path: root/system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2019-02-04 13:09:03 +0100
commit04e68443040c7abad84d66477e98f93bed701760 (patch)
tree2b6202afae659e773bf6916157d23e83edfa44e3 /system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler')
-rw-r--r--system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler290
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler b/system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..756382b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/base/1.7.5/src/command handler
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+(* ------------------- VERSION 2 05.05.86 ------------------- *)
+PACKET command handler DEFINES (* Autor: J.Liedtke *)
+ get command ,
+ analyze command ,
+ do command ,
+ command error ,
+ cover tracks :
+LET cr lf = ""4""13""10"" ,
+ esc k = ""27"k" ,
+ command pre = ""4""13" " ,
+ command post = ""13""10" " ,
+ max command length = 2010 ,
+ tag type = 1 ,
+ texttype = 4 ,
+ eof type = 7 ;
+TEXT VAR command handlers own command line := "" ,
+ previous command line := "" ,
+ symbol ,
+ procedure ,
+ pattern ,
+ error note := "" ;
+INT VAR symbol type ;
+PROC get command (TEXT CONST command text) :
+ get command (command text, command handlers own command line)
+ENDPROC get command ;
+PROC get command (TEXT CONST command text, TEXT VAR command line) :
+ set line nr (0) ;
+ error protocoll ;
+ get command from console .
+error protocoll :
+ IF is error
+ THEN put error ;
+ clear error
+ ELSE command line := "" ;
+ FI .
+get command from console :
+ normalize cursor ;
+ out (command pre) ;
+ out (command text) ;
+ out (command post) ;
+ editget command
+ UNTIL command line <> "" PER ;
+ param position (LENGTH command line) ;
+ out (command post) .
+editget command :
+ TEXT VAR exit char ;
+ get cursor (x, y) ;
+ editget (command line, max command length, x size - x,
+ "", "k", exit char) ;
+ ignore halt errors during editget ;
+ break quiet if command line is too long ;
+ IF exit char = esc k
+ THEN cursor to begin of command input ;
+ command line := previous command line
+ ELIF LENGTH command line > 1
+ THEN previous command line := command line ;
+ LEAVE editget command
+ ELSE LEAVE editget command
+ FI
+ PER .
+normalize cursor :
+ INT VAR x, y;
+ out (crlf) ;
+ get cursor (x, y) ;
+ cursor (x, y) .
+ignore halt errors during editget :
+ IF is error
+ THEN clear error
+ FI .
+break quiet if command line is too long :
+ IF command line is too long
+ THEN command line := "break (quiet)"
+ FI .
+command line is too long :
+ LENGTH command line = max command length .
+cursor to begin of command input :
+ out (command pre) .
+ENDPROC get command ;
+PROC analyze command ( TEXT CONST command list,
+ INT CONST permitted type,
+ INT VAR command index, number of params,
+ TEXT VAR param 1, param 2) :
+ analyze command (command list, command handlers own command line,
+ permitted type, command index,
+ number of params, param 1, param 2)
+ENDPROC analyze command ;
+PROC analyze command ( TEXT CONST command list, command line,
+ INT CONST permitted type,
+ INT VAR command index, number of params,
+ TEXT VAR param 1, param 2) :
+ error note := "" ;
+ scan (command line) ;
+ next symbol ;
+ IF symbol type <> tag type AND symbol <> "?"
+ THEN error ("Name ungueltig") ;
+ impossible command
+ ELIF pos (command list, symbol) > 0
+ THEN procedure name ;
+ parameter list pack option ;
+ nothing else in command line ;
+ decode command
+ ELSE impossible command
+ FI .
+procedure name :
+ procedure := symbol ;
+ next symbol .
+parameter list pack option :
+ number of params := 0 ;
+ param 1 := "" ;
+ param 2 := "" ;
+ IF symbol = "("
+ THEN next symbol ;
+ parameter list ;
+ IF symbol <> ")" AND error note = ""
+ THEN error (") fehlt")
+ FI
+ ELIF symbol type <> eof type
+ THEN error ("( fehlt")
+ FI .
+parameter list :
+ parameter (param 1, number of params, permitted type) ;
+ IF symbol = ","
+ THEN next symbol ;
+ parameter (param 2, number of params, permitted type) ;
+ FI .
+nothing else in command line :
+ next symbol ;
+ IF symbol <> ""
+ THEN error ("Kommando zu schwierig")
+ FI .
+decode command :
+ command index := index (command list, procedure, number of params) .
+impossible command :
+ command index := 0 .
+ENDPROC analyze command ;
+PROC parameter (TEXT VAR param, INT VAR number of params,
+ INT CONST permitted type) :
+ IF symbol type = text type OR symbol type = permitted type
+ THEN param := symbol ;
+ number of params INCR 1 ;
+ next symbol
+ ELSE error ("Parameter ist kein TEXT ("" fehlt)")
+ FI
+ENDPROC parameter ;
+INT PROC index (TEXT CONST list, procedure, INT CONST params) :
+ pattern := procedure ;
+ pattern CAT ":" ;
+ IF procedure name found
+ THEN get colon pos ;
+ get dot pos ;
+ get end pos ;
+ get command index ;
+ get param index ;
+ IF param index >= 0
+ THEN command index + param index
+ ELSE - command index
+ FI
+ ELSE 0
+ FI .
+procedure name found :
+ INT VAR index pos := pos (list, pattern) ;
+ WHILE index pos > 0 REP
+ IF index pos = 1 COR (list SUB index pos - 1) <= "9"
+ THEN LEAVE procedure name found WITH TRUE
+ FI ;
+ index pos := pos (list, pattern, index pos + 1)
+ PER ;
+get param index :
+ INT CONST param index :=
+ pos (list, text (params), dot pos, end pos) - dot pos - 1 .
+get command index :
+ INT CONST command index :=
+ int ( subtext (list, colon pos + 1, dot pos - 1) ) .
+get colon pos :
+ INT CONST colon pos := pos (list, ":", index pos) .
+get dot pos :
+ INT CONST dot pos := pos (list, ".", index pos) .
+get end pos :
+ INT CONST end pos := dot pos + 4 .
+ENDPROC index ;
+PROC do command :
+ do (command handlers own command line)
+ENDPROC do command ;
+PROC error (TEXT CONST message) :
+ error note := message ;
+ scan ("") ;
+ procedure := "-"
+ENDPROC error ;
+PROC command error :
+ disable stop ;
+ IF error note <> ""
+ THEN errorstop (error note) ;
+ error note := ""
+ FI ;
+ enable stop
+ENDPROC command error ;
+PROC next symbol :
+ next symbol (symbol, symbol type)
+ENDPROC next symbol ;
+PROC cover tracks :
+ cover tracks (command handlers own command line) ;
+ cover tracks (previous command line) ;
+ erase buffers of compiler and do packet .
+erase buffers of compiler and do packet :
+ do (command handlers own command line) .
+ENDPROC cover tracks ;
+PROC cover tracks (TEXT VAR secret) :
+ INT VAR i ;
+ replace (secret, i, " ")
+ PER ;
+ WHILE LENGTH secret < 13 REP
+ secret CAT " "
+ENDPROC cover tracks ;
+ENDPACKET command handler ;