path: root/devel/debug/1/src/trace
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
commit04e68443040c7abad84d66477e98f93bed701760 (patch)
tree2b6202afae659e773bf6916157d23e83edfa44e3 /devel/debug/1/src/trace
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/debug/1/src/trace')
1 files changed, 1020 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devel/debug/1/src/trace b/devel/debug/1/src/trace
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..773b5f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/debug/1/src/trace
@@ -0,0 +1,1020 @@
+PACKET trace DEFINES trace:
+(* Autor: G. Szalay *)
+(* E U M E L 0 - T R A C E *)
+(* Stand: 87-04-23 *)
+LET packet area = 0, stack area = 1, text opd maxlen = 14,
+ stdds = 0, info lines = 4, crlf = ""13""10"",
+ beep = ""7"", carriage return = ""13"", cursor up = ""3"",
+ std charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456
+ 7890<>.,:;-_+*!""�$%&/()=?'äÄöÖüÜ#^",
+ blanks = " ",
+ startindent = 10, indentincr = 2;
+BOOL VAR trap set := FALSE, trapped, initial call := TRUE, quit,
+ single step := FALSE, protocol := FALSE, cond br follows,
+ prot just started := FALSE, prot stopped := TRUE,
+ users error := FALSE, users stpdis, prot operands := TRUE,
+ nontraceable found, errorstop processing := FALSE,
+ std procs traceable := id (1) = 4 (* processor = 68000 *),
+ longcall to trace flag;
+INT VAR aret hi := 0, aret lo := 0, ic hi, ic lo, ic h, ic l, i,
+ atrap hi, atrap lo, nail1 hi, nail1 lo, nail2 hi, nail2 lo,
+ no of nails := 1, saved instr, saved instr w2,
+ saved1, saved1 w2, saved2, saved2 w2,
+ call to trace, call2 to trace, length of call to trace,
+ cmd, ilen, iclass, ilen1, iclass1, indentpos,
+ code addr modif, pbase, lbase, users lbase,
+ users errcode, users errline, old flags, flags,
+ module no, word, word1, word2, case, xpos, ypos,
+ cond br hi, cond br lo, maxlines:=12, lines,
+ opad hiword, opad hi, opad lo, opdds, br param, brcomp index,
+ ic off, opd ptr, int opd, text opd len, text opd tr len,
+ heap link, root word 2, no of results:=0,
+ no of nontraceables := 0, no of long nontraceables := 0,
+ pproc modno, pproc call, pproc ic lo := 0;
+ROW 3 INT VAR res ds, res opadh, res opadl;
+INT CONST lo byte mask := dec ("00ff"),
+ hi byte mask := dec ("ff00"),
+ branch param mask := dec ("87ff"),
+ opcode mask0 := dec ("83ff"),
+ opcode mask1 := dec ("7c00"),
+ bf mask1 := dec ("0040"),
+ ln br mask1 := dec ("7800"),
+ stpdis mask0 := dec ("ffbf"),
+ stpdis mask1 := dec ("0040"),
+ aritu mask1 := dec ("0010"),
+ error mask1 := dec ("0080"),
+ flags mask1 := dec ("00fc"),
+ mask 8000 := dec ("8000"),
+ mask 7fff := dec ("7fff"),
+ mask 7ffe := dec ("7ffe"),
+ mask 7f00 := dec ("7f00"),
+ mask 0400 := dec ("0400"),
+ mask fbff := dec ("fbff"),
+ mask 0007 := dec ("0007"),
+ mask fff8 := dec ("fff8"),
+ m l t start := dec ("0200"),
+ ln opcode := dec ("0000"),
+ br opcode := dec ("7000"),
+ rtn opcode := dec ("7f00"),
+ call opcode := dec ("7800"),
+ longcall opcode := dec ("ff78"),
+ pproc opcode := dec ("7f1e"),
+ estop opcode := dec ("7f4b"),
+ dstop opcode := dec ("7f4c");
+TEXT VAR buf, char, command, iname, iname1, ioplist, ioplist1, opd type,
+ opd buf, text opd, res types, users errmsg;
+(********* following OPs and PROCs may be used by TRACE only ***********)
+ out (a); out (" ")
+PROC putline (TEXT CONST a):
+ out (a); out (crlf)
+ENDPROC putline;
+PROC eval br addr (INT CONST br para hi, br para lo,
+ INT VAR br addr hi, br addr lo):
+ br param := dsgetw (stdds, br para hi, br para lo)
+ AND branch param mask;
+ br addr hi := br para hi;
+ br addr lo := (br para lo AND hi byte mask)
+ OR (br param AND lo byte mask);
+ IF NOT br within page
+ THEN rotate (br param, 8);
+ br param := br param AND lo byte mask;
+ rotate (br param, 1);
+ IF br param > 255
+ THEN br param INCR 1;
+ br param := br param AND 255
+ FI;
+ rotate (br param, 8);
+ br addr lo INCR br param;
+ word := br addr lo AND hi byte mask; rotate (word, 8);
+ IF word >= code addr modif
+ THEN br addr lo DECR dec("1000")
+ FI
+ FI.
+ br within page:
+ br param = (br param AND lo byte mask).
+ENDPROC eval br addr;
+PROC eval opd addr (INT CONST ic offset):
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS ic offset);
+ IF ic offset = 0
+ THEN word := word AND opcode mask0
+ FI;
+ IF global
+ THEN eval global addr
+ ELIF local
+ THEN eval local addr
+ ELSE eval ref addr
+ FI.
+ global: (word AND mask 8000) = 0.
+ local: (word AND 1) = 0.
+ eval global addr:
+ opdds := stdds;
+ opad hi := packet area;
+ opad hiword := opad hi;
+ opad lo := pbase PLUS word;
+ perhaps put opad.
+ eval local addr:
+ opdds := stdds;
+ opad hi := stack area;
+ opad hiword := opad hi;
+ word := word AND mask 7ffe; rotate (word, -1);
+ opad lo := users lbase PLUS word;
+ perhaps put opad.
+ eval ref addr:
+ eval local addr;
+ opad hiword := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, opad lo PLUS 1);
+ opad lo := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, opad lo);
+ opdds := opad hiword AND hi byte mask; rotate (opdds, 8);
+ opad hi := opad hiword AND lo byte mask;
+ perhaps put opad.
+perhaps put opad:
+ (* put("opad=" CT hex(opad hiword) CT hex(opad lo)) *) . (*for tests*)
+ENDPROC eval opd addr;
+PROC out int opd:
+ out (txt (int opd));
+ IF int opd < 0 OR int opd > 9
+ THEN out ("("); out (hex (int opd)); out (")")
+ FI
+ENDPROC out int opd;
+PROC fetch text opd:
+ root word 2 := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 1);
+ opd buf := subtext (blanks, 1, text opd maxlen + 2);
+ IF text on heap
+ THEN eval text from heap
+ ELSE eval text from root
+ FI;
+ convert nonstd chars;
+ text opd := """";
+ text opd CAT subtext (opd buf, 1, text opd tr len);
+ text opd CAT """";
+ IF text opd len > text opd tr len
+ THEN text opd CAT "(...";
+ text opd CAT txt (text opd len);
+ text opd CAT "B)"
+ FI.
+text on heap:
+ (root word 2 AND lo byte mask) = 255.
+eval text from root:
+ text opd len := root word 2 AND lo byte mask;
+ text opd tr len := min (text opd len, text opd maxlen);
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO text opd tr len DIV 2 + 1 REP
+ replace (opd buf, i, dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS i))
+ PER;
+ opd buf := subtext (opd buf, 2, text opd tr len + 1).
+eval text from heap:
+ rotate (root word 2, 8);
+ text opd len := root word 2 AND lo byte mask
+ OR (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 2) AND hi byte mask);
+ text opd tr len := min (text opd len, text opd maxlen);
+ heap link := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ rotate (heap link, 15);
+ opad hi := heap link AND mask 0007;
+ opad lo := heap link AND mask fff8;
+ IF opdds = stdds THEN opad lo INCR 2 FI;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO text opd tr len DIV 2 REP
+ replace (opd buf, i, dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS i))
+ PER;
+ opd buf := subtext (opd buf, 1, text opd tr len).
+convert nonstd chars:
+ i := 1;
+ WHILE i <= LENGTH opd buf REP
+ char := opd buf SUB i;
+ IF pos (std charset, char) = 0
+ THEN buf := txt (code (char));
+ opd buf := subtext (opd buf, 1, i-1) CT
+ """" CT buf CT """" CT
+ subtext (opd buf, i+1);
+ i INCR 2 + length (buf);
+ ELIF char = """"
+ THEN opd buf := subtext (opd buf, 1, i-1) CT """""" CT
+ subtext (opd buf, i+1);
+ i INCR 2
+ FI
+ PER;
+ text opd tr len := LENGTH opd buf.
+END PROC fetch text opd;
+ unsigned arith;
+ a + b
+PROC trace:
+ ROW 40 INT VAR dummy space for 20 pps;
+ get return address;
+ IF initial call
+ THEN save call to trace
+ ELSE process regular call
+ FI.
+get return address:
+ lbase:=local base;
+ users lbase := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase);
+ aret lo := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase+1);
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase+2);
+ aret hi := word AND 3;
+ flags := word AND flags mask1;
+ ic hi := aret hi; ic lo := aret lo.
+save call to trace:
+ call to trace := dsgetw (stdds, aret hi, aret lo - 1);
+ IF (call to trace AND opcode mask1) = call opcode
+ THEN length of call to trace := 1;
+ longcall to trace flag := FALSE
+ ELSE call2 to trace := call to trace;
+ call to trace := dsgetw (stdds, aret hi, aret lo - 2);
+ length of call to trace := 2;
+ longcall to trace flag := TRUE;
+ putline ("WARNING: call to trace needs 2 words!!!")
+ FI;
+ initial call := FALSE.
+process regular call:
+ IF protocol
+ THEN pull old nails
+ ELSE indentpos := startindent; cond br follows := FALSE
+ FI;
+ get users error state and set modes for trace;
+ IF NOT errorstop processing
+ THEN normal processing of instructions
+ ELSE errorstop processing := FALSE
+ FI;
+ handle possible trace errors;
+ IF NOT protocol THEN restore users error state FI.
+normal processing of instructions:
+ trapped := trap set AND atrap lo = ic lo - length of call to trace
+ AND atrap hi = ic hi;
+ IF protocol THEN postprocess protocol FI;
+ IF trapped THEN handle trap FI;
+ IF protocol OR trapped
+ THEN ic lo DECR length of call to trace;
+ update icount on stack
+ FI;
+ IF trapped OR NOT protocol OR single step OR incharety <> ""
+ OR lines >= maxlines
+ THEN quit := FALSE; protocol := FALSE; single step := FALSE; lines := 0;
+ REP ask for next action;
+ execute command
+ UNTIL quit PER
+ FI;
+ IF protocol THEN protocol instruction and set nails FI.
+get users error state and set modes for trace:
+ signed arith;
+ IF NOT protocol
+ THEN users error := (flags AND error mask1) <> 0;
+ users stpdis := (flags AND stpdis mask1) <> 0;
+ IF users error
+ THEN save users error state; clear error;
+ line; putline ("trace called with user error " CT
+ txt (users errcode) CT ": " CT users errmsg)
+ ELSE disable stop
+ FI
+ ELIF is error
+ THEN IF first occurrence
+ THEN users error := TRUE;
+ save users error state;
+ line;
+ putline ("trace detected user error " CT
+ txt (users errcode) CT ": " CT users errmsg);
+ IF users stpdis
+ THEN out ("(stop disabled)")
+ ELSE errorstop processing := TRUE; stop op;
+ IF protocol THEN set nail1 FI
+ FI
+ ELSE line;
+ putline ("trace detected user error " CT
+ txt (error code) CT ": " CT error message);
+ out ("(ignored because of previous error(s)) ");
+ FI;
+ clear error
+ ELSE IF (flags AND stpdis mask1) = 0
+ THEN set stpdis flag on stack; disable stop
+ FI
+ FI.
+first occurrence: NOT users error.
+save users error state:
+ users errmsg := error message;
+ users errline := error line;
+ users errcode := error code.
+handle possible trace errors:
+ IF is error
+ THEN line;
+ putline ("TRACE error " CT txt (error code)
+ CT " at line " CT txt (error line)
+ CT ": " CT error message);
+ clear error
+ FI.
+restore users error state:
+ IF users error
+ THEN error stop (users errcode, users errmsg);
+ users error := FALSE
+ FI;
+ restore users stpdis flag on stack.
+handle trap:
+ put trap message;
+ restore instruction;
+ trap set := FALSE.
+put trap message:
+ putline ("trap at address " CT txt (atrap hi) CT hex (atrap lo)).
+restore instruction:
+ dsputw (stdds, atrap hi, atrap lo, saved instr);
+ IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN dsputw (stdds, atrap hi, atrap lo PLUS 1, saved instr w2)
+ FI.
+postprocess protocol:
+ IF prot operands THEN protocol result operands FI;
+ line; lines INCR 1;
+ IF cond br follows THEN protocol cond br op; cond br follows := FALSE FI.
+protocol cond br op:
+ outsubtext (blanks, 1, indentpos);
+ out (txt (cond br hi)); out (hex (cond br lo)); out (": ");
+ word := dsget2b (stdds, cond br hi, cond br lo);
+ IF (word AND bf mask1) <> 0
+ THEN out ("BF ")
+ ELSE out ("BT ")
+ FI;
+ putline (hex (word)); lines INCR 1.
+pull old nails:
+ dsputw (stdds, nail1 hi, nail1 lo, saved1);
+ IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN dsputw (stdds, nail1 hi, nail1 lo PLUS 1, saved1 w2)
+ FI;
+ IF no of nails = 2
+ THEN dsputw (stdds, nail2 hi, nail2 lo, saved2);
+ IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN dsputw (stdds, nail2 hi, nail2 lo PLUS 1, saved2 w2)
+ FI;
+ no of nails := 1
+ FI.
+update icount on stack:
+ dsputw (stdds, 1, lbase + 1, ic lo).
+ask for next action:
+ putline (""15"" CT
+ "TRACE: step, more, trap, regs, lines, info, disasm, or quit"14"");
+ inchar (command).
+execute command:
+ cmd := pos ("tidqmsrl", command);
+ CASE 1: set address trap; prot stopped := TRUE
+ CASE 2: info (stdds, ic hi, ic lo, info lines); prot stopped := TRUE
+ CASE 3: disasm (ic hi, ic lo); prot stopped := TRUE
+ CASE 4: quit := TRUE; prot stopped := TRUE
+ CASE 5: initialize protocol; single step := FALSE;
+ quit := TRUE
+ CASE 6: initialize protocol; single step := TRUE;
+ quit := TRUE
+ CASE 7: show registers; prot stopped := TRUE
+ CASE 8: set new line count; prot stopped := TRUE
+ OTHERWISE out(beep CT carriage return CT cursor up)
+set new line count:
+ out ("lines="); gethex (buf); maxlines := dec (buf).
+set address trap:
+ IF trap set
+ THEN putline ("current trap address: " CT txt (atrap hi) CT hex (atrap lo));
+ out ("type <CR> to confirm, or ")
+ ELSE out ("type ")
+ FI;
+ out ("new trap addr (");
+ IF std procs traceable THEN out ("2") ELSE out ("3") FI;
+ out ("0000...3ffff), or 0 for no trap:");
+ gethex (buf);
+ IF buf <> ""
+ THEN IF trap set THEN restore instruction; trap set := FALSE FI;
+ buf:="0000" CT buf;
+ atrap hi := dec (subtext (buf, LENGTH buf-7, LENGTH buf-4));
+ atrap lo := dec (subtext (buf, LENGTH buf-3));
+ IF atrap hi=3 OR atrap hi=2 AND std procs traceable
+ THEN saved instr := dsgetw (stdds, atrap hi, atrap lo);
+ dsputw (stdds, atrap hi, atrap lo, call to trace);
+ IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN saved instr w2 := dsgetw (stdds, atrap hi, atrap lo PLUS 1);
+ dsputw (stdds, atrap hi, atrap lo PLUS 1, call2 to trace);
+ FI;
+ trap set := TRUE
+ ELIF NOT (atrap hi=0 AND atrap lo=0)
+ THEN out (beep); putline ("address not in above range")
+ FI
+ ELSE IF NOT trap set THEN out (beep); putline ("no trap specified") FI
+ FI.
+initialize protocol:
+ pbase := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 2) AND hi byte mask;
+ code addr modif := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 3)
+ AND lo byte mask;
+ set stpdis flag on stack;
+ prot just started := TRUE;
+ protocol := TRUE.
+set stpdis flag on stack:
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 2);
+ dsputw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 2, word OR stpdis mask1).
+restore users stpdis flag on stack:
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 2) AND stpdis mask0;
+ IF users stpdis THEN word := word OR stpdis mask1 FI;
+ dsputw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 2, word).
+protocol instruction and set nails:
+ protocol instr;
+ SELECT iclass OF
+ CASE 0: standard ops
+ CASE 1: cond branch ops
+ CASE 2: branch ops
+ CASE 3: comp branch op
+ CASE 4: call op
+ CASE 5: exec op
+ CASE 6: pcall op
+ CASE 7: return ops
+ CASE 8: penter op
+ CASE 9: pp ops
+ CASE 10: line ops
+ CASE 11: stop ops
+ CASE 12: ke op
+ CASE 13: clrerr op
+ OTHERWISE: wrong ops
+ IF protocol THEN set nail1 FI.
+protocol instr:
+ word1 := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo);
+ disa (ic hi, ic lo, iname, ioplist, ilen, iclass);
+ protocol this instr.
+protocol this instr:
+ possibly delete command line;
+ outsubtext (blanks, 1, indentpos);
+ ic h := ic hi; ic l := ic lo;
+ out (txt (ic h)); out (hex (ic l)); out (": ");
+ out (iname); out (" ");
+ IF ilen > 0
+ REP out (hex (dsget2b (stdds, ic h, ic l))); out (" ");
+ ic l INCR 1 PER
+ ELSE out (hex (dsget2b (stdds, ic h, ic l))); out (" ")
+ FI;
+ IF prot operands THEN protocol operands FI.
+possibly delete command line:
+ IF prot just started
+ THEN prot just started := FALSE;
+ IF prot stopped
+ THEN prot stopped := FALSE
+ ELSE delete command line
+ FI
+ FI.
+delete command line:
+ get cursor (xpos, ypos); cursor (1, ypos-1); out(""4"").
+protocol operands:
+ out (" ");
+ IF (word1 AND mask 7f00) = mask 7f00
+ THEN ic off := 1
+ ELSE ic off := 0
+ FI;
+ res types := "";
+ no of results := 0;
+ FOR opd ptr FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH ioplist REP
+ opd type := ioplist SUB opd ptr;
+ IF opd type <> " "
+ THEN case := pos ("irtdpahIRTDPEH", opd type);
+ IF case > 0
+ THEN eval opd addr (ic off);
+ SELECT case OF
+ CASE 1: prot int rd opd
+ CASE 2: prot real rd opd
+ CASE 3: prot text rd opd
+ CASE 4: prot dataspace rd opd
+ CASE 5: prot task rd opd
+ CASE 6: prot virt addr
+ CASE 7: prot hex rd opd
+ OTHERWISE save res type
+ FI;
+ ic off INCR 1
+ FI
+ UNTIL opd type = " " PER.
+save res type:
+ res types CAT opd type;
+ no of results INCR 1;
+ res ds (no of results) := opdds;
+ res opadh (no of results) := opad hi;
+ res opadl (no of results) := opad lo.
+protocol result operands:
+ FOR opd ptr FROM 1 UPTO no of results REP prot this result PER.
+prot this result:
+ opdds := res ds (opd ptr);
+ opad hi := res opadh (opd ptr);
+ opad lo := res opadl (opd ptr);
+ opd type := res types SUB opd ptr;
+ SELECT pos ("IRTDPEH", opd type) OF
+ CASE 1: prot int result
+ CASE 2: prot real result
+ CASE 3: prot text result
+ CASE 4: prot dataspace result
+ CASE 5: prot task result
+ CASE 6: prot eva result
+ CASE 7: prot hex result
+ OTHERWISE out (opd type CT "(???) ")
+prot int rd opd:
+ int opd := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ out (">"); out int opd; out (" ").
+prot int result:
+ int opd := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ out int opd; out ("> ").
+prot hex rd opd:
+ int opd := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ out (">"); out (hex (int opd)); out (" ").
+prot hex result:
+ int opd := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ out (hex (int opd)); out ("> ").
+prot real rd opd:
+ out (">");
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo)));
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 1)));
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 2)));
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 3))); out (" ").
+prot real result:
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo)));
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 1)));
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 2)));
+ out (hex (dsget2b (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 3)));
+ out ("> ").
+prot text rd opd:
+ fetch text opd;
+ out (">"); out (text opd); out (" ").
+prot text result:
+ fetch text opd;
+ out (text opd); out ("> ").
+prot dataspace rd opd:
+ int opd := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ out (">"); out (hex (int opd)); out (" ").
+prot dataspace result:
+ int opd := dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ out (hex (int opd)); out ("> ").
+prot task rd opd:
+ out (">"); out (hex (dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo)));
+ out ("/"); out (hex (dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 1))); out (" ").
+prot task result:
+ out (hex (dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo))); out ("/");
+ out (hex (dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 1))); out ("> ").
+prot virt addr:
+ out (">"); out (hex (opad hiword)); out (hex (opad lo)); out (" ").
+prot eva result:
+ out (hex (dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo PLUS 1)));
+ out (hex (dsgetw (opdds, opad hi, opad lo)));
+ out (">").
+standard ops:
+ nail1 hi := ic hi; nail1 lo := ic lo PLUS ilen.
+set nail1:
+ saved1 := dsgetw (stdds, nail1 hi, nail1 lo);
+ dsputw (stdds, nail1 hi, nail1 lo, call to trace);
+ IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN saved1 w2 := dsgetw (stdds, nail1 hi, nail1 lo PLUS 1);
+ dsputw (stdds, nail1 hi, nail1 lo PLUS 1, call2 to trace)
+ FI.
+set nail2:
+ saved2 := dsgetw (stdds, nail2 hi, nail2 lo);
+ dsputw (stdds, nail2 hi, nail2 lo, call to trace);
+ IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN saved2 w2 := dsgetw (stdds, nail2 hi, nail2 lo PLUS 1);
+ dsputw (stdds, nail2 hi, nail2 lo PLUS 1, call2 to trace)
+ FI.
+cond branch ops:
+ cond br follows := TRUE;
+ cond br hi := ic hi; cond br lo := ic lo PLUS ilen;
+ nail1 hi := cond br hi; nail1 lo := cond br lo PLUS 1;
+ eval br addr (cond br hi, cond br lo, nail2 hi, nail2 lo);
+ no of nails := 2; set nail2.
+branch ops:
+ eval br addr (ic hi, ic lo, nail1 hi, nail1 lo).
+comp branch op:
+ eval opd addr (1);
+ brcomp index := dsgetw (stdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ IF brcomp index < 0 OR brcomp index >= dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS 2)
+ THEN brcomp index := -1
+ FI;
+ nail1 hi := ic hi;
+ nail1 lo := ic lo PLUS ilen PLUS brcomp index PLUS 1.
+call op:
+ eval module no;
+ call or exec.
+call or exec:
+ IF module no < 1280 AND NOT std procs traceable
+ THEN possibly append proc head;
+ out (" (*n.t.*)");
+ nontraceable found := TRUE
+ ELSE check for nontraceable
+ FI;
+ IF NOT nontraceable found
+ THEN restore users stpdis flag on stack;
+ get proc address via module link table;
+ possibly append proc head;
+ indentpos INCR indentincr;
+ nail1 hi := ic hi; nail1 lo := ic lo PLUS 1 (*nail behind head*)
+ ELIF call to trace found
+ THEN skip instruction
+ ELIF possibly call to bool proc
+ THEN cond branch ops
+ ELSE standard ops
+ FI.
+eval module no:
+ IF word1 = longcall opcode
+ THEN module no := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS 1)
+ ELSE module no := word1 AND opcode mask0;
+ IF (module no AND mask 8000) <> 0
+ THEN module no := module no AND mask 7fff OR mask 0400
+ FI
+ FI.
+check for nontraceable:
+ nontraceable found := FALSE;
+ IF word1 = longcall opcode
+ THEN word2 := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS 1);
+ FOR j FROM 1 UPTO no of long nontraceables REP
+ IF word 2 = call2 to nontraceables (j)
+ THEN out (names of long nontraceables (j));
+ nontraceable found := TRUE
+ FI
+ UNTIL nontraceable found PER
+ ELSE FOR j FROM 1 UPTO no of nontraceables REP
+ IF word1 = calls to nontraceables (j)
+ THEN out (names of short nontraceables (j));
+ nontraceable found := TRUE
+ FI
+ UNTIL nontraceable found PER
+ FI.
+get proc address via module link table:
+ IF module no < 1280 THEN ic hi := 2 ELSE ic hi := 3 FI;
+ ic lo := dsgetw (stdds, packet area, m l t start + module no).
+possibly append proc head:
+ out (proc head (module no)).
+skip instruction:
+ ic lo INCR ilen; update icount on stack;
+ nail1 hi := ic hi; nail1 lo := ic lo.
+possibly call to bool proc:
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS ilen) AND ln br mask1;
+ word = ln opcode OR word = br opcode.
+exec op:
+ eval opd addr (1);
+ module no := dsgetw (stdds, opad hi, opad lo);
+ call or exec.
+pcall op:
+ eval opd addr (1);
+ IF opad lo = 2 AND NOT std procs traceable
+ THEN out (" (*n.t.*)");
+ nontraceable found := TRUE
+ ELSE check for nontraceable pproc
+ FI;
+ IF NOT nontraceable found
+ THEN restore users stpdis flag on stack;
+ possibly append proc head for pproc;
+ indentpos INCR indentincr;
+ nail1 hi := opad hi; nail1 lo := opad lo PLUS 1 (*nail behind head*)
+(*ELIF word1 = call to trace
+ THEN skip instruction *)
+ ELIF possibly call to bool proc
+ THEN cond branch ops
+ ELSE standard ops
+ FI.
+check for nontraceable pproc:
+ nontraceable found := FALSE;
+ IF opad lo = pproc ic lo
+ THEN FOR j FROM 1 UPTO no of nontraceables REP
+ IF pproc call = calls to nontraceables (j)
+ THEN out (names of nontraceables (j));
+ nontraceable found := TRUE
+ FI
+ UNTIL nontraceable found PER
+ ELSE nontraceable found := TRUE (*to be on the secure side*)
+ FI.
+possibly append proc head for pproc:
+ IF opad lo = pproc ic lo
+ THEN out (proc head (pproc modno))
+ FI.
+return ops:
+ fetch eumel0 regs of caller from users stack;
+ out ("--> ");
+ put users flags;
+ IF (old flags AND aritu mask1) <> 0
+ THEN put ("ARITU")
+ ELSE put ("ARITS")
+ FI;
+ IF nontraceable caller
+ THEN line; putline ("trace ended by returning to nontraceable caller");
+ protocol := FALSE; prot stopped := TRUE
+ ELIF users error AND NOT users stpdis
+ THEN stop op
+ ELSE set nail for return ops
+ FI.
+set nail for return ops:
+ IF word1 = rtn opcode
+ THEN nail1 hi := ic hi; nail1 lo := ic lo
+ ELSE nail1 hi := ic hi; nail1 lo := ic lo PLUS 1;
+ eval br addr (ic hi, ic lo, nail2 hi, nail2 lo);
+ no of nails := 2; set nail2
+ FI.
+penter op:
+ pbase := word1 AND lo byte mask; rotate (pbase, 8);
+ standard ops.
+line ops:
+ standard ops.
+stop ops:
+ IF word1 = estop opcode
+ THEN users stpdis := FALSE;
+ IF users error THEN stop op ELSE standard ops FI
+ ELIF word1 = dstop opcode
+ THEN users stpdis := TRUE; standard ops
+ ELSE stop op
+ FI.
+clrerr op:
+ users error := FALSE; standard ops.
+ke op:
+ skip instruction;
+ line; putline ("INFO: ke");
+ info (stdds, ic hi, ic lo, info lines);
+ single step := TRUE.
+pp ops:
+ save modno and ic lo if pproc;
+ look at next instr;
+ WHILE iclass1 = 9 REP
+ ic lo INCR ilen; iname := iname1; ioplist := ioplist1;
+ ilen := ilen1; iclass := iclass1;
+ line; lines INCR 1;
+ protocol this instr;
+ save modno and ic lo if pproc; (*only the first one will be saved!!!*)
+ look at next instr
+ PER;
+ standard ops.
+save modno and ic lo if pproc:
+ IF word1 = pproc opcode
+ THEN pproc modno := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS 1);
+ IF pproc modno < 256
+ THEN putline ("*** this looks like a compiler error ***");
+ protocol := FALSE; prot stopped := TRUE; users error := TRUE;
+ users errcode := 0; users errmsg := ("maybe a compiler error");
+ LEAVE normal processing of instructions
+ ELIF (pproc modno AND mask 0400) <> 0
+ THEN word := (pproc modno AND mask fbff) OR mask 8000
+ ELSE word := pproc modno
+ FI;
+ pproc call := word OR opcode mask1;
+ pproc ic lo := dsgetw (stdds, packet area, m l t start + pproc modno)
+ FI.
+look at next instr:
+ word1 := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS ilen);
+ disa (ic hi, ic lo PLUS ilen, iname1, ioplist1, ilen1, iclass1).
+wrong ops:
+ putline ("**** das kann ich (noch) nicht!!! ***");
+ info (stdds, ic hi, ic lo, info lines);
+ protocol := FALSE.
+show registers:
+ pbase := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 2) AND hi byte mask;
+ code addr modif := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, lbase + 3)
+ AND lo byte mask;
+ putline ("----------------- EUMEL0-registers: ------------------");
+ put ("icount=" CT txt (ic hi) CT hex (ic lo) CT
+ " lbase=1" CT hex (users lbase) CT " pbase=" CT hex (pbase));
+ put users flags;
+ IF (flags AND aritu mask1) <> 0
+ THEN putline ("ARITU")
+ ELSE putline ("ARITS")
+ FI.
+put users flags:
+ IF users stpdis
+ THEN put ("STPDIS")
+ ELSE put ("STOPEN")
+ FI;
+ IF users error
+ THEN put ("ERROR")
+ ELSE put ("NOERR")
+ FI.
+ENDPROC trace;
+PROC stop op:
+ line;
+ suppress result protocolling;
+ REP outsubtext (blanks, 1, indentpos);
+ fetch eumel0 regs of caller from users stack;
+ out ("stop/error induced return to addr ");
+ out (txt (ic hi)); out (hex (ic lo));
+ IF users stpdis
+ THEN putline (" (STPDIS)")
+ ELSE putline (" (STOPEN)")
+ FI;
+ lines INCR 1;
+ IF nontraceable caller
+ THEN putline ("trace ended by returning to nontraceable caller");
+ protocol := FALSE; prot stopped := TRUE
+ ELIF users stpdis
+ THEN copy stack of disabled caller to tracers stack
+ ELSE users lbase := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, users lbase)
+ FI
+ UNTIL users stpdis OR NOT protocol PER;
+ nail1 hi := ic hi; nail1 lo := ic lo.
+suppress result protocolling:
+ no of results := 0.
+copy stack of disabled caller to tracers stack:
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, users lbase + i - 1);
+ dsputw (stdds, stack area, lbase + i - 1, word)
+ PER.
+ENDPROC stop op;
+i n i t i a l i z e t r a c e.
+nontraceable caller:
+ ic hi = 2 AND NOT std procs traceable
+ OR (old flags AND aritu mask1) <> 0 AND (flags AND aritu mask1) = 0.
+fetch eumel0 regs of caller from users stack:
+ indentpos DECR indentincr;
+ ic lo := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, users lbase + 1);
+ word := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, users lbase + 2);
+ ic hi := word AND 3;
+ old flags := word AND flags mask1;
+ users stpdis := (old flags AND stpdis mask1) <> 0;
+ pbase := word AND hi byte mask;
+ code addr modif := dsgetw (stdds, stack area, users lbase + 3)
+ AND lo byte mask.
+initialize trace:
+ LET maxno of nontraceables = 20;
+ INT VAR int, j;
+ TEXT VAR text;
+ ROW maxno of nontraceables TEXT VAR names of nontraceables;
+ ROW maxno of nontraceables TEXT VAR names of short nontraceables;
+ ROW maxno of nontraceables TEXT VAR names of long nontraceables;
+ ROW maxno of nontraceables INT VAR calls to nontraceables;
+ ROW maxno of nontraceables INT VAR call2 to nontraceables;
+ putline("initializing ""trace"" ...");
+ names of nontraceables (1) := "disa (I,I,T,T,I,I) (*n.t.*)";
+ names of nontraceables (2) := "disasm (I,I) (*n.t.*)";
+ names of nontraceables (3) := "info (I,I,I,I) (*n.t.*)";
+ names of nontraceables (4) := "dec (T) (*n.t.*)";
+ names of nontraceables (5) := "hex (I) (*n.t.*)";
+ names of nontraceables (6) := "dsget2b (I,I,I) (*n.t.*)";
+ names of nontraceables (7) := "trace (*ignored*)";
+ trace; (* initialize 'call to trace', 'ic hi' and 'ic lo' *)
+ disa (int, int, text, text, int, int);
+ disasm (int, int);
+ info (int, int, int, int);
+ int := dec (text);
+ text := hex (int);
+ int := dsget2b (int, int, int);
+ trace (****** must be the last one !!! *****)
+ FI;
+ FOR j FROM 1 UPTO maxno of nontraceables REP
+ REP ic lo INCR 1;
+ word1 := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo)
+ UNTIL call opcode found PER;
+ IF word1 <> longcall opcode
+ THEN no of nontraceables INCR 1;
+ calls to nontraceables (no of nontraceables) := word1;
+ names of short nontraceables (no of nontraceables) :=
+ names of nontraceables (j)
+ ELSE no of long nontraceables INCR 1;
+ word2 := dsgetw (stdds, ic hi, ic lo PLUS 1); ic lo INCR 1;
+ call2 to nontraceables (no of long nontraceables) := word2;
+ names of long nontraceables (no of long nontraceables) :=
+ names of nontraceables (j)
+ FI
+ UNTIL call to trace found
+ OR no of nontraceables = maxno of nontraceables
+ OR no of long nontraceables = maxno of nontraceables PER;
+ putline ("""trace"" initialized:");
+ putline (" " CT txt (no of nontraceables)
+ CT " nontraceable shortcalls");
+ putline (" " CT txt (no of long nontraceables)
+ CT " nontraceable longcalls");
+ IF no of nontraceables = maxno of nontraceables
+ OR no of long nontraceables = maxno of nontraceables
+ THEN errorstop ("too many nontraceables")
+ ELSE test trace
+ FI.
+call opcode found:
+ (word1 AND opcode mask1) = call opcode OR word1 = longcall opcode.
+call to trace found:
+ IF word1 = call to trace
+ THEN IF longcall to trace flag
+ THEN word2 = call2 to trace
+ FI
+ FI.
+test trace:.
+END PACKET trace;