path: root/lang/lisp/1.8.7/src/lisp.3
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authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
commit04e68443040c7abad84d66477e98f93bed701760 (patch)
tree2b6202afae659e773bf6916157d23e83edfa44e3 /lang/lisp/1.8.7/src/lisp.3
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'lang/lisp/1.8.7/src/lisp.3')
1 files changed, 767 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lang/lisp/1.8.7/src/lisp.3 b/lang/lisp/1.8.7/src/lisp.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a93463c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lang/lisp/1.8.7/src/lisp.3
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+PACKET lisp heap maintenance (* Autor: J.Durchholz *)
+ (* Datum: 09.05.1984 *)
+ DEFINES (* Version 1.7.2 *)
+ (* Testhilfe *)
+ create lisp system, (* hey, 02.3.83 : 121,334,542,732 *)
+ dump oblist:
+PROC create lisp system (FILE VAR f, DATASPACE CONST new heap):
+ initialize lisp system (new heap);
+ input (f);
+ WHILE NOT eof (f) REP
+ TEXT VAR name;
+ get (f, name);
+ SYM CONST s :: new atom (name);
+ get (f, name);
+ SYM CONST property name :: new atom (name);
+ IF NOT null (property name) THEN
+ SYM VAR property;
+ get (f, property);
+ add property (s, property name, property)
+ FI
+END PROC create lisp system;
+PROC dump oblist (FILE VAR f):
+ begin oblist dump;
+ SYM CONST actual atom :: next atom;
+ put line (f, name (actual atom));
+ dump property list
+ UNTIL null (actual atom) PER.
+dump property list:
+ begin property list dump (actual atom);
+ SYM VAR id, value;
+ next property (id, value);
+ write (f, " ");
+ write (f, name (id));
+ write (f, " ");
+ write (f, name (value));
+ line (f)
+ UNTIL null (id) AND null (value) PER.
+END PROC dump oblist;
+PROC dump oblist:
+ begin oblist dump;
+ SYM CONST actual atom :: next atom;
+ put line (name (actual atom));
+ dump property list
+ UNTIL null (actual atom) PER.
+dump property list:
+ begin property list dump (actual atom);
+ SYM VAR id, value;
+ next property (id, value);
+ out (" ");
+ out (name (id));
+ out (" ");
+ put line (name (value));
+ UNTIL null (id) AND null (value) PER.
+END PROC dump oblist;
+END PACKET lisp heap maintenance;
+PACKET lisp interpreter (* Autor: J.Durchholz *)
+ (* Datum: 27.12.1982 *)
+ DEFINES (* Version 3.1.7 *)
+ evalquote,
+ apply,
+ eval,
+ try:
+(* SYM-objects used by the interpreter. They all point to constant structure
+ within the heap. As their address may change during garbage collection,
+ it must be possible to correct the references to them made by the
+ SYM-objects. That is the reason why they are declared VAR instead of CONST*)
+SYM VAR lambda constant,
+ label constant,
+ quote constant,
+ function constant,
+ indefinite constant,
+ apval constant,
+ true constant,
+ false constant;
+SYM VAR errors;
+BOOL VAR trace :: FALSE;
+PROC initialize constants:
+ lambda constant := new atom ("LAMBDA");
+ label constant := new atom ("LABEL");
+ quote constant := new atom ("QUOTE");
+ function constant := new atom ("FUNCTION");
+ indefinite constant := new atom ("INDEFINITE");
+ apval constant := new atom ("APVAL");
+ true constant := new atom ("T");
+ false constant := new atom ("F");
+ errors := new atom ("ERRORS")
+END PROC initialize constants;
+SYM PROC evalquote (SYM CONST expr): (*hey*)
+ enable stop;
+ initialize constants;
+ x apply ( head (expr), quote (tail (expr)), nil )
+END PROC evalquote;
+SYM PROC quote (SYM CONST x):
+ IF eq (x,nil) THEN nil
+ ELSE set head (x, new head); set tail (x, quote (tail(x))); x
+ FI .
+new head:
+ cons (quote constant, cons (head(x), nil) )
+END PROC quote;
+SYM PROC apply (SYM CONST function, argument list, alist):
+ enable stop;
+ initialize constants;
+ x apply (function, argument list, alist)
+END PROC apply;
+SYM PROC x apply (SYM CONST function, argument list, alist):
+ IF trace THEN line;
+ put ("a p p l y :"); put (function); line;
+ put ("arguments :"); put (argument list); line;
+ FI;
+ SYM VAR new alist;
+ initialize for alist insertion;
+ reduce actual fn to lambda expression;
+ insert parameter evaluated argument pairs in reversed order in new alist;
+ function body evaluation.
+reduce actual fn to lambda expression:
+ SYM VAR actual fn :: function;
+ IF is named atom (actual fn) THEN
+ get function from property list of actual fn
+ or from functional alist entry
+ ELIF atom (actual fn) THEN
+ error stop ("Eine Funktion darf kein unbenanntes Atom sein")
+ IF eq (head (actual fn), lambda constant) THEN
+ LEAVE reduce actual fn to lambda expression
+ ELIF eq (head (actual fn), label constant) THEN
+ get function from label expression and update alist
+ error stop ("Funktion ist weder Atom noch LAMBDA-/LABEL-Ausdruck")
+ FI
+ FI
+ PER.
+get function from property list of actual fn or from functional alist entry:
+ IF property exists (actual fn, function constant) THEN
+ get function from property list of actual fn
+ get function from functional alist entry
+ FI.
+get function from property list of actual fn:
+ actual fn := property (actual fn, function constant).
+get function from functional alist entry:
+ SYM VAR actual alist entry;
+ begin alist retrieval;
+ IF end of alist THEN
+ error stop ("Die Funktion " + name (actual fn) +
+ " ist nicht definiert")
+ FI;
+ search for next functional alist entry;
+ UNTIL eq (head (actual functional alist entry), actual fn) PER;
+ actual fn := tail (actual functional alist entry).
+get function from label expression and update alist:
+ actual fn := tail (actual fn);
+ IF atom (actual fn) COR
+ (NOT atom (head (actual fn)) OR atom (tail (actual fn))) COR
+ NOT null (tail (tail (actual fn))) THEN
+ error stop ("Ungueltiger LABEL-Ausdruck")
+ FI;
+ SYM VAR new alist entry;
+ prepare new functional alist entry;
+ set head (new alist entry, head (actual fn));
+ actual fn := head (tail (actual fn));
+ set tail (new alist entry, actual fn).
+insert parameter evaluated argument pairs in reversed order in new alist:
+ actual fn := tail (actual fn);
+ IF atom (actual fn) THEN
+ error stop ("Ungueltiger LAMBDA-Ausdruck")
+ FI;
+ SYM VAR parameter list rest :: head (actual fn),
+ argument list rest :: argument list;
+ actual fn := tail (actual fn);
+ WHILE NOT null (parameter list rest) REP
+ add next parameter argument pair to alist
+ PER;
+ check wether no arguments are left over.
+add next parameter argument pair to alist:
+ IF atom (parameter list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Parameterliste endet falsch")
+ FI;
+ SYM VAR param pointer :: head (parameter list rest);
+ parameter list rest := tail (parameter list rest);
+ IF is named atom (param pointer) AND NOT null (param pointer) THEN
+ add parameter evaluated argument pair to alist;
+ advance argument list rest
+ ELIF atom (param pointer) THEN
+ error stop ("Unbenannte Atome und NIL koennen nicht Parameter sein")
+ IF eq (head (param pointer), indefinite constant) THEN
+ check wether is last param;
+ advance param pointer;
+ IF eq (head (param pointer), quote constant) THEN
+ advance param pointer;
+ move param pointer to parameter;
+ add parameter indefinite quoted argument pair to alist
+ move param pointer to parameter;
+ add parameter indefinite evaluated argument pair to alist
+ FI;
+ argument list rest := nil
+ ELIF eq (head (param pointer), quote constant) THEN
+ advance param pointer;
+ move param pointer to parameter;
+ add parameter quoted argument pair to alist;
+ advance argument list rest
+ ELIF eq (head (param pointer), function constant) THEN
+ advance param pointer;
+ move param pointer to parameter;
+ add parameter functional argument pair to alist;
+ advance argument list rest
+ error stop ("Ungueltiger Parameter")
+ FI
+ FI.
+advance param pointer:
+ param pointer := tail (param pointer);
+ IF atom (param pointer) THEN
+ error stop ("Ungueltiger Parameter")
+ FI.
+move param pointer to parameter:
+ IF NOT null (tail (param pointer)) THEN
+ error stop ("Ungueltiger Parameter")
+ FI;
+ param pointer := head (param pointer);
+ IF NOT atom (param pointer) OR null (param pointer) THEN
+ error stop ("Unbenannte Atome und NIL koennen nicht Parameter sein")
+ FI.
+advance argument list rest:
+ argument list rest := tail (argument list rest).
+add parameter evaluated argument pair to alist:
+ prepare new alist entry;
+ set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
+ set tail (new alist entry, x eval (actual argument, alist)).
+check wether is last param:
+ IF NOT null (parameter list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Ein INDEFINITE-Parameter muss der letzte sein")
+ FI.
+add parameter indefinite quoted argument pair to alist:
+ prepare new alist entry;
+ set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
+ set tail (new alist entry, argument list rest);
+ WHILE NOT atom (argument list rest) REP
+ argument list rest := tail (argument list rest)
+ PER;
+ IF NOT null (argument list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Argumentliste endet falsch")
+ FI.
+add parameter indefinite evaluated argument pair to alist:
+ prepare new alist entry;
+ set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
+ last evaluated argument := new alist entry;
+ WHILE NOT atom (argument list rest) REP
+ set tail (last evaluated argument,
+ cons (x eval (head (argument list rest), alist), nil));
+ last evaluated argument := tail (last evaluated argument);
+ advance argument list rest
+ PER;
+ IF NOT null (argument list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Argumentliste endet falsch")
+ FI.
+last evaluated argument:
+ param pointer.
+(* The value of param pointer is not used further, so the *)
+(* variable can be "reused" in this manner. *)
+add parameter quoted argument pair to alist:
+ prepare new alist entry;
+ set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
+ set tail (new alist entry, actual argument).
+add parameter functional argument pair to alist:
+ prepare new functional alist entry;
+ set head (new alist entry, param pointer);
+ set tail (new alist entry, actual argument).
+actual argument:
+ IF atom (argument list rest) THEN
+ IF null (argument list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Zuwenig Argumente")
+ error stop ("Argumentliste endet falsch")
+ FI
+ FI;
+ head (argument list rest).
+check wether no arguments are left over:
+ IF NOT null (argument list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Zuviele Argumente")
+ FI.
+function body evaluation:
+ IF is int pair (actual fn) THEN
+ predefined function evaluation
+ ELIF atom (actual fn) COR NOT null (tail (actual fn)) THEN
+ error stop ("Ungueltiger LAMBDA-Ausdruck"); nil
+ x eval (head (actual fn), new alist)
+ FI.
+predefined function evaluation:
+ SELECT int 1 (actual fn) OF
+ CASE 0: call eval cond
+ CASE 1: call begin oblist dump
+ CASE 2: call next atom
+ CASE 3: call add property
+ CASE 4: call alter property
+ CASE 5: call delete property
+ CASE 6: call property exists
+ CASE 7: call property
+ CASE 8: call add flag
+ CASE 9: call flag
+ CASE 10: call delete flag
+ CASE 11: call begin property list dump
+ CASE 12: call next property
+ CASE 13: call apply
+ CASE 14: call eval
+ CASE 15: call try
+ CASE 16: give association list
+ CASE 17: call error stop
+ CASE 18: call head
+ CASE 19: call set head
+ CASE 20: call tail
+ CASE 21: call set tail
+ CASE 22: call cons
+ CASE 23: call eq
+ CASE 24: call get sym
+ CASE 25: call put sym
+ CASE 26: call null
+ CASE 27: call is atom
+ CASE 28: call is named atom
+ CASE 29: call get named atom
+ CASE 30: call put named atom
+ CASE 31: call is text
+ CASE 32: call get text
+ CASE 33: call put text
+ CASE 34: call is character
+ CASE 35: call get character
+ CASE 36: call put character
+ CASE 37: call is int
+ CASE 38: call get int
+ CASE 39: call put int
+ CASE 40: call sum
+ CASE 41: call difference
+ CASE 42: call product
+ CASE 43: call quotient
+ CASE 44: call remainder
+ CASE 45: call equal
+ CASE 46: call trace
+ CASE 47: call define
+ CASE 48: call set
+ OTHERWISE error stop("Es gibt (noch) keine LISP-Funktion mit der Nummer"
+ + text (int 1 (actual fn)) ); nil
+call eval cond:
+ x eval condition (arg 1, alist).
+call begin oblist dump:
+ begin oblist dump; nil.
+call next atom:
+ next atom.
+call add property:
+ add property (arg 3, arg 2, arg 1); arg 1.
+call alter property:
+ alter property (arg 3, arg 2, arg 1); arg 1.
+call delete property:
+ delete property (arg 2, arg 1); nil.
+call property exists:
+ IF property exists(arg 2,arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call property:
+ property (arg 2, arg 1).
+call add flag:
+ add flag (arg 2, arg 1); nil.
+call flag:
+ IF flag (arg 2, arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call delete flag:
+ delete flag (arg 2, arg 1); nil.
+call begin property list dump:
+ begin property list dump (arg 1); nil.
+call next property:
+ SYM VAR s1, s2; next property (s1, s2); cons (s1, s2).
+call apply:
+ x apply (arg 3, arg 2, arg 1).
+call eval:
+ x eval (arg 2, arg 1).
+call try:
+ x try (arg 4, arg 3, arg 2, arg 1).
+give association list:
+ alist.
+call error stop:
+ error stop (text (arg 1)); nil.
+call head:
+ head (arg 1).
+call set head:
+ set head (arg 2, arg 1); arg 2.
+call tail:
+ tail (arg 1).
+call set tail:
+ set tail (arg 2, arg 1); arg 2.
+call cons:
+ cons (arg 2, arg 1).
+call eq:
+ IF eq (arg 2, arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call get sym:
+ get (s1); s1.
+call put sym:
+ put (arg 1); arg 1.
+call null:
+ IF null (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call is atom:
+ IF atom (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call is named atom:
+ IF is named atom (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call get named atom:
+ TEXT VAR t; get (t); new atom (t).
+call put named atom:
+ put (name (arg 1)); arg 1.
+call is text:
+ IF is text (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call get text:
+ get (t); sym (t).
+call put text:
+ put (text (arg 1)); arg 1.
+call is character:
+ IF is character (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call get character:
+ inchar (t); sym character (code (t)).
+call put character:
+ out (code (character (arg 1))); arg 1.
+call is int:
+ IF is int pair (arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call get int:
+ INT VAR i; get (i); sym (i, -1).
+call put int:
+ put (int 1 (arg 1)); arg 1.
+call sum:
+ sum (arg 1).
+call difference:
+ difference (arg 2, arg 1).
+call product:
+ product (arg 1).
+call quotient:
+ quotient (arg 2, arg 1).
+call remainder:
+ remainder(arg 2, arg 1).
+call equal:
+ IF equal (arg 2, arg 1) THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI.
+call trace:
+ trace := NOT trace;
+ IF trace THEN true constant ELSE false constant FI .
+call define: (*hey*)
+ define (arg 1) .
+call set: (*hey*)
+ add property (new atom ( name (arg 2)), apval constant, arg 1); arg 1 .
+arg 1:
+ tail (head (new alist)).
+arg 2:
+ tail (head (tail (new alist))).
+arg 3:
+ tail (head (tail (tail (new alist)))).
+arg 4:
+ tail (head (tail (tail (tail (new alist))))).
+END PROC x apply;
+SYM PROC define (SYM CONST x): (*hey*)
+ IF eq (x, nil) THEN nil
+ ELSE add property (new atom (name (head (head (x)))),
+ function constant, tail (head (x)) );
+ cons (head (head (x)), define (tail (x)) )
+ FI .
+END PROC define;
+SYM VAR old alist :: nil;
+SYM PROC eval (SYM CONST expression, alist):
+ enable stop;
+ initialize constants;
+ x eval (expression, alist)
+END PROC eval;
+SYM PROC x eval (SYM CONST expression, alist): (*hey*)
+ IF trace THEN line;
+ put ("e v a l :"); put (expression); line;
+ IF NOT equal (alist, old alist) THEN
+ put ("bindings :"); old alist := alist; put (alist); line FI
+ FI;
+ IF atom (expression) THEN
+ IF is named atom (expression) THEN
+ value from property list of expression or from alist entry
+ expression
+ FI
+ x apply (head (expression), tail (expression), alist)
+ FI.
+value from property list of expression or from alist entry:
+ IF property exists (expression, apval constant) THEN
+ value from property list of expression
+ value from alist entry
+ FI.
+value from property list of expression:
+ property (expression, apval constant).
+value from alist entry:
+ SYM VAR actual alist entry;
+ begin alist retrieval;
+ IF end of alist THEN
+ error stop ("Das Atom " + name (expression) + " hat keinen Wert")
+ FI;
+ search for next alist entry
+ UNTIL eq (head (actual alist entry), expression) PER;
+ tail (actual alist entry).
+END PROC x eval;
+SYM PROC try (SYM CONST expression list, alist,
+ error output, break possible):
+ enable stop;
+ initialize constants;
+ x try (expression list, alist, error output, break possible)
+END PROC try;
+SYM PROC x try (SYM CONST expression list, alist,
+ error output, break possible):
+ BOOL CONST output :: bool (error output),
+ halt enabled :: bool (break possible);
+ SYM VAR expr list rest :: expression list;
+ IF null (expr list rest) THEN
+ LEAVE x try WITH nil
+ ELIF atom (expr list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Ausdrucksliste fuer 'try' endet falsch")
+ try evaluation of actual expression
+ FI;
+ expr list rest := tail (expr list rest)
+ PER;
+ nil.
+try evaluation of actual expression:
+ disable stop;
+ SYM VAR result :: x eval (head (expr list rest), alist);
+ IF is error THEN
+ IF error message = "halt from terminal" AND halt enabled THEN
+ enable stop
+ ELIF output THEN
+ put error
+ FI;
+ add property (errors, apval constant, sym (error message));
+ clear error
+ LEAVE x try WITH result
+ FI;
+ enable stop.
+END PROC x try;
+SYM PROC x eval condition (SYM CONST pair list, alist):
+ enable stop;
+ SYM VAR cond pair list rest :: pair list;
+ IF atom (cond pair list rest) THEN
+ error stop ("Keine 'T'-Bedingung in bedingtem Ausdruck gefunden")
+ FI;
+ check wether is correct pair;
+ IF true condition found THEN
+ LEAVE x eval condition WITH x eval (head (tail (actual pair)), alist)
+ FI;
+ cond pair list rest := tail (cond pair list rest)
+ PER;
+ nil.
+check wether is correct pair:
+ IF atom (actual pair) COR
+ atom (tail (actual pair)) COR
+ NOT null (tail (tail (actual pair))) THEN
+ error stop ("Ungueltiges Paar im bedingten Ausdruck")
+ FI.
+true condition found:
+ bool (x eval (head (actual pair), alist)).
+actual pair:
+ head (cond pair list rest).
+END PROC x eval condition;
+BOOL PROC bool (SYM CONST sym):
+ IF eq (sym, true constant) THEN
+ ELIF eq (sym, false constant) THEN
+ error stop ("'T' oder 'F' erwartet"); TRUE
+ FI
+END PROC bool;
+(******* a-list handling refinements used in 'x apply' and 'x eval' *******)
+(* declared within 'x apply' and 'x eval': 'actual alist entry' *)
+initialize for alist insertion:
+ new alist := alist.
+begin alist retrieval:
+ SYM VAR actual alist pos :: alist.
+search for next alist entry:
+ WHILE NOT end of alist REP
+ IF atom (actual alist pos) THEN
+ error stop ("Bindeliste endet falsch")
+ FI;
+ actual alist entry := head (actual alist pos);
+ actual alist pos := tail (actual alist pos);
+ UNTIL is non functional alist entry PER.
+is non functional alist entry:
+ NOT is functional alist entry.
+search for next functional alist entry:
+ WHILE NOT end of alist REP
+ IF atom (actual alist pos) THEN
+ error stop ("Bindeliste endet falsch")
+ FI;
+ actual alist entry := head (actual alist pos);
+ actual alist pos := tail (actual alist pos);
+ UNTIL is functional alist entry PER;
+ actual alist entry := tail (actual alist entry).
+is functional alist entry:
+ check wether is alist entry;
+ null (head (actual alist entry)).
+check wether is alist entry:
+ IF atom (actual alist entry) THEN
+ error stop ("Bindelisteneintrag ist kein Paar")
+ FI.
+end of alist:
+ null (actual alist pos).
+actual functional alist entry:
+ actual alist entry.
+prepare new alist entry:
+ new alist := cons (cons (nil, nil), new alist);
+ new alist entry := head (new alist).
+prepare new functional alist entry:
+ new alist := cons (cons (nil, cons (nil, nil)), new alist);
+ new alist entry := tail (head (new alist)).
+END PACKET lisp interpreter;