#MaxThreadsPerHotKey 4 ; die Compose-Definitionen #Include %a_scriptdir%\en_us.ahk #Include %a_scriptdir%\neocomp.ahk #Include %a_scriptdir%\neovarscomp.ahk Comp := "" ; Hier liegt die Tastaturbelegung #Include %a_scriptdir%\keydefinitions.ahk ; Shortcuts, um die Zeichen wieder sauber zur Applikation bringen zu können #Include %a_scriptdir%\shortcuts.ahk ; Good-old AHK-Skripts, enthalten die ersten Key-Hooks für Mod-Tasten ; Achtung: Hinter dem ersten Keyboard-Hook werden keine globalen Variablen ; mehr gesetzt! #Include %a_scriptdir%\recycle.ahk ; Normale Keyboard-Hooks #Include %a_scriptdir%\keyhooks.ahk AllStar(This_HotKey) { global PhysKey := This_HotKey EbeneAktualisieren() if (SubStr(PhysKey,1,1) == "*") PhysKey := SubStr(PhysKey,2) if (SubStr(PhysKey,-2) == " up") { PhysKey := SubStr(PhysKey,1,StrLen(PhysKey)-3) IsDown := 0 } else IsDown := 1 ActKey := PhysKey ; das könnte später für eine Transformation benutzt werden if (Ebene7 and (CP7%ActKey% != "")) Char := CP7%ActKey% else if (Ebene8 and (CP8%ActKey% != "")) Char := CP8%ActKey% else Char := CP%Ebene%%ActKey% if (IsPressHooked == 1) { if (IsDown == 1) PressHookProc(PressHookRoutine, PhysKey, ActKey, Char) } else if (IsDown == 1) CharStarDown(PhysKey, ActKey, Char) else CharStarUp(PhysKey) } CharStarDown(PhysKey, ActKey, char) { global CompEntry := Comp if (PP%PhysKey% != "") Comp := PP%PhysKey% ; resulting from key repeat else Comp := Comp . char ; normal compositum tosend := "" PP%PhysKey% := "" PR%PhysKey% := "" if (CD%Comp% != "") { tosend := CD%Comp% PP%PhysKey% := Comp Comp := "" } else if (CM%Comp% != 1) { Comp := "" if (CompEntry == "") { tosend := char PP%PhysKey% := char } } if (strlen(tosend) > 5) { ; multiple chars PP%PhysKey% := "" loop { if (tosend == "") break ; erledigt if (SubStr(tosend,1,1)=="P") { CharProc(SubStr(tosend,2,4)) } else { CharOut(SubStr(tosend,1,5)) } tosend := SubStr(tosend,6) } } else if (tosend != "") if (SubStr(tosend,1,1)=="P") { PP%PhysKey% := "" CharProc(SubStr(tosend,2)) } else { PR%PhysKey% := tosend CharOutDown(tosend) } } CharStarUp(PhysKey) { global if (PR%PhysKey% != "") CharOutUp(PR%PhysKey%) ; resulting from key repeat PR%PhysKey% := "" PP%PhysKey% := "" } CharOut(char) { global if (DNCS%char% != "") { seq := DNCS%char% . UPCS%char% if (GetKeyState("Shift","P") and (isMod2Locked or (char == "U00B4"))) seq := "{Shift Up}" . seq . "{Shift Down}" send % "{blind}" . seq } else if (CS%char% != "") { seq := "{" . CS%char% . "}" if (GetKeyState("Shift","P") and (isMod2Locked or (char == "U20AC"))) seq := "{Shift Up}" . seq . "{Shift Down}" send % "{blind}" . seq } else SendUnicodeChar("0x" . SubStr(char,2)) } CharOutDown(char) { global if (DNCS%char% != "") { seq := DNCS%char% if (GetKeyState("Shift","P") and (isMod2Locked or (char == "U00B4"))) seq := "{Shift Up}" . seq . "{Shift Down}" send % "{blind}" . seq } else if (CS%char% != "") { seq := CS%char% seq := "{". seq . " down}" if (GetKeyState("Shift","P") and (isMod2Locked or (char == "U20AC"))) seq := "{Shift Up}" . seq . "{Shift Down}" send % "{blind}" . seq } else SendUnicodeCharDown("0x" . SubStr(char,2)) } CharOutUp(char) { global if (DNCS%char% != "") { seq := UPCS%char% if GetKeyState("Shift","P") and isMod2Locked seq := "{Shift Up}" . seq . "{Shift Down}" send % "{blind}" . seq } else if (CS%char% != "") { seq := CS%char% seq := "{". seq . " up}" if (GetKeyState("Shift","P") and (isMod2Locked or (char == "U20AC"))) seq := "{Shift Up}" . seq . "{Shift Down}" send % "{blind}" . seq } else SendUnicodeCharUp("0x" . SubStr(char,2)) } CharProc(subroutine) { global if (subroutine == "_Rom") { IsPressHooked := 1 PressHookRoutine := "Roman" RomanSum := 0 } else if (subroutine == "_rom") { IsPressHooked := 1 PressHookRoutine := "roman" RomanSum := 0 } else if (subroutine == "_Uni") { IsPressHooked := 1 PressHookRoutine := "Uni" UniSum := "" } else if (subroutine == "DUni") { IsPressHooked := 1 PressHookRoutine := "DUni" } else if (subroutine == "Rlod") reload else if (subroutine == "LnSt") { ;Lang-s-Tastatur: LangSTastatur := !(LangSTastatur) if (LangSTastatur) CharProc("LnS1") else CharProc("LnS0") } else if (subroutine == "LnS1") { ED("VKBASC01A","U0073","U1E9E","U00DF","" ,"U03C2","U2218") ; ß ED("VK48SC023","U017F","U0053","U003F","U00BF","U03C3","U03A3","U0073") ; s KeyboardLED(2,"on") } else if (subroutine == "LnS0") { ED("VKBASC01A","U00DF","U1E9E","U017F","" ,"U03C2","U2218") ; ß ED("VK48SC023","U0073","U0053","U003F","U00BF","U03C3","U03A3","U017F") ; s KeyboardLED(2,"off") } else if (subroutine == "_VMt") { ; Belegungsvariante VM isVM := !(isVM) if (isVM) CharProc("_VM1") else CharProc("_VM0") } else if (subroutine == "_VM1") { ED("VK51SC010","U0079","U0059","U2026","U22EE","U03C5","U2207") ; y ED("VK57SC011","U006F","U004F","U005F","U0008","U03BF","U2208") ; o ED("VK45SC012","U0061","U0041","U005B","S__Up","U03B1","U2200") ; a ED("VK52SC013","U0070","U0050","U005D","S_Del","U03C0","U03A0") ; p ED("VK41SC01E","U0069","U0049","U005C","SHome","U03B9","U222B") ; i ED("VK53SC01F","U0075","U0055","U002F","SLeft","P_Uni","U222E") ; u ED("VK44SC020","U0065","U0045","U007B","SDown","U03B5","U2203") ; e ED("VK46SC021","U0063","U0043","U007D","SRght","U03C7","U2102") ; c ED("VK47SC022","U006C","U004C","U002A","S_End","U03BB","U039B") ; l ED("VKDESC028","U0078","U0058","U0040","U002E","U03BE","U039E") ; x ED("VK56SC02F","U0076","U0056","U007E","U000D","" ,"U2259") ; v } else if (subroutine == "_VM0") { ED("VK51SC010","U0078","U0058","U2026","U22EE","U03BE","U039E") ; x ED("VK57SC011","U0076","U0056","U005F","U0008","" ,"U2259") ; v ED("VK45SC012","U006C","U004C","U005B","S__Up","U03BB","U039B") ; l ED("VK52SC013","U0063","U0043","U005D","S_Del","U03C7","U2102") ; c ED("VK41SC01E","U0075","U0055","U005C","SHome","P_Uni","U222E") ; u ED("VK53SC01F","U0069","U0049","U002F","SLeft","U03B9","U222B") ; i ED("VK44SC020","U0061","U0041","U007B","SDown","U03B1","U2200") ; a ED("VK46SC021","U0065","U0045","U007D","SRght","U03B5","U2203") ; e ED("VK47SC022","U006F","U004F","U002A","S_End","U03BF","U2208") ; o ED("VKDESC028","U0079","U0059","U0040","U002E","U03C5","U2207") ; y ED("VK56SC02F","U0070","U0050","U007E","U000D","U03C0","U03A0") ; p } } PressHookProc(HookRoutine, PhysKey, ActKey, Char) { global if ((HookRoutine == "Roman") or (HookRoutine == "roman")) { if ((Char == "U0030") or (Char == "SN__0")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum else if ((Char == "U0031") or (Char == "SN__1")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 1 else if ((Char == "U0032") or (Char == "SN__2")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 2 else if ((Char == "U0033") or (Char == "SN__3")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 3 else if ((Char == "U0034") or (Char == "SN__4")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 4 else if ((Char == "U0035") or (Char == "SN__5")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 5 else if ((Char == "U0036") or (Char == "SN__6")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 6 else if ((Char == "U0037") or (Char == "SN__7")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 7 else if ((Char == "U0038") or (Char == "SN__8")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 8 else if ((Char == "U0039") or (Char == "SN__9")) RomanSum := 10*RomanSum + 9 else if ((Char == "U000D") or (Char == "U0020")) { RomanSum := mod(RomanSum,400000) RomanStr := "" RomanPos := 0 if (HookRoutine == "Roman") loop { RomanDigit := mod(RomanSum,10) RomanSum := RomanSum//10 RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,1,"U2160","U2169","U216D","U216F","U2182","U2188") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,2,"U2160U2160","U2169U2169","U216DU216D","U216FU216F","U2182U2182","U2188U2188") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,3,"U2160U2160U2160","U2169U2169U2169","U216DU216DU216D","U216FU216FU216F","U2182U2182U2182","U2188U2188U2188") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,4,"U2160U2164","U2169U216C","U216DU216E","U2180U2181","U2182U2187","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,5,"U2164","U216C","U216E","U2181","U2187","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,6,"U2164U2160","U216CU2169","U216EU216D","U2181U2180","U2187U2182","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,7,"U2164U2160U2160","U216CU2169U2169","U216EU216DU216D","U2181U2180U2180","U2187U2182U2182","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,8,"U2164U2160U2160U2160","U216CU2169U2169U2169","U216EU216DU216DU216D","U2181U2180U2180U2180","U2187U2182U2182U2182","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,9,"U2160U2169","U2169U216D","U216DU216F","U2180U2182","U2182U2188","") . RomanStr if (RomanSum == 0) break RomanPos := RomanPos + 1 } else loop { RomanDigit := mod(RomanSum,10) RomanSum := RomanSum//10 RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,1,"U2170","U2179","U217D","U217F","U2182","U2188") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,2,"U2170U2170","U2179U2179","U217DU217D","U217FU217F","U2182U2182","U2188U2188") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,3,"U2170U2170U2170","U2179U2179U2179","U217DU217DU217D","U217FU217FU217F","U2182U2182U2182","U2188U2188U2188") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,4,"U2170U2174","U2179U217C","U217DU217E","U2180U2181","U2182U2187","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,5,"U2174","U217C","U217E","U2181","U2187","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,6,"U2174U2170","U217CU2179","U217EU217D","U2181U2180","U2187U2182","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,7,"U2174U2170U2170","U217CU2179U2179","U217EU217DU217D","U2181U2180U2180","U2187U2182U2182","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,8,"U2174U2170U2170U2170","U217CU2179U2179U2179","U217EU217DU217DU217D","U2181U2180U2180U2180","U2187U2182U2182U2182","") . RomanStr RomanStr := GenRomanDigit(RomanPos,RomanDigit,9,"U2178","U2179U217D","U217DU217F","U2180U2182","U2182U2188","") . RomanStr if (RomanSum == 0) break RomanPos := RomanPos + 1 } loop { if (RomanStr == "") break ; erledigt CharOut(SubStr(RomanStr,1,5)) RomanStr := SubStr(RomanStr,6) } IsPressHooked := 0 } else IsPressHooked := 0 } else if (HookRoutine == "Uni") { if ((Char == "U0030") or (Char == "SN__0")) UniSum := UniSum . "0" else if ((Char == "U0031") or (Char == "SN__1")) UniSum := UniSum . "1" else if ((Char == "U0032") or (Char == "SN__2")) UniSum := UniSum . "2" else if ((Char == "U0033") or (Char == "SN__3")) UniSum := UniSum . "3" else if ((Char == "U0034") or (Char == "SN__4")) UniSum := UniSum . "4" else if ((Char == "U0035") or (Char == "SN__5")) UniSum := UniSum . "5" else if ((Char == "U0036") or (Char == "SN__6")) UniSum := UniSum . "6" else if ((Char == "U0037") or (Char == "SN__7")) UniSum := UniSum . "7" else if ((Char == "U0038") or (Char == "SN__8")) UniSum := UniSum . "8" else if ((Char == "U0039") or (Char == "SN__9")) UniSum := UniSum . "9" else if ((Char == "U0041") or (Char == "U0061")) UniSum := UniSum . "A" else if ((Char == "U0042") or (Char == "U0062")) UniSum := UniSum . "B" else if ((Char == "U0043") or (Char == "U0063")) UniSum := UniSum . "C" else if ((Char == "U0044") or (Char == "U0064")) UniSum := UniSum . "D" else if ((Char == "U0045") or (Char == "U0065")) UniSum := UniSum . "E" else if ((Char == "U0046") or (Char == "U0066")) UniSum := UniSum . "F" else if ((Char == "U000D") or (Char == "U0020")) { UniSum := "U" . SubStr("0000" . UniSum, -3) PP%PhysKey% := UniSum PR%PhysKey% := UniSum CharOutDown(UniSum) IsPressHooked := 0 } else IsPressHooked := 0 } else if (HookRoutine == "DUni") { OutStr := EncodeUni(Char) loop { if (OutStr == "") break ; erledigt CharOut(SubStr(OutStr,1,5)) OutStr := SubStr(OutStr,6) } IsPressHooked := 0 } else IsPressHooked := 0 } GenRomanDigit(Pos, DigitIs, DigitTest, str0, str1, str2, str3, str4, str5) { res := "" if (DigitIs == DigitTest) res := str%Pos% return res } EncodeUni(str) { SetFormat, Integer, hex ; MsgBox % Asc(SubStr(str,1,1)) . Asc(SubStr(str,2,1)) result := "" loop { char := SubStr(str,1,1) str := SubStr(str,2) if (asc(char) < 0x80) result := result . "U00" . SubStr(asc(char),3) else if (asc(char) < 0xC0) { ; error } else if (asc(char) < 0xE0) { char2 := Substr(str,1,1) str := SubStr(str,2) if ((asc(char2) < 0x80) or (asc(char2) > 0xBF)) { ; error } else { result := result . "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr((((asc(char) & 0x1F) << 6) + (asc(char2) & 0x3F)),3),-3) } } else if (asc(char) < 0xF8) { char2 := SubStr(str,1,1) char3 := SubStr(str,2,1) str := SubStr(str,3) ; MsgBox % "chars: " . char . ", " . char2 . ", " . char3 . ", str: " . str if ((asc(char2) < 0x80) or (asc(char2) > 0xBF) or (asc(char3) < 0x80) or (asc(char3) > 0xBF)) { ; error } else { ; MsgBox % asc(char) . asc(char2) . asc(char3) ; MsgBox % (((asc(char) & 0x0F) << 12) + ((asc(char2) & 0x3F) << 6) + (asc(char3) & 0x3F)) result := result . "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr((((asc(char) & 0x0F) << 12) + ((asc(char2) & 0x3F) << 6) + (asc(char3) & 0x3F)),3),-3) } } if (str == "") break } SetFormat, Integer, d StringUpper,result,result return result }