path: root/basic
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2016-09-30 16:57:23 +0200
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2016-09-30 16:59:06 +0200
commit724cc003460ec67eda269911da85c9f9e40aa6cf (patch)
tree14e27b45e04279516e4be546b15dcf6fafe17268 /basic
Add extracted sources from floppy disk images
Some files have no textual representation (yet) and were added as raw dataspaces.
Diffstat (limited to 'basic')
-rw-r--r--basic/eumel coder 1.8.13086
-rw-r--r--basic/eumel0 codesbin0 -> 512 bytes
6 files changed, 8928 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/basic/BASIC.Administration b/basic/BASIC.Administration
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6df6854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/BASIC.Administration
@@ -0,0 +1,1886 @@
+(* *)
+(* Zweite von drei Dateien des EUMEL-BASIC-Systems *)
+(* *)
+(* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+(* Überarbeitet von: Rudolf Ruland und Michael Overdick *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand: 27.10.1987 *)
+(* *)
+PACKET basic errors DEFINES basic error, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ return error, (* Stand: 26.08.1987/rr/mo *)
+ basic warning:
+TEXT VAR erste zeile,
+ message;
+LET errorsize = 40;
+ROW errorsize ERROR CONST error msg :: ROW errorsize ERROR :
+(ERROR:( 1, "NEXT ohne FOR"),
+ ERROR:( 2, "Syntaxfehler:"),
+ ERROR:( 5, "Fehlerhafter Funktionsaufruf"),
+ ERROR:( 8, "Zeile mit dieser Nummer existiert nicht"),
+ ERROR:(10, "Das Feld ist bereits dimensioniert"),
+ ERROR:(13, "Falscher Typ:"),
+ ERROR:(15, "Text zu lang"),
+ ERROR:(18, "Undefinierte 'user function'"),
+ ERROR:(22, "Ausdruck erwartet"),
+ ERROR:(26, "FOR ohne NEXT"),
+ ERROR:(29, "WHILE ohne WEND"),
+ ERROR:(30, "WEND ohne WHILE"),
+ ERROR:(51, "Interner Fehler"),
+ ERROR:(80, "Fehlerhafte Zeilennummer"),
+ ERROR:(81, "Falsche Reihenfolge der Zeilennummern"),
+ ERROR:(82, "Falscher Typ des Operanden:"),
+ ERROR:(83, "Falscher Typ der Operanden:"),
+ ERROR:(84, "Falsche Felddimension:"),
+ ERROR:(85, "Rekursive Funktionsdefinition"),
+ ERROR:(86, "Fehlerhafte Laufvariable:"),
+ ERROR:(87, "Fehlerhafte Bereichsangabe:"),
+ ERROR:(88, "Fehlerhafte Dimensionierung:"),
+ ERROR:(89, "Parametervariable kommt mehrmals vor"),
+ ERROR:(90, "AS ohne NAME"),
+ ERROR:(91, "BASE ohne OPTION"),
+ ERROR:(92, "ELSE ohne IF"),
+ ERROR:(93, "STEP ohne FOR"),
+ ERROR:(94, "TAB ohne (L)PRINT"),
+ ERROR:(95, "THEN ohne IF"),
+ ERROR:(96, "TO ohne Zusammenhang"),
+ ERROR:(97, "USING ohne (L)PRINT"),
+ ERROR:(98, "Unbekannte Funktion,"),
+ ERROR:(99, "Unbekannte Prozedur,"),
+ ERROR:(100,"Nicht implementiert"),
+ ERROR:(101,"SUB ohne GO"),
+ ERROR:(102,"GO ohne TO oder SUB"),
+ ERROR:(103,"Accessrecht VAR erwartet, CONST gefunden"),
+ ERROR:(104,"Funktionsaufruf ohne Zusammenhang"),
+ ERROR:(105,"Nach OPTION BASE ist nur 0 oder 1 erlaubt"),
+ ERROR:(106,"Bei SWAP nur gleiche Variablentypen erlaubt"));
+TEXT PROC errortext (INT CONST no):
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO errorsize
+ REP IF errormsg [i].no = no
+ THEN LEAVE errortext WITH errormsg [i].msg FI
+ PER;
+ "Unbekannter BASIC-Fehler #" + text (no) .
+END PROC errortext;
+PROC basic error (TEXT CONST packet,
+ INT CONST error nr,
+ INT CONST line nr,
+ INT CONST statement nr,
+ TEXT CONST position, addition,
+ BOOL CONST leave statement):
+ erste zeile aufbauen;
+ einfache fehlermeldung aufbauen;
+ diese auf terminal ausgeben;
+ diese in sysout datei ausgeben wenn noetig; (* F20/rr *)
+ fehlermeldung in fehlerdatei ausgeben;
+ IF leave statement (* DEF/mo *)
+ THEN errorstop (101, packet + "-Fehler")
+ FI.
+erste zeile aufbauen:
+ IF line nr = 0 AND statement nr = 0
+ THEN erste zeile := "FEHLER"
+ ELSE erste zeile := "FEHLER (Dateizeile ";
+ erste zeile CAT text (line nr);
+ erste zeile CAT ") in Zeile ";
+ erste zeile CAT text (statement nr);
+ FI;
+ erste zeile CAT " bei >> ";
+ erste zeile CAT position;
+ erste zeile CAT " << : " .
+einfache fehlermeldung aufbauen:
+ message := " ";
+ message CAT error text (error nr);
+ message CAT " " .
+diese auf terminal ausgeben: (* F20/rr *)
+ display (""13""10"");
+ display (erste zeile);
+ display (""13""10"");
+ display (message + addition);
+ display (""13""10"") .
+diese in sysout datei ausgeben wenn noetig : (* F20/rr *)
+ IF sysout <> ""
+ THEN putline (erste zeile);
+ putline (message + addition);
+ line;
+ FI .
+fehlermeldung in fehlerdatei ausgeben:
+ note (erste zeile);
+ note line;
+ note (message);
+ note (addition);
+ note line .
+END PROC basic error;
+PROC basic warning (INT CONST line nr, (* mo *)
+ statement nr,
+ TEXT CONST warning text):
+generate warning;
+on screen;
+in sysout file;
+into the notebook.
+generate warning:
+ IF line nr = 0 AND statement nr = 0
+ THEN erste zeile := "WARNUNG"
+ ELSE erste zeile := "WARNUNG (Dateizeile ";
+ erste zeile CAT text (line nr);
+ erste zeile CAT ") in Zeile ";
+ erste zeile CAT text (statement nr);
+ FI;
+ erste zeile CAT ": ";
+ erste zeile CAT warning text.
+on screen:
+ display (""13""10"");
+ display (erste zeile);
+ display (""13""10"").
+in sysout file:
+ IF sysout <> ""
+ THEN putline (erste zeile);
+ line;
+ FI.
+into the notebook:
+ IF warnings
+ THEN note (erste zeile);
+ note line
+ FI.
+END PROC basic warning;
+PROC return error:
+ errorstop (1003, "RETURN ohne GOSUB")
+END PROC return error;
+END PACKET basic errors;
+PACKET basic types DEFINES symbol of, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ type of, (* Stand: 07.09.1987/rr/mo *)
+ dim of,
+ shift, deshift,
+ reserved,
+ param list,
+ is bool op:
+LET (* S y m b o l T y p e n *)
+ any = 0, const = 1, var = 2, array = 3,
+ expr = 4, unused = 5, letter = 6, param = 7,
+ res word = 8, operator = 9, eos = 10, del = 11,
+ stat no = 12, eol = 13, eop = 14,
+ user fn = 20; (* DEF/mo *)
+(* Operatoren *)
+LET less equal = 28, unequal = 29, greater equal = 30;
+TEXT VAR dummy;
+TEXT PROC symbol of (INT CONST n) :
+ IF n < 0
+ THEN ""19"" + symbol of (-n)
+ CASE less equal : "<="
+ CASE unequal : "<>"
+ CASE greater equal : ">="
+ CASE eos : "EOS"
+ CASE eol : "EOL"
+ CASE eop : "EOF"
+ FI .
+character :
+ IF n > 32 AND n < 128
+ THEN code (n)
+ ELIF n >= 128 AND n <= 255
+ THEN res word of (n)
+ ELSE "%" + subtext (text (n+1000), 2) + " " FI .
+END PROC symbol of;
+TEXT PROC type of (INT CONST n) :
+ CASE any : "ANY"
+ CASE const : "Konstante"
+ CASE var : "Variable"
+ CASE array : "Feld"
+ CASE expr : "Ausdruck"
+ CASE unused : " -?- "
+ CASE letter : "Buchstabe"
+ CASE param : "Parameter"
+ CASE res word : "reserviertes Wort"
+ CASE operator : "Operator"
+ CASE eos : "EOS"
+ CASE del : "Trennzeichen"
+ CASE stat no : "Zeilennumer"
+ CASE eol : "EOL"
+ CASE eop : "EOF"
+ CASE user fn : "'user function'" (* DEF/mo *)
+END PROC type of;
+TEXT PROC dim of (TEXT CONST parameter):
+ IF parameter = ""
+ THEN ""
+ ELSE base limits and size FI .
+base limits and size:
+ INT CONST dimension :: (LENGTH parameter DIV 2) - 2;
+ TEXT VAR result :: text (parameter ISUB dimension+1);
+ INT VAR i;
+ result CAT ": [";
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO dimension-1
+ REP result CAT text (parameter ISUB i);
+ result CAT ", "
+ PER;
+ result CAT text (parameter ISUB dimension);
+ result CAT "] ";
+ result CAT text (parameter ISUB dimension+2);
+ result .
+END PROC dim of;
+TEXT PROC param list (INT CONST first, no):
+ IF no < first
+ THEN "keine"
+ ELSE parameter list FI .
+parameter list:
+ INT VAR i;
+ TEXT VAR result :: "(";
+ FOR i FROM first UPTO no
+ REP result CAT dump (dtype (i));
+ IF i = no
+ THEN result CAT ")"
+ ELSE result CAT ", " FI
+ PER;
+ result .
+END PROC param list;
+TEXT PROC shift (TEXT CONST word) :
+ INT VAR i;
+ dummy := word;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (word)
+ REP shift char PER;
+ dummy .
+shift char:
+ INT VAR local letter :: code (dummy SUB i);
+ IF 97 <= local letter AND local letter <= 122
+ THEN replace (dummy, i, code (local letter - 32)) FI .
+END PROC shift;
+TEXT PROC deshift (TEXT CONST word) :
+ INT VAR i;
+ dummy := word;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (word)
+ REP deshift char PER;
+ dummy .
+deshift char:
+ INT VAR local letter :: code (dummy SUB i);
+ IF 65 <= local letter AND local letter <= 90
+ THEN replace (dummy, i, code (local letter + 32)) FI;
+END PROC deshift;
+(* Verwaltung der Reservierten BASIC-Wörter *)
+LET first operator = 249, (* MOD NOT AND OR XOR EQV IMP *)
+ first bool op = 250; (* 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 *)
+INT VAR index;
+ROW 9 TEXT VAR res words :: ROW 9 TEXT :
+ ""129"as"163"go"167"if"188"on"217"to"252"or",
+ ""128"abs"130"asc"131"atn"141"cos"142"cvd"143"cvi"145"def"150"dim"152"end"153"eof"154"erl"155"err"157"exp"159"fix"160"for"161"fre"162"get"172"int"175"len"176"let"178"loc"179"log"191"out"192"pos"194"put"202"rnd"197"rem"204"sgn"205"sin"207"spc"208"sqr"214"tab"215"tan"221"val"227"cls"234"usr"235"sub"249"mod"250"not"251"and"253"xor"254"eqv"255"imp",
+ ""132"base"133"call"134"cdbl"136"chr$"137"cint"144"data"151"else"165"goto"166"hex$"173"kill"177"line"181"lset"182"mid$"183"mkd$"184"mki$"185"name"186"next"187"oct$"189"open"196"read"203"rset"209"step"210"stop"211"str$"213"swap"216"then"219"tron"222"wait"223"wend"228"erm$"230"lpos",
+ ""135"chain"138"clear"139"close"156"error"158"field"164"gosub"169"input"171"instr"174"left$"193"print"218"troff"220"using"224"while"225"width"226"write"231"time$"232"date$"233"timer",
+ ""140"common"146"defdbl"147"defint"148"defsng"149"defstr"168"inkey$"170"input$"180"lprint"190"option"199"resume"200"return"201"right$"206"space$"229"csrlin",
+ ""198"restore"212"string$",
+ "",
+ ""195"randomize");
+BOOL PROC reserved (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR no, type):
+ IF reserve is not possible COR not found within res words
+ ELSE no := code (this words SUB (index-1));
+ type := res word or op;
+ FI .
+reserve is not possible:
+ INT CONST len :: length (name);
+ len < 2 OR len > 9 .
+not found within res words:
+ index := pos (this words, name);
+ index = 0 .
+this words:
+ res words [len] .
+res word or op:
+ IF no >= first operator
+ THEN operator
+ ELSE res word FI .
+END PROC reserved;
+INT PROC reserved (TEXT CONST name):
+ IF reserve is not possible COR not found within res words
+ THEN 0
+ ELSE code (this words SUB (index-1)) FI .
+reserve is not possible:
+ INT CONST len :: length (name);
+ len < 2 OR len > 9 .
+not found within res words:
+ index := pos (this words, name);
+ index = 0 .
+this words:
+ res words [len] .
+END PROC reserved;
+TEXT PROC res word of (INT CONST no):
+ INT VAR i;
+ REP index := pos (res words [i], code (no));
+ IF index > 0
+ THEN LEAVE res word of WITH shift (this name) FI
+ PER;
+ "" .
+this name:
+ subtext (res words [i], index+1, next code) .
+next code:
+ INT VAR c := pos (res words [i], ""127"", ""255"", index+1);
+ IF c = 0
+ THEN length (res words [i])
+ ELSE c-1 FI .
+END PROC res word of;
+BOOL PROC is bool op (INT CONST no): (* mo *)
+ no >= first bool op
+END PROC is bool op;
+END PACKET basic types;
+PACKET basic table handling DEFINES init table, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ put name, (* Stand: 13.08.1987/rr/mo *)
+ known, name of,
+ remember,
+ recognize,
+ table entries,
+ hash table, next table,
+ scope compulsory: (* DEF/mo *)
+LET hash length = 1024,
+ hash length minus one = 1023,
+ start of name table = 256,
+ table length = 4500;
+ ROW hash length INT hash table,
+ ROW table length INT next,
+ ROW table length TEXT name table,
+ ROW table length SYMBOL symbol table);
+DATASPACE VAR table space;
+SYMBOL CONST nilsymbol :: SYMBOL:(0, LOC 0, void type, "");
+BOOL VAR compulsory with scope :: TRUE; (* DEF/mo *)
+PROC init table:
+ IF NOT initialized (tab)
+ THEN table space := nilspace;
+ table := table space;
+ FI;
+ table.entries := start of name table;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO hash length
+ REP table.hash table [i] := 0 PER;
+ compulsory with scope := TRUE; (* DEF/mo *)
+END PROC init table;
+PROC put name (TEXT CONST scope, name, INT VAR pointer): (* DEF/mo *)
+ IF compulsory with scope
+ THEN put name (scope + name, pointer)
+ ELIF NOT in table
+ THEN put name (name, pointer)
+ FI.
+in table:
+ hash (scope + name, pointer);
+ pointer := hash table (pointer);
+ WHILE not end of chain
+ REP IF name is found THEN LEAVE in table WITH TRUE FI;
+ pointer := table. next (pointer);
+ PER;
+name is found:
+ table [pointer] = scope + name.
+not end of chain:
+ pointer > 0 .
+END PROC put name;
+PROC put name (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR pointer):
+ IF no entry in hash table
+ THEN create a new chain
+ ELSE create a new entry in chain FI;
+ insert name in name table .
+no entry in hash table:
+ INT VAR hash index;
+ hash (name, hash index);
+ table.hash table [hash index] = 0 .
+create a new chain:
+ table.hash table [hash index] := table.entries .
+create a new entry in chain:
+ pointer := table.hash table [hash index];
+ REP IF name is found
+ THEN LEAVE put name
+ ELIF end of chain
+ THEN [pointer] := table.entries;
+ LEAVE create a new entry in chain
+ ELSE pointer := next pointer FI
+ PER .
+name is found:
+ table [pointer] = name.
+end of chain:
+ INT CONST next pointer := [pointer];
+ next pointer = 0 .
+insert name in name table:
+ IF table.entries >= table length
+ THEN errorstop ("volle Namenstabelle") FI;
+ pointer := table.entries;
+ table.symbol table [pointer] := nilsymbol;
+ table [pointer] := name;
+ [pointer] := 0;
+ table.entries INCR 1 .
+END PROC put name;
+PROC hash (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR index) :
+ INT VAR j;
+ index := 0;
+ FOR j FROM 1 UPTO length (name)
+ REP addmult cyclic PER;
+ index INCR 1 .
+addmult cyclic :
+ index INCR index ;
+ IF index > hash length minus one
+ THEN wrap around FI;
+ index := (index + code (name SUB j)) MOD hash length minus one .
+wrap around:
+ index DECR hash length minus one .
+ENDPROC hash ;
+INT PROC table entries:
+ table.entries
+END PROC table entries;
+INT PROC hash table (INT CONST n):
+ table.hash table [n]
+END PROC hash table;
+INT PROC next table (INT CONST n):
+ [n]
+END PROC next table;
+TEXT PROC name of (INT CONST index):
+ IF index < 0
+ THEN errorstop ("PROC name of: negativer Index"); ""
+ ELIF index < start of name table
+ THEN symbol of (index)
+ ELIF index <= table.entries
+ THEN table (index)
+ ELSE errorstop ("PROC name of: Index größer als nametable");
+ ""
+ FI
+END PROC name of;
+PROC recognize (INT CONST symb, type, ADDRESS CONST adr, DTYPE CONST data, TEXT CONST dim):
+ symbol.type := type;
+ symbol.adr := adr;
+ := data;
+ symbol.dim := dim .
+symbol: table.symboltable [symb] .
+END PROC recognize;
+PROC remember (INT CONST symb, INT VAR type, ADDRESS VAR adr, DTYPE VAR data, TEXT VAR dim):
+ SYMBOL CONST symbol := table.symboltable [symb];
+ type := symbol.type;
+ adr := symbol.adr;
+ data :=;
+ dim := symbol.dim
+END PROC remember;
+BOOL PROC known (INT CONST symb) :
+ table.symboltable [symb].type > 0
+END PROC known;
+PROC scope compulsory (BOOL CONST new state): (* DEF/mo *)
+ compulsory with scope := new state
+END PROC scope compulsory;
+END PACKET basic table handling;
+PACKET basic scanner DEFINES begin scanning, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ next symbol, (* Stand: 27.10.1987/rr/mo *)
+ next data,
+ next statement,
+ define chars,
+ scan line,
+ scan line no, (* F29/rr *)
+ get data types of input vars, (* F25/rr *)
+ basic error,
+ basic warning,
+ basic list,
+ set scope,
+ scanner scope:
+LET (* S y m b o l T y p e n *)
+ any = 0, const = 1, var = 2, array = 3,
+ res word= 8, operator= 9, eos = 10, del =11,
+ stat no = 12, user fn = 20; (* DEF/mo *)
+LET (* S y m b o l z e i c h e n *)
+ less = 60, greater = 62,
+ less equal = 28, unequal = 29, greater equal = 30,
+ point = 46, eol = 13, eop = 14,
+ go = 163, gosub = 164, goto = 165,
+ sub = 235, to = 217;
+LET name chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.0123456789!#$%",
+ quote = """", open bracket = "(",
+ comma = ",", close bracket = ")",
+ colon = ":",
+ exponent chars= "dDeE";
+FILE VAR source file;
+TEXT VAR defint chars, defstr chars, record, letter,
+ scope, new name; (* DEF/mo *)
+REAL VAR r dummy;
+INT VAR act stat no, record no, rec len, scan pos, i dummy;
+BOOL VAR eol generated, at line begin, listing := FALSE;
+PROC define chars (TEXT CONST begin, end, DTYPE CONST data):
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM code (begin) UPTO code (end)
+ REP IF data = int type
+ THEN defint chars CAT code (i)
+ ELIF data = text type
+ THEN defstr chars CAT code (i)
+ FI
+ PER .
+END PROC define chars;
+PROC scanline (TEXT VAR line, INT VAR col):
+ line := record;
+ col := scan pos
+END PROC scanline;
+INT PROC scan line no : record no END PROC scan line no;
+PROC get data types of input vars (ROW 100 DTYPE VAR input var data, (* F25/rr *)
+ INT VAR number input vars) :
+ TEXT VAR first var char;
+ INT VAR var pos := scan pos;
+ to begin of actual var;
+ REP get next input var;
+ skip brackets if necessary;
+ IF var char <> comma THEN LEAVE get data types of input vars FI;
+ skip comma;
+ PER;
+ . var char : record SUB var pos
+ . to begin of actual var :
+ WHILE pos (name chars, var char) <> 0 REP var pos DECR 1 PER;
+ var pos INCR 1;
+ number input vars := 0;
+ . get next input var :
+ first var char := deshift (var char);
+ WHILE pos (name chars, var char) <> 0 REP var pos INCR 1 PER;
+ var pos DECR 1;
+ number input vars INCR 1;
+ input var data (number input vars) := var datatype (first var char, var char);
+ var pos := pos (record, ""33"", ""255"", var pos + 1);
+ . skip brackets if necessary :
+ IF var char = open bracket
+ THEN INT VAR bracket counter := 1;
+ REP count bracket UNTIL bracket counter = 0 PER;
+ var pos := pos (record, ""33"", ""255"", var pos + 1);
+ FI;
+ . count bracket :
+ INT CONST open := pos (record, open bracket, var pos + 1),
+ close := pos (record, close bracket, var pos + 1);
+ IF open > 0
+ THEN IF close > 0
+ THEN IF open > close
+ THEN close bracket found
+ ELSE open bracket found
+ FI;
+ ELSE open bracket found
+ FI;
+ ELSE IF close > 0
+ THEN close bracket found
+ ELSE LEAVE get data types of input vars
+ FI;
+ FI;
+ . open bracket found :
+ bracket counter INCR 1;
+ var pos := open;
+ . close bracket found :
+ bracket counter DECR 1;
+ var pos := close;
+ . skip comma :
+ var pos := pos (record, ""33"", ""255"", var pos + 1);
+END PROC get data types of input vars;
+PROC begin scanning (FILE VAR basic file):
+ enable stop;
+ source file := basic file;
+ to first record (source file);
+ col (source file, 1);
+ IF eof (source file)
+ THEN errorstop ("Datei ist leer") FI;
+ defint chars := "";
+ defstr chars := "";
+ scope := ""; (* DEF/mo *)
+ act stat no := 0;
+ read record (source file, record);
+ rec len := length (record);
+ scan pos := 0;
+ record no := 1;
+ eol generated := FALSE;
+ at line begin := TRUE;
+ IF listing
+ THEN line;
+ putline (record);
+ IF sysout <> ""
+ THEN cout (record no)
+ FI
+ ELSE cout (record no)
+ FI.
+END PROC begin scanning;
+PROC next statement:
+ IF eof (source file)
+ THEN errorstop (99, "")
+ ELSE eol generated := FALSE;
+ at line begin := TRUE;
+ down (source file);
+ read record (source file, record);
+ rec len := length (record);
+ scan pos := 0;
+ record no INCR 1;
+ FI;
+ IF listing
+ THEN putline (record);
+ IF sysout <> ""
+ THEN cout (record no)
+ FI
+ ELSE cout (record no)
+ FI.
+END PROC next statement;
+PROC next symbol (TEXT VAR name, INT VAR no, type, DTYPE VAR data):
+ enable stop;
+ clear symbol;
+ IF eol generated
+ THEN next statement FI;
+ IF eol reached
+ THEN generate eol
+ ELIF at line begin CAND stat no found (* F15/rr *)
+ THEN generate stat no
+ ELSE generate chars FI .
+clear symbol:
+ name := "";
+ no := 0;
+ type := any;
+ data := void type .
+eol reached:
+ scan pos := pos (record, ""33"", ""255"", scan pos+1);
+ scan pos = 0 .
+generate eol :
+ IF eof (source file)
+ THEN name := "EOF"; no := eop; type := eos
+ ELSE name := "EOL"; no := eol; type := eos FI;
+ eol generated := TRUE .
+stat no found: (* F15/rr *)
+ at line begin := FALSE;
+ pos ("0123456789", act char) <> 0 .
+generate stat no: (* F15/rr *)
+ INT CONST next scan pos := last number pos;
+ name := subtext (record, scan pos, next scan pos);
+ act stat no := int (name);
+ scan pos := next scan pos;
+ no := act stat no; type := stat no .
+last number pos : (* F15/rr *)
+ INT CONST high := pos (record, ""058"", ""255"", scan pos),
+ low := pos (record, ""032"", ""047"", scan pos);
+ IF high > 0
+ THEN IF low > 0
+ THEN min (high, low) - 1
+ ELSE high - 1
+ FI
+ ELIF low > 0
+ THEN low - 1
+ ELSE LENGTH record
+ FI .
+generate chars:
+ SELECT code (act char) OF
+ CASE 32: next symbol (name, no, type, data) (* Space *)
+ CASE 34: generate text denoter (* " *)
+ CASE 39: generate eol (* ' *)
+ CASE 42, 43, 45, 47, 92, 94, 61: generate operator (* *,+,-,/,\,^,=*)
+ CASE 60: generate less op (*<, <=, <> *)
+ CASE 62: generate greater op (*>, >= *)
+ CASE 46: treat point (* . *)
+ CASE 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57:
+ generate numeric const (* 0 - 9 *)
+ CASE 58: generate eos (* : *)
+ CASE 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,
+ 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
+ 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
+ 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, (* small and large letters *)
+ generate res word or id
+ OTHERWISE generate delimiter END SELECT .
+generate text denoter:
+ get text const (name, data);
+ type := const .
+generate operator:
+ name := act char; no := code (name); type := operator .
+generate less op:
+ IF next char = "="
+ THEN name := "<="; no := less equal; skip char
+ ELIF next char = ">"
+ THEN name := "<>"; no := unequal; skip char
+ ELSE name := "<"; no := less FI;
+ type := operator .
+generate greater op:
+ IF next char = "="
+ THEN name := ">="; no := greater equal; skip char
+ ELSE name := ">"; no := greater; FI;
+ type := operator .
+treat point:
+ IF pos ("0123456789", next char) <> 0
+ THEN generate numeric const
+ ELSE name := ".";
+ no := point;
+ type := del
+ FI.
+generate numeric const:
+ get numeric const (name, data);
+ type := const .
+last name char:
+ name SUB LENGTH name .
+generate eos:
+ name := ":"; no := eos; type := eos .
+generate res word or id:
+ get name chars;
+ IF reserved (deshift name, no, type)
+ THEN IF type = res word AND no = go
+ THEN treat go
+ FI
+ ELSE IF function name
+ THEN data := ftn datatype;
+ type := user fn
+ ELSE data := var datatype (deshift (name) SUB 1, last name char);
+ type := var or array
+ FI;
+ put name (scope, deshift name, no)
+ FI.
+treat go:
+ next symbol (new name, no, type, data);
+ IF no = to AND type = res word
+ THEN name CAT new name;
+ no := goto
+ ELIF no = sub AND type = res word
+ THEN name CAT new name;
+ no := gosub
+ ELSE scan error (102, name, "")
+ FI.
+get name chars:
+ TEXT VAR deshift name :: "";
+ INT VAR begin of name :: scan pos;
+ FOR scan pos FROM scan pos UPTO rec len
+ WHILE name chars found
+ REP deshift name CAT deshifted char PER;
+ scan pos DECR 1;
+ name := subtext (record, begin of name, scan pos).
+name chars found:
+ pos (name chars, act char) > 0 .
+function name:
+ subtext (deshift name, 1, 2) = "fn" .
+ftn datatype:
+ IF last name char = "$"
+ THEN text type
+ ELIF last name char = "%"
+ THEN int type
+ ELSE real type FI .
+var or array:
+ IF array name
+ THEN name CAT "()";
+ deshift name CAT "()"; (* F30/rr *)
+ array
+ ELSE var FI .
+array name:
+ next scan char = "(" .
+deshifted char:
+ letter := act char;
+ IF letter >= "A" AND letter <= "Z"
+ THEN code (code (letter) + 32)
+ ELSE letter FI .
+generate delimiter:
+ name := act char; no := code (name); type := del .
+next scan char: record SUB pos (record, ""33"", ""255"", scan pos+1).
+next char: (record SUB scan pos + 1) .
+act char: record SUB scan pos .
+skip char: scan pos INCR 1 .
+END PROC next symbol;
+DTYPE PROC var datatype (TEXT CONST first name char, last name char) :
+ IF last name char = "!" OR last name char = "#"
+ THEN real type
+ ELIF last name char = "$"
+ THEN text type
+ ELIF last name char = "%"
+ THEN int type
+ ELIF pos (defint chars, first name char) > 0
+ THEN int type
+ ELIF pos (defstr chars, first name char) > 0
+ THEN text type
+ ELSE real type FI .
+END PROC var datatype;
+BOOL PROC next data (TEXT VAR data text, DTYPE VAR data type) : (* F17/rr *)
+ data type := void type;
+ IF no more data
+ THEN scan pos := rec len;
+ data text := "";
+ ELIF quoted string
+ THEN get quoted string;
+ ELSE get unquoted string;
+ FI
+ . no more data :
+ scan pos := pos (record, ""33"", ""255"", scan pos+1);
+ scan pos = 0
+ . quoted string :
+ (record SUB scan pos) = quote
+ . get quoted string :
+ get text const (data text, data type);
+ . get unquoted string :
+ INT CONST comma or colon pos 1 := position of comma or colon minus one;
+ data text := compress (subtext (record, scan pos, comma or colon pos 1));
+ scan pos := comma or colon pos 1;
+ . position of comma or colon minus one :
+ INT CONST colon pos := pos (record, colon, scan pos),
+ comma pos := pos (record, comma, scan pos);
+ IF colon pos > 0
+ THEN IF comma pos > 0
+ THEN min (colon pos, comma pos) - 1
+ ELSE colon pos - 1
+ FI
+ ELSE IF comma pos > 0
+ THEN comma pos - 1
+ ELSE LENGTH record
+ FI
+ FI
+END PROC next data;
+PROC get numeric const (TEXT VAR value, DTYPE VAR data):
+ get sign;
+ get const;
+ check datatype .
+get sign:
+ IF act char = "-"
+ THEN value := "-";
+ scan pos INCR 1
+ ELIF act char = "+"
+ THEN value := "+";
+ scan pos INCR 1
+ ELSE value := "" FI .
+get const:
+ get digits;
+ get point;
+ get digits;
+ get exponent .
+get digits:
+ FOR scan pos FROM scan pos UPTO rec len
+ WHILE digit found
+ REP value CAT act char PER .
+get point:
+ IF act char = "."
+ THEN value CAT ".";
+ scan pos INCR 1
+ ELIF pos (exponent chars, act char) > 0
+ THEN value CAT ".0"
+ ELSE LEAVE get const FI .
+get exponent:
+ IF pos (exponent chars, act char) > 0 (* F1/rr *)
+ THEN value CAT "e";
+ scan pos INCR 1;
+ evtl get sign;
+ get digits
+ FI .
+evtl get sign:
+ IF act char = "+" OR act char = "-"
+ THEN value CAT act char;
+ scan pos INCR 1
+ FI .
+digit found:
+ "0" <= act char AND act char <= "9" .
+check datatype:
+ IF act char = "%"
+ THEN IF integer ok (value)
+ THEN data := int type
+ ELSE scan error (2, value, "INT-Konstante nicht korrekt") FI
+ ELIF act char = "!" OR act char = "#"
+ THEN IF real ok (value)
+ THEN data := real type
+ ELSE scan error (2, value, "REAL-Konstante nicht korrekt") FI
+ ELIF integer ok (value)
+ THEN scan pos DECR 1; data := int type
+ ELIF real ok (value)
+ THEN scan pos DECR 1;
+ data := real type
+ ELSE scan error (2, value, "Numerische Konstante nicht korrekt") FI .
+act char: record SUB scan pos .
+END PROC get numeric const;
+PROC get text const (TEXT VAR value, DTYPE VAR data):
+ INT CONST quote 1 := scan pos;
+ scan pos := pos (record, """", scan pos+1);
+ IF quote 1 < scan pos
+ THEN value := subtext (record, quote 1+1, scan pos-1);
+ data := text type
+ ELSE scan error (15, subtext (record, quote 1), "("" fehlt)") FI .
+END PROC get text const;
+BOOL PROC integer ok (TEXT VAR zahl):
+ disable stop;
+ i dummy := int (zahl);
+ IF is error
+ THEN clear error;
+ ELIF last conversion ok
+ THEN zahl := ""0""0"";
+ replace (zahl, 1, i dummy);
+END PROC integer ok;
+BOOL PROC real ok (TEXT VAR zahl):
+ disable stop;
+ r dummy := real (zahl);
+ IF is error
+ THEN clear error;
+ ELIF last conversion ok
+ THEN zahl := ""0""0""0""0""0""0""0""0"";
+ replace (zahl, 1, r dummy);
+END PROC real ok;
+PROC basic error (INT CONST no, TEXT CONST name, addition):
+ basic error ("Compiler", no, record no, act stat no, name, addition, TRUE)
+END PROC basic error;
+PROC basic error (INT CONST no, TEXT CONST name, addition, BOOL CONST leave statement):
+ basic error ("Compiler", no, record no, act stat no, name, addition, leave statement)
+END PROC basic error;
+PROC scan error (INT CONST no, TEXT CONST name, addition):
+ basic error ("Scanner", no, record no, act stat no, name, addition, TRUE)
+END PROC scan error;
+PROC basic warning (TEXT CONST warning text): (* mo *)
+ basic warning (record no, act stat no, warning text)
+END PROC basic warning;
+PROC basic list (BOOL CONST t):
+ listing := t
+END PROC basic list;
+BOOL PROC basic list:
+ listing
+END PROC basic list;
+PROC set scope (TEXT CONST new scope): (* DEF/mo *)
+ scope := new scope
+END PROC set scope;
+TEXT PROC scanner scope: (* DEF/mo *)
+ scope
+END PROC scanner scope;
+END PACKET basic scanner;
+PACKET basic stat no DEFINES init stat no, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ stat no pos, (* Stand: 27.10.1987/rr/mo *)
+ label pos,
+ all stat no:
+LET nil = "";
+TEXT VAR found stat no :: nil;
+INT VAR i, akt stat no :: 0, found no :: 0;
+PROC init stat no (FILE VAR f, INT VAR error no): (* F21/rr *)
+(*Die Datei 'f' muß im 'modify-Mode' sein. *)
+ INT VAR line no;
+ akt stat no := -1; (* F28/rr *)
+ found no := 0;
+ found stat no := nil;
+ error no := 0; (* F21/rr *)
+ to first record (f);
+ col (f, 1);
+ disable stop;
+ FOR line no FROM 1 UPTO 4000
+ REP exec (PROC (TEXT CONST, INT CONST) check, f, line no);
+ IF is error THEN check error FI;
+ IF eof (f)
+ THEN LEAVE init stat no
+ ELSE down (f) FI
+ PER;
+. check error : (* F21/rr *)
+ IF error code = 100
+ THEN clear error;
+ error no INCR 1;
+ ELSE LEAVE init stat no;
+ FI;
+END PROC init stat no;
+PROC check (TEXT CONST record, INT CONST line no):
+ IF statement no vorhanden
+ THEN remember statement no FI .
+statement no vorhanden: (* F15/rr *)
+ INT CONST first number pos := pos (record, ""048"", ""057"", 1);
+ first number pos > 0 CAND first number pos = first non blank pos .
+first non blank pos : (* F15/rr *)
+ pos (record, ""033"", ""255"", 1) .
+remember statement no:
+ get statement no;
+ IF neue nummer ist groesser als vorherige
+ THEN akt stat no := neue nummer;
+ cout (neue nummer);
+ found no INCR 1;
+ found stat no CAT mki (neue nummer)
+ ELSE basic error ("Stat no", 81, line no, neue nummer, number,
+ "Letzte Zeilennummer davor: " + text (akt stat no), TRUE)
+ FI .
+get statement no : (* F15/rr *)
+ disable stop;
+ TEXT CONST number := subtext (record, first number pos, last number pos);
+ INT VAR neue nummer := int (number);
+ IF NOT last conversion ok OR is error
+ THEN clear error;
+ basic error ("Stat no", 80, line no, akt stat no, number,
+ "Die Zeilennummer muß im Bereich 0-32767 liegen", TRUE)
+ FI;
+ enable stop .
+last number pos : (* F15/rr *)
+ INT CONST high := pos (record, ""058"", ""255"", first number pos),
+ low := pos (record, ""032"", ""047"", first number pos);
+ IF high > 0
+ THEN IF low > 0
+ THEN min (high, low) - 1
+ ELSE high - 1
+ FI
+ ELIF low > 0
+ THEN low - 1
+ ELSE LENGTH record
+ FI .
+neue nummer ist groesser als vorherige:
+ neue nummer > akt stat no .
+END PROC check;
+INT PROC stat no pos (INT CONST stat no):
+ FOR i FROM found no DOWNTO 1
+ REP IF (found stat no ISUB i) = stat no
+ THEN LEAVE stat no pos WITH i FI
+ PER;
+ 0
+END PROC stat no pos;
+INT PROC label pos (INT CONST stat no):
+ FOR i FROM found no DOWNTO 1
+ REP IF (found stat no ISUB i) = stat no
+ THEN LEAVE label pos WITH i FI
+ PER;
+ basic error (8, text (stat no), nil); (* F16/rr *)
+ 0
+END PROC label pos;
+PROC all stat no (TEXT VAR stat no, INT VAR no):
+ stat no := found stat no;
+ no := found no
+END PROC all stat no;
+END PACKET basic stat no;
+PACKET basic storage DEFINES init storage, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ next local adr, (* Stand: 12.06.86 *)
+ next ref,
+ local adr,
+ local storage,
+ type size,
+ quiet type:
+LET ref length = 2;
+INT VAR quiet size, quiet align;
+ADDRESS VAR loc adr, free loc adr;
+DTYPE VAR quiet value;
+identify ("QUIET", quiet size, quiet align, quiet value);
+PROC init storage:
+ free loc adr := LOC 0;
+ loc adr := LOC 0;
+END PROC init storage;
+(* Verwaltung der lokalen Addressen für Zwischenergebnisse *)
+ADDRESS PROC next local adr (DTYPE CONST type):
+ INT VAR type len :: type size (type);
+ loc adr := free loc adr;
+ adjust (loc adr, type len);
+ free loc adr := loc adr + type len;
+ loc adr .
+END PROC next local adr;
+ADDRESS PROC next ref:
+ loc adr := free loc adr;
+ adjust (loc adr, ref length);
+ free loc adr := loc adr + ref length;
+ loc adr .
+END PROC next ref;
+ADDRESS PROC local adr:
+ loc adr
+END PROC local adr;
+INT PROC local storage:
+ int (subtext (dump (free loc adr), 6))
+END PROC local storage;
+INT PROC type size (DTYPE CONST type):
+ IF type = int type OR type = bool type
+ THEN 1
+ ELIF type = row type
+ THEN 2
+ ELIF type = real type
+ THEN 4
+ ELIF type = text type
+ THEN 8
+ ELIF type = quiet value
+ THEN quiet size
+ ELSE errorstop ("Unbekannter DTYPE: " + dump (type)); 0 FI .
+END PROC type size;
+DTYPE PROC quiet type:
+ quiet value
+END PROC quiet type;
+END PACKET basic storage;
+PACKET basic identify DEFINES (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (* Stand: 20.08.1987/rr/mo *)
+ identify,
+ convert paramfield,
+ dump ftn,
+ is basic function: (* mo *)
+LET nil = "";
+LET ENTRY = STRUCT (TEXT param, INT no, next, OPN opn, DTYPE result);
+ROW 256 ENTRY VAR ftn table;
+clear ftn table;
+init ftn names;
+init int operator;
+init real operator;
+init text operator;
+init predefined funktions;
+PROC dump ftn (INT CONST n, TEXT VAR param, INT VAR no, next,
+ OPN VAR opn, DTYPE VAR result):
+ param := ftn table [n].param;
+ no := ftn table [n].no;
+ next := ftn table [n].next;
+ opn := ftn table [n].opn;
+ result := ftn table [n].result
+END PROC dump ftn;
+PROC identify (INT CONST ftn no, first, params, OPN VAR operation, BOOL VAR found):
+ TEXT VAR param;
+ INT VAR pos :: min (ftn no, 256);
+ convert paramfield (first, params, param);
+ REP IF param = ftn table [pos].param AND ftn no = ftn table [pos].no
+ THEN declare (params+1, ftn table [pos].result);
+ declare (params+1, 1);
+ operation := ftn table [pos].opn;
+ found := TRUE;
+ LEAVE identify
+ ELSE pos := ftn table [pos].next FI
+ UNTIL pos <= 0 PER; (* F14/rr *)
+ operation := nop;
+ found := FALSE .
+END PROC identify;
+PROC next free entry (INT VAR free pos):
+ FOR free pos FROM 1 UPTO 256
+ REP IF ftn table [free pos].next < 0 AND ftn table [free pos].no = 0 (* mo *)
+ THEN LEAVE next free entry FI
+ PER;
+ errorstop ("Überlauf der Funktionstabelle") .
+END PROC next free entry;
+PROC convert paramfield (INT CONST first, params, TEXT VAR param):
+ INT VAR i;
+ param := nil;
+ FOR i FROM first UPTO params
+ REP param CAT datatype PER .
+ DTYPE CONST data :: dtype (i);
+ IF data = int type
+ THEN "I"
+ ELIF data = real type
+ THEN "R"
+ ELIF data = text type
+ THEN "T"
+ ELIF data = bool type
+ THEN "b"
+ ELSE errorstop ("Falscher DTYPE: " + dump (data));
+ nil
+ FI .
+END PROC convert paramfield;
+PROC convert paramfield (TEXT CONST params, INT CONST first):
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM first UPTO first+length (params)-1
+ REP parameter (i, this type, 1, GLOB 0) PER .
+this type:
+ IF (params SUB i) = "I"
+ THEN int type
+ ELIF (params SUB i) = "R"
+ THEN real type
+ ELIF (params SUB i) = "T"
+ THEN text type
+ ELSE errorstop ("Unbekannter Typ: " + params);
+ undefined type
+ FI .
+END PROC convert paramfield;
+PROC init op (INT CONST ftn no, TEXT CONST param, ftn name):
+ IF elan opn found
+ THEN insert new opn in chain
+ ELSE errorstop ("PROC " + ftn name + " (" + param + ") nicht gefunden") FI .
+elan opn found:
+ OPN VAR opn;
+ BOOL VAR found;
+ convert paramfield (param, 1);
+ identify (ftn name, 1, length (param), opn, found);
+ found .
+insert new opn in chain:
+ INT VAR ftn pos :: ftn no;
+ REP IF end of chain found
+ THEN cat new entry in chain
+ ELIF free entry in chain found
+ THEN cover this entry
+ ELSE next entry FI
+ UNTIL ftn pos <= 0 PER .
+end of chain found:
+ act = 0 .
+cat new entry in chain:
+ INT VAR free pos;
+ next free entry (free pos);
+ act := free pos;
+ free entry := ENTRY:(param, ftn no, 0, opn, dtype (LENGTH param+1));
+ LEAVE insert new opn in chain .
+free entry in chain found:
+ act = -1 .
+cover this entry:
+ act entry := ENTRY:(param, ftn no, 0, opn, dtype (LENGTH param+1));
+ LEAVE insert new opn in chain .
+next entry:
+ ftn pos := act .
+act entry: ftn table [ftn pos] .
+free entry: ftn table [free pos] .
+END PROC init op;
+BOOL PROC is basic function (INT CONST ftn no): (* mo *)
+ pos (ftn names, code (ftn no)) <> 0
+END PROC is basic function;
+clear ftn table:
+ INT VAR k;
+ FOR k FROM 1 UPTO 256
+ REP ftn table [k] := ENTRY:(nil, 0,-1, nop, undefined type) PER .
+init ftn names:
+ TEXT CONST ftn names :: "+-*/\^<=>"28""29""30""249""251""252""253""254"" +
+ ""128""130""131""134""136""137""141""143""142"" +
+ ""153""154""155""157""159""161""166""168""170""171""172"" +
+ ""174""175""178""179""182""184""183""187""192"" +
+ ""201""202""204""205""206""207""208""211""212"" +
+ ""215""221""228""229""230""231""232""233"";
+ FOR k FROM 1 UPTO length (ftn names)
+ REP ftn table [ftn pos] := ENTRY:(nil, ftn pos,-1, nop, void type) PER .
+ftn pos:
+ code (ftn names SUB k) .
+init int operator:
+ init op ( 43, "II", "+");
+ init op ( 45, "II", "-");
+ init op ( 42, "II", "*");
+ init op ( 47, "II", "/"); (* mo *)
+ init op ( 92, "II", "DIV"); (* mo *)
+ init op ( 94, "II", "^");
+ init op ( 61, "II", "EQU");
+ init op ( 29, "II", "UEQ");
+ init op ( 60, "II", "LES");
+ init op ( 28, "II", "LEQ");
+ init op ( 62, "II", "GRE");
+ init op ( 30, "II", "GEQ");
+ init op (249, "II", "MOD"); (* mo *)
+ init op (251, "II", "AND");
+ init op (252, "II", "OR");
+ init op (253, "II", "XOR");
+ init op (254, "II", "EQV");
+ init op (255, "II", "IMP").
+init real operator:
+ init op ( 43, "RR", "+");
+ init op ( 45, "RR", "-");
+ init op ( 42, "RR", "*");
+ init op ( 47, "RR", "/");
+ init op ( 92, "RR", "DIV"); (* mo *)
+ init op ( 94, "RR", "^");
+ init op ( 61, "RR", "EQU");
+ init op ( 29, "RR", "UEQ");
+ init op ( 60, "RR", "LES");
+ init op ( 28, "RR", "LEQ");
+ init op ( 62, "RR", "GRE");
+ init op ( 30, "RR", "GEQ");
+ init op (249, "RR", "realmod"). (* mo *)
+init text operator:
+ init op ( 43, "TT", "+");
+ init op ( 61, "TT", "EQU");
+ init op ( 29, "TT", "UEQ");
+ init op ( 60, "TT", "LES");
+ init op ( 28, "TT", "LEQ");
+ init op ( 62, "TT", "GRE");
+ init op ( 30, "TT", "GEQ") .
+init predefined funktions:
+ init op (128, "I", "abs");
+ init op (128, "R", "abs");
+ init op (130, "T", "asc");
+ init op (131, "R", "arctan");
+ init op (131, "I", "arctan");
+ init op (134, "I", "cdbl");
+ init op (134, "R", "cdbl");
+ init op (136, "I", "chr");
+ init op (136, "R", "chr");
+ init op (137, "R", "cint");
+ init op (137, "I", "cint");
+ init op (141, "R", "cos");
+ init op (141, "I", "cos");
+ init op (143, "T", "cvi");
+ init op (142, "T", "cvd");
+# init op (153, "", "eof");# (* File *)
+ init op (154, "", "errorline");
+ init op (155, "", "errorcode");
+ init op (157, "R", "exp");
+ init op (157, "I", "exp");
+ init op (159, "R", "floor");
+ init op (159, "I", "floor");
+ init op (161, "I", "fre");
+ init op (161, "R", "fre");
+ init op (161, "T", "fre");
+ init op (166, "I", "hex");
+ init op (166, "R", "hex");
+ init op (168, "", "incharety");
+ init op (170, "I", "inchars");
+ init op (170, "R", "inchars");
+ init op (171, "TT", "instr");
+ init op (171, "ITT", "instr");
+ init op (171, "RTT", "instr");
+ init op (172, "I", "ent");
+ init op (172, "R", "ent");
+ init op (174, "TI", "left");
+ init op (174, "TR", "left");
+ init op (175, "T", "length");
+# init op (178, "I", "line no");# (* File *)
+ init op (179, "R", "ln");
+ init op (179, "I", "ln");
+ init op (182, "TII", "mid");
+ init op (182, "TI", "mid");
+ init op (182, "TRR", "mid");
+ init op (182, "TR", "mid");
+ init op (183, "I", "mkd");
+ init op (183, "R", "mkd");
+ init op (187, "I", "oct");
+ init op (187, "R", "oct");
+ init op (192, "I", "pos");
+ init op (192, "R", "pos");
+ init op (201, "TI", "right");
+ init op (201, "TR", "right");
+ init op (202, "", "rnd"); (* F12/rr *)
+ init op (202, "I", "rnd");
+ init op (202, "R", "rnd");
+ init op (204, "I", "sign");
+ init op (204, "R", "sign");
+ init op (205, "R", "sin");
+ init op (205, "I", "sin");
+ init op (206, "I", "space");
+ init op (206, "R", "space");
+ init op (207, "I", "space");
+ init op (207, "R", "space");
+ init op (208, "R", "sqrt");
+ init op (208, "I", "sqrt");
+ init op (211, "I", "basictext");
+ init op (211, "R", "basictext");
+ init op (212, "IT", "string");
+ init op (212, "RT", "string");
+ init op (212, "II", "string");
+ init op (212, "RR", "string");
+ init op (212, "RI", "string");
+ init op (212, "IR", "string");
+ init op (215, "R", "tan");
+ init op (215, "I", "tan");
+ init op (221, "T", "val"); (* F18/rr *)
+ init op (228, "", "errormessage");
+ init op (229, "", "csrlin");
+ init op (230, "I", "lpos");
+ init op (230, "R", "lpos");
+ init op (231, "", "time");
+ init op (232, "", "date");
+ init op (233, "", "timer").
+END PACKET basic identify;
+PACKET basic data handling (* Autor: R. Ruland *)
+ (* Stand: 23.10.87/mo *)
+ DEFINES init data,
+ data line,
+ data, read,
+ restore,
+ next int,
+ next real,
+ next text:
+LET (* R e s u l t T y p e n *)
+ stat code = 0, stat char = ""0"",
+ data code = 1, data char = ""1"",
+ text code = 2, text char = ""2"",
+ int overflow = 4,
+ real overflow = 6;
+INT VAR type;
+TEXT VAR data text :: "", number text;
+PROC init data:
+ data text := ""
+END PROC init data;
+PROC init data (TEXT VAR data, INT VAR data pos):
+ data := data text;
+ data pos := 1
+END PROC init data;
+PROC restore (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos, INT CONST line no):
+ INT CONST data length :: LENGTH data;
+ data pos := 1;
+ WHILE data pos < data length
+ REP type := code (data SUB data pos);
+ data pos INCR 1;
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE stat code : IF int value (data, data pos) >= line no
+ THEN LEAVE restore FI
+ CASE data code, text code : data pos INCR int value (data, data pos)
+ OTHERWISE : errorstop (1051, "Fehlerhaften Dateneintrag gefunden: " + text (type))
+ PER;
+ errorstop (1004, "RESTORE: Keine DATA-Anweisung in oder nach Zeile " + text (line no)
+ + " gefunden");
+END PROC restore;
+INT PROC next int (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos):
+ number text := next text (data, data pos);
+ disable stop;
+ INT VAR result := int (number text);
+ IF is error
+ THEN IF error code = int overflow THEN handle overflow FI;
+ ELIF NOT last conversion ok CAND number text <> ""
+ THEN errorstop (1013, "READ: Falscher Datentyp, " + number text + " ist kein INT")
+ FI;
+ result
+ . handle overflow :
+ clear error;
+ result := result value;
+ IF cursor x pos <> 1 THEN next line FI;
+ basic out ("WARNUNG : INT-Überlauf bei READ, gefunden: " + number text);
+ next line;
+ . result value :
+ IF (number text SUB 1) = "-" THEN minint ELSE maxint FI
+END PROC next int;
+REAL PROC next real (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos):
+ number text := next text (data, data pos);
+ disable stop;
+ REAL VAR result := val (number text);
+ IF is error
+ THEN IF error code = real overflow OR error code = int overflow (* <- wegen Fehler in REAL PROC real (T C) *)
+ THEN handle overflow or underflow
+ FI;
+ ELIF NOT last conversion ok CAND number text <> ""
+ THEN errorstop (1013, "READ: Falscher Datentyp, " + number text + " ist kein REAL")
+ FI;
+ result
+ . handle overflow or underflow : (* F23/rr *)
+ clear error;
+ IF cursor x pos <> 1 THEN next line FI;
+ basic out ("WARNUNG : " + overflow or underflow + " bei READ, gefunden: " + number text);
+ next line;
+ . overflow or underflow :
+ IF is overflow
+ THEN result := sign * (max real - 0.99999999999994e120); (* <- wegen Fehler in TEXT PROC text (R C) *)
+ "REAL-Überlauf"
+ ELSE result := 0.0;
+ "REAL-Unterlauf"
+ FI
+ . sign :
+ IF (number text SUB 1) = "-" THEN -1.0 ELSE 1.0 FI
+ . is overflow :
+ INT VAR exponent pos := pos (number text, "E");
+ IF exponent pos = 0 THEN exponent pos := pos (number text, "e") FI;
+ IF exponent pos = 0
+ ELSE (number text SUB (exponent pos + 1)) <> "-"
+ FI
+END PROC next real;
+TEXT PROC next text (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos):
+ INT CONST len :: int value (data, data pos);
+ data pos INCR len;
+ subtext (data, data pos-len, data pos-1)
+END PROC next text;
+INT PROC int value (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos):
+ data pos INCR 2;
+ subtext (data, data pos-2, data pos-1) ISUB 1
+END PROC int value;
+PROC data line (INT CONST line no):
+ data text CAT stat char;
+ data text CAT mki (line no)
+END PROC data line;
+PROC data (TEXT CONST string, DTYPE VAR data type) :
+ data text CAT data + mki (length (string));
+ data text CAT string;
+ . data :
+ IF data type = void type
+ THEN data char
+ ELIF data type = text type
+ THEN text char
+ ELSE errorstop (1051, "Unbekannter DTYPE: " + dump (data type)); ""
+ FI
+END PROC data;
+PROC read (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos, INT VAR i):
+ type := code (data SUB data pos);
+ data pos INCR 1;
+ IF data pos >= LENGTH data
+ THEN errorstop (1004, "Keine Daten mehr für READ")
+ ELIF type = data code
+ THEN i := next int (data, data pos)
+ ELIF type = stat code
+ THEN data pos INCR 2;
+ read (data, data pos, i)
+ ELSE errorstop (1013, "READ: Falscher Datentyp, " + data string (data,data pos) + " ist kein INT")
+ FI;
+END PROC read;
+PROC read (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos, REAL VAR r):
+ type := code (data SUB data pos);
+ data pos INCR 1;
+ IF data pos >= LENGTH data
+ THEN errorstop (1004, "Keine Daten mehr für READ")
+ ELIF type = data code
+ THEN r := next real (data, data pos)
+ ELIF type = stat code
+ THEN data pos INCR 2;
+ read (data, data pos, r)
+ ELSE errorstop (1013, "READ: Falscher Datentyp, " + data string (data,data pos) + " ist kein REAL")
+ FI;
+END PROC read;
+PROC read (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos, TEXT VAR t):
+ type := code (data SUB data pos);
+ data pos INCR 1;
+ IF data pos >= LENGTH data
+ THEN errorstop (1004, "Keine Daten mehr für READ")
+ ELIF type = data code OR type = text code
+ THEN t := next text (data, data pos)
+ ELIF type = stat code
+ THEN data pos INCR 2;
+ read (data, data pos, t)
+ ELSE errorstop (1013, "READ: Falscher Datentyp, " + data string (data,data pos) + " ist kein TEXT")
+ FI;
+END PROC read;
+TEXT PROC data string (TEXT CONST data, INT VAR data pos):
+ IF type = text code
+ THEN """" + next text (data, data pos) + """"
+ ELSE "unbekannter DTYPE: " + text (type)
+ FI
+END PROC data string;
+END PACKET basic data handling;
+PACKET basic odds and ends DEFINES trace, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ start basic, (* Stand: 26.10.1987/rr/mo *)
+ end basic,
+ loop end,
+ basic stop:
+(* Fehlerbehandlung *)
+PROC trace (INT CONST stat no):
+ basic out ("[" + text (stat no) + "]")
+END PROC trace;
+(*Laufzeitprozeduren *)
+PROC start basic:
+ set line nr (0);
+ initialize random (0.1); (* F26/rr *)
+ init output;
+ init input
+END PROC start basic;
+PROC end basic:
+ IF is error
+ THEN switch back to old sysout state
+ FI .
+END PROC end basic;
+(* Schleifenüberprüfung *)
+BOOL PROC loop end (REAL CONST x, max, step) :
+ IF step > 0.0
+ THEN x > max
+ ELSE x < max FI
+END PROC loop end;
+BOOL PROC loop end (INT CONST x, max, step) :
+ IF step > 0
+ THEN x > max
+ ELSE x < max FI
+END PROC loop end;
+PROC basic stop (INT CONST stat no):
+ basic out ("STOP beendet das Programm in Zeile " + text (stat no));
+ next line
+END PROC basic stop;
+END PACKET basic odds and ends
diff --git a/basic/BASIC.Compiler b/basic/BASIC.Compiler
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4e4c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/BASIC.Compiler
@@ -0,0 +1,2305 @@
+(* *)
+(* Dritte von drei Dateien des EUMEL-BASIC-Systems *)
+(* *)
+(* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+(* Überarbeitet von: Rudolf Ruland und Michael Overdick *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand: 27.10.1987 *)
+(* *)
+PACKET basic compiler DEFINES basic, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ basic version: (* Stand: 27.10.1987/rr/mo *)
+PROC basic version :
+putline (""13" "15" BASIC - Compiler Version 1.1 (27.10.1987) "14"");
+END PROC basic version;
+LET compiler msg = " ******* ENDE DER UEBERSETZUNG *******",
+ compiler err msg = " Fehler entdeckt";
+LET (* S y m b o l T y p e n *)
+ any = 0, const = 1, var = 2, array = 3, denoter = 5,
+ res word= 8, operator= 9, eos = 10, del =11, stat no = 12,
+ result const = 13, (* F3/rr *)
+ user fn = 20; (* DEF/mo *)
+LET (* S y m b o l z e i c h e n *)
+ plus = 43, minus = 45, mult = 42,
+ div = 47, backslash = 92, exponent = 94,
+ equal = 61, semicolon = 59, comma = 44,
+ numbersign = 35, open bracket = 40, close bracket = 41,
+ eol = 13, eop = 14, mod op = 249;
+LET (* Reservierte Worte *)
+ as s = 129, base s = 132, call s = 133, chain s = 135,
+ clear s = 138, close s = 139, common s = 140, data s = 144,
+ def s = 145, defdbl s = 146, defint s = 147, defsng s = 148,
+ defstr s = 149, dim s = 150, else s = 151, end s = 152,
+ eof s = 153, error s = 156, field s = 158, for s = 160,
+ get s = 162, gosub s = 164, goto s = 165, if s = 167, (* F2/rr *)
+ input s = 169, kill s = 173, let s = 176, line in s = 177,
+ lprint s = 180, lset s = 181, mid s = 182, name s = 185,
+ next s = 186, on s = 188, open s = 189, option s = 190,
+ print s = 193, put s = 194, rand s = 195, read s = 196,
+ rem s = 197, restore s = 198, resume s = 199, return s = 200,
+ rset s = 203, step s = 209, stop s = 210, swap s = 213,
+ tab s = 214, then s = 216, to s = 217, troff s = 218,
+ tron s = 219, using s = 220, wait s = 222, wend s = 223,
+ while s = 224, width s = 225, write s = 226, not = 250,
+ cls s = 227, usr = 234, sub = 235; (* mo *)
+LET nil = "",
+ intern error = 51;
+LET SYMBOL = STRUCT (TEXT name, INT no, type, ADDRESS adr, DTYPE data);
+ADDRESS CONST niladr :: LOC -4;
+SYMBOL CONST nilsymbol :: SYMBOL : (nil, any, any, nil adr, void type);
+BOOL VAR found;
+OPN VAR opn;
+ IF val.type = const
+ THEN constant value
+ ELIF val.type = stat no
+ THEN text (
+constant value:
+ IF = int type AND length ( = 2
+ THEN text ( ISUB 1)
+ ELIF = real type AND length ( = 8
+ THEN text ( RSUB 1)
+PROC careful error (INT CONST no, TEXT CONST name, addition): (* DEF/mo *)
+ IF at end of statement
+ THEN basic error (no, name, addition)
+ ELSE basic error without leaving statement
+ FI.
+at end of statement:
+ symb.type = eos.
+basic error without leaving statement:
+ basic error (no, name, addition, FALSE);
+ error no INCR 1.
+END PROC careful error;
+(* P r e c o m p i l e r *)
+PROC next symbol:
+ symb.adr := niladr;
+ next symbol (,, symb.type,;
+ IF = end symbol AND symb.type = res word
+ THEN :=;
+ symb.type := eos;
+ FI
+END PROC next symbol;
+PROC skip (INT CONST symbol, type):
+ IF symb.type = type AND = symbol
+ THEN next symbol
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, name of (symbol) + " erwartet") FI .
+END PROC skip;
+PROC get letter (SYMBOL VAR symbol):
+ IF symb.type = var AND (LENGTH = 1
+ THEN symbol := symb;
+ next symbol
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, "Buchstabe erwartet, " + type of (symb.type) + " gefunden") FI .
+END PROC get letter;
+PROC get var (SYMBOL VAR symbol):
+ IF symb.type = var
+ THEN variable (symbol)
+ ELIF symb.type = array
+ THEN array var (symbol)
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, "Variable erwartet, " + type of (symb.type) + " gefunden") FI .
+END PROC get var;
+PROC get expr (SYMBOL VAR symbol):
+ get expression (symbol, 0)
+END PROC get expr;
+PROC get const (SYMBOL VAR symbol, DTYPE CONST data):
+ IF symb.type = const
+ THEN symbol := symb;
+ declare const (symbol, data); (* F3/rr *)
+ next symbol
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, "Konstante erwartet, " + type of (symb.type) + " gefunden") FI .
+END PROC get const;
+PROC get var (SYMBOL VAR symbol, DTYPE CONST data):
+ get var (symbol);
+ convert (symbol, data)
+END PROC get var;
+PROC get expr (SYMBOL VAR symbol, DTYPE CONST data):
+ get expression (symbol, 0);
+ convert (symbol, data)
+END PROC get expr;
+PROC get expression (SYMBOL VAR result, INT CONST last prio):
+ get single result;
+ WHILE symb.type = operator AND higher priority
+ REP get dyadic operand;
+ gen dyadic operation
+ PER .
+get single result:
+ INT VAR prio;
+ SELECT symb.type OF
+ CASE var: variable (result)
+ CASE array: array var (result)
+ CASE const: get const
+ CASE operator: get monadic operator
+ CASE res word: basic function (result)
+ CASE user fn: user function (result) (* DEF/mo *)
+ OTHERWISE get bracket END SELECT .
+get const:
+ result := symb;
+ declare const (result, result. data); (* F3/rr *)
+ next symbol .
+get monadic operator:
+ get operator;
+ prio := monadic op prio; (* mo *)
+ get monadic operand;
+ generate monadic operator .
+monadic op prio: (* mo *)
+ IF op no = not
+ THEN 6
+ ELSE 12
+ FI.
+get monadic operand:
+ SYMBOL VAR operand;
+ next symbol;
+ get expression (operand, prio).
+generate monadic operator:
+(* Mögliche Ops: +, - und NOT *)
+ parameter (1,, const, operand.adr);
+ parameter (2,, var, next local adr (;
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ IF op no = plus
+ THEN result := operand
+ ELIF op no = minus
+ THEN generate minus op
+ ELIF op no = not
+ THEN generate not op
+ ELSE basic error (2, op name, "Kein monadischer Operator") FI .
+generate minus op:
+ IF = int type
+ THEN apply (1, 2, int minus)
+ ELIF = real type
+ THEN apply (1, 2, real minus)
+ ELSE basic error (82, op name, NAME operand + " : " + dump ( FI;
+ result := SYMBOL:(op name, 0, result const, local adr, .
+generate not op:
+ IF = int type
+ THEN apply (1, 1, int not opn)
+ ELIF = real type
+ THEN apply (1, 1, real not opn)
+ ELSE basic error (82, op name, NAME operand + " : " + dump ( FI;
+ result := SYMBOL:(op name, 0, result const, local adr, .
+get operator:
+ INT CONST op no ::;
+ TEXT CONST op name :: .
+higher priority:
+ get operator;
+ prio := dyadic op prio;
+ prio > last prio .
+dyadic op prio:
+ IF is bool op (op no) THEN bool op prio
+ ELIF op no = plus OR op no = minus THEN 8
+ ELIF op no = mod op THEN 9
+ ELIF op no = backslash THEN 10
+ ELIF op no = mult OR op no = div THEN 11
+ ELIF op no = exponent THEN 13
+ ELSE (* relational operator *) 7
+ FI.
+bool op prio:
+ 256 - op no.
+get bracket:
+ IF symb.type = del AND = open bracket
+ THEN next symbol
+ ELSE basic error (22, NAME symb, "") FI;
+ get expression (result, 0);
+ skip (close bracket, del) .
+get dyadic operand:
+ next symbol;
+ get expression (operand, prio) .
+gen dyadic operation:
+ convert operands;
+ identify dyadic operator;
+ generate dyadic operator .
+convert operands:
+ DTYPE CONST op type :: type of operation;
+ convert (result, op type);
+ convert (operand, op type) .
+type of operation:
+ IF is bool op (op no)
+ THEN int type
+ ELIF =
+ ELSE real type FI .
+identify dyadic operator:
+ BOOL VAR local found;
+ OPN VAR local opn;
+ DTYPE VAR data;
+ parameter (1,, const, result.adr);
+ parameter (2,, const, operand.adr);
+ identify (op no, 1, 2, local opn, local found);
+ IF NOT local found
+ THEN basic error (83, symbol of (op no),
+ NAME result + " : " + dump ( + " und " +
+ NAME operand + " : " + dump (
+ ELSE data := dtype (3) FI .
+generate dyadic operator:
+ declare (3, var);
+ define (3, next local adr (data));
+ apply (3, push);
+ apply (1, 2, local opn);
+ result := SYMBOL:(op name, 0, result const, local adr, data) .
+END PROC get expression;
+PROC variable (SYMBOL VAR symbol):
+ symbol := symb;
+ next symbol;
+ IF known (
+ THEN get adr from table
+ ELSE declare var (symbol, nil) FI .
+get adr from table:
+ TEXT VAR defined dim;
+ remember (, symbol.type, symbol.adr,, defined dim) .
+END PROC variable;
+PROC array var (SYMBOL VAR symbol field):
+(* Aufbau der Dimensionsangaben in der Symboltabelle *)
+(* limit 1 [limit 2]... Basis Elemente *)
+(* jeweils als 2 Byte Integer/Text *)
+(* Die Dimension ist dann DIM/2-2 *)
+ ROW 100 SYMBOL VAR indizes;
+ TEXT VAR limits;
+ INT VAR dim;
+ symbol field := symb; next symbol;
+ get paramfield (indizes, dim, int type);
+ IF known (symbol
+ THEN check field dim and data
+ ELSE declare new field FI;
+ generate field index .
+check field dim and data:
+ INT VAR type;
+ DTYPE VAR data;
+ remember (symbol, type, symbol field.adr, data, limits);
+ IF old dim <> dim
+ THEN basic error (84, symbol, "Dimensioniert in " + text (old dim) + " Dimensionen, gefundene Anzahl Indizes: " + text (dim))
+ ELIF NOT (symbol = data)
+ THEN basic error (intern error, symbol, dump (data) + " <=> " + dump (symbol
+ ELIF NOT (symbol field.type = type)
+ THEN basic error (intern error, symbol, "Feld erwartet, " + type of (type) + " gefunden") FI .
+old dim: (length (limits) DIV 2) - 2 .
+declare new field:
+ limits := dim * ""10""0"" + mki (array base) +
+ mki ((10 - array base + 1)**dim);
+ declare var (symbol field, limits) .
+generate field index:
+ init field subscription;
+ FOR j FROM 1 UPTO dim
+ REP increase field index;
+ calc index length and limit;
+ calculate field pointer;
+ symbol field.adr := REF pointer
+ PER .
+init field subscription:
+ ADDRESS VAR pointer :: next local adr (row type),
+ index adr :: next local adr (int type);
+ INT VAR j, elem length :: (limits ISUB (dim+2)) * typesize (symbol,
+ elem limit,
+ elem offset :: 1 - (limits ISUB (dim+1));
+ BOOL CONST base zero := elem offset = 1 .
+increase field index:
+ IF base zero
+ THEN parameter (1, int type, const, index.adr);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, one value);
+ parameter (3, int type, var, index adr);
+ parameter (4, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 3, int add);
+ ELSE index adr := index.adr FI .
+index: indizes [j] .
+calc index length and limit:
+ elem limit := (limits ISUB j) + elem offset;
+ elem length := elem length DIV elem limit .
+calculate field pointer:
+ parameter (1, int type, const, symbol field.adr);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, index adr);
+ parameter (3, int type, elem length);
+ parameter (4, int type, elem limit);
+ parameter (5, int type, const, pointer);
+ parameter (6, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 5, subscript);
+END PROC array var;
+PROC get paramfield (ROW 100 SYMBOL VAR params list, INT VAR no):
+ skip (open bracket, del);
+ FOR no FROM 1 UPTO 100
+ REP get expression (params list [no], 0);
+ IF symb.type = del AND = close bracket
+ THEN next symbol;
+ LEAVE get paramfield
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+END PROC get paramfield;
+PROC get paramfield (ROW 100 SYMBOL VAR params list, INT VAR no, DTYPE CONST data):
+ skip (open bracket, del);
+ FOR no FROM 1 UPTO 100
+ REP get expression (params list [no], 0);
+ convert (params list [no], data);
+ IF symb.type = del AND = close bracket
+ THEN next symbol;
+ LEAVE get paramfield
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+END PROC get paramfield;
+PROC examine access rights (ROW 100 SYMBOL VAR params list, INT CONST no):
+ INT VAR j;
+ IF params list [j].type = const OR params list [j].type = result const
+ THEN IF access (j) = 2
+ THEN basic error (103, NAME params list [j], "im " + text (j)
+ + ". Eintrag der Parameterliste")
+ FI
+ FI
+END PROC examine access rights;
+PROC basic function (SYMBOL VAR ftn): (* Änd. 11.08.87, mo *)
+ init and check function;
+ IF symb.type = del AND = open bracket
+ THEN get paramfield (params list, number params);
+ FI;
+ apply function .
+init and check function:
+ ROW 100 SYMBOL VAR params list;
+ INT VAR number params :: 0;
+ BOOL CONST is usr :: = usr;
+ IF is usr
+ THEN check proc name
+ FI;
+ ftn := symb;
+ next symbol .
+check proc name:
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = array
+ THEN := subtext (, 1, LENGTH
+ ELIF symb.type <> var
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, "Prozedurname erwartet")
+ FI.
+apply function:
+ OPN VAR ftn local opn;
+ BOOL VAR ftn found;
+ INT CONST result :: number params+1;
+ INT VAR j;
+ FOR j FROM 1 UPTO number params
+ REP parameter (j, params list [j].data, const, params list [j].adr) PER;
+ IF is usr
+ THEN identify proc;
+ examine access rights (params list, number params);
+ ELSE identify function
+ FI;
+ ftn.adr := next local adr (;
+ declare (result, var);
+ define (result, ftn.adr);
+ apply (result, push);
+ apply (1, number params, ftn local opn).
+identify proc:
+ identify (deshift (, 1, number params, ftn local opn, ftn found);
+ := dtype (result);
+ IF NOT ftn found
+ THEN basic error (99,, "Parameter angegeben: " + param list (1, number params))
+ ELIF = void type
+ THEN basic error (5,, "Die Prozedur liefert keinen Wert")
+ ELIF NOT ( = int type) AND NOT ( = real type) AND NOT ( = text type)
+ THEN basic error (5,, "Der Typ des Resultats ist nicht erlaubt, gefunden: "
+ + dump (dtype (result)))
+ FI.
+identify function:
+ identify (, 1, number params, ftn local opn, ftn found);
+ IF ftn found
+ THEN := dtype (result)
+ ELIF is basic function (
+ THEN basic error (98,, "Argument(e) angegeben: " + param list (1, number params))
+ ELSE basic error (22,, "Anweisung(sbestandteil) gefunden")
+ FI.
+END PROC basic function;
+PROC user function (SYMBOL VAR result): (* DEF/mo *)
+ check if function defined;
+ get arguments if expected;
+ gosub (user function label);
+ copy result.
+check if function defined:
+ TEXT CONST scope :: name of ( + "?";
+ IF NOT known (
+ THEN basic error (18,, "")
+ ELIF scanner scope = scope
+ THEN basic error (85,, "")
+ FI.
+get arguments if expected:
+ INT VAR param counter;
+ TEXT VAR dim text;
+ result := symb;
+ remember (, symb.type, result.adr,, dim text);
+ INT VAR number of params :: LENGTH dim text DIV 2 - 1;
+ next symbol;
+ IF number of params > 0
+ THEN get all arguments
+ ELIF = open bracket AND symb.type = del
+ THEN basic error (5,, "Kein Argument erwartet")
+ FI.
+get all arguments:
+ IF <> open bracket OR symb.type <> del
+ THEN basic error (5, NAME symb, text (number of params) + " Argument(e) erwartet")
+ FI;
+ next symbol;
+ FOR param counter FROM 2 UPTO number of params REP
+ get one argument;
+ skip comma;
+ PER;
+ get one argument;
+ skip close bracket.
+get one argument:
+ SYMBOL VAR ftn param;
+ ftn := dim text ISUB param counter;
+ remember (ftn, ftn param.type, ftn param.adr, ftn, ftn;
+ IF ftn param.type <> var
+ THEN basic error (intern error, name of (ftn, "Parametereintrag fehlerhaft")
+ FI;
+ SYMBOL VAR expr res;
+ get expr (expr res, ftn;
+ apply move (ftn param.adr, expr res.adr, ftn
+skip comma:
+ IF = close bracket AND symb.type = del
+ THEN basic error (5,, text (number of params) + " Argumente erwartet")
+ ELIF <> comma OR symb.type <> del
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, " , in Argumentenliste erwartet")
+ FI;
+ next symbol.
+skip close bracket:
+ IF = comma AND symb.type = del
+ THEN basic error (5,, "Nur " + text (number of params) + " Argument(e) erwartet")
+ ELIF <> close bracket OR symb.type <> del
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, " ) nach Argumentenliste erwartet")
+ FI;
+ next symbol.
+user function label:
+ label list [dim text ISUB 1].
+copy result :
+ apply move (next local adr (, result.adr,;
+ result.adr := local adr.
+END PROC user function;
+PROC apply move (ADDRESS CONST dest adr, source adr, DTYPE CONST datype):
+ parameter (1, datype, var, dest adr);
+ parameter (2, datype, const, source adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ IF datype = int type
+ THEN apply (1, 2, int move)
+ ELIF datype = real type
+ THEN apply (1, 2, real move)
+ ELIF datype = text type
+ THEN apply (1, 2, text move)
+ ELSE basic error (2, "=", "Unbekannter Datentyp: " + dump (datype)) FI .
+END PROC apply move;
+PROC convert (SYMBOL VAR symbol, DTYPE CONST to data): (* F3/rr *)
+ IF to data = from data
+ ELIF symbol.type = const
+ THEN declare const (symbol, to data)
+ ELIF to data = int type
+ THEN make int
+ ELIF to data = real type
+ THEN make real
+ ELSE basic error (13, NAME symbol, dump (to data) + " erwartet, " + dump (from data) + " gefunden") FI .
+from data : .
+make real :
+ IF = int type
+ THEN parameter (1,, const, symbol.adr);
+ parameter (2, real type, var, next local adr (real type));
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 1, int to real);
+ symbol.adr := local adr;
+ := real type
+ ELSE basic error (13, NAME symbol, dump (to data) + " erwartet, " + dump (from data) + " gefunden") FI .
+make int :
+ IF = real type
+ THEN parameter (1,, const, symbol.adr);
+ parameter (2, int type, var, next local adr (int type));
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 1, real to int);
+ symbol.adr := local adr;
+ := int type
+ ELSE basic error (13, NAME symbol, dump (to data) + " erwartet, " + dump (from data) + " gefunden") FI .
+END PROC convert;
+PROC declare const (SYMBOL VAR symbol constant, DTYPE CONST data):
+ convert symb value;
+ IF new constant
+ THEN declare this constant
+ ELSE get table entry FI .
+convert symb value:
+ IF data = symbol
+ THEN LEAVE convert symb value
+ ELIF data = int type AND symbol = real type
+ THEN symbol := mki (symbol RSUB 1);
+ ELIF data = real type AND symbol = int type
+ THEN symbol := mkd (symbol ISUB 1);
+ ELIF data = text type AND symbol = int type
+ THEN symbol := text (symbol ISUB 1)
+ ELIF data = text type AND symbol = real type
+ THEN symbol := text (symbol RSUB 1)
+ ELSE basic error (13, NAME symbol constant, dump (data) + " erwartet, "
+ + dump (symbol + " gefunden") FI;
+ symbol := data .
+new constant:
+(* Konstanten werden wie folgt abgelegt: *)
+(* INT: § HL *)
+(* TEXT: § Text *)
+ put name ("§ " + symbol, symbol;
+ NOT known (symbol .
+declare this constant:
+ IF data = int type
+ THEN allocate denoter (symbol constant.adr, symbol ISUB 1)
+ ELIF data = real type
+ THEN allocate denoter (symbol constant.adr, symbol RSUB 1)
+ ELIF data = text type
+ THEN allocate denoter (symbol constant.adr, symbol FI;
+ recognize (symbol, const, symbol constant.adr, data, nil) .
+get table entry:
+ INT VAR table type;
+ TEXT VAR table dim;
+ remember (symbol, table type, symbol constant.adr, symbol, table dim);
+ IF table dim <> nil
+ THEN basic error (intern error, NAME symbol constant, "Dimension in Tabelle ungleich niltext")
+ ELIF NOT (symbol = data)
+ THEN basic error (intern error, NAME symbol constant, "Falscher DTYPE in Tabelle, erw: " + dump (data)
+ + ", gef: " + dump (symbol FI .
+END PROC declare const;
+PROC declare var (SYMBOL VAR symbol var, TEXT CONST dim): (* F4/rr *)
+ allocate variable;
+ recognize (symbol, symbol var.type, symbol var.adr, symbol, dim) .
+allocate variable :
+ symbol var.adr := next local adr (symbol;
+ IF dim <> nil
+ THEN INT VAR index;
+ ADDRESS VAR dummy;
+ FOR index FROM 2 UPTO no of elements
+ REP dummy := next local adr (symbol PER;
+ FI .
+no of elements:
+ (dim ISUB (LENGTH dim DIV 2)) .
+END PROC declare var;
+PROC parameter (INT CONST p, DTYPE CONST d type, INT CONST value):
+ declare (p, d type);
+ declare (p, denoter);
+ define (p, value);
+END PROC parameter;
+PROC apply (INT CONST first, number params, TEXT CONST name):
+ identify (name, first, number params, opn, found);
+ IF NOT found
+ THEN errorstop (1051, "PROC " + name + ", Parameter: " + param list (first, number params) + ", nicht gefunden!") FI;
+ apply (first, number params, opn)
+END PROC apply;
+PROC clear local stack : (* F4/rr *)
+ define local variables;
+ clear index;
+ define (rep); index incr one;
+ if local storage less or equal index then goto end;
+ get cell address;
+ clear cell;
+ apply (rep);
+ define (end);
+ clear cell address;
+ . define local variables :
+ LABEL VAR rep, end;
+ ADDRESS VAR index;
+ declare (rep); declare (end);
+ allocate variable (index, type size (int type));
+ . clear index :
+ parameter (1, int type, var, index);
+ apply (1, 1, clear);
+ . index incr one :
+ parameter (1, int type, var, index);
+ apply (1, 1, incone);
+ . if local storage less or equal index then goto end :
+ parameter (1, int type, const, loc storage);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, index);
+ apply (1, 2, lsequ);
+ apply (end, TRUE);
+ . get cell address :
+ parameter (1, int type, const, LOC 2);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, index);
+ parameter (3, int type, 1);
+ parameter (4, int type, 16000);
+ parameter (5, int type, const, LOC 0);
+ apply (1, 5, subscript);
+ . clear cell :
+ parameter (1, int type, var, REF LOC 0);
+ apply (1, 1, clear);
+ . clear cell address :
+ parameter (1, int type, var, LOC 0);
+ apply (1, 1, clear);
+ parameter (1, int type, var, LOC 1);
+ apply (1, 1, clear);
+END PROC clear local stack;
+(* M a i n *)
+(* ̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃̃ *)
+(* C o m p i l e r *)
+(* ***** G l o b a l e V a r i a b l en ***** *)
+INT VAR end symbol :: 0, error no :: 0, act stat no :: 0, array base :: 0;
+BOOL VAR basic trace, was warning;
+ADDRESS VAR data pos, data text;
+(* Globale Operationen *)
+OPN VAR basic init, basic frame, basic module, ret, equal op,
+ int minus, real minus, int not opn, real not opn,
+ trace op, ln op, push,
+ int incr, real incr, int add,
+ int move, real move, text move, test,
+ real to int, int to real, subscript,
+ clear, incone, lsequ, (* F4/rr *)
+ basic out text;
+(* Parameter VOID *)
+ init ("RTN", 1, 0, ret);
+(* Parameter INT *)
+ declare (1, int type);
+ init ("intnot", 1, 1, int not opn); (* mo *)
+ init ("PP", 1, 1, push);
+ init ("LN", 1, 1, ln op);
+ init ("real", 1, 1, int to real);
+ init ("TEST", 1, 1, test);
+ init ("CLEAR", 1, 1, clear);
+ init ("INCONE", 1, 1, incone);
+ init ("trace", 1, 1, trace op);
+(* Parameter INT INT *)
+ declare (2, int type);
+ init ("COMPLINT", 1, 2, int minus);
+ init ("MOVE", 1, 2, int move);
+ init ("INC", 1, 2, int incr);
+ init ("EQU", 1, 2, equal op);
+ init ("LSEQU", 1, 2, lsequ);
+(* Parameter INT INT INT *)
+ declare (3, int type);
+ init ("ADD", 1, 3, int add);
+(* Paramter REAL *)
+ declare (1, real type);
+ init ("realnot", 1, 1, real not opn); (* mo *)
+ init ("cint", 1, 1, real to int);
+(* Parameter REAL REAL *)
+ declare (2, real type);
+ init ("COMPLREAL", 1, 2, real minus);
+ init ("FMOVE", 1, 2, real move);
+ init ("INCR", 1, 2, real incr);
+(* Parameter TEXT *)
+ declare (1, text type);
+ init ("basicout", 1, 1, basic out text);
+(* Paramter TEXT TEXT *)
+ declare (2, text type);
+ init ("TMOVE", 1, 2, text move);
+ declare (3, denoter);
+ declare (4, denoter);
+ init ("SUBSCRIPT", 1, 5, subscript);
+PROC init (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST local from, number params, OPN VAR local opn):
+ identify (name, local from, number params, local opn, found);
+ IF NOT found
+ THEN errorstop (1051, "PROC init (TC, IC, IC, OPN VAR): OPN für """ + name + """ nicht gefunden") FI
+END PROC init;
+(* Runtime Konstanten *)
+ ADDRESS VAR true value, false value, niltext value,
+ zero value, one value, two value, three value,
+ comma value, int one value, real one value,
+ loc storage; (* F4/rr *)
+(* +++++ Globale Variablen +++++ *)
+ BOOL VAR proc found;
+ INT VAR deftype, field elems, i, params;
+ ROW 100 SYMBOL VAR param;
+ SYMBOL VAR base size, begin range, end range, expr result, field, filename,
+ from, len, image, label, old name, new name,
+ question, size, tab pos, var result;
+ TEXT VAR constant, field size, proc name;
+(* Label-Verwaltung *)
+LET label list size = 4100;
+BOUND ROW label list size LABEL VAR label list;
+DATASPACE VAR label ds;
+INITFLAG VAR label init :: FALSE;
+INT VAR last label no;
+(* ***** I n t e r f a c e P r o z d u r e n ***** *)
+PROC basic:
+ basic (last param)
+END PROC basic;
+PROC basic (TEXT CONST basic file name):
+ basic (basic file name, nil)
+END PROC basic;
+PROC basic (TEXT CONST basic file name, prog name):
+ IF NOT exists (basic file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + basic file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ ELSE FILE VAR basic file :: sequential file (modify, basic file name); (* F5/rr *)
+ headline (basic file, basic file name);
+ last param (basic file name);
+ basic (basic file, prog name)
+ FI;
+END PROC basic;
+PROC basic (FILE VAR source file, TEXT CONST prog name):
+ IF prog name <> nil CAND prog name is not a tag (* F5/rr *)
+ THEN errorstop ("unzulässiger Programmname : """ + prog name + """");
+ FI;
+ modify (source file); (* F5/rr *)
+ disable stop;
+ init label table;
+ store status;
+ coder on (data allocation by coder);
+ compile (source file, progname);
+ restore status;
+ start basic prog .
+prog name is not a tag : (* F5/rr *)
+ LET tag = 1;
+ INT VAR symbol type;
+ TEXT VAR symbol name;
+ scan (prog name);
+ next symbol (symbol name, symbol type);
+ symbol name <> prog name OR symbol type <> tag .
+init label table:
+ IF NOT initialized (label init)
+ THEN label ds := nilspace;
+ label list := label ds;
+ FI .
+store status:
+ INT CONST source line :: line no (source file),
+ source col :: col (source file);
+ BOOL CONST check status :: check;
+ check on .
+restore status:
+ to line (source file, source line);
+ col (source file, source col);
+ IF NOT check status
+ THEN check off FI .
+start basic prog:
+ IF error no > 0 OR is error
+ THEN basic error end
+ ELSE normal end
+ FI;
+ close (source file) .
+basic error end:
+ coder off (FALSE, FALSE, nop);
+ IF is error
+ THEN put error;
+ clear error
+ ELSE display (""13""10""10""); (* F20/rr *)
+ display (text (error no) + compiler err msg);
+ display (""13""10""10"");
+ display (compiler msg);
+ display (""13""10"");
+ IF sysout <> ""
+ THEN line (2);
+ put (text (error no) + compiler err msg);
+ line (2);
+ put (compiler msg);
+ line
+ FI
+ FI;
+ show file and error .
+show file and error: (* F20/rr *)
+ IF anything noted CAND command dialogue
+ THEN noteedit (source file);
+ FI;
+ errorstop (nil) .
+normal end:
+ IF prog name = nil
+ THEN run basic proc
+ ELSE insert basic proc FI;
+ IF warnings AND was warning
+ THEN show file and error
+ FI.
+run basic proc:
+ coder off (FALSE, TRUE, basic frame);
+ display (""13""10"") .
+insert basic proc:
+ coder off (TRUE, TRUE, basic frame);
+ coder on (data allocation by coder);
+ coder off (FALSE, FALSE, basic init);
+ display (""13""10"") .
+END PROC basic;
+PROC compile (FILE VAR source file, TEXT CONST progname):
+ enable stop;
+ init compiler;
+ init basic prog;
+ begin scanning (source file);
+ next symbol;
+ get statement group (eop);
+ end compiling .
+init compiler:
+ end symbol := 0;
+ error no := 0;
+ act stat no := 0;
+ array base := 0;
+ basic trace := FALSE;
+ was warning := FALSE;
+ init storage;
+ init label;
+ init data;
+ init table .
+init label:
+ TEXT VAR local stat no;
+ INT VAR stat nos;
+ init stat no (source file, error no); (* F21/rr *)
+ IF error no > 0 THEN LEAVE compile FI;
+ all stat no (local stat no, stat nos);
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO stat nos
+ REP declare (label list [i]) PER;
+ last label no := stat nos. (* DEF/mo *)
+init basic prog:
+ LIB VAR packet;
+ declare (basic packet name, packet);
+ define (packet);
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ declare (basic init);
+ IF progname = nil
+ THEN declare (basic frame)
+ ELSE declare (progname, 1, 0, basic frame) FI;
+ declare (basic module);
+ declare runtime const;
+ declare basic init;
+ declare basic frame;
+ declare basic module .
+basic packet name:
+ IF progname <> ""
+ THEN "BASIC." + progname
+ FI.
+declare runtime const:
+ allocate variable (data text, type size (text type));
+ allocate variable (data pos, type size (int type));
+ allocate variable (loc storage, type size (int type)); (* F4/rr *)
+ allocate denoter (true value, 0);
+ allocate denoter (false value, -1);
+ allocate denoter (niltext value, nil);
+ allocate denoter (one value, 1);
+ allocate denoter (two value, 2);
+ allocate denoter (three value, 3);
+ allocate denoter (real one value, 1.0);
+ allocate denoter (comma value, ",");
+ zero value := true value;
+ int one value := one value .
+declare basic init:
+ begin module;
+ define (basic init, 4);
+ parameter (1, text type, var, data text);
+ parameter (2, int type, var, data pos);
+ apply (1, 2, "initdata");
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, ret);
+ end module .
+declare basic frame:
+ begin module;
+ define (basic frame, 4);
+ IF prog name = nil
+ THEN parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, basic init);
+ FI;
+ declare (1, int type);
+ declare (1, const);
+ define (1, 0);
+ parameter (2, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 1, ln op);
+ apply (1, 0, "disablestop");
+ apply (1, 0, "startbasic");
+ parameter (1, int type, var, data pos);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, one value);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, int move);
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, basic module);
+ apply (1, 0, "endbasic");
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, ret);
+ end module .
+declare basic module:
+ LABEL VAR start lab;
+ begin module;
+ define (basic module);
+ declare (start lab);
+ apply (1, 0, "enablestop");
+ gosub (start lab);
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, "returnerror"); (* mo *)
+ define (start lab);
+ clear local stack . (* F4/rr *)
+end compiling:
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, ret);
+ define (loc storage, local storage - 1); (* F4/rr *)
+ set length of local storage (basic module, max (2, local storage)); (* F4/rr *)
+ IF error no = 0
+ THEN end module FI .
+END PROC compile;
+PROC get statement group (INT CONST new symbol):
+(* 'get statement group' compiliert das ganze Programm bis zum Auftreten *)
+(* von 'end symbol' *)
+ disable stop;
+ new end symbol;
+ get all basic lines;
+ old end symbol .
+new end symbol:
+ INT CONST old symbol :: end symbol;
+ end symbol := new symbol .
+old end symbol:
+ end symbol := old symbol .
+get all basic lines:
+ REP get basic line;
+ IF is error
+ THEN error handling
+ ELIF symb.type = eos
+ THEN check this eos FI
+ PER .
+error handling: (* F20/rr *)
+ IF error in basic program
+ THEN error no INCR 1
+ ELIF end of source file
+ THEN clear error;
+ LEAVE get all basic lines
+ ELIF halt from terminal
+ THEN LEAVE get statement group
+ ELSE error no INCR 1;
+ handle internal error;
+ LEAVE get statement group
+ FI;
+ clear error;
+ scope compulsory (TRUE); (* DEF/mo *)
+ set scope (""); (* DEF/mo *)
+ next statement;
+ next symbol .
+error in basic program:
+ errorcode = 101.
+end of source file:
+ errorcode = 99.
+halt from terminal:
+ errorcode = 1.
+handle internal error : (* F20/rr *)
+ TEXT VAR error :: "BASIC-Compiler ERROR";
+ IF errorcode <> 0
+ THEN error CAT " #" + text (errorcode) FI;
+ IF errorline > 0
+ THEN error CAT " at " + text (errorline) FI;
+ error CAT " : ";
+ error CAT errormessage;
+ IF sysout <> "" THEN putline (error) FI;
+ note (error);
+ noteline;
+ clear error;
+ errorstop (error).
+check this eos:
+ IF = eol
+ THEN next symbol
+ ELIF = -new symbol OR = eop
+ THEN LEAVE get all basic lines (* mo *)
+ ELSE basic error (intern error, NAME symb, "EOL erwartet, " +
+ type of (symb.type) + " gefunden")
+ FI .
+END PROC get statement group;
+PROC get basic line (INT CONST new symbol):
+(*Die Abbruchbedingungen werden neu gesetzt und bei Verlassen der *)
+(*Prozedur zurückgesetzt. *)
+ disable stop;
+ INT CONST old symbol :: end symbol;
+ end symbol := new symbol;
+ get basic line;
+ end symbol := old symbol .
+END PROC get basic line;
+PROC get basic line:
+(* 'get basic line' behandelt genau eine Zeile mit Zeilennummer. *)
+ enable stop;
+ IF symb.type = stat no
+ THEN gen stat no ( FI;
+ REP get one basic statement PER .
+get one basic statement:
+(* 'get one basic statement' behandelt genau ein Statement. *)
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN get end of statement
+ ELIF symb.type = res word OR symb.type = var OR symb.type = array
+ THEN get one statement
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, type of (symb.type) + " ohne Zusammenhang") FI .
+get end of statement:
+ IF = eos
+ THEN next symbol
+ ELSE LEAVE get basic line FI .
+get one statement:
+ IF symb.type = res word
+ THEN get res word statement
+ ELIF symb.type = var OR symb.type = array
+ THEN let statement
+ FI;
+ skip comma if else expected;
+ IF symb.type <> eos
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, "EOS erwartet, " + type of (symb.type) + " gefunden")
+ FI.
+skip comma if else expected:
+ IF end symbol = else s AND symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN next symbol;
+ IF symb.type <> eos OR <> -else s
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, "ELSE erwartet")
+ FI
+ FI.
+get res word statement:
+ CASE as s : basic error (90,, "")
+ CASE base s : basic error (91,, "")
+ CASE call s,
+ chain s : call statement
+ CASE clear s : not implemented
+ CASE close s : not implemented
+ CASE cls s : cls statement (* mo *)
+ CASE common s : not implemented
+ CASE data s : data statement
+ CASE def s : def statement (* mo *)
+ CASE defint s,
+ defdbl s,
+ defsng s,
+ defstr s : def type statement
+ CASE dim s : dim statement
+ CASE else s : basic error (92,, "")
+ CASE end s : end statement
+ CASE error s : error statement
+ CASE field s : not implemented
+ CASE for s : for statement
+ CASE get s : not implemented
+ CASE gosub s : gosub statement
+ CASE goto s : goto statement
+ CASE if s : if statement
+ CASE input s : input statement
+ CASE kill s : kill statement
+ CASE let s : let statement
+ CASE line in s: line statement
+ CASE lprint s : lprint statement (* mo *)
+ CASE l set s : l set statement
+ CASE mid s : mid statement
+ CASE name s : name statement
+ CASE next s : basic error (1,, "")
+ CASE on s : on statement
+ CASE open s : not implemented
+ CASE option s : option statement
+ CASE print s : print statement
+ CASE put s : not implemented
+ CASE rand s : randomize statement
+ CASE read s : read statement
+ CASE rem s : rem statement
+ CASE restore s: restore statement
+ CASE resume s : not implemented
+ CASE return s : return statement
+ CASE r set s : r set statement
+ CASE step s : basic error (93,, "")
+ CASE stop s : stop statement
+ CASE sub : basic error (101,, "")
+ CASE swap s : swap statement
+ CASE tab s : basic error (94,, "")
+ CASE then s : basic error (95,, "")
+ CASE to s : basic error (96,, "")
+ CASE troff s : troff statement
+ CASE tron s : tron statement
+ CASE using s : basic error (97,, "")
+ CASE wait s : not implemented
+ CASE wend s : basic error (30,, "")
+ CASE while s : while statement
+ CASE width s : width statement
+ CASE write s : write statement
+ OTHERWISE basic error (104,, "") END SELECT.
+not implemented:
+ basic error (100,, "").
+call statement:
+(*CALL <proc name> [(<argument list>)] *)
+ next symbol;
+ get proc name;
+ get proc parameter;
+ apply proc .
+get proc name:
+ proc name :=;
+ IF symb.type = array
+ THEN proc name := subtext (proc name, 1, LENGTH proc name-2) FI;
+ next symbol .
+get proc parameter:
+ params := 0;
+ IF symb.type = del AND = open bracket
+ THEN get paramfield (param, params) FI .
+apply proc:
+ OPN VAR proc opn;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO params
+ REP parameter (i, param [i].data, const, param [i].adr) PER;
+ identify (deshift (proc name), 1, params, proc opn, proc found);
+ IF NOT proc found
+ THEN basic error (99, proc name, "Parameter angegeben: " + param list (1, params))
+ ELIF result found
+ THEN basic error (5, proc name, "Kein Resultat erlaubt (gefunden: " + dump (result data) + ")")
+ FI;
+ examine access rights (param, params);
+ parameter (params+1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, params, proc opn) .
+result found:
+ NOT (result data = void type) .
+result data:
+ dtype (params+1) .
+cls statement:
+(*CLS *)
+ next symbol;
+ apply (1, 0, "nextpage").
+data statement:
+(*DATA <list of constants> *)
+ DTYPE VAR const data;
+ data line (act stat no);
+ REP IF next data (constant, const data)
+ THEN data (constant, const data)
+ ELSE basic error (2, "EOL", "Daten fehlen !") FI;
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE data statement
+ ELIF symb.type <> del OR <> comma
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, " , erwartet") FI
+ PER .
+def statement: (* DEF/mo *)
+(*DEF FN<name> [(parameter list)] = <function definition> *)
+ get function name;
+ store label of function;
+ get all params;
+ get function definition.
+get function name:
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type <> user fn
+ THEN treat wrong function name
+ THEN basic error (2,, "Unerlaubter Funktionsname")
+ ELIF known (
+ THEN basic warning ("Die Funktion """ + + """ wurde bereits definiert");
+ was warning := TRUE
+ FI;
+ SYMBOL VAR function :: symb;
+ := name of (
+treat wrong function name:
+ IF symb.type = var OR symb.type = array
+ THEN basic error (2,, "Funktionsname muß mit FN beginnen")
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, "Funktionsname erwartet")
+ FI.
+store label of function:
+ IF last label no < label list size
+ THEN last label no INCR 1
+ ELSE errorstop ("Zu viele Label")
+ FI;
+ declare (label list [last label no]);
+ TEXT VAR dim text :: "";
+ dim text CAT last label no;
+ recognize (, user fn, niladr,, dim text).
+get all params:
+ set scope ( + "?");
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = del AND = open bracket
+ try to get a param;
+ try to get del
+ UNTIL = close bracket OR
+ (symb.type <> del AND symb.type <> var) PER;
+ skip close bracket
+ FI.
+try to get a param:
+ IF symb.type <> var
+ THEN next symbol
+ FI;
+ IF symb.type <> var
+ THEN careful error (2, NAME symb, "Parametervariable erwartet");
+ IF symb.type <> del
+ THEN next symbol
+ FI
+ ELSE treat param
+ FI
+ UNTIL symb.type <> del OR = close bracket PER.
+treat param:
+ IF NOT known (
+ THEN declare var (symb, nil);
+ ELIF already appeared in param list
+ THEN careful error (89,, "");
+ FI;
+ dim text CAT
+already appeared in param list:
+ INT VAR param counter;
+ FOR param counter FROM 2 UPTO LENGTH dim text DIV 2 REP
+ IF (dim text ISUB param counter) =
+ THEN LEAVE already appeared in param list WITH TRUE
+ FI
+ PER;
+try to get del:
+ IF symb.type = var
+ THEN next symbol
+ FI;
+ IF symb.type = var OR (symb.type = del CAND ( <> comma AND <> close bracket))
+ THEN careful error (2,, " , in Parameterliste erwartet")
+ FI.
+skip close bracket:
+ IF symb.type = del AND = close bracket
+ THEN next symbol
+ ELSE careful error (2, NAME symb, " ) nach Parameterliste erwartet")
+ FI.
+get function definition:
+ scope compulsory (FALSE);
+ skip (equal, operator);
+ generate forward jump;
+ define this label;
+ get expr (expr result,;
+ recognize (, user fn, expr result.adr,, dim text);
+ goret;
+ define (behind);
+ scope compulsory (TRUE);
+ set scope ("").
+generate forward jump:
+ LABEL VAR behind;
+ declare (behind);
+ apply (behind).
+define this label:
+ define (label list [last label no]).
+def type statement:
+(*DEFINT/DBL/SNG/STR <range(s) of letters> *)
+ deftype :=;
+ next symbol;
+ REP get letter (begin range);
+ IF symb.type = operator AND = minus
+ THEN next symbol;
+ get letter (end range)
+ ELSE end range := begin range FI;
+ IF name of (begin > name of (end
+ THEN basic error (87, begin + "-" + end, "")
+ ELSE define chars (name of (begin, name of (end, data type) FI;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE def type statement
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+data type:
+ SELECT deftype OF
+ CASE defint s: int type
+ CASE defstr s: text type
+ dim statement:
+(*DIM <list of subscripted var results> *)
+ next symbol;
+ REP get field var;
+ get field size;
+ declare field;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE dim statement
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+get field var:
+ IF symb.type = array
+ THEN IF known (
+ THEN basic error (10,, "")
+ ELSE field := symb;
+ next symbol
+ FI
+ ELIF symb.type = var
+ THEN basic error (2,, "Dimensionsangabe fehlt")
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, "Feldname erwartet")
+ FI.
+get field size:
+ field size := "";
+ field elems := 1;
+ skip (open bracket, del);
+ REP get const (size, int type);
+ INT CONST field limit :: ISUB 1;
+ IF field limit < array base
+ THEN basic error (88, NAME size, "Die Obergrenze muß >= " +
+ text (array base) + " sein")
+ ELSE field size CAT (mki (field limit));
+ field elems := field elems * (field limit + 1 - array base)
+ FI;
+ IF symb.type = del AND = close bracket
+ THEN next symbol;
+ LEAVE get field size
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+declare field:
+ field size CAT mki (array base);
+ field size CAT mki (field elems);
+ declare var (field, field size) .
+end statement:
+(*END *)
+ next symbol;
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, ret) .
+error statement:
+(*ERROR <integer expr result> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get expr (expr result, int type);
+ parameter (1, int type, const, expr result.adr);
+ parameter (2, text type, const, niltext value);
+ apply (1, 2, "errorstop") .
+gosub statement:
+(*GOSUB <line number> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get const (label, int type);
+ gosub (this label) .
+goto statement :
+(*GOTO <line number> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get const (label, int type);
+ apply (this label) .
+this label: label list [label pos (label no)] .
+label no: ISUB 1 .
+input statement:
+(*INPUT [;]["Anfrage" ;/,] Variable [, Variable] *)
+ ROW 100 DTYPE VAR input var data;
+ INT VAR number input vars;
+ LABEL VAR input lab;
+ next symbol;
+ declare (input lab);
+ define (input lab);
+ get semicolon for cr lf;
+ get question and question mark;
+ apply (1, 3, "readinput");
+ get input eof;
+ get data types of input vars (input var data, number input vars); (* F25/rr *)
+ check data types of input vars; (* F8/F25/rr *)
+ apply (1, 0, "inputok");
+ apply (input lab, FALSE);
+ assign list of input var . (* F8/F25/rr *)
+get semicolon for cr lf:
+ IF symb.type = del AND = semicolon
+ THEN next symbol;
+ parameter (1, bool type, const, false value)
+ ELSE parameter (1, bool type, const, true value) FI .
+get question and question mark:
+ IF symb.type = const AND = text type
+ THEN get const (question, text type);
+ parameter (2, text type, const, question.adr);
+ parameter (3, bool type, const, question mark value);
+ next symbol
+ ELSE parameter (2, text type, const, niltext value);
+ parameter (3, bool type, const, true value); (* F7/rr *)
+ FI .
+question mark value:
+ IF symb.type = del AND = semicolon
+ THEN true value
+ ELIF symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN false value
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, " ; oder , erwartet"); nil adr FI .
+get input eof:
+ IF symb.type = res word AND = eof s
+ THEN next symbol;
+ get const (label, int type);
+ apply (1, 0, "inputeof");
+ apply (this label, TRUE)
+ FI .
+check data types of input vars : (* F8/F25/rr *)
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO number input vars
+ REP parameter (1, int type, const, input data type);
+ apply (1, 1, "checkinput");
+ apply (input lab, FALSE);
+ PER .
+input data type : (* F8/F25/rr *)
+ IF input var data (i) = int type THEN one value
+ ELIF input var data (i) = real type THEN two value
+ ELIF input var data (i) = text type THEN three value
+ ELSE zero value
+ FI .
+assign list of input var : (* F8/F25/rr *)
+ REP get var (var result);
+ parameter (1, var result. data, var, var result. adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "assigninput");
+ IF symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN next symbol
+ ELSE LEAVE assign list of input var FI
+ PER .
+kill statement:
+(*KILL <filename> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get expr (filename, text type);
+ parameter (1, text type, const, filename.adr);
+ parameter (2, quiet type, const, next local adr (int type));
+ apply (2, 0, "quiet");
+ apply (1, 2, "forget") .
+let statement:
+(*[LET] <var> = <expression> *)
+ IF symb.type = res word AND = let s
+ THEN next symbol FI;
+ get var (var result);
+ skip (equal, operator);
+ get expr (expr result, var;
+ apply move (var result.adr, expr result.adr, var
+line statement: (* F9/rr *)
+(*1. LINE INPUT [;][<"prompt string">;]<string var result> *)
+ next symbol;
+ skip (input s, res word);
+ get semicolon;
+ get prompt string;
+ apply (1, 3, "readinput");
+ assign string var result .
+get semicolon:
+ IF symb.type = del AND = semicolon
+ THEN next symbol;
+ parameter (1, bool type, const, false value)
+ ELSE parameter (1, bool type, const, true value) FI .
+get prompt string:
+ IF symb.type = const AND = text type
+ THEN get const (question, text type);
+ parameter (2, text type, const, question.adr);
+ skip (semicolon, del);
+ ELSE parameter (2, text type, const, niltext value);
+ FI;
+ parameter (3, bool type, const, false value) .
+assign string var result :
+ get var (var result, text type);
+ parameter (1, text type, var, var result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "assigninputline") .
+lprint statement:
+(*LPRINT (cf. PRINT) *)
+ apply (1, 0, "switchtoprintoutfile");
+ print statement;
+ apply (1, 0, "switchbacktooldsysoutstate").
+l set statement:
+(*LSET <string var> = <string expression> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get var (var result, text type);
+ skip (equal, operator);
+ get expr (expr result, text type);
+ parameter (1, text type, var, var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, text type, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 2, "lset") .
+mid statement:
+(*MID$ (<string var>, from [,len]) = <string expression> *)
+ next symbol;
+ skip (open bracket, del);
+ get var (var result, text type);
+ skip (comma, del);
+ get expr (from, int type);
+ IF symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN next symbol;
+ get expr (len, int type)
+ ELSE len := nilsymbol FI;
+ skip (close bracket, del);
+ skip (equal, operator);
+ get expr (expr result, text type);
+ parameter (1, text type, var, var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, from.adr);
+ parameter (3, text type, const, expr result.adr);
+ IF = int type
+ THEN parameter (4, int type, const, one value);
+ parameter (5, int type, const, len.adr);
+ parameter (6, text type, var, next local adr (text type));
+ apply (3, 3, "subtext");
+ parameter (3, text type, const, local adr);
+ FI;
+ apply (1, 3, "replace") .
+name statement:
+(*NAME <old filename> AS <new filename> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get expr (old name, text type);
+ skip (as s, res word);
+ get expr (new name, text type);
+ parameter (1, text type, const, old name.adr);
+ parameter (2, text type, const, new name.adr);
+ apply (1, 2, "rename") .
+option statement:
+(*OPTION BASE 0|1 *)
+ next symbol;
+ skip (base s, res word);
+ get const (base size, int type);
+ IF new array base > 1
+ THEN basic error (105, NAME base size, "")
+ ELSE array base := new array base
+ FI.
+new array base:
+ base ISUB 1.
+randomize statement:
+(*RANDOMIZE [<expression>] *)
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN apply (1, 0, "initrnd")
+ ELSE get expr (expr result, real type);
+ parameter (1, real type, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "initrnd")
+ FI .
+read statement:
+(*READ <list of var> *)
+ next symbol;
+ REP get var (var result);
+ parameter (1, text type, const, data text);
+ parameter (2, int type, var, data pos);
+ parameter (3, var, var, var result.adr);
+ apply (1, 3, "read");
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE read statement
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+rem statement:
+(*REM <remark> *)
+ next statement;
+ symb := SYMBOL : ("", eol, eos, LOC 0, void type);
+ LEAVE get basic line .
+restore statement:
+(*RESTORE [<line number>] *)
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN parameter (1, int type, var, data pos);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, one value);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, int move);
+ ELSE get const (label, int type);
+ parameter (1, text type, const, data text);
+ parameter (2, int type, var, data pos);
+ parameter (3, int type, const, label.adr);
+ apply (1, 3, "restore")
+ FI .
+return statement :
+(*RETURN *)
+ next symbol;
+ goret .
+r set statement:
+(*RSET <string var> = <string expression> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get var (var result, text type);
+ skip (equal, operator);
+ get expr (expr result, text type);
+ parameter (1, text type, var, var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, text type, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 2, "rset") .
+stop statement:
+(*STOP *)
+ next symbol;
+ expr result := SYMBOL: (nil, any, const, nil adr, int type);
+ expr CAT act stat no;
+ declare const (expr result, int type);
+ parameter (1, int type, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "basicstop");
+ parameter (1, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 0, ret) .
+swap statement:
+(*SWAP <var>,<var> *)
+ next symbol;
+ get var (var result);
+ parameter (1, var, var, var result.adr);
+ DTYPE CONST first var result data :: var;
+ skip (comma, del);
+ get var (var result);
+ IF first var result data = var
+ THEN parameter (2, var, var, var result.adr);
+ apply (1, 2, "swap")
+ ELSE basic error (106, var, "gefunden: "
+ + dump (first var result data) + ", " + dump (var
+ FI.
+troff statement:
+(*TROFF *)
+ next symbol;
+ basic trace := FALSE .
+tron statement:
+(*TRON *)
+ next symbol;
+ basic trace := TRUE .
+width statement:
+(*WIDTH Größe *)
+ next symbol;
+ get expr (expr result, int type);
+ parameter (1, int type, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "width") .
+write statement:
+(*WRITE [<list of expr results>] *)
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN apply (1, 0, "nextline")
+ ELSE write list of expr results FI .
+write list of expr results:
+ REP get expr (expr result);
+ parameter (1, expr, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "basicwrite");
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN apply (1, 0, "nextline");
+ LEAVE write list of expr results
+ ELSE skip (comma, del);
+ parameter (1, text type, const, comma value);
+ apply (1, 1, "basicout")
+ FI
+ PER .
+END PROC get basic line;
+PROC gen stat no (INT CONST local stat no):
+(* Die Zeilennummer wird als Label definiert *)
+(* Die Prozedur 'stat no' wird mit der Statementnummer aufgerufen *)
+ act stat no := local stat no;
+ define (label list [label pos (act stat no)]);
+ declare (1, int type);
+ declare (1, const);
+ define (1, act stat no);
+ parameter (2, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 1, ln op);
+ IF basic trace
+ THEN expr result := SYMBOL: (nil, any, const, nil adr, int type);
+ expr CAT act stat no;
+ declare const (expr result, int type);
+ parameter (1, int type, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, trace op)
+ FI;
+ next symbol .
+END PROC gen stat no;
+PROC for statement:
+(*FOR <var> = x TO y [STEP z] *)
+ SYMBOL VAR local var result, init val, limit val, step val;
+ LABEL VAR start loop, end loop;
+ INT CONST for stat no := act stat no, (* F29/rr *)
+ for scan line no := scan line no;
+ TEXT CONST for symb name :=;
+ declare (start loop);
+ declare (end loop);
+ next symbol;
+ get loop var;
+ skip (equal, operator);
+ get expr (init val, local var;
+ skip (to s, res word);
+ get expr (limit val, local var;
+ get step val;
+ init loop var;
+ define (start loop);
+ gen check of variable;
+ get statement group (next s);
+ IF symb.type = eos AND = -next s
+ THEN next var statement
+ ELSE define (end loop);
+ basic error ("Compiler", 26, for scan line no, for stat no, for symb name, "", TRUE); (* F29/rr *)
+ FI .
+get loop var:
+ get var (local var result);
+ IF NOT (local var = int type OR local var = real type)
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME local var result, "INT oder REAL erwartet, "
+ + dump (local var + " gefunden")
+ FI .
+get step val:
+ IF symb.type = res word AND = step s
+ THEN next symbol;
+ get expr (step val, local var
+ ELIF local var = int type
+ THEN step := int type;
+ step val.adr := int one value
+ ELSE step := real type;
+ step val.adr := real one value
+ FI .
+init loop var:
+ IF local var = int type
+ THEN init int loop
+ ELSE init real loop FI .
+init int loop:
+ IF limit val.type = var
+ THEN parameter (1, int type, var, next local adr (int type));
+ parameter (2, int type, const, limit val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, int move);
+ limit val.adr := local adr;
+ FI;
+ IF step val.type = var
+ THEN parameter (1, int type, var, next local adr (int type));
+ parameter (2, int type, const, step val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, int move);
+ step val.adr := local adr;
+ FI;
+ IF NOT (init = local var
+ THEN parameter (1, int type, var, local var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, int type, const, init val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, int move)
+ FI .
+init real loop:
+ IF limit val.type = var
+ THEN parameter (1, real type, var, next local adr (real type));
+ parameter (2, real type, const, limit val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, real move);
+ limit val.adr := local adr;
+ FI;
+ IF step val.type = var
+ THEN parameter (1, real type, var, next local adr (real type));
+ parameter (2, real type, const, step val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, real move);
+ step val.adr := local adr;
+ FI;
+ IF NOT (init = local var
+ THEN parameter (1, real type, var, local var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, real type, const, init val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ apply (1, 2, real move)
+ FI .
+gen check of variable:
+ parameter (1, local var, const, local var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, limit, const, limit val.adr);
+ parameter (3, step, const, step val.adr);
+ parameter (4, bool type, const, nil adr); apply (4, nop);
+(* In der nächsten Coder-Version ist eine PUSH-Angabe nop nicht nötig *)
+ apply (1, 3, "loopend");
+ apply (end loop, TRUE) .
+next var statement:
+(*NEXT [<var>][,<var>...] *)
+ next symbol;
+ generate loop end;
+ IF symb.type <> eos
+ THEN check next var result FI .
+check next var result:
+ IF = local var
+ THEN next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN next for loop FI
+ ELSE basic error (86, NAME symb, local var + " erwartet") FI .
+next for loop:
+ IF end symbol = next s
+ THEN symb := SYMBOL:("", -next s, eos, nil adr, void type)
+ ELSE basic error (1,, "") (* mo *)
+ FI.
+generate loop end:
+ parameter (1, local var, var, local var result.adr);
+ parameter (2, step, const, step val.adr);
+ parameter (3, void type, const, nil adr);
+ IF local var = int type
+ THEN apply (1, 2, int incr)
+ ELSE apply (1, 2, real incr) FI;
+ apply (start loop);
+ define (end loop) .
+END PROC for statement;
+PROC if statement : (* Änd. 11.08.87, mo *)
+(* IF <expression> THEN <statement(s)>|<line number> *)
+(* [ELSE <statement(s)>|<line number>] *)
+(* IF <expression> GOTO <line number> *)
+(* [ELSE <statement(s)>|<line number>] *)
+ SYMBOL VAR local expr result;
+ next symbol;
+ get expr (local expr result, int type);
+ skip comma if there;
+ IF symb.type = res word AND ( = then s OR = goto s)
+ THEN test expr result;
+ IF = goto s
+ THEN next symbol;
+ if goto statement
+ ELIF next symbol is stat no
+ THEN if goto statement
+ ELSE if then statement
+ FI
+ ELSE basic error (2, NAME symb, "THEN oder GOTO erwartet") FI .
+skip comma if there:
+ IF = comma AND symb.type = del
+ THEN next symbol
+ FI.
+test expr result:
+ parameter (1, int type, const, local expr result.adr);
+ parameter (2, bool type, var, nil adr); apply (2, nop);
+ apply (1, 1, test) .
+next symbol is stat no:
+ next symbol;
+ symb.type = const AND = int type.
+if goto statement:
+ SYMBOL VAR stat label;
+ get const (stat label, int type);
+ expect else if comma found;
+ IF symb.type = res word AND = else s
+ THEN apply (this label, FALSE);
+ treat else case
+ ELIF symb.type <> eos OR <> eol
+ THEN declare (else label);
+ apply (this label, FALSE);
+ apply (else label);
+ get basic line (else s);
+ IF symb.type = eos AND = -else s
+ THEN else statement
+ ELSE define (else label)
+ FI
+ ELSE apply (this label, FALSE)
+ FI.
+this label: label list [label pos (label no)] .
+label no: stat ISUB 1 .
+expect else if comma found:
+ IF symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN next symbol;
+ IF <> else s OR symb.type <> res word
+ THEN basic error (2, NAME symb, "ELSE erwartet")
+ FI
+ FI.
+treat else case:
+ IF next symbol is stat no
+ THEN get const (stat label, int type);
+ apply (this label)
+ ELSE get basic line
+ FI.
+if then statement:
+ LABEL VAR fi label;
+ declare (else label);
+ apply (else label, TRUE);
+ get basic line (else s);
+ IF symb.type = eos AND = -else s
+ THEN declare (fi label);
+ apply (fi label);
+ else statement;
+ define (fi label)
+ ELSE define (else label) FI .
+else statement:
+ LABEL VAR else label;
+ define (else label);
+ treat else case.
+END PROC if statement;
+PROC on statement:
+(*2. ON <expression> GOSUB <list of line numbers> *)
+(*3. ON <expression> GOTO <list of line numbers> *)
+ LABEL VAR before case, after case, return case;
+ declare (before case);
+ declare (after case);
+ declare (return case);
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = res word AND = error s
+ THEN basic error (100,, "")
+ FI;
+ get expr (expr result, int type);
+ IF on gosub statement
+ THEN gosub (before case);
+ apply (after case)
+ ELIF NOT on goto statement
+ THEN basic error (2,, "GOTO oder GOSUB erwartet") FI;
+ get case stat no;
+ define (before case);
+ gen case branches;
+ gen return case;
+ define (after case) .
+on gosub statement:
+ BOOL CONST gosub found := symb.type = res word AND = gosub s;
+ gosub found .
+on goto statement:
+ symb.type = res word AND = goto s.
+get case stat no:
+ TEXT VAR case stat no :: nil;
+ INT VAR case no :: 0;
+ next symbol;
+ REP get const (label, int type);
+ case no INCR 1;
+ case stat no CAT;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE get case stat no
+ ELSE skip (comma, del) FI
+ PER .
+gen case branches:
+ computedbranch (expr result.adr, case no + 1, otherwise lab); (* F6/rr *)
+ apply (otherwise lab);
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO case no
+ REP apply (label i) PER .
+gen return case:
+ IF gosub found
+ THEN define (return case);
+ goret
+ FI .
+otherwise lab:
+ IF gosub found
+ THEN return case
+ ELSE after case FI .
+label i:
+ label list [label pos (case stat no ISUB i)] .
+END PROC on statement;
+PROC print statement:
+(*PRINT [<list of expr results>] *)
+(*PRINT USING <string exp>;<list of expression> *)
+(*PRINT #<file number>,<list of expr results> *)
+(*PRINT #<file number>, USING <string exp>;<list of expression> *)
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = del AND = numbersign
+ THEN print file statement
+ ELSE print display statement FI .
+print file statement:
+ basic error (100,, "") .
+print display statement:
+ get format string;
+ print list of expr results;
+ reset format string .
+get format string:
+ IF symb.type = res word AND = using s
+ THEN next symbol;
+ get expr (image, text type);
+ skip (semicolon, del);
+ parameter (1, text type, const, image.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "using");
+ ELSE image := nilsymbol FI .
+reset format string:
+ IF image.type <> any
+ THEN apply (1, 0, "clearusing") FI .
+print list of expr results:
+ REP IF symb.type = res word AND = tab s
+ THEN get tabulation
+ ELIF symb.type = del AND = comma
+ THEN get next zone
+ ELIF symb.type = del AND = semicolon
+ THEN get next pos
+ ELIF symb.type = eos
+ THEN apply (1, 0, "nextline");
+ LEAVE print list of expr results
+ ELSE get print expr result FI;
+ PER .
+get tabulation:
+ next symbol;
+ skip (open bracket, del);
+ get expr (tab pos, int type);
+ skip (close bracket, del);
+ parameter (1, int type, const, tab pos.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "tab") .
+get next zone:
+ next symbol;
+ IF image.type = any
+ THEN apply (1, 0, "nextzone") FI;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE print list of expr results FI .
+get next pos:
+ next symbol;
+ IF symb.type = eos
+ THEN LEAVE print list of expr results FI .
+get print expr result:
+ get expr (expr result);
+ parameter (1, expr, const, expr result.adr);
+ apply (1, 1, "basicout") .
+END PROC print statement;
+PROC while statement:
+(*WHILE <expression> *)
+ LABEL VAR while lab, wend lab;
+ SYMBOL VAR while expr result;
+ INT CONST while stat no := act stat no, (* F29/rr *)
+ while scan line no := scan line no;
+ TEXT CONST while symb name :=;
+ next symbol;
+ declare (while lab);
+ declare (wend lab);
+ define (while lab);
+ get expr (while expr result, int type);
+ parameter (1, int type, const, while expr result.adr);
+ parameter (2, bool type, const, nil adr); apply (2, nop);
+ apply (1, 1, test);
+ apply (wend lab, TRUE); (* 'test' vergleicht mit 0 *)
+ get statement group (wend s);
+ IF symb.type = eos AND = -wend s
+ THEN wend statement
+ ELSE basic error ("Compiler", 29, while scan line no, while stat no, while symb name, "", TRUE) FI. (* F29/rr *)
+wend statement:
+(*WEND *)
+ apply (while lab);
+ define (wend lab);
+ next symbol .
+END PROC while statement;
+END PACKET basic compiler
diff --git a/basic/BASIC.Runtime b/basic/BASIC.Runtime
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..854002a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/BASIC.Runtime
@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
+(* *)
+(* Erste von drei Dateien des EUMEL-BASIC-Systems *)
+(* *)
+(* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+(* Überarbeitet von: Rudolf Ruland und Michael Overdick *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand: 27.10.1987 *)
+(* *)
+PACKET basic std DEFINES EQU, UEQ, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ LES, LEQ, (* Stand: 23.10.1987/rr/mo *)
+ ^, swap,
+ val, asc, cdbl, chr,
+ cint, cvi, cvd, fre,
+ hex, inchars,
+ instr, ent, left,
+ mid, mki, mkd,
+ oct, right,
+ rnd, init rnd,
+ space, string,
+ l set, r set,
+ int not, real not,
+ /, DIV, real mod,
+ time, timer,
+ arctan, cos, sin, tan,
+ exp, ln, floor,
+ sqrt:
+INT CONST true := -1,
+ false := 0;
+LET real overflow = 6;
+(*BASIC-Integervergleiche *)
+ IF a=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a=b
+ THEN false
+ ELSE true FI
+ IF a<b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a<=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a>b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a>=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+(*BASIC-Realvergleiche *)
+ IF a=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a=b
+ THEN false
+ ELSE true FI
+ IF a<b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a<=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a>b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a>=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+(*BASIC-Tesxtvergleiche *)
+ IF a=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a=b
+ THEN false
+ ELSE true FI
+ IF a<b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a<=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a>b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+ IF a>=b
+ THEN true
+ ELSE false FI
+(*BASIC INTEGER / BOOL Operatoren *)
+REAL PROC real not (REAL CONST a): (* mo *)
+ real (int (a) XOR -1)
+END PROC real not;
+INT PROC int not (INT CONST a): (* mo *)
+ a XOR -1
+END PROC int not;
+ int not (l XOR r)
+ (l EQV r) OR r
+LET smallest significant = 5.0e-12;
+REAL OP ^ (REAL CONST x, y): (* F22/rr *)
+ IF x > 0.0
+ THEN x ** y
+ ELIF x = 0.0
+ THEN IF y > 0.0
+ THEN 0.0
+ ELIF y = 0.0
+ THEN 1.0
+ ELSE errorstop (real overflow, "");
+ max real
+ FI
+ ELSE REAL VAR floor y := floor (y + round value);
+ IF (abs (y - floor y) > smallest significant)
+ COR (floor y = 0.0 AND y <> 0.0)
+ THEN errorstop (1005, "bei " + text (x) +
+ " ^ " + text (y, 19) +
+ " : neg. Basis, gebr. Exponent");
+ 0.0
+ ELIF (floor y MOD 2.0) = 0.0
+ THEN (-x) ** floor y
+ ELSE - ( (-x) ** floor y )
+ FI
+ FI .
+ round value : IF y >= 0.0 THEN 0.5 ELSE -0.5 FI .
+END OP ^;
+REAL OP ^ (INT CONST x, y):
+ real (x) ** y
+END OP ^;
+REAL OP / (INT CONST l, r): (* mo *)
+ real (l) / real (r)
+END OP /;
+INT OP DIV (REAL CONST l, r): (* mo *)
+ cint (l) DIV cint (r)
+REAL PROC real mod (REAL CONST l, r): (* mo *)
+ round (l, 0) MOD round (r, 0)
+END PROC real mod;
+(* Basic Arithmetik *)
+REAL VAR r swap;
+PROC swap (REAL VAR left, right):
+ r swap := left;
+ left := right;
+ right := r swap
+END PROC swap;
+INT VAR i swap;
+PROC swap (INT VAR left, right):
+ i swap := left;
+ left := right;
+ right := i swap
+END PROC swap;
+TEXT VAR t swap;
+PROC swap (TEXT VAR left, right):
+ t swap := left;
+ left := right;
+ right := t swap
+END PROC swap;
+(*Internkonvertierungen *)
+ v ISUB 1
+END PROC cvi;
+ v RSUB 1
+END PROC cvd;
+TEXT VAR i text :: 2*""0"", r text :: 8*""0"";
+ mki (cint (x))
+END PROC mki;
+ replace (i text, 1, i);
+ i text
+END PROC mki;
+ mkd (real (i))
+END PROC mkd;
+ replace (r text, 1, r);
+ r text
+END PROC mkd;
+(*Textoperationen *)
+PROC l set (TEXT VAR left, TEXT CONST right):
+ replace (left, 1, right)
+END PROC l set;
+PROC r set (TEXT VAR left, TEXT CONST right):
+ replace (left, length (left)-length (right)+1, right)
+END PROC r set;
+ left (string, cint (no))
+END PROC left;
+TEXT PROC left (TEXT CONST string, INT CONST no):
+ subtext (string, 1, no)
+END PROC left;
+TEXT PROC right (TEXT CONST string, REAL CONST no):
+ right (string, cint (no))
+END PROC right;
+TEXT PROC right (TEXT CONST string, INT CONST no):
+ subtext (string, length (string)-no+1)
+END PROC right;
+TEXT PROC mid (TEXT CONST source, REAL CONST from):
+ mid (source, cint (from))
+END PROC mid;
+TEXT PROC mid (TEXT CONST source, INT CONST from):
+ subtext (source, from)
+END PROC mid;
+TEXT PROC mid (TEXT CONST source, REAL CONST from, length):
+ mid (source, cint (from), cint (length))
+END PROC mid;
+TEXT PROC mid (TEXT CONST source, INT CONST from, length):
+ subtext (source, from, from+length-1)
+END PROC mid;
+TEXT PROC string (REAL CONST x, y):
+ string (cint (x), cint (y))
+END PROC string;
+ string (x, cint (y))
+END PROC string;
+ string (cint (x), y)
+END PROC string;
+TEXT PROC string (INT CONST i, j):
+ i * code (j)
+END PROC string;
+ string (cint (i), x)
+END PROC string;
+ i * (x SUB 1)
+END PROC string;
+(*Konvertierungen *)
+REAL PROC val (TEXT CONST text) : (* F18/rr *)
+ TEXT VAR buffer := text;
+ change (buffer, "d", "e");
+ change (buffer, "D", "e");
+ change (buffer, "E", "e");
+ real (buffer)
+END PROC val;
+ real (code (text SUB 1))
+END PROC asc;
+ code (n)
+END PROC chr;
+ code (cint (n))
+END PROC chr;
+ hex (cint (x))
+END PROC hex;
+ TEXT VAR value :: "12";
+ replace (value, 1, x);
+ high byte + low byte .
+low byte:
+ hexdigit (code (value SUB 1) DIV 16) + hexdigit (code (value SUB 1) MOD 16) .
+high byte:
+ IF (value SUB 2) = ""0""
+ THEN ""
+ ELSE hexdigit (code (value SUB 2) DIV 16) +
+ hexdigit (code (value SUB 2) MOD 16)
+ FI .
+END PROC hex;
+ oct (cint (x))
+END PROC oct;
+ INT VAR number :: x AND maxint;
+ generate oct number;
+ IF x < 0
+ THEN "1" + oct number
+ ELSE subtext (oct number, pos (oct number, "1", "7", 1))
+ FI.
+generate oct number:
+ TEXT VAR oct number :: "";
+ INT VAR digit;
+ FOR digit FROM 1 UPTO 5 REP
+ oct number := hexdigit (number MOD 8) + oct number;
+ number := number DIV 8
+ PER.
+END PROC oct;
+TEXT PROC hexdigit (INT CONST digit):
+ IF 0 <= digit AND digit <= 9
+ THEN code (digit + 48)
+ ELIF 10 <= digit AND digit <= 15
+ THEN code (digit + 55)
+ ELSE errorstop (1051, "Hexziffer außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs"); "" FI
+END PROC hexdigit;
+TEXT PROC inchars (REAL CONST n):
+ inchars (cint (n))
+END PROC inchars;
+TEXT PROC inchars (INT CONST n):
+ TEXT VAR buffer :: "", char;
+ INT VAR i;
+ REP inchar (char);
+ buffer CAT char
+ PER;
+ buffer
+END PROC inchars;
+(*Mathematische Prozeduren *)
+ real (r)
+END PROC ent;
+ IF r >= 0.0 OR frac (r) = 0.0
+ THEN floor (r)
+ ELSE floor (r-1.0) FI
+END PROC ent;
+ real (r)
+END PROC cdbl;
+ r
+END PROC cdbl;
+ r
+END PROC cint;
+ IF r >= 0.0
+ THEN int (r+0.5)
+ ELSE int (r-0.5) FI
+END PROC cint;
+REAL VAR last rnd :: rnd (1.0);
+ rnd (real (x))
+END PROC rnd;
+ IF x > 0.0
+ THEN last rnd := random;
+ last rnd
+ ELIF x = 0.0
+ THEN last rnd
+ ELSE init rnd (x);
+ last rnd := random;
+ last rnd
+ FI
+END PROC rnd;
+ rnd (1.0)
+END PROC rnd;
+PROC init rnd (REAL CONST init value) :
+ REAL VAR init := init value;
+ IF init <= -1.0 OR 1.0 <= init
+ THEN set exp (- decimal exponent (init) - 1, init) FI;
+ initialize random (init)
+END PROC init rnd;
+REAL PROC fre (TEXT CONST dummy):
+ INT VAR f, u;
+ collect heap garbage;
+ storage (f, u);
+ real (f - u) * 1024.0
+END PROC fre;
+REAL PROC fre (REAL CONST dummy):
+ fre ("")
+END PROC fre;
+REAL PROC fre (INT CONST dummy):
+ fre ("")
+END PROC fre;
+(*Inputroutinenen *)
+INT PROC instr (TEXT CONST source, pattern):
+ pos (source, pattern)
+END PROC instr;
+INT PROC instr (REAL CONST from, TEXT CONST source, pattern):
+ instr (cint (from), source, pattern)
+END PROC instr;
+INT PROC instr (INT CONST from, TEXT CONST source, pattern):
+ pos (source, pattern, from)
+END PROC instr;
+TEXT PROC space (REAL CONST len):
+ space (cint (len))
+END PROC space;
+TEXT PROC space (INT CONST len):
+ len * " "
+END PROC space;
+TEXT PROC time: (* mo *)
+ subtext (time (clock (1) MOD day), 1, 8) (* hh:mm:ss *)
+END PROC time;
+REAL PROC timer:
+ clock (0)
+END PROC timer;
+REAL PROC arctan (INT CONST x):
+ arctan (real (x))
+END PROC arctan;
+ cos (real (x))
+END PROC cos;
+ sin (real (x))
+END PROC sin;
+ tan (real (x))
+END PROC tan;
+ exp (real (x))
+END PROC exp;
+ ln (real (x))
+ real (x)
+END PROC floor;
+ sqrt (real (x))
+END PROC sqrt;
+END PACKET basic std;
+PACKET basic using DEFINES using, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ clear using, (* Stand: 05.08.1987/rr/mo *)
+ basic text:
+LET exclamation point = "!",
+ backslash = "\",
+ comercial and = "&",
+ numbersign = "#",
+ plus = "+",
+ minus = "-",
+ asterisk dollar = "**$",
+ asterisk = "**",
+ dollarsign = "$$",
+ comma = ",",
+ point = ".",
+ caret = "^^^^",
+ underscore = "_",
+ blank = " ",
+ nil = "",
+ number format chars = "#+-*$.^",
+ format chars = "!\&#+-$*.";
+TEXT VAR result, using format :: "", pre format :: "";
+INT VAR using pos :: 0;
+BOOL VAR image used :: FALSE;
+PROC using (TEXT CONST format):
+ using format := format;
+ using pos := 0;
+ result := "";
+ image used := TRUE
+END PROC using;
+PROC clear using:
+ using format := "";
+ image used := FALSE
+END PROC clear using;
+TEXT PROC next format:
+ pre format := "";
+ IF using pos = 0
+ THEN ""
+ ELSE search rest of format FI .
+search rest of format:
+ WHILE using pos <= length (using format)
+ REP IF at underscore
+ THEN using pos INCR 1;
+ pre format CAT akt char
+ ELIF at format char
+ THEN LEAVE next format WITH pre format
+ ELSE pre format CAT akt char FI;
+ using pos INCR 1
+ PER;
+ using pos := 0;
+ pre format .
+at underscore:
+ akt char = underscore .
+at format char:
+ pos (format chars, akt char) > 0 CAND
+ evtl double asterisk CAND
+ evtl point with numbersign .
+evtl double asterisk:
+ akt char <> asterisk COR next char = asterisk .
+evtl point with numbersign:
+ akt char <> point COR next char = numbersign .
+akt char: using format SUB using pos .
+next char: using format SUB using pos+1 .
+END PROC next format;
+PROC init (TEXT VAR l result):
+ IF using pos = 0
+ THEN using pos := 1;
+ l result := next format;
+ IF using pos = 0
+ THEN errorstop (1005, "USING: kein Format gefunden") FI
+ ELSE l result := "" FI
+END PROC init;
+TEXT PROC basic text (TEXT CONST string):
+ IF image used
+ THEN using text
+ ELSE string FI .
+using text:
+ init (result);
+ result CAT format string;
+ using pos INCR 1;
+ result CAT next format;
+ result .
+format string:
+ IF akt char = exclamation point
+ THEN string SUB 1
+ ELIF akt char = backslash
+ THEN given length string
+ ELIF akt char = comercial and
+ THEN string
+ ELSE errorstop (1005, "USING-Format fehlerhaft: " + using format); "" FI .
+given length string:
+ INT VAR len :: 2;
+ FOR using pos FROM using pos+1 UPTO length (using format)
+ REP IF akt char = "\"
+ THEN LEAVE given length string WITH text (string, len) FI;
+ len INCR 1
+ UNTIL akt char <> " "PER;
+ errorstop (1005, "USING-Format fehlerhaft: " + using format);
+ "" .
+akt char: using format SUB using pos
+END PROC basic text;
+TEXT PROC basic text (INT CONST number):
+ IF image used
+ THEN basic text (real (number))
+ ELSE sign + text (number) FI .
+ IF number >= 0
+ THEN " "
+ ELSE "" FI .
+END PROC basic text;
+TEXT PROC basic text (REAL CONST number):
+ IF image used
+ THEN using text
+ ELSE normal text FI .
+normal text:
+(* Bei Real Zahlen werden maximal 7 signifikante Stellen ausgegeben, *)
+(* führende und nachfolgende Nullen werden unterdrückt, *)
+(* der Dezimalpunkt wird im Normalformat unterdrückt *)
+ calculate sign;
+ REAL VAR mantissa := round (abs (number), 6-decimal exponent (number));
+ INT CONST exp :: decimal exponent (mantissa);
+ IF mantissa = 0.0
+ THEN result := " 0"
+ ELIF exp > 6 OR exp < -7 OR (exp < 0 AND more than 7 signifikant digits)
+ THEN scientific notation
+ ELIF exp < 0
+ THEN short negative notation
+ ELSE short positive notation FI;
+ result .
+more than 7 signifikant digits:
+ REAL VAR signifikant := mantissa;
+ set exp (7+exp, signifikant);
+ frac (signifikant) <> 0.0 .
+calculate sign:
+ IF number >= 0.0
+ THEN result := " "
+ ELSE result := "-" FI .
+scientific notation:
+ set exp (0, mantissa);
+ result CAT non zero (text (mantissa, 8, 6));
+ IF exp < 0
+ THEN result CAT "E-"
+ ELSE result CAT "E+" FI;
+ IF abs (exp) > 9
+ THEN result CAT text (abs (exp))
+ ELSE result CAT "0";
+ result CAT text (abs (exp))
+ FI .
+short positive notation:
+ result CAT non zero (text (mantissa, 8, 6-exp));
+ IF (result SUB LENGTH result) = "."
+ THEN delete char (result, LENGTH result) FI .
+short negative notation:
+ result CAT non zero (subtext (text (abs (mantissa), 9, 7), 2)).(* F13/rr *)
+using text:
+ init (result);
+ result CAT format number (subformat, number);
+ result CAT next format;
+ result .
+ INT VAR from :: using pos, to :: last format char;
+ subtext (using format, from, to) .
+last format char:
+ FOR using pos FROM using pos+1 UPTO length (using format)
+ REP IF non format char
+ THEN LEAVE last format char WITH using pos-1 FI
+ PER;
+ using pos := 0;
+ length (using format) .
+non format char:
+ IF (using format SUB using pos) = comma
+ THEN (using format SUB (using pos+1)) <> point
+ ELSE pos (numberformat chars, using format SUB using pos) = 0 FI .
+END PROC basic text;
+TEXT PROC non zero (TEXT CONST text):
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM length (text) DOWNTO 2
+ REP UNTIL (text SUB i) <> "0" PER;
+ subtext (text, 1, i)
+END PROC non zero;
+TEXT PROC format number (TEXT CONST format, REAL CONST number):
+ IF no digit char
+ THEN errorstop (1005, "USING-Format fehlerhaft: " + using format); ""
+ ELIF exponent found
+ THEN exponent format
+ ELSE normal format FI .
+no digit char:
+ pos (format, numbersign) = 0 AND
+ pos (format, asterisk) = 0 AND
+ pos (format, dollarsign) = 0 .
+exponent found:
+ INT CONST exponent pos := pos (format, caret);
+ exponent pos > 0 .
+exponent format:
+ IF leading plus
+ THEN plus or minus + exponent field (subtext (format, 2), number, exponent pos-1)
+ ELIF trailing plus
+ THEN exponent field (format, number, exponent pos) + plus or minus
+ ELIF trailing minus
+ THEN exponent field (format, number, exponent pos) + nil or minus
+ ELSE blank or minus + exponent field (subtext (format, 2), number, exponent pos-1) FI .
+normal format:
+ IF leading numbersign
+ THEN number field (format, number, "", " ")
+ ELIF leading point
+ THEN number field (format, number, "", " ")
+ ELIF leading plus
+ THEN number field (format, abs (number), plus or minus, " ")
+ ELIF leading asterisk dollar
+ THEN number field (format, number, "$", "*")
+ ELIF leading asterisk
+ THEN number field (format, number, "", "*")
+ ELIF leading dollarsign
+ THEN number field (format, number, "$", " ")
+ ELSE errorstop (1005, "USING-Format fehlerhaft: " + using format); "" FI .
+leading numbersign: (format SUB 1) = numbersign .
+leading point: (format SUB 1) = point .
+leading plus: (format SUB 1) = plus .
+leading asterisk dollar: subtext (format, 1, 3) = asterisk dollar .
+leading asterisk: subtext (format, 1, 2) = asterisk .
+leading dollarsign: subtext (format, 1, 2) = dollarsign .
+trailing minus: (format SUB LENGTH format) = minus .
+trailing plus: (format SUB LENGTH format) = plus .
+plus or minus: IF number < 0.0 THEN minus ELSE plus FI .
+nil or minus: IF number < 0.0 THEN minus ELSE nil FI .
+blank or minus: IF number < 0.0 THEN minus ELSE blank FI .
+END PROC format number;
+TEXT PROC exponent field (TEXT CONST format, REAL CONST value, INT CONST exponent pos):
+ REAL VAR number := abs (value);
+ INT CONST point pos := pos (format, point);
+ calc leading and trailing;
+ INT CONST new exponent :: decimal exponent (value) - leading + 1;
+ IF abs (new exponent) >= 100
+ THEN "%" + mantissa + "E" + null text (new exponent, 4)
+ ELSE mantissa + exponent
+ FI.
+calc leading and trailing:
+ INT VAR leading, trailing;
+ IF point pos = 0
+ THEN leading := exponent pos-1;
+ trailing := 0
+ ELSE leading := point pos-1;
+ trailing := exponent pos-point pos-1
+ FI .
+ set exp (leading - 1, number);
+ IF point pos = 0
+ THEN subtext (text (number, leading+1, 0), 1, leading)
+ ELSE subtext (text (number, leading+trailing+2, trailing), 2) FI .
+ "E" + null text (new exponent, 3) .
+END PROC exponent field;
+TEXT PROC number field (TEXT CONST format, REAL CONST value,
+ TEXT CONST pretext, lead char):
+ INT CONST point pos :: pos (format, point);
+ calc fraction;
+ calc digits;
+ calc commata if necessary;
+ fill with lead chars and sign .
+calc fraction:
+ INT VAR fraction :: 0, i;
+ FOR i FROM point pos+1 UPTO length (format)
+ WHILE (format SUB i) = numbersign
+ REP fraction INCR 1 PER .
+calc digits:
+ TEXT VAR valuetext;
+ IF point pos = 0
+ THEN valuetext := digits (abs (value), 0, TRUE);
+ delete char (valuetext, length (valuetext))
+ ELSE valuetext := digits (abs (value), fraction, point pos <> 1) FI .
+calc commata if necessary:
+ IF comma before point
+ THEN insert commata FI .
+comma before point:
+ point pos > 0 CAND (format SUB point pos-1) = comma .
+insert commata:
+ i := pos (valuetext, point)-3;
+ WHILE i > 1 CAND (valuetext SUB i) <> " "
+ REP insert char (valuetext, ",", i);
+ i DECR 3
+ PER .
+fill with lead chars and sign:
+ IF trailing minus
+ THEN fillby (pretext + valuetext, length (format)-1, lead char) + nil or minus
+ ELIF trailing plus
+ THEN fillby (pretext + valuetext, length (format)-1, lead char) + plus or minus
+ ELIF value < 0.0
+ THEN fillby (pretext + minus + valuetext, length (format), lead char)
+ ELSE fillby (pretext + valuetext, length (format), lead char) FI .
+plus or minus: IF value < 0.0 THEN minus ELSE plus FI .
+nil or minus: IF value < 0.0 THEN minus ELSE nil FI .
+trailing minus: (format SUB LENGTH format) = minus .
+trailing plus: (format SUB LENGTH format) = plus .
+END PROC numberfield;
+TEXT PROC null text (INT CONST n, digits):
+ TEXT VAR l result := text (abs (n), digits);
+ IF n < 0
+ THEN replace (l result, 1, "-")
+ ELSE replace (l result, 1, "+") FI;
+ change all (l result, " ", "0");
+ l result .
+END PROC null text;
+TEXT PROC fillby (TEXT CONST source, INT CONST format, TEXT CONST with):
+ IF differenz >= 0
+ THEN differenz * with + source
+ ELSE "%" + source FI .
+differenz: format - length (source) .
+END PROC fillby;
+TEXT PROC digits (REAL CONST value, INT CONST frac, BOOL CONST null):
+ IF decimal exponent (value) < 0
+ THEN TEXT VAR l result := text (value, frac+2, frac);
+ IF null AND first char <> "0"
+ THEN replace (l result, 1, "0");
+ l result
+ ELIF (NOT null AND first char = "0") OR first char = " "
+ THEN subtext (l result, 2)
+ ELSE l result FI
+ ELSE text (value, decimal exponent (value)+frac+2, frac) FI .
+first char:
+ (l result SUB 1) .
+END PROC digits;
+ IF length (msg) >= len
+ THEN subtext (msg, 1, len)
+ ELSE (len - length (msg)) * " " + msg FI
+END PROC right;
+END PACKET basic using;
+PACKET basic output (* Autor: R. Ruland *)
+ (* Stand: 28.08.1987/rr/mo *)
+ DEFINES basic page,
+ width,
+ init output,
+ basic out,
+ basic write,
+ tab,
+ next zone,
+ next line,
+ next page,
+ cursor x pos,
+ pos,
+ csrlin,
+ l pos,
+ switch to printout file,
+ switch back to old sysout state:
+LET zone width = 16; (* sd.ddddddEsdddb (s = sign, d = digit, b = blank) *)
+LET printfile name = "BASIC LPRINT OUTPUT";
+INT VAR screen width, x cursor, y cursor, line no;
+BOOL VAR paging := FALSE, first time,
+ in lprint; (* mo *)
+TEXT VAR buffer, output line, last sysout file, old sysout, char;
+PROC basic page (BOOL CONST status):
+ paging := status
+END PROC basic page;
+BOOL PROC basic page: paging END PROC basic page;
+PROC width (INT CONST max):
+ IF max < 0
+ THEN errorstop (1005, "WIDTH: negatives Angabe: " + text (max))
+ ELIF max = 0
+ THEN screen width := 1
+ ELSE screen width := max
+ FI;
+ last sysout file := "";
+END PROC width;
+INT PROC width : screen width END PROC width;
+PROC init output:
+ clear using;
+ width (max (1, x size));
+ line no := 1;
+ output line := "";
+ first time := TRUE;
+ in lprint := FALSE
+END PROC init output;
+PROC basic out (INT CONST i): bas out (basic text (i) + " ") END PROC basic out;
+PROC basic out (REAL CONST r): bas out (basic text (r) + " ") END PROC basic out;
+PROC basic out (TEXT CONST t): bas out (basic text (t)) END PROC basic out;
+PROC basic write (INT CONST i): bas out (basic text (i)) END PROC basic write;
+PROC basic write (REAL CONST r): bas out (basic text (r)) END PROC basic write;
+PROC basic write (TEXT CONST t): bas out (basic text ("""" + t + """")) END PROC basic write;
+PROC bas out (TEXT CONST msg):
+ get cursor;
+ IF length (msg) > free
+ THEN IF first time
+ THEN first time := FALSE;
+ next line;
+ bas out (msg);
+ ELSE buffer := subtext (msg, 1, free);
+ IF sysout = ""
+ THEN out (buffer)
+ ELSE sysout write (buffer)
+ FI;
+ next line;
+ buffer := subtext (msg, free + 1);
+ bas out (buffer);
+ FI;
+ ELSE first time := TRUE;
+ IF sysout = ""
+ THEN out (msg)
+ ELSE sysout write (msg)
+ FI;
+ FI;
+ . free : screen width - x cursor + 1
+END PROC bas out;
+PROC tab (INT CONST n):
+ get cursor;
+ IF n <= 0
+ THEN tab position out of range
+ ELIF n > screen width
+ THEN tab (n MOD screen width);
+ ELIF x cursor > n
+ THEN next line;
+ tab (n);
+ ELIF sysout = ""
+ THEN cursor (n, y cursor);
+ ELSE buffer := (n - x cursor) * " ";
+ sysout write (buffer)
+ FI;
+ . tab position out of range :
+ IF x cursor <> 1 THEN next line FI;
+ write ("WARNUNG : TAB-Position <= 0");
+ next line;
+END PROC tab;
+PROC next zone:
+ get cursor;
+ IF x cursor > screen width - zone width
+ THEN next line;
+ ELIF sysout = ""
+ THEN free TIMESOUT " ";
+ ELSE buffer := free * " ";
+ sysout write (buffer)
+ FI;
+ . free : ((x cursor - 1) DIV zone width + 1) * zone width - x cursor + 1
+END PROC next zone;
+PROC next line :
+ IF sysout = ""
+ THEN next line on screen
+ ELSE line;
+ write (""); (* generates new record *)
+ output line := "";
+ FI;
+ . next line on screen:
+ line no INCR 1;
+ IF paging CAND line no > y size
+ THEN IF in last line
+ THEN warte;
+ ELSE out (""13""10"");
+ line no := y cursor + 1;
+ FI;
+ ELIF NOT paging
+ THEN char := incharety;
+ IF char <> ""
+ THEN IF char = "+"
+ THEN paging := TRUE
+ ELSE type (char)
+ FI
+ FI;
+ out (""13""10"")
+ ELSE out (""13""10"")
+ FI
+ . in last line :
+ get cursor;
+ y cursor = y size
+ . warte :
+ cursor (x size - 2, y size);
+ out (">>");
+ inchar (char);
+ IF char = ""13""
+ THEN next page
+ ELIF char = ""10""
+ THEN out (""8""8" "13""10"")
+ ELIF char = ""27""
+ THEN clear editor buffer;
+ errorstop (1, "")
+ ELIF char = "-"
+ THEN out (""8""8" "13""10"");
+ line no := 1;
+ paging := FALSE;
+ ELSE out (""8""8" "13""10"");
+ line no := 1;
+ FI;
+ . clear editor buffer:
+ REP UNTIL get charety = "" PER;
+END PROC next line;
+PROC next page:
+ IF sysout = ""
+ THEN out (""1""4"")
+ ELSE line
+ FI;
+ clear using;
+ line no := 1;
+ output line := "";
+END PROC next page;
+INT PROC pos (REAL CONST dummy): (* mo *)
+ cursor x pos
+END PROC pos;
+INT PROC pos (INT CONST dummy): (* mo *)
+ cursor x pos
+END PROC pos;
+INT PROC cursor x pos :
+ get cursor;
+ x cursor
+END PROC cursor x pos;
+INT PROC csrlin: (* mo *)
+ get cursor;
+ y cursor
+END PROC csrlin;
+PROC get cursor :
+ IF sysout = ""
+ THEN get cursor (x cursor, y cursor);
+ ELSE x cursor := LENGTH output line + 1;
+ FI;
+END PROC get cursor;
+INT PROC l pos (REAL CONST dummy): (* mo *)
+ l pos (0)
+END PROC l pos;
+INT PROC l pos (INT CONST dummy): (* mo *)
+ INT VAR lprint position :: 1;
+ IF exists (printfile name)
+ THEN disable stop;
+ FILE VAR printfile :: sequential file (modify, printfile name);
+ IF lines (printfile) > 0
+ THEN to line (printfile, lines (printfile));
+ lprint position := len (printfile) + 1
+ FI;
+ output (printfile)
+ FI;
+ lprint position
+END PROC l pos;
+PROC switch to printout file: (* mo *)
+ in lprint := TRUE;
+ old sysout := sysout;
+ careful sysout (printfile name);
+END PROC switch to printout file;
+PROC switch back to old sysout state: (* mo *)
+ IF in lprint
+ THEN careful sysout (old sysout);
+ in lprint := FALSE
+ FI
+END PROC switch back to old sysout state;
+PROC sysout write (TEXT CONST string):
+ check sysout;
+ write (string);
+ output line CAT string.
+check sysout:
+ IF sysout <> last sysout file
+ THEN careful sysout (sysout)
+ FI.
+END PROC sysout write;
+PROC careful sysout (TEXT CONST new sysout): (* mo *)
+IF new sysout <> ""
+ THEN disable stop;
+ FILE VAR outfile :: sequential file (modify, new sysout);
+ max line length (outfile, screen width);
+ last sysout file := sysout;
+ IF lines (outfile) > 0
+ THEN to line (outfile, lines (outfile));
+ read record (outfile, output line);
+ delete record (outfile)
+ ELSE output line := ""
+ FI;
+ sysout (new sysout);
+ write (output line);
+ ELSE sysout ("")
+END PROC careful sysout;
+END PACKET basic output;
+PACKET basic input (* Autor: R. Ruland *)
+ (* Stand: 27.10.1987/rr/mo *)
+ DEFINES init input,
+ read input,
+ check input,
+ assign input,
+ assign input line,
+ input ok,
+ input eof:
+LET comma = ",",
+ quote = """",
+ wrong type = 1,
+ insufficient data = 2,
+ too much data = 3,
+ overflow = 4,
+ int overflow = 4,
+ real overflow = 6;
+INT VAR input line pos, input error no;
+BOOL VAR on terminal;
+TEXT VAR input line :: "", previous input line := "", input value;
+. first quote found : (input value SUB 1) = quote
+PROC init input :
+ input error no := 0;
+ input line pos := 0;
+ input line := "";
+ previous input line := "";
+END PROC init input;
+PROC read input (BOOL CONST cr lf, TEXT CONST msg, BOOL CONST question mark):
+ on terminal := sysout <> "" AND sysin = "";
+ check input error;
+ out string (msg);
+ IF question mark THEN out string ("? ") FI;
+ IF sysin <> ""
+ THEN getline (input line);
+ ELSE editget input line;
+ FI;
+ out string (input line);
+ IF crlf THEN out line FI;
+ input line pos := 0;
+ input error no := 0;
+ . check input error :
+ IF input error no = 0
+ THEN input line := "";
+ ELSE IF sysin = ""
+ THEN BOOL CONST old basic page := basic page;
+ basic page (FALSE);
+ IF cursor x pos <> 1 THEN next line FI;
+ basic out ("?Eingabe wiederholen ! (" + error text + ")");
+ next line;
+ basic page (old basic page);
+ ELSE errorstop (1080,"INPUT-Fehler (" + error text +
+ ") : >" + input line + "<");
+ FI;
+ FI;
+ . error text :
+ SELECT input error no OF
+ CASE wrong type : "falscher Typ"
+ CASE insufficient data : "zu wenig Daten"
+ CASE too much data : "zu viele Daten"
+ CASE overflow : "Überlauf"
+ . editget input line :
+ TEXT VAR exit char;
+ INT VAR x, y;
+ get cursor (x, y);
+ REP IF width - x < 1
+ THEN out (""13""10"");
+ get cursor (x, y)
+ FI;
+ editget (input line, max text length, width - x, "", "k", exit char);
+ cursor (x, y);
+ IF exit char = ""27"k"
+ THEN input line := previous input line;
+ ELSE previous input line := input line;
+ LEAVE editget input line;
+ FI;
+ PER;
+END PROC read input;
+PROC out string (TEXT CONST string) :
+ basic out (string);
+ IF on terminal THEN out (string) FI;
+END PROC out string;
+PROC out line :
+ next line;
+ IF on terminal THEN out (""13""10"") FI;
+END PROC out line;
+BOOL PROC check input (INT CONST type) :
+ get next input value;
+ input value := compress (input value);
+ set conversion (TRUE);
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE 1 : check int input
+ CASE 2 : check real input
+ CASE 3 : check text input
+ IF NOT last conversion ok THEN input error no := wrong type FI;
+ input error no = 0
+ . check int input :
+ IF input value <> ""
+ THEN disable stop;
+ INT VAR help int value;
+ help int value := int (input value);
+ IF is error CAND error code = int overflow
+ THEN clear error;
+ input error no := overflow;
+ FI;
+ enable stop;
+ FI;
+ . check real input :
+ IF input value <> ""
+ THEN disable stop;
+ REAL VAR help real value;
+ help real value := val (input value);
+ IF is error CAND (error code = real overflow
+ OR error code = int overflow) (* <-- Aufgrund eines Fehlers in 'real' *)
+ THEN clear error;
+ input error no := overflow;
+ FI;
+ enable stop;
+ FI;
+ . check text input :
+ (* IF input value = "" THEN input error no := wrong type FI; *)
+ IF NOT is quoted string CAND quote found
+ THEN input error no := wrong type
+ FI;
+ . is quoted string :
+ first quote found CAND last quote found
+ . last quote found :
+ (input value SUB LENGTH input value) = quote
+ . quote found :
+ pos (input value, quote) > 0
+END PROC check input;
+PROC assign input (INT VAR int value) :
+ get next input value;
+ int value := int (input value);
+END PROC assign input;
+PROC assign input (REAL VAR real value) :
+ get next input value;
+ real value := val (input value);
+END PROC assign input;
+PROC assign input (TEXT VAR string value) :
+ get next input value;
+ input value := compress (input value);
+ IF first quote found
+ THEN string value := subtext (input value, 2, LENGTH input value -1)
+ ELSE string value := input value
+ FI;
+END PROC assign input;
+PROC assign input line (TEXT VAR string line) :
+ string line := input line;
+END PROC assign input line;
+PROC get next input value : (* F27/rr *)
+ IF input line pos > LENGTH input line
+ THEN input value := "";
+ input error no := insufficient data;
+ ELSE IF next non blank char = quote
+ THEN get quoted string
+ ELSE get unquoted string
+ FI;
+ FI;
+ . next non blank char :
+ INT CONST next non blank char pos := pos (input line, ""33"", ""255"", input line pos + 1);
+ input line SUB next non blank char pos
+ . get quoted string :
+ INT CONST quote pos := pos (input line, quote, next non blank char pos + 1);
+ IF quote pos = 0
+ THEN input value := subtext (input line, next non blank char pos);
+ input line pos := LENGTH input line + 1;
+ input error no := wrong type;
+ ELSE input value := subtext (input line, next non blank char pos, quote pos);
+ input line pos := pos (input line, ""33"", ""255"", quote pos + 1);
+ IF input line pos = 0
+ THEN input line pos := LENGTH input line + 1;
+ ELIF (input line SUB input line pos) <> comma
+ THEN input error no := wrong type;
+ input line pos DECR 1;
+ FI;
+ FI;
+ . get unquoted string :
+ INT VAR comma pos := pos (input line, comma, input line pos + 1);
+ IF comma pos = 0
+ THEN input value := subtext (input line, input line pos + 1);
+ input line pos := LENGTH input line + 1;
+ ELSE input value := subtext (input line, input line pos + 1, comma pos - 1);
+ input line pos := comma pos;
+ FI;
+END PROC get next input value;
+BOOL PROC input ok:
+ IF input line pos <= LENGTH input line
+ THEN input error no := too much data FI;
+ input line pos := 0;
+ input error no = 0
+END PROC input ok;
+BOOL PROC input eof: input line = "" END PROC input eof;
+END PACKET basic input;
+PACKET basic std using io (* Autor: R. Ruland *)
+ (* Stand: 26.10.87/rr/mo *)
+ DEFINES init rnd:
+PROC init rnd:
+ REAL VAR init;
+ REP read input (TRUE, "Startwert des Zufallszahlengenerators ? ", FALSE);
+ UNTIL check input (2) CAND input ok PER; (* F24/rr *)
+ assign input (init);
+ init rnd (init);
+END PROC init rnd;
+END PACKET basic std using io;
diff --git a/basic/eumel coder 1.8.1 b/basic/eumel coder 1.8.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0047067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/eumel coder 1.8.1
@@ -0,0 +1,3086 @@
+PACKET eumel coder (* Autor: U. Bartling *)
+ DEFINES coder on, coder off,
+ declare, define, apply, identify,
+ :=, =,
+ dump,
+ LIB,
+ gosub, goret,
+ computed branch,
+ complement condition code,
+ ref length,
+ +,
+ adjust,
+ get base,
+ is global, is local, is ref,
+ type class, type name,
+ void type, int type, real type, text type, bool type,
+ bool result type, dataspace type, undefined type,
+ row type, struct type, proc type, end type,
+ OPN,
+ set length of local storage,
+ begin module, end module,
+ is proc, is eumel 0 instruction,
+ address, operation,
+ nop,
+ mnemonic,
+ parameter,
+ next param,
+ access ,
+ dtype ,
+ param address,
+ same type ,
+ reserve storage,
+ allocate denoter ,
+ allocate variable,
+ data allocation by coder ,
+ data allocation by user,
+ run, run again,
+ insert,
+ prot, prot off,
+ check, check on, check off,
+ help, bulletin, packets,
+(* *)
+(* E U M E L - C O D E R *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Zur Beschreibung des Coders siehe *)
+(* U.Bartling, J. Liedtke: EUMEL-Coder-Interface *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand der Dokumentation : 29.10.1986 *)
+(* Stand der Implementation : 03.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* 0. Datentyp DINT 03.09.1987 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps *)
+(* arithmetischer Operationen *)
+(* und Konvertierungsprozeduren *)
+(* *)
+ -, *, DIV, MOD, <, <=,
+ dput, dget, dmov,
+ ddec1, dinc1, dinc, ddec,
+ dadd, dsub,
+ dequ, dlseq,
+ put, get, cout,
+ text, real, int, dint,
+ replace, DSUB :
+TYPE DINT = STRUCT (INT low, high) ;
+REAL VAR real value ; (* auch fuer Ausrichtung ! *)
+TEXT VAR convertion buffer ;
+DINT CONST dint0 :: dint(0) ;
+DINT VAR result :: dint 0 ;
+DINT PROC dint (INT CONST number) :
+ENDPROC dint ;
+REAL PROC real (DINT CONST number) :
+ real value := 65536.0 * real (number.high) ;
+ IF number.low >= 0
+ THEN real value INCR real (number.low)
+ ELSE real value INCR (real (number.low AND maxint) + 32768.0)
+ FI ;
+ real value
+ENDPROC real ;
+DINT PROC dint (REAL CONST number) :
+ real value := abs (number) ;
+ REAL CONST low := real value MOD 65536.0 ;
+ result.high := int(real value / 65536.0) ;
+ IF low < 32768.0
+ THEN result.low := int (low)
+ ELSE result.low := int (low-32768.0) OR minint
+ FI ;
+ IF number < 0.0 THEN dsub (dint0, result, result) FI ;
+ result
+ENDPROC dint ;
+TEXT PROC text (DINT CONST number) :
+ IF number.high = 0 THEN convert low part only
+ ELSE convert number
+ FI ;
+ convertion buffer .
+convert low part only :
+ IF number.low >= 0 THEN convertion buffer := text (number.low)
+ ELSE convertion buffer := text (real of low) ;
+ erase decimal point
+ FI .
+real of low :
+ real (number.low AND maxint) + 32768.0 .
+convert number :
+ convertion buffer := text (real(number)) ;
+ erase decimal point .
+erase decimal point :
+ convertion buffer := subtext (convertion buffer, 1, LENGTH convertion buffer-2)
+ENDPROC text;
+DINT PROC dint (TEXT CONST dint txt) :
+ convertion buffer := dint txt ;
+ INT CONST dot pos :: pos (convertion buffer, ".") ;
+ IF dot pos = 0 THEN convertion buffer CAT ".0" FI ;
+ dint (real(convertion buffer))
+ENDPROC dint ;
+PROC get (DINT VAR dest) :
+ REAL VAR number ;
+ get (number) ;
+ dest := dint (number)
+ENDPROC get ;
+PROC put (DINT CONST number) :
+ put (text (number));
+ENDPROC put ;
+PROC cout (DINT CONST number) :
+ENDPROC cout;
+# INLINE ; #
+ dmov (b, a);
+ENDOP :=;
+# INLINE ; #
+ dinc (b, a);
+# INLINE ; #
+ ddec (b, a);
+BOOL OP = (DINT CONST a, b) :
+BOOL OP <= (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDOP <=;
+BOOL OP < (DINT CONST a, b) :
+# INLINE ; #
+ NOT (b <= a)
+BOOL PROC dequ (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDPROC dequ ;
+BOOL PROC dlseq (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDPROC dlseq ;
+PROC replace (TEXT VAR text, INT CONST index of dint, DINT CONST value) :
+ INT VAR subscript := index of dint * 2 ;
+ replace (text, subscript - 1,value.low);
+ replace (text, subscript, value.high);
+ENDPROC replace;
+DINT OP DSUB (TEXT CONST text, INT CONST index of dint) :
+ INT VAR subscript := index of dint * 2 ;
+ result.low := text ISUB subscript - 1;
+ result.high := text ISUB subscript;
+ result
+DINT OP + (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDOP + ;
+DINT OP - (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDOP - ;
+PROC dadd (DINT CONST a, b, DINT VAR res) :
+ENDPROC dadd ;
+PROC dsub (DINT CONST a, b, DINT VAR res) :
+ENDPROC dsub ;
+PROC dinc (DINT CONST source, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dinc ;
+PROC ddec (DINT CONST source, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC ddec ;
+PROC dmov (DINT CONST source, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dmov;
+ result.low := a.low AND b.low ;
+ result.high := a.high AND b.high ;
+ result
+ result.low := a.low OR b.low ;
+ result.high := a.high OR b.high ;
+ result
+ result.low := a.low XOR b.low ;
+ result.high := a.high XOR b.high ;
+ result
+PROC dput (ROW 32000 DINT VAR array, DINT CONST index, value) :
+ENDPROC dput ;
+PROC dget (ROW 32000 DINT VAR array, DINT CONST index, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dget ;
+PROC dinc1 (DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dinc1 ;
+PROC ddec1 (DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC ddec1 ;
+ENDOP * ;
+ (***** Globale Variable *****)
+TEXT VAR object name;
+FILE VAR bulletin file;
+INT VAR memory management mode, global address offset, packet base,
+ hash table pointer, nt link, permanent pointer, param link,
+ packet link, index, mode, field pointer, word,
+ number of errors := 0 ;
+BOOL VAR found, end of params;
+(* *)
+(* 1. Interface zum ELAN-Compiler 13.11.1986 *)
+(* 1.8.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Beschreibung der Tabellen (-groessen), *)
+(* internen Vercodung von Typen *)
+(* und Kennungen . *)
+(* Initialisieren und Beenden des Compilers, *)
+(* Lesen aus und Schreiben in Namens- bzw. Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+TYPE LIB = STRUCT (TEXT name, INT nt link, pt link, ADDRESS base) ;
+LET begin of hash table = 0 ,
+ end of hash table = 1023 ,
+ begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
+ before first pt entry = 22784 ,
+ first permanent entry = 22785 ,
+ end of permanent table = 32767 ,
+ wordlength = 1 , (* compile u n d run time *)
+ two word length = 2 ,
+ three word length = 3 ,
+ four word length = 4 ,
+ permanent param const = 10000 ,
+ permanent param var = 20000 ,
+ permanent proc op = 30000 ,
+ permanent type = 30000 ,
+ permanent row = 10 ,
+ permanent struct = 11 ,
+ permanent param proc = 12 ,
+ permanent param proc end marker = 0 ,
+ permanent type field = 0 ,
+ ptt limit = 10000 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit 1 = 12785 , (* plus wordlength *)
+ void id = 0 ,
+ int id = 1 ,
+ real id = 2 ,
+ string id = 3 ,
+ bool id = 5 ,
+ bool result id = 6 ,
+ dataspace id = 7 ,
+ undefined id = 9 ,
+ row id = 10 ,
+ struct id = 11 ,
+ end id = 0 ,
+ const = 1 ,
+ var = 2 ,
+ proc id = 3 ,
+(* denoter = 5 , *)
+ bold = 2 ,
+ ins = TRUE ,
+ no ins = FALSE ,
+ no lst = FALSE ,
+ sermon = TRUE ,
+ no sermon = FALSE ,
+ run again mode = 0 ,
+ compile file mode = 1 ,
+ prep coder mode = 5 ,
+ warning message = 2 ,
+ error message = 4 ,
+ point line = "..............." ;
+INT CONST permanent packet := -2 ,
+ permanent end := -3 ;
+BOOL VAR coder active := FALSE ;
+INT VAR run again mod nr := 0 ;
+ (***** Start/Ende *****)
+LET coder not active = "CODER not active" ,
+ illegal define packet = "illegal define packet" ;
+PROC coder on (INT CONST data allocation mode) :
+ mark coder on ;
+ init opn section ;
+ init compiler ;
+ init memory management .
+mark coder on :
+ coder active := TRUE .
+init memory management :
+ memory management mode := data allocation mode .
+init compiler :
+ no do again ;
+ elan (prep coder mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, no lst, check option, no sermon)
+ENDPROC coder on;
+PROC coder off (BOOL CONST insert, sermon, OPN CONST start proc) :
+ IF coder active
+ THEN mark coder off ;
+ end coder (insert, sermon, start mod nr if no insert)
+ ELSE errorstop (coder not active)
+ FI .
+start mod nr if no insert :
+ IF insert THEN run again mod nr := 0
+ ELSE run again mod nr := start proc.mod nr
+ FI ;
+ run again mod nr .
+mark coder off :
+ reset memory management mode ;
+ init opn section ;
+ coder active := FALSE
+ENDPROC coder off ;
+PROC end coder (BOOL CONST insert wanted, sermon wanted, INT CONST mod) :
+ EXTERNAL 10021
+ENDPROC end coder ;
+PROC elan (INT CONST mode, FILE VAR source, TEXT CONST line,
+ INT VAR start module number, BOOL CONST ins, lst, rtc, ser) :
+ENDPROC elan ;
+PROC unsigned arithmetic :
+ENDPROC unsigned arithmetic ;
+ (***** Paket-Rahmen *****)
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, LIB VAR packet) :
+ := name
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (LIB VAR packet) :
+ check if definition possible ;
+ declare object (, packet.nt link, link) ;
+ open packet (packet.nt link, global address offset, packet base) ;
+ set to actual base (packet) .
+check if definition possible :
+ IF NOT coder active THEN errorstop (coder not active) FI ;
+ IF module open THEN errorstop (illegal define packet) FI
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC open packet (INT CONST nt link of packet name, INT VAR offset, base) :
+ EXTERNAL 10032
+ENDPROC open packet ;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, LIB VAR packet, BOOL VAR packet exists) :
+ to packet (name) ;
+ packet exists := found ;
+ IF found THEN := name ;
+ packet.nt link := nt link ;
+ link := packet link ;
+ get pbas (packet.base)
+ FI
+ENDPROC identify ;
+ (***** Hash/Namenstabelle *****)
+next hash entry :
+ hash table pointer INCR wordlength .
+end of hash table reached :
+ hash table pointer > end of hash table .
+yet another nt entry :
+ nt link := cdb int (nt link) ;
+ nt link <> 0 . ;
+PROC declare object (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR nt link, pt pointer) :
+ EXTERNAL 10031
+ENDPROC declare object ;
+PROC to object (TEXT CONST searched object) :
+ hash ;
+ search nt entry .
+hash :
+ hash code := 0 ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH searched object REP
+ addmult cyclic
+addmult cyclic :
+ hash code INCR hash code ;
+ IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
+ hash code := (hash code + code (searched object SUB index)) MOD 1024 .
+wrap around :
+ hash code DECR end of hash table .
+hash code : nt link .
+search nt entry :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ read current entry ;
+ IF object name = searched object
+ THEN found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE to object
+ FI
+ PER .
+read current entry :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length)
+ENDPROC to object ;
+ (***** Permanent Tabelle *****)
+next procedure :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) . ;
+PROC next pt param :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+skip over permanent row :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ next pt param .
+skip over permanent struct :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode = permanent type field
+ THEN param link INCR wordlength ;
+ LEAVE skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ next pt param
+ENDPROC next pt param ;
+PROC set end marker if end of list :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
+ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
+PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
+ mode := 0
+ ELIF mode = permanent param proc THEN translate type
+ ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
+ mode DECR type ;
+ translate type if necessary ;
+ translate mode if necessary
+ FI .
+translate type if necessary :
+ IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
+translate type :
+ type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+translate mode if necessary :
+ IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const
+ ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var
+ FI .
+permanent row or struct :
+ type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
+ENDPROC get type and mode ;
+PROC put next permanent (INT CONST permanent value) :
+ EXTERNAL 10020
+ENDPROC put next permanent ;
+ (***** Allgemeine Zugriffsprozeduren *****)
+INT PROC cdb int (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb int ;
+TEXT PROC cdb text (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb text ;
+(* *)
+(* 2. Spruenge und Marken 07.10.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps LABEL *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition und Applikation von Marken *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR invers :: FALSE ;
+PROC declare (LABEL VAR label) :
+ CONCR (label) := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10085
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC complement condition code :
+ invers := NOT invers
+ENDPROC complement condition code ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10151
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label, BOOL CONST condition) :
+ IF condition xor invers THEN branch true (label)
+ ELSE branch false (label)
+ FI ;
+ invers := FALSE .
+condition xor invers :
+ IF condition THEN NOT invers
+ ELSE invers
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply ;
+OP := (LABEL VAR global label, local label) : (* EQUATE ! *)
+ EXTERNAL 10014
+ENDOP := ;
+TEXT PROC dump (LABEL CONST label) :
+ "LAB " + text (CONCR (label))
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC gosub (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10015
+ENDPROC gosub ;
+PROC goret :
+ s0 (q goret code)
+ENDPROC goret ;
+PROC branch true (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10028
+ENDPROC branch true ;
+PROC branch false (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10029
+ENDPROC branch false ;
+PROC computed branch (ADDRESS CONST switch, INT CONST limit, LABEL VAR out) :
+ s1 (q esc case, REPR switch) ;
+ s0 (limit) ;
+ branch false (out)
+ENDPROC computed branch ;
+(* *)
+(* 3. Datenaddressen 13.11.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps ADDRESS *)
+(* *)
+(* Aufbau von Datenaddressen (Vercodung) *)
+(* Fortschalten und Ausrichten von Adressen *)
+(* Behandlung von Paketbasis-Adressen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Fehlermeldung "address overflow" (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE ADDRESS = STRUCT (INT kind, value) ;
+LET global = 0 ,
+ local = 1 ,
+ ref mask = 2 ,
+ global ref = 2 ,
+ local ref = 3 ,
+ module nr = 4 ,
+ immediate value = 5 ,
+ p base = 6 ,
+ eumel0 stack offset = 4 ,
+ local address limit = 16 384 ,
+ global address zero = 0 ,
+ illegal ref operation = "REF not allowed" ,
+ deref on non ref = "DEREF on non-ref address" ,
+ global ref not allowed = "GLOBAL REF not allowed" ,
+ unknown kind = "Unknown address kind" ,
+ address overflow = "Address Overflow" ,
+ illegal plus operation = "+ not allowed" ;
+ADDRESS VAR result addr;
+INT CONST ref length :: 2 ;
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ADDRESS OP GLOB (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := global ;
+ result addr.value := address level ;
+ IF memory management mode = data allocation by user
+ THEN result addr.value INCR global address offset
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ADDRESS OP LOC (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := local ;
+ result addr.value := address level + eumel0 stack offset ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ IF result addr.kind = local THEN result addr.kind INCR ref mask
+ ELIF result addr.kind = global THEN errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ ELSE errorstop (illegal ref operation)
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (ref address) ;
+ IF is not local ref THEN errorstop (deref on non ref) FI ;
+ result addr.kind DECR ref mask ;
+ result addr .
+is not local ref :
+ result addr.kind <> local ref
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global :
+ CASE local : set bit (result addr.value, 15)
+ CASE global ref : errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ CASE local ref : prep local ref
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (unknown kind)
+ result addr.value .
+prep local ref :
+ IF address limit exceeded THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 14) ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 15) .
+address limit exceeded :
+ result addr.value < eumel0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+PROC get base (LIB CONST packet, ADDRESS VAR base) :
+ CONCR (base) := CONCR (packet.base)
+ENDPROC get base ;
+PROC set to actual base (LIB VAR packet) :
+ packet.base.kind := p base ;
+ packet.base.value := packet base
+ENDPROC set to actual base ;
+PROC get pbas (ADDRESS VAR base) :
+ base.kind := p base ;
+ base.value := cdbint (packet link + 2)
+ENDPROC get pbas ;
+ l.kind = r.kind AND l.value = r.value
+ENDOP = ;
+BOOL PROC is ref (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local ref
+ENDPROC is ref ;
+BOOL PROC is global (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = global
+ENDPROC is global ;
+BOOL PROC is local (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local
+ENDPROC is local ;
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : inc global
+ CASE local : inc local
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal plus operation)
+ result addr .
+inc global :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < 0 THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI .
+inc local :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < eumel 0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ FI
+ENDOP + ;
+PROC adjust (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST adjust length) :
+ IF is local or global THEN adjust to length FI .
+is local or global :
+ addr.kind <= local .
+adjust to length :
+ mode := addr.value MOD adjust length ;
+ IF mode <> 0 THEN addr.value INCR (adjust length-mode) FI
+ENDPROC adjust ;
+ kind + text (addr.value) .
+kind :
+ SELECT addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : "GLOBAL "
+ CASE local : "LOCAL "
+ CASE immediate value : "IMMEDIATE "
+ CASE module nr : "PARAM PROC "
+ CASE global ref : "GLOBAL REF "
+ CASE local ref : "LOCAL REF "
+ CASE p base : "PBAS "
+ OTHERWISE "undef. Addr: "
+ENDPROC dump;
+(* *)
+(* 4. Datentypen Teil I 08.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps DTYPE *)
+(* *)
+(* Interne Repraesentation der primitiven Datentypen *)
+(* Identifikation von DTYPEs *)
+(* *)
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ CONCR (l) = CONCR (r)
+ENDOP = ;
+DTYPE PROC void type : DTYPE :(void id) ENDPROC void type ;
+DTYPE PROC int type : DTYPE :(int id) ENDPROC int type ;
+DTYPE PROC real type : DTYPE :(real id) ENDPROC real type ;
+DTYPE PROC text type : DTYPE :(string id) ENDPROC text type ;
+DTYPE PROC bool type : DTYPE :(bool id) ENDPROC bool type ;
+DTYPE PROC bool result type : DTYPE :(bool result id) ENDPROC bool result type;
+DTYPE PROC dataspace type : DTYPE :(dataspace id) ENDPROC dataspace type ;
+DTYPE PROC undefined type : DTYPE :(undefined id) ENDPROC undefined type ;
+DTYPE PROC row type : DTYPE :(row id) ENDPROC row type ;
+DTYPE PROC struct type : DTYPE :(struct id) ENDPROC struct type ;
+DTYPE PROC proc type : DTYPE :(permanent param proc) ENDPROC proc type ;
+DTYPE PROC end type : DTYPE :(end id) ENDPROC end type ;
+INT PROC type class (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ SELECT type id OF
+ CASE int id, real id, bool id, bool result id, string id,
+ dataspace id, undefined id : 1
+ CASE void id : 0
+ CASE row id : 3
+ CASE struct id : 4
+ CASE permanent param proc : 5
+ OTHERWISE pt type
+pt type :
+ IF type id > ptt limit THEN permanent row or struct
+ ELSE abstract type
+ FI .
+abstract type : 2 .
+permanent row or struct :
+ unsigned arithmetic ;
+ mode := cdbint (type link into pt) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = struct id THEN 4
+ ELIF mode = row id THEN 3
+ ELIF mode = permanent param proc THEN 5
+ ELSE 2
+ FI .
+type link into pt :
+ type id + begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC type class ;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name,INT VAR size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ SELECT type pos OF
+ CASE 1 : size := 0; align := 0; type id := void id
+ CASE 6 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := int id
+ CASE 10 : size := 4; align := 4; type id := real id
+ CASE 15 : size := 8; align := 4; type id := string id
+ CASE 20 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := bool id
+ CASE 25 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := dataspace id
+ OTHERWISE search for type in permanent table
+type pos :
+ enclose in delimiters ;
+ pos (".VOID.INT.REAL.TEXT.BOOL.DATASPACE.", object name) .
+enclose in delimiters :
+ object name := "." ;
+ object name CAT name ;
+ object name CAT "." .
+search for type in permanent table :
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF not found THEN size := 0; align := 0; type id := undefined id
+ ELSE size := cdbint (permanent pointer + two wordlength) ;
+ type id := permanent pointer - begin of permanent table ;
+ IF size < two wordlength THEN align := 1
+ ELIF size < four wordlength THEN align := 2
+ ELSE align := 4
+ FI
+ FI .
+not found :
+ NOT found OR invalid entry .
+invalid entry :
+ permanent pointer = 0 OR
+ cdb int (permanent pointer + wordlength) <> permanent type .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+(* *)
+(* 5. Operationen Teil I 30.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps OPN *)
+(* Primitive Operationen (:= etc.) *)
+(* Initialisieren mit den externen Namen der EUMEL-0-Codes *)
+(* Bereitstellen dee Fehlermeldung 'proc op expected' (coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE OPN = STRUCT (INT kind, mod nr, top of stack) ;
+LET proc op = 0 ,
+ param proc = 1 ,
+ eumel 0 = 2 ,
+ nil = 3 ,
+ param proc at non ref = "PARAM PROC at non-ref address" ,
+ proc op expected = "PROC expected" ;
+OPN VAR eumel0 opn;
+eumel0 opn.kind := eumel0 ;
+eumel0 of stack := 0 ;
+eumel0 opn.mod nr := q pp ;
+OPN CONST pp :: eumel0 opn ,
+ nop code :: OPN :(nil, 0, 0) ;
+IF NOT exists ("eumel0 codes")
+ THEN IF yes ("Archive 'eumel coder' eingelegt")
+ THEN archive ("eumel coder") ;
+ fetch ("eumel0 codes", archive) ;
+ release (archive)
+ ELSE errorstop ("""eumel0 codes"" gibt es nicht")
+ FI
+FI ;
+BOUND THESAURUS VAR initial opcodes :: old ("eumel0 codes") ;
+THESAURUS VAR eumel 0 opcodes :: initial opcodes ;
+forget ("eumel0 codes") ;
+ADDRESS PROC address (OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF opn.kind <> proc op THEN errorstop (proc op expected) FI ;
+ result addr.kind := module nr ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ result addr
+ENDPROC address ;
+OPN PROC operation (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF addr.kind <> local ref THEN errorstop (param proc at non ref) FI ;
+ OPN VAR opn ;
+ opn.kind := param proc ;
+ opn.mod nr :=addr.value ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ opn
+ENDPROC operation ;
+TEXT PROC mnemonic (OPN CONST op code) :
+ name (eumel 0 opcodes, op code.mod nr)
+ENDPROC mnemonic ;
+OPN PROC nop :
+ nop code
+ENDPROC nop ;
+OP := (OPN VAR r, OPN CONST l) :
+ CONCR (r) := CONCR (l)
+ENDOP := ;
+BOOL PROC is proc (OPN CONST operation) :
+ operation.kind = proc op
+ENDPROC is proc ;
+BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (TEXT CONST op code name) :
+ link (eumel 0 opcodes, op code name) <> 0
+ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
+BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (OPN CONST operation) :
+ operation.kind = eumel0
+ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
+(* *)
+(* 6. Parameterfeld 10.04.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Bereitstellen des Parameterfeldes *)
+(* Schreiben und Lesen von Eintraegen im Parameterfeld *)
+(* Fortschalten von Zeigern in das Parameterfeld *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Konstanten 'size of param field' (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+ ADDRESS addr, OPN push opn) ,
+ size of param field = 100 ,
+ param field exceeded = "Param Field Overflow",
+ param nr out of range = "Illegal Param Number" ;
+ROW size of param field PARAMDESCRIPTOR VAR param field ;
+ (***** Schreiben *****)
+PROC test param pos (INT CONST param nr) :
+ IF param nr < 1 OR param nr > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param nr out of range)
+ FI
+ENDPROC test param pos ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, access) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter access .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter address .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, value) :
+ result addr.kind := immediate value ;
+ result addr.value := value ;
+ define (param nr, result addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC apply (INT CONST param nr, OPN CONST opn) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter push opn .
+enter push opn :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (opn)
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC parameter (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type,
+ INT CONST access, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type ;
+ enter access ;
+ enter address ;
+ enter pp as default .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type) .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr) .
+enter pp as default :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (pp)
+ENDPROC parameter ;
+ (***** Lesen *****)
+ADDRESS PROC param address (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].addr
+ENDPROC param address ;
+DTYPE PROC dtype (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].type
+ENDPROC dtype ;
+INT PROC access (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].access
+ENDPROC access ;
+ (***** Fortschalten *****)
+OP NEXTPARAM (INT VAR param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ INT CONST class :: type class (param field [param nr].type) ;
+ param nr INCR 1 ;
+ SELECT class OF
+ CASE 3 : NEXTPARAM param nr
+ CASE 4,5 : read until end
+read until end :
+ WHILE NOT end marker read or end of field REP
+ NEXTPARAM param nr
+ PER ;
+ param nr INCR 1 .
+end marker read or end of field :
+ param nr > size of param field OR
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) = end id
+INT PROC next param (INT CONST p) :
+ INT VAR index := p ;
+ NEXTPARAM index ;
+ index
+ENDPROC next param ;
+ IF p > 0 AND p <= 100 THEN dump entry (param field (p))
+ ELSE param nr out of range
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+(* object name := dump (id.type) ; *)
+ object name := "TYPE " ; (* siehe *)
+ object name CAT dump (id.type) ; (* TEXT PROC dump (DTYPE d) *)
+ object name CAT text (id.access) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.addr) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.push opn) ;
+ object name
+ENDPROC dump entry ;
+(* *)
+(* 7. Datentypen Teil II 08.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration neuer Datentypen *)
+(* Vergleich von DTYPEs im Parameterfeld und in der Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+DTYPE VAR pt type ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ entry into name table ;
+ put next permanent (permanent type) ;
+ put next permanent (size) ;
+ put next permanent (nt link) ;
+ mark no offsets of text elements .
+entry into name table :
+ declare object (name, nt link, CONCR (type)) ;
+ CONCR (type) DECR begin of permanent table .
+mark no offsets of text elements :
+ put next permanent (0)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param 1, param 2) :
+ INT CONST left type :: CONCR (param field [param 1].type) ;
+ IF left type = right type
+ THEN same fine structure if there is one
+ ELSE left type = undefined id OR right type = undefined id
+ FI .
+right type : CONCR (param field [param 2].type) .
+same fine structure if there is one :
+ IF left type = row id THEN compare row
+ ELIF left is struct or proc THEN compare struct
+ FI .
+left is struct or proc :
+ left type = struct id OR left type = proc id .
+compare row :
+ equal sizes AND same type (param1 + 1, param2 + 1) .
+equal sizes :
+ param field [param1+1].access = param field [param2+1].access .
+compare struct :
+ INT VAR p1 :: param1+1, p2 :: param2+1 ;
+ WHILE same type (p1, p2) AND NOT end type found REP
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+end type found :
+ CONCR (param field [p1].type) = end id .
+end of field :
+ p1 > size of param field OR p2 > size of param field
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ field pointer := param nr ;
+ CONCR (pt type) := CONCR (type) ;
+ equal types
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC equal types :
+ identical types OR one type is undefined .
+one type is undefined :
+ type of actual field = undefined id OR CONCR(pt type) = undefined id .
+identical types :
+ SELECT type class (pt type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : type of actual field = CONCR (pt type)
+ CASE 3 : perhaps equal rows
+ CASE 4 : perhaps equal structs
+ CASE 5 : perhaps equal param procs
+perhaps equal rows :
+ param link := CONCR (pt type) + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ is row AND equal row sizes AND equal row types .
+is row :
+ type of actual field = row id .
+perhaps equal structs :
+ param link := CONCR (pt type) + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ is struct AND same type fields .
+is struct :
+ type of actual field = struct id .
+equal row sizes :
+ pt row size = row size within param field .
+equal row types :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR 2 ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ equal types .
+pt row size :
+ cdb int (param link + 1) .
+row size within param field :
+ param field [field pointer + 1].access .
+same type fields :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR 1 ;
+ IF type of actual field = end id
+ THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH pt struct end reached
+ FI ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ IF NOT equal types THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH FALSE FI
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+pt struct end reached :
+ cdbint (param link) = permanent type field .
+end of field :
+ field pointer > size of param field .
+type of actual field :
+ CONCR (param field [field pointer].type) .
+perhaps equal param procs :
+ param link := CONCR (pt type) + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ is proc AND same param list .
+is proc : cdbint (param link) = permanent param proc .
+same param list :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ DTYPE VAR proc result type ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR (proc result type)) ;
+ compare param list ;
+ check results .
+compare param list :
+ INT VAR last param := field pointer + 1 ;
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ IF pt param list exhausted THEN LEAVE compare param list FI ;
+ IF type of actual field = end id
+ FI ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ last param := field pointer ;
+ UNTIL NOT equal types OR end of field PER .
+check results :
+ pt param list exhausted AND equal result types .
+equal result types :
+ save param link ;
+ IF same type (last param, proc result type)
+ THEN restore ;
+ FI .
+pt param list exhausted :
+ cdbint (param link) = permanent param proc end marker .
+save param link :
+ INT CONST p :: param link .
+restore :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link := p
+ENDPROC equal types ;
+BOOL PROC is not void bool or undefined (DTYPE CONST dtype) :
+ type <> void id AND type <> bool result id AND type <> undefined id .
+type : CONCR (dtype)
+ENDPROC is not void bool or undefined ;
+(* *)
+(* 8. Operationen Teil II 08.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition der Opcodes *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition, Identifikation und Applikation *)
+(* Eroeffnen und Schliessen eines Moduls *)
+(* *)
+LET module not opened = "Module not opened" ,
+ define missing = "DEFINE missing" ,
+ wrong nr of params = "Wrong Nr. of Params:" ,
+ illegal kind = "Opcode expected" ,
+ nested module = "Nested Modules" ,
+ no mod nr = "Param Proc expected" ,
+ no immediate value = "Value expected" ,
+ type error = "Type Error" ,
+ q ln = 1 ,
+ q move = 2 , q move code = 2 048 ,
+ q inc1 = 3 , q inc1 code = 3 072 ,
+ q dec1 = 4 , q dec1 code = 4 096 ,
+ q inc = 5 , q inc code = 5 120 ,
+ q dec = 6 , q dec code = 6 144 ,
+ q add = 7 , q add code = 7 168 ,
+ q sub = 8 , q sub code = 8 192 ,
+ q clear = 9 , q clear code = 9 216 ,
+ q test = 10 ,
+ q equ = 11 , q equ code = 11 264 ,
+ q lsequ = 12 , q lsequ code = 12 288 ,
+ q fmove = 13 , q fmove code = 13 312 ,
+ q fadd = 14 , q fadd code = 14 336 ,
+ q fsub = 15 , q fsub code = 15 360 ,
+ q fmult = 16 , q fmult code = 16 384 ,
+ q fdiv = 17 , q fdiv code = 17 408 ,
+ q flsequ = 18 , q flsequ code = 18 432 ,
+ q tmove = 19 , q tmove code = 19 456 ,
+ q tequ = 20 , q tequ code = 20 480 ,
+ q accds = 21 , q access ds code = 22 528 ,
+ q ref = 22 , q ref code = 23 552 ,
+ q subscript = 23 , q subscript code = 24 576 ,
+ q select = 24 , q select code = 25 600 ,
+ q ppv = 25 , q ppv code = 26 624 ,
+ q pp = 26 ,
+ q make false = 27 , (* q make false code = 65 513 *)
+ q movex = 28 ,
+(* q longa subs q longa subs code = 65 376 *)
+ q return = 29 , q return code = 32 512 ,
+ q true return = 30 , q true return code = 32 513 ,
+ q false return = 31 , q false return code = 32 514 ,
+ q goret code = 32 519 ,
+ q esc mult = 32 , q esc mult code = 32 553 ,
+ q esc div = 33 , q esc div code = 32 554 ,
+ q esc mod = 34 , q esc mod code = 32 555 ,
+ q pproc = 35 ,
+ q compl int = 36 , q compl int code = 32 551 ,
+ q compl real = 37 , q compl real code = 32 550 ,
+ q alias ds = 38 , q alias ds code = 32 546 ,
+ q movim = 39 , q esc movim code = 32 547 ,
+ q fequ = 40 , q fequ code = 32 548 ,
+ q tlsequ = 41 , q tlsequ code = 32 549 ,
+(* q case = 42 , *) q esc case = 32 544 ,
+ q plus = 43 ,
+ q minus = 44 ,
+ q mult = 45 ,
+ q int div = 46 ,
+ q real div = 47 ,
+ q equal = 48 ,
+ q lessequal = 49 ,
+ q ulseq = 50 , q ulseq code = 21 504 ,
+ q pdadd = 51 , q pdadd code = 32 653 ,
+ q ppsub = 52 , q ppsub code = 32 654 ,
+ q dimov = 53 , q dimov code = 32 655 ,
+ q idmov = 54 , q idmov code = 32 656 ;
+INT CONST q make false code :: - 1 022 ,
+ q longa subs code :: - 159 ,
+ q penter code :: - 511 ;
+ (***** Deklaration *****)
+PROC declare (OPN VAR operation) :
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ get module nr (operation.mod nr) ;
+ of stack := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation) :
+ declare (operation) ;
+ entry into name and pt table if necessary ;
+ enter params ;
+ enter result ;
+ enter module number .
+entry into name and pt table if necessary :
+ declare object (name, nt link, permanent pointer) .
+enter params :
+ field pointer := first ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO params REP
+ enter param (param field [field pointer]) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+enter result :
+ enter param (param field[field pointer].type, permanent proc op) .
+enter module number :
+ put next permanent (operation.mod nr)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC enter param (PARAMDESCRIPTOR CONST param) :
+ IF param.access = const
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param const)
+ ELIF param.access = var
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param var)
+ ELSE errorstop ("Unknown Access")
+ FI
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+PROC enter param (DTYPE CONST type, INT CONST permanent mode) :
+ unsigned arithmetic ;
+ SELECT type class (type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : put next permanent (CONCR(type) + permanent mode)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("Illegal Type")
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+ (***** Definition *****)
+PROC define (OPN VAR opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE proc head (opn.mod nr, of stack)
+ FI
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC set length of local storage (OPN VAR opn, INT CONST size) :
+ IF size < 0 OR size > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ ELIF of stack = 0
+ THEN errorstop (define missing)
+ ELIF opn.kind <> proc op
+ THEN errorstop (proc op expected)
+ FI ;
+ set length ( of stack, size + eumel0 stack offset)
+ENDPROC set length of local storage ;
+PROC define (OPN VAR operation, INT CONST size) :
+ define (operation) ;
+ set length of local storage (operation, size)
+ENDPROC define ;
+ (***** Identifikation *****)
+INT VAR counter, result index, result type repr;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation,
+ BOOL VAR object exists) :
+ find result entry ;
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF found THEN first fit and leave if found FI ;
+ IF eumel0 THEN identify eumel0 instruction
+ ELSE yield undefined operation
+ FI .
+find result entry :
+ result index := first;
+ counter := 0 ;
+ WHILE counter < params REP
+ NEXTPARAM result index ;
+ counter INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ check on param field exceeded .
+check on param field exceeded :
+ IF result index > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param field exceeded)
+ FI .
+yield undefined operation :
+ declare (result index, undefined type) ;
+ apply (result index, nop) ;
+ object exists := FALSE .
+first fit and leave if found :
+ WHILE yet another procedure exists REP
+ check one procedure and leave if match ;
+ next procedure
+ PER .
+yet another procedure exists :
+ permanent pointer <> 0 .
+check one procedure and leave if match:
+ param link := permanent pointer + wordlength ;
+ set end marker if end of list ;
+ counter := params ;
+ field pointer := first ;
+ IF end of params AND counter = 0
+ THEN procedure found
+ ELIF end of params OR counter = 0
+ THEN LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ ELSE check next param
+ FI
+ PER .
+check next param :
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ IF same types THEN set param mode ;
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR 1 ;
+ set end marker if end of list ;
+ counter DECR 1 ;
+ ELSE LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ FI .
+same types : (* inline version ! *)
+ equal types .
+set param mode :
+ param field [field pointer].access := mode .
+procedure found :
+ get result ;
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ operation.mod nr := module number ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ object exists := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE identify .
+get result :
+ get type and mode (result type) ;
+ declare (result index, mode) .
+module number :
+ cdbint (param link + 1) .
+result type :
+ CONCR (param field [result index].type) .
+eumel0 :
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr := link (eumel 0 opcodes, name) ;
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr <> 0 .
+identify eumel 0 instruction :
+ init result type with void ;
+ CONCR (operation) := CONCR (eumel0 opn) ;
+ object exists := check params and set result ;
+ declare (result index, DTYPE:(result type repr)) ;
+ declare (result index, const) .
+init result type with void :
+ result type repr := void id .
+check params and set result :
+ SELECT operation.mod nr OF
+ CASE q return, q false return, q true return : no params
+ CASE q inc1, q dec1 : one int param yielding void
+ CASE q pproc, q pp, q ln : one param yielding void
+ CASE q test : one param yielding bool
+ CASE q clear, q ppv : one int or bool param yielding void
+ CASE q make false : one bool param yielding void
+ CASE q move : two int or bool params yielding void
+ CASE q compl int, q inc, q dec : two int params yielding void
+ CASE q compl real, q fmove : two real params yielding void
+ CASE q equ, q lsequ, q ulseq : two int params yielding bool
+ CASE q fequ, q flsequ : two real params yielding bool
+ CASE q tequ, q tlsequ : two text params yielding bool
+ CASE q tmove : two text params yielding void
+ CASE q accds, q ref, q movim,
+ q dimov, q idmov : two params yielding void
+ CASE q add, q sub, q esc mult,
+ q esc div, q esc mod : three int params yielding void
+ CASE q fadd, q fsub, q fmult, q fdiv : three real params yielding void
+ CASE q select, q movex, q alias ds,
+ q pdadd, q ppsub : three params
+ CASE q subscript : five params
+ CASE q plus, q mult : two intreals yielding intreal
+ CASE q minus : monadic or dyadic minus
+ CASE q int div : two int params yielding int
+ CASE q real div : two real params yielding real
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : two intrealtexts yielding bool
+no params :
+ params = 0 .
+one int param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) .
+one param yielding void :
+ params = 1 .
+one param yielding bool :
+ IF params = 1 THEN result type repr := bool id ;
+ FI .
+one int or bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) OR p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+one bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+two int or bool params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void id) OR
+ p2 (bool type, first, params, void id) .
+two int params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void id) .
+two real params yielding void :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, void id) .
+two text params yielding void :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, void id) .
+two int params yielding bool :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, bool id) .
+two real params yielding bool :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, bool id) .
+two text params yielding bool :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, bool id) .
+two params yielding void :
+ params = 2 .
+three int params yielding void :
+ p3 void (int type, first, params) .
+three real params yielding void :
+ p3 void (real type, first, params) .
+three params :
+ params = 3 .
+five params :
+ params = 5 .
+two intreals yielding intreal :
+ two int params yielding int OR two real params yielding real .
+monadic or dyadic minus :
+ IF params = 2 THEN two intreals yielding intreal
+ ELIF params = 1 THEN monadic minus
+ FI .
+monadic minus :
+ result type repr := CONCR (param field[first].type) ;
+ result type repr = int id OR result type repr = real id .
+two intrealtexts yielding bool :
+ two int params yielding bool OR two real params yielding bool OR
+ two text params yielding bool .
+two int params yielding int :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, int id) .
+two real params yielding real :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, real id)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+BOOL PROC p1 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 1 AND param type is requested plain type .
+param type is requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p1 void ;
+BOOL PROC p2 (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr,
+ INT CONST result type) :
+ IF param nr = 2 AND param types equal requested plain type
+ THEN result type repr := result type ;
+ FI .
+param types equal requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first] .type) = CONCR (requested type) AND
+ CONCR (param field [first+1].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+BOOL PROC p3 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 3 AND param types ok .
+param types ok :
+ FOR index FROM first UPTO first+2 REP
+ IF different param types THEN LEAVE p3 void WITH FALSE FI
+ PER ;
+ TRUE .
+different param types :
+ CONCR (param field [index].type) <> CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p3 void;
+ (***** Applikation *****)
+INT VAR address representation, left repr, right repr, result repr;
+PROC apply (INT CONST first, nr of params, OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened) FI ;
+ SELECT opn.kind OF
+ CASE eumel 0 : generate eumel0 instruction
+ CASE proc op : call operation
+ CASE param proc : call param proc
+ CASE nil :
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal kind)
+call operation :
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, opn.mod nr) ;
+ call (opn.mod nr) .
+call param proc :
+ result addr.kind := local ref ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ INT CONST module nr := REPR result addr ;
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, module nr) ;
+ call param (module nr) .
+generate eumel0 instruction :
+ SELECT real nr of params OF
+ CASE 0 : p0 instruction
+ CASE 1 : apply p1 (opn, first addr)
+ CASE 2 : apply p2 (opn, first addr, second addr)
+ CASE 3 : apply p3 (opn, left type, first addr, second addr, third addr)
+ CASE 5 : subscript operation
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+real nr of params :
+ IF operator denotation THEN nr of params + 1
+ ELSE nr of params
+ FI .
+operator denotation :
+ opn.mod nr >= q plus AND opn.mod nr < q ulseq .
+p0 instruction :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q return THEN s0 (q return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q true return THEN s0 (q true return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q false return THEN s0 (q false return code)
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params +
+ mnemonic (opn))
+ FI .
+subscript operation :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q subscript
+ THEN subscription
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+ FI .
+subscription :
+ ADDRESS CONST element length :: param field [first+2].addr ,
+ limit :: param field [first+3].addr ;
+ check on immediates ;
+ IF element length.value < 1024
+ THEN s0 (q subscript code + element length.value)
+ ELSE s0 (q longa subs code) ;
+ s0 (element length.value)
+ FI ;
+ s3 (limit.value - 1, subs index, base addr, subs result) .
+check on immediates :
+ IF element length.kind <> immediate value OR
+ limit.kind <> immediate value
+ THEN errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+subs index : REPR param field [first+1].addr .
+base addr : REPR param field [first].addr .
+subs result : REPR param field [first+4].addr .
+first addr :
+ param field [first].addr .
+left type :
+ param field [first].type .
+second addr :
+ param field [nextparam (first)].addr .
+third addr :
+ param field [nextparam(nextparam(first))].addr
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC push params if necessary (INT CONST first, nr of params, mod nr) :
+ init param push (mod nr) ;
+ field pointer := first ;
+ IF nr of params > 0 THEN push params FI ;
+ push result if there is one .
+push params :
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO nr of params REP
+ apply p1 (push code, param addr) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+push code :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn .
+param addr :
+ param field [field pointer].addr .
+push result if there is one :
+ IF push result necessary
+ THEN push result address (REPR param field [field pointer].addr)
+ FI .
+push result necessary :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn.kind <> nil AND
+ is not void bool or undefined (param field [field pointer].type)
+ENDPROC push params if necessary ;
+PROC apply p1 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q ln THEN generate line number
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q pproc THEN push module nr
+ ELSE gen p1 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p1 instruction :
+ address representation := REPR addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q inc1 : t1 (q inc1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q dec1 : t1 (q dec1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q clear : t1 (q clear code,address representation)
+ CASE q test : test bool object (address representation)
+ CASE q pp : push param (address representation)
+ CASE q ppv : s1 (q ppv code, address representation)
+ CASE q make false : s1 (q make false code, address representation)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+generate line number :
+ IF addr.kind = immediate value THEN mark line (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+push module nr :
+ IF addr.kind = module nr THEN push param proc (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no mod nr)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p1;
+PROC apply p2 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr):
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q movim THEN move immediate
+ ELSE gen p2 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p2 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q move : t2 (q move code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q inc : t2 (q inc code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q dec : t2 (q dec code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q equ : compare (q equ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q lsequ : compare (q lsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ulseq : compare (q ulseq code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fmove : t2 (q fmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q flsequ : compare (q flsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tmove : t2 (q tmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q tequ : compare (q tequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl int : s2 (q compl int code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl real : s2 (q compl real code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fequ : compare (q fequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tlsequ : compare (q tlsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q accds : t2 (q access ds code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ref : t2 (q ref code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q dimov : s2 (q dimov code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q idmov : s2 (q idmov code, left repr, right repr)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+move immediate :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN s0 (q esc movim code) ;
+ s1 (right addr.value, left repr)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p2;
+PROC apply p3 (OPN CONST opn, DTYPE CONST left dtype,
+ ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr, result addr ):
+ result repr := REPR result addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q pdadd THEN select with dint; LEAVE apply p3
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q select THEN gen select instruction; LEAVE apply p3 FI ;
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q movex THEN gen long move
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q alias ds THEN alias dataspace
+ ELSE gen p3 instruction
+ FI .
+gen long move :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN long move (left repr, result repr, right addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+alias dataspace :
+ IF right addr.value = immediate value
+ THEN s0 (q alias ds code) ;
+ s2 (right addr.value, result repr, left repr)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+gen select instruction :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN IF different bases
+ THEN access external (left addr.value, right addr.value)
+ ELSE t1 (q select code, REPR left addr) ;
+ s1 (right addr.value, result repr)
+ FI
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+select with dint :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ IF different bases THEN access external packet
+ ELSE simple access
+ FI .
+different bases :
+ left addr.kind = p base AND left addr.value <> packet base .
+simple access :
+ s3 (q pdadd code, REPR left addr, right repr, result repr) .
+access external packet :
+ access external (left addr.value, global address zero) ;
+ s3 (q pdadd code, REPR REF result addr, right repr, result repr) .
+gen p3 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q add : int add
+ CASE q sub : int sub
+ CASE q fadd : real add
+ CASE q fsub : real sub
+ CASE q fmult : real mult
+ CASE q fdiv, q real div : real div
+ CASE q esc mult : int mult
+ CASE q esc div, q int div : int div
+ CASE q esc mod : int mod
+ CASE q plus : int real add
+ CASE q minus : int real sub
+ CASE q mult : int real mult
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : compare (comp code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ppsub : distance between two objects
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+int add : compute (q add code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int sub : compute (q sub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real add : compute (q fadd code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real sub : compute (q fsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real mult : compute (q fmult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real div : compute (q fdiv code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mult : s3 (q esc mult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int div : s3 (q esc div code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mod : s3 (q esc mod code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int real add :
+ IF left type = int id THEN int add
+ ELSE real add
+ FI .
+int real sub :
+ IF left type = int id THEN int sub
+ ELSE real sub
+ FI .
+int real mult :
+ IF left type = int id THEN int mult
+ ELSE real mult
+ FI .
+comp code :
+ SELECT left type OF
+ CASE int id : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q equ ELSE q lsequ FI
+ CASE real id : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q fequ ELSE q flsequ FI
+ CASE string id : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q tequ ELSE q tlsequ FI
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (type error); q equ
+left type : CONCR (left dtype) .
+distance between two objects :
+ s3 (q ppsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr)
+ENDPROC apply p3;
+PROC access external (INT CONST old base, offset) :
+ s0 (q penter code + old base) ;
+ t2 (q ref code, offset, result repr) ;
+ s0 (q penter code + packet base)
+ENDPROC access external ;
+ (***** Modul *****)
+BOOL VAR module open ;
+.init opn section :
+ module open := FALSE .;
+PROC begin module :
+ IF module open THEN errorstop (nested module)
+ ELSE begin modul ;
+ module open := TRUE
+ FI
+ENDPROC begin module ;
+PROC end module :
+ IF NOT module open
+ THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE end modul ;
+ module open := FALSE
+ FI
+ENDPROC end module ;
+TEXT PROC dump (OPN CONST operation) :
+ IF operation.kind = proc op THEN " PROC" + text (operation.mod nr, 5)
+ ELIF operation.kind = eumel 0 THEN " EUMEL0: " + mnemonic (operation)
+ ELSE " undef. Opn"
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC begin modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10073
+ENDPROC begin modul ;
+PROC end modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10011
+ENDPROC end modul ;
+PROC proc head (INT VAR mod nr, top of stack) :
+ EXTERNAL 10012
+ENDPROC proc head ;
+PROC set length (INT CONST top of stack, size) :
+ EXTERNAL 10013
+ENDPROC set length ;
+PROC get module nr (INT VAR module nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10016
+ENDPROC get module nr ;
+PROC compute (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr, result address) :
+ EXTERNAL 10017
+ENDPROC compute ;
+PROC compare (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10018
+ENDPROC compare ;
+PROC long move (INT CONST to, from, length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10019
+ENDPROC long move ;
+PROC call (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10022
+ENDPROC call ;
+PROC call param (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10023
+ENDPROC call param ;
+PROC push param (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10024
+ENDPROC push param ;
+PROC push param proc (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10025
+ENDPROC push param proc ;
+PROC init param push (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10026
+ENDPROC init param push ;
+PROC push result address (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10027
+ENDPROC push result address ;
+PROC test bool object (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10192
+ENDPROC test bool object ;
+PROC mark line (INT CONST line number) :
+ EXTERNAL 10030
+ENDPROC mark line ;
+PROC s0 (INT CONST op code) :
+ EXTERNAL 10038
+PROC s1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10039
+PROC s2 (INT CONST op code , addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10040
+PROC s3 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2, addr3) :
+ EXTERNAL 10041
+PROC t1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10042
+PROC t2 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10043
+(* *)
+(* 9. Speicherverwaltung 03.06.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Ablage der Paketdaten *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR address value;
+INT CONST data allocation by coder := 1 ,
+ data allocation by user := 2 ;
+LET not initialized = 0 ,
+ wrong mm mode = "Wrong MM Mode" ,
+ define on non global = "Define for GLOB only" ,
+ text too long = "TEXT too long" ;
+TEXT VAR const buffer :: point line ;
+.reset memory management mode :
+ memory management mode := not initialized . ;
+PROC reserve storage (INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by user
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (address value, size) ;
+ memory management mode := not initialized
+ENDPROC reserve storage ;
+PROC allocate variable (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (addr.value, size) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate variable ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate int denoter (addr.value) ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate real denoter (addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ define (addr, value)
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate text denoter (addr.value, (LENGTH value+1) DIV 2 + 2) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ skip heaplink;
+ define (addr, value) ;
+ reset heaplink .
+skip heaplink :
+ addr.value INCR 1 .
+reset heaplink :
+ addr.value DECR 1
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, DINT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate dint denoter (addr.value, value) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate dint denoter (INT VAR addr offset, DINT CONST value) :
+ adjust to an even address if necessary ;
+ put data word (value.low, addr offset) ;
+ allocate int denoter (address value) ;
+ put data word (value.high, address value) .
+adjust to an even address if necessary :
+ allocate int denoter (addr offset) ;
+ IF (addr offset AND 1) <> 0 THEN allocate int denoter (addr offset) FI
+ENDPROC allocate dint denoter ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, DINT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ put data word (value.low , addr.value);
+ put data word (value.high, addr.value + 1)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ replace (const buffer, 1, value) ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO 4 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ ELIF LENGTH value > 255 THEN errorstop (text too long)
+ FI ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ const buffer := code (LENGTH value) ;
+ const buffer CAT value ;
+ const buffer CAT ""0"" ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH const buffer DIV 2 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ const buffer := point line
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC allocate var (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10033
+ENDPROC allocate var ;
+PROC allocate int denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10034
+ENDPROC allocate int denoter ;
+PROC allocate real denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10035
+ENDPROC allocate real denoter ;
+PROC allocate text denoter (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10036
+ENDPROC allocate text denoter ;
+PROC put data word (INT CONST value, INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10037
+ENDPROC put data word ;
+(* *)
+(* 10. Inspector 28.10.1987 *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR line number, pattern length, begin of packet,
+ last packet entry, indentation;
+TEXT VAR bulletin name, type and mode, pattern, buffer, dummy name;
+DATASPACE VAR bulletin ds :: nilspace ;
+.packet name :
+ cdb text (cdb int(packet link + wordlength) + two word length) .
+.packet entry :
+ permanent pointer = 0 OR
+ cdbint (permanent pointer) = permanent packet OR
+ cdbint (permanent pointer + wordlength) = permanent packet .
+.within editor :
+ aktueller editor > 0 . ;
+TEXT PROC type name (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ IF CONCR (type) = void id THEN type and mode CAT "VOID"
+ ELSE name of type (CONCR (type))
+ FI ;
+ type and mode
+ENDPROC type name ;
+TEXT PROC dump (DTYPE CONST type) :
+(* type and mode := "TYPE " ;
+ name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
+ type and mode
+ type name (type) (* aus Kompatibilitätsgründen zum 1.9.2 Coder / rr *)
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE void id :
+ CASE int id : type and mode CAT "INT"
+ CASE real id : type and mode CAT "REAL"
+ CASE string id : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
+ CASE bool id, bool result id : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
+ CASE dataspace id : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE"
+ CASE row id : type and mode CAT "ROW "
+ CASE struct id : type and mode CAT "STRUCT"
+ OTHERWISE : complex type
+complex type :
+ unsigned arithmetic ;
+ IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
+ ELSE get complex type
+ FI .
+perhaps permanent struct or row :
+ index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+get complex type :
+ index := type + begin of permanent table ;
+ IF is complex type THEN get name
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+is complex type :
+ permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
+get name :
+ type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + two word length) .
+link to type name :
+ cdb int (index + three word length) .
+permanent type definition mode :
+ cdb int (index + wordlength) .
+get permanent row :
+ INT VAR t;
+ type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
+ type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + wordlength)) ;
+ type and mode CAT " " ;
+ param link := index + two wordlength ;
+ get type and mode (t) ;
+ name of type (t) .
+get permanent struct :
+ type and mode CAT "STRUCT ( ... )"
+ENDPROC name of type ;
+PROC help (TEXT CONST proc name) :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ prep help ;
+ scan (object name) ;
+ next symbol (pattern) ;
+ packet link := end of permanent table ;
+ IF function = 0 THEN standard help
+ ELSE asterisk help
+ FI .
+prep help :
+ object name := compress (proc name) ;
+ INT VAR function :: 0 ;
+ INT CONST l :: LENGTH object name ;
+ IF l > 1 AND object name <> "**"
+ THEN IF (object name SUB l) = "*"
+ THEN function INCR 2 ;
+ delete char (object name, l)
+ FI ;
+ IF (object name SUB 1) = "*"
+ THEN function INCR 1 ;
+ delete char (object name, 1)
+ FI ;
+ IF another asterisk THEN wrong function FI
+ FI.
+another asterisk :
+ pos (object name, "*") <> 0 .
+wrong function :
+ errorstop ("unzulaessige Sternfunktion") .
+standard help :
+ to object (pattern) ;
+ IF found THEN display
+ ELSE error stop ("unbekannt: " + proc name)
+ FI .
+display :
+ IF NOT packet entry
+ THEN WHILE permanent pointer <> 0 REP
+ put name of packet if necessary ;
+ put specifications (pattern) ;
+ next procedure
+ show bulletin file
+ FI .
+put name of packet if necessary :
+ IF new packet THEN packet link := permanent pointer ;
+ find begin of packet ;
+ writeline (2) ;
+ write packet name
+ FI .
+find begin of packet :
+ packet link DECR wordlength
+ UNTIL begin of packet found PER .
+begin of packet found :
+ cdb int (packet link) = permanent packet .
+new packet :
+ permanent pointer < packet link .
+asterisk help :
+ hash table pointer := begin of hash table ;
+ pattern length := LENGTH pattern - 1 ;
+ list all objects in current hash table chain ;
+ next hash entry
+ UNTIL end of hash table reached ENDREP ;
+ show bulletin file .
+list all objects in current hash table chain :
+ nt link := hash table pointer ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
+ IF matching THEN into bulletin FI
+ PER .
+matching :
+ INT CONST p :: pos (object name, pattern) ;
+ SELECT function OF
+ CASE 1 : p <> 0 AND p = LENGTH object name - pattern length
+ CASE 2 : p = 1
+ CASE 3 : p <> 0
+into bulletin :
+ object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC not end of chain)
+ENDPROC help ;
+BOOL PROC not end of chain :
+ permanent pointer <> 0
+ENDPROC not end of chain ;
+PROC write packet name :
+ indentation := 0 ;
+ write line ;
+ write bulletin line ("PACKET ") ;
+ indentation := 7 ;
+ object name := packet name ;
+ write bulletin line (object name) ;
+ write bulletin line (":") ;
+ writeline (2)
+ENDPROC write packet name ;
+PROC put specifications (TEXT CONST proc name) :
+ put obj name (proc name) ;
+ to first param ;
+ IF NOT end of params THEN put param list FI ;
+ put result ;
+ writeline .
+to first param :
+ param link := permanent pointer + word length ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+put result :
+ INT VAR type;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ IF type <> void id THEN type and mode := " --> " ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ write bulletin line (type and mode)
+ FI
+ENDPROC put specifications ;
+PROC put param list :
+ write bulletin line (" (") ;
+ INT VAR type, param mode;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ param mode := mode ;
+ put type and mode ;
+ maybe param proc ;
+ next pt param ;
+ IF end of params THEN write bulletin line (")") ;
+ LEAVE put param list
+ FI ;
+ write bulletin line (", ") ;
+ PER .
+put type and mode :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ type and mode CAT name of mode ;
+ write bulletin line (type and mode) .
+name of mode :
+ IF param mode = const THEN " CONST"
+ ELIF param mode = var THEN " VAR"
+ FI .
+maybe param proc :
+ IF mode = permanent param proc THEN put virtual params FI .
+put virtual params :
+ skip over result type if complex type ;
+ IF NOT end of virtual params THEN put param list FI.
+skip over result type if complex type :
+ next pt param .
+end of virtual params :
+ end of params
+ENDPROC put param list ;
+PROC to packet (TEXT CONST packet name) :
+ to object ( packet name) ;
+ IF found THEN find start of packet objects FI .
+find start of packet objects :
+ last packet entry := 0 ;
+ packet link := before first pt entry ;
+ packet link INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (packet link) ;
+ IF word < 0 THEN IF word = permanent packet THEN packet found
+ ELIF word = permanent end THEN return
+ FI
+ FI
+packet found :
+ IF cdb int (packet link + wordlength) = nt link
+ THEN last packet entry := packet link FI .
+return :
+ IF last packet entry <> 0 THEN found := TRUE ;
+ packet link := last packet entry
+ ELSE found := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ LEAVE to packet
+ENDPROC to packet ;
+PROC next packet :
+ packet link INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (packet link) ;
+ IF word = permanent packet THEN true return
+ ELIF end of permanents THEN false return
+ FI ;
+true return :
+ found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE next packet .
+false return :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ LEAVE next packet .
+end of permanents :
+ word = permanent end OR packet link > end of permanent table
+ENDPROC next packet ;
+PROC prep bulletin :
+ forget (bulletin ds) ;
+ bulletin ds := nilspace ;
+ bulletin file := sequential file (output, bulletin ds) ;
+ line number := 0 ;
+ buffer := ""
+ENDPROC prep bulletin ;
+PROC show bulletin file :
+ IF within editor THEN ueberschrift neu FI ;
+ DATASPACE VAR local ds :: bulletin ds ;
+ FILE VAR local file :: sequential file (modify, local ds) ;
+ show (local file) ;
+ forget (local ds)
+ENDPROC show bulletin file ;
+PROC write bulletin line (TEXT CONST line) :
+ IF LENGTH buffer + LENGTH line > 75 THEN writeline FI ;
+ buffer CAT line
+ENDPROC write bulletin line ;
+PROC writeline :
+ write (bulletin file, buffer) ;
+ line (bulletin file) ;
+ line number INCR 1 ;
+ cout (line number) ;
+ buffer := indentation * " "
+ENDPROC writeline ;
+PROC writeline (INT CONST times) :
+ IF LENGTH compress(buffer) <> 0 THEN index := times - 1 ;
+ writeline
+ ELSE index := times
+ FI ;
+ line (bulletin file, index) ;
+ line number INCR index;
+ indentation := 0 ;
+ cout (line number)
+ENDPROC writeline ;
+PROC bulletin (TEXT CONST packet name) :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ scan (packet name) ;
+ next symbol (pattern) ;
+ to packet (pattern) ;
+ IF found THEN list packet ;
+ show bulletin file
+ ELSE error stop (packet name + " ist kein Paketname")
+ FI .
+ENDPROC bulletin ;
+PROC list packet :
+ begin of packet := packet link + word length ;
+ write packet name ;
+ find end of packet ;
+ run through nametab and list all packet objects .
+find end of packet :
+ last packet entry := begin of packet ;
+ last packet entry INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (last packet entry) ;
+ UNTIL end of packet entries PER .
+end of packet entries :
+ word = permanent packet OR word = permanent end .
+run through nametab and list all packet objects :
+ hashtable pointer := begin of hashtable ;
+ nt link := hashtable pointer ;
+ list objects of current packet in this chain ;
+ next hash entry
+ UNTIL end of hashtable reached ENDREP .
+list objects of current packet in this chain :
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ put objects of this name
+ PER .
+put objects of this name :
+ IF there is an entry THEN into bulletin FI .
+there is an entry :
+ NOT packet entry AND
+ there is at least one object of this name in the current packet .
+there is at least one object of this name in the current packet :
+ IF permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
+ permanent pointer < last packet entry
+ THEN LEAVE there is at least one object of this name
+ in the current packet WITH TRUE FI ;
+ next procedure
+ UNTIL permanent pointer = 0 PER ;
+into bulletin :
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
+ object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC within packet)
+ENDPROC list packet ;
+BOOL PROC within packet :
+ permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
+ permanent pointer < last packet entry
+ENDPROC within packet ;
+PROC object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC link ok) :
+ scan (object name) ;
+ next symbol (dummy name, mode) ;
+ IF type definition THEN put type definition
+ ELSE put object definitions
+ FI .
+type definition :
+ mode = bold AND no params .
+no params :
+ cdb int (permanent pointer + word length) >= permanent type .
+put type definition :
+ put obj name (object name) ;
+ write bulletin line ("TYPE ") ;
+ writeline (1) .
+put object definitions :
+ WHILE link ok REP
+ put specifications (object name) ;
+ next procedure
+ENDPROC object names into bulletin ;
+PROC bulletin :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ packet link := first permanent entry ;
+ list packet ;
+ write line (4) ;
+ next packet
+ UNTIL NOT found PER ;
+ show bulletin file
+ENDPROC bulletin ;
+PROC put obj name (TEXT CONST name) :
+ buffer := " " ;
+ bulletin name := point line ;
+ change (bulletin name, 1, end of line or name, name) ;
+ buffer CAT bulletin name ;
+ indentation := LENGTH buffer + 1 .
+end of line or name :
+ min (LENGTH name, LENGTH bulletin name)
+ENDPROC put obj name ;
+PROC packets :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ packet link := first permanent entry ;
+ object name := packet name ;
+ put obj name (object name) ;
+ write line ;
+ next packet
+ UNTIL NOT found PER ;
+ show bulletin file
+ENDPROC packets ;
+(* *)
+(* 11. ELAN Run-Interface 04.08.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Uebersetzen von ELAN-Programmen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Ausgabeprozeduren fuer den ELAN-Compiler *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR list option := FALSE ,
+ check option := TRUE ,
+ warning option := FALSE ,
+ listing enabled := FALSE ;
+FILE VAR listing file ;
+TEXT VAR listing file name := "" ;
+PROC run (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ enable stop ;
+ IF NOT exists (file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ FI ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ run elan (file name, no ins)
+END PROC run;
+PROC run :
+ run (last param)
+ENDPROC run ;
+PROC run again :
+ IF run again mod nr <> 0
+ THEN elan (run again mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, no lst, check option, no sermon)
+ ELSE errorstop ("'run again' nicht moeglich")
+ FI
+ENDPROC run again ;
+PROC insert (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ enable stop ;
+ IF NOT exists (file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ FI ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ run elan (file name, ins)
+ENDPROC insert ;
+PROC insert :
+ insert (last param)
+ENDPROC insert ;
+PROC run elan (TEXT CONST file name, BOOL CONST insert option) :
+ FILE VAR source := sequential file (modify, file name) ;
+ IF listing enabled
+ THEN open listing file
+ FI ;
+ disable stop ;
+ no do again ;
+ elan (compile file mode, source, "" , run again mod nr,
+ insert option, list option, check option, sermon) ;
+ IF anything noted AND command dialogue
+ THEN ignore halt during compiling ;
+ note edit (source) ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ errorstop ("")
+ FI .
+ignore halt during compiling :
+ IF is error
+ THEN put error ;
+ clear error ;
+ pause (5)
+ FI .
+open listing file :
+ listing file := sequential file (output, listing file name) ;
+ max line length (listing file, 130)
+ENDPROC run elan ;
+PROC out text (TEXT CONST text, INT CONST out type) :
+ INTERNAL 257 ;
+ IF online
+ THEN out (text)
+ FI ;
+ IF out type = error message OR (warning option AND out type = warning message)
+ THEN note (text) ;
+ FI ;
+ IF listing enabled
+ THEN write (listing file, text)
+ FI
+ENDPROC out text ;
+PROC out line (INT CONST out type) :
+ INTERNAL 258 ;
+ IF online
+ THEN out (""13""10"")
+ FI ;
+ IF out type = error message
+ OR (warning option AND out type = warning message)
+ THEN note line
+ ELIF listing enabled
+ THEN line (listing file)
+ FI
+ENDPROC out line ;
+PROC prot (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ list option := TRUE ;
+ listing file name := file name ;
+ listing enabled := TRUE
+ENDPROC prot ;
+PROC prot off :
+ list option := FALSE ;
+ listing enabled := FALSE
+ENDPROC prot off ;
+BOOL PROC prot :
+ list option
+ENDPROC prot ;
+PROC check on :
+ check option := TRUE
+ENDPROC check on ;
+PROC check off :
+ check option := FALSE
+ENDPROC check off ;
+BOOL PROC check :
+ check option
+ENDPROC check ;
+PROC warnings on :
+ warning option := TRUE
+ENDPROC warnings on ;
+PROC warnings off :
+ warning option := FALSE
+ENDPROC warnings off ;
+BOOL PROC warnings :
+ warning option
+ENDPROC warnings ;
+ENDPACKET eumel coder ;
+PACKET dint2 DEFINES dint type :
+INT VAR dummy ;
+identify ("DINT", dummy, dummy, d) ;
+DTYPE CONST dint type := d
+ENDPACKET dint2 ;
diff --git a/basic/eumel0 codes b/basic/eumel0 codes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..226014c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/eumel0 codes
Binary files differ
diff --git a/basic/gen.BASIC b/basic/gen.BASIC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9690ae6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/basic/gen.BASIC
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(* *)
+(* Generatorprogramm zur Installation des EUMEL-BASIC-Systems *)
+(* *)
+(* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+(* Überarbeitet von: Michael Overdick *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand: 27.08.1987 *)
+(* *)
+LET coder name = "eumel coder 1.8.1";
+show headline;
+from archive ("BASIC.1", (coder name & "eumel0 codes") - all);
+from archive ("BASIC.2",
+ ("BASIC.Runtime" & "BASIC.Administration" & "BASIC.Compiler") - all);
+set status;
+insert ("eumel coder 1.8.1");
+insert ("BASIC.Runtime");
+insert ("BASIC.Administration");
+insert ("BASIC.Compiler");
+forget (coder name & "BASIC.Runtime"
+ & "BASIC.Administration" & "BASIC.Compiler" & "gen.BASIC");
+restore status;
+show end .
+show headline:
+ page;
+ putline (" "15"Einrichten des EUMEL-BASIC-Systems "14"");
+ line .
+set status:
+ BOOL VAR old check := check,
+ old warnings := warnings,
+ old command dialogue := command dialogue;
+ check off;
+ warnings off;
+ command dialogue (FALSE).
+restore status:
+ IF old check THEN do ("check on") ELSE do ("check off") FI;
+ IF old warnings THEN warnings on FI;
+ command dialogue (old command dialogue).
+show end:
+ line (2);
+ putline (" "15"BASIC-System installiert "14"");
+ line .
+PROC from archive (TEXT CONST name, THESAURUS CONST files):
+ IF highest entry (files) > 0
+ THEN ask for archive;
+ archive (name);
+ fetch (files, archive);
+ release (archive);
+ putline ("Archiv abgemeldet !")
+ FI .
+ask for archive:
+ line;
+ IF no ("Archiv """ + name + """ eingelegt")
+ THEN errorstop ("Archive nicht bereit") FI .
+END PROC from archive;
+THESAURUS OP & (TEXT CONST left, right):
+ THESAURUS VAR result := empty thesaurus;
+ insert (result, left);
+ insert (result, right);
+ result
+END OP &;
+ THESAURUS VAR result := left;
+ insert (result, right);
+ result
+END OP &;