path: root/devel/debugger/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'devel/debugger/src')
1 files changed, 3151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devel/debugger/src/DEBUGGER.ELA b/devel/debugger/src/DEBUGGER.ELA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fddde7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/debugger/src/DEBUGGER.ELA
@@ -0,0 +1,3151 @@
+(** **)
+(* EUMEL - Debugger: (C) Michael Staubermann, Oktober/November '86 *)
+(* Ab EUMEL *)
+(* Stand: 01.12.86, 1.8.2: 26.07.88 *)
+(* Noch keine BOUND-Variablen-Zugriffe implementiert *)
+(** **)
+PACKET address DEFINES ADD, (* 1.7.5 861006 *)
+ SUB, (* 1.8.0 861022 *)
+ MUL, (* M. Staubermann*)
+ INC,
+ DEC,
+ ulseq,
+ split word ,
+ make word ,
+ hex16,
+ hex8 ,
+ integer ,
+ cdbint ,
+ cdbtext ,
+ get word ,
+ put word :
+(*********************** Hex-Konvertierung ********************************)
+LET hex digits = "0123456789ABCDEF" ;
+PROC paket initialisierung :
+ (* Paketinitialisierung, wird nur einmal durchlaufen *)
+ INT CONST ulseq addr :: getword (0, 512 +
+ mod nr (BOOL PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) ulseq)) ADD 2 ;
+ IF getword (3, ulseq addr) = integer ("B009") (* bei checkoff LSEQ *)
+ THEN putword (3, ulseq addr, integer ("D409")) (* ULSEQ <LR 4> *)
+ ELIF getword (3, ulseq addr ADD 1) = integer ("B009") (* bei checkon *)
+ THEN putword (3, ulseq addr ADD 1, integer ("D409"))
+ FI
+ENDPROC paket initialisierung ;
+INT PROC integer (TEXT CONST hex) :
+ INT VAR summe := 0, i ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO min (4, LENGTH hex) REP
+ rotate (summe, 4) ;
+ summe INCR digit
+ PER ;
+ summe .
+digit :
+ TEXT CONST char := hex SUB i ;
+ IF char >= "a" THEN code (char) - 87
+ ELIF char >= "A" THEN code (char) - 55
+ ELSE code (char) - 48
+ FI
+ENDPROC integer ;
+TEXT PROC hex8 (INT CONST wert) :
+ (hex digits SUB ((wert DIV 16) +1)) +
+ (hex digits SUB ((wert AND 15) +1))
+ENDPROC hex8 ;
+TEXT PROC hex16 (INT CONST wert) :
+ TEXT VAR result := "" ;
+ INT VAR i, w := wert ;
+ rotate (w, 4) ;
+ result CAT (hex digits SUB ((w AND 15)+1))
+ PER ;
+ result
+ENDPROC hex16 ;
+(***************************** Adressarithmetik ***************************)
+PROC arith 15 :
+ENDPROC arith 15 ;
+PROC arith 16 :
+ENDPROC arith 16 ;
+ arith 16 ;
+ a INCR 1
+ arith 16 ;
+ a DECR 1
+INT OP ADD (INT CONST left, right) :
+ arith 16 ;
+ left + right
+INT OP SUB (INT CONST left, right) :
+ arith16 ;
+ left - right
+INT OP MUL (INT CONST left, right) :
+ arith 16 ;
+ left * right (* Multiplikation MOD 65536 im Gegensatz zu IMULT *)
+BOOL PROC ulseq (INT CONST left, right) :
+ left <= right (* Muá leider(!!) auf ULSEQ Code gepatcht werden *)
+ENDPROC ulseq ;
+(*************************** Wortoperationen ******************************)
+PROC split word (INT VAR word and high byte, low byte) :
+ENDPROC split word ;
+PROC make word (INT VAR highbyte and resultword, INT CONST low byte) :
+ENDPROC make word ;
+(************************** DS4-Access ***********************************)
+INT PROC cdbint (INT CONST adr) :
+ENDPROC cdbint ;
+TEXT PROC cdbtext (INT CONST adr) :
+ENDPROC cdbtext ;
+PROC putword (INT CONST segment, adr, value) :
+ENDPROC put word ;
+INT PROC getword (INT CONST segment, adr) :
+ENDPROC getword ;
+ENDPROC mod nr ;
+paket initialisierung
+ENDPACKET address ;
+PACKET table routines DEFINES (* Fr eumel decoder 861017 *)
+ (* 1.8.0 by M.Staubermann *)
+ code segment ,
+ code address ,
+ packet name ,
+ module name and specifications ,
+ get module number ,
+ storage ,
+ hash ,
+ init module table,
+ add modules ,
+ dump tables :
+LET end of hash table = 1023 ,
+ begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
+ end of permanent table = 32767 ,
+ permanent param const = 10000 ,
+ permanent param var = 20000 ,
+ permanent proc op = 30000 ,
+ permanent type = 30000 ,
+ permanent row = 10 ,
+ permanent struct = 11 ,
+ permanent param proc = 12 ,
+ permanent struct end = 0 ,
+ ptt limit = 10000 ,
+ void = 0 ,
+ const = 1 ,
+ var = 2 ,
+ sysgenoff module number = 1280 ,
+ start of module number link table = 512 ,
+ highest module number 1 = 2048 ,
+ max packets = 128 ,
+ max types = 64 ;
+LET MODULETABLE = ROW highest module number 1
+ STRUCT (TEXT name, specifications, INT packet link) ,
+ PACKETTABLE = ROW max packets STRUCT (TEXT name, INT permanent address),
+ TYPETABLE = STRUCT (THESAURUS names, ROW max types INT storage),
+ TYPETABLE types, INT number of packets,
+ end of permanent table) ;
+TEXT VAR type and mode, result ;
+BOOL VAR end of params ;
+INT VAR mode, paramlink, index ;
+(************************* Module- und Packettablezugriff **************)
+PROC init module table (TEXT CONST table name) :
+ forget (table name, quiet) ;
+ table := new (table name) ;
+ table.number of packets := 0 ;
+ table.end of permanent table := begin of permanent table ;
+ table.types.names := empty thesaurus ;
+ insert (table.types.names, "INT", index) ;
+ (index) := 1 ;
+ insert (table.types.names, "REAL", index) ;
+ (index) := 4 ;
+ insert (table.types.names, "BOOL", index) ;
+ (index) := 1 ;
+ insert (table.types.names, "TEXT", index) ;
+ (index) := 8 ;
+ insert (table.types.names, "DATASPACE", index) ;
+ (index) := 1 ;
+ scan permanent table (table.end of permanent table) ;
+ scan hash table (begin of permanent table) ;
+ENDPROC init module table ;
+PROC add modules :
+ INT CONST old end of permanent table := table.end of permanent table ;
+ IF cdbint (table.end of permanent table) <> -3
+ THEN scan permanent table (table.end of permanent table) ;
+ scan hash table (old end of permanent table)
+ FI
+ENDPROC add modules ;
+PROC scan hash table (INT CONST minimum permanent address) :
+ INT VAR hash table pointer ;
+ FOR hash table pointer FROM 0 UPTO end of hash table REP
+ IF cdbint (hash table pointer) <> 0
+ THEN cout (hash table pointer) ;
+ list all name table objects with this hash code (hash table pointer,
+ minimum permanent address)
+ FI
+ENDPROC scan hash table ;
+PROC list all name table objects with this hash code (INT CONST link,
+ minimum permanent address) :
+ TEXT VAR object name ;
+ INT VAR name table pointer := first link word, module nr,
+ permanent pointer ;
+ WHILE NOT end of name table chain REPEAT
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nametable pointer + 1) ;
+ WHILE permanent pointer >= minimum permanent address REP
+ object name := cdbtext (name table pointer + 2) ;
+ IF permanent type definition
+ THEN insert (table.types.names, object name, index) ;
+ (index) := cdb int (permanent pointer + 2)
+ ELSE get specifications (permanent pointer) ;
+ module nr := cdb int (param link + 1) + 1;
+ table.module (module nr).name := object name ;
+ table.module (module nr).specifications := result;
+ table.module (module nr).packet link := packetlink(permanentpointer)
+ FI ;
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer)
+ PER ;
+ name table pointer := cdb int (name table pointer)
+first link word :
+ cdb int (link) .
+end of name table chain :
+ name table pointer = 0 .
+permanent type definition :
+ (object name SUB 1) <= "Z" AND (object name SUB 1) >= "A" AND
+ cdbint (permanent pointer + 1) = permanent type
+END PROC list all name table objects with this hash code ;
+INT PROC packet link (INT CONST permanent address) :
+ INT VAR packet pointer ;
+ FOR packet pointer FROM 1 UPTO table.number of packets REP
+ IF table.packet (packet pointer).permanent address > permanent address
+ THEN LEAVE packet link WITH packet pointer -1
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ table.number of packets
+ENDPROC packet link ;
+PROC scan permanent table (INT VAR permanent pointer) :
+ FOR permanent pointer FROM permanent pointer UPTO end of permanent table
+ WHILE cdbint (permanent pointer) <> -3 REP
+ IF cdbint (permanent pointer) = -2
+ THEN cout (permanent pointer) ;
+ table.number of packets INCR 1 ;
+ table.packet (table.number of packets).name :=
+ cdbtext (cdbint (permanent pointer +1) +2) ;
+ table.packet (table.number of packets).permanent address :=
+ permanent pointer
+ FI
+ENDPROC scan permanent table ;
+PROC dump tables (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ INT VAR i ;
+ forget (filename, quiet) ;
+ FILE VAR f := sequentialfile (output, filename) ;
+ maxline length (f, 1000) ;
+ putline (f, "PACKETTABLE:") ;
+ put (f, "End of Permanenttable:") ;
+ put (f, hex16 (table.end of permanent table)) ;
+ line (f) ;
+ putline (f, "Nr. Packetname") ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO table.number of packets REP
+ cout (i) ;
+ put (f, text (i, 3)) ;
+ put (f, hex16 (table.packet (i).permanent address)) ;
+ putline (f, table.packet (i).name)
+ PER ;
+ line (f, 2) ;
+ putline (f, "TYPETABLE:") ;
+ putline (f, " Size Name") ;
+ index := 0 ;
+ get (table.types.names, type and mode, index) ;
+ WHILE index > 0 REP
+ put (f, text ( (index), 5)) ;
+ putline (f, type and mode) ;
+ get (table.types.names, type and mode, index)
+ PER ;
+ line (f, 2) ;
+ putline (f, "MODULETABLE:") ;
+ putline (f, "Modnr.PNr.Name and Parameters") ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO highest module number 1 REP
+ IF table.module (i).packet link <> -1
+ THEN cout (i) ;
+ put (f, text (i-1, 5)) ;
+ put (f, text (table.module (i).packet link, 3)) ;
+ put (f, table.module (i).name) ;
+ putline (f, table.module (i).specifications) ;
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump tables ;
+INT PROC storage (TEXT CONST typename) :
+ index := link (table.types.names, typename) ;
+ IF index = 0
+ THEN 0
+ ELSE (index)
+ FI
+ENDPROC storage ;
+TEXT PROC module name and specifications (INT CONST module number) :
+ IF LENGTH table.module (module number + 1).name > 0
+ THEN table.module (module number + 1).name + " " +
+ table.module (module number + 1).specifications
+ ELSE ""
+ FI
+ENDPROC module name and specifications ;
+TEXT PROC packet name (INT CONST module number) :
+ IF table.module (module number + 1).packet link > 0
+ THEN table.packet (table.module (module number + 1).packet link).name
+ ELSE FOR index FROM module number DOWNTO 1 REP
+ IF table.module (index).packet link > 0
+ THEN LEAVE packet name WITH table.packet (table.module
+ (index).packet link).name
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ ""
+ FI
+ENDPROC packet name ;
+(************************ Modulnummern ***********************************)
+INT PROC code segment (INT CONST module number) :
+ IF module number < sysgen off module number
+ THEN 2
+ ELSE 3
+ FI
+ENDPROC code segment ;
+INT PROC code address (INT CONST module number) :
+ get word (0, start of module number link table + module number)
+ENDPROC code address ;
+PROC get module number (INT VAR module number) :
+ TEXT VAR object ;
+ INT VAR anz objects, name table pointer, permanent pointer ;
+ put ("Name oder Modulnummer der PROC/OP:") ;
+ getline (object) ;
+ changeall (object, " ", "") ;
+ IF object = ""
+ THEN LEAVE get module number
+ FI ;
+ disablestop ;
+ module number := int (object) ;
+ IF NOT iserror AND last conversion ok AND module number >= -1 AND
+ module number < 2048
+ THEN LEAVE get module number
+ FI ;
+ clear error ;
+ enablestop ;
+ anz objects := 0 ;
+ FILE VAR f := notefile ;
+ maxlinelength (f, 1000) ;
+ note ("Modulnummer des gewnschten Objekts merken und ESC q tippen.") ;
+ noteline ;
+ noteline ;
+ module number := -1 ;
+ scan permanent table chain with object name ;
+ IF anz objects > 1
+ THEN note edit ;
+ put ("Modulnummer der PROC/OP:") ;
+ get (module number)
+ ELSE type (""27"q") ;
+ note edit
+ FI .
+scan permanent table chain with object name :
+ name table pointer := first link word ;
+ WHILE NOT end of name table chain REP
+ IF cdb text (name table pointer + 2) = object
+ THEN permanent pointer := cdb int (nametable pointer + 1) ;
+ IF NOT permanent type definition
+ THEN run through permanent chain
+ FI ;
+ FI ;
+ name table pointer := cdb int (name table pointer)
+ PER .
+run through permanent chain :
+ WHILE permanent pointer <> 0 REP
+ anz objects INCR 1 ;
+ cout (anz objects) ;
+ get specifications (permanent pointer) ;
+ IF anz objects = 1
+ THEN module number := module nr
+ FI ;
+ note (text (module nr, 4)) ;
+ note (" ") ;
+ note (object) ;
+ note (" ") ;
+ note (result) ;
+ noteline ;
+ permanent pointer := cdbint (permanent pointer)
+ PER .
+module nr :
+ cdb int (param link + 1) .
+first link word :
+ cdb int (hash (object)) .
+end of name table chain :
+ name table pointer = 0 .
+permanent type definition :
+ (object SUB 1) <= "Z" AND (object SUB 1) >= "A" AND
+ cdbint (permanent pointer + 1) = permanent type
+ENDPROC get module number ;
+(************************* Permanenttabellenzugriffe **********************)
+INT PROC hash (TEXT CONST obj name) :
+ INT VAR i, hash code ;
+ hash code := 0 ;
+ addmult cyclic
+ PER ;
+ hash code .
+addmult cyclic :
+ hash code INCR hash code ;
+ IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
+ hash code := (hash code + code (obj name SUB i)) AND end of hash table .
+wrap around :
+ hash code DECR end of hash table
+ENDPROC hash ;
+PROC next pt param :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
+ param link INCR 1 ;
+ IF mode = permanent row
+ THEN skip over permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct
+ THEN skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+skip over permanent row :
+ param link INCR 1 ; (* Skip row size *)
+ next pt param .
+skip over permanent struct :
+ mode := cdbint (param link) ;
+ WHILE mode <> permanent struct end REP
+ next pt param ;
+ mode := cdbint (param link)
+ PER ;
+ param link INCR 1 (* skip permanent struct end *)
+ENDPROC next pt param ;
+PROC set end marker if end of list :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
+ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
+PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode = permanent param proc
+ THEN type of param proc
+ ELSE type of object
+ FI .
+type of param proc :
+ param link INCR 1 ;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ mode := permanent param proc .
+type of object :
+ IF mode < 0
+ THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
+ mode := 0
+ ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
+ mode DECR type ;
+ translate type if necessary ;
+ translate mode if necessary
+ FI .
+translate type if necessary :
+ IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
+translate type :
+ type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+translate mode if necessary :
+ IF mode = permanent param const
+ THEN mode := const
+ ELIF mode = permanent param var
+ THEN mode := var
+ FI .
+permanent row or struct :
+ type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
+ENDPROC get type and mode ;
+PROC get specifications (INT CONST permanent pointer) :
+ result := "" ;
+ to first param ;
+ IF NOT end of params THEN put param list FI ;
+ get result .
+to first param :
+ param link := permanent pointer + 1 ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+get result :
+ INT VAR type;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ IF type <> void
+ THEN type and mode := " --> " ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ result CAT type and mode
+ FI
+ENDPROC get specifications ;
+PROC put param list :
+ result CAT "(" ;
+ INT VAR type;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ put type and mode ;
+ maybe param proc ;
+ next pt param ;
+ IF end of params
+ THEN result CAT ")" ;
+ LEAVE put param list
+ FI ;
+ result CAT ", " ;
+ PER .
+put type and mode :
+ INT CONST mode1 :: mode ;
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ type and mode CAT name of mode ;
+ result CAT type and mode .
+name of mode :
+ IF mode1 = const THEN " CONST"
+ ELIF mode1 = var THEN " VAR"
+ ELIF type = void THEN "PROC"
+ FI .
+maybe param proc :
+ IF mode = permanent param proc THEN put virtual params FI .
+put virtual params :
+ skip over result type if complex type ;
+ IF NOT end of virtual params
+ THEN result CAT " " ;
+ put param list
+ FI .
+skip over result type if complex type :
+ next pt param .
+end of virtual params :
+ end of params
+ENDPROC put param list ;
+PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
+ LET int = 1 ,
+ real = 2 ,
+ string = 3 ,
+ bool = 5 ,
+ bool result = 6 ,
+ dataspace = 7 ;
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE void :
+ CASE int : type and mode CAT "INT"
+ CASE real : type and mode CAT "REAL"
+ CASE string : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
+ CASE bool,
+ bool result : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
+ CASE dataspace : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE"
+ OTHERWISE complex type
+complex type :
+ IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
+ ELSE get complex type
+ FI .
+perhaps permanent struct or row :
+ index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+get complex type :
+ index := type + begin of permanent table ;
+ IF is complex type
+ THEN get name
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "<HIDDEN>"
+ FI .
+is complex type :
+ permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
+get name :
+ type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + 2) .
+link to type name :
+ cdb int (index + 3) .
+permanent type definition mode :
+ cdb int (index + 1) .
+get permanent row :
+ INT VAR t;
+ type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
+ type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + 1)) ;
+ type and mode CAT " " ;
+ param link := index + 2 ;
+ get type and mode (t) ;
+ name of type (t) .
+get permanent struct :
+ type and mode CAT "STRUCT (" ;
+ param link := index + 1 ;
+ WHILE within permanent struct REP
+ get type and mode (t) ;
+ name of type (t) ;
+ next pt param ;
+ IF within permanent struct
+ THEN type and mode CAT ", "
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ type and mode CAT ")" .
+within permanent struct :
+ cdbint (param link) <> permanent struct end .
+ENDPROC name of type ;
+ENDPACKET table routines ;
+PACKET eumel decoder DEFINES (* M. Staubermann, M„rz/April 86 *)
+ (* 1.8.0 861201 *)
+ (* 1.8.2 880726 *)
+ lbase ,
+ pbase ,
+ set parameters ,
+ get parameters ,
+ default no runtime ,
+ bool result ,
+ line number ,
+ list file name ,
+ last actual parameter ,
+ with code words ,
+ with object address ,
+ next word ,
+ next module header ,
+ data representation ,
+ object representation ,
+ decode module ,
+ decode :
+LET packet data segment = 0 ,
+ local data segment = 1 ,
+ standard dataspace = 0 , (* ds = 4 *)
+ first elan address = 13 584 , (* codeaddress (273) *)
+ begin of stringtable = 1 024 ,
+ begin of nametable = 4 096 ,
+ end of nametable = 22 783 ;
+LET try type = 0 , {?}
+ int addr = 10 , {I}
+ real addr = 19 , {R}
+ text addr = 20 , {S}
+ dataspace addr = 5 , {D}
+ task addr = 21 , {T}
+ ref addr = 1 , {@}
+ mod addr = 2 , {A}
+ bool addr = 3 , {B}
+ int value = 23 , {V}
+ hexbyte value = 9 , {H}
+ module nr value = 14 ; {M}
+LET OPN = STRUCT (TEXT mnemonic, params, BOOL bool result) ,
+ ESCOP = ROW 130 OPN ,
+ rtnt opcode = 32513 ,
+ rtnf opcode = 32514 ;
+LET hex 3fff = 16 383 ,
+ hex 03ff = 1 023 ,
+ hex 0400 = 1 024 ,
+ hex 7c = 124 ,
+ hex 7f = 127 ,
+ hex f0 = 240 ,
+ hex fd = 253 ,
+ hex ff = 255 ;
+INT CONST hex 83ff :: -31745 ,
+ hex ff00 :: -256 ,
+ hex fff8 :: -8 ,
+ minus one :: -1 ;
+FILE VAR list file ;
+TEXT VAR file name := "" ,
+ text val := "" ;
+INT VAR file number := 0 ,
+ data base ,
+ ln := minus one ,
+ lbas := minus one ,
+ cmod := minus one ;
+BOOL VAR was bool result ,
+ echo ,
+ with statement line := TRUE ,
+ with object and address := TRUE ;
+INT PROC line number :
+ ln
+ENDPROC line number ;
+TEXT PROC last actual parameter :
+ text val
+ENDPROC last actual parameter ;
+PROC pbase (INT CONST i) :
+ data base := i ;
+ makeword (data base, 0)
+ENDPROC pbase ;
+INT PROC pbase :
+ INT VAR lowbyte, highbyte := data base ;
+ split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ highbyte
+ENDPROC pbase ;
+PROC lbase (INT CONST i) :
+ lbas := i
+ENDPROC lbase ;
+BOOL PROC bool result :
+ was bool result
+ENDPROC bool result ;
+BOOL PROC with object address :
+ with object and address
+ENDPROC with object address ;
+PROC with object address (BOOL CONST b) :
+ with object and address := b
+ENDPROC with object address ;
+PROC with codewords (BOOL CONST b) :
+ with statement line := b
+ENDPROC with codewords ;
+BOOL PROC with codewords :
+ with statement line
+ENDPROC with codewords ;
+PROC bool result (BOOL CONST b) :
+ was bool result := b
+ENDPROC bool result ;
+PROC list file name (TEXT CONST name) :
+ file name := name
+ENDPROC list file name ;
+PROC set parameters (INT CONST lbase, pbas, line number, codmod) :
+ lbas := lbase ;
+ pbase (pbas) ;
+ ln := line number ;
+ cmod := codmod
+ENDPROC set parameters ;
+PROC get parameters (INT VAR lbase, pbas, line number, codmod) :
+ lbase := lbas ;
+ pbas := pbase ;
+ line number := ln ;
+ codmod := cmod
+ENDPROC get parameters ;
+PROC default no runtime :
+ lbas := minus one ;
+ ln := minus one ;
+ database := minus one ;
+ cmod := minus one
+ENDPROC default no runtime ;
+ OPN :("LN ", "V", FALSE), (* 1 *)
+ OPN :("LN1 ", "V", FALSE),
+ OPN :("MOV ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("INC1 ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DEC1 ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("INC ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DEC ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ADD ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SUB ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("CLEAR", "I", FALSE), (* 10 *)
+ OPN :("TEST ", "I", TRUE),
+ OPN :("EQU ", "II", TRUE),
+ OPN :("LSEQ ", "II", TRUE),
+ OPN :("FMOV ", "RR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FADD ", "RRR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FSUB ", "RRR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FMUL ", "RRR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FDIV ", "RRR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FLSEQ", "RR", TRUE),
+ OPN :("TMOV ", "SS", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TEQU ", "SS", TRUE),
+ OPN :("ULSEQ", "II", TRUE),
+ OPN :("DSACC", "D?", FALSE),
+ OPN :("REF ", "?@", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SUBS ", "VVI?@", FALSE), (* 25 *)
+ OPN :("SEL ", "?V@", FALSE), (* 26 *)
+ OPN :("PPV ", "?", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PP ", "?", FALSE),
+ OPN :("B ", "V", FALSE),
+ OPN :("B1 ", "V", FALSE),
+ OPN :("CALL ", "M", FALSE)) ;
+ OPN :("EQUIM ", "HI", TRUE),
+ OPN :("MOVi ", "HI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("MOVx ", "HII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PUTW ", "HII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("GETW ", "HII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PENTER ", "H", FALSE)) ; (* 7F = ESC, FF = LONGA *)
+ESCOP CONST esc op := ESCOP :(
+ OPN :("RTN ", "", FALSE), (* 0 *)
+ OPN :("RTNT ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("RTNF ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("???????", "", FALSE), (* was repair text 1.7.1 *)
+ OPN :("STOP ", "", FALSE), (* TERM *)
+ OPN :("GOSUB ", "V", FALSE), (* 1 ist Branch Address *)
+ OPN :("KE ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("GORET ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("BCRD ", "II", FALSE), (* begin char read (pointer, length) *)
+ OPN :("CRD ", "II", FALSE), (* char read (char, pointer) *)
+ OPN :("ECWR ", "III", FALSE), (* end char write (pointer, length, next entry) *)
+ OPN :("CWR ", "III", FALSE), (* char write (hash code, pointer, char) *)
+ OPN :("CTT ", "?S", FALSE), (* REF d2:=REF compiler table text <d1>) *)
+ OPN :("GETC ", "SII", TRUE), (* INT <d3> := code (TEXT <d1> SUB INT<d2>), TRUE wenn INT<ds> <= length (TEXT) *)
+ OPN :("FNONBL ", "ISI", TRUE), (* find non blank (char, line, pointer) *)
+ OPN :("DREM256", "II", FALSE), (* <d2> := <d1> MOD 256, <d1> := <d1> DIV 256 *)
+ OPN :("AMUL256", "II", FALSE), (* <d1> := <d1> * 256 + <d2> *)
+ OPN :("???????", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ISDIG ", "I", TRUE),
+ OPN :("ISLD ", "I", TRUE),
+ OPN :("ISLCAS ", "I", TRUE),
+ OPN :("ISUCAS ", "I", TRUE),
+ OPN :("GADDR ", "III", FALSE), (* IF <d2> >= 0 (Global) THEN <d3> := <d2> - <d1> (<d1>=pbase) ELIF bit (<d2>, 14) (Local Ref) THEN <d3> := (<d2> AND $3FFF)*2 + 1 ELSE (Local) <d3> := (<d2> AND $3FFF)*2 FI *)
+ OPN :("GCADDR ", "III", TRUE),
+ OPN :("ISSHA ", "I", TRUE),
+ OPN :("SYSG ", "", FALSE), (* 25 *)
+ OPN :("GETTAB ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PUTTAB ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ERTAB ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("EXEC ", "M", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PPROC ", "M", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PCALL ", "A", FALSE), (* : icount Segment/Address *)
+ OPN :("BRCOMP ", "IV", FALSE),
+ OPN :("MOVxx ", "V??", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ALIAS ", "VDD", FALSE),
+ OPN :("MOVii ", "VI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FEQU ", "RR", TRUE),
+ OPN :("TLSEQ ", "SS", TRUE),
+ OPN :("FNEG ", "RR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("NEG ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("IMULT ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("MUL ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DIV ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("MOD ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ITSUB ", "SII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ITRPL ", "SII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DECOD ", "SI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ENCOD ", "IS", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SUBT1 ", "SIS", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SUBTF ", "SIS", FALSE),
+ OPN :("CAT ", "SS", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TLEN ", "SI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("POS ", "SSI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("POSF ", "SSII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("???????", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("OUT ", "S", FALSE), (* 60 *)
+ OPN :("COUT ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("OUTF ", "SI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("OUTFT ", "SII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("INCHAR ", "S", FALSE),
+ OPN :("INCETY ", "S", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PAUSE ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("GCPOS ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("CATINP ", "SS", FALSE),
+ OPN :("NILDS ", "D", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DSCOPY ", "DD", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DSFORG ", "D", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DSWTYP ", "DI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DSRTYP ", "DI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DSHEAP ", "DI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ESTOP ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DSTOP ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SETERR ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ISERR ", "", TRUE),
+ OPN :("CLRERR ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("RPCB ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("INFOPW ", "SSI", FALSE), (* War vorher Writepcb *)
+ OPN :("TWCPU ", "TR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ROTATE ", "II", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SYSOP ", "I", FALSE), (* 90 *)
+ OPN :("ARITHS ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ARITHU ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("HPSIZE ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("GARB ", "", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TPBEGIN", "TTIA", FALSE), (* 1.8.0: privileged begin *)
+ OPN :("FSLD ", "IRI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("GEXP ", "RI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SEXP ", "IR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("FLOOR ", "RR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("RTSUB ", "SIR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("RTRPL ", "SIR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("CLOCK ", "IR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SETNOW ", "R", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TRPCB ", "TII", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TWPCB ", "TII", FALSE), (* 105 *)
+ OPN :("TCPU ", "TR", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TSTAT ", "TI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ACT ", "T", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DEACT ", "T", FALSE),
+ OPN :("THALT ", "T", FALSE),
+ OPN :("TBEGIN ", "TA", FALSE), (* seg/addr icount *)
+ OPN :("TEND ", "T", FALSE),
+ OPN :("SEND ", "TIDI", FALSE),
+ OPN :("WAIT ", "TID", FALSE),
+ OPN :("CDBINT ", "II", FALSE), (* 116 *)
+ OPN :("CDBTXT ", "IS", FALSE), (* 117 *)
+ OPN :("PNACT ", "I", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PW ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("GW ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("XOR ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("PPCALL ", "TIDI", FALSE), (* pingpong call *)
+ OPN :("EXTASK ", "T", TRUE),
+ OPN :("AND ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("OR ", "III", FALSE),
+ OPN :("DEFCOL ", "T", FALSE),
+ OPN :("ID ", "II", FALSE)) ; (* 129 *)
+PROC decode :
+ INT VAR mod nr ;
+ get module number (mod nr) ;
+ IF mod nr >= minus one
+ THEN decode (mod nr)
+ FI
+ENDPROC decode ;
+PROC decode module :
+ INT VAR mod nr ;
+ get module number (mod nr) ;
+ IF mod nr >= minus one
+ THEN decode module (mod nr)
+ FI
+ENDPROC decode module ;
+PROC decode module (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ INT VAR address :: code address (mod nr) ;
+ default no runtime ;
+ decode (code segment (mod nr), address, minus one, TRUE)
+ENDPROC decode module ;
+PROC decode (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ INT VAR address :: code address (mod nr) ;
+ default no runtime ;
+ decode (code segment (mod nr), address, minus one, FALSE)
+ENDPROC decode ;
+PROC decode (INT CONST seg, from) :
+ INT VAR address := from ;
+ default no runtime ;
+ decode (seg, address, minus one, FALSE)
+ENDPROC decode ;
+PROC decode (INT CONST seg, INT VAR addr, INT CONST to addr,
+ BOOL CONST only one module) :
+ TEXT VAR taste, opcode, codewords, hex addr ;
+ BOOL VAR addr out := TRUE ,
+ output permitted := TRUE ;
+ INT VAR size, used, mod nr, header address, start address := addr ;
+ add modules ;
+ storage (size, used) ;
+ echo := TRUE ;
+ file number := 0 ;
+ cmod := minus one ;
+ init list file ;
+ next module header (seg, addr, header address, mod nr) ;
+ was bool result := FALSE ;
+ WHILE ulseq (addr, to addr) REP
+ protocoll ;
+ taste := incharety ;
+ decode one statement ;
+ analyze key ;
+ IF (addr AND 31) = 0
+ THEN storage (size, used) ;
+ FI ;
+ UNTIL taste = ""27"" OR used > size PER ;
+ IF used > size
+ THEN list line ("Abbruch wegen Speicherengpass!")
+ FI .
+protocoll :
+ IF output permitted AND NOT echo (* Falls Decoder im Hintergrund laufen soll *)
+ THEN IF addr out
+ THEN out (" ") ;
+ out (hex16 (addr)) ;
+ out (" "8""8""8""8""8""8"") ;
+ ELSE cout (ln)
+ FI
+ FI .
+analyze key :
+ SELECT code (taste) OF
+{l} CASE 108 : addr out := FALSE (* Zeilennummern ausgeben *)
+{d} CASE 100 : get command ("Gib Kommando:") ; do command
+{f} CASE 102 : show filename and fileline
+{a} CASE 97 : addr out := TRUE (* Hexaddressen ausgeben *)
+{e} CASE 101 : echo := NOT echo (* Bildschirmausgabe zus. *)
+{s} CASE 115 : storage (size,used) ; out(""13""5"System-Storage: " + text (used) + " ")
+{m} CASE 109 : out (""13""5"Modulnr: " + text (mod nr-1) + " ")
+{Q,W}CASE 87,81:output permitted := TRUE (* L„uft nur im Vordergrund *)
+{S} CASE 83 : output permitted := FALSE (* L„uft auch im Hintergrund *)
+{ESC}CASE 27 : IF incharety <> ""
+ THEN taste := ""
+ ELSE list line ("Abbruch mit ESC")
+ FI
+ (* Wegen Steuertasten, wie ESC P *)
+show filename and fileline :
+ out (""13""5"Filename: " + filename + "." + text (filenumber) +
+ " Fileline: " + text (lines (list file)) + " ") .
+decode one statement :
+ check if module head ;
+ hex addr := hex16 (addr) ;
+ codewords := "" ;
+ opcode := "" ;
+ decode (seg, addr, codewords, opcode, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ;
+ hex addr CAT " " ;
+ hex addr CAT opcode ;
+ IF with statement line
+ THEN hex addr CAT " " ;
+ WHILE LENGTH hex addr < 80 REP
+ hex addr CAT " "
+ PER ;
+ hex addr CAT codewords ;
+ FI ;
+ list line (hex addr) .
+check if module head :
+ IF addr = header address
+ THEN IF only one module AND addr <> start address
+ THEN LEAVE decode
+ FI ;
+ list line (" ") ;
+ list line ("Module " + process module nr (mod nr)) ;
+ list line (" ") ;
+ IF output permitted AND NOT echo
+ THEN put ("Module:") ;
+ cout (mod nr) ;
+ 8 TIMESOUT ""8""
+ FI ;
+ calculate c8k ;
+ codewords := "" ;
+ hex addr := hex16 (addr) ;
+ hex addr CAT " HEAD " ;
+ hex addr CAT text (next word (seg, addr, codewords)) ;
+ IF with statement line
+ THEN hex addr CAT " " ;
+ WHILE LENGTH hex addr < 80 REP
+ hex addr CAT " "
+ PER ;
+ hex addr CAT code words ;
+ FI ;
+ list line (hex addr) ;
+ next module header (seg, addr, header address, mod nr) ;
+ FI .
+calculate c8k :
+ INT VAR dummy ;
+ cmod := addr ;
+ splitword (cmod, dummy) ;
+ cmod INCR 16 ;
+ cmod := cmod AND 255 .
+ENDPROC decode ;
+PROC init list file :
+ forget (filename + "." + text (filenumber), quiet) ;
+ list file := sequentialfile (output, filename + "." + text (filenumber)) ;
+ maxlinelength (list file, 2000) ;
+ list line ("Addr Opcode Parameter") ;
+ENDPROC init list file ;
+PROC list line (TEXT CONST zeile) :
+ IF lines (list file) > 4000
+ THEN file number INCR 1 ;
+ init list file
+ FI ;
+ putline (list file, zeile) ;
+ IF echo THEN outsubtext (zeile, 1, 79) ; line FI
+ENDPROC list line ;
+PROC decode (INT CONST segment, INT VAR address, TEXT VAR words, instruction,
+ INT VAR opcode, word, lowbyte, highbyte,
+ opcode address := address ;
+ BOOL VAR shorta opcode ;
+ ln := minus one ; (* Wenn kein LN Befehl vorkam -1 *)
+ word := next word (segment, address, words) ;
+ highbyte := word ;
+ split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ opcode := highbyte AND hex 7c ;
+ shorta opcode := TRUE ;
+ IF opcode = hex 7c AND highbyte <> hex ff
+ THEN esc or special instruction (* Kann kein LONGA sein *)
+ ELSE IF highbyte = hex ff
+ THEN longa instruction
+ ELSE word := word AND hex 83ff
+ FI ;
+ primaer instruction
+ FI .
+esc or special instruction :
+ IF highbyte = hex 7f
+ THEN esc instruction
+ ELSE special instruction
+ FI .
+longa instruction :
+ IF lowbyte = hex ff
+ THEN instruction CAT "-" ;
+ LEAVE decode
+ ELIF lowbyte = hex fd
+ THEN instruction CAT "Block unlesbar" ;
+ LEAVE decode
+ ELSE instruction CAT "LONGA " ;
+ shorta opcode := FALSE ;
+ opcode := lowbyte ;
+ word := next word (segment, address, words) ;
+ highbyte := word ;
+ splitword (highbyte, lowbyte)
+ FI .
+special instruction :
+ opcode := (highbyte AND 3) * 2 + 1 ;
+ IF highbyte > hex 7f
+ THEN opcode INCR 1
+ FI ;
+ word := word AND hex ff ;
+ instruction CAT special op (opcode).mnemonic ;
+ instruction CAT " " ; (* ESC Ausgleich *)
+ instruction CAT params0 (special op (opcode).params, word, segment, address,
+ words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ;
+ was bool result := special op (opcode).bool result ;
+ IF opcode = 6 (* PENTER *)
+ THEN database := lowbyte ;
+ makeword (database, 0) ;
+ FI .
+esc instruction :
+ opcode := lowbyte + 1 ;
+ IF opcode < 1 OR opcode > 131
+ THEN instruction CAT "???????"
+ ELSE instruction CAT "ESC " ;
+ instruction CAT esc op (opcode).mnemonic ;
+ instruction CAT " " ;
+ instruction CAT params (esc op (opcode).params, segment, address,
+ words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ;
+ was bool result := esc op (opcode).bool result
+ FI .
+primaer instruction :
+ rotate (opcode, -2) ;
+ SELECT opcode OF
+ CASE 0, 1 : process ln
+ CASE 28, 29 : process br
+ CASE 30 : process call
+ opcode INCR 1 ;
+ instruction CAT prim op (opcode).mnemonic ;
+ IF shorta opcode
+ THEN instruction CAT " "
+ ELSE instruction CAT " "
+ FI ;
+ instruction CAT params0 (prim op (opcode).params, word, segment, address, words,
+ IF opcode = 25 (* SUBS *)
+ THEN instruction CAT "(ESiz,Lim-1,Idx,Base,Ref) "
+ ELIF opcode = 26 (* SEL *)
+ THEN instruction CAT "(Base,Offs,Ref) "
+ FI ;
+ was bool result := prim op (opcode).bool result ;
+process call :
+ opcode INCR 1 ;
+ word := word AND hex 03ff ;
+ IF highbyte > hex 7f
+ THEN word INCR hex 0400
+ FI ;
+ instruction CAT prim op (opcode).mnemonic ;
+ IF shorta opcode
+ THEN instruction CAT " "
+ ELSE instruction CAT " "
+ FI ;
+ was bool result := FALSE ; (* Wird von params0 ggf berschrieben *)
+ instruction CAT params0 (prim op (opcode).params, word, segment, address, words,
+process ln :
+ IF shorta opcode
+ THEN word := short address (lowbyte, highbyte, opcode = 1)
+ FI ;
+ IF was bool result
+ THEN instruction CAT "BT " ;
+ IF shorta opcode
+ THEN instruction CAT " "
+ FI ;
+ instruction CAT hex16 (branch address)
+ ELSE IF segment = 2
+ THEN instruction CAT "HEAD "
+ ELSE ln := word ;
+ instruction CAT "LN "
+ FI ;
+ IF shorta opcode
+ THEN instruction CAT " "
+ FI ;
+ instruction CAT text (word)
+ FI ;
+ was bool result := FALSE .
+process br :
+ word := short address (lowbyte, highbyte, opcode = 29) ;
+ IF was bool result
+ THEN instruction CAT "BF " ;
+ ELSE instruction CAT "B " ;
+ FI ;
+ IF shorta opcode
+ THEN instruction CAT " "
+ FI ;
+ instruction CAT hex16 (branch address) ;
+ was bool result := FALSE .
+branch address :
+ INT VAR high address byte := opcode address ;
+ split word (high address byte, lowbyte) ;
+ highbyte := word ;
+ split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ high address byte INCR highbyte ;
+ IF cmod <> minus one AND high address byte >= cmod
+ THEN high address byte DECR 16 (* cms = 16 *)
+ FI ;
+ make word (high address byte, lowbyte) ;
+ high address byte .
+ENDPROC decode ;
+INT PROC short address (INT CONST lowbyte, highbyte, BOOL CONST bit12) :
+ (* Bit 7 des Highbytes in Bit 0 rotieren *)
+ INT VAR effective address := (highbyte * 2) AND 6 ;
+ IF highbyte > hex 7f
+ THEN effective address INCR 1
+ FI ;
+ make word (effective address, lowbyte) ; (* high and result, low *)
+ IF bit12
+ THEN effective address INCR 2048
+ FI ;
+ effective address
+ENDPROC short address ;
+INT PROC next word (INT CONST segment, INT VAR address, TEXT VAR words) :
+ INT CONST word :: get word (segment, address) ;
+ INC address ;
+ words CAT hex16 (word) ;
+ words CAT " " ;
+ word
+ENDPROC next word ;
+PROC next module header (INT CONST segment, address,
+ INT VAR header address, module number) :
+ INT VAR first, last, mid ;
+ IF segment = 2
+ THEN first := 0 ;
+ last := 1275
+ ELSE first := 1282 ; (* 1280/1281 MAIN doagain & runagain modaddr *)
+ last := 2047
+ FI ;
+ mid := (first + last) DIV 2 ;
+ IF ulseq (address, getword (0, 512 + mid))
+ THEN last := mid
+ ELSE first := mid + 1
+ FI
+ UNTIL first = last PER ;
+ header address := getword (0, 512 + first) ;
+ module number := first
+ENDPROC next module header ;
+TEXT PROC params (TEXT CONST types, INT CONST segment, INT VAR address,
+ TEXT VAR words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) :
+ INT VAR i, param addr, type ;
+ TEXT VAR result ;
+ IF types = ""
+ THEN LEAVE params WITH ""
+ FI ;
+ result := "" ;
+ param addr := next word (segment, address, words) ;
+ type := code (types SUB i)-63 ;
+ result CAT data representation (param addr, segment, address, type) ;
+ IF i <> LENGTH types
+ THEN result CAT ", "
+ FI ;
+ PER ;
+ result
+ENDPROC params ;
+TEXT PROC params0 (TEXT CONST types, INT CONST word, segment, INT VAR address,
+ TEXT VAR words, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) :
+ INT VAR i, param addr, type ;
+ TEXT VAR result ;
+ IF types = ""
+ THEN LEAVE params0 WITH ""
+ FI ;
+ result := "" ;
+ param addr := word ;
+ type := code (types SUB i)-63 ;
+ result CAT data representation (param addr, segment, address, type) ;
+ IF i <> LENGTH types
+ THEN result CAT ", " ;
+ param addr := next word (segment, address, words)
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ result
+ENDPROC params0 ;
+TEXT PROC data representation (INT CONST data addr, segment, address, type) :
+ INT VAR stack offset, ds segment, ds number, ds address ;
+ TEXT VAR result ;
+ IF is data address
+ THEN IF local data address
+ THEN stack offset := data addr ;
+ rotate (stack offset, minus one) ;
+ stack offset := stack offset AND hex 3fff ;
+ IF local reference address OR type = ref addr
+ THEN get referenced representation
+ ELSE get representation from stack
+ FI
+ ELSE get representation from packet data
+ FI
+ ELSE object representation (minus one, data addr, segment, address, type)
+ FI .
+is data address :
+ NOT (type = 23 OR type = 9 OR type = 14) .
+local data address :
+ data addr < 0 .
+local reference address :
+ (data addr AND 1) = 1 .
+is runtime :
+ lbas <> minus one .
+get representation from packet data :
+ IF with object and address
+ THEN result := "<G " + hex16 (data addr) + "H>"
+ ELSE result := ""
+ FI ;
+ result CAT object representation (packet data segment, data addr ADD data base,
+ segment, address, type) ;
+ result .
+get representation from stack :
+ result := "<L " + text (stack offset) + ">" ;
+ IF is runtime
+ THEN IF NOT with object and address
+ THEN result := ""
+ FI ;
+ result CAT object representation (local data segment,
+ lbas ADD stack offset, segment, address, type)
+ FI ;
+ result .
+get referenced representation :
+ IF is runtime
+ THEN ds address := getword (local data segment, lbas ADD stack offset) ;
+ ds number := getword (local data segment, lbas ADD stack offset ADD 1) ;
+ split word (ds number, ds segment) ;
+ IF ds number = standard dataspace
+ THEN IF with object and address
+ THEN result := "<LR " + text (stack offset) ;
+ result CAT " @" + text (ds segment AND 7) ;
+ result CAT hex16 (ds address) + "H>"
+ ELSE result := ""
+ FI ;
+ IF ds segment <= local data segment
+ THEN result CAT object representation (ds segment,
+ ds address, segment, address, type)
+ ELIF ds segment > 3 (* Illegal! *)
+ THEN result := "<LR " + text (stack offset) ;
+ result CAT " @" + text (ds segment AND 7) ;
+ result CAT "!!!" ;
+ result CAT hex16 (ds address) + "H>"
+ ELSE (* PROC-Addresse *)
+ result CAT object representation (ds segment,
+ ds address, segment, address, mod addr)
+ FI ;
+ result
+ ELSE "<LR " + text (stack offset) +
+ " DS:" + hex8 (ds number) + " @" +
+ text (ds segment AND 7) + hex16 (ds address) + "H>"
+ FI
+ ELSE "<LR " + text (stack offset) + ">"
+ FI .
+ENDPROC data representation ;
+INT VAR anzahl zeros, anzahl steuerzeichen ;
+TEXT PROC object representation (INT CONST data segment, data address,
+ segment, address, type) :
+ TEXT VAR t, result ;
+ INT VAR i, zeichen, highbyte, lowbyte, first word ;
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE try type,refaddr: try representation
+ CASE int addr : int representation
+ CASE real addr : real representation
+ CASE text addr : text representation
+ CASE dataspace addr : dataspace representation
+ CASE task addr : task representation
+ CASE mod addr : module address representation
+ CASE bool addr : bool representation
+ CASE int value : integer value
+ CASE hexbyte value : integer hexbyte
+ CASE module nr value : module nr representation
+ OTHERWISE "unbek. Typ: " + code (type + 63)
+module nr representation :
+ text val := text (data address) ;
+ process module nr (data address) .
+bool representation :
+ IF getword (data segment, data address) = 0
+ THEN text val := "TRUE"
+ ELSE text val := "FALSE"
+ FI ;
+ text val .
+reference address :
+ highbyte := getword (data segment, data address ADD 1) ;
+ splitword (highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ result := "@" + hex8 (highbyte) + "-" + hex8 (lowbyte) ;
+ result CAT hex16 (getword (data segment, data address)) ;
+ text val := result ;
+ result .
+int representation :
+ i := get word (data segment, data address) ;
+ text val := text (i) ;
+ result := text (i) ;
+ IF i < 0
+ THEN result CAT "|" ;
+ result CAT hex16 (i) ;
+ result CAT "H"
+ ELIF i >= 256
+ THEN result CAT "|" ;
+ result CAT hex16 (i) ;
+ result CAT "H" ;
+ FI ;
+ result .
+integer value :
+ text val := text (data address) ;
+ text (data address) .
+integer hexbyte :
+ text val := text (data address) ;
+ IF (data address AND hex ff00) = 0
+ THEN hex8 (data address) + "H"
+ ELSE hex16 (data address) + "H"
+ FI .
+real representation :
+ result := "12345678" ;
+ replace (result, i + 1, get word (data segment, data address ADD i))
+ PER ;
+ disablestop ;
+ result := compress (text (result RSUB 1, 20)) ;
+ IF iserror
+ THEN clear error ;
+ result := "undefined REAL"
+ FI ;
+ text val := result ;
+ result .
+text representation :
+ t := copied text var (data segment, data address) ;
+ result := """" ;
+ anzahl steuerzeichen := 0 ;
+ anzahl zeros := 0 ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (t) REP
+ zeichen := code (t SUB i) ;
+ IF zeichen = 34 THEN result CAT """"""
+ ELIF zeichen = 251 OR zeichen > 31 AND zeichen < 127 OR
+ zeichen > 213 AND zeichen < 224 THEN result CAT code (zeichen)
+ ELSE result CAT """" ;
+ result CAT text (zeichen) ;
+ result CAT """" ;
+ anzahl steuerzeichen INCR 1 ;
+ IF zeichen = 0
+ THEN anzahl zeros INCR 1
+ FI
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ result CAT """" ;
+ text val := result ;
+ result .
+task representation :
+ INT CONST index := get word (data segment, data address) ,
+ version := get word (data segment, data address ADD 1) ;
+ IF index < 256
+ THEN result := hex8 (index)
+ ELSE result := hex16 (index) ;
+ insertchar (result, "-", 3)
+ FI ;
+ result CAT "-" ;
+ result CAT hex16 (version) ;
+ result CAT "/" ;
+ result CAT taskname (index, version) ;
+ text val := result ;
+ result .
+dataspace representation :
+ highbyte := get word (data segment, data address) ;
+ splitword (highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ result := hex8 (highbyte) ;
+ result CAT "-" ;
+ result CAT hex8 (lowbyte) ;
+ IF (highbyte AND lowbyte) = 255
+ THEN result CAT ":not init"
+ ELIF (highbyte OR lowbyte) = 0
+ THEN result CAT ":nilspace"
+ FI ;
+ text val := result ;
+ result .
+module address representation :
+ (* Hier: lowbyte = mod nr, highbyte = mod addr *)
+ next module header (data segment, data address, highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ IF highbyte <> data address
+ THEN linear search (* Adresse muá doch zu finden sein *)
+ FI ;
+ text val := text (lowbyte) ;
+ process module nr (lowbyte) .
+linear search :
+ IF data segment = 2
+ IF getword (packet data segment, i) = data address
+ THEN lowbyte := i-512 ;
+ LEAVE linear search
+ FI
+ ELSE FOR i FROM 1792 UPTO 3839 REP
+ IF getword (packet data segment, i) = data address
+ THEN lowbyte := i-512 ;
+ LEAVE linear search
+ FI
+ FI ; (* Moduleaddress nicht gefunden, da stimmt doch was nicht! *)
+ LEAVE module address representation WITH reference address .
+try representation :
+ first word := getword (data segment, data address) ;
+ result := text (first word) ;
+ IF first word < 0 OR first word >= 256
+ THEN result CAT "|" ;
+ result CAT hex16 (first word) ;
+ result CAT "H"
+ FI ;
+ IF first word = 0
+ THEN result CAT "|TRUE"
+ ELIF first word = 1
+ THEN result CAT "|FALSE"
+ FI ;
+ IF vorzeichen ok AND nur digits (* real *)
+ THEN result CAT "|" ;
+ disablestop ;
+ TEXT CONST txt :: compress (text (t RSUB 1, 20)) ;
+ IF is error
+ THEN clear error
+ ELSE result CAT txt
+ FI ;
+ FI ;
+ IF within compiler
+ THEN IF first word >= begin of stringtable CAND first word <= end of nametable
+ THEN string pointer (* first word wird ggf veraendert! *)
+ ELIF first word > 9 AND first word < 32
+ THEN result CAT "|""""" + text (first word) + """""" (* Char *)
+ ELIF first word = 34
+ THEN result CAT "|"""""
+ ELIF first word >= 32 AND first word < 127
+ THEN result CAT "|""" + code (first word) + """" (* Code-Char *)
+ FI ;
+ ELIF text sinnvoll
+ THEN result CAT "|" ;
+ result CAT t
+ FI ;
+ text val := result ;
+ result .
+text sinnvoll :
+ keine steuerzeichen AND
+ (getword (data segment, data address ADD 1) AND 255) < 80 .
+within compiler :
+ segment = 2 AND ulseq (address, first elan address-1) .
+string pointer :
+ IF first word >= begin of name table
+ THEN first word INCR 2
+ FI ;
+ IF (cdbint (first word) AND 255) < 100
+ THEN t := cdbtext (first word) ;
+ IF pos (t, ""0"", ""31"", 1) = 0 CAND
+ pos (t, ""127"", ""213"", 1) = 0 CAND
+ pos (t, ""220"", ""255"", 1) = 0
+ THEN result CAT "|""" ;
+ result CAT t ;
+ result CAT """"
+ FI
+ FI .
+keine steuerzeichen :
+ t := object representation (data segment, data address,
+ segment, address, text addr) ;
+ anzahl steuerzeichen < 4 AND anzahl zeros < 2 AND
+ getword (data segment, data address ADD 1) <> minus one .
+vorzeichen ok :
+ (first word AND hex f0) = 0 OR (first word AND hex f0) = 128 .
+nur digits :
+ t := "12345678" ;
+ replace (t, i + 1, get word (data segment, data address ADD i))
+ PER ;
+ IF (first word AND 15) > 9 THEN FALSE
+ lowbyte := code (t SUB i) ;
+ IF (lowbyte AND hex f0) > 249 OR (lowbyte AND 15) > 9
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ FI .
+ENDPROC object representation ;
+TEXT PROC process module nr (INT CONST module number) :
+ TEXT VAR object specification ;
+ was bool result := modules last word is bool return ;
+ IF is elan module number
+ THEN object specification := module name and specifications (module number) ;
+ IF object specification = ""
+ THEN object specification := "Hidden: PACKET " ;
+ object specification CAT packet name (module number) ;
+ IF was bool result
+ THEN object specification CAT " --> BOOL"
+ FI
+ ELSE was bool result := pos (object specification, "--> BOOL") > 0 ;
+ FI
+ ELIF one of compilers own module numbers
+ THEN object specification := "CDL (" ;
+ object specification CAT text ((getword (2, code address (module number)) - 4) DIV 2) ;
+ object specification CAT ")" ;
+ IF was bool result
+ THEN object specification CAT " --> BOOL"
+ FI
+ ELIF elan defined internal
+ THEN SELECT module number - 255 OF
+ CASE 1 : object specification := "compiler (INT CONST, FILE VAR, TEXT CONST, INT VAR, BOOL CONST ins, BOOL CONST lst, BOOL CONST rtc, BOOL CONST ser)"
+ CASE 2 : object specification := "outtext (TEXT CONST, INT CONST)"
+ CASE 3 : object specification := "outline (INT CONST)"
+ CASE 4 : object specification := "syntaxerror (TEXT CONST)"
+ CASE 5 : object specification := ":= (FILE VAR, FILE CONST)"
+ OTHERWISE object specification := "INTERNAL " + text (module number)
+ ELSE object specification := "Modulnummer ohne Code!" ;
+ was bool result := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ IF with object and address OR one of compilers own module numbers
+ THEN object specification CAT " (" ;
+ object specification CAT text (module number) ;
+ object specification CAT ":$" ;
+ object specification CAT text (code segment (module number)) ;
+ object specification CAT hex16 (code address (module number)) ;
+ object specification CAT ")" ;
+ FI ;
+ object specification .
+modules last word is bool return :
+ INT CONST last word :: getword (code segment (module number),
+ code address (module number + 1) SUB 1) ;
+ last word = rtnt opcode OR last word = rtnf opcode .
+one of compilers own module numbers :
+ module number < 244 .
+elan defined internal :
+ module number >= 256 AND module number < 272 .
+is elan module number :
+ module number >= 272 .
+ENDPROC process module nr ;
+TEXT PROC copied text var (INT CONST segment, addr) :
+ TEXT VAR result, t ;
+ INT VAR laenge, first char, address, heap segment ;
+ address := addr ADD 1 ;
+ first char := getword (segment, address) ;
+ splitword (first char, laenge) ;
+ IF laenge = 0
+ THEN ""
+ ELIF laenge = 255
+ THEN copy text from heap
+ ELSE copy text from data segment
+ FI .
+copy text from data segment :
+ result := code (first char) ;
+ laenge DECR 1 ;
+ t := " " ;
+ INC address ;
+ WHILE laenge > 1 REP
+ replace (t, 1, getword (segment, address)) ;
+ result CAT t ;
+ laenge DECR 2 ;
+ INC address ;
+ PER ;
+ IF laenge = 1
+ THEN result CAT code (getword (segment, address) AND 255)
+ FI ;
+ result .
+copy text from heap :
+ address := get word (segment, addr) ;
+ rotate (address, minus one) ;
+ heap segment := address AND 7 ;
+ address := address AND hex fff8 ; (* In Vielfachen von 8 *)
+ laenge := getword (segment, addr ADD 2) AND 255 ;
+ makeword (laenge, first char) ; (* 16 Bit Laenge ber Wortgrenze *)
+ laenge := min (laenge, 256) ; (* Mehr ist im Listing nicht sinnvoll *)
+ IF getword (heap segment, address) = minus one (* Standard DS *)
+ THEN address INCR 3 ; (* Kann nicht ber 8000H Grenze gehen *)
+ ELSE INC address (* Im Frei-Datenraum nur Wort Laenge *)
+ FI ;
+ result := "" ;
+ WHILE laenge > 1 REP
+ result CAT getword (heap segment, address) ;
+ laenge DECR 2 ;
+ INC address
+ PER ;
+ IF laenge = 1
+ THEN result CAT code (getword (heap segment, address) AND 255)
+ FI ;
+ result .
+ENDPROC copied text var ;
+PROC push (INT CONST a, b) :
+ INT VAR dummy1 := a, dummy2 := b
+ENDPROC push ;
+PROC pop (TASK VAR a, INT CONST dummy) :
+ TASK VAR x ;
+ a := x
+ENDPROC pop ;
+TEXT PROC task name (INT CONST id, vers) :
+ TASK VAR t ;
+ IF id = 0
+ THEN "niltask"
+ ELSE push (id, vers) ;
+ pop (t, 0) ;
+ IF exists (t)
+ THEN """" + name (t) + """"
+ ELSE "-"
+ FI
+ FI
+ENDPROC task name ;
+ENDPACKET eumel decoder ;
+PACKET tracer DEFINES (* M. Staubermann *)
+ (* 20.04.86 *)
+ list breakpoints , (* 1.8.0, 861107 15:45 *)
+ set breakpoint ,
+ reset breakpoint ,
+ source file ,
+ prot file ,
+ tracer channel ,
+ trace ,
+ reset breakpoints :
+LET local base field = 25 ,
+ packet data segment = 0 ,
+ local data segment = 1 ,
+ code segment 3 = 3 ,
+ begin of module nr link table = 512 ,
+ previous local base offset = 0 ,
+ return address offset = 1 ,
+ return segment offset = 2 ,
+ c8k offset = 3 ,
+ opcode mask = 31744 ,
+ bt opcode = 0 ,
+ btlong opcode = 1024 ,
+ bf opcode = 28672 ,
+ bflong opcode = 29696 ,
+ br opcode = 28672 ,
+ brlong opcode = 29696 ,
+ brcomp opcode = 32544 ,
+ ln opcode = 0 ,
+ ln long opcode = 1024 ,
+ call opcode = 30720 ,
+ pcall opcode = 32543 ,
+ pp opcode = 27648 ,
+ ppv opcode = 26624 ,
+ pproc opcode = 32542 ,
+ rtn opcode = 32512 ,
+ rtnt opcode = 32513 ,
+ rtnf opcode = 32514 ,
+ hex 7f00 = 32512 ;
+INT CONST longa opcode :: -256 ,
+ longa ppv opcode :: longa opcode + 104 ,
+ longa pp opcode :: longa opcode + 108 ,
+ hex 83ff :: -31745 ,
+ minus one :: -1 ;
+LET nr of breakpoints = 2 , (* Max. Anzahl unvorhersehbare Verzweigungen/Branch *)
+ BREAKPOINT = STRUCT (BOOL set, INT address, saved word) ;
+ROW nr of breakpoints BREAKPOINT VAR breakpoints ;
+BREAKPOINT CONST init breakpoint :: BREAKPOINT:(FALSE, -5, 0) ;
+FOR actual linenumber FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
+ breakpoints (actual line number) := init breakpoint
+PER ;
+BOOL VAR auto trace := FALSE ,
+ forward trace := TRUE ,
+ source lines neu := TRUE ;
+INT VAR previous instruction address ,
+ prot file number ,
+ trace channel := minus one ,
+ actual line number := minus one ,
+ handler module := 339 ; (* Dummy: PROC stop *)
+TEXT VAR prot file name := "" ,
+ source line := "" ,
+ source file name := "" ;
+FILE VAR source, protocoll ;
+INT PROC tracer channel :
+ trace channel
+ENDPROC tracer channel ;
+PROC tracer channel (INT CONST c) :
+ IF c < 17 AND c > minus one
+ THEN trace channel := c
+ ELSE errorstop ("PROC tracer channel: Kanalnummer unzul„ssig")
+ FI
+ENDPROC tracer channel ;
+PROC trace :
+ TEXT VAR name ;
+ forward trace := TRUE ;
+ set breakpoint ;
+ get command ("PROC/OP-Aufruf eingeben:") ;
+ out (""13"") ;
+ put (" Sourcefilename (falls keine Sourcefile RETURN) :") ;
+ getline (name) ;
+ source file (name) ;
+ put (" Protokollfilename (falls kein Protokoll RETURN):") ;
+ getline (name) ;
+ prot file (name) ;
+ put (" Tracekanal (Ausfhrung an diesem Kanal: RETURN):") ;
+ name := "0" ;
+ editget (name) ;
+ line ;
+ tracer channel (int (name)) ;
+ do command
+ENDPROC trace ;
+PROC source file (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ IF exists (file name)
+ THEN source := sequentialfile (modify, file name) ;
+ source file name := file name ;
+ IF actual line number >= 0 CAND actual line number <= lines (source)
+ THEN toline (source, actual line number) ;
+ readrecord (source, source line)
+ ELSE source line := ""
+ FI
+ ELSE source file name := ""
+ FI
+ENDPROC source file ;
+TEXT PROC source file :
+ source file name
+ENDPROC source file ;
+TEXT PROC prot file :
+ prot file name
+ENDPROC prot file ;
+PROC prot file (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ IF file name = ""
+ THEN prot file name := ""
+ ELSE forget (file name, quiet) ;
+ prot file number := 0 ;
+ protocoll := sequentialfile (output, file name) ;
+ max line length (protocoll, 1000) ;
+ prot file name := file name ;
+ FI
+ENDPROC prot file ;
+PROC protocoll line :
+ IF prot file name <> ""
+ THEN line (protocoll) ;
+ IF lines (protocoll) > 4000
+ THEN prot file number INCR 1 ;
+ TEXT CONST file name :: prot file name + "." +
+ text (prot file number) ;
+ putline (protocoll, "Fortsetzung in Datei " + file name) ;
+ forget (file name, quiet) ;
+ protocoll := sequentialfile (output, file name) ;
+ max line length (protocoll, 1000)
+ FI
+ FI
+ENDPROC protocoll line ;
+PROC write protocoll (TEXT CONST t) :
+ IF prot file name <> ""
+ THEN write (protocoll, t)
+ FI
+ENDPROC write protocoll ;
+PROC breakpoint handler :
+ ROW 32 INT VAR offset fuer inter call stack variablen ;
+ BOOL VAR was bool result ,
+ ueberschrift neu ,
+ code lines neu ;
+ TEXT VAR key, previous key,
+ old error message ,
+ statement line, opcode,
+ previous opcode, next opcode ;
+ INT VAR i, x, y ,
+ actual opcode, actual word, op word, next instruction,
+ following word, saved word,
+ lbas, this local base, st ptr,
+ old channel, old error code, old error line,
+ user address, branch address, address,
+ lowbyte,
+ c8k, packet base,
+ actual instruction address, previous actual address,
+ next instruction address,
+ return segment, return address,
+ breakpoint address, breakpoint nr ;
+ determine return address and breakpoint nr ;
+ reset breakpoints ;
+ getcursor (x, y) ;
+ next instruction address := breakpoint address ;
+ IF NOT forward trace AND previous instruction address <> minus one
+ THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address, previous actual address,
+ previous opcode, FALSE) ;
+ ELSE previous opcode := ""
+ FI ;
+ decode instruction (next instruction address, actual instruction address,
+ next opcode, TRUE) ;
+ was bool result := bool result ;
+ IF forward trace
+ THEN write protocoll (" " + hex16 (actual instruction address) + " ") ;
+ write protocoll (next opcode) ;
+ protocoll line
+ ELSE write protocoll ("*" + hex16 (previous actual address) + " ") ;
+ write protocoll (previous opcode) ;
+ protocoll line
+ FI ;
+ actual word := getword (code segment 3, actual instruction address) ;
+ actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ;
+ following word := getword (code segment 3, actual instruction address ADD 1) ;
+ next instruction := getword (code segment 3, next instruction address) ;
+ out (""1""10""5""10""5"") ;
+ IF NOT auto trace
+ THEN out (""6""6""0"") ;
+ putline ("Auto, Bpnt, Clrr, Dstp, Estp, File, Go, Prot, Rslt, Step(CR), Term, - + < >"5"") ;
+ putline ("------------------------------------------------------------------------------"5"") ;
+ FI ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE ;
+ code lines neu := TRUE ;
+ previous key := "" ;
+ kopf schreiben ;
+ IF auto trace
+ THEN IF incharety = ""
+ THEN key := "S"
+ ELSE auto trace := FALSE
+ FI
+ FI ;
+ IF NOT auto trace
+ inchar (key)
+ UNTIL pos (""13"abcdefgprst +-<>", key) > 0 PER ;
+ IF key >= "a"
+ THEN key := code (code (key)-32)
+ FI ;
+ analyze key
+ FI ;
+ previous key := key
+ UNTIL pos ("GST!", key) > 0 PER ;
+ IF key <> "T"
+ THEN execute saved instruction
+ FI ;
+ IF key = "T"
+ THEN write protocoll (" Terminated") ;
+ protocoll line ;
+ resetbreakpoints ;
+ term
+ ELIF key = "G"
+ THEN write protocoll (" Go") ;
+ protocoll line
+ ELIF key = "S"
+ THEN singlestep
+ FI ;
+ previous instruction address := breakpoint address ;
+ cursor (x, y) ;
+ IF trace channel > 0
+ THEN IF old channel = 0
+ THEN break (quiet)
+ ELSE continue (old channel)
+ FI
+ FI ;
+ IF bit (return segment, 7)
+ THEN disablestop ;
+ set line nr (old error line) ;
+ error stop (old error code, old error message) ;
+ set line nr (0)
+ FI .
+analyze key :
+ IF previous key = "B"
+ THEN IF key = ""13"" OR key = "S" (* Sicherheitsabfrage *)
+ THEN key := "!" ; (* Exit-Key *)
+ write protocoll (" Skip") ;
+ protocoll line ;
+ write protocoll (" " + hex16 (user address) + " ") ;
+ write protocoll (opcode) ;
+ protocoll line ;
+ set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, user address)
+ ELSE code lines neu := TRUE
+ FI
+ ELIF key = ""13""
+ THEN key := "S"
+ ELIF key = " "
+ THEN code lines neu := TRUE ;
+ source lines neu := TRUE ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE ;
+ ELSE SELECT code (key)-43 OF (* Um die Anzahl Branches klein zu halten*)
+ CASE 0 {+} : stptr := stptr ADD 2 ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE
+ CASE 2 {-} : stptr := stptr SUB 2 ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE
+ CASE 17 {<} : with object address (TRUE) ;
+ IF forward trace
+ THEN decode instruction (breakpoint address,
+ actual instruction address, next opcode, FALSE)
+ ELIF previous instruction address <> minus one
+ THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address,
+ previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE)
+ FI ;
+ code lines neu := TRUE
+ CASE 19 {>} : with object address (FALSE) ;
+ IF forward trace
+ THEN decode instruction (breakpoint address,
+ actual instruction address, next opcode, FALSE)
+ ELIF previous instruction address <> minus one
+ THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address,
+ previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE)
+ FI ;
+ code lines neu := TRUE ;
+ CASE 22 {A} : auto trace := TRUE ;
+ key := "S"
+ CASE 23 {B} : get breakpoint address from user
+ CASE 24 {C} : resetbit (return segment, 7) ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE
+ CASE 25 {D} : setbit (return segment, 6) ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE
+ CASE 26 {E} : resetbit (return segment, 6) ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE
+ CASE 27 {F} : out (""6""5""0"Sourcefile:"5"") ;
+ editget (source file name) ;
+ source file (source file name) ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE ;
+ source lines neu := TRUE
+ CASE 37 {P} : out (""6""5""0"Protokollfile:"5"") ;
+ editget (prot file name) ;
+ prot file (prot file name)
+ CASE 39 {R} : forward trace := NOT forward trace ;
+ IF NOT forward trace AND previous opcode = "" AND
+ previous instruction address <> minus one
+ THEN decode instruction (previous instruction address,
+ previous actual address, previous opcode, FALSE)
+ FI ;
+ ueberschrift neu := TRUE ;
+ code lines neu := TRUE
+ FI .
+kopf schreiben :
+ out (""6""5""0""5"") ;
+ IF ueberschrift neu
+ THEN schreibe ueberschrift ;
+ ueberschrift neu := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ IF source lines neu
+ THEN schreibe source lines ;
+ source lines neu := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ IF code lines neu
+ THEN IF forward trace
+ THEN show decoded opcode (next opcode,
+ actual instruction address, TRUE, TRUE)
+ ELIF previous instruction address <> minus one
+ THEN show decoded opcode (previous opcode,
+ previous actual address, TRUE, TRUE)
+ ELSE out (""6""5""0"Kein vorhergehender Befehl")
+ FI ;
+ code lines neu := FALSE
+ FI .
+schreibe ueberschrift :
+ out (""1"") ;
+ put (breakpoint nr) ;
+ IF forward trace
+ THEN put ("F") (* forward *)
+ ELSE put ("R") (* result *)
+ FI ;
+ IF bit (return segment, 4)
+ THEN out ("u") (* ARITHU *)
+ ELSE out ("s")
+ FI ;
+ IF bit (return segment, 6)
+ THEN out ("d") (* Disablestop *)
+ ELSE out ("e")
+ FI ;
+ IF bit (return segment, 7)
+ THEN put ("E") (* iserror *)
+ ELSE put (" ")
+ FI ;
+ put ("lbas:") ; put (hex16 (lbas)) ;
+ out ("stack(") ; out (hex16 (stptr)) ; put ("):") ;
+ out (hex16 (getword (local data segment, stptr))) ; out ("-") ;
+ put (hex16 (getword (local data segment, stptr ADD 1))) ;
+ put ("pbas:") ; put (hex8 (packet base)) ;
+ put ("c8k:") ; put (hex8 (c8k)) ;
+ IF valid source
+ THEN out ("""") ; outsubtext (source file name, 1, 19) ; put ("""")
+ FI ;
+ out (""5"") .
+schreibe source lines :
+ out (""1""10"") ;
+ IF valid source AND source line <> ""
+ THEN put (text (actual line number, 4)) ;
+ put ("|") ;
+ outsubtext (source line, 1, 72) ;
+ out (""5"") ;
+ line ;
+ IF LENGTH source line <= 72
+ THEN put (text (actual line number +1, 4)) ;
+ put ("|") ;
+ toline (source, actual line number +1) ;
+ out (subtext (source, 1, 72)) ;
+ out (""5"") ;
+ toline (source, actual line number) ;
+ line
+ ELSE put ("_____|") ;
+ outsubtext (source line, 73, 144) ;
+ out (""5"") ;
+ line
+ FI
+ FI .
+valid source :
+ exists (source file name) .
+get breakpoint address from user :
+ put ("N„chste Breakpointaddresse (hex) in Segment 3:") ;
+ statement line := hex16 (next instruction address) ;
+ editget (statement line) ;
+ user address := integer (statement line) ;
+ opcode := "" ;
+ statement line := "" ;
+ address := user address ;
+ bool result (FALSE) ;
+ decode (code segment 3, address, statement line,
+ opcode, INT PROC (INT CONST, INT VAR, TEXT VAR) next word) ;
+ show decoded opcode (opcode, user address, TRUE, TRUE) ;
+ code lines neu := FALSE .
+singlestep :
+ IF is return opcode
+ THEN set breakpoint behind previous call
+ ELIF was bool result AND NOT is call opcode
+ THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction ;
+ set second breakpoint at branch address
+ ELIF is bool return opcode
+ THEN set first breakpoint behind branch instruction at return address ;
+ set second breakpoint at branch address of branch instruction at
+ return address
+ ELIF is brcomp opcode
+ THEN set computed branch breakpoint
+ ELIF is branch instruction
+ THEN set breakpoint at branch address
+ ELIF is call opcode AND NOT auto trace CAND segment 3 module CAND
+ ask if subroutine trace
+ THEN write protocoll (" Subroutine Trace") ;
+ protocoll line ;
+ calculate subroutine segment and address ;
+ set breakpoint behind next instruction
+ ELSE set breakpoint behind next instruction
+ FI .
+ask if subroutine trace :
+ IF forward trace
+ THEN yes (""6""5""0"Subroutine Trace")
+ ELSE show decoded opcode (next opcode, actual instruction address, FALSE, FALSE) ;
+ yes (""6""6""0"Subroutine Trace"5"")
+ FI .
+is line number :
+ actual opcode = ln opcode OR (* Kein LONGA, da ln < 4095 *)
+ actual opcode = lnlong opcode .
+is branch instruction :
+ actual opcode = br opcode OR
+ actual opcode = brlong opcode .
+is conditional branch :
+ op word = bf opcode OR op word = bflong opcode OR
+ op word = bt opcode OR op word = btlong opcode .
+is brcomp opcode :
+ actual word = brcomp opcode .
+is return opcode :
+ actual word = rtn opcode .
+is bool return opcode :
+ actual word = rtnt opcode OR
+ actual word = rtnf opcode .
+is call opcode :
+ actual opcode = call opcode OR
+ actual word = pcall opcode .
+read source line :
+ actual line number := actual word ;
+ split word (actual line number, lowbyte) ;
+ actual line number := (actual line number * 2) AND 6 ;
+ IF actual word < 0
+ THEN actual line number INCR 1
+ FI ;
+ IF actual opcode = lnlong opcode
+ THEN actual line number INCR 8
+ FI ;
+ makeword (actual line number, lowbyte) ;
+ actual line number DECR 1 ;
+ source lines neu := TRUE ;
+ IF valid source
+ THEN IF lineno (source) = actual line number CAND source line <> ""
+ THEN (* nichts*)
+ ELIF actual line number >= 0 AND actual line number <= lines(source)
+ THEN toline (source, actual line number) ;
+ readrecord (source, source line)
+ ELSE source line := ""
+ FI
+ ELSE source line := ""
+ FI .
+set first breakpoint behind branch instruction :
+ op word := next instruction AND opcode mask ;
+ IF is conditional branch
+ THEN write protocoll (" ") ;
+ write protocoll (hex16 (next instruction address) + " ") ;
+ bool result (TRUE) ;
+ statement line := "" ;
+ opcode := "" ;
+ address := next instruction address ;
+ decode (code segment 3, next instruction address, statement line, opcode,
+ write protocoll (opcode) ;
+ protocoll line ;
+ show decoded opcode (opcode, address, FALSE, FALSE) ;
+ IF NOT auto trace
+ THEN pause (20)
+ FI ;
+ next free breakpoint ;
+ set breakpoint (i, next instruction address) ;
+ ELSE putline ("Interner Fehler: Nach BOOL-Result folgt kein Branch"5"");
+ LEAVE singlestep
+ FI .
+set second breakpoint at branch address :
+ calculate branch address ;
+ next free breakpoint ;
+ set breakpoint (i, branch address) .
+set breakpoint at branch address :
+ next instruction := actual word ;
+ next instruction address := actual instruction address ;
+ calculate branch address ;
+ set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, branch address) .
+set first breakpoint behind branch instruction at return address :
+ IF (getword (local data segment, lbas + return segment offset) AND 7) = code segment 3
+ THEN next instruction address := getword (local data segment,
+ lbas + return address offset) ;
+ next instruction := getword (code segment 3, next instruction address) ;
+ c8k := getword (local data segment, lbas + c8k offset) AND 255 ;
+ set first breakpoint behind branch instruction
+ ELSE putline ("Trace bei Vorw„rtssprung beendet."5"")
+ FI .
+set second breakpoint at branch address of branch instruction at return address :
+ set second breakpoint at branch address .
+set computed branch breakpoint :
+ address := following word ;
+ IF address < 0 (* Local/Local Ref *)
+ THEN rotate (address, minus one) ;
+ address := (address AND 16 383) ADD lbas ;
+ IF bit (following word, 0)
+ THEN branch address := getword (getword (local data segment,
+ address ADD 1) AND 7,
+ getword (local data segment,
+ address))
+ ELSE branch address := getword (local data segment, address)
+ FI
+ ELSE branch address := getword (packet data segment,
+ address ADD packet base)
+ FI ;
+ IF switch out of range
+ THEN branch address := actual instruction address ADD 3
+ ELSE branch address := actual instruction address ADD branch address ADD 4
+ FI ;
+ set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, branch address) .
+switch out of range :
+ branch address < 0 OR
+ branch address > getword (code segment 3, actual instruction address ADD 2) .
+determine return address and breakpoint nr :
+ determine return address ;
+ determine breakpoint nr ;
+ PER ;
+ line ;
+ put ("Returnaddresse nicht gefunden:"5"") ;
+ out (text (return segment AND 3)) ;
+ putline (hex16 (return address)) ;
+ list breakpoints ;
+ reset breakpoints ;
+ enablestop ;
+ errorstop ("Falsche Returnaddresse") .
+determine return address :
+ fix local base ; (* Fix pcb's: RAM --> Leitblock *)
+ this local base := getword (local data segment, pcb (local base field)) ;
+ lbas := getword (local data segment, this local base +
+ previous local base offset) ;
+ c8k := getword (local data segment, this local base +
+ c8k offset) AND 255 ;
+ return segment := getword (local data segment, this local base +
+ return segment offset) ;
+ return address := getword (local data segment, this local base +
+ return address offset) ;
+ packet base := HIGH return segment ; (* Wort besteht aus zwei Teilen!*)
+ set parameters (lbas, packet base, minus one, c8k) ;
+ stptr := lbas ADD 4 ;
+ DEC return address ; (* auf CALL breakpointhandler (ein Wort zurck) *)
+ IF bit (return segment, 7) (* ISERR *)
+ THEN old error line := error line ;
+ old error code := error code ;
+ old error message := error message
+ FI ;
+ clear error ;
+ enablestop ;
+ IF trace channel > 0 AND trace channel <> channel
+ THEN old channel := channel ;
+ disablestop ;
+ continue (trace channel) ;
+ clear error ;
+ enablestop
+ FI .
+determine breakpoint nr :
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
+ IF breakpoints (i).set CAND
+ breakpoints (i).address = return address
+ THEN breakpoint nr := i ;
+ breakpoint address := breakpoints (i).address ;
+ saved word := breakpoints (i).saved word ;
+ LEAVE determine return address and breakpoint nr
+ FI
+ PER .
+segment 3 module :
+ IF actual word = pcall opcode
+ THEN op word := following word ;
+ rotate (op word, minus one) ;
+ op word := (op word AND 16 383) ADD lbas ;
+ LEAVE segment 3 module WITH (getword (local data segment,
+ op word ADD 1) AND 7) = code segment 3
+ ELSE op word := actual word AND 1023 ;
+ IF actual word < 0
+ THEN op word INCR 1024
+ FI ;
+ FI ;
+ op word >= 1280 .
+calculate subroutine segment and address :
+ IF actual word = pcall opcode
+ THEN next instruction address := getword (local data segment, op word)
+ ELSE next instruction address := getword (packet data segment,
+ begin of module nr link table + op word)
+ FI ;
+ INC next instruction address . (* Ab PENTER tracen *)
+calculate branch address :
+ branch address := next instruction ;
+ split word (branch address, low byte) ;
+ branch address := (branch address * 2) AND 6 ;
+ IF next instruction < 0
+ THEN branch address INCR 1
+ FI ;
+ IF branch long
+ THEN branch address INCR 8
+ FI ;
+ branch address INCR HIGH next instruction address ;
+ IF branch address >= c8k
+ THEN branch address DECR 16
+ FI ;
+ makeword (branch address, lowbyte) .
+branch long :
+ bit (next instruction, 10) .
+execute saved instruction :
+ putword (local data segment, this local base + return address offset,
+ return address) ;
+ putword (local data segment, this local base + return segment offset,
+ return segment) .
+set breakpoint behind next instruction :
+ IF is line number THEN read source line FI ;
+ set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, next instruction address) .
+set breakpoint behind previous call :
+ return segment := getword (local data segment,
+ lbas + return segment offset) AND 3 ;
+ return address := getword (local data segment,
+ lbas + return address offset) ;
+ IF return segment = code segment 3
+ THEN set breakpoint (breakpoint nr, return address)
+ ELSE putline ("Trace bei Rcksprung beendet."5"")
+ FI .
+next free breakpoint :
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
+ IF NOT breakpoints (i).set
+ THEN LEAVE next free breakpoint
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ putline ("Alle " + text(nr of breakpoints) + " Breakpoints sind belegt"5"") ;
+ LEAVE singlestep
+ENDPROC breakpoint handler ;
+PROC show decoded opcode (TEXT CONST opcode, INT CONST address,
+ BOOL CONST zweizeilig, oben) :
+ IF oben
+ THEN out (""6""3""0"")
+ ELSE out (""6""5""0"")
+ FI ;
+ put (hex16 (address)) ;
+ put ("|") ;
+ outsubtext (opcode, 1, 72) ;
+ out (""5"") ;
+ line ;
+ IF zweizeilig
+ THEN put (" |") ;
+ outsubtext (opcode, 73, 144) ;
+ out (""5"") ;
+ line
+ FI
+ENDPROC show decoded opcode ;
+PROC decode instruction (INT VAR address, actual address, TEXT VAR opcode,
+ BOOL CONST var) :
+ INT VAR actual word, actual opcode, temp address ;
+ TEXT VAR statement line := "" ;
+ opcode := "" ;
+ temp address := address ;
+ actual address := address ;
+ actual word := getword (code segment 3, temp address) ;
+ actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ;
+ bool result (FALSE) ;
+ IF is param push opcode
+ THEN opcode := module with actual params (temp address, actual address) ;
+ ELSE decode (code segment 3, temp address,
+ statement line, opcode,
+ FI ;
+ IF var THEN address := temp address FI .
+is param push opcode :
+ actual opcode = pp opcode OR
+ actual word = pproc opcode OR
+ actual word = longa pp opcode OR
+ actual word = longa ppv opcode OR
+ actual opcode = ppv opcode .
+ENDPROC decode instruction ;
+TEXT PROC module with actual params (INT VAR address, actual address) :
+ TEXT VAR result, statement line, symbol, type text ;
+ INT VAR end address, start address := address, module nr,
+ actual word, actual opcode ;
+ BOOL VAR known paramtypes, was bool result ;
+ skip until next call opcode ;
+ determine module name and module nr ;
+ collect actual parameters ;
+ perhaps result type ;
+ bool result (was bool result) ;
+ address := end address ;
+ result .
+skip until next call opcode :
+ actual word := getword (code segment 3, address) ;
+ IF (actual word AND hex 7f00) = hex 7f00 (* LONGA oder ESC *)
+ THEN INC address
+ FI ;
+ INC address ;
+ actual word := getword (code segment 3, address) ;
+ actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ;
+ UNTIL is call opcode PER .
+determine module name and module nr :
+ result := "" ;
+ statement line := "" ;
+ actual address := address ; (* Addresse des CALL/PCALL Befehls *)
+ decode (code segment 3, address, statement line, result,
+ was bool result := bool result ;
+ bool result (FALSE) ;
+ end address := address ;
+ module nr := int (last actual parameter) ;
+ statement line := module name and specifications (module nr) ;
+ scan (statement line) ;
+ IF statement line = ""
+ THEN symbol := "(" ;
+ known paramtypes := FALSE ;
+ actual word := getword (code segment 3, start address) ;
+ actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ;
+ IF is call opcode (* Hidden ohen Result und Parameter *)
+ THEN LEAVE module with actual params WITH result
+ ELSE result CAT " (" (* Result wird als VAR Parameter betr.*)
+ FI
+ ELSE nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* Skip Name *)
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ known paramtypes := TRUE ;
+ IF symbol = "" (* Weder Parameter, noch Result *)
+ THEN LEAVE module with actual params WITH result
+ ELIF symbol = "("
+ THEN result := subtext (result, 1, pos (result, "(")) ;
+ ELSE result := subtext (result, 1, pos (result, "-->")-2)
+ FI ;
+ FI ;
+ address := start address . (* Rcksetzen auf ersten param push *)
+collect actual parameters :
+ IF symbol <> "("
+ THEN LEAVE collect actual parameters
+ FI ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ IF symbol = "ROW"
+ THEN typetext := "ROW..." ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* ROW-Size *)
+ skip until end of type (symbol) ;
+ ELIF symbol = "STRUCT"
+ THEN typetext := "STRUCT..." ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ skip over brackets (symbol) ;
+ ELIF symbol = "<" (* HIDDEN *)
+ THEN typetext := "<HIDDEN>" ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ ELIF symbol <> "PROC"
+ THEN typetext := symbol ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol)
+ FI ; (* symbol jetzt 'PROC', 'CONST' oder 'VAR' *)
+ IF getword (code segment 3, address) = pproc opcode
+ THEN result CAT "PROC " ;
+ type text := "" ;
+ decode (code segment 3, address, statement line, type text,
+ result CAT subtext (type text, 13) ;
+ next symbol (symbol) ;
+ IF symbol = "(" THEN skip over brackets (symbol) FI
+ ELSE IF statement line <> "" (* Keine Hidden PROC *)
+ THEN result CAT typetext ;
+ result CAT " " ;
+ result CAT symbol ; (* CONST oder VAR *)
+ result CAT ":" ;
+ typetext := ":" + typetext ; (* Fr Pos-Suche *)
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* Jetzt auf ',' oder ')' *)
+ FI ;
+ IF (getword (code segment 3, address) AND hex 7f00) = hex 7f00 (* ESC OR LONGA *)
+ THEN result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3,
+ address ADD 1), code segment 3, address, object type) ;
+ INC address
+ ELSE result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3, address)
+ AND hex 83ff, code segment 3, address, object type)
+ FI ;
+ INC address
+ FI ;
+ actual word := getword (code segment 3, address) ;
+ actual opcode := actual word AND opcode mask ;
+ IF symbol <> ")" AND NOT is call opcode
+ THEN result CAT ", "
+ FI ;
+ UNTIL symbol = ")" OR is call opcode PER ;
+ result CAT ")" .
+perhaps result type :
+ WHILE symbol <> "" REP nextsymbol (symbol) UNTIL symbol = ">" PER ; (* --> *)
+ IF symbol <> ""
+ THEN nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ IF symbol = "ROW"
+ THEN symbol := "ROW..." ;
+ ELIF symbol = "STRUCT"
+ THEN symbol := "STRUCT..." ;
+ ELIF symbol = "<" (* HIDDEN *)
+ THEN symbol := "<HIDDEN>" ;
+ FI ;
+ type text := ":" ;
+ type text CAT symbol ;
+ result CAT " --> " ;
+ result CAT symbol ;
+ IF symbol = "BOOL" (* BOOl-Result nicht mit PP *)
+ THEN LEAVE perhaps result type
+ FI ;
+ result CAT ":" ;
+ IF (getword (code segment 3, address) AND hex 7f00) = hex 7f00 (* ESC OR LONGA *)
+ THEN result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3,
+ address ADD 1), code segment 3, address, object type) ;
+ INC address
+ ELSE result CAT data representation (getword (code segment 3, address)
+ AND hex 83ff, code segment 3, address, object type)
+ FI ;
+ INC address
+ FI .
+object type :
+ IF known paramtypes
+ THEN INT CONST p := pos (types, type text) ;
+ IF p = 0
+ THEN 0 (* Try Type auch bei STRUCT/ROW *)
+ ELSE code (types SUB (p-1))-63
+ FI
+ ELSE 0 (* Try all types *)
+ FI .
+types :
+is call opcode :
+ actual opcode = call opcode OR
+ actual word = pcall opcode .
+ENDPROC module with actual params ;
+PROC skip until end of type (TEXT VAR symbol) :
+ nextsymbol (symbol) ;
+ IF symbol = "ROW"
+ THEN nextsymbol (symbol) ; (* ROW-Size *)
+ skip until end of type (symbol)
+ ELIF symbol = "STRUCT"
+ THEN next symbol (symbol) ;
+ skip over brackets (symbol)
+ ELSE nextsymbol (symbol) (* steht auf ',' oder ')' *)
+ FI
+ENDPROC skip until end of type ;
+PROC skip over brackets (TEXT VAR symbol) :
+ next symbol (symbol) ;
+ IF symbol = "(" THEN skip over brackets (symbol) FI
+ UNTIL symbol = ")" PER ;
+ nextsymbol (symbol)
+ENDPROC skip over brackets ;
+ INT VAR highbyte := word, lowbyte ;
+ split word (highbyte, lowbyte) ;
+ highbyte
+PROC fix local base :
+ (* Kein direkter EXTERNAL-Aufruf, da bei 'CALL' lbas auf Stack gelegt wird*)
+ REP UNTIL incharety = "" PER ; (* Damit pause ausgefhrt wird *)
+ internal pause (0) (* ^ War Grund fr 'falsche Returnaddresse'*)
+ENDPROC fix local base ;
+PROC reset breakpoints :
+ INT VAR i ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
+ IF breakpoints (i).set
+ THEN reset breakpoint (i)
+ ELSE breakpoints (i) := init breakpoint
+ FI
+ENDPROC reset breakpoints ;
+PROC reset breakpoint (INT CONST nr) :
+ IF nr < 1 OR nr > nr of breakpoints
+ THEN errorstop ("Unzulaessige Breakpoint Nummer")
+ ELIF NOT breakpoints (nr).set
+ THEN display ("Warnung: Breakpoint " + text (nr) + " war nicht gesetzt")
+ ELSE putword (code segment 3, breakpoints (nr).address, breakpoints (nr).saved word) ;
+ breakpoints (nr) := init breakpoint
+ FI
+ENDPROC reset breakpoint ;
+PROC set breakpoint (INT CONST nr, address) :
+ INT VAR new word ;
+ IF nr < 1 OR nr > nr of breakpoints
+ THEN errorstop ("Unzulaessige Breakpoint Nummer")
+ ELIF breakpoints (nr).set
+ THEN errorstop ("Breakpoint " + text (nr) + " ist bereits gesetzt")
+ ELSE breakpoints (nr).address := address ;
+ breakpoints (nr).saved word := get word (code segment 3, address) ;
+ new word := call opcode + (handler module AND 1023) ;
+ IF handler module >= 1024
+ THEN setbit (new word, 15)
+ FI ;
+ putword (code segment 3, address, new word) ;
+ IF getword (code segment 3, address) <> new word
+ THEN errorstop ("Addresse Schreibgeschuetzt")
+ ELSE breakpoints (nr).set := TRUE
+ FI
+ FI
+ENDPROC set breakpoint ;
+PROC handlers module nr (INT CONST module nr) :
+ handler module := module nr
+ENDPROC handlers module nr ;
+INT PROC handlers module nr :
+ handler module
+ENDPROC handlers module nr ;
+INT PROC module number (PROC proc) :
+ENDPROC module number ;
+PROC internal pause (INT CONST time) :
+ENDPROC internal pause ;
+PROC term :
+ENDPROC term ;
+PROC set breakpoint :
+ INT VAR i ;
+ handlers module nr (module number (PROC breakpointhandler)) ;
+ auto trace := FALSE ;
+ source lines neu := TRUE ; (* Zum L”schen *)
+ source file ("") ;
+ prot file ("") ;
+ actual line number := minus one ;
+ previous instruction address := minus one ;
+ with object address (FALSE) ;
+ INT VAR module nr ;
+ add modules ;
+ get module number (module nr) ;
+ IF code segment (module nr) <> code segment 3
+ THEN errorstop ("PROC/OP liegt nicht im Codesegment 3")
+ FI ;
+ naechsten freien breakpoint setzen ;
+ put ("Breakpoint") ;
+ put (i) ;
+ putline ("wurde gesetzt.") .
+naechsten freien breakpoint setzen :
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
+ IF NOT breakpoints (i).set
+ THEN set breakpoint (i, code address (module nr) ADD 1) ;
+ LEAVE naechsten freien breakpoint setzen
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ errorstop ("Alle " + text (nr of breakpoints) + " Breakpoints sind belegt").
+ENDPROC set breakpoint ;
+PROC list breakpoints :
+ INT VAR header address, mod nr, i ;
+ line ;
+ putline (" Nr Set Address Word Module") ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO nr of breakpoints REP
+ put (text (i, 2)) ;
+ IF breakpoints (i).set
+ THEN put (" Y ")
+ ELSE put (" N ")
+ FI ;
+ out ("3") ;
+ put (hex16 (breakpoints (i).address)) ;
+ put (" ") ;
+ put (hex16 (breakpoints (i).saved word)) ;
+ IF breakpoints (i).set
+ THEN next module header (code segment 3, breakpoints (i).address,
+ header address, mod nr) ;
+ IF module name and specifications (modnr - 1) = ""
+ THEN put ("Hidden: PACKET") ; put (packet name (modnr -1)) ;
+ ELSE put (module name and specifications (modnr -1))
+ FI
+ FI ;
+ line
+ENDPROC list breakpoints ;
+ENDPACKET tracer ;
+init module table ("table.module") ;
+type (""27"q") ;
+note ("") ;