path: root/src
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2017-11-02 13:46:31 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2017-11-02 13:47:01 +0100
commit25c120d01c8d133ad8b481941de2ebbadf373f4e (patch)
tree731cdc9030b7dab5568092d91fb64f9a75fe0f4f /src
parent7fb8756787ae8aaeba4fa0d1b2eeb703516d8c23 (diff)
Show feature category
Just the feature name is not enough information in some cases.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 16 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Db.hs b/src/Db.hs
index fa38db3..caeaf77 100644
--- a/src/Db.hs
+++ b/src/Db.hs
@@ -96,6 +96,13 @@ getFeaturesByBase db base = M.filterWithKey (\k v -> (base ++ ".") `isPrefixOf`
-- |Get number of algorithms in database
algorithmCount db = M.size $ dalgos db
+split :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
+split delim s = let (a, b:bs) = span (/= delim) s in a:split delim bs
+-- |Get base of feature
+getFeatureBase :: String -> String
+getFeatureBase feature = head $ split '.' feature
minMaxPublicationYears db = (firstyear, lastyear)
pubyears = catMaybes $ map (lookup "year" . E.fields) $ dpublications db
diff --git a/src/Render.hs b/src/Render.hs
index 7b8bab2..1b22270 100644
--- a/src/Render.hs
+++ b/src/Render.hs
@@ -33,8 +33,15 @@ resolveDoi q = "" ++ q
protofeatures :: Database -> Protocol -> Html ()
protofeatures _ p | (M.size $ pfeatures p) == 0 = mempty
protofeatures db p = do
- dt_ "Features"
- dd_ $ ul_ [class_ "features list-inline"] $ forM_ (sort $ M.keys $ pfeatures p) (\x -> li_ [data_ "id" (T.pack x), class_ "list-inline-item"] $ toHtml $ maybe ("" :: String) fname $ M.lookup x (dfeatures db))
+ dt_ "Features"
+ dd_ $ ul_ [class_ "features"] $ forM_ (sort $ M.keys $ pfeatures p) item
+ where
+ item :: String -> Html ()
+ item name = li_ [data_ "id" (T.pack name)] $ do
+ toHtml $ maybeLookup $ getFeatureBase name
+ ": "
+ toHtml $ maybeLookup name
+ maybeLookup name = maybe ("" :: String) fname $ M.lookup name (dfeatures db)
-- |List of protocol publications
protopapers :: [T] -> Html ()