@echo off echo Setting local path variables :: TortoiseSVN and its clever tool SubWCRev set Tsvnpath=C:\Programme\TortoiseSVN\bin set SubWCRev=%Tsvnpath%\SubWCRev.exe set ahkpath=C:\Programme\AutoHotkey set Ahk2Exe=%ahkpath%\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe REM The path to the authohotkey directory in the local svn copy, MUST be "." set srcdir=. set Ssrcdir=%srcdir%\Source set ahkrevtemplate=%Ssrcdir%\_subwcrev.tmpl.ahk set ahkrevoutput=%Ssrcdir%\_subwcrev.ahk set batrevtemplate=%Ssrcdir%\_subwcrev.tmpl.bat set batrevoutput=%Ssrcdir%\_subwcrev.bat REM The path to the directory used for generating a consistent SVN version (revision number) set svnversiondir=.. :next1 echo Generating Version File "%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir%" "%ahkrevtemplate%" "%ahkrevoutput%" -nm if errorlevel 1 ( echo Inconsistent Revision! Aborting REM goto :eof ) "%SubWCRev%" "%svnversiondir%" "%batrevtemplate%" "%batrevoutput%" call "%batrevoutput%" set fn=%srcdir%\neo20-r%Revision% echo Compiling Compose sequences %Ssrcdir%\makecompose.ahk rem echo Killing the old (AHK)Driver rem tskill %fn% echo removing old version(s) of NEO AHK Exe file del %srcdir%\neo20-r*.exe %srcdir%\neo20-r*.ahk 2> nul echo creating all-in-one script echo ; Gesamtdatei > %fn%.ahk for %%i in (_subwcrev en_us neocomp neovarscomp keydefinitions shortcuts recycle keyhooks varsfunctions) do (type "%Ssrcdir%\%%i.ahk" >> "%fn%.ahk") echo Compiling the new Driver using Autohotkey "%Ahk2Exe%" /in "%fn%.ahk" /out "%fn%.exe" /icon "%srcdir%\neo.ico" echo Driver Update complete! You can now close this log-window. pause