.. index:: single: Error codes List of error codes =================== These error codes can be returned by all methods: ==== ============ Code Description ==== ============ 0 Internal error. It can denote that your account has been temporarily blocked due to having too frequent station.getPlaylist calls. 1 MAINTENANCE_MODE 2 URL_PARAM_MISSING_METHOD 3 URL_PARAM_MISSING_AUTH_TOKEN 4 URL_PARAM_MISSING_PARTNER_ID 5 URL_PARAM_MISSING_USER_ID 6 SECURE_PROTOCOL_REQUIRED 7 CERTIFICATE_REQUIRED 8 PARAMETER_TYPE_MISMATCH 9 PARAMETER_MISSING. Usually occurs when one or more required parameters are missing for the method called. 10 PARAMETER_VALUE_INVALID 11 API_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 12 LICENSING_RESTRICTIONS. Pandora not available in this country. 13 INSUFFICIENT_CONNECTIVITY. Bad sync time? 14 Unknown method name? 15 Wrong protocol (http/https)? 1000 READ_ONLY_MODE 1001 INVALID_AUTH_TOKEN. Occurs once a user auth token expires. 1002 INVALID_PARTNER_LOGIN. auth.partnerLogin auth.userLogin. Can also occur for a user login. 1003 LISTENER_NOT_AUTHORIZED. station.getPlaylist - Pandora One Subscription or Trial Expired. Possibly account suspended? 1004 USER_NOT_AUTHORIZED. User not authorized to perform action. Is your station token correct? 1005 MAX_STATIONS_REACHED. Station limit reached. 1006 STATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST. Station does not exist. 1007 COMPLIMENTARY_PERIOD_ALREADY_IN_USE 1008 CALL_NOT_ALLOWED. station.addFeedback - Returned when attempting to add feedback to shared station. 1009 DEVICE_NOT_FOUND 1010 PARTNER_NOT_AUTHORIZED 1011 INVALID_USERNAME 1012 INVALID_PASSWORD 1013 USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS 1014 DEVICE_ALREADY_ASSOCIATED_TO_ACCOUNT 1015 UPGRADE_DEVICE_MODEL_INVALID 1018 EXPLICIT_PIN_INCORRECT 1020 EXPLICIT_PIN_MALFORMED 1023 DEVICE_MODEL_INVALID 1024 ZIP_CODE_INVALID 1025 BIRTH_YEAR_INVALID 1026 BIRTH_YEAR_TOO_YOUNG 1027 INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE 1027 INVALID_GENDER 1034 DEVICE_DISABLED 1035 DAILY_TRIAL_LIMIT_REACHED 1036 INVALID_SPONSOR 1037 USER_ALREADY_USED_TRIAL 1039 PLAYLIST_EXCEEDED. Too many requests for a new playlist. ==== ============