path: root/src/Main.purs
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-26 11:05:22 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-26 11:05:22 +0100
commitef88eb173fc87bfe1b87be533e4f574209d40b1d (patch)
tree384cdfa7446ff1f38fccbd696f4ddf479b3effc6 /src/Main.purs
Initial importHEADmaster
Disassembler seems to be working.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.purs')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.purs b/src/Main.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4906542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Main.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module Main (main, fileToArrayView) where
+import Prelude
+import Effect (Effect, foreachE)
+import Effect.Console (log)
+import Data.List
+import Data.List as L
+import Data.Tuple
+import Data.Int
+import Data.String.Utils (length, repeat)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, Maybe(..), maybe)
+import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
+import Node.FS.Sync (readFile)
+import Node.Buffer (toArrayBuffer)
+import Data.ArrayBuffer.Typed (whole, toArray, (!))
+import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (Uint16, ArrayView)
+import Data.UInt (toInt)
+import Data.Either (either)
+import Control.Monad.Rec.Class
+import Node.Process (argv)
+import Data.Array ((!!))
+import Decode
+import Asm
+import InstructionSet
+import Machine
+-- | Left-pad a string `s` to at least `num` characters with `pad`
+lpad :: Int -> String -> String -> String
+lpad num pad s = prefix <> s
+ where
+ prefix = case repeat (num-(length s)) pad of
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> ""
+-- | Right-pad a string `s` to at least `num` characters with `pad`
+rpad :: Int -> String -> String -> String
+rpad num pad s = s <> prefix
+ where
+ prefix = case repeat (num-(length s)) pad of
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> ""
+-- | Hex-format number `v`, adding padding to at least `len` characters
+toHex :: Int -> Int -> String
+toHex len v = lpad len "0" $ toStringAs hexadecimal v
+hexdump :: List Int -> String
+hexdump words = intercalate " " $ map (toHex 4) words
+-- Format instruction with hexdump @width
+formatInst :: Int -> Int -> Tuple (List Int) Instruction -> String
+formatInst address width (Tuple words inst) = toHex 8 address <> " | " <> rpad width " " (hexdump words) <> " | " <> (rpad 10 " " mnemonic) <> " " <> (intercalate ", " args)
+ where
+ asmInst = toAsm inst
+ mnemonic = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ head asmInst
+ args = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ tail asmInst
+-- | Create ArrayView from a file `name`.
+fileToArrayView :: String -> Effect (ArrayView Uint16)
+fileToArrayView name = (readFile name) >>= toArrayBuffer >>= whole
+logInst address = (log <<< (formatInst address (hexWords*hexWordWidth+hexWords*spaceWidth)))
+ where
+ hexWordWidth = 4
+ hexWords = maxInstructionLen
+ spaceWidth = 1
+-- Take n words from an ArrayView starting at offset
+takeView :: Int -> Int -> ArrayView Uint16 -> Effect (List Int)
+takeView _ 0 _ = pure Nil
+takeView offset n view = (view ! offset) >>= maybe (pure Nil) recurse
+ where
+ recurse v = ((:) (toInt v)) <$> (takeView (offset+1) (n-1) view)
+-- Disassemble memory in @view starting at @startAddress
+disasm :: Int -> ArrayView Uint16 -> Effect Unit
+disasm startAddress view = tailRecM go startAddress
+ where
+ go address = do
+ words <- takeView address maxInstructionLen view
+ either invalid (continue address words) $ decode words
+ invalid (InputTooShort x) = do
+ log $ "input too short " <> show x
+ pure $ Done unit
+ invalid (UnknownOpcode x) = do
+ log $ "unknown opcode " <> show x
+ pure $ Done unit
+ continue address words (Tuple inst len) = do
+ logInst (address*wordsize) (Tuple (take len words) inst)
+ pure $ Loop(address+len)
+main :: Effect Unit
+main = secondArg >>= (maybe argumentMissing doDisasm)
+ where
+ secondArg = (flip (!!) $ 2) <$> argv
+ argumentMissing = log "Missing argument"
+ doDisasm file = fileToArrayView file >>= disasm codeOffset