/* NEO-Layout - Version vom 04.05.2007 Mod3 (3./4. Ebene) funktioniert ber Win+Ctrl, Mod5 (5./6. Ebene) ber AltGr. Zur Umbelegung von Mod3 auf CapsLock und # und fr einen zweiten Mod5 auf < verwende neo20-remap.ahk */ ;#InstallKeybdHook #usehook on #singleinstance force #LTrim ; Quelltext kann eingerckt werden, ; msgbox ist trotzdem linksbndig SendMode InputThenPlay name = NEO-Layout 2.0 enable = Aktiviere %name% disable = Deaktiviere %name% /* Um die ANSI-Darstellung von beliebigen Unicode-Zeichen zu finden (bentigt fr MyUTF_String): - die untenstehende Definition auskommentieren - gewnschtes Zeichen in die Zwischenablage befrdern - ^!u (Control+Alt+U) drcken - die ANSI-Darstellung aus der Zwischenablage an die gewnschte Stelle ins Skript einfgen */ /* ^!u:: MsgBox, ( Copy some Unicode text onto the clipboard, then return to this window and press OK to continue. ) Transform, ClipUTF, Unicode Clipboard = Transform, Clipboard, Unicode, %ClipUTF%`r`n Clipboard = %ClipUTF% MsgBox, ( The clipboard now contains the following line that you can paste into your script. `n%Clipboard% ) return */ ; berprfung auf deutsches Tastaturlayout ; ---------------------------------------- regread, inputlocale, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Keyboard Layout\Preload, 1 regread, inputlocalealias, HKEY_CURRENT_USER , Keyboard Layout\Substitutes, %inputlocale% if inputlocalealias <> inputlocale = %inputlocalealias% if inputlocale <> 00000407 { suspend regread, inputlocale, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE , SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts\%inputlocale% , Layout Text msgbox, 48, Warnung!, ( Nicht kompatibles Tastaturlayout: `t%inputlocale% `nDas deutsche QWERTZ muss als Standardlayout eingestellt sein, damit %name% wie erwartet funktioniert. `nndere die Tastatureinstellung unter `tSystemsteuerung `t-> Regions- und Sprachoptionen `t-> Sprachen `t-> Details... `n ) exitapp } ; Men des Systray-Icons ; ---------------------- menu, tray, nostandard menu, tray, add, ffnen, open menu, helpmenu, add, About, about menu, helpmenu, add, Autohotkey-Hilfe, help menu, helpmenu, add menu, helpmenu, add, http://&autohotkey.com/, autohotkey menu, helpmenu, add, http://www.neo-layout.org/, neo menu, tray, add, Hilfe, :helpmenu menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, %disable%, toggleneo menu, tray, default, %disable% menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Edit, edit menu, tray, add, Reload, reload menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Nicht im Systray anzeigen, hide menu, tray, add, %name% beenden, exitprogram menu, tray, tip, %name% ;1. Ebene ;--------- ^::send {^} ; circumflex, tot 1::send 1 2::send 2 3::send 3 4::send 4 5::send 5 6::send 6 7::send 7 8::send 8 9::send 9 0::send 0 ::send - ::send {} ; akut, tot q::send x w::send v e:: If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Schrgstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ł Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĺ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ľ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ļ Gosub Unicode } Else send l Return r:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĉ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = č Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ć Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ç Gosub Unicode } Else Send c Return t:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŵ Gosub Unicode } Else send w Return z:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ķ Gosub Unicode } Else send k Return u:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĥ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+^ ; Querstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ħ Gosub Unicode } Else send h Return i:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĝ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ğ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ģ Gosub Unicode } Else send g Return o:: If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; durchgestrichen { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ƒ Gosub Unicode } Else send f Return p::send q ::send +::send ~ ; tilde, soll tot a:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^++ ; doppelakut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ű Gosub Unicode } ; Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron ; { ; Send {bs} ; MyUTF_String = ; Gosub Unicode ; } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŭ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ū Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ų Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Ring { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ů Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ũ Gosub Unicode } Else send u Return s:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ī Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĭ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = į Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĩ Gosub Unicode } Else Send i Return d:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Ring Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ã Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ą Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ā Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ă Gosub Unicode } Else Send a Return f:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ę Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ē Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĕ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ě Gosub Unicode } Else Send e Return g:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = õ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^++ ; doppelakut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ő Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Schrgstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ø Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ō Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŏ Gosub Unicode } Else send o Return h:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŝ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ś Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = š Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ş Gosub Unicode } Else send s Return j:: If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ń Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ñ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ň Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ņ Gosub Unicode } Else send n Return k:: If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŕ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ř Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŗ Gosub Unicode } Else send r Return l:: If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ť Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ţ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+^ ; Querstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŧ Gosub Unicode } Else send t Return :: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+^ ; Querstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ð Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ď Gosub Unicode } Else send d Return :: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ŷ Gosub Unicode } Else send y Return ;SC02B (#) wird zu AltGr ;SC056 (<) wird zu Mod5 y::send x::send c::send v::send p b:: If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ž Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ź Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>! ; punkt drber { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ż Gosub Unicode } Else Send z Return n::send b m::send m ,::send `, .::send . -:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ĵ Gosub Unicode } Else send j Return Space:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ˆ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ˜ Gosub Unicode } Else Send {Space} Return ;2. Ebene (Shift) ;--------- +^:: ; caron, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˇ Gosub Unicode return +1::send +2::send +3::send +4::send $ +5::send +6::send +7::send +8::send +9::send +0::send +:: ; Ged MyUTF_String = – Gosub Unicode return +::send `` ; gravis, tot +q::send X +w::send V +e:: If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĺ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ľ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ļ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Schrgstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ł Gosub Unicode } Else send L return +r:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĉ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Č Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ć Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ç Gosub Unicode } Else Send C Return +t:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŵ Gosub Unicode } Else send W Return +z:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ķ Gosub Unicode } Else send K Return +u:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĥ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+^ ; Querstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ħ Gosub Unicode } Else send H Return +i:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĝ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ğ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ģ Gosub Unicode } Else send G Return +o:: If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; durchgestrichen { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = ₣ Gosub Unicode } Else send F Return +p::send Q +::send ++:: ; macron, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˉ Gosub Unicode return +a:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Ring { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ů Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŭ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^++ ; doppelakut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ű Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ů Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ū Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŭ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ų Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ũ Gosub Unicode } Else send U Return +s:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ī Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĭ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Į Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĩ Gosub Unicode } Else Send I Return +d:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ã Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Ring Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ā Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ă Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ą Gosub Unicode } Else Send A Return +f:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send, {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ě Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ē Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĕ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; ogonek { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ę Gosub Unicode } Else Send E Return +g:: If A_PriorHotkey = <^>!+ ; Schrgstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ø Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Õ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^++ ; doppelakut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ő Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = ++ ; macron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ō Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^^ ; brevis { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŏ Gosub Unicode } Else send O Return +h:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŝ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Š Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ś Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ş Gosub Unicode } Else send S Return +j:: If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ň Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = + ; tilde { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ñ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ń Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ņ Gosub Unicode } Else send N Return +k:: If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ř Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŕ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŗ Gosub Unicode } Else send R Return +l:: If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ť Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^ ; cedilla { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ţ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = #^+^ ; Querstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŧ Gosub Unicode } Else send T Return +:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+^ ; Querstrich { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Đ Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ď Gosub Unicode } Else send D Return +:: If A_PriorHotkey = #^+ ; Diaerese Send {bs} Else If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ŷ Gosub Unicode } Else send Y Return +y::send +x::send +c::send +v::send P +b:: If A_PriorHotkey = +^ ; caron { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ž Gosub Unicode } Else If A_PriorHotkey = ; akut { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ź Gosub Unicode } Else send Z Return +n::send B +m::send M +,::send `; +.::send : +-:: If A_PriorHotkey = ^ ; circumflex { Send {bs} MyUTF_String = Ĵ Gosub Unicode } Else send J Return ;3. Ebene: Mod3 ;(Win+Ctrl) ;---------------- #^^:: ; brevis, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˘ Gosub Unicode return #^1:: MyUTF_String = ¬ Gosub Unicode return #^2::send {^}{space} #^3::send 3 #^4::send #^5::send #^6::send #^7::send #^8::send #^9::send #^0::send #^:: MyUTF_String = — Gosub Unicode return #^::send ; cedilla, soll tot #^q::send @ #^w::send _ #^e::send [ #^r::send ] #^t::send {^}{space} ; untot #^z::sendraw ! #^u::send < #^i::send > #^o::send `= #^p::send `; #^:: ;ij MyUTF_String = ij Gosub Unicode return #^+:: ; Diaerese, soll tot MyUTF_String = ¨ Gosub Unicode return #^a::send \ #^s::send `/ #^d::sendraw { #^f::sendraw } #^g::send * #^h::send ? #^j::send ( #^k::send ) #^l::send - #^::send : #^::send y #^y::sendraw ~ #^x::send $ #^c::send | #^v::send {#} #^b::send ``{space} ; untot #^n::send {+} #^m::send `% #^,::send {&} #^.::send " #^-::send ' ;4. Ebene: Mod3+Shift ;(Win+Ctrl+Shift) ;--------------------- #^+^::send - #^+1::send #^+2::send #^+3::send #^+4::send #^+5::send #^+6::send #^+7::send #^+8::send #^+9::send #^+0::send #^+::send #^+:: ; ogonek, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˛ Gosub Unicode return #^+q:: ;xi MyUTF_String = ξ Gosub Unicode return #^+w::send v #^+e:: ;lambda MyUTF_String = λ Gosub Unicode return #^+r:: ;chi MyUTF_String = χ Gosub Unicode return #^+t::send w #^+z:: ;kappa MyUTF_String = κ Gosub Unicode return #^+u:: ;psi MyUTF_String = ψ Gosub Unicode return #^+i:: ;gamma MyUTF_String = γ Gosub Unicode return #^+o:: ;phi MyUTF_String = φ Gosub Unicode return #^+p::send q #^+:: ;IJ MyUTF_String = IJ Gosub Unicode return #^++::send " ;doppelakut, soll tot #^+a::send u #^+s:: ;iota MyUTF_String = ι Gosub Unicode return #^+d:: ;alpha MyUTF_String = α Gosub Unicode return #^+f:: ;epsilon MyUTF_String = ε Gosub Unicode return #^+g:: ;omega MyUTF_String = ω Gosub Unicode return #^+h:: ;sigma MyUTF_String = σ Gosub Unicode return #^+j:: ;nu MyUTF_String = ν Gosub Unicode return #^+k:: ;rho MyUTF_String = ρ Gosub Unicode return #^+l:: ;tau MyUTF_String = τ Gosub Unicode return #^+:: ;delta MyUTF_String = δ Gosub Unicode return #^+:: ;upsilon MyUTF_String = υ Gosub Unicode return #^+y::send #^+x::send #^+c:: ;eta MyUTF_String = η Gosub Unicode return #^+v:: ;pi MyUTF_String = π Gosub Unicode return #^+b:: ;zeta MyUTF_String = ζ Gosub Unicode return #^+n:: ;beta MyUTF_String = β Gosub Unicode return #^+m:: ;mu MyUTF_String = μ Gosub Unicode return #^+,:: ;vartheta? MyUTF_String = ϑ Gosub Unicode return #^+.:: ;theta MyUTF_String = θ Gosub Unicode return #^+-::send j ;5. Ebene: Mod5 ;(AltGr) ;----------------- <^>!4::Send {PgUp} ;Prev <^>!8::Send / <^>!9::Send * <^>!0::Send - <^>!:: ; eth MyUTF_String = ð Gosub Unicode return <^>!:: ; punkt oben drber, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˙ Gosub Unicode return <^>!q::Send {Esc} <^>!w::Send {Backspace} <^>!e::Send {Up} <^>!t::Send {Insert} <^>!z::Send <^>!u::Send 7 <^>!i::Send 8 <^>!o::Send 9 <^>!p::Send {+} <^>!:: MyUTF_String = ə Gosub Unicode return <^>!+:: ; Schrgstrich, soll tot MyUTF_String = / Gosub Unicode return <^>!a::Send {Home} <^>!s::Send {Left} <^>!d::Send {Down} <^>!f::Send {Right} <^>!g::Send {End} <^>!h::Send <^>!j::Send 4 <^>!k::Send 5 <^>!l::Send 6 <^>!::Send `, <^>!::Send ; thorn ;MyUTF_String = þ ;Gosub Unicode ;return <^>!y::Send {Tab} <^>!x::Send {Del} <^>!c::Send {PgDn} ;Next <^>!n::Send <^>!m::Send 1 <^>!,::Send 2 <^>!.::Send 3 <^>!-::Send . <^>!Space::Send 0 ;<^>!SC138::Send {NumpadDot} ; geht nicht, weil sonst AltGr nur noch , macht ;6. Ebene: Mod5+Shift ;(AltGr+Shift) ;----------------------- <^>!+4::Send +{Prev} <^>!+:: ; Eth MyUTF_String = Ð Gosub Unicode return <^>!+:: ; ring obendrauf, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˚ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+q:: ; Xi? MyUTF_String = Ξ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+w:: ; Lambda MyUTF_String = Λ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+e::Send +{Up} <^>!+r::Send <^>!+t::Send +{Insert} <^>!+u:: ; Phi MyUTF_String = Ψ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+i:: ; Gamma MyUTF_String = Γ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+o:: ; Psi MyUTF_String = Φ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+:: ; ? MyUTF_String = Ə Gosub Unicode return <^>!++:: ; komma drunter, soll tot MyUTF_String = ˏ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+a::Send +{Home} <^>!+s::Send +{Left} <^>!+d::Send +{Down} <^>!+f::Send +{Right} <^>!+g::Send +{End} <^>!+h:: ; Sigma MyUTF_String = Σ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+j:: ; No MyUTF_String = № Gosub Unicode return <^>!+k:: ; (R) MyUTF_String = ® Gosub Unicode return <^>!+l:: ; TM MyUTF_String = ™ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+:: ; Delta MyUTF_String = Δ Gosub Unicode return <^>!+::Send ; Thorn ;MyUTF_String = Þ ;Gosub Unicode ;return <^>!+y::Send +{Tab} <^>!+c::Send +{PgDn} <^>!+v:: ; Pi MyUTF_String = Π Gosub Unicode return <^>!+b:: ; Omega MyUTF_String = Ω Gosub Unicode return <^>!+.:: ; Theta MyUTF_String = Θ Gosub Unicode return ;Strg/Ctrl ;--------- ^1::send ^1 ^2::send ^2 ^3::send ^3 ^4::send ^4 ^5::send ^5 ^6::send ^6 ^7::send ^7 ^8::send ^8 ^9::send ^9 ^0::send ^0 ^q::send ^x ^w::send ^v ^e::send ^l ^r::send ^c ^t::send ^w ^z::send ^k ^u::send ^h ^i::send ^g ^o::send ^f ^p::send ^q ^::send ^ ^a::send ^u ^s::send ^i ^d::send ^a ^f::send ^e ^g::send ^o ^h::send ^s ^j::send ^n ^k::send ^r ^l::send ^t ^::send ^d ^::send ^y ^y::send ^ ^x::send ^ ^c::send ^ ^v::send ^p ^b::send ^z ^n::send ^b ^m::send ^m ^-::send ^j ;Alt-Ebene ;--------- Zahlenblock ; ------------------ ; ; 2. Ebene ; NumLock Off ; oder NumLock On + Shift ; --> Cursortasten ; ----------------- ; 3. Ebene ; NumLock on + Mod3 ; --> Pfeile ; ----------------- #^NumpadDiv::send #^NumpadMult::send #^NumpadSub::send - #^NumpadAdd::send #^NumpadEnter:: ; neq MyUTF_String = ≠ Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad7:: ;7/8 MyUTF_String = ⅞ Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad8:: ; uparrow MyUTF_String = ↑ Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad9:: ; 3/8 MyUTF_String = ⅜ Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad4:: ; leftarrow MyUTF_String = ← Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad5::send #^Numpad6:: ; rightarrow MyUTF_String = → Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad1::send #^Numpad2:: ; downarrow MyUTF_String = ↓ Gosub Unicode return #^Numpad3::send #^Numpad0::send `% #^NumPadDot::send . ; --------------------------- ; 4. Ebene ; NumLock off + Mod3 + Shift ; --> Brche ; --------------------------- #^+NumpadDiv:: ; slash MyUTF_String = ∕ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadMult:: ; cdot MyUTF_String = ⋅ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadSub::send - ; eig. unbelegt #^+NumpadAdd:: ; -+ MyUTF_String = ∓ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadEnter:: ; approx MyUTF_String = ≈ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadHome:: ; 1/8 MyUTF_String = ⅛ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadUp:: ; 5/8 MyUTF_String = ⅝ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadPgUp:: ; 3/8 MyUTF_String = ⅜ Gosub Unicode return #^+NumpadLeft::send #^+NumpadClear::send #^+NumpadRight::send #^+NumpadEnd::send #^+NumpadDown::send #^+NumpadPgDn::send #^+NumpadIns::send #^+NumPadDel::send `, ; ------------------------------ ; 5. Ebene ; NumLock on + Mod5 ; --> Brche (genau wie Ebene 4) ; ------------------------------ <^>!NumpadDiv::send / <^>!NumpadMult:: ; cdot MyUTF_String = ⋅ Gosub Unicode return <^>!NumpadSub::send - ; eig. unbelegt <^>!NumpadAdd:: ; -+ MyUTF_String = ∓ Gosub Unicode return <^>!NumpadEnter:: ; approx MyUTF_String = ≈ Gosub Unicode return <^>!Numpad7:: ; 1/8 MyUTF_String = ⅛ Gosub Unicode return <^>!Numpad8:: ; 5/8 MyUTF_String = ⅝ Gosub Unicode return <^>!Numpad9:: ; 3/8 MyUTF_String = ⅜ Gosub Unicode return <^>!Numpad4::send <^>!Numpad5::send <^>!Numpad6::send <^>!Numpad1::send <^>!Numpad2::send <^>!Numpad3::send <^>!Numpad0::send <^>!NumPadDot::send `, ; ------------------------------------ Unicode: Transform, Clipboard, Unicode, %MyUTF_String% ; Place Unicode text onto the clipboard send ^v ; Paste the clipboard's Unicode text return toggleneo: if state <> { state = menu, tray, rename, %enable%, %disable% } else { state = : Deaktiviert menu, tray, rename, %disable%, %enable% } menu, tray, tip, %name%%state% suspend return help: Run, %A_WinDir%\hh mk:@MSITStore:autohotkey.chm return about: msgbox, 64, %name%, ( %name% `nDas NEO-Layout ersetzt das bliche deutsche Tastaturlayout mit der Alternative NEO, beschrieben auf http://www.neo-layout.org/. `nDazu sind keine Administratorrechte ntig. `nWenn Autohotkey aktiviert ist, werden alle Tastendrucke abgefangen und statt dessen eine bersetzung weitergeschickt. `nDies geschieht transparent fr den Anwender, es muss nichts installiert werden. `nDie Zeichenbersetzung kann leicht ber das Icon im Systemtray deaktiviert werden. `n ) return neo: run http://www.neo-layout.org/ return autohotkey: run http://autohotkey.com/ return open: ListLines ; shows the Autohotkey window return edit: edit return reload: Reload return hide: menu, tray, noicon return exitprogram: exitapp return