pianobar ======== pianobar is a pandora.com console client. It nearly does everything the flash client can do while it uses less resources and is (in my opinion) easier to use. Your can get recent versions of this software at http://github.com/PromyLOPh/pianobar/tree/master or http://uint16.ath.cx/software/pandora_client.en.html Are you pandora.com? Read this! =============================== "Why are you doing this?" you might ask. This is my anwer: I love your service (recommendations are much better than those from last.fm, audio quality is much better, stationS that actually *learn* what I like, ...), but your flashplayer is the worst thing I've ever seen (25% CPU load and a browser window are too much for playing music). So I decided to write a free-to-use (even you could use it commercially!) library and player to access your service. I know you have to pay your bills using ads on your website. At the moment this client is ad-free, but I would show text ads to support you. All I need is a api to retrieve those ads :) By the way: It's useless to change the encryption/decryption key. It won't take a week to get it working again, because the key is visible to every decompiler and debugger.