send {Esc} #^w::Send {Backspace} #^e::Send {Up} #^t::Send {Insert} #^z::Send #^u::Send 7 #^i::Send 8 #^o::Send 9 #^p::Send {+} #^:: MyUTF_String = ə Gosub Unicode return #^SC01B:: ;soll tot MyUTF_String = / Gosub Unicode return #^a::Send {Home} #^s::Send {Left} #^d::Send {Down} #^f::Send {Right} #^g::Send {End} #^h::Send #^j::Send 4 #^k::Send 5 #^l::Send 6 #^::Send `, #^:: ; ( ? ) MyUTF_String = þ Gosub Unicode return #^y::Send {Tab} #^x::Send {Del} #^c::Send {PgDn} ;Next #^n::Send #^m::Send 1 #^SC033::Send 2 #^SC034::Send 3 #^SC035::Send . ;6. Ebene (Win + Ctrl & Shift) ;----------------------- #^+4::Send +{Prev} #^+SC00D:: ; soll tot MyUTF_String = ˚ Gosub Unicode return #^+q:: ; Xi? MyUTF_String = Ξ Gosub Unicode return #^+w:: ; Lambda MyUTF_String = Λ Gosub Unicode return #^+e::Send +{Up} #^+r::Send #^+t::Send +{Insert} #^+u:: ; Phi MyUTF_String = Ψ Gosub Unicode return #^+i:: ; Gamma MyUTF_String = Γ Gosub Unicode return #^+o:: ; Psi MyUTF_String = Φ Gosub Unicode return #^+:: ; ? MyUTF_String = Ə Gosub Unicode return #^+SC01B:: ; soll tot MyUTF_String = ˏ Gosub Unicode return #^+a::Send +{Home} #^+s::Send +{Left} #^+d::Send +{Down} #^+f::Send +{Right} #^+g::Send +{End} #^+h:: ; Sigma MyUTF_String = Gosub Unicode return #^+j:: ; No MyUTF_String = № Gosub Unicode return #^+k:: ; (R) MyUTF_String = ® Gosub Unicode return #^+l:: ; TM MyUTF_String = ™ Gosub Unicode return #^+:: ; Delta MyUTF_String = Δ Gosub Unicode return #^+:: ; ( ? ) MyUTF_String = Þ Gosub Unicode return #^+y::Send +{Tab} #^+c::Send +{PgDn} #^+v:: ; Pi MyUTF_String = Π Gosub Unicode return #^+b:: ; Omega MyUTF_String = Ω Gosub Unicode return #^+SC034:: ; Theta MyUTF_String = Θ Gosub Unicode return /* ;Strg/Ctrl ;--------- ;^SC029::send ^^ ; ^1::send ^1 ^2::send ^2 ^3::send ^3 ^4::send ^4 ^5::send ^5 ^6::send ^6 ^7::send ^7 ^8::send ^8 ^9::send ^9 ^0::send ^0 ^::send ^- ;^SC00D::send ^ ; ^q::send ^x ^w::send ^v ^e::send ^l ^r::send ^c ^t::send ^w ^z::send ^k ^u::send ^h ^i::send ^g ^o::send ^f ^p::send ^q ^::send ^ ;^SC01B::send ^~ ; ^a::send ^u ^s::send ^i ^d::send ^a ^f::send ^e ^g::send ^o ^h::send ^s ^j::send ^n ^k::send ^r ^l::send ^t ^::send ^d ^::send ^y ;SC02B (#) wird zu AltGr ^y::send ^ ^x::send ^ ^c::send ^ ^v::send ^p ^b::send ^z ^n::send ^b ^m::send ^m ^SC033::send ^, ^SC034::send ^. ^SC035::send ^j ;Alt-Ebene ;--------- { state = menu, tray, rename, %enable%, %disable% } else { state = : Deaktiviert menu, tray, rename, %disable%, %enable% } menu, tray, tip, %name%%state% suspend return help: Run, %A_WinDir%\hh mk:@MSITStore:autohotkey.chm return about: msgbox, 64, %name%, %name% `n`nDas NEO-Layout ersetzt das bliche deutsche Tastaturlayout `nmit der Alternative NEO, beschrieben auf `nhttp://www.neo-layout.org/. `nDazu sind keine Administratorrechte ntig. `n`nWenn Autohotkey aktiviert ist, werden alle Tastendrucke `nabgefangen und statt dessen eine bersetzung weitergeschickt. `nDies geschieht transparent fr den Anwender, `nes muss nichts installiert werden. `n`nDie Zeichenbersetzung kann leicht ber ein Icon im `nSystemtray deaktiviert werden. `n return neo: run http://www.neo-layout.org/ return autohotkey: run http://autohotkey.com/ return open: ListLines ; shows the Autohotkey window return edit: edit return reload: Reload Sleep 1000 ; If successful, the reload will close this instance during the Sleep, so the line below will never be reached. MsgBox, 4,, The script could not be reloaded. Would you like to open it for editing? IfMsgBox, Yes, Edit return return hide: menu, tray, noicon return exitprogram: exitapp return