
A SmartThings-compatible MQTT server and device provisioning tool for WiFi-enabled, stdk-based Direct Connected Devices.


You need the following prerequitites in order to use this software:

First, install the software:

git clone https://codeberg.org/ldb/localthings.git
cd localthings
virtualenv -p python3 sandbox
source sandbox/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Create a new consumer user:

mkdir -p state/
localthings-server \
        --state state/ \
        create-user \

Then, run the server:

mkdir -p state/
localthings-server \
        --state state/
        run \
        --ssl-key privkey.pem \
        --ssl-cert chain.pem \
        --port 8883 \
        --host \
        --allow-register <serial>=<device name> \

Then put your device into AP mode, connect your computer to the new WiFi network (password is 1111122222) and run:

localthings-provision \
        -n devicename \
        -b ssl://example.com:8883 \
        -s SSID \
        -u 'https://qr.samsungiots.com/?m=XXXX&s=XXX&r=XXX'

It will prompt for the WiFi password. If provisioning with your server fails for some reason, the device will go back into AP mode. You can re-connect to it and add the -l flag to the command above to retrieve error logs (which is usually not implemented on production devices, but you can try).

If it does work, the device should connect to your server after a few seconds and send one or more events containing its initial status. You can query its reported values by using:

localthings-consumer --user <username> events <device name>

And for example turn the device on using:

localthings-consumer --user <username> command <device name> main/switch/on

Or use a command with arguments:

localthings-consumer --user <username> command <device name> main/switchLevel/setLevel 100 20

There is a list of public capabilities available, but devices may support undocumented capabilities too.

To decode the attribute reportRawData of samsungce.remoteManagementData, use this tool:

echo "<base64-encoded data>" | localthings-mgmtdata

SmartThings protocol documentation

Samsung makes it quite easy to integrate newly developed devices into their SmartThings home automation platform. There is extensive developer documentation, a public API and even an SDK for embedded devices.

What is not documented is how to talk to these SmartThings-enabled embedded devices directly. In particular, how to talk to WiFi-enabled “Direct Connected Devices.”

This protocol documentation is based on reading the source code of the public SDK for embedded devices and probing a WiFi-enabled, Samsung-branded dishwasher.


The first step of connecting a WiFi-capable “Direct Connected Device” to SmartThings is connect it to the internet via a wireless network. This is done through the EasySetup protocol. It roughly works like this: First the mobile phone app scans a QR code and the user is prompted to enable “AP (access point) mode” on the device by pressing a certain button. The app then uses the information contained in the QR code to connect to the WiFi access point the device created. A Diffie-Hellmann key exchange follows to establish a secure connection. The app optionally confirms it is in the vicinity of the device, for example by sending the device’s serial number. Then the device returns a list of WiFi access points it can see, followed by the mobile app sending authentication credentials for one of them and a final confirmation, which disables AP mode on the device, so it can connect to the newly configured wireless network.


Step 1: Onboarding QR code

Every SmartThings-compatible device should have an onboarding QR code sticker somewhere, whose contents are actually well documented.


The QR code contains a URL with the following pattern: https://qr.samsungiots.com/?m={Your mnId}&s={Device onboardingId}&r={Device serialNumber}. It also seems to be completely redundant, as the app offers to search for devices even without scanning a QR code.

Step 2: WiFi access point

After the user presses a certain button on the SmartThings-device, that device will create a WiFi access point (AP). Its SSID exposes almost the same information as the QR code and its password is fixed to 1111122222 (five times 1, five times 2) for every device.

           ++ fixed: E4
             ++++ mnid: 0AwG
                 +++ onboardingId: 000
                    + setup type: 6 (fixed)
                     ++++ first 4 digits of hashed serial number: WljY
                         ++++ last 4 digits of serial number: 0009

Step 3: Cloud-assisted Diffie-Hellmann

After connecting to the WiFi AP and with known mnid, onboardingId/setupId and serial number (or parts of it) we can continue with the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Normally we would generate a private/public key pair, send our public key to the device, somehow retrieve it’s public key and then compute a shared secret. However, there is no way to retrieve a device’s unique[1] public key, because Samsung decided to use “cloud assisted Diffie-Hellmann”. For that we generate a random, 32 byte hex- and then urlsafe-base64-encoded nonce (rand) and send it along with the parts of the serial number we know to their server. For the type hybrid_sn that is the first four characters of the SHA256-hashed and urlsafe-base64-encoded serial number plus the last four digits of the plaintext serial number.

POST https://client.smartthings.com/identity/easysetup/blob HTTP/1.1
accept: application/vnd.smartthings+json;v=2
content-type: application/json

  "keyid": {
    "type": "hybrid_sn",
    "value": "WljY0009"
  "mnId": "0AwG",
  "setupId": "000"

The server then generates a private/public key pair for us, but sends us only the public part (cloudPubKey) and the pre-computed Diffie-Hellmann shared key (blob).

  "code": 2000000,
  "message": "SUCCESS",
  "data": [
      "type": "ECDH_ED25519",
      "blob": "gRt305a1hhWinTIPeDrUA02uoVpYYxoxkhS-Y4CCNiA=",
      "cloudPubKey": "i7nZKUV5AnqLWn_IuT9XGfHB8DdG-yAlpvPzC7aZ1wY=",
      "sn": "WljY0TvvL3dhelS4CmieyED_ULB49S5pf2gPid8Bt9c=",
      "meta": {
        "mfgr": "Midea",
        "mnId": "0AwG",
        "onboardingId": "000",
        "modelName": "Dishwasher",
        "sku": [
        "partner": "Midea"

Step 4: Connecting to a wireless network

With that information we can start talking to the device. Its HTTP server listens on the default gateway’s address (usually on port 8888. First, we retrieve an initialization vector (IV) for AES.


It will answer with a random IV (iv) and its SHA256-hashed serial number (hashedSn).

  "protocolVersion": "1.0.0",
  "firmwareVersion": "20010101",
  "hashedSn": "WljY0TvvL3dhelS4CmieyED_ULB49S5pf2gPid8Bt9c=",
  "wifiSupportFrequency": 0,
  "iv": "L0k3NxzQwmQdYcurvAXH3A=="

We then share our public Diffie-Hellmann key (spub) and the random nonce we generated and sent to the cloud server (rand):

content-type: application/json

  "spub": "i7nZKUV5AnqLWn_IuT9XGfHB8DdG-yAlpvPzC7aZ1wY=",
  "datetime": "MjAwMS0wMS0wMVQwMC4wMC4wMCBVVEM=",
  "regionaldatetime": "MjAwMS0wMS0wMVQwMC4wMC4wMCBHTVQ=",
  "timezoneid": "RXVyb3BlL0Jlcmxpbg=="

While the code snippets following will show plaint-text only, from now on requests and responses are encrypted with the shared secret we retrieved from the cloud service. We use AES in CBC mode with 16 bytes PKCS7 padding and initialized the cipher with the IV retrieved from the device above. JSON responses are encryted, then encoded with urlsafe base64 and stored in another layer of JSON like so:

{"message": "<payload>"}

Decrypted the answer contains the ownership validation methods the device supports. In this case the “just works” method, which requires a dummy verification.

{"otmSupportFeatures": [0]}

Now we can confirm to the device that we are indeed its owner.

content-type: application/json

{"otmSupportFeature": 0}

Which it confirms with an empty response.


Afterwards we can scan for available WiFi networks.


Besides the WiFi name the returned list also contains an authType, which has the value 3 for the most common WPA2-PSK-based network.

  "wifiScanInfo": [
      "bssid": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
      "ssid": "<ssid name>",
      "rssi": -123,
      "frequency": 0,
      "authType": 3

With that information we can now send the credentials for one of these wireless networks. The bssid from above can be filled in as macAddress. authType should match what was returned during the scan. brokerUrl must point to an MQTT broker. Password and SSID are not base64-encoded.

content-type: application/json

  "wifiCredential": {
    "ssid": "<ssid name>",
    "password": "<password>",
    "macAddress": "a1:b2:c3:d4:e5:f6",
    "authType": 3
  "brokerUrl": "ssl://mqtt-regional-euwest1.api.smartthings.com:8883",
  "deviceName": "myFancyDeviceName"

The device responds with a lookupId, which it also sends to the broker later, and in case of “just works” authentication, with its serial number.

{"lookupId": "e64a8186-9d50-41e1-b8e8-883f7e80f85b", "sn": "11812652000009"}

In a final step we confirm the setup is complete and correct.

content-type: application/json


An empty JSON object is returned.


Step 5: Registering with MQTT server

Each device has a TLS root certificate burnt in, which is validated when contacting the broker given above. It will therefore not talk to any MQTT server with a self-signed certificate. However this root certificate is DigiCert Global Root G2[2], which also signs several sub-CA’s, which in turn sign ordinary domain-validated TLS-certificates. Therefore the brokerUrl must host an MQTT broker serving requests signed by this exact root certificate.

If all is well, the device will connect to the broker with its serial number as username and a JWT as password. Since the JWT is signed with the device’s private key and we don’t have access to its public key we cannot verify its authenticity. Then the device subscribes to /v1/registrations/notification/<serialnumber> and waits for this event:

{"event": "connect.success"}

After receiving it, it sends a register event like the following to /v1/registrations:

  "label": "myFancyDeviceName",
  "mnId": "0AwG",
  "vid": "DA-WM-DW-31001",
  "deviceTypeId": "Dishwasher",
  "lookupId": "e64a8186-9d50-41e1-b8e8-883f7e80f85b",
  "serialHash": "WljY0TvvL3dhelS4CmieyED_ULB49S5pf2gPid8Bt9c=",
  "provisioningTs": 1729243966,
  "firmwareVersion": "20200818",
  "osType": "TizenRT",
  "osVersion": "2.0",
  "stdkVersion": "1.7.4",
  "deviceIntegrationProfileKey": {
    "id": "bc5ecba8-f445-4c94-b8da-38b2998bd2ea",
    "majorVersion": 2,
    "minorVersion": 0

It then waits for a response, assigning it its deviceId and disconnects again:

{"deviceId": "46f92efd-918a-457e-9d04-c587a53db41e"}


To understand this section it is helpful to first read up on SmartThings’ Device Basics to understand capabilities and commands.


During normal operation the device will connect to the MQTT broker with deviceId as its username and a JWT as password, then subscribe to /v1/notifications/<deviceId> and /v1/commands/<deviceId> and wait again for the event:

{"event": "connect.success"}

Every time an attribute changes an event is sent to /v1/deviceEvents/<deviceId>:

  "deviceEvents": [
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "samsungce.errorAndAlarmState",
      "attribute": "events",
      "value": [],
      "visibility": {
        "displayed": false
      "providerData": {
        "sequenceNumber": 5,
        "timestamp": "1729335398219",
        "stateChange": "Y"

Commands are sent by the SmartThings Cloud to the device via /v1/commands/<deviceId>:

  "commands": [
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "switch",
      "command": "on",
      "arguments": [],
      "id": "4be1dad9-c025-4964-beb8-ef7f6ffda458"

If attributes of capabilities change, the device will reply with events, as described above.


Official capabilities are documented here, so this section documents proprietary/private capabilities used by SmartThings-enabled devices, via the official getCapability introspetion API call augmented with observed behavior.


Cooktop Operating State, version 1


supportedCooktopOperatingState: array Array of string. Allowed values: ready, run, paused, finished.
cooktopOperatingState: string Allowed values: ready, run, paused, finished.


Device Report State Configuration, version 1


reportStateRealtimePeriod: string Allowed values: disabled, enabled.
reportStateRealtime: object When enabled, the device reports for example changes to samsungce.dishwasherOperation in real-time and not in a fixed interval. Value is reset to defaults on reconnect.
[duration: integer]
10 ≤ x ≤ 30
state: string
Allowed values: disabled (default), enabled.
[unit: string]
Allowed values: minute (default).
reportStatePeriod: string If enabled, periodic state report events for example for samsungce.errorAndAlarmState will be sent. Allowed values: disabled, enabled.


setReportStatePeriod(​value: string) Allowed values: disabled, enabled.
setReportStateRealtime(​value: object)
[duration: integer]
10 ≤ x ≤ 30
state: string
Allowed values: disabled, enabled.
[unit: string]
Allowed values: minute (default).
setReportStateRealtimePeriod(​value: string) Allowed values: disabled, enabled.


Disabled Capabilities, version 1


disabledCapabilities: array Array of string.


Dishwasher Operating Progress, version 1


dishwasherOperatingProgress: string Allowed values: none, delaywash, weightsensing, prewash, wash, rinse, spin, sud, drying, airwash, cooling, wrinkleprevent, finish, waitend, predrain, sanitizing, autoreleasedrying.


User Notification, version 1


message: object
[code: string]

Observed values for dishwasher: DA_DW_T_0001 and DA_DW_M_0001 after finishing.

[type: integer]


Water Filter, version 1


waterFilterUsageStep: integer 1 ≤ x ≤ 100
waterFilterResetType: array Array of string. Allowed values: replaceable, washable, notresetable.
waterFilterCapacity: integer Unit: Allowed values: CC, Cycle, Gallon, Hour, Month.
waterFilterLastResetDate: string Matches pattern ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):?[0-5]\d:?[0-5]\d(?:\.\d{3})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?::?[0-5]\d)?)$.
waterFilterUsage: integer 0 ≤ x ≤ 100
waterFilterStatus: string Allowed values: normal, replace, wash, notused.




Auto Door Release, version 1


autoDoorReleaseEnabled: boolean




Connection State, version 1


connectionState: string Allowed values: connected, disconnected.


Consumed Energy, version 1


monthlyUsage: array Array of object.
month: string
Matches pattern ^[1-9]\d{3}-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])$.
consumedEnergy: number
Unit: Allowed values: Wh, mWh, kWh (default), MWh.
timeOffset: string Matches pattern ^[+,-](2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]$.


setTimeOffset(​timeOffset: string) Matches pattern ^[+,-](2[0-3]|[0-1][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]$.


Cooktop Flex Zone, version 1


flexZones: array Array of object.
[position: string]
Allowed values: left, center, right.
[syncedBurners: array]
Array of string.


Cooktop Heating Power, version 1


manualLevel: number
heatingMode: string Allowed values: off, onOff, manual, boost, keepWarm, quickPreheat, defrost, melt, simmer.
manualLevelMin: number
supportedHeatingModes: array Array of string. Allowed values: off, onOff, manual, boost, keepWarm, quickPreheat, defrost, melt, simmer.
manualLevelMax: number


Count Down Timer, version 1


startValue: number Unit: Allowed values: hour, min (default), sec.
currentValue: number Unit: Allowed values: hour, min (default), sec.
status: string Allowed values: idle, running, paused.


setStartValue(​startValue: number, [unit: string])
startValue: number
unit: string
Allowed values: hour, min, sec.


Detergent State, version 1


remainingAmount: number Unit: Allowed values: ea (default), cc.
dosage: number Unit: Allowed values: ea (default), cc.
initialAmount: number Unit: Allowed values: ea (default), cc.
detergentType: string Allowed values: none, liquid, capsule, drySheet, unknown.


setDetergentType(​detergentType: string)
setInitialAmount(​amount: number)
setRemainingAmount(​amount: number)
setDosage(​amount: number)


Device Identification, version 1


micomAssayCode: string
modelName: string
serialNumber: string
serialNumberExtra: string
modelClassificationCode: string Matches pattern ^([0-9a-fA-F]){32}$.
description: string
releaseYear: integer
binaryId: string


Dishwasher Job State, version 1


scheduledJobs: array Array of object.
jobName: string
Allowed values: none, delayWashing, preWashing, washing, rinsing, drying, cooling, draining, finished, preDrain, sanitizing, autoReleaseDrying.
timeInSec: integer
dishwasherJobState: string Allowed values: none, delayWashing, preWashing, washing, rinsing, drying, cooling, draining, finished, preDrain, sanitizing, autoReleaseDrying.


Dishwasher Operation, version 1


supportedOperatingState: array Array of string. Allowed values: idle, ready, running, paused.
operatingState: string Allowed values: idle, ready, running, paused.
reservable: boolean Defaults to False.
progressPercentage: number
remainingTimeStr: string Matches pattern ^[0-2]{0,1}[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$.
operationTime: number Unit: Allowed values: hour, min, sec.
remainingTime: number Unit: Allowed values: hour, min, sec.
timeLeftToStart: number Unit: Allowed values: hour, min, sec.


cancel(​[drain: boolean])
setOperatingState(​operatingState: string) Allowed values: running, paused, ready.
start(​[option: object])
startLater(​delay: number)


Dishwasher Washing Course, version 1


customCourseCandidates: array Array of string. Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
washingCourse: string Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
supportedCourses: array Array of string. Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.


setWashingCourse(​course: string) Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
setCustomCourse(​course: string) Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
startWashingCourse(​course: string) Starts the dishwashing process with selected program immediately, even if the dishwasher is turned off. Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
startWashingCourseWithOptions(​course: string, options: object)
course: string
Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
options: object
[selectedZone: string]
Allowed values: none, lower, upper, all.
[zoneBooster: string]
Allowed values: none, left, right, all.
[speedBooster: boolean]
[sanitize: boolean]
[highTempWash: boolean]
[steamSoak: boolean]
[addRinse: boolean]
[dryPlus: boolean]
[stormWash: boolean]
[sanitizingWash: boolean]
[rinsePlus: boolean]
[hotAirDry: boolean]


Dishwasher Washing Course Details, version 1


predefinedCourses: array Array of object.
courseName: string
Allowed values: auto, eco, intensive, delicate, express, preWash, selfClean, extraSilence, rinseOnly, plastics, potsAndPans, babycare, normal, selfSanitize, dryOnly, upperExpress, night, babyBottle, coldRinse, glasses, quick, heavy, daily, chef, preBlast, steamSoak, rinseDry, machineCare, AI, nightSilence, express_0C, daily_09, eco_08, eco_10, drinkware.
energyUsage: number

Relative energy usage of this course, see energyUsageMax attribute.

1 ≤ x
waterUsage: number

Relative water usage of this course, see waterUsageMax attribute.

0 ≤ x
[temperature: object]
min: integer
max: integer
[unit: string]
Allowed values: C, F.
expectedTime: object
time: integer
[unit: string]
Allowed values: hour, min, sec.
options: object
[selectedZone: object]
default: string
settable: array
Array of string. Allowed values: none, lower, upper, all.
[zoneBooster: object]
default: string
settable: array
Array of string. Allowed values: none, left, right, all.
[speedBooster: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[sanitize: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[highTempWash: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[steamSoak: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[addRinse: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[dryPlus: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[stormWash: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[sanitizingWash: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[rinsePlus: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
[hotAirDry: object]
default: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
waterUsageMax: integer
energyUsageMax: integer


Dishwasher Washing Options, version 1


dryPlus: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
stormWash: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
hotAirDry: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
selectedZone: object
value: string
Allowed values: none, lower, upper, all.
settable: array
Array of string. Allowed values: none, lower, upper, all.
speedBooster: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
highTempWash: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
sanitizingWash: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
zoneBooster: object
value: string
Allowed values: none, left, right, all.
settable: array
Array of string. Allowed values: none, left, right, all.
addRinse: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
supportedList: array Array of string. Allowed values: selectedZone, zoneBooster, speedBooster, sanitize, highTempWash, steamSoak, addRinse, dryPlus, stormWash, sanitizingWash, rinsePlus, hotAirDry.
rinsePlus: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
sanitize: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.
steamSoak: object
value: boolean
settable: array
Array of boolean.


setSelectedZone(​selectedZone: string) Allowed values: none, lower, upper, all.
setSanitize(​sanitize: boolean)
setZoneBooster(​zoneBooster: string) Allowed values: none, left, right, all.
setDryPlus(​dryPlus: boolean)
setAddRinse(​addRinse: boolean)
setHotAirDry(​hotAirDry: boolean)
setStormWash(​stormWash: boolean)
setHighTempWash(​highTempWash: boolean)
setSanitizingWash(​sanitizingWash: boolean)
setSpeedBooster(​speedBooster: boolean)
setRinsePlus(​rinsePlus: boolean)
setOptions(​options: object)
[selectedZone: string]
Allowed values: none, lower, upper, all.
[zoneBooster: string]
Allowed values: none, left, right, all.
[speedBooster: boolean]
[sanitize: boolean]
[highTempWash: boolean]
[steamSoak: boolean]
[addRinse: boolean]
[dryPlus: boolean]
[stormWash: boolean]
[sanitizingWash: boolean]
[rinsePlus: boolean]
[hotAirDry: boolean]
setSteamSoak(​steamSoak: boolean)


Drum Self Cleaning, version 1


washingCountAfterSelfClean: number 0 ≤ x
history: array Array of string. Matches pattern ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):?[0-5]\d:?[0-5]\d(?:\.\d{3})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?::?[0-5]\d)?)$.
suggestionThreshold: number 0 ≤ x


Error And Alarm State, version 1


events: array Array of object.
triggeredTime: string
Matches pattern ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):?[0-5]\d:?[0-5]\d(?:\.\d{3})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?::?[0-5]\d)?)$.
code: string

Observed values for dishwasher: DA_DW_T_0001 and DA_DW_M_0001 after finishing, DA_DW_DoorA_Opened when the door is opened, DA_DW_RinseA_Empty when the rinse aid is empty.

[description: string]


Hood Fan Speed, version 1


settableMaxFanSpeed: integer
hoodFanSpeed: integer
supportedHoodFanSpeed: array Array of integer.
settableMinFanSpeed: integer


setHoodFanSpeed(​speed: integer)


Kids Lock Control, version 1


lockState: string Allowed values: locked, unlocked, paused.




Kitchen Device Identification, version 1


regionCode: string Allowed values: IT, UK, FR, US, JP, EU, KR, CN, ZZ, UNKNOWN.
modelCode: string
fuel: string Allowed values: gas.
type: string Allowed values: oven, range, microwave, cooktop.
representativeComponent: string Allowed values: main (default), cavity-01, cavity-02, cavity-03.


Lamp, version 1


brightnessLevel One of these:
  • string: Allowed values: off, on, low, mid, high, extraHigh.
  • integer: 0 ≤ x ≤ 100
supportedBrightnessLevel: array Array of . One of these:
  • string: Allowed values: off, on, low, mid, high, extraHigh.
  • integer: 0 ≤ x ≤ 100


setBrightnessLevel(​level) One of these:
  • string: Allowed values: off, on, low, mid, high, extraHigh.
  • integer: 0 ≤ x ≤ 100


Oven Operating State, version 1


completionTime: string Matches pattern ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29)T(?:[01]\d|2[0-3]):?[0-5]\d:?[0-5]\d(?:\.\d{3})?(?:Z|[+-][01]\d(?::?[0-5]\d)?)$.
operatingState: string Allowed values: ready, running, paused.
progress: integer 0 ≤ x
ovenJobState: string Allowed values: cleaning, cooking, cooling, draining, preheat, ready, rinsing, finished, scheduledStart, warming, defrosting, sensing, searing, fastPreheat, scheduledEnd, stoneHeating, timeHoldPreheat.
operationTime: string Matches pattern ^\d\d+:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d$.


setOperationTime(​operationTime: string) Matches pattern ^\d\d+:[0-5]\d:[0-5]\d$.


Remote Management Data, version 1


reportRawData: string Base64-encoded string encoding vendor-specific binary data.
version: string Matches pattern ^[A-Z]{2,4}-[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{2,4}$.


rmCommand(​rawData: string)


Software Update, version 1


targetModule: object
[newVersion: string]
[currentVersion: string]
[moduleType: string]
Allowed values: mainController, display, inverter, indoorUnit, outdoorUnit.
otnDUID: string Device unique ID, probably for samsungotn.net
lastUpdatedDate: string Matches pattern ^(?:[1-9]\d{3}-?(?:(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])|(?:0[13-9]|1[0-2])-?(?:29|30)|(?:0[13578]|1[02])-?31)|(?:[1-9]\d(?:0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|(?:[2468][048]|[13579][26])00)-?02-?29).
availableModules: array Array of string.
newVersionAvailable: boolean
operatingState: string Allowed values: none, available, preparing, delayed, inprogress, checking, completed, rebooting, swapRebooting.
progress: integer 0 ≤ x ≤ 100 Unit: Allowed values: % (default).


agreeUpdate(​[module: string])
disagreeUpdate(​[module: string])


Software Version, version 1


versions: array Array of object.
id: string
[swType: string]
[description: string]
versionNumber: string


Surface Residual Heat, version 1


surfaceResidualHeat: string Allowed values: normal, low, high, veryHigh.