path: root/lang/dynamo/1.8.7/src/dyn.plot
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
commit04e68443040c7abad84d66477e98f93bed701760 (patch)
tree2b6202afae659e773bf6916157d23e83edfa44e3 /lang/dynamo/1.8.7/src/dyn.plot
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'lang/dynamo/1.8.7/src/dyn.plot')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lang/dynamo/1.8.7/src/dyn.plot b/lang/dynamo/1.8.7/src/dyn.plot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe1228a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/dynamo/1.8.7/src/dyn.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+PACKET dynamo plotter (* Ă„nder.: C.Szymanski, 21.07.88 *)
+ DEFINES b initialize plot, b new plot line, b plot, b end of program,
+ b plot scale :
+LET maxvalue = 200,
+ valuepagelength = 18,
+ max param numb = 10;
+ INT scale pointer,
+ REAL lower bound, upper bound,
+ BOOL l fixed scale, u fixed scale);
+ROW max param numb PLOTPARAM VAR plotparam;(* Enth. Plotparameter *)
+ROW maxvalue REAL VAR value; (* Ausgabepuffer *)
+ROW max param numb ROW 5 REAL VAR scale; (* Enth. errechnete Skalierungen *)
+BOOL VAR plt;
+TEXT VAR headline;
+REAL VAR pltper, nextplot;
+INT VAR value no, param no, plot line no,
+ plot param no, line no;
+INT CONST nil := 0;
+LET line1 = ".____________.____________.____________.____________.",
+ line2 = ". . . . .";
+PROC plot one page :
+ init plot routine;
+ plot values.
+ init plot routine :
+ print suppressed output;
+ plot line no := nil.
+ plot values :
+ INT VAR act value := 1, i;
+ TEXT VAR plot buf;
+ line;
+ vdt;
+ line;
+ IF b stop request THEN LEAVE plot one page END IF;
+ sys page;
+ plot output (headline);
+ put scales;
+ WHILE act value < value no REP
+ put time;
+ gen line;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO plot param no REP
+ plot single value
+ plot output (plot buf + line0 + collision);
+ plot line no INCR 1;
+ act value INCR plot param no;
+ act value INCR 1
+ put time :
+ plot buf := text (text (round (value (act value), 2)), 6).
+ (* Erstes Pufferelement enthaelt time *)
+ gen line :
+ TEXT VAR line0, collision := "";
+ line0 := act line.
+ act line :
+ IF (plot line no MOD 5) = nil (* Prueft, ob gestrichelte oder durch - *)
+ THEN line1 (* gezogene Linie gedruckt wird *)
+ ELSE line2
+ FI.
+ plot single value :
+ INT VAR position := int ((x-low)*53.0/(up-low))+1; (*Interpolationsformel*)
+ position := limit;
+ IF pos ("._ ", line0 SUB position) > nil
+ THEN replace (line0, position, plotparam (i).id)
+ ELSE collision CAT plotparam (i).id
+ FI.
+ limit :
+ IF position > 53
+ THEN 53
+ ELIF position < 1
+ THEN 1
+ ELSE position
+ FI.
+ up :
+ scale (i) (5). (* Oberer Grenzwert (der Skalierung) *)
+ low :
+ scale (i) (1). (* Unterer Grenzwert *)
+ x :
+ value (act value + i).
+ put scales : (* Gibt Skalierung der Variablen aus *)
+ INT VAR j := 1, l, scalecounter;
+ WHILE j <= plot param no REP
+ plot buf := " ";
+ plot buf CAT text (text (scale (j) (l)), 13)
+ plot buf CAT text (scale (j) (5));
+ scalecounter := plotparam (j).scalepointer;
+ WHILE scalecounter = plotparam (j).scalepointer REP
+ plot buf CAT plotparam (j).id;
+ j INCR 1
+ UNTIL j > max param numb END REP;
+ plot output (plot buf)
+END PROC plot one page;
+PROC b plot scale (TEXT CONST id, INT CONST scale pointer,
+ REAL CONST lower bound, upper bound,
+ BOOL CONST l fixed scale, u fixed scale) :
+ (* Liest Skalierungen vom Zielprogramm ein *)
+ plot param no INCR 1;
+ plot param (plot param no).id := id; (*Variablenname *)
+ plot param (plot param no).scale pointer := scale pointer;(*Zeiger *)
+ plot param (plot param no).lower bound := lower bound; (*Obere Grenze *)
+ plot param (plot param no).upper bound := upper bound; (*Untere Grenze *)
+ plot param (plot param no).l fixed scale := l fixed scale;(*Fix-Skalierung*)
+ plot param (plot param no).u fixed scale := u fixed scale;
+END PROC b plot scale;
+PROC gen scales :
+ INT VAR act param, i; (* Generiert Skalierungen fuer eine Seite *)
+ FOR act param FROM 1 UPTO plot param no REP
+ compute single scale
+ compute single scale :
+ REAL VAR max := plotparam(plot param(act param).scale pointer).upper bound,
+ min := plotparam(plot param(act param).scale pointer).lower bound;
+ IF min > max THEN errorstop ("invalid scale") FI;
+ compute extreme scales;
+ scale (act param) (i+1) := (scale (act param) (5) - scale (act param) (1))
+ * real (i) / 4.0 + scale (act param) (1)
+ (* Interpolationsformel *)
+ compute extreme scales :
+ (* Wenn die Skalierungen nicht gegeben sind, muessen sie berechnet werden.
+ Zur leichteren Lesbarkeit werden die Skalierungen nach oben bzw. unten
+ um jeweils eine Stelle gerundet *)
+ scale (act param) (5) := upper limit;
+ scale (act param) (1) := lower limit.
+ upper limit :
+ IF plot param (plot param (act param).scale pointer).u fixed scale
+ THEN max
+ ELSE round (floor (max) + 0.5, 0)
+ FI.
+ lower limit :
+ IF plot param (plot param (act param).scale pointer).l fixed scale
+ THEN min
+ ELSE round (floor (min) - 0.5, 0)
+ FI.
+END PROC gen scales;
+PROC b initialize plot (TEXT CONST h) :
+ headline := h;
+ pltper := get pltper;
+ plot line no := value pagelength;
+ nextplot := 0.0;
+ value no := nil;
+ line no := nil;
+ plot param no := nil
+END PROC b initialize plot;
+PROC b new plot line (REAL CONST time) :
+ plt := time >= nextplot;
+ IF plt (* Wird vom Zielprogramm aufgerufen, um *)
+ THEN add (time); (* Zeilenvorschub durchzufuehren *)
+ line no INCR 1;
+ param no := nil
+ FI;
+ WHILE time >= nextplot REP (* Ist noetig, weil pltper ungleich dt sein *)
+ nextplot INCR pltper (* kann *)
+END PROC b new plot line;
+PROC b end of program : (* Druckt am Schluss evt. noch gepufferte *)
+ IF plot line no = value page length AND NOT stop request (* Werte aus *)
+ THEN gen scales;
+ plot one page
+ FI
+END PROC b end of program;
+PROC b plot (REAL CONST r) :
+ IF plt (* Wenn genuegend PLOT-Werte gepuffert *)
+ THEN get extreme value; (* sind, wird eine neue Seite gedruckt *)
+ add (r);
+ IF param no = plot param no AND line no = value pagelength
+ THEN gen scales;
+ plot one page;
+ value no := nil;
+ line no := nil
+ FI
+ FI.
+ get extreme value :
+ (* Sucht Maximal bzw. Minimalwert, falls keine festen Skalierungs- *)
+ (* grenzen angegeben wurden (im Quellprogramm)*)
+ param no INCR 1;
+ INT VAR act pointer := plot param (param no).scalepointer;
+ set lower bound;
+ set upper bound.
+ set lower bound :
+ IF NOT plot param (act pointer).l fixed scale AND
+ r < plot param (act pointer).lower bound
+ THEN plot param (act pointer).lower bound := r
+ FI.
+ set upper bound :
+ IF NOT plot param (act pointer).u fixed scale AND
+ r > plot param (act pointer).upper bound
+ THEN plot param (act pointer).upper bound := r
+ FI.
+END PROC b plot;
+PROC add (REAL CONST r) : (* Puffert PLOT-Werte *)
+ value no INCR 1;
+ value (value no) := r
+END PROC add;
+END PACKET dynamo plotter;