=================== List of Error Codes =================== .. index:: single: REST Error codes .. note:: This page is incomplete. The error enumeration should be complete but codes and descriptions are guesses. These error codes can be returned by all endpoints: .. code:: json { "errorCode": 0, "errorString": "INVALID_REQUEST", "message": "The request could not be validated" } ========== ============================= =========== Error Code Error String Description ========== ============================= =========== 0 INVALID_REQUEST General bad request error. Often means authentication was invalid 1001 INVALID_REQUEST Invalid auth token 1028 COUNTRY_CODE_INVALID Response by some endpoints when used with a non-US IP address ? STREAM_VIOLATION Unable to stream to this region? ? STATION_LIMIT_REACHED Stream minutes limit or skip count reached? ? THUMBPRINT_RADIO_NOT_ELIGIBLE Not enough feedback to construct a Thumbprint station? ? LISTENER_NOT_AUTHORIZED Current user is not able to access shared content? ? PLAYLIST_END End of playlist? ? READONLY_MODE Pandora back-end maintenance? ? STATION_CODE_INVALID Invalid station ? STATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST Station does not exist ? LISTENER_SUSPENDED Account has been suspended ? CREDIT_CARD_NO_RECORD_FOUND No credit card on file? ? CONTENT_HAS_EXPIRED Audio link for song has expired? ? SERVER_ERROR Generic server error ? NOT_FOUND Content not found ? UNPLAYABLE_SHUFFLE_STATION Unable to play shuffle station? 99000 PLAYLIST_VERSION_MISMATCH "An operation on a playlist is trying to be made on a version that's different from the most current one." - raised by the v7 playlist APIs. 99003 PLAYLIST_BAD_RANGE "Invalid range detected when moving/deleting/requesting playlist items." - raised by the v7 playlist APIs. 99022 INVALID_PANDORA_TYPE "The type of the supplied Pandora ID is invalid for this API endpoint." - mainly raised by the v6 collection APIs. ========== ============================= ===========