Script – Season two =================== Episode 7 --------- *(music)* *(Birds singing in forest)* --------- :Neri: We are lucky. The yellow fruit is ready. Come. *(Mera screaming)* :Neri: Follow. --------- :Jason: I wonder how they’re going. :Brett: Betcha Mera’s spun out. I mean, imagine waking up every morning in that gross institute. Now she’s in paradise! :Dianne: It might not seem like paradise to Mera, not yet. There’s an awful lot for her to get used to. :Jason: She’ll be all right. :Dianne: Well, I hope so. I hope we’re doing the right thing. :Jason: Mum, don’t be such a downer! What are you saying? We should have left her where she was? :Brett: Yeah, to be dragged off by those UBRI gigs. :Dianne: No, all right. All right, the point’s taken. I’m just saying that they’ll both need time to adjust. Now, would you get out of bed. :Sam: You there, doc? :Jason: Oh, great. It’s captain bligh of the bounty. :Dianne: Sh! Yes, captain, I know. I’m running late. :Sam: You can relax. Engine’s playing up. 1100 hours okay? :Dianne: Fine. Oh, and I’d like to bring Jason with me. :Jason: You would? :Sam: Not too sure about having kids on board. :Dianne: We need an extra hand. :Jason: I’m an experienced diver, in case you’re interested. With a permit. :Sam: Well, don’t get under my feet, then. :Jason: Keep off my back, then. :Dianne: Bye. Jason, that was very rude. :Jason: Well, I don’t like his attitude. Come to think of it, I don’t like him at all. :Dianne: Oh, come on. He is not that bad. :Brett: What? :Jason: And how come I’m going on the boat suddenly? :Dianne: Because we need someone to communicate with Neri. :Jason: I thought you said she needed to spend more time with Mera. :Dianne: Yes, but we can’t stop the survey entirely or the dictionary. Please, it’ll just be for a couple of hours a day. I promise! :Brett: Maybe we can ask her. :Dianne: Okay, after you’ve had your breakfast. And why aren’t you dressed? --------- :HELEN: Those on shore leave today please note, departure times are 1100 hours and 1400 hours. Finally, ORCA wishes many happy returns of the day to Vanessa Lane. :Froggy: HELEN’s got a new birthday program. Good, eh? :Zoe: You might like it, Froggy. But Vanessa – she looks like she could fry HELEN’s microchips. :Joanne: You should’ve told us. :Vanessa: It’s no big deal. :Mick: Scared she’d get no presents. :Vanessa: Oh, get lost. :Kimberley: Are you doing something special? :Vanessa: No. Yes, I’m busy. :Kimberley: She needs to lighten up. Let’s put on a party. :Joanne: A surprise. :Kimberley: Yes! We’re gonna have to think of somewhere to set it up. :Joanne: How about one of those storerooms on delta level? No one ever goes there. :Mick: Count me in. :Kimberley: Sure. You’re about the last person Vanessa wants at her birthday. --------- :Neri: No, this way. :Mera: Thanks. It’s lovely. :Neri: But do you wish for corn flakes? :Mera: How did you know? :Neri: Know what sister thinks. Time you meet Charley. :Mera: Charley? :Neri: You will love him. :Mera: He lives here? Where’s his house? :Neri: *(Laughing)* Charlie’s house. *(music)* --------- :Neri: Come. Mera cannot swim? :Mera: I can. Only not like you. :Neri: I know. Mera cannot swim to Charley. Charley swim to Mera. Look. Charley. :Mera: *(Screaming)* --------- :Neri: You believe now Charley is friend? :Mera: If you say so. :Neri: He liked you, Mera. :Mera: Mera. All my life I’ve been Jane. Plain old Jane. Now I’m Mera suddenly. :Neri: You don’t like Mera? Father called you that. :Mera: What was he like, Neri? And why did he bring us from so far away? :Neri: Because we must give message to the earth people. We must warn them. :Mera: Warn them? What about? :Neri: Not to be greedy. Not to spoil the sea – he loved. He was so wise. :Mera: It’s so – so weird. --------- :Jason: Mum wondered when you might be able to come to work? :Neri: Mother want me to go now? :Jason: Well – sort of. :Neri: Then I go now. Charley, too? :Jason: Sure. :Brett: Hey! What about Mera? How’s it going? :Neri: Mera not so happy. :Jason: How come? :Brett: Maybe I’d better – you know, go and talk to her. :Jason: Okay. We’ll come back for you when we’re finished on Sam’s boat. :Brett: Good luck. :Neri: Okay. Good luck. *(music)* *(Boat engine noise)* --------- :Froggy: I can’t. Not the counseling rooms. They’re restricted. :Mick: You can by-pass stuff like that. :Froggy: Why should I risk it? :Mick: ’Cause if you don’t, I’ll tell mom how much you mess around with HELEN. Like you’re here all the time when you’re not supposed to be. I think she’d be real interested. :Froggy: Okay. Who’s in there anyway? Vanessa – seeing a counselor? :Mick: Where’s the audio? Come on. :Counselor: How’ve you been? Have you met any new friends? :Vanessa: Sure, dozens. :Counselor: What about the dance? Did you go to it? :Vanessa: That’s my business. Look, I wouldn’t be here if my parents didn’t make me come. :Counselor: Since you are here – now, what about those nasty spider dreams? Have you had any more? Vanessa? Any more bad dreams? :Vanessa: Yes. No. :Counselor: What do spiders signify to you, would you say? :Vanessa: They signify great, black, hairy, creepy – this is stupid. :Mick: Unreal. :Froggy: Big, tough Vanessa. Scared of spiders. :Mick: Oh, man. Pinch me and tell me I’m dreaming. :Froggy: What’s so good about that? :Mick: Sh! Hey, what happened to the picture? :Froggy: Uh oh. :Mick: What? Come on, get it back, man. :Froggy: Forget it. :Mick: I said, get it back. :Froggy: “Warning: A random scan commencing. Unauthorized access will be detected.” What’s the matter with you? Can’t you read or something? :Mick: Yeah, of course I can. :Froggy: Didn’t look like it. :Mick: I’m outta here, man. --------- :Winston: *(Laughing)* Oh, more seaweed? :Sam: *(Whistling)* :Dianne: Winston. :Sam: Hey, how’s it going? :Dianne: Fine. :Sam: Wow, seem to be penetrating even deeper than yesterday. :Winston: We haven’t found any priceless mineral deposits for you yet, though. :Dianne: No, so you’re just gonna have to endure life with us on ORCA a little longer. :Sam: Oh, you can get used to anything. :Dianne: What? Even women on boats? :Sam: You’re not going let me forget that, are you? :Dianne: Well, I can get used to most things, too. Even salt-hardened, old sea dogs. :Sam: Not so much about the old. *(Clunk of tank on floor)* Hey, get it together, Mr. Clumsy. :Jason: What are you gonna do? String me up from the yardarm? :Sam: Only for a second offence. --------- :Mera: Ow! You’re as bad as Neri. She goes like the wind and expects me to keep up. :Brett: It’s just like Jason and me. That’s the trouble with being the youngest. You’ve just gotta show them you’re as good as they are. :Mera: I can’t do anything like Neri. I just don’t belong here. I’ll never fit in. :Brett: You will! Once you get used – watch out! :Mera: *(Crying)* I’ll never get used to it. Bumps, mosquitos – no proper bed. Nowhere to go when it rains. No way of knowing what’s true any more. :Brett: It’s not that bad. :Mera: I wish I’d never come here. :Brett: You don’t mean that. :Mera: *(Crying)* --------- :Hellegren: Jane Seaforth, where are you? :Kellar: A child disappears into a field of sugar cane. What do they say? It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack. :Hellegren: Needles, haystack – nonsense! What we need are facts. Why did she go and who took her? When we determine that, we’ll will know where to find her. :Kellar: It seems strange that she should go the very day she was to join us here at UBRI. :Hellegren: Significant, possibly. But who are the youngsters? Strangers at the institute and yet she went willingly. What is the connection? Contact the institute. I want to see the security sweeps from the gatehouse. Perhaps a close look at our intruders will give us a clue. :Kellar: Yes, doctor Hellegren. --------- :Brett: She’s not happy. That’s for sure. :Jason: Well, what’s her problem? :Brett: I don’t know. I think Neri might be bossing her around too much. :Jason: Can you take that? :Brett: Like you boss me. :Jason: Well, fine, if you don’t want to take it, give it back. :Brett: No, fine. :Jason: Look, if you’re too lazy to pick it up. :Brett: No, no, fine. --------- *(Kids talking and laughing)* :Zoe: Somebody’s coming, quick! :Everybody: Surpri– :Zoe: Who invited you? :Mick: I did. You guys got a problem with that? ’Cause if you do, we could always take it outside. After all – this is a party. :Froggy: Where are Jason and Brett? :Rocky: They’ll get here. :Zoe: Here she is. :Everybody: Surprise! :Vanessa: You are such a dork keeping it a secret. :Joanne: We didn’t have time to get you anything. :Kimberley: And we only just managed to rustle up this cake from catering. :Vanessa: It looks – great. :Kimberley: Somebody’s got you a present. :Joanne: Might as well open it. :Vanessa: You know, I was wondering why anyone would want me to go to a store room. :Everybody: *(Screaming)* :Vanessa: Get away from me! :Everybody: *(Screaming)* :HELEN: Fire detected in store room. Sealing fire doors. :Vanessa: All right, everybody out. Quick! :Kimberley: We’re trapped. --------- :HELEN: Attention, commander. Smoke detected in store room. Delta level, sector eight. --------- :Vanessa: Mick, the fire extinguisher! Use it! :Mick: Uh, yeah, let me just get this right. :Vanessa: Just read it! Do what is says! :Mick: All right! Just – um – :Vanessa: Quick! Can’t you read? :Froggy: He can’t! --------- :Commander: Alpha and omega firefighting personnel to delta eight. Release fire doors on level delta to allow access. :HELEN: Negative, commander. Emergency override still operative. Toxicity detected in sealed area. :Commander: She’s ignoring my command. :Sam: Commander, what’s in that store room? :First: 12 canisters of organic peroxide. 15 of mct. :Sam: Methachlorisathyasine. :Commander: Right, for use in the cooling systems. :Sam: That stuff’s lethal. :Commander: Michael. :Sam: There must be another way in. :Brett: There’s the air shaft on delta three. :Sam: Can I get through? :Jason: No, but we could. :Sam: Come on, let’s go. --------- :Everybody: *(Coughing)* :Rocky: Hey, guys! *(Coughing)* What’s this? :Froggy: Mct! That stuff’s deadly. :Rocky: We gotta get outta here. --------- :Brett: Let’s go. :Sam: Do you got your oxygen? :Jason: Yeah! :Sam: Jason, you go first. Just take it easy, all right? --------- :Everybody: *(Coughing)* :Vanessa: It’s okay, guys. We’re gonna get out of here. Just hang on. :Jason: Come on, come on. Let’s go. Stay calm. --------- :Commander: Michael. :Mick: I’m okay, mom. --------- :Commander: None of you should have been there in the first place. Now, I don’t intend to penalize you any further since you’ve had the fright of your lives already. But any future transgressions will be severely punished. I am aware that Michael is particularly at fault playing a stupid practical joke like that. And I know he is very ashamed of himself. :Vanessa: Ashamed. He wasn’t very helpful with the fire extinguisher either. :Commander: Oh? :Vanessa: No. We might have put out the fire much quicker if he hadn’t wasted so much time. :Froggy: He couldn’t read the instructions. :Mick: Shut up. :Commander: I see. You haven’t told them. :Mick: Mom. :Commander: It is nothing to be ashamed of. And it does explain why you delayed. Michael has a reading disability – similar to dyslexia. :Zoe: What’s that? :Mick: None of your business. :Froggy: It means he sees letters all wrong. Can’t understand words. :Byrne: Exactly. So, perhaps you could all try to be a little understanding. :Mick: Yeah, well, don’t bother. Okay? :Commander: Don’t take that attitude, Michael. This is not an excuse for bad behaviour. I’ve decided you need some discipline. I’ve already talked to captain Phillips. He’s agreed to have you on board his boat for the remainder of the survey. You’re dismissed! --------- :Brett: What can we do? :Jason: Nothing. :Brett: It’s been hard enough hiding Neri from Sam but with Mick snooping around… --------- :Winston: Ta da! Heroes. :Dianne: So, how’d it go? :Vanessa: The doctor said we have to stay quiet for 24 hours in case of any funny symptoms developing. :Winston: Like what? *(Fake coughing noises)* :Jason: So – can we have the day off? :Dianne: Well, sure you can. But I was just about to tell you that commander Byrne’s approved your upgrade to crew status and as from tomorrow, you’re all on the survey boat. :Brett: Yes! :Jason: All right! :Brett: So, why are you all dressed up? :Dianne: Me? I’m not. :Brett: Oh, yes you are. That’s your best dress. :Dianne: No it’s not. It’s no big deal. :Brett: Ooh! :Sam: Hi. Ready? :Dianne: Yep. :Sam: You look nice. :Dianne: Thank you. :Sam: Bye. :Jason: What does she want to go out with him for? :Brett: Search me. :Winston: Oh, don’t worry, my old friends. He’s an old sea dog. His bite is much worse than his bark. Or is it the other way around. --------- :Neri: You like it? :Mera: Yes – I like that you made it for me. :Neri: Now you look like my sister. :Mera: Look like. Maybe. But I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do the things that you do, though, Neri. :Neri: Yes you will. Everything. We are the same, you and me. All you must do is believe and it will happen. *(music)* --------- *(Computer beeping)* :Hellegren: Yes! Look! :Kellar: The institute has scanned these records thoroughly. They failed to identify any – :Hellegren: They did not know what to look for. Watch. :Kellar: The ORCA insignia. :Hellegren: Quite so. And this is not the first time we have locked horns with ORCA. First when they ran a study of whales parallel to our own and attempted to frustrate our efforts. Now, children from ORCA are involved in the girl’s disappearance. There’s more. Much more to this than meets the eye. And I intend to find out what it is.