This document is part of the Ocean Girl Archive — Last update: 2011-04-07 — sourcemeta

Source: deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART, deviantART
Copyright:Archiving permitted by author

Ocean Girl drawings



Mera learns to swim and breathe in the ocean.

Neri’s playground


Super Cheesy Finale

Yes, they’re all happy ^^


She could be listening to Charley’s song, calling her.

Or wondering what the world is like beyond her island.

Or gazing after her father, the day he passed on, as the raft with his body floats away to sea.


Shalamorn of the Ocean People

This is how I imagine Neri and Mera’s mother, from the Australian sci-fi show Ocean Girl, when she was about Mera’s age. Her hair isn’t really like that–I was playing around with making stylized curls, and wanted her to look like a figure from ancient myth. The Ocean Planet people are connected to ancient Egyptian culture–their written language is similar to hieroglyphics, and their architecture inspired the pyramids.



Women of “Ocean Girl”

Row 1: Neri and Mera

Row 2: Queen Shalamorn and Ilona

Row 3: Vanessa Lane (a.k.a. the Mad Hatter’s great-great…great-granddaughter?) and Dr. Dianne Bates.


The Ocean is their Playground

Come, sister. They run into the surf. Jali is calling.

Father’s sign (2011-03-26)


Missing Kal (2011-03-27)


Missing Kal 2 (2011-03-28)