path: root/src
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-26 11:05:22 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-26 11:05:22 +0100
commitef88eb173fc87bfe1b87be533e4f574209d40b1d (patch)
tree384cdfa7446ff1f38fccbd696f4ddf479b3effc6 /src
Initial importHEADmaster
Disassembler seems to be working.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 839 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Asm.purs b/src/Asm.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb60ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Asm.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- Assembly/disassembly
+module Asm (toAsm) where
+import Prelude ((<>), show)
+import Data.List
+import Data.Int
+import InstructionSet
+-- | Convert Instruction to assembly mnemonic string + arguments
+toAsm :: Instruction -> List String
+toAsm (Instruction0 op) = show op:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionI op imm) = show op:immediate imm:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionC op code) = show op:codeAddress code:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionM op m) = show op:modno m:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionD op d) = show op:dataAddress d:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDD op d1 d2) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionID op imm d) = show op:immediate imm:dataAddress d:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDI op d imm) = show op:dataAddress d:immediate imm:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDD op d1 d2 d3) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDID op d1 imm d2) = show op:dataAddress d1:immediate imm:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionIDD op imm d1 d2) = show op:immediate imm:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionIIDD op i1 i2 d1 d2) = show op:immediate i1:immediate i2:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDD op d1 d2 d3 d4) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:dataAddress d4:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDC op d1 d2 d3 c) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:codeAddress c:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionIIDDD op i1 i2 d1 d2 d3) = show op:immediate i1:immediate i2:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDDD op d1 d2 d3 d4 d5) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:dataAddress d4:dataAddress d5:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDDDDD op d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:dataAddress d4:dataAddress d5:dataAddress d6:dataAddress d7:Nil
+dataAddress :: DataAddress -> String
+dataAddress (GlobalDataAddress a) = "*" <> (hex a)
+dataAddress (LocalDataAddress a) = "=" <> (hex a)
+dataAddress (LocalDataAddressRef a) = "<=" <> (hex a) <> ">"
+codeAddress a = "$" <> (hex a)
+immediate :: Immediate -> String
+immediate v = "#" <> hex v
+modno :: Module -> String
+modno v = "&" <> hex v
+hex :: Int -> String
+hex v = toStringAs hexadecimal v <> "h"
diff --git a/src/Decode.purs b/src/Decode.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4198f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Decode.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+-- Decode BIT-A encoded EUMEL0 instuction set.
+-- library/entwurf-systemdokumentation-1982.djvu documents the basics of this
+-- simple, word-based, variable-length encoding.
+-- Some instructions are not documented in the system documentation or differ
+-- from the documentation there. Apparently the instruction set was changed
+-- starting with EUMEL (see comment in
+-- src/devel/debugger/src/DEBUGGER.ELA). For the new/changed instructions see
+-- src/devel/misc/unknown/src/0DISASS.ELA and
+-- src/devel/debugger/doc/DEBUGGER.PRT
+module Decode (decode, DecodeError(..), Opcode, Word8) where
+import Prelude hiding (apply)
+import Data.Tuple
+import Data.Int.Bits
+import Data.List
+import Data.Either
+import Data.Function (apply)
+import InstructionSet
+-- There is a Data.Word module, but it is outdated, so we cannot use that
+type Word4 = Int
+type Word8 = Int
+type Word16 = Int
+type Opcode = Word8
+-- Number of words consumed by decoding
+type Consumed = Int
+type DecodeResult = Either DecodeError (Tuple Instruction Consumed)
+data DecodeError =
+ -- Expected number of words
+ InputTooShort Int
+ | UnknownOpcode Opcode
+-- | Decode arbitrary EUMEL0 instruction from a list of Word16, returns instruction and number of word16 consumed
+-- XXX: would be nice to use generics here and automate argument parsing (since every argument can only be 16 bit)
+decode :: List Word16 -> DecodeResult
+decode (first:xs) = decode' high low xs
+ where
+ high = and (shr first 8) 0xff
+ low = and first 0xff
+decode xs = makeInputTooShort 0
+-- | Decode instruction with first Word16 split into two Word8. Helper for real decode.
+decode' :: Word8 -> Word8 -> List Word16 -> DecodeResult
+-- special instructions
+decode' 0x7c v xs = makeInstID EQUIM (v:xs)
+decode' 0xfc v xs = makeInstID MOVI (v:xs)
+decode' 0x7d v xs = makeInstIDD MOVX (v:xs)
+-- two args from opcode word + 2 additional args = 3 words, not 4 → decLen
+decode' 0xfd v xs = decLen <$> makeInstIIDD PUTW (high:low:xs) where Tuple high low = getNibbles v -- XXX: high:low or low:high?
+decode' 0x7e v xs = decLen <$> makeInstIIDD GETW (high:low:xs) where Tuple high low = getNibbles v
+decode' 0xfe v xs = makeInstI PENTER (v:xs)
+-- incLen, so escape code + opcode are consumed in addition to args
+decode' 0x7f opcode xs = incLen <$> decodeSecondary opcode xs
+-- long primary instruction with FFh prefix. this works iff every primary
+-- instruction has at least one argument (they do)
+decode' 0xff opcode xs = incLen <$> decodePrimary opcode xs
+decode' high low xs = decodePrimary opcode (arg1:xs)
+ where Tuple opcode arg1 = (decodePrimaryOpcode high low)
+-- | Modify the consumed length of a decoded instruction
+modifyLen :: (Consumed -> Consumed) -> Tuple Instruction Consumed -> Tuple Instruction Consumed
+modifyLen f (Tuple inst len) = Tuple inst (f len)
+incLen = modifyLen ((+) 1)
+decLen = modifyLen (flip (-) $ 1)
+-- | Get upper/lower nibble (4 bits) of the 8 bit word `v`
+getNibbles :: Word8 -> Tuple Word4 Word4
+getNibbles v = Tuple high low
+ where
+ high = (and (shr v 4) 0xf)
+ low = (and v 0xf)
+-- Decode first Word16, split into two Word8, of primary instruction into opcode and argument
+decodePrimaryOpcode :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Tuple Opcode Word16
+decodePrimaryOpcode high low = Tuple opcode arg1
+ where
+ -- Mask high/low word according to sysdoc section 2.3 page 1. i is
+ -- opcode bit, d is data address bit. Having one d bit at the high
+ -- byte’s msb is intentional, see sysdoc section 2.1 page 36 (“Trick
+ -- 1”). This way small global and local addresses can be encoded here.
+ -- high low
+ -- diiiiidd dddddddd
+ opcode = high `and` 0x7c
+ arg1 = ((high `and` 0x83) `shl` 8) `or` low
+-- Decode primary instruction, based on decoded opcode. The first argument
+-- (part of opcode word16) must be the head of @xs
+decodePrimary :: Opcode -> List Word16 -> DecodeResult
+decodePrimary 0x00 = makeInstI LN
+decodePrimary 0x04 = makeInstI LN1
+decodePrimary 0x08 = makeInstDD MOV
+decodePrimary 0x0c = makeInstD INC1
+decodePrimary 0x10 = makeInstD DEC1
+decodePrimary 0x14 = makeInstDD INC
+decodePrimary 0x18 = makeInstDD DEC
+decodePrimary 0x1c = makeInstDDD ADD
+decodePrimary 0x20 = makeInstDDD SUB
+decodePrimary 0x24 = makeInstD CLEAR
+decodePrimary 0x28 = makeInstD TEST
+decodePrimary 0x2c = makeInstDD EQU
+decodePrimary 0x30 = makeInstDD LSEQ
+decodePrimary 0x34 = makeInstDD FMOV
+decodePrimary 0x38 = makeInstDDD FADD
+decodePrimary 0x3c = makeInstDDD FSUB
+decodePrimary 0x40 = makeInstDDD FMUL
+decodePrimary 0x44 = makeInstDDD FDIV
+decodePrimary 0x48 = makeInstDD FLSEQ
+decodePrimary 0x4c = makeInstDD TMOV
+decodePrimary 0x50 = makeInstDD TEQU
+decodePrimary 0x54 = makeInstDD ULSEQ
+decodePrimary 0x58 = makeInstDD DSACC
+decodePrimary 0x5c = makeInstDD REF
+decodePrimary 0x60 = makeInstIIDDD SUBS
+decodePrimary 0x64 = makeInstDID SEL
+decodePrimary 0x68 = makeInstD PPV
+decodePrimary 0x6c = makeInstD PP
+decodePrimary 0x70 = makeInstC B
+decodePrimary 0x74 = makeInstC B1
+decodePrimary 0x78 = makeInstM CALL
+decodePrimary x = const $ makeOpcodeUnknown x
+-- Decode secondary instruction, based on opcode (7fxxh) and tail
+decodeSecondary :: Opcode -> List Word16 -> DecodeResult
+decodeSecondary 0x00 = makeInst0 RTN
+decodeSecondary 0x01 = makeInst0 RTNT
+decodeSecondary 0x02 = makeInst0 RTNF
+--decodeSecondary 0x03 = makeInst* ? -- nonexistent in 1.8
+decodeSecondary 0x04 = makeInst0 STOP
+decodeSecondary 0x05 = makeInstC GOSUB
+decodeSecondary 0x06 = makeInst0 KE
+decodeSecondary 0x07 = makeInst0 GORET
+decodeSecondary 0x08 = makeInstDD BCRD
+decodeSecondary 0x09 = makeInstDD CRD
+--decodeSecondary 0x0a = makeInstDD ECWR -- original sysdoc
+decodeSecondary 0x0a = makeInstDDD ECWR
+decodeSecondary 0x0b = makeInstDDD CWR
+decodeSecondary 0x0c = makeInstDD CTT
+decodeSecondary 0x0d = makeInstDDD GETC
+decodeSecondary 0x0e = makeInstDDD FNONBL
+decodeSecondary 0x0f = makeInstDD DREM256
+decodeSecondary 0x10 = makeInstDD AMUL256
+--decodeSecondary 0x11 = makeInst* ?
+decodeSecondary 0x12 = makeInstD ISDIG
+decodeSecondary 0x13 = makeInstD ISLD
+decodeSecondary 0x14 = makeInstD ISLCAS
+decodeSecondary 0x15 = makeInstD ISUCAS
+decodeSecondary 0x16 = makeInstDDD GADDR
+decodeSecondary 0x17 = makeInstDDD GCADDR
+decodeSecondary 0x18 = makeInstD ISSHA
+decodeSecondary 0x19 = makeInst0 SYSG
+decodeSecondary 0x1a = makeInst0 GETTAB
+decodeSecondary 0x1b = makeInst0 PUTTAB
+decodeSecondary 0x1c = makeInst0 ERTAB
+decodeSecondary 0x1d = makeInstM EXEC
+decodeSecondary 0x1e = makeInstM PPROC
+decodeSecondary 0x1f = makeInstD PCALL
+decodeSecondary 0x20 = makeInstDI BRCOMP
+decodeSecondary 0x21 = makeInstIDD MOVXX
+decodeSecondary 0x22 = makeInstIDD ALIAS
+decodeSecondary 0x23 = makeInstID MOVII
+decodeSecondary 0x24 = makeInstDD FEQU
+decodeSecondary 0x25 = makeInstDD TLSEQ
+decodeSecondary 0x26 = makeInstDD FNEG
+decodeSecondary 0x27 = makeInstDD NEG
+decodeSecondary 0x28 = makeInstDDD IMULT
+decodeSecondary 0x29 = makeInstDDD MUL
+decodeSecondary 0x2a = makeInstDDD DIV
+decodeSecondary 0x2b = makeInstDDD MOD
+decodeSecondary 0x2c = makeInstDDD ITSUB
+decodeSecondary 0x2d = makeInstDDD ITRPL
+decodeSecondary 0x2e = makeInstDD DECOD
+decodeSecondary 0x2f = makeInstDD ENCOD
+decodeSecondary 0x30 = makeInstDDD SUBT1
+decodeSecondary 0x31 = makeInstDDDD SUBTFT
+decodeSecondary 0x32 = makeInstDDD SUBTF
+decodeSecondary 0x33 = makeInstDDD REPLAC
+decodeSecondary 0x34 = makeInstDD CAT
+decodeSecondary 0x35 = makeInstDD TLEN
+decodeSecondary 0x36 = makeInstDDD POS
+decodeSecondary 0x37 = makeInstDDDD POSF
+decodeSecondary 0x38 = makeInstDDDDD POSFT
+decodeSecondary 0x39 = makeInstDDDDDDD STRANL
+decodeSecondary 0x3a = makeInstDDDDD POSIF
+--decodeSecondary 0x3b = makeInst ?
+decodeSecondary 0x3c = makeInstD OUT
+decodeSecondary 0x3d = makeInstD COUT
+decodeSecondary 0x3e = makeInstDD OUTF
+decodeSecondary 0x3f = makeInstDDD OUTFT
+decodeSecondary 0x40 = makeInstD INCHAR
+decodeSecondary 0x41 = makeInstD INCETY
+decodeSecondary 0x42 = makeInstD PAUSE
+decodeSecondary 0x43 = makeInstDD GCPOS
+decodeSecondary 0x44 = makeInstDD CATINP
+decodeSecondary 0x45 = makeInstD NILDS
+decodeSecondary 0x46 = makeInstDD DSCOPY
+decodeSecondary 0x47 = makeInstD DSFORG
+decodeSecondary 0x48 = makeInstDD DSWTYP
+decodeSecondary 0x49 = makeInstDD DSRTYP
+decodeSecondary 0x4a = makeInstDD DSHEAP
+decodeSecondary 0x4b = makeInst0 ESTOP
+decodeSecondary 0x4c = makeInst0 DSTOP
+--decodeSecondary 0x4d = makeInst0 SETERR -- original sysdoc
+decodeSecondary 0x4d = makeInstD SETERR
+decodeSecondary 0x4e = makeInst0 ISERR
+decodeSecondary 0x4f = makeInst0 CLRERR
+decodeSecondary 0x50 = makeInstDD RPCB
+--decodeSecondary 0x51 = makeInstDD WPCB -- original sysdoc
+decodeSecondary 0x51 = makeInstDDD INFOPW
+decodeSecondary 0x52 = makeInstDD TWCPU
+decodeSecondary 0x53 = makeInstDD ROTATE
+--decodeSecondary 0x54 = makeInst0 XREW -- original sysdoc
+decodeSecondary 0x54 = makeInstDDDD CONTRL
+--decodeSecondary 0x55 = makeInstDDD XWRITE
+decodeSecondary 0x55 = makeInstDDDDD BLKOUT
+--decodeSecondary 0x56 = makeInstDDD XREAD
+decodeSecondary 0x56 = makeInstDDDDD BLKIN
+--decodeSecondary 0x57 = makeInstD XSKIP
+decodeSecondary 0x57 = makeInstDDD NXTDSP
+--decodeSecondary 0x58 = makeInstD XERR
+decodeSecondary 0x58 = makeInstDDD DSPAGS
+decodeSecondary 0x59 = makeInstDD STORAGE
+--decodeSecondary 0x5a = makeInst0 SHUTUP
+decodeSecondary 0x5a = makeInstD SYSOP
+decodeSecondary 0x5b = makeInst0 ARITS
+decodeSecondary 0x5c = makeInst0 ARITU
+decodeSecondary 0x5d = makeInstD HPSIZE
+decodeSecondary 0x5e = makeInst0 GARB
+--decodeSecondary 0x5f = makeInstD CHAEX
+decodeSecondary 0x5f = makeInstDDDC TPBEGIN -- XXX: not sure how many bytes the last arg has
+decodeSecondary 0x60 = makeInstDDD FSLD
+decodeSecondary 0x61 = makeInstDD GEXP
+decodeSecondary 0x62 = makeInstDD SEXP
+decodeSecondary 0x63 = makeInstDD FLOOR
+decodeSecondary 0x64 = makeInstDDD RTSUB
+decodeSecondary 0x65 = makeInstDDD RTRPL
+decodeSecondary 0x66 = makeInstDD CLOCK
+decodeSecondary 0x67 = makeInstD SETNOW
+decodeSecondary 0x68 = makeInstDDD TRPCB
+decodeSecondary 0x69 = makeInstDDD TWPCB
+decodeSecondary 0x6a = makeInstDD TCPU
+decodeSecondary 0x6b = makeInstDD TSTAT
+decodeSecondary 0x6c = makeInstD ACT
+decodeSecondary 0x6d = makeInstD DEACT
+decodeSecondary 0x6e = makeInstD THALT
+decodeSecondary 0x6f = makeInstDD TBEG
+decodeSecondary 0x70 = makeInstD TEND
+decodeSecondary 0x71 = makeInstDDDD SEND
+decodeSecondary 0x72 = makeInstDDD WAIT
+decodeSecondary 0x73 = makeInstDDDD SWCALL
+--decodeSecondary 0x74 = makeInstD CDBINT
+decodeSecondary 0x74 = makeInstDD CDBINT
+--decodeSecondary 0x75 = makeInstD CDBTXT
+decodeSecondary 0x75 = makeInstDD CDBTXT
+decodeSecondary 0x76 = makeInstD PNACT
+decodeSecondary 0x77 = makeInstDDD PW
+decodeSecondary 0x78 = makeInstDDD GW
+decodeSecondary 0x79 = makeInstDDD XOR
+decodeSecondary 0x7a = makeInstDDDD PPCALL
+decodeSecondary 0x7b = makeInstD EXTASK
+decodeSecondary 0x7c = makeInstDDD AND
+decodeSecondary 0x7d = makeInstDDD OR
+decodeSecondary 0x7e = makeInstD SESSION
+decodeSecondary 0x7f = makeInstDDDDD SENDFT
+decodeSecondary 0x80 = makeInstD DEFCOL
+decodeSecondary 0x81 = makeInstDD ID
+decodeSecondary x = const $ makeOpcodeUnknown x
+makeInputTooShort n = Left $ InputTooShort n
+makeOpcodeUnknown x = Left $ UnknownOpcode x
+-- Instruction without argument
+makeInst0 f _ = Right $ Tuple (Instruction0 f) 0
+makeInstI f (arg1:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionI f arg1) 1
+makeInstI _ _ = makeInputTooShort 1
+makeInstM f (arg1:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionM f arg1) 1
+makeInstM _ _ = makeInputTooShort 1
+makeInstC f (arg1:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionC f arg1) 1
+makeInstC _ _ = makeInputTooShort 1
+makeInstD f (arg1:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionD f (decodeDataAddress arg1)) 1
+makeInstD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 1
+makeInstID f (arg1:arg2:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionID f arg1 (decodeDataAddress arg2)) 2
+makeInstID _ _ = makeInputTooShort 2
+makeInstDI f (arg1:arg2:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDI f (decodeDataAddress arg1) arg2) 2
+makeInstDI _ _ = makeInputTooShort 2
+makeInstDD f (arg1:arg2:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDD f (decodeDataAddress arg1) (decodeDataAddress arg2)) 2
+makeInstDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 2
+makeInstIDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionIDD f arg1 (decodeDataAddress arg2) (decodeDataAddress arg3)) 3
+makeInstIDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 3
+makeInstDID f (arg1:arg2:arg3:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDID f (decodeDataAddress arg1) arg2 (decodeDataAddress arg3)) 3
+makeInstDID _ _ = makeInputTooShort 3
+makeInstDDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDDD f (decodeDataAddress arg1) (decodeDataAddress arg2) (decodeDataAddress arg3)) 3
+makeInstDDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 3
+makeInstIIDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionIIDD f arg1 arg2 (decodeDataAddress arg3) (decodeDataAddress arg4)) 4
+makeInstIIDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 4
+makeInstDDDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDDDD f (decodeDataAddress arg1) (decodeDataAddress arg2) (decodeDataAddress arg3) (decodeDataAddress arg4)) 4
+makeInstDDDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 4
+makeInstDDDC f (arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDDDC f (decodeDataAddress arg1) (decodeDataAddress arg2) (decodeDataAddress arg3) (decodeCodeAddress arg4)) 4
+makeInstDDDC _ _ = makeInputTooShort 4
+makeInstDDDDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDDDDD f (decodeDataAddress arg1) (decodeDataAddress arg2) (decodeDataAddress arg3) (decodeDataAddress arg4) (decodeDataAddress arg5)) 5
+makeInstDDDDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 5
+makeInstDDDDDDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:arg6:arg7:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionDDDDDDD f (decodeDataAddress arg1) (decodeDataAddress arg2) (decodeDataAddress arg3) (decodeDataAddress arg4) (decodeDataAddress arg5) (decodeDataAddress arg6) (decodeDataAddress arg7)) 7
+makeInstDDDDDDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 7
+makeInstIIDDD f (arg1:arg2:arg3:arg4:arg5:_) = Right $ Tuple (InstructionIIDDD f arg1 arg2 (decodeDataAddress arg3) (decodeDataAddress arg4) (decodeDataAddress arg5)) 5
+makeInstIIDDD _ _ = makeInputTooShort 5
+decodeDataAddress :: Word16 -> DataAddress
+decodeDataAddress v | msb16 v == 0 = GlobalDataAddress v
+-- else: msb is one and lsb is zoro
+decodeDataAddress v | lsb v == 0 = LocalDataAddress ((v `and` 0x7fff) `div` 2)
+-- else: msb one lsb one:
+decodeDataAddress v | otherwise = LocalDataAddressRef ((v `and` 0x7fff) `div` 2)
+msb16 x = (x `shr` 15) `and` 1
+lsb x = x `and` 1
+decodeCodeAddress :: Word16 -> CodeAddress
+decodeCodeAddress v = v
diff --git a/src/InstructionSet.purs b/src/InstructionSet.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e01b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/InstructionSet.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+-- | EUMEL0 instruction set data types
+module InstructionSet where
+import Prelude
+import Data.Show
+import Data.Generic.Rep.Show
+import Data.Generic.Rep
+-- in `Machine.wordsize` bytes
+maxInstructionLen = 1+7
+-- Operands:
+-- Immediate, i.e. data encoded in instruction word
+type Immediate = Int
+-- Module number
+type Module = Int
+type CodeAddress = Int
+type Procedure = Int
+-- A data memory address; XXX: uses word-addressing?
+data DataAddress =
+ GlobalDataAddress Int
+ | LocalDataAddress Int
+ | LocalDataAddressRef Int
+-- No operand
+data Op0 =
+ | GARB
+ | KE
+ | RTN
+ | RTNF
+ | RTNT
+ | STOP
+ | SYSG
+ | XREW
+-- One immediate Operand
+data OpI =
+ LN
+ | LN1
+-- One CodeAddress operand
+data OpC =
+ B
+ | B1
+-- One Module operand
+data OpM =
+ | EXEC
+-- One DataAddress operand
+data OpD =
+ | COUT
+ | DEC1
+ | INC1
+ | ISLD
+ | OUT
+ | PP
+ | PPV
+ | TEND
+ | TEST
+ | XERR -- XXX not sure about the first letter, IpagesDT in src/devel/misc/unknown/src/0DISASS.ELA
+-- Two DataAddress operands
+data OpDD =
+ AMUL256
+ | BCRD
+ | CAT
+ | CRD
+ | CTT
+ | DEC
+ | DREM256
+ | EQU
+ | FEQU
+ | FMOV
+ | FNEG
+ | GEXP
+ | INC
+ | ID
+ | LSEQ
+ | MOV
+ | NEG
+ | OUTF
+ | REF
+ | RPCB
+ | SEXP
+ | TBEG
+ | TCPU
+ | TEQU
+ | TLEN
+ | TMOV
+ | WPCB
+data OpID =
+ | MOVI
+data OpDI =
+data OpDDD =
+ | AND
+ | CWR
+ | DIV
+ | ECWR
+ | FADD
+ | FDIV
+ | FMUL
+ | FSLD
+ | FSUB
+ | GETC
+ | GW
+ | MOD
+ | MUL
+ | OR
+ | POS
+ | PW
+ | SUB
+ | SUBT1
+ | WAIT
+ | XOR
+data OpDID =
+data OpIDD =
+ | MOVX
+data OpIIDD =
+ | PUTW
+data OpDDDD =
+ | POSF
+ | SEND
+data OpIIDDD =
+data OpDDDDD =
+-- | Instruction encodings
+-- | A single Instruction Opcode (Array Args) would be sufficient, but not
+-- | type-safe. Thus they are grouped by encoding (i.e. argument count and type).
+data Instruction =
+ Instruction0 Op0
+ | InstructionI OpI Immediate
+ | InstructionC OpC CodeAddress
+ | InstructionM OpM Module
+ | InstructionD OpD DataAddress
+ | InstructionDD OpDD DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionID OpID Immediate DataAddress
+ | InstructionDI OpDI DataAddress Immediate
+ | InstructionDDD OpDDD DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionDID OpDID DataAddress Immediate DataAddress
+ | InstructionIDD OpIDD Immediate DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionIIDD OpIIDD Immediate Immediate DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionDDDD OpDDDD DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionDDDC OpDDDC DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress CodeAddress
+ | InstructionIIDDD OpIIDDD Immediate Immediate DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionDDDDD OpDDDDD DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress
+ | InstructionDDDDDDD OpDDDDDDD DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress DataAddress
+-- Until we figure out how to do this without generics
+derive instance genericOp0 :: Generic Op0 _
+instance showOp0 :: Show Op0 where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpI :: Generic OpI _
+instance showOpI :: Show OpI where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpC :: Generic OpC _
+instance showOpC :: Show OpC where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpM :: Generic OpM _
+instance showOpM :: Show OpM where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpD :: Generic OpD _
+instance showOpD :: Show OpD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDD :: Generic OpDD _
+instance showOpDD :: Show OpDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpID :: Generic OpID _
+instance showOpID :: Show OpID where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDI :: Generic OpDI _
+instance showOpDI :: Show OpDI where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDDD :: Generic OpDDD _
+instance showOpDDD :: Show OpDDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDID :: Generic OpDID _
+instance showOpDID :: Show OpDID where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpIDD :: Generic OpIDD _
+instance showOpIDD :: Show OpIDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpIIDD :: Generic OpIIDD _
+instance showOpIIDD :: Show OpIIDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDDDD :: Generic OpDDDD _
+instance showOpDDDD :: Show OpDDDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDDDC :: Generic OpDDDC _
+instance showOpDDDC :: Show OpDDDC where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDDDDD :: Generic OpDDDDD _
+instance showOpDDDDD :: Show OpDDDDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpIIDDD :: Generic OpIIDDD _
+instance showOpIIDDD :: Show OpIIDDD where
+ show = genericShow
+derive instance genericOpDDDDDDD :: Generic OpDDDDDDD _
+instance showOpDDDDDDD :: Show OpDDDDDDD where
+ show = genericShow
diff --git a/src/Machine.purs b/src/Machine.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ee4a55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Machine.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+-- Machine constants
+module Machine where
+import Prelude
+-- | Machine’s word size
+wordsize :: Int
+wordsize = 2
+-- | Code offset in default dataspace 4 in `wordsize`
+codeOffset :: Int
+codeOffset = 0x40000 `div` wordsize
+-- | Code section size in `wordsize`
+codeSize :: Int
+codeSize = (128*1024) `div` wordsize
+-- | Pagesize in `wordsize`, documentation sometimes calls this `ps`
+pagesize :: Int
+pagesize = 512 `div` wordsize
+-- | Max size af a single code module, `cms`, in words
+codeModuleSize :: Int
+codeModuleSize = 4096
+defaultDsId :: Int
+defaultDsId = 4
diff --git a/src/Main.purs b/src/Main.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4906542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Main.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+module Main (main, fileToArrayView) where
+import Prelude
+import Effect (Effect, foreachE)
+import Effect.Console (log)
+import Data.List
+import Data.List as L
+import Data.Tuple
+import Data.Int
+import Data.String.Utils (length, repeat)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust, Maybe(..), maybe)
+import Partial.Unsafe (unsafePartial)
+import Node.FS.Sync (readFile)
+import Node.Buffer (toArrayBuffer)
+import Data.ArrayBuffer.Typed (whole, toArray, (!))
+import Data.ArrayBuffer.Types (Uint16, ArrayView)
+import Data.UInt (toInt)
+import Data.Either (either)
+import Control.Monad.Rec.Class
+import Node.Process (argv)
+import Data.Array ((!!))
+import Decode
+import Asm
+import InstructionSet
+import Machine
+-- | Left-pad a string `s` to at least `num` characters with `pad`
+lpad :: Int -> String -> String -> String
+lpad num pad s = prefix <> s
+ where
+ prefix = case repeat (num-(length s)) pad of
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> ""
+-- | Right-pad a string `s` to at least `num` characters with `pad`
+rpad :: Int -> String -> String -> String
+rpad num pad s = s <> prefix
+ where
+ prefix = case repeat (num-(length s)) pad of
+ Just x -> x
+ Nothing -> ""
+-- | Hex-format number `v`, adding padding to at least `len` characters
+toHex :: Int -> Int -> String
+toHex len v = lpad len "0" $ toStringAs hexadecimal v
+hexdump :: List Int -> String
+hexdump words = intercalate " " $ map (toHex 4) words
+-- Format instruction with hexdump @width
+formatInst :: Int -> Int -> Tuple (List Int) Instruction -> String
+formatInst address width (Tuple words inst) = toHex 8 address <> " | " <> rpad width " " (hexdump words) <> " | " <> (rpad 10 " " mnemonic) <> " " <> (intercalate ", " args)
+ where
+ asmInst = toAsm inst
+ mnemonic = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ head asmInst
+ args = unsafePartial $ fromJust $ tail asmInst
+-- | Create ArrayView from a file `name`.
+fileToArrayView :: String -> Effect (ArrayView Uint16)
+fileToArrayView name = (readFile name) >>= toArrayBuffer >>= whole
+logInst address = (log <<< (formatInst address (hexWords*hexWordWidth+hexWords*spaceWidth)))
+ where
+ hexWordWidth = 4
+ hexWords = maxInstructionLen
+ spaceWidth = 1
+-- Take n words from an ArrayView starting at offset
+takeView :: Int -> Int -> ArrayView Uint16 -> Effect (List Int)
+takeView _ 0 _ = pure Nil
+takeView offset n view = (view ! offset) >>= maybe (pure Nil) recurse
+ where
+ recurse v = ((:) (toInt v)) <$> (takeView (offset+1) (n-1) view)
+-- Disassemble memory in @view starting at @startAddress
+disasm :: Int -> ArrayView Uint16 -> Effect Unit
+disasm startAddress view = tailRecM go startAddress
+ where
+ go address = do
+ words <- takeView address maxInstructionLen view
+ either invalid (continue address words) $ decode words
+ invalid (InputTooShort x) = do
+ log $ "input too short " <> show x
+ pure $ Done unit
+ invalid (UnknownOpcode x) = do
+ log $ "unknown opcode " <> show x
+ pure $ Done unit
+ continue address words (Tuple inst len) = do
+ logInst (address*wordsize) (Tuple (take len words) inst)
+ pure $ Loop(address+len)
+main :: Effect Unit
+main = secondArg >>= (maybe argumentMissing doDisasm)
+ where
+ secondArg = (flip (!!) $ 2) <$> argv
+ argumentMissing = log "Missing argument"
+ doDisasm file = fileToArrayView file >>= disasm codeOffset