path: root/src/Asm.purs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Asm.purs')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Asm.purs b/src/Asm.purs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcb60ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Asm.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+-- Assembly/disassembly
+module Asm (toAsm) where
+import Prelude ((<>), show)
+import Data.List
+import Data.Int
+import InstructionSet
+-- | Convert Instruction to assembly mnemonic string + arguments
+toAsm :: Instruction -> List String
+toAsm (Instruction0 op) = show op:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionI op imm) = show op:immediate imm:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionC op code) = show op:codeAddress code:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionM op m) = show op:modno m:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionD op d) = show op:dataAddress d:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDD op d1 d2) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionID op imm d) = show op:immediate imm:dataAddress d:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDI op d imm) = show op:dataAddress d:immediate imm:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDD op d1 d2 d3) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDID op d1 imm d2) = show op:dataAddress d1:immediate imm:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionIDD op imm d1 d2) = show op:immediate imm:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionIIDD op i1 i2 d1 d2) = show op:immediate i1:immediate i2:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDD op d1 d2 d3 d4) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:dataAddress d4:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDC op d1 d2 d3 c) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:codeAddress c:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionIIDDD op i1 i2 d1 d2 d3) = show op:immediate i1:immediate i2:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDDD op d1 d2 d3 d4 d5) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:dataAddress d4:dataAddress d5:Nil
+toAsm (InstructionDDDDDDD op d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7) = show op:dataAddress d1:dataAddress d2:dataAddress d3:dataAddress d4:dataAddress d5:dataAddress d6:dataAddress d7:Nil
+dataAddress :: DataAddress -> String
+dataAddress (GlobalDataAddress a) = "*" <> (hex a)
+dataAddress (LocalDataAddress a) = "=" <> (hex a)
+dataAddress (LocalDataAddressRef a) = "<=" <> (hex a) <> ">"
+codeAddress a = "$" <> (hex a)
+immediate :: Immediate -> String
+immediate v = "#" <> hex v
+modno :: Module -> String
+modno v = "&" <> hex v
+hex :: Int -> String
+hex v = toStringAs hexadecimal v <> "h"