path: root/app/mpg/2.2/src/NEC P-3 3-15.GCONF
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/mpg/2.2/src/NEC P-3 3-15.GCONF')
-rw-r--r--app/mpg/2.2/src/NEC P-3 3-15.GCONF126
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/mpg/2.2/src/NEC P-3 3-15.GCONF b/app/mpg/2.2/src/NEC P-3 3-15.GCONF
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecf052c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/mpg/2.2/src/NEC P-3 3-15.GCONF
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+INCLUDE "std primitives";
+INCLUDE "matrix printer";
+PLOTTER "NEC P3",3,15,1024,1024,21.68,21.68;
+COLORS "000999";
+(* Version vom 21.10.87 BJ *)
+(******** Hilfsvariablen fuer nec-plot ***************)
+LET nec x pixel = 1024,nec y pixel d 16 = 64;
+LET nec y max = 1023;
+LET BITLINE = ROW nec x pixel INT;
+BOUND ROW nec y pixeld16 BITLINE VAR nec map;
+BITLINE VAR nec nilline;
+INT VAR nec x,nec y;
+PROC prepare:
+ call (29, "", printer); (* wait for halt *)
+ continue (channel (plotter))
+END PROC prepare;
+PROC initplot:
+ INT VAR nec i;
+ FOR nec i FROM 1 UPTO nec x pixel REP
+ nec nilline[nec i] := 0
+ PER;
+ forget(nec ds);
+ nec ds := nilspace;
+ nec map := nec ds;
+ disable stop
+END PROC initplot;
+PROC endplot:
+ out(""27"T16");
+ INT VAR nec i;
+ FOR nec i FROM 1 UPTO necypixeld16 REP
+ nec out line (nec i)
+ PER;
+ out(""12"");
+ break(quiet);
+ call (26,"",printer); (* start spool *)
+ enable stop
+END PROC endplot;
+PROC nec out line (INT CONST i):
+ INT VAR c,j :: 1,d;
+ WHILE j <= nec x pixel REP
+ c := nec map[i][j];
+ d := 0;
+ WHILE j <= nec x pixel CAND nec map[i][j] = c REP
+ j INCR 1;
+ d INCR 1
+ PER;
+ IF j <= nec x pixel OR c <> 0
+ THEN TEXT VAR t :: text(d,4);
+ change all(t," ","0");
+ INT VAR kk :: c;rotate(kk,8);
+ out(""27"W"+t+code(c AND 255) + code(kk AND 255))
+ FI
+ PER;
+ out(""13""10"")
+END PROC nec out line;
+PROC clear:
+ INT VAR nec i;
+ FOR nec i FROM 1 UPTO nec y pixeld16 REP
+ nec map[nec i] := nec nilline
+END PROC clear;
+PROC home:
+ move to (0,0)
+END PROC home;
+PROC moveto (INT CONST x,y):
+ nec x := x;
+ nec y := y
+END PROC moveto;
+PROC drawto (INT CONST x,y):
+ printer line (nec x+1, nec y max - nec y,x+1,nec y max - y,
+ PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) nec p3 set pixel);
+ nec x:=x;nec y:=y
+END PROC drawto;
+PROC setpixel (INT CONST x,y):
+ setbit(nec map[(nec y max-y) DIV 16 + 1][x+1],(nec y max-y) AND 15)
+END PROC setpixel;
+PROC nec p3 set pixel (INT CONST x,y):
+ set bit(nec map[y DIV 16 + 1][x],y AND 15)
+END PROC nec p3 set pixel;
+BOOL PROC nec p3 is pixel (INT CONST x,y):
+ bit (nec map[y DIV 16 + 1][x],y AND 15)
+END PROC nec p3 is pixel;
+PROC foreground (INT VAR type):
+ type := 1; (* Nur Schwarz auf Weiss-Druck moeglich *)
+END PROC foreground;
+PROC background (INT VAR type):
+ type := 0;
+END PROC background;
+PROC setpalette:
+END PROC setpalette;
+PROC circle (INT CONST x,y,rad,from,to):
+ std circle (x,y,rad,from,to)
+END PROC circle;
+PROC box (INT CONST x1,y1,x2,y2,pattern):
+ std box (x1, y1, x2, y2, pattern)
+END PROC box;
+PROC fill (INT CONST x,y,pattern):
+ printer fill (x,x,nec y max - y,1,
+ BOOL PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) nec p3 is pixel,
+ PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) nec p3 set pixel)
+END PROC fill;