Authentication is divided into two steps: Partner and user login.
Check licensing¶
- Method
Check whether Pandora is available in the connecting client’s country, based on geoip database. This is not strictly required since Partner login enforces this restriction. The request has no parameters.
Name |
Type |
Description |
isAllowed |
bool |
Partner login¶
- Method
This request additionally serves as API version validation, time synchronization and endpoint detection and must be sent over a TLS-encrypted link. The POST body however is not encrypted.
Name |
Type |
Description |
username |
string |
password |
string |
deviceModel |
string |
version |
string |
Current version number, “5”. |
includeUrls |
boolean |
returnDeviceType |
boolean |
returnUpdatePromptVersions |
boolean |
"username": "pandora one",
"password": "TVCKIBGS9AO9TSYLNNFUML0743LH82D",
"deviceModel": "D01",
"version": "5"
syncTime is used to calculate the server time, see synctime. partnerId and authToken are required to procceed with user authentication.
Name |
Type |
Description |
syncTime |
string |
Hex-encoded, encrypted server time. Decrypt with password from Partner passwords and skip first four bytes of garbage. |
partnerAuthToken |
string |
partnerId |
string |
"stat": "ok",
"result": {
"syncTime": "6923e263a8c3ac690646146b50065f43",
"deviceProperties": {
"videoAdRefreshInterval": 900,
"videoAdUniqueInterval": 0,
"adRefreshInterval": 5,
"videoAdStartInterval": 180
"partnerAuthToken": "VAzrFQTtsy3BQ3K+3iqFi0WF5HA63B1nFA",
"partnerId": "42",
"stationSkipUnit": "hour",
"urls": {
"autoComplete": ""
"stationSkipLimit": 6
Code |
Description |
1002 |
INVALID_PARTNER_LOGIN. Invalid partner credentials. |
User login¶
- Method
This request must be sent over a TLS-encrypted link. It authenticates the Pandora user by sending his username, usually his email address, and password as well as the partnerAuthToken obtained by Partner login.
Additional response data can be requested by setting flags listed below.
Name |
Type |
Description |
loginType |
string |
“user” |
username |
string |
Username |
password |
string |
User’s password |
partnerAuthToken |
string |
Partner token obtained by Partner login |
returnGenreStations |
boolean |
(optional) |
returnCapped |
boolean |
return isCapped parameter (optional) |
includePandoraOneInfo |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeDemographics |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeAdAttributes |
boolean |
(optional) |
returnStationList |
boolean |
Return station list, see Retrieve station list (optional) |
includeStationArtUrl |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeStationSeeds |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeShuffleInsteadOfQuickMix |
boolean |
(optional) |
stationArtSize |
string |
W130H130(optional) |
returnCollectTrackLifetimeStats |
boolean |
(optional) |
returnIsSubscriber |
boolean |
(optional) |
xplatformAdCapable |
boolean |
(optional) |
complimentarySponsorSupported |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeSubscriptionExpiration |
boolean |
(optional) |
returnHasUsedTrial |
boolean |
(optional) |
returnUserstate |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeAccountMessage |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeUserWebname |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeListeningHours |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeFacebook |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeTwitter |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeDailySkipLimit |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeSkipDelay |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeGoogleplay |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeShowUserRecommendations |
boolean |
(optional) |
includeAdvertiserAttributes |
boolean |
(optional) |
"loginType": "user",
"username": "",
"password": "example",
"partnerAuthToken": "VAzrFQTtsy3BQ3K+3iqFi0WF5HA63B1nFA",
"syncTime": 1335777573
The returned userAuthToken is used to authenticate access to other API methods.
Name |
Type |
Description |
isCapped |
boolean |
userAuthToken |
string |
"stat": "ok",
"result": {
"stationCreationAdUrl": ";ag=112;gnd=1;zip=23950;genre=0;model=;app=;OS=;dma=560;clean=0;logon=__LOGON__;tile=1;msa=115;st=VA;co=51117;et=0;mc=0;aa=0;hisp=0;hhi=0;u=l*2jedvn446s7ce!ag*112!gnd*1!zip*23950!dma*560!clean*0!logon*__LOGON__!msa*115!st*VA!co*51117!et*0!mc*0!aa*0!hisp*0!hhi*0!genre*0;sz=320x50;ord=__CACHEBUST__",
"hasAudioAds": true,
"splashScreenAdUrl": ";ag=112;gnd=1;zip=23950;model=;app=;OS=;dma=560;clean=0;hours=1;msa=115;st=VA;co=51117;et=0;mc=0;aa=0;hisp=0;hhi=0;u=l*op4jfgdxmddjk!ag*112!gnd*1!zip*23950!dma*560!clean*0!msa*115!st*VA!co*51117!et*0!mc*0!aa*0!hisp*0!hhi*0!hours*1;sz=320x50;ord=__CACHEBUST__",
"videoAdUrl": ";ag=112;gnd=1;zip=23950;dma=560;clean=0;hours=1;app=;index=__INDEX__;msa=115;st=VA;co=51117;et=0;mc=0;aa=0;hisp=0;hhi=0;u=l*2jedvn446s7ce!ag*112!gnd*1!zip*23950!dma*560!clean*0!index*__INDEX__!msa*115!st*VA!co*51117!et*0!mc*0!aa*0!hisp*0!hhi*0!hours*1;sz=442x188;ord=__CACHEBUST__",
"username": "",
"canListen": true,
"nowPlayingAdUrl": ";ag=112;gnd=1;zip=23950;genre=0;station={4};model=;app=;OS=;dma=560;clean=0;hours=1;artist=;interaction=__INTERACTION__;index=__INDEX__;newUser=__AFTERREG__;logon=__LOGON__;msa=115;st=VA;co=51117;et=0;mc=0;aa=0;hisp=0;hhi=0;u=l*op4jfgdxmddjk!ag*112!gnd*1!zip*23950!station*{4}!dma*560!clean*0!index*__INDEX__!newUser*__AFTERREG__!logon*__LOGON__!msa*115!st*VA!co*51117!et*0!mc*0!aa*0!hisp*0!hhi*0!genre*0!interaction*__INTERACTION__!hours*1;sz=320x50;ord=__CACHEBUST__",
"userId": "272772589",
"listeningTimeoutMinutes": "180",
"maxStationsAllowed": 100,
"listeningTimeoutAlertMsgUri": "/mobile/still_listening.vm",
"userProfileUrl": "",
"minimumAdRefreshInterval": 5,
"userAuthToken": "XXX"
Code |
Description |
1002 |
Wrong user credentials. |