
Quick start using pywb, expects Google Chrome to be installed already:

pip install crocoite pywb
wb-manager init test && wb-manager add test
wayback &
$BROWSER http://localhost:8080

It is recommended to install at least Micrsoft’s Corefonts as well as DejaVu, Liberation or a similar font family covering a wide range of character sets. Otherwise page screenshots may be unusable due to missing glyphs.


By default crocoite will only retrieve the URL specified on the command line. However it can follow links as well. There’s currently two recursion strategies available, depth- and prefix-based.

crocoite -r 1

will retrieve and all pages directly refered to by it. Increasing the number increases the depth, so a value of 2 would first grab, queue all pages linked there as well as every reference on each of those pages.

On the other hand

crocoite -r prefix

will retrieve the URL specified and all pages referenced which have the same URL prefix. There trailing slash is significant. Without it crocoite would also grab /dir-something or /dir.html for example.

If an output file template is used each page is written to an individual file. For example

crocoite -r prefix '{host}-{date}-{seqnum}.warc.gz'

will write one file page page to files like seqnum is unique to each page of a single job and should always be used.

When running a recursive job, increasing the concurrency (i.e. how many pages are fetched at the same time) can speed up the process. For example you can pass -j 4 to retrieve four pages at the same time. Keep in mind that each process starts a full browser that requires a lot of resources (one to two GB of RAM and one or two CPU cores).


Under the hood crocoite starts one instance of crocoite-single to fetch each page. You can customize its options by appending a command template like this:

crocoite -r prefix -- \
     crocoite-single --timeout 5 -k '{url}' '{dest}'

This reduces the global timeout to 5 seconds and ignores TLS errors. If an option is prefixed with an exclamation mark (!) it will not be expanded. This is useful for passing --warcinfo, which expects JSON-encoded data.

Command line options

Below is a list of all command line arguments available:


Front-end with recursion support and simple job management.

-j N, --concurrency N

Maximum number of concurrent fetch jobs.

-r POLICY, --recursion POLICY

Enables recursion based on POLICY, which can be a positive integer (recursion depth) or the string prefix.

--tempdir DIR

Directory for temporary WARC files.


Back-end to fetch a single page.


Add cookie to browser’s cookie jar. This option always appends cookies, replacing those provided by -c.

New in version 1.1.

-c FILE, --cookie-jar FILE

Load cookies from FILE. crocoite provides a default cookie file, which contains cookies to, for example, circumvent age restrictions. This option replaces that default file.

New in version 1.1.

--idle-timeout SEC

Time after which a page is considered “idle”.

-k, --insecure

Allow insecure connections, i.e. self-signed ore expired HTTPS certificates.

--timeout SEC

Global archiving timeout.

--warcinfo JSON

Inject additional JSON-encoded information into the resulting WARC.

IRC bot

A simple IRC bot (“chromebot”) is provided with the command crocoite-irc. It reads its configuration from a config file like the example provided in contrib/chromebot.json and supports the following commands:

a <url> -j <concurrency> -r <policy> -k -b <set-cookie>

Archive <url> with <concurrency> processes according to recursion <policy>

s <uuid>

Get job status for <uuid>

r <uuid>

Revoke or abort running job with <uuid>