path: root/graphic
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphic')
-rw-r--r--graphic/GRAPHIK.vektor plot506
-rw-r--r--graphic/ZEICHENSATZbin0 -> 11776 bytes
-rw-r--r--graphic/gen Graphik16
-rw-r--r--graphic/gen Plotter16
-rw-r--r--graphic/graphik editor324
14 files changed, 3693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphic/Beispiel.Kreuz b/graphic/Beispiel.Kreuz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e29f24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/Beispiel.Kreuz
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+initialisiere picfile;
+zeichne die x achse;
+zeichne die y achse;
+zeichne die z achse;
+stelle das achsenkreuz dar .
+initialisiere picfile:
+ PICFILE VAR p :: picture file ("KREUZ") .
+zeichne die x achse:
+ PICTURE VAR x achse := nilpicture;
+ move (x achse, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ draw (x achse, "-X", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ draw (x achse, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ draw (x achse, "+X", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ put picture (p, x achse) .
+zeichne die y achse:
+ PICTURE VAR y achse := nilpicture;
+ move (y achse, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
+ draw (y achse, "-Y", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ draw (y achse, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+ draw (y achse, "+Y", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ put picture (p, y achse) .
+zeichne die z achse:
+ PICTURE VAR z achse := nilpicture;
+ move (z achse, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
+ draw (z achse, "-Z", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ draw (z achse, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ draw (z achse, "+Z", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ put picture (p, z achse) .
+stelle das achsenkreuz dar:
+ viewport (p, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ window (p, -1.1, 1.1, -1.1, 1.1);
+ oblique (p, 0.25, 0.15);
+ plot (p) .
diff --git a/graphic/Beispiel.Sinus b/graphic/Beispiel.Sinus
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beac7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/Beispiel.Sinus
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+initialisiere picfile;
+zeichne überschrift;
+zeichne achsen;
+zeichne sinuskurve;
+wähle darstellung;
+plot (p) .
+initialisiere picfile:
+ PICFILE VAR p :: picture file ("SINUS") .
+zeichne überschrift:
+ PICTURE VAR überschrift :: nilpicture;
+ move (überschrift, -pi/2.0, 1.0);
+ draw (überschrift, "sinus (x) [-pi, +pi]", 0.0, 1.0, 0.6);
+ put picture (p, überschrift) .
+zeichne achsen:
+ PICTURE VAR achsen :: nilpicture;
+ zeichne x achse;
+ zeichne y achse;
+ put picture (p, achsen) .
+zeichne x achse:
+ move (achsen, -pi, 0.0);
+ draw (achsen, pi, 0.0) .
+zeichne y achse:
+ move (achsen, 0.0, -1.0);
+ draw (achsen, 0.0, +1.0) .
+zeichne sinuskurve:
+ PICTURE VAR sinus :: nilpicture;
+ REAL VAR x :: -pi;
+ move (sinus, x, sin (x));
+ REP x INCR 0.1;
+ draw (sinus, x, sin (x))
+ UNTIL x >= pi PER;
+ put picture (p, sinus) .
+wähle darstellung:
+ window (p, -pi, pi, -1.0, 1.3);
+ viewport (p, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) .
diff --git a/graphic/GRAPHIK.Picfile b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Picfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3accf52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Picfile
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+PACKET picture DEFINES (*Autor: Heiko.Indenbirken *)
+ PICTURE, (*Stand: 12.03.1985 *)
+ :=, CAT, nilpicture, (*Änderung: 20.08.85/10:38 *)
+ draw, draw r, (*Änderung: 05.08.86/12:21 *)
+ move, move r,
+ mark, bar, circle,
+ length, dim, pen, where,
+ extrema, rotate, stretch, translate,
+ picture:
+LET draw key = 1,
+ move key = 2,
+ text key = 3,
+ move r key = 4,
+ draw r key = 5,
+ bar 2 key = 6,
+ bar 3 key = 7,
+ circle key = 8,
+ mark key = 9,
+ max length = 31974;
+LET overflow = "Picture overflow",
+ pen range = "pen out of range [0-16]",
+ dim 3 = "Picture is 3 dimensional",
+ dim 2 = "Picture is 2 dimensional",
+ dim init = "Picture isn't initialized",
+ wrong key = "wrong key code",
+ nil = "",
+ zero = ""0"";
+TYPE PICTURE = STRUCT (INT dim, pen, TEXT points);
+INT VAR read pos;
+REAL VAR x, y, z;
+TEXT VAR r1 :: 8*zero, r2 :: 16*zero, r3 :: 24*zero, i1 :: 2*zero;
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+END OP :=;
+ check dim (l, r.dim);
+ IF length (l.points) > max length - length (r.points)
+ THEN errorstop (overflow) FI;
+ l.points CAT r.points
+PICTURE PROC nilpicture :
+ PICTURE : (0, 1, nil)
+END PROC nilpicture;
+PICTURE PROC nilpicture (INT CONST pen):
+ PICTURE : (0, pen, nil)
+END PROC nilpicture;
+PROC draw (PICTURE VAR p, TEXT CONST text, REAL CONST angle, height, bright):
+ write (p.points, text, angle, height, bright, text key)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ check dim (p, 3);
+ write (p.points, x, y, z, draw key)
+END PROC draw;
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, x, y, draw key)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ check dim (p, 3);
+ write (p.points, x, y, z, draw r key)
+END PROC draw r;
+PROC draw r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, x, y, draw r key)
+END PROC draw r;
+PROC move (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ check dim (p, 3);
+ write (p.points, x, y, z, move key)
+END PROC move;
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, x, y, move key)
+END PROC move;
+PROC move r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ check dim (p, 3);
+ write (p.points, x, y, z, move r key)
+END PROC move r;
+PROC move r (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y) :
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, x, y, move r key)
+END PROC move r;
+PROC bar (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST width, height, INT CONST pattern):
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, width, height, pattern, bar 2 key)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC bar (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST from, to, height, INT CONST pattern):
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, from, to, height, pattern, bar 3 key)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC circle (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST radius, from, to, INT CONST pattern):
+ check dim (p, 2);
+ write (p.points, radius, from, to, pattern, circle key)
+END PROC circle;
+ write (p.points, size, no, mark key)
+END PROC mark;
+PROC write (TEXT VAR points, REAL CONST x, y, z, INT CONST key) :
+ IF length (points) < max length
+ THEN points CAT code (key);
+ replace (r3, 1, x);
+ replace (r3, 2, y);
+ replace (r3, 3, z);
+ points CAT r3
+ ELSE errorstop (overflow) FI
+END PROC write;
+PROC write (TEXT VAR points, REAL CONST x, y, INT CONST key) :
+ IF length (points) < max length
+ THEN points CAT code (key);
+ replace (r2, 1, x);
+ replace (r2, 2, y);
+ points CAT r2
+ ELSE errorstop (overflow) FI
+END PROC write;
+PROC write (TEXT VAR points, REAL CONST x, y, INT CONST n, key) :
+ IF length (points) < max length
+ THEN points CAT code (key);
+ replace (r2, 1, x);
+ replace (r2, 2, y);
+ points CAT r2;
+ replace (i1, 1, n);
+ points CAT i1
+ ELSE errorstop (overflow) FI
+END PROC write;
+PROC write (TEXT VAR points, REAL CONST x, y, z, INT CONST n, key) :
+ IF length (points) < max length
+ THEN points CAT code (key);
+ replace (r3, 1, x);
+ replace (r3, 2, y);
+ replace (r3, 3, z);
+ points CAT r3;
+ replace (i1, 1, n);
+ points CAT i1
+ ELSE errorstop (overflow) FI
+END PROC write;
+PROC write (TEXT VAR points, TEXT CONST t, REAL CONST angle, height, bright,
+ INT CONST key) :
+ IF max length - length (points) >= length (t)
+ THEN points CAT code (key);
+ replace (i1, 1, length (t));
+ points CAT i1;
+ points CAT t;
+ replace (r3, 1, angle);
+ replace (r3, 2, height);
+ replace (r3, 3, bright);
+ points CAT r3
+ FI;
+END PROC write;
+PROC write (TEXT VAR points, REAL CONST size, INT CONST no, key) :
+ IF length (points) < max length
+ THEN points CAT code (key);
+ replace (r1, 1, size);
+ points CAT r1;
+ replace (i1, 1, no);
+ points CAT i1;
+ ELSE errorstop (overflow) FI
+END PROC write;
+PROC check dim (PICTURE VAR p, INT CONST dim):
+ IF p.dim = dim
+ ELIF p.dim = 0
+ THEN p.dim := dim
+ ELSE errorstop (dimension) FI .
+ IF p.dim = 2
+ THEN dim 2
+ ELIF p.dim = 3
+ THEN dim 3
+ ELSE dim init FI .
+END PROC check dim;
+ length (p.points)
+END PROC length;
+ pic.dim
+END PROC dim;
+ IF pen < 0 OR pen > 16
+ THEN errorstop (pen range) FI;
+ PICTURE:(p.dim, pen, p.points)
+END PROC pen;
+ p.pen
+END PROC pen;
+PROC where (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x, y) :
+ IF p.dim = 0
+ THEN x := 0.0; y := 0.0
+ ELIF p.dim = 3
+ THEN errorstop (dim 3)
+ ELSE x := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-15, length (p.points)-8) RSUB 1;
+ y := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-7, length (p.points)) RSUB 1
+ FI
+END PROC where;
+PROC where (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x, y, z) :
+ IF p.dim = 0
+ THEN x := 0.0; y := 0.0; z := 0.0
+ ELIF p.dim = 2
+ THEN errorstop (dim 2)
+ ELSE x := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-23, length (p.points)-16) RSUB 1;
+ y := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-15, length (p.points)-8) RSUB 1;
+ z := subtext (p.points, length (p.points)-7, length (p.points)) RSUB 1;
+ FI
+END PROC where;
+PROC extrema (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max) :
+ x min := max real; x max :=-max real;
+ y min := max real; y max :=-max real;
+ z min := max real; z max :=-max real;
+ read pos := 0;
+ INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP check position PER .
+check position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
+ CASE draw key : calc extrema
+ CASE move key : calc extrema
+ CASE move r key : calc rel extrema
+ CASE draw r key : calc rel extrema
+ CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
+ CASE bar 2 key : read pos INCR 18
+ CASE bar 3 key, circle key : read pos INCR 26
+ CASE mark key: read pos INCR 4
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong key) END SELECT .
+calc extrema :
+ x := next real; y := next real; z := next real;
+ x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
+ y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y);
+ z min := min (z min, z); z max := max (z max, z) .
+calc rel extrema :
+ x INCR next real; y INCR next real; z INCR next real;
+ x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
+ y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y);
+ z min := min (z min, z); z max := max (z max, z) .
+next real :
+ read pos INCR 8;
+ subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
+next int :
+ read pos INCR 2;
+ subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
+END PROC extrema;
+PROC extrema (PICTURE CONST p, REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max):
+ x min := max real; x max :=-max real;
+ y min := max real; y max :=-max real;
+ read pos := 0;
+ INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP check position PER .
+check position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
+ CASE draw key : calc extrema
+ CASE move key : calc extrema
+ CASE move r key : calc rel extrema
+ CASE draw r key : calc rel extrema
+ CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
+ CASE bar 2 key : read pos INCR 18
+ CASE bar 3 key, circle key : read pos INCR 26
+ CASE mark key: read pos INCR 4
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong key) END SELECT .
+calc extrema :
+ x := next real; y := next real;
+ x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
+ y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y) .
+calc rel extrema :
+ x INCR next real; y INCR next real;
+ x min := min (x min, x); x max := max (x max, x);
+ y min := min (y min, y); y max := max (y max, y) .
+next real :
+ read pos INCR 8;
+ subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
+next int :
+ read pos INCR 2;
+ subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
+END PROC extrema;
+PROC rotate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST angle) :
+ REAL CONST s :: sind( angle ), c := cosd( angle );
+ transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
+ (ROW 3 REAL : ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0, c , s ),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0, -s , c ),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )))
+END PROC rotate;
+PROC rotate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST phi, theta, lambda ) :
+ REAL CONST s :: sind ( theta ), c :: cosd ( theta ),
+ s p :: sind ( phi ), s l :: sind ( lambda ),
+ ga :: cosd ( phi ), c l :: cosd ( lambda ),
+ be :: s p * s l, al :: s p * c l, c1 :: 1.0 - c;
+ transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
+ (ROW 3 REAL : ( al*al*c1 + c , be*al*c1+ga*s, ga*al*c1-be*s ),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( al*be*c1-ga*s, be*be*c1 + c , ga*be*c1+al*s ),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( al*ga*c1+be*s, be*ga*c1-al*s, ga*ga*c1 + c ),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 )))
+END PROC rotate;
+PROC stretch (PICTURE VAR pic, REAL CONST sx, sy) :
+ stretch (pic, sx, sy, 1.0)
+END PROC stretch;
+PROC stretch (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST sx, sy, sz) :
+ transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
+ (ROW 3 REAL : ( sx, 0.0, 0.0),
+ ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, sy, 0.0),
+ ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, sz),
+ ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
+END PROC stretch;
+PROC translate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST dx, dy) :
+ translate (p, dx, dy, 0.0)
+END PROC translate;
+PROC translate (PICTURE VAR p, REAL CONST dx, dy, dz) :
+ transform (p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL :
+ (ROW 3 REAL : (1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
+ ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
+ ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
+ ROW 3 REAL : ( dx, dy, dz)))
+END PROC translate;
+PROC transform (PICTURE VAR p, ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL CONST a) :
+ INT CONST pic length := length (p.points);
+ INT VAR begin pos;
+ read pos := 0;
+ x := 0.0; y := 0.0; z := 0.0;
+ IF p.dim = 2
+ THEN transform 2 dim pic
+ ELSE transform 3 dim pic FI .
+transform 2 dim pic:
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP transform 2 dim position PER .
+transform 2 dim position:
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
+ CASE draw key : transform 2 dim point
+ CASE move key : transform 2 dim point
+ CASE move r key : transform 2 dim point
+ CASE draw r key : transform 2 dim point
+ CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
+ CASE bar 2 key : read pos INCR 18
+ CASE bar 3 key, circle key : read pos INCR 26
+ CASE mark key: read pos INCR 4
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong key) END SELECT .
+transform 2 dim point:
+ begin pos := read pos+1;
+ x := next real; y := next real;
+ transform (a, x, y, z);
+ replace (r2, 1, x);
+ replace (r2, 2, y);
+ replace (p.points, begin pos, r2) .
+transform 3 dim pic:
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP transform 3 dim position PER .
+transform 3 dim position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ SELECT code (p.points SUB read pos) OF
+ CASE draw key : transform 3 dim point
+ CASE move key : transform 3 dim point
+ CASE move r key : transform 3 dim point
+ CASE draw r key : transform 3 dim point
+ CASE text key : read pos INCR next int + 24
+ CASE bar 2 key : read pos INCR 18
+ CASE bar 3 key, circle key : read pos INCR 26
+ CASE mark key: read pos INCR 4
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong key) END SELECT .
+transform 3 dim point:
+ begin pos := read pos+1;
+ x := next real; y := next real; z := next real;
+ transform (a, x, y, z);
+ replace (r3, 1, x);
+ replace (r3, 2, y);
+ replace (r3, 3, z);
+ replace (p.points, begin pos, r3) .
+next real :
+ read pos INCR 8;
+ subtext (p.points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
+next int :
+ read pos INCR 2;
+ subtext (p.points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
+END PROC transform;
+PROC transform (ROW 4 ROW 3 REAL CONST a, REAL VAR x, y, z) :
+ REAL CONST ox :: x, oy :: y, oz :: z;
+ x := ox*a(1)(1) + oy*a(2)(1) + oz*a(3)(1) + a(4)(1);
+ y := ox*a(1)(2) + oy*a(2)(2) + oz*a(3)(2) + a(4)(2);
+ z := ox*a(1)(3) + oy*a(2)(3) + oz*a(3)(3) + a(4)(3)
+END PROC transform;
+PROC picture (PICTURE CONST pic, TEXT VAR points, INT VAR dim, pen):
+ dim := pic.dim;
+ pen := pic.pen;
+ points := pic.points;
+END PROC picture;
+END PACKET picture;
+PACKET picfile DEFINES (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 23.02.1985 *)
+ PICFILE, :=, picture file, (*Änderung: 13.10.89/23:11 *)
+ select pen, selected pen, background,
+ set values, get values,
+ view, viewport, window,
+ oblique, orthographic, perspective,
+ extrema,
+ to pic, up, down,
+ eof, picture no, pictures,
+ delete picture, insert picture,
+ read picture, write picture,
+ get picture, put picture:
+LET no picfile = "dataspace is no PICFILE",
+ pen range = "pen out of range",
+ pos under = "Position underflow",
+ pos over = "Position overflow",
+ pic over = "PICFILE overflow";
+LET max pics = 1024,
+ pic dataspace = 1103;
+TYPE PICFILE = BOUND STRUCT (INT size, pos, background,
+ ROW 16 ROW 3 INT pens,
+ ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL sizes,
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL limits,
+ ROW 4 REAL angles,
+ ROW 2 REAL obliques,
+ ROW 3 REAL perspectives
+ ROW max pics PICTURE pic);
+END OP :=;
+ IF type (d) = pic dataspace
+ THEN CONCR (p) := d
+ ELIF type (d) < 0
+ THEN type (d, pic dataspace) ;
+ CONCR (p) := d ;
+ init picfile dataspace ;
+ ELSE errorstop (no picfile) FI .
+init picfile dataspace :
+ r.size := 0;
+ r.pos := 1;
+ r.background := 0;
+ r.sizes := ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL : (ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 1.0),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 1.0),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 1.0));
+ r.limits := ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL : (ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0));
+ r.angles := ROW 4 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ r.obliques := ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0);
+ r.perspectives := ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO 16
+ REP r.pens [i] := ROW 3 INT : (1, 0, 1) PER .
+r : CONCR (CONCR (p)).
+END OP :=;
+DATASPACE PROC picture file (TEXT CONST name) :
+ IF exists (name)
+ THEN old (name)
+ ELSE new (name) FI
+END PROC picture file;
+PROC select pen (PICFILE VAR p, INT CONST pen, colour, thickness, line type):
+ IF pen < 1 OR pen > 16
+ THEN errorstop (pen range) FI;
+ p.pens [pen] := ROW 3 INT : (colour, thickness, line type)
+END PROC select pen;
+PROC selected pen (PICFILE CONST p, INT CONST pen,
+ INT VAR colour, thickness, line type):
+ IF pen < 1 OR pen > 16
+ THEN errorstop (pen range) FI;
+ colour := p.pens [pen][1];
+ thickness := p.pens [pen][2];
+ line type := p.pens [pen][3];
+END PROC selected pen;
+INT PROC background (PICFILE CONST p):
+ p.background
+END PROC background;
+PROC background (PICFILE VAR p, INT CONST colour):
+ p.background := colour
+END PROC background;
+PROC get values (PICFILE CONST p,
+ ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR size,
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR limits,
+ ROW 4 REAL VAR angles,
+ ROW 2 REAL VAR oblique,
+ ROW 3 REAL VAR perspective) :
+ size := p.sizes;
+ limits := p.limits;
+ angles := p.angles;
+ oblique := p.obliques;
+ perspective := p.perspectives;
+END PROC get values;
+PROC set values (PICFILE VAR p,
+ ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL CONST size,
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL CONST limits,
+ ROW 4 REAL CONST angles,
+ ROW 2 REAL CONST oblique,
+ ROW 3 REAL CONST perspective) :
+ p.sizes := size;
+ p.limits := limits;
+ p.angles := angles;
+ p.obliques := oblique;
+ p.perspectives := perspective;
+END PROC set values;
+ p.angles [1] := alpha
+END PROC view;
+PROC view (PICFILE VAR p, REAL CONST phi, theta):
+ p.angles [2] := sind (theta) * cosd (phi);
+ p.angles [3] := sind (theta) * sind (phi);
+ p.angles [4] := cosd (theta);
+END PROC view;
+PROC view (PICFILE VAR p, REAL CONST x, y, z):
+ p.angles [2] := x;
+ p.angles [3] := y;
+ p.angles [4] := z
+END PROC view;
+PROC viewport (PICFILE VAR p,REAL CONST hor min,hor max,vert min,vert max) :
+ p.limits := ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL : (ROW 2 REAL : (hor min, hor max),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (vert min, vert max))
+END PROC viewport;
+PROC window (PICFILE VAR p, REAL CONST x min, x max, y min, y max) :
+ window (p, x min, x max, y min, y max, 0.0, 1.0)
+END PROC window;
+PROC window (PICFILE VAR p, REAL CONST x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max) :
+ p.sizes := ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL : (ROW 2 REAL : (x min, x max),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (y min, y max),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (z min, z max))
+END PROC window;
+PROC oblique (PICFILE VAR p, REAL CONST a, b) :
+ p.obliques := ROW 2 REAL : (a, b);
+ p.perspectives := ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+END PROC oblique;
+PROC orthographic (PICFILE VAR p) :
+ p.obliques := ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0);
+ p.perspectives := ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
+END PROC orthographic;
+PROC perspective (PICFILE VAR p, REAL CONST cx, cy, cz) :
+ p.obliques := ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0);
+ p.perspectives := ROW 3 REAL : (cx, cy, cz)
+END PROC perspective;
+PROC extrema (PICFILE VAR p, REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max) :
+ REAL VAR dummy;
+ extrema (p, x min, x max, y min, y max, dummy, dummy)
+END PROC extrema;
+PROC extrema (PICFILE VAR p, REAL VAR x min,x max,y min,y max,z min,z max) :
+ REAL VAR new x min, new x max, new y min, new y max, new z min, new z max;
+ x min := max real; x max := - max real;
+ y min := max real; y max := - max real;
+ z min := max real; z max := - max real;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO p.size
+ REP IF dim (p.pic [i]) = 2
+ THEN extrema (p.pic [i], new x min, new x max, new y min, new y max)
+ ELSE extrema (p.pic [i], new x min, new x max, new y min, new y max,
+ new z min, new z max)
+ FI;
+ x min := min (x min, new x min); x max := max (x max, new x max);
+ y min := min (y min, new y min); y max := max (y max, new y max);
+ z min := min (z min, new z min); z max := max (z max, new z max);
+END PROC extrema;
+ IF n < 1
+ THEN errorstop (pos under)
+ ELIF n <= p.size+1 AND n <= max pics
+ THEN p.pos := n
+ ELSE errorstop (pos over) FI
+END PROC to pic;
+ to pic (p, p.pos-1)
+ to pic (p, p.pos-n)
+ to pic (p, p.pos+1)
+END PROC down;
+ to pic (p, p.pos+n)
+END PROC down;
+ p.pos >= p.size
+END PROC eof;
+INT PROC picture no (PICFILE CONST p):
+ p.pos
+END PROC picture no;
+ p.size
+END PROC pictures;
+PROC delete picture (PICFILE VAR p) :
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM p.pos+1 UPTO p.size
+ REP p.pic [i-1] := p.pic [i] PER;
+ p.pic [p.size] := nilpicture;
+ IF p.size > 1
+ THEN p.size DECR 1 FI
+END PROC delete picture;
+PROC insert picture (PICFILE VAR p) :
+ INT VAR i;
+ IF p.size >= max pics
+ THEN errorstop (pic over)
+ ELSE p.size INCR 1;
+ FOR i FROM p.size DOWNTO p.pos+1
+ REP p.pic [i] := p.pic [i-1] PER;
+ p.pic [p.pos] := nilpicture;
+ FI
+END PROC insert picture;
+PROC read picture (PICFILE VAR p, PICTURE VAR pic) :
+ pic := p.pic (p.pos) .
+END PROC read picture;
+PROC write picture (PICFILE VAR p, PICTURE CONST pic) :
+ p.pic (p.pos) := pic .
+END PROC write picture;
+PROC get picture (PICFILE VAR p, PICTURE VAR pic) :
+ IF p.pos > p.size
+ THEN errorstop (pos over)
+ ELSE pic := p.pic [p.pos];
+ p.pos INCR 1;
+ FI
+END PROC get picture;
+PROC put picture (PICFILE VAR p, PICTURE CONST pic) :
+ IF p.pos > max pics
+ THEN errorstop (pic over)
+ ELSE p.pic [p.pos] := pic;
+ IF p.pos > p.size
+ THEN p.size INCR 1 FI;
+ p.pos INCR 1
+ FI
+END PROC put picture;
+END PACKET picfile
diff --git a/graphic/GRAPHIK.Plot b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Plot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5087abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Plot
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+PACKET basis plot DEFINES (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken*)
+ (* Stand: 12.04.85 *)
+ (*Änderung: 06.08.86/10:03 *)
+(* ****************** Hardwareunabhängiger Teil ********************* *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Im Harwareunabhängigen Paket 'basis plot' werden folgende *)
+(* Prozeduren definiert: *)
+(* Procedure : Bedeutung *)
+(* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* move : Positioniert auf (x, y,[z]) in Weltkoordinaten*)
+(* draw : Zeichnet eine Linie bis zum Punkt (x, y, [z]).*)
+(* move r : Positioniert (x, y, [z]) weiter *)
+(* draw r : Zeichnet (x, y, [z]) weiter *)
+(* *)
+(* draw : Zeichnet einen Text *)
+(* *)
+(* mark : Marker mit (no, size) *)
+(* bar : Balken mit (width, height, pattern) *)
+(* bar : Balken mit (from, to, width, pattern) *)
+(* circle : Kreis(segment) mit (radius, from, to, pattern)*)
+(* *)
+(* where : Gibt die aktuelle Stiftposition (x, y, [z]) *)
+(* *)
+ move, draw,
+ move r, draw r,
+ mark, bar, circle,
+ where:
+LET POS = STRUCT (REAL x, y, z);
+POS VAR pos :: POS : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+INT VAR h :: 0, v :: 0;
+PROC move (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (x, y, 0.0, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, 0.0)
+END PROC move;
+PROC move (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (x, y, z, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, z)
+END PROC move;
+PROC draw (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (x, y, 0.0, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, 0.0)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (x, y, z, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, z)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC move r (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z)
+END PROC move r;
+PROC move r (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z)
+END PROC move r;
+PROC draw r (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z)
+END PROC draw r;
+PROC draw r (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z)
+END PROC draw r;
+PROC where (REAL VAR x, y) :
+ x := pos.x; y := pos.y
+END PROC where;
+PROC where (REAL VAR x, y, z) :
+ x := pos.x; y := pos.y; z := pos.z
+END PROC where;
+PROC draw (TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, height percent, width percent):
+ draw (msg, angle, height (height percent), width (width percent)) .
+END PROC draw;
+PROC mark (REAL CONST size, INT CONST no):
+ marker (h, v, no, diagonal (size))
+END PROC mark;
+PROC bar (REAL CONST width, height, INT CONST pattern):
+ INT VAR diff, up, zero x, zero y;
+ transform (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, zero x, zero y);
+ transform (width*0.5, height, 0.0, diff, up);
+ bar (h-(diff-zero x), v, h+(diff-zero x), v+(up-zero y), pattern);
+ move (h, v)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC bar (REAL CONST from, to, height, INT CONST pattern):
+ INT VAR from h, to h, up;
+ transform (from, height, 0.0, from h, up);
+ transform (to, height, 0.0, to h, up);
+ bar (from h, v, to h, up, pattern);
+ move (h, v)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC circle (REAL CONST rad, from, to, INT CONST pattern):
+ circle (h, v, diagonal (rad), from, to, pattern) .
+END PROC circle;
+ENDPACKET basis plot;
+PACKET plot DEFINES plot: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 13.10.89/22:31 *)
+LET draw key = 1,
+ move key = 2,
+ text key = 3,
+ move r key = 4,
+ draw r key = 5,
+ bar 2 key = 6,
+ bar 3 key = 7,
+ circle key = 8,
+ mark key = 9;
+LET dim error = "PICTURE not initialized",
+ key error = "wrong key code: ";
+TEXT VAR points;
+INT VAR pic length, pic pen, pic dim, read pos;
+ init plot;
+ IF pic dim = 2
+ THEN plot two dim pic
+ ELIF pic dim = 3
+ THEN plot three dim pic
+ ELIF NOT (pic dim = 0 AND pic length = 0)
+ THEN errorstop (dim error) FI;
+ points := "" .
+init plot:
+ picture (pic, points, pic dim, pic pen);
+ pic length := length (points);
+ read pos := 0 .
+plot two dim pic:
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP plot two dim position PER .
+plot two dim position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ CASE draw key: draw (next real, next real)
+ CASE move key: move (next real, next real)
+ CASE move r key: move r (next real, next real)
+ CASE draw r key: draw r (next real, next real)
+ CASE text key: draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE bar 2 key: bar (next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE bar 3 key: bar (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE circle key: circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE mark key: mark (next real, next int)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (key error + text (key)) END SELECT .
+plot three dim pic:
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP plot three dim position PER .
+plot three dim position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ CASE draw key: draw (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE move key: move (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE move r key: move r (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE draw r key: draw r (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE text key: draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE bar 2 key: bar (next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE bar 3 key: bar (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE circle key: circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE mark key: mark (next real, next int)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (key error + text (key)) END SELECT .
+ code (points SUB read pos) .
+END PROC plot;
+REAL PROC next real:
+ read pos INCR 8;
+ subtext (points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
+END PROC next real;
+INT PROC next int:
+ read pos INCR 2;
+ subtext (points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
+END PROC next int;
+TEXT PROC next text:
+ INT CONST text length :: next int;
+ read pos INCR text length;
+ subtext (points, read pos-text length+1, read pos) .
+END PROC next text;
+PROC plot (TEXT CONST name) :
+ PICFILE VAR p :: old (name);
+ plot (p);
+END PROC plot;
+PROC plot (PICFILE VAR p) :
+ set projektion;
+ disable stop;
+ begin plot;
+ clear screen;
+ plot pictures (p);
+ errorcheck;
+ end plot .
+set projektion:
+ ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR size;
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR limit;
+ ROW 4 REAL VAR angles;
+ ROW 2 REAL VAR oblique;
+ ROW 3 REAL VAR perspective;
+ get values (p, size, limit, angles, oblique, perspective);
+ set values (size, limit, angles, oblique, perspective) .
+clear screen:
+ INT VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, h max, v max;
+ REAL VAR x cm, y cm;
+ IF background (p) > -1
+ THEN clear
+ ELSE drawing area (x cm, y cm, h max, v max);
+ new values (x cm, y cm, h max, v max, x0, x1 , y0, y1);
+ set range (max (0, x0), max (0, y0), min (h max, x1), min (v max, y1))
+ FI .
+ IF is error
+ THEN line;
+ put line ("Erorr at PICTURE No " + text (picture no (p)));
+ FI .
+END PROC plot;
+PROC plot pictures (PICFILE VAR p):
+ INT VAR back :: abs (background (p)), no;
+ enable stop;
+ FOR no FROM 1 UPTO pictures (p)
+ REP to pic (p, no);
+ read picture (p, pic);
+ IF this picture is ok
+ THEN set pen of pic;
+ plot (pic)
+ FI
+ PER .
+this picture is ok:
+ pen (pic) <> 0 AND length (pic) > 0 .
+set pen of pic:
+ INT VAR colour, thick, type;
+ selected pen (p, pen (pic), colour, thick, type);
+ set pen (back, colour, thick, type) .
+END PROC plot pictures;
diff --git a/graphic/GRAPHIK.Plotter b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Plotter
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a55e515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Plotter
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+PACKET plotter DEFINES plotter: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 13.10.89/22:31 *)
+ (*Änderung: 08.09.86/15:47 *)
+LET POS = STRUCT (REAL x, y, z);
+POS VAR pos :: POS : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+INT VAR h :: 0, v :: 0;
+PROC move (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (x, y, 0.0, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, 0.0)
+END PROC move;
+PROC move (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (x, y, z, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, z)
+END PROC move;
+PROC draw (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (x, y, 0.0, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, 0.0)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (x, y, z, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (x, y, z)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC move r (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z)
+END PROC move r;
+PROC move r (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z, h, v);
+ move (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z)
+END PROC move r;
+PROC draw r (REAL CONST x, y) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z)
+END PROC draw r;
+PROC draw r (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ transform (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z, h, v);
+ draw (h, v);
+ pos := POS : (pos.x+x, pos.y+y, pos.z+z)
+END PROC draw r;
+PROC draw (TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, height percent, width percent):
+ draw (msg, angle, height (height percent), width (width percent)) .
+END PROC draw;
+PROC mark (REAL CONST size, INT CONST no):
+ marker (h, v, no, diagonal (size))
+END PROC mark;
+PROC bar (REAL CONST width, height, INT CONST pattern):
+ INT VAR diff, up, zero x, zero y;
+ transform (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, zero x, zero y);
+ transform (width*0.5, height, 0.0, diff, up);
+ bar (h-(diff-zero x), v, h+(diff-zero x), v+(up-zero y), pattern);
+ move (h, v)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC bar (REAL CONST from, to, height, INT CONST pattern):
+ INT VAR from h, to h, up;
+ transform (from, height, 0.0, from h, up);
+ transform (to, height, 0.0, to h, up);
+ bar (from h, v, to h, up, pattern);
+ move (h, v)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC circle (REAL CONST rad, from, to, INT CONST pattern):
+ circle (h, v, diagonal (rad), from, to, pattern) .
+END PROC circle;
+(* *)
+LET draw key = 1,
+ move key = 2,
+ text key = 3,
+ move r key = 4,
+ draw r key = 5,
+ bar 2 key = 6,
+ bar 3 key = 7,
+ circle key = 8,
+ mark key = 9;
+LET dim error = "PICTURE not initialized",
+ key error = "wrong key code: ";
+TEXT VAR points;
+INT VAR pic length, pic pen, pic dim, read pos;
+ init plot;
+ IF pic dim = 2
+ THEN plot two dim pic
+ ELIF pic dim = 3
+ THEN plot three dim pic
+ ELIF NOT (pic dim = 0 AND pic length = 0)
+ THEN errorstop (dim error) FI;
+ points := "" .
+init plot:
+ picture (pic, points, pic dim, pic pen);
+ pic length := length (points);
+ read pos := 0 .
+plot two dim pic:
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP plot two dim position PER .
+plot two dim position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ CASE draw key: draw (next real, next real)
+ CASE move key: move (next real, next real)
+ CASE move r key: move r (next real, next real)
+ CASE draw r key: draw r (next real, next real)
+ CASE text key: draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE bar 2 key: bar (next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE bar 3 key: bar (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE circle key: circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE mark key: mark (next real, next int)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (key error + text (key)) END SELECT .
+plot three dim pic:
+ WHILE read pos < pic length
+ REP plot three dim position PER .
+plot three dim position :
+ read pos INCR 1;
+ CASE draw key: draw (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE move key: move (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE move r key: move r (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE draw r key: draw r (next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE text key: draw (next text, next real, next real, next real)
+ CASE bar 2 key: bar (next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE bar 3 key: bar (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE circle key: circle (next real, next real, next real, next int)
+ CASE mark key: mark (next real, next int)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (key error + text (key)) END SELECT .
+ code (points SUB read pos) .
+END PROC plot;
+REAL PROC next real:
+ read pos INCR 8;
+ subtext (points, read pos-7, read pos) RSUB 1 .
+END PROC next real;
+INT PROC next int:
+ read pos INCR 2;
+ subtext (points, read pos-1, read pos) ISUB 1 .
+END PROC next int;
+TEXT PROC next text:
+ INT CONST text length :: next int;
+ read pos INCR text length;
+ subtext (points, read pos-text length+1, read pos) .
+END PROC next text;
+PROC plotter (TEXT CONST name) :
+ PICFILE VAR p :: old (name);
+ plotter (p);
+END PROC plotter;
+PROC plotter (PICFILE VAR p) :
+ set projektion;
+ disable stop;
+ begin plot;
+ clear screen;
+ plot pictures (p);
+ errorcheck;
+ end plot .
+set projektion:
+ ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR size;
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR limit;
+ ROW 4 REAL VAR angles;
+ ROW 2 REAL VAR oblique;
+ ROW 3 REAL VAR perspective;
+ get values (p, size, limit, angles, oblique, perspective);
+ set values (size, limit, angles, oblique, perspective) .
+clear screen:
+ INT VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, h max, v max;
+ REAL VAR x cm, y cm;
+ IF background (p) > -1
+ THEN clear
+ ELSE drawing area (x cm, y cm, h max, v max);
+ new values (x cm, y cm, h max, v max, x0, x1 , y0, y1);
+ set range (max (0, x0), max (0, y0), min (h max, x1), min (v max, y1))
+ FI .
+ IF is error
+ THEN line;
+ put line ("Erorr at PICTURE No " + text (picture no (p)));
+ FI .
+END PROC plotter;
+PROC plot pictures (PICFILE VAR p):
+ INT VAR back :: abs (background (p)), no;
+ enable stop;
+ FOR no FROM 1 UPTO pictures (p)
+ REP to pic (p, no);
+ read picture (p, pic);
+ IF this picture is ok
+ THEN set pen of pic;
+ plot (pic)
+ FI
+ PER .
+this picture is ok:
+ pen (pic) <> 0 AND length (pic) > 0 .
+set pen of pic:
+ INT VAR colour, thick, type;
+ selected pen (p, pen (pic), colour, thick, type);
+ set pen (back, colour, thick, type) .
+END PROC plot pictures;
+END PACKET plotter
diff --git a/graphic/GRAPHIK.Server b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Server
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfe5f62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Server
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+PACKET multi user plotter: (* Autor : Rudolf Ruland *)
+ (* Stand : 24.03.86 *)
+ (*Änderung: 09.09.86/15:32 *)
+put ("gib Plotterkanal : "); get (c);
+ server channel (c);
+ station only (FALSE) ;
+ spool duty ("Ausgabe mit dem Plotter");
+ spool control task (myself);
+LET ack = 0 ,
+ fetch code = 11 ,
+ param fetch code = 21 ,
+ picfile type = 1103 ;
+INT VAR reply, old heap size, sender station;
+TEXT VAR picfile name, userid, password, sendername;
+PICFILE VAR picfile ;
+DATASPACE VAR ds, picfile ds;
+BOUND STRUCT (TEXT picfile name, userid, password, sendername, INT station) VAR msg;
+BOUND TEXT VAR error msg ;
+spool manager (PROC plotter);
+PROC plotter :
+ disable stop ;
+ command dialogue (FALSE);
+ ds := nilspace; picfile ds := nilspace;
+ continue (server channel) ;
+ check error ("Kanal belegt");
+ old heap size := heap size ;
+ execute plot ;
+ IF is error
+ THEN put error;
+ clear error;
+ FI ;
+ IF heap size > old heap size + 4
+ THEN collect heap garbage ;
+ old heap size := heap size
+ FI
+ENDPROC plotter ;
+PROC execute plot :
+ enable stop ;
+ forget (picfile ds) ; picfile ds := nilspace ;
+ call (father, fetch code, picfile ds, reply) ;
+ IF reply = ack CAND type (picfile ds) = picfile type
+ THEN get picfile params;
+ plot picfile
+ FI ;
+. get picfile params :
+ forget (ds); ds := nilspace;
+ call (father, param fetch code, ds, reply);
+ IF reply <> ack
+ THEN error msg := ds; errorstop (error msg);
+ ELSE msg := ds;
+ picfile name := msg. picfile name;
+ userid := msg. userid;
+ password := msg. password;
+ sendername := msg. sender name;
+ sender station := msg. station;
+ FI;
+. plot picfile :
+ picfile := picfile ds;
+ plotter (picfile) .
+ENDPROC execute plot ;
+PROC check error (TEXT CONST message) :
+ IF is error
+ THEN clear error;
+ rename myself (message);
+ IF is error THEN clear error; end (myself) FI;
+ pause (18000);
+ end (myself);
+ FI;
+END PROC check error;
+ENDPACKET multi user plotter ;
diff --git a/graphic/GRAPHIK.Transform b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Transform
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54690cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/GRAPHIK.Transform
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+PACKET transformation DEFINES transform, (* Autor: Heiko Indenbirken*)
+ diagonal, (* Stand: 12.04.85 *)
+ height, width, (*Änderung: 05.08.86/13:14 *)
+ set values, (*Änderung: 17.09.86/19:57 *)
+ get values,
+ new values,
+ projektion,
+ window,
+ viewport,
+ view,
+ oblique,
+ orthographic,
+ perspective:
+(* ******************* Hardwareunabhängiger Teil ********************* *)
+(* transform: Die Prozedur projeziert einen 3-dimensionalen Vektor *)
+(* ---------- (x, y, z) auf einen 2-dimensionalen (h, v) *)
+(* diagonal Die Prozedur berechnet die Pixel als Prozent der *)
+(* ---------- Diagonalen der Zeichenfläche *)
+(* height Die Prozedur berechnet die Pixel als Prozent der *)
+(* ---------- Höhe der Zeichenfläche *)
+(* width Die Prozedur berechnet die Pixel als Prozent der *)
+(* ---------- Breite der Zeichenfläche *)
+(* *)
+(* set values: Mit dieser Prozedur werden die Projektionsparameter *)
+(* ----------- gesetzt. *)
+(* size: Weltkoordinatenbereich *)
+(* ((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax),(zmin,zmax)) *)
+(* limits: Zeichenfläche *)
+(* ((h min, h max), (v min, v max)) *)
+(* Bei Werten < 2.0 werden die Werte als *)
+(* Prozente interpretiert, ansonsten als *)
+(* cm-Grössen. *)
+(* get values: Übergibt die aktuellen Werte *)
+(* ----------- *)
+(* new values: Berechnet die neue Projektionsmatrix *)
+(* ----------- *)
+BOOL VAR perspective projektion :: FALSE;
+INT VAR hor pixel, vert pixel, i;
+REAL VAR hor cm, vert cm,
+ h min limit, h max limit, v min limit, v max limit;
+ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR size;
+ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR limits;
+ROW 4 REAL VAR angles;
+ROW 2 REAL VAR obliques;
+ROW 3 REAL VAR perspectives;
+(* Initialisieren der Projektionsmatrizen *)
+window (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+viewport (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+view (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+view (0.0);
+new values (27.46, 19.21, 274, 192, d, d, d, d);
+PROC projektion (ROW 5 ROW 5 REAL VAR matrix):
+ matrix := p
+END PROC projektion;
+PROC oblique (REAL CONST a, b) :
+ set values (size, limits, angles, ROW 2 REAL : (a, b), ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+END PROC oblique;
+PROC orthographic :
+ set values (size, limits, angles, ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0), ROW 3 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
+END PROC orthographic;
+PROC perspective (REAL CONST cx, cy, cz) :
+ set values (size, limits, angles, ROW 2 REAL : (0.0, 0.0), ROW 3 REAL : (cx, cy, cz))
+END PROC perspective;
+PROC window (REAL CONST x min, x max, y min, y max) :
+ window (x min, x max, y min, y max, 0.0, 1.0)
+END PROC window;
+PROC window (REAL CONST x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max) :
+ set values (ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL : (ROW 2 REAL : (x min, x max),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (y min, y max),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (z min, z max)),
+ limits, angles, obliques, perspectives)
+END PROC window;
+PROC viewport (REAL CONST h min, h max, v min, v max) :
+ set values (size, ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL : (ROW 2 REAL : (h min, h max),
+ ROW 2 REAL : (v min, v max)),
+ angles, obliques, perspectives)
+END PROC view port;
+PROC view (REAL CONST alpha) :
+ set values (size, limits, ROW 4 REAL : (alpha, angles(2), angles (3), angles (4)),
+ obliques, perspectives)
+END PROC view;
+PROC view (REAL CONST phi, theta):
+ set values (size, limits, ROW 4 REAL : (angles (1), sind (theta) * cosd (phi),
+ sind (theta) * sind (phi), cosd (theta)),
+ obliques, perspectives)
+END PROC view;
+PROC view (REAL CONST x, y, z) :
+ set values (size, limits, ROW 4 REAL : (angles (1), x, y, z), obliques, perspectives)
+END PROC view;
+PROC get values (ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR act size,
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR act limits,
+ ROW 4 REAL VAR act angles,
+ ROW 2 REAL VAR act obliques,
+ ROW 3 REAL VAR act perspectives) :
+ act size := size;
+ act limits := limits;
+ act angles := angles;
+ act obliques := obliques;
+ act perspectives := perspectives;
+END PROC get values;
+PROC set values (ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL CONST new size,
+ ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL CONST new limits,
+ ROW 4 REAL CONST new angles,
+ ROW 2 REAL CONST new obliques,
+ ROW 3 REAL CONST new perspectives) :
+ size := new size;
+ limits := new limits;
+ angles := new angles;
+ obliques := new obliques;
+ perspectives := new perspectives
+END PROC set values;
+PROC new values (INT VAR h min range, h max range, v min range, v max range):
+ new values (hor cm, vert cm, hor pixel, vert pixel,
+ h min range, h max range, v min range, v max range)
+END PROC new values;
+PROC new values (REAL CONST size hor, size vert,
+ INT CONST pixel hor, pixel vert,
+ INT VAR h min range, h max range,
+ v min range, v max range):
+ remember screensize;
+ calc views;
+ calc projektion;
+ calc limits;
+ calc projection frame;
+ normalize projektion;
+ set picture range;
+ set perspective mark .
+remember screensize:
+ hor cm := size hor;
+ vert cm := size vert;
+ hor pixel := pixel hor;
+ vert pixel := pixel vert .
+calc views :
+ calc diagonale;
+ calc projektion;
+ calc angles;
+ calc normale;
+ calc matrix;
+ calc alpha angle .
+calc diagonale:
+ REAL VAR diagonale := sqrt (angles [2] * angles [2] +
+ angles [3] * angles [3] +
+ angles [4] * angles [4]) .
+calc projektion:
+ REAL VAR projektion := sqrt (angles [2] * angles [2] +
+ angles [4] * angles [4]) .
+calc angles:
+ REAL VAR sin p, cos p, sin t, cos t, sin a, cos a;
+ IF diagonale = 0.0
+ THEN sin p := 0.0; cos p := 1.0;
+ sin t := 0.0; cos t := 1.0
+ ELIF projektion = 0.0
+ THEN sin p := angles [3] / diagonale;
+ cos p := projektion / diagonale;
+ sin t := 0.0; cos t := 1.0
+ ELSE sin p := angles [3] / diagonale;
+ cos p := projektion / diagonale;
+ sin t := angles [2] / projektion;
+ cos t := angles [4] / projektion
+ FI .
+calc normale:
+ REAL VAR sin p sin t := sin p * sin t,
+ sin p cos t := sin p * cos t,
+ cos p sin t := cos p * sin t,
+ cos p cos t := cos p * cos t,
+ dx := size [1][2] - size [1][1],
+ dy := size [2][2] - size [2][1],
+ dz := size [3][2] - size [3][1],
+ norm az := obliques [1] ,
+ norm bz := obliques [2] ,
+ norm cx := perspectives [1] / dx,
+ norm cy := perspectives [2] / dy,
+ norm cz := perspectives [3] / dz .
+calc matrix:
+p := ROW 5 ROW 5 REAL :
+ (ROW 5 REAL : ( cos t / dx - cos p sin t / dx * norm az ,
+ - sin p sin t / dx - cos p sin t / dx * norm bz,
+ 0.0,
+ - cos p sin t / dx * norm cz,
+ 0.0 ),
+ ROW 5 REAL : ( - sin p / dy * norm az,
+ cos p / dy - sin p / dy * norm bz,
+ 0.0,
+ - sin p / dy * norm cz,
+ 0.0 ),
+ ROW 5 REAL : ( sin t / dz + cos p cos t / dz * norm az,
+ + sin p cos t / dz + cos p cos t / dz * norm bz,
+ 0.0,
+ cos p cos t / dz * norm cz,
+ 0.0 ),
+ ROW 5 REAL : (- norm cx, - norm cy, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ),
+ ROW 5 REAL : (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) .
+calc alpha angle:
+ IF angles (1) = 0.0
+ THEN set alpha as y vertical
+ ELSE sin a := sind (angles (1));
+ cos a := cosd (angles (1))
+ FI .
+set alpha as y vertical :
+ REAL VAR r := sqrt (p(2)(1)**2 + p(2)(2)**2);
+ IF r = 0.0
+ THEN sin a := 0.0;
+ cos a := 1.0
+ ELSE sin a :=-p(2)(1)/r;
+ cos a := p(2)(2)/r
+ FI .
+calc limits :
+ IF limits as percent
+ THEN calc percent limits
+ ELSE calc centimeter limits FI .
+limits as percent:
+ limits [1][2] < 2.0 AND limits [2][2] < 2.0 .
+max limits:
+ h min limit := 0.0;
+ v min limit := 0.0;
+ v max limit := real (pixel vert) .
+calc percent limits:
+ h min limit := real (pixel hor) * limits (1)(1)*size vert / size hor;
+ v min limit := limits (2)(1) * real (pixel vert);
+ IF limits [1][2] = 0.0
+ THEN h max limit := real (pixel hor)
+ ELSE h max limit := real (pixel hor) * limits [1][2]*size vert / size hor FI;
+ IF limits [2][2] = 0.0
+ THEN v max limit := real (pixel vert)
+ ELSE v max limit := limits (2)(2) * real (pixel vert) FI .
+calc centimeter limits:
+ h min limit := real (pixel hor) * (limits (1)(1)/size hor);
+ v min limit := real (pixel vert) * (limits (2)(1)/size vert);
+ IF limits [1][2] = 0.0
+ THEN h max limit := real (pixel hor)
+ ELSE h max limit := real (pixel hor) * (limits (1)(2)/size hor) FI;
+ IF limits [2][2] = 0.0
+ THEN v max limit := real (pixel vert)
+ ELSE v max limit := real (pixel vert) * (limits (2)(2)/size vert) FI .
+calc projection frame:
+ REAL VAR h min := max real, h max :=-max real,
+ v min := max real, v max :=-max real;
+ extrema (size [1][1], size [2][1], size [3][1], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][2], size [2][1], size [3][1], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][2], size [2][2], size [3][1], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][1], size [2][2], size [3][1], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][1], size [2][1], size [3][2], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][2], size [2][1], size [3][2], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][2], size [2][2], size [3][2], h min, h max, v min, v max);
+ extrema (size [1][1], size [2][2], size [3][2], h min, h max, v min, v max) .
+normalize projektion :
+ REAL VAR sh := (h max limit - h min limit) / (h max - h min),
+ sv := (v max limit - v min limit) / (v max - v min),
+ dh := h min limit - h min*sh,
+ dv := v min limit - v min*sv;
+ REP REAL CONST p i 1 := p (i)(1);
+ p (i)(1) := (p i 1 * cos a - p (i)(2) * sin a) * sh;
+ p (i)(2) := (p i 1 * sin a + p (i)(2) * cos a) * sv
+ PER;
+ p (5)(1) := dh;
+ p (5)(2) := dv .
+set picture range:
+ h min range := int (h min limit-0.5);
+ h max range := int (h max limit+0.5);
+ v min range := int (v min limit-0.5);
+ v max range := int (v max limit+0.5) .
+set perspective mark:
+ perspective projektion := perspectives [3] <> 0.0 .
+END PROC new values;
+PROC transform (REAL CONST x, y, z, INT VAR h, v) :
+ IF perspective projektion
+ THEN REAL CONST w :: 1.0/(x*p (1)(4) + y*p (2)(4) + z*p (3)(4) + 1.0);
+ h := int ((x*p (1)(1)+y*p (2)(1)+z*p (3)(1) + p (4)(1))*w + p (5)(1));
+ v := int ((x*p (1)(2)+y*p (2)(2)+z*p (3)(2) + p (4)(2))*w + p (5)(2))
+ ELSE h := int (x*p (1)(1)+y*p (2)(1)+z*p (3)(1) + p (5)(1));
+ v := int (x*p (1)(2)+y*p (2)(2)+z*p (3)(2) + p (5)(2));
+ FI;
+END PROC transform;
+PROC extrema (REAL CONST x, y, z, REAL VAR h min, h max, v min, v max):
+ REAL VAR h, v;
+ IF perspective projektion
+ THEN REAL CONST w :: 1.0/(x*p (1)(4) + y*p (2)(4) + z*p (3)(4) + 1.0);
+ h := (x*p (1)(1)+y*p (2)(1)+z*p (3)(1) +p (4)(1))*w;
+ v := (x*p (1)(2)+y*p (2)(2)+z*p (3)(2) +p (4)(2))*w
+ ELSE h := (x*p (1)(1)+y*p (2)(1)+z*p (3)(1));
+ v := (x*p (1)(2)+y*p (2)(2)+z*p (3)(2))
+ FI;
+ IF h < h min
+ THEN h min := h
+ ELIF h > h max
+ THEN h max := h FI;
+ IF v < v min
+ THEN v min := v
+ ELIF v > v max
+ THEN v max := v FI
+END PROC extrema;
+INT PROC diagonal (REAL CONST percent):
+ int (percent * 0.01 * diagonale + 0.5) .
+ sqrt ((h max limit-h min limit) ** 2 + (v max limit-v min limit) ** 2) .
+END PROC diagonal;
+INT PROC height (REAL CONST percent):
+ int (percent * 0.01 * (v max limit-v min limit) + 0.5)
+END PROC height;
+INT PROC width (REAL CONST percent):
+ int (percent * 0.01 * (h max limit-h min limit) + 0.5)
+END PROC width;
+END PACKET transformation
diff --git a/graphic/GRAPHIK.vektor plot b/graphic/GRAPHIK.vektor plot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bef1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/GRAPHIK.vektor plot
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+PACKET clipping DEFINES set range, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ get range, (*Stand: 27.06.85/12:39 *)
+ clip: (*Änderung: 11.08.86/15:02 *)
+INT VAR x min :: 0, x max :: 1024, y min :: 0, y max :: 1024;
+PROC set range (INT CONST h min, v min, h max, v max):
+ IF h min >= h max OR v min >= v max
+ THEN errorstop ("Incorrect Range") FI;
+ x min := h min; x max := h max;
+ y min := v min; y max := v max
+END PROC set range;
+PROC get range (INT VAR h min, v min, h max, v max):
+ h min := x min; h max := x max;
+ v min := y min; v max := y max
+END PROC get range;
+PROC clip (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y,
+ INT VAR x, y;
+ calculate parts of line;
+ IF both points inside
+ THEN draw (to x, to y)
+ ELIF both points outside
+ ELIF first point outside
+ THEN intersection (to x, to y, from x, from y, from part, x, y);
+ move (x, y);
+ draw (x, y); (* Macke im SHARD *)
+ draw (to x, to y)
+ ELIF second point outside
+ THEN intersection (from x, from y, to x, to y, to part, x, y);
+ draw (x, y)
+ ELSE intersection (to x, to y, from x, from y, from part, x, y);
+ move (x, y);
+ draw (x, y); (* Macke im SHARD *)
+ clip (x, y, to x, to y, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) move,
+ FI .
+calculate parts of line:
+ INT CONST from part :: part (from x, from y),
+ to part :: part (to x, to y) .
+both points inside:
+ from part = 0 AND to part = 0 .
+both points outside:
+ (from part AND to part) <> 0 .
+first point outside:
+ from part <> 0 AND to part = 0 .
+second point outside:
+ to part <> 0 AND from part = 0 .
+END PROC clip;
+INT PROC part (INT CONST x, y):
+ INT VAR index :: 0;
+ IF x > x max
+ THEN set bit (index, 0)
+ ELIF x < x min
+ THEN set bit (index, 1) FI;
+ IF y > y max
+ THEN set bit (index, 2)
+ ELIF y < y min
+ THEN set bit (index, 3) FI;
+ index
+END PROC part;
+PROC intersection (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, to part, INT VAR x, y):
+ SELECT to part OF
+ CASE 1: right side
+ CASE 2: left side
+ CASE 4: up side
+ CASE 5: upright side
+ CASE 6: upleft side
+ CASE 8: down side
+ CASE 9: downright side
+ CASE 10: downleft side
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong partno.:" + text (to part)) ENDSELECT .
+right side:
+ y := from y + int (real (x max-from x)*(dy/dx));
+ x := x max .
+left side:
+ y := from y + int (real (x min-from x)*(dy/dx));
+ x := x min .
+up side:
+ x := from x + int (real (y max-from y)*(dx/dy));
+ y := y max .
+down side:
+ x := from x + int (real (y min-from y)*(dx/dy));
+ y := y min .
+upright side:
+ right side;
+ IF y > y max
+ THEN up side FI .
+downright side:
+ right side;
+ IF y < y min
+ THEN down side FI .
+upleft side:
+ left side;
+ IF y > y max
+ THEN up side FI .
+downleft side:
+ left side;
+ IF y < y min
+ THEN down side FI .
+dx: real (to x-from x) .
+dy: real (to y-from y) .
+END PROC intersection;
+END PACKET clipping;
+PACKET thick line DEFINES thick: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 02.07.85/15:07 *)
+ (*Änderung: 05.08.86/15:52 *)
+PROC thick (INT CONST x0, y0, x1, y1, thick,
+ IF is point
+ THEN draw point
+ ELIF is horizontal line
+ x0, y0, x1, y1, thick)
+ x0, y0, x1, y1, thick)
+ FI .
+is point:
+ x0 = x1 AND y0 = y1 .
+is horizontal line:
+ abs (x0-x1) >= abs (y0-y1) .
+draw point:
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick
+ REP line (x0-thick, y0+i, x0+thick, y0+i) PER .
+END PROC thick;
+ INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, thick):
+ IF from x > to x
+ to x, to y, from x, from y, thick)
+ ELSE draw line FI .
+draw line:
+ INT VAR i;
+ calculate increase;
+ calculate limit points;
+ FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick
+ REP calculate delta x;
+ line (x start+delta x, y start+i, x end+delta x, y end+i)
+ PER .
+calculate increase:
+ REAL VAR increase :: -dy / dx .
+calculate limit points:
+ INT CONST x start :: from x - thick,
+ x end :: to x + thick,
+ y start :: from y + int (increase * real (thick)),
+ y end :: to y - int (increase * real (thick)) .
+calculate delta x:
+ INT CONST delta x :: int (increase*real (i)) .
+dx: real (to x-from x) .
+dy: real (to y-from y) .
+END PROC horizontal line;
+ INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, thick):
+ IF from y > to y
+ to x, to y, from x, from y, thick)
+ ELSE draw line FI .
+draw line:
+ INT VAR i;
+ calculate increase;
+ calculate limit points;
+ FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick
+ REP calculate delta y;
+ line (x start+i, y start+delta y, x end+i, y end+delta y)
+ PER .
+calculate increase:
+ REAL VAR increase :: -dx / dy .
+calculate limit points:
+ INT CONST x start :: from x + int (increase * real (thick)),
+ x end :: to x - int (increase * real (thick)),
+ y start :: from y - thick,
+ y end :: to y + thick .
+calculate delta y:
+ INT CONST delta y :: int (increase*real (i)) .
+dx: real (to x-from x) .
+dy: real (to y-from y) .
+END PROC vertical line;
+END PACKET thick line;
+PACKET graphik text DEFINES draw char, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ zeichensatz: (*Stand: 27.06.85/16:03 *)
+ (*Änderung: 28.06.85/19:06 *)
+ (*Änderung: 05.08.86/16:00 *)
+INT CONST char x :: 6, char y :: 10;
+zeichensatz ("ZEICHENSATZ");
+PROC zeichensatz (TEXT CONST name):
+ IF exists (name)
+ THEN BOUND ZEICHENSATZ VAR new zeichen :: old (name);
+ zeichen := new zeichen;
+ ELSE errorstop ("Der Zeichensatz """ + name + """ existiert nicht") FI
+END PROC zeichensatz;
+PROC draw char (INT CONST char no, INT CONST x, y, x size, y size, direction,
+ TEXT CONST character :: zeichen [char no];
+ INT VAR n :: 1, x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ INT CONST len :: length (character);
+ WHILE n < len
+ REP value (character, n, x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ transform (x0, y0, x, y, x size, y size, direction);
+ transform (x1, y1, x, y, x size, y size, direction);
+ line (x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ n INCR 4
+ PER .
+END PROC draw char;
+PROC value (TEXT CONST char, INT CONST n, INT VAR x0, y0, x1, y1):
+ x0 := val (code (char SUB n)); y0 := val (code (char SUB n+1));
+ x1 := val (code (char SUB n+2)); y1 := val (code (char SUB n+3));
+END PROC value;
+ IF n > 127
+ THEN -256 OR n
+END PROC val;
+PROC transform (INT VAR x, y, INT CONST x0, y0, x size, y size, direction):
+ INT CONST old x :: x, old y :: y;
+ SELECT direction OF
+ CASE 0: x := x0 + x vektor; y := y0 + y vektor
+ CASE 1: x := x0 - y vektor; y := y0 + x vektor
+ CASE 2: x := x0 - x vektor; y := y0 - y vektor
+ CASE 3: x := x0 + y vektor; y := y0 - x vektor
+x vektor:
+ IF x size = 0
+ THEN old x
+ ELSE (old x*x size) DIV char x FI .
+y vektor:
+ IF y size = 0
+ THEN old y
+ ELSE (old y*y size) DIV char y FI .
+END PROC transform;
+END PACKET graphik text;
+PACKET graphik text DEFINES draw text: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 03.07.85/11:55 *)
+ (*Änderung: 05.08.86/16:04 *)
+PROC draw text (INT CONST x pos, y pos,
+ TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, INT CONST height, width,
+ INT CONST dir :: int (((angle MOD 360.0)+45.0) / 90.0);
+ INT VAR i;
+ REAL VAR x :: real (x pos), y :: real (y pos),
+ x step :: cosd (angle)*real (width),
+ y step :: sind (angle)*real (width);
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (msg)
+ REP IF control char
+ THEN execute control char
+ ELSE execute normal char FI
+ PER .
+control char:
+ akt char < ""32"" .
+execute control char:
+ SELECT code (akt char) OF
+ CASE 1: home
+ CASE 2: right
+ CASE 3: up
+ CASE 7: out (""7"")
+ CASE 8: left
+ CASE 10: down
+ CASE 13: return
+ x := real (x pos);
+ y := real (y pos) .
+ x INCR x step; y INCR y step .
+ x INCR y step; y INCR x step .
+ x DECR x step; y DECR y step .
+ x DECR y step; y DECR x step .
+ x := real (x pos) .
+execute normal char:
+ draw char (code (akt char), dir, int (x+0.5), int (y+0.5), height, width);
+ x INCR x step;
+ y INCR y step .
+akt char:
+ msg SUB i .
+END PROC draw text;
+END PACKET graphik text;
+PACKET comercial plot DEFINES bar, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ circle: (*Stand: 03.04.1985 *)
+ (*Änderung: 03.07.85/15:37 *)
+PROC bar (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern,
+ IF from x > to x
+ THEN bar (to x, from y, from x, to y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ ELIF from y > to y
+ THEN bar (from x, to y, to x, from y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ ELSE draw frame;
+ fill frame with pattern
+ FI .
+draw frame:
+ line (from x, from y, from x, to y);
+ line (from x, to y, to x, to y);
+ line (to x, to y, to x, from y);
+ line (to x, from y, from x, from y) .
+fill frame with pattern:
+ SELECT pattern OF
+ CASE 1: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 2, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 2: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 1, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 3: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 4: fill vert (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 5: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line);
+ fill vert (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 6: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 7: fill left (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 8: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line);
+ fill left (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC fill hor (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT VAR y :: from y;
+ REP line (from x, y, to x, y);
+ y INCR step
+ UNTIL y > to y PER .
+END PROC fill hor;
+PROC fill vert (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT VAR x :: from x;
+ REP line (x, from y, x, to y);
+ x INCR step
+ UNTIL x > to x PER .
+END PROC fill vert;
+PROC fill right (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT CONST width :: to x - from x,
+ height :: to y - from y,
+ length :: width + height,
+ height step :: height + step,
+ width step :: width + step;
+ INT VAR t :: step, left :: from x, right :: from x,
+ lower :: from y, upper :: from y;
+(* Ausfüllen von links unten nach rechts oben *)
+ WHILE t < length
+ REP calc start point;
+ calc end point;
+ line (left, upper, right, lower);
+ t INCR step
+ PER .
+calc start point:
+ IF t < height
+ THEN upper INCR step
+ ELIF t < height step
+ THEN left := from x + t - height;
+ upper := to y
+ ELSE left INCR step FI .
+calc end point:
+ IF t < width
+ THEN right INCR step
+ ELIF t < width step
+ THEN lower := from y + t - width;
+ right := to x
+ ELSE lower INCR step FI .
+END PROC fill right;
+PROC fill left (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT CONST width :: to x - from x,
+ height :: to y - from y,
+ length :: width + height,
+ height step :: height + step,
+ width step :: width + step;
+ INT VAR t :: step, left :: to x, right :: to x,
+ lower :: from y, upper :: from y;
+(* Ausfüllen von rechts unten nach links oben *)
+ WHILE t < length
+ REP calc start point;
+ calc end point;
+ line (right, upper, left, lower);
+ t INCR step
+ PER .
+calc start point:
+ IF t < height
+ THEN upper INCR step
+ ELIF t < height step
+ THEN right := to x - t + height;
+ upper := to y
+ ELSE right DECR step FI .
+calc end point:
+ IF t < width
+ THEN left DECR step
+ ELIF t < width step
+ THEN lower := from y + t - width;
+ left := from x
+ ELSE lower INCR step FI .
+END PROC fill left;
+PROC circle (INT CONST x, y, REAL CONST rad, from, to, INT CONST pattern,
+ REAL VAR t :: from;
+ INT VAR last x :: x, last y :: y;
+ WHILE t <= to
+ REP calc circle;
+ draw step;
+ t INCR 1.0
+ PER;
+ line (x rad, y rad, x, y) .
+draw step:
+ IF pattern = 0
+ THEN line (last x, last y, x rad, y rad);
+ last x := x rad;
+ last y := y rad
+ ELSE line (x, y, x rad, y rad) FI .
+calc circle:
+ INT CONST x rad :: int (cosd (t)*rad+0.5)+x,
+ y rad :: int (sind (t)*rad+0.5)+y .
+END PROC circle;
+END PACKET comercial plot;
diff --git a/graphic/HP7475.plot b/graphic/HP7475.plot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860dd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/HP7475.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+PACKET hp7475 plot DEFINES set range, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ get range, (*Stand: 03.09.86/15:09 *)
+ drawing area,
+ begin plot,
+ end plot,
+ clear,
+ set pen, get pen,
+ move,
+ draw,
+ marker,
+ bar, circle,
+ where:
+(* *)
+(* Hardware Anschluß des HP7475A: *)
+(* 9600 Baud, 8 Bit, no parity, RTS/CTS *)
+(* Leitungen 1 ----- 1 *)
+(* gekreuzt: 2 --x-- 3 *)
+(* 3 --x-- 2 *)
+(* *)
+LET RANGE = STRUCT (POS min, max);
+LET PEN = STRUCT (INT back, fore, thick, line);
+LET width scale = 0.002690217391304,
+ height scale = 0.002728921124206;
+LET term = ";",
+ comma = ",",
+ point = ".",
+ zero = "0",
+ nil = "",
+ etx = ""3"";
+POS VAR old :: POS:(0, 0);
+RANGE VAR area :: RANGE:(POS:(0,0), POS:(11040, 7721));
+PEN VAR pen :: PEN : (0, 1, 0, 1);
+TEXT VAR result;
+ROW 16 TEXT VAR mark := ROW 16 TEXT:
+ROW 5 TEXT CONST line pattern := ROW 5 TEXT:("LT;", "LT1;", "LT2;", "LT3;", "LT4;");
+ROW 8 TEXT CONST fill pattern := ROW 8 TEXT:("FT4,25,45;", "FT1,0,0;", "FT3,50,0;",
+ "FT3,50,90;", "FT4,50,0;", "FT3,50,-45;",
+ "FT3,50,45;", "FT4,50,45;");
+PROC drawing area (REAL VAR x cm, y cm, INT VAR x pixel, y pixel) :
+ x cm := 29.7; y cm := 21.07;
+ x pixel := 11040; y pixel := 7721;
+END PROC drawing area;
+PROC set range (INT CONST h min, v min, h max, v max):
+ IF h min >= h max OR v min >= v max
+ THEN errorstop ("Incorrect Range") FI;
+ area := RANGE:(POS:(h min, v min), POS:(h max, v max))
+END PROC set range;
+PROC get range (INT VAR h min, v min, h max, v max):
+ h min := area.min.x; v min := area.min.y;
+ h max := area.max.x; v max := area.max.y
+END PROC get range;
+PROC begin plot:
+ out ("IN;")
+ENDPROC begin plot;
+PROC end plot:
+ TEXT VAR rec;
+ out ("IN;SP;PA22040,7721;DP;");
+ REP pause (10);
+ out ("OS;");
+ input (rec, ""13"", 600)
+ UNTIL enter pressed PER;
+ out ("IN;") .
+enter pressed:
+ (int (rec) AND 4) > 0 .
+ENDPROC end plot;
+PROC clear:
+ new values (29.7, 21.07, 11040, 7721, area.min.x, area.max.x, area.min.y, area.max.y);
+ pen := PEN : (0, 1, 0, 1);
+ old := area.min;
+ out ("DF;IP;"); (* Default *)
+ out ("IW" + text (area.min.x, area.min.y) + ", " + (* Clipping *)
+ text (area.max.x, area.max.y) + term);
+ out ("SP1;"); (* Pen 1 *)
+ out ("LT;"); (* durchgehend *)
+ out ("PU;PA" + text (old.x, old.y)); (* Startpunkt *)
+END PROC clear;
+PROC set pen (INT CONST back, fore, thick, type):
+ set colour;
+ set linetype .
+set colour:
+ IF abs (fore) >= 1 AND abs (fore) <= 6
+ THEN out ("SP" + text (abs (fore)) + term);
+ pen.fore := abs (fore);
+ FI .
+set linetype:
+ IF type >= 1 AND type <= 5
+ THEN out (line pattern [type]);
+ pen.line := type
+ ELSE out ("SP;");
+ pen.line := 0
+ FI .
+END PROC set pen;
+PROC get pen (INT VAR back, fore, thick, line):
+ back := pen.back;
+ fore := pen.fore;
+ thick := pen.thick;
+ line := pen.line
+END PROC get pen;
+PROC move (INT CONST x, y) :
+ out ("PU;PA" + text (x, y) + term);
+ old := POS : (x, y)
+END PROC move;
+PROC draw (INT CONST x, y):
+ out ("PD;PA" + text (x, y) + term);
+ old := POS : (x, y)
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw (TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, INT CONST height, width):
+ set angle;
+ set height and width;
+ plot msg .
+set angle:
+ out ("DI " + text (cosd (angle), sind (angle)) + term) .
+set height and width:
+ IF width = 0 AND height = 0
+ THEN out ("SR;")
+ ELSE out ("SI" + text (real (width) * width scale,
+ real (height) * height scale) + term)
+ FI .
+plot msg:
+ out ("LB" + msg + etx) .
+END PROC draw;
+PROC bar (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern):
+ out ("PU;PA" + text (from x, from y) + term);
+ out ("LT;EA" + text (to x, to y) + term);
+ IF pattern > 0 AND pattern <= 8
+ THEN out (fill pattern [pattern]);
+ out ("RA" + text (to x, to y) + term);
+ FI;
+ out ("PU;PA" + text (old.x, old.y) + term);
+ out (line pattern [pen.line]) .
+END PROC bar;
+PROC circle (INT CONST x, y, rad, REAL CONST from, to, INT CONST pattern):
+ out ("LT;PU;PA" + text (x, y) + term);
+ IF (from MOD 360.0) = 0.0 AND (to MOD 360.0) = 0.0
+ THEN out ("CI" + text (rad) + term)
+ ELSE out ("EW" + text (rad) + comma + text (from, to-from) + term) FI;
+ IF pattern > 0 AND pattern <= 6
+ THEN out (fill pattern [pattern]);
+ out ("WG" + text (rad) + comma + text (from, to-from) + term)
+ FI;
+ out ("PU;PA" + text (old.x, old.y) + term);
+ out (line pattern [pen.line]) .
+END PROC circle;
+PROC marker (INT CONST x, y, no, size):
+ out ("LT;PU;PA" + text (x, y) + term);
+ out ("DI1,0;");
+ IF size = 0
+ THEN out ("SI0.25,0.5;")
+ ELSE out ("SI" + text (real (size)*0.001, real (size)*0.002) + term) FI;
+ out ("UC" + mark [mark no]);
+ out ("PU;PA" + text (old.x, old.y) + term);
+ out (line pattern [pen.line]) .
+mark no:
+ IF no >= 1 AND no <= 16
+ THEN no
+ ELSE 1 FI .
+END PROC marker;
+PROC where (INT VAR x, y):
+ x := old.x; y := old.y
+END PROC where;
+TEXT PROC text (INT CONST x, y):
+ text (x) + comma + text (y)
+END PROC text;
+TEXT PROC text (REAL CONST x, y):
+ text (x) + comma + text (y)
+END PROC text;
+ result := compress (text (x, 9, 4));
+ IF (result SUB 1) = point
+ THEN insert char (result, zero, 1)
+ ELIF (result SUB LENGTH result) = point
+ THEN result CAT zero FI;
+ result
+END PROC text;
+PROC input (TEXT VAR rec, TEXT CONST del, INT CONST time):
+ enable stop;
+ rec := nil;
+ REP TEXT CONST char := incharety (time);
+ IF char = nil
+ THEN errorstop ("Timeout after " + text (time))
+ ELIF pos (del, char) > 0
+ THEN LEAVE input
+ ELSE rec CAT char FI
+ PER .
+END PROC input;
+END PACKET hp7475 plot
diff --git a/graphic/PC.plot b/graphic/PC.plot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..712f5ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/PC.plot
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+PACKET clipping DEFINES set range, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ get range, (*Stand: 27.06.85/12:39 *)
+ clip: (*Änderung: 11.08.86/15:02 *)
+INT VAR x min :: 0, x max :: 1024, y min :: 0, y max :: 1024;
+PROC set range (INT CONST h min, v min, h max, v max):
+ IF h min >= h max OR v min >= v max
+ THEN errorstop ("Incorrect Range") FI;
+ x min := h min; x max := h max;
+ y min := v min; y max := v max
+END PROC set range;
+PROC get range (INT VAR h min, v min, h max, v max):
+ h min := x min; h max := x max;
+ v min := y min; v max := y max
+END PROC get range;
+PROC clip (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y,
+ INT VAR x, y;
+ calculate parts of line;
+ IF both points inside
+ THEN draw (from x, from y); (* Macke im SHARD *)
+ draw (to x, to y)
+ ELIF both points outside
+ ELIF first point outside
+ THEN intersection (to x, to y, from x, from y, from part, x, y);
+ move (x, y);
+ draw (x, y); (* Macke im SHARD *)
+ draw (to x, to y)
+ ELIF second point outside
+ THEN intersection (from x, from y, to x, to y, to part, x, y);
+ draw (x, y)
+ ELSE intersection (to x, to y, from x, from y, from part, x, y);
+ move (x, y);
+ draw (x, y); (* Macke im SHARD *)
+ clip (x, y, to x, to y, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST) move,
+ FI .
+calculate parts of line:
+ INT CONST from part :: part (from x, from y),
+ to part :: part (to x, to y) .
+both points inside:
+ from part = 0 AND to part = 0 .
+both points outside:
+ (from part AND to part) <> 0 .
+first point outside:
+ from part <> 0 AND to part = 0 .
+second point outside:
+ to part <> 0 AND from part = 0 .
+END PROC clip;
+INT PROC part (INT CONST x, y):
+ INT VAR index :: 0;
+ IF x > x max
+ THEN set bit (index, 0)
+ ELIF x < x min
+ THEN set bit (index, 1) FI;
+ IF y > y max
+ THEN set bit (index, 2)
+ ELIF y < y min
+ THEN set bit (index, 3) FI;
+ index
+END PROC part;
+PROC intersection (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, to part, INT VAR x, y):
+ SELECT to part OF
+ CASE 1: right side
+ CASE 2: left side
+ CASE 4: up side
+ CASE 5: upright side
+ CASE 6: upleft side
+ CASE 8: down side
+ CASE 9: downright side
+ CASE 10: downleft side
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("wrong partno.:" + text (to part)) ENDSELECT .
+right side:
+ y := from y + int (real (x max-from x)*(dy/dx));
+ x := x max .
+left side:
+ y := from y + int (real (x min-from x)*(dy/dx));
+ x := x min .
+up side:
+ x := from x + int (real (y max-from y)*(dx/dy));
+ y := y max .
+down side:
+ x := from x + int (real (y min-from y)*(dx/dy));
+ y := y min .
+upright side:
+ right side;
+ IF y > y max
+ THEN up side FI .
+downright side:
+ right side;
+ IF y < y min
+ THEN down side FI .
+upleft side:
+ left side;
+ IF y > y max
+ THEN up side FI .
+downleft side:
+ left side;
+ IF y < y min
+ THEN down side FI .
+dx: real (to x-from x) .
+dy: real (to y-from y) .
+END PROC intersection;
+END PACKET clipping;
+PACKET thick line DEFINES thick: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 02.07.85/15:07 *)
+ (*Änderung: 05.08.86/15:52 *)
+PROC thick (INT CONST x0, y0, x1, y1, thick,
+ IF is point
+ THEN draw point
+ ELIF is horizontal line
+ x0, y0, x1, y1, thick)
+ x0, y0, x1, y1, thick)
+ FI .
+is point:
+ x0 = x1 AND y0 = y1 .
+is horizontal line:
+ abs (x0-x1) >= abs (y0-y1) .
+draw point:
+ INT VAR i;
+ FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick
+ REP line (x0-thick, y0+i, x0+thick, y0+i) PER .
+END PROC thick;
+ INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, thick):
+ IF from x > to x
+ to x, to y, from x, from y, thick)
+ ELSE draw line FI .
+draw line:
+ INT VAR i;
+ calculate increase;
+ calculate limit points;
+ FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick
+ REP calculate delta x;
+ line (x start+delta x, y start+i, x end+delta x, y end+i)
+ PER .
+calculate increase:
+ REAL VAR increase :: -dy / dx .
+calculate limit points:
+ INT CONST x start :: from x - thick,
+ x end :: to x + thick,
+ y start :: from y + int (increase * real (thick)),
+ y end :: to y - int (increase * real (thick)) .
+calculate delta x:
+ INT CONST delta x :: int (increase*real (i)) .
+dx: real (to x-from x) .
+dy: real (to y-from y) .
+END PROC horizontal line;
+ INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, thick):
+ IF from y > to y
+ to x, to y, from x, from y, thick)
+ ELSE draw line FI .
+draw line:
+ INT VAR i;
+ calculate increase;
+ calculate limit points;
+ FOR i FROM -thick UPTO thick
+ REP calculate delta y;
+ line (x start+i, y start+delta y, x end+i, y end+delta y)
+ PER .
+calculate increase:
+ REAL VAR increase :: -dx / dy .
+calculate limit points:
+ INT CONST x start :: from x + int (increase * real (thick)),
+ x end :: to x - int (increase * real (thick)),
+ y start :: from y - thick,
+ y end :: to y + thick .
+calculate delta y:
+ INT CONST delta y :: int (increase*real (i)) .
+dx: real (to x-from x) .
+dy: real (to y-from y) .
+END PROC vertical line;
+END PACKET thick line;
+PACKET graphik text DEFINES draw char, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ zeichensatz: (*Stand: 27.06.85/16:03 *)
+ (*Änderung: 28.06.85/19:06 *)
+ (*Änderung: 05.08.86/16:00 *)
+INT CONST char x :: 6, char y :: 10;
+zeichensatz ("ZEICHENSATZ");
+PROC zeichensatz (TEXT CONST name):
+ IF exists (name)
+ THEN BOUND ZEICHENSATZ VAR new zeichen :: old (name);
+ zeichen := new zeichen;
+ ELSE errorstop ("Der Zeichensatz """ + name + """ existiert nicht") FI
+END PROC zeichensatz;
+PROC draw char (INT CONST char no, INT CONST x, y, x size, y size, direction,
+ TEXT CONST character :: zeichen [char no];
+ INT VAR n :: 1, x0, y0, x1, y1;
+ INT CONST len :: length (character);
+ WHILE n < len
+ REP value (character, n, x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ transform (x0, y0, x, y, x size, y size, direction);
+ transform (x1, y1, x, y, x size, y size, direction);
+ line (x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ n INCR 4
+ PER .
+END PROC draw char;
+PROC value (TEXT CONST char, INT CONST n, INT VAR x0, y0, x1, y1):
+ x0 := val (code (char SUB n)); y0 := val (code (char SUB n+1));
+ x1 := val (code (char SUB n+2)); y1 := val (code (char SUB n+3));
+END PROC value;
+ IF n > 127
+ THEN -256 OR n
+END PROC val;
+PROC transform (INT VAR x, y, INT CONST x0, y0, x size, y size, direction):
+ INT CONST old x :: x, old y :: y;
+ SELECT direction OF
+ CASE 0: x := x0 + x vektor; y := y0 + y vektor
+ CASE 1: x := x0 - y vektor; y := y0 + x vektor
+ CASE 2: x := x0 - x vektor; y := y0 - y vektor
+ CASE 3: x := x0 + y vektor; y := y0 - x vektor
+x vektor:
+ IF x size = 0
+ THEN old x
+ ELSE (old x*x size) DIV char x FI .
+y vektor:
+ IF y size = 0
+ THEN old y
+ ELSE (old y*y size) DIV char y FI .
+END PROC transform;
+END PACKET graphik text;
+PACKET graphik text DEFINES draw text: (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ (*Stand: 03.07.85/11:55 *)
+ (*Änderung: 05.08.86/16:04 *)
+PROC draw text (INT CONST x pos, y pos,
+ TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, INT CONST height, width,
+ INT CONST dir :: int (((angle MOD 360.0)+45.0) / 90.0);
+ INT VAR i;
+ REAL VAR x :: real (x pos), y :: real (y pos),
+ x step :: cosd (angle)*real (width),
+ y step :: sind (angle)*real (width);
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO length (msg)
+ REP IF control char
+ THEN execute control char
+ ELSE execute normal char FI
+ PER .
+control char:
+ akt char < ""32"" .
+execute control char:
+ SELECT code (akt char) OF
+ CASE 1: home
+ CASE 2: right
+ CASE 3: up
+ CASE 7: out (""7"")
+ CASE 8: left
+ CASE 10: down
+ CASE 13: return
+ x := real (x pos);
+ y := real (y pos) .
+ x INCR x step; y INCR y step .
+ x INCR y step; y INCR x step .
+ x DECR x step; y DECR y step .
+ x DECR y step; y DECR x step .
+ x := real (x pos) .
+execute normal char:
+ draw char (code (akt char), dir, int (x+0.5), int (y+0.5), height, width);
+ x INCR x step;
+ y INCR y step .
+akt char:
+ msg SUB i .
+END PROC draw text;
+END PACKET graphik text;
+PACKET comercial plot DEFINES bar, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ circle: (*Stand: 03.04.1985 *)
+ (*Änderung: 03.07.85/15:37 *)
+PROC bar (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern,
+ IF from x > to x
+ THEN bar (to x, from y, from x, to y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ ELIF from y > to y
+ THEN bar (from x, to y, to x, from y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ ELSE draw frame;
+ fill frame with pattern
+ FI .
+draw frame:
+ line (from x, from y, from x, to y);
+ line (from x, to y, to x, to y);
+ line (to x, to y, to x, from y);
+ line (to x, from y, from x, from y) .
+fill frame with pattern:
+ SELECT pattern OF
+ CASE 1: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 2, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 2: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 1, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 3: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 4: fill vert (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 5: fill hor (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line);
+ fill vert (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 6: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 7: fill left (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+ CASE 8: fill right (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line);
+ fill left (from x, to x, from y, to y, 5, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) line)
+END PROC bar;
+PROC fill hor (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT VAR y :: from y;
+ REP line (from x, y, to x, y);
+ y INCR step
+ UNTIL y > to y PER .
+END PROC fill hor;
+PROC fill vert (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT VAR x :: from x;
+ REP line (x, from y, x, to y);
+ x INCR step
+ UNTIL x > to x PER .
+END PROC fill vert;
+PROC fill right (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT CONST width :: to x - from x,
+ height :: to y - from y,
+ length :: width + height,
+ height step :: height + step,
+ width step :: width + step;
+ INT VAR t :: step, left :: from x, right :: from x,
+ lower :: from y, upper :: from y;
+(* Ausfüllen von links unten nach rechts oben *)
+ WHILE t < length
+ REP calc start point;
+ calc end point;
+ line (left, upper, right, lower);
+ t INCR step
+ PER .
+calc start point:
+ IF t < height
+ THEN upper INCR step
+ ELIF t < height step
+ THEN left := from x + t - height;
+ upper := to y
+ ELSE left INCR step FI .
+calc end point:
+ IF t < width
+ THEN right INCR step
+ ELIF t < width step
+ THEN lower := from y + t - width;
+ right := to x
+ ELSE lower INCR step FI .
+END PROC fill right;
+PROC fill left (INT CONST from x, to x, from y, to y, step,
+ INT CONST width :: to x - from x,
+ height :: to y - from y,
+ length :: width + height,
+ height step :: height + step,
+ width step :: width + step;
+ INT VAR t :: step, left :: to x, right :: to x,
+ lower :: from y, upper :: from y;
+(* Ausfüllen von rechts unten nach links oben *)
+ WHILE t < length
+ REP calc start point;
+ calc end point;
+ line (right, upper, left, lower);
+ t INCR step
+ PER .
+calc start point:
+ IF t < height
+ THEN upper INCR step
+ ELIF t < height step
+ THEN right := to x - t + height;
+ upper := to y
+ ELSE right DECR step FI .
+calc end point:
+ IF t < width
+ THEN left DECR step
+ ELIF t < width step
+ THEN lower := from y + t - width;
+ left := from x
+ ELSE lower INCR step FI .
+END PROC fill left;
+PROC circle (INT CONST x, y, rad, REAL CONST from, to, INT CONST pattern,
+ REAL VAR t :: from;
+ INT VAR last x :: x, last y :: y;
+ WHILE t <= to
+ REP calc circle;
+ draw step;
+ t INCR 5.0
+ PER;
+ line (x rad, y rad, x, y) .
+draw step:
+ IF pattern = 0
+ THEN line (last x, last y, x rad, y rad);
+ last x := x rad;
+ last y := y rad
+ ELSE line (x, y, x rad, y rad) FI .
+calc circle:
+ INT CONST x rad :: int (cosd (t)*real (rad)+0.5)+x,
+ y rad :: int (sind (t)*real (rad)+0.5)+y .
+END PROC circle;
+END PACKET comercial plot;
+PACKET pc plot DEFINES drawing area, (*Autor: Heiko Indenbirken *)
+ begin plot, (*Stand: 20.05.85 *)
+ end plot, (*Änderung: 27.06.85/16:17 *)
+ clear, (*Änderung: 03.07.85/15:59 *)
+ (*Änderung: 06.08.86/10:03 *)
+ graphik,
+ set pen, get pen,
+ move,
+ draw,
+ draw line,
+ marker,
+ bar, circle,
+ where:
+LET PEN = STRUCT (INT back, fore, thick, line);
+INT CONST back code :: -4,
+ modus code :: -5,
+ draw code :: -6,
+ move code :: -7,
+ pen code :: -8,
+ full line :: -1;
+INT VAR d, y, pause time :: 10,
+ resolution :: 4, max x :: 319, max y :: 199;
+BOOL VAR is clear := FALSE;
+POS VAR old :: POS : (0, 0);
+PEN VAR pen :: PEN : (0, 1, 0, full line);
+PROC drawing area (REAL VAR x cm, y cm, INT VAR x pixel, y pixel) :
+ x cm := 22.0; y cm := 13.7;
+ x pixel := max x; y pixel := max y;
+END PROC drawing area;
+PROC graphik (INT CONST modus, pause):
+ pause time := pause;
+ SELECT modus OF
+ CASE 0: resolution := 3;
+ CASE 1: resolution := 72;
+ max x := 639;
+ max y := 399
+ CASE 2: resolution := 64;
+ max x := 639;
+ max y := 399
+ CASE 3: resolution := 6;
+ max x := 639;
+ max y := 199
+ CASE 4: resolution := 4;
+ max x := 319;
+ max y := 199
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("Nur Modi 0-4") ENDSELECT;
+ set range (0, 0, max x, max y);
+END PROC graphik;
+PROC begin plot :
+ control (modus code, resolution, 0, d);
+ is clear := TRUE;
+ENDPROC begin plot ;
+PROC end plot :
+ IF pause time > 0
+ THEN indicate end plot FI;
+ control (modus code, 3, 0, d) .
+indicate end plot:
+ control (pen code, full line, full line, d);
+ REP set indicator;
+ UNTIL incharety (pause time) <> "" PER .
+set indicator:
+ control (move code, 0, max y, d);
+ control (draw code, max x, max y, d) .
+ENDPROC end plot ;
+PROC clear:
+ INT VAR x0, x1, y0, y1;
+ new values (22.0, 13.7, max x, max y, x0, x1, y0, y1);
+ set range (x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ clear screen;
+ clear pen;
+ clear pos;
+ is clear := FALSE .
+clear screen:
+ IF is clear OR full screen
+ THEN control (modus code, resolution, 0, d)
+ ELSE draw frame;
+ clear frame
+ FI .
+full screen:
+ x0 < 10 AND x1 > (max x-10) AND
+ y0 < 10 AND y1 > (max y-10) .
+draw frame:
+ control (move code, x0, y0, d);
+ control (draw code, x1, y0, d);
+ control (draw code, x1, y1, d);
+ control (draw code, x0, y1, d);
+ control (draw code, x0, y0, d) .
+clear frame:
+ control (pen code, full line, 0, d);
+ FOR y FROM max y-y1 UPTO max y-y0
+ REP control (move code, x0, y, d);
+ control (draw code, x1, y, d);
+ PER .
+clear pen:
+ pen := PEN : (0, 1, 0, full line);
+ control (pen code, full line, 1, d) .
+clear pos:
+ old := POS : (x0, y0);
+ control (move code, x0, max y-y0, d) .
+END PROC clear;
+PROC set pen (INT CONST back, fore, thick, type):
+ set background;
+ set foreground and linetype;
+ set thickness .
+set background:
+ pen.back := back; (*Hintergrund über niederwertiges *)
+ control (back code, 0, back no, d) .(*Byte von colour code *)
+ (*Höherwetiges Byte regelt die *)
+back no: (*Farbpalette *)
+ IF back = 0
+ THEN std background
+ ELSE back FI .
+std background:
+ IF resolution = 4
+ THEN 16
+ ELSE 15 FI .
+set foreground and linetype: (*0, 1, 2, 3 Farben: löschend,*)
+ pen.fore := possible colour; (*ändernd oder überschreibend *)
+ pen.line := type; (* in allen Linientypen. *)
+ control (pen code, line (type), pen.fore, d) .
+possible colour:
+ IF fore <= full line
+ THEN full line
+ ELIF fore > 3 OR (fore > 1 AND resolution <> 4)
+ THEN 1
+ ELSE fore FI .
+set thickness:
+ pen.thick := thick DIV 10 .
+END PROC set pen;
+PROC get pen (INT VAR back, fore, thick, line):
+ back := pen.back;
+ fore := pen.fore;
+ thick := pen.thick;
+ line := pen.line
+END PROC get pen;
+INT PROC line (INT CONST type):
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE 0: 0
+ CASE 1: full line
+ CASE 2: 21845
+ CASE 3: 3855
+ CASE 4: 255
+ CASE 5: 4351
+END PROC line;
+PROC int move (INT CONST x, y):
+ control (move code, x, max y-y, d);
+END PROC int move;
+PROC int draw (INT CONST x, y):
+ control (draw code, x, max y-y, d);
+END PROC int draw;
+PROC draw line (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y):
+ control (move code, from x, max y-from y, d);
+ clip (from x, from y, to x, to y, PROC int move, PROC int draw)
+END PROC draw line;
+PROC move (INT CONST x, y) :
+ control (move code, x, max y-y, d);
+ old := POS : (x, y)
+END PROC move;
+PROC draw (INT CONST x, y):
+ IF std thickness
+ THEN clip (old.x, old.y, x, y, PROC int move, PROC int draw)
+ ELSE thick (old.x, old.y, x, y, pen.thick, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line) FI;
+ old := POS : (x, y) .
+std thickness: pen.thick = 0 .
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw (TEXT CONST msg, REAL CONST angle, INT CONST height, width):
+ control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d);
+ draw text (old.x, old.y, msg, angle, y size, x size,
+ control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d);
+ control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) .
+x size: IF width = 0
+ THEN 6
+ ELSE width FI .
+y size: IF height = 0
+ THEN 10
+ ELSE height FI .
+END PROC draw;
+PROC draw char (INT CONST char, direction, x, y, INT CONST height, width):
+ draw char (char, x, y, width, height, direction,
+END PROC draw char;
+PROC bar (INT CONST from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern):
+ control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d);
+ bar (from x, from y, to x, to y, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line);
+ control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d);
+ control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) .
+END PROC bar;
+PROC circle (INT CONST x, y, rad, REAL CONST from, to, INT CONST pattern):
+ control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d);
+ circle (x, y, rad, from, to, pattern, PROC (INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST, INT CONST) draw line);
+ control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d);
+ control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) .
+END PROC circle;
+PROC marker (INT CONST x, y, no, size):
+ control (pen code, full line, pen.fore, d);
+ draw char (no, 0, x, y, size, size);
+ control (move code, old.x, max y-old.y, d);
+ control (pen code, line (pen.line), pen.fore, d) .
+END PROC marker;
+PROC where (INT VAR x, y):
+ x := old.x; y := old.y
+END PROC where;
+END PACKET pc plot
diff --git a/graphic/ZEICHENSATZ b/graphic/ZEICHENSATZ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9866ec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/ZEICHENSATZ
Binary files differ
diff --git a/graphic/gen Graphik b/graphic/gen Graphik
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f70cc66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/gen Graphik
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+TEXT VAR geraet;
+out ("Bitte den Namen der Hardwareanpassung (z.B. 'PC.plot') eingeben: ");
+get line (geraet);
+IF NOT exists (geraet)
+THEN errorstop ("Endgerät nicht vorhanden") FI;
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Picfile");
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Transform");
+insert (geraet);
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Plot");
diff --git a/graphic/gen Plotter b/graphic/gen Plotter
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73d7b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/gen Plotter
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+TEXT VAR geraet;
+out ("Bitte den Namen der Hardwareanpassung (z.B. 'PC.plot') eingeben: ");
+get line (geraet);
+IF NOT exists (geraet)
+THEN errorstop ("Endgerät nicht vorhanden") FI;
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Picfile");
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Transform");
+insert (geraet);
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Plotter");
+insert ("GRAPHIK.Server")
diff --git a/graphic/graphik editor b/graphic/graphik editor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aa6e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphic/graphik editor
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+PACKET graphic editor DEFINES graphic, (*Autor: H.Indenbirken *)
+ picfile, picture, (*Stand: 26.02.1985 *)
+ neu zeichnen,
+ UP, DOWN, T,
+ pen, select pen, selected pen, background,
+ extrema pic, extrema picfile:
+LET norm cmd = ""1""27""3""10""9"epb"16"",
+ hop cmd = ""2""10""12""1"",
+ bell = ""7"",
+ esc = ""27"";
+TEXT VAR command :: "", old command :: "", char, headline :: "";
+BOOL VAR within edit :: FALSE, new plot :: FALSE;
+ROW 3 ROW 2 REAL VAR size;
+ROW 2 ROW 2 REAL VAR limits;
+ROW 4 REAL VAR angles;
+ROW 2 REAL VAR oblique;
+ROW 3 REAL VAR perspective;
+PROC open graphic (TEXT CONST name, DATASPACE CONST ds):
+ p := ds;
+ get values (p, size, limits, angles, oblique, perspective);
+ head line := ""1""15"LEN ................................ DIM PEN .."14" Picture "15""14"";
+ replace (head line, 32-LENGTH name DIV 2, name);
+ new plot := TRUE;
+ within edit := TRUE
+END PROC open graphic;
+PROC graphic:
+ graphic (last param)
+END PROC graphic;
+PROC graphic (TEXT CONST name) :
+ IF NOT exists (name)
+ THEN IF yes ("Soll ein neuer Picfile eingerichtet werden")
+ THEN graphic (new (name), name) FI
+ ELSE graphic (old (name), name) FI
+END PROC graphic;
+ open graphic (name, f);
+ reset;
+ kommandos bearbeiten;
+ within edit := FALSE .
+kommandos bearbeiten :
+ REP IF new plot
+ THEN plot (p);
+ new plot := FALSE
+ FI;
+ read picture (p, pic);
+ out head line;
+ inchar (command);
+ do command
+ PER .
+out head line:
+ replace (headline, 7, text (length (pic), 5));
+ replace (headline, 50, text (dim (pic), 1));
+ replace (headline, 57, text (pen (pic), 2));
+ replace (headline, 72, text (picture no (p), 4));
+ out (head line) .
+do command:
+ SELECT pos (norm cmd, command) OF
+ CASE 1: hop commands
+ CASE 2: escape commands
+ CASE 3: position up
+ CASE 4: position down
+ CASE 5: position direct
+ CASE 6: extrema pic
+ CASE 7: selected pen (pen (pic));
+ CASE 8: out (1, 2, ""15""5"Hintergrundfarbe: " +
+ colour of (background (p)) + " "14"")
+ CASE 9: identify (pic);
+position up :
+ IF is first picture (p)
+ THEN out (bell);
+ ELSE up (p) FI .
+position down :
+ IF eof (p)
+ THEN out (bell)
+ ELSE down (p) FI .
+position direct:
+ out (1, 68, "");
+ edit get (command, 4, 4);
+ to pic (p, int (command)) .
+hop commands :
+ inchar (command);
+ SELECT pos (hop cmd, command) OF
+ CASE 1: to first pic (p)
+ CASE 2: to eof (p)
+ CASE 3: delete picture (p);
+ IF NOT new plot
+ THEN erase (pic) FI
+ CASE 4: new plot := TRUE
+escape commands :
+ inchar (command);
+ IF command = "q"
+ THEN LEAVE kommandos bearbeiten
+ ELIF command = "f"
+ THEN do (old command)
+ ELIF command = esc
+ THEN kommandomodus
+ ELSE do (kommando auf taste (command)) FI .
+END PROC graphic;
+PROC kommandomodus:
+ command := "";
+ disable stop;
+ REP get command;
+ do (command)
+ UNTIL command executed PER;
+ IF new values
+ THEN get values (size, limits, angles, oblique, perspective);
+ set values (p, size, limits, angles, oblique, perspective);
+ new plot := new plot OR new values
+ FI .
+get command:
+ REP out (1, 2, ""15"Gib Graphikkommando: ");
+ edit get (command, 0, 54, "", "k", char);
+ out (""14"");
+ out (1, 2, ""5"");
+ IF char = ""13""
+ THEN LEAVE get command
+ ELIF char = ""27"k"
+ THEN command := old command FI
+ PER .
+command executed:
+ IF is error
+ THEN out (1, 1, error message);
+ clear error;
+ ELSE old command := command;
+ FI .
+END PROC kommandomodus;
+ cursor (x, y);
+ out (t)
+END PROC out;
+TEXT PROC colour of (INT CONST colour):
+ SELECT colour OF
+ CASE 0: "löschen"
+ CASE 1: "std"
+ CASE 2: "rot"
+ CASE 3: "blau"
+ CASE 4: "grün"
+ CASE 5: "schwarz"
+ CASE 6: "weiß"
+ OTHERWISE text (colour) ENDSELECT .
+END PROC colour of;
+TEXT PROC linetype of (INT CONST linetype):
+ SELECT linetype OF
+ CASE 0: "unsichtbar"
+ CASE 1: "durchgehend"
+ CASE 2: "gepunktet"
+ CASE 3: "kurz gestrichelt"
+ CASE 4: "lang gestrichelt"
+ CASE 5: "strichpunkt"
+ OTHERWISE text (linetype) ENDSELECT .
+END PROC linetype of;
+PICFILE PROC picfile :
+ IF NOT within edit
+ THEN errorstop ("Not within editmode") FI;
+ p
+END PROC picfile;
+PICTURE PROC picture :
+ IF NOT within edit
+ THEN errorstop ("Not within editmode") FI;
+ pic
+END PROC picture;
+PROC neu zeichnen:
+ new plot := TRUE
+END PROC neu zeichnen;
+OP UP (INT CONST distance):
+ up (p, distance);
+ read picture (p, pic)
+OP DOWN (INT CONST distance):
+ down (p, distance);
+ read picture (p, pic)
+ to pic (p, n);
+ read picture (p, pic)
+PROC pen (INT CONST n):
+ IF NOT new plot
+ THEN erase (pic) FI;
+ pen (pic, n);
+ write picture (p, pic);
+ IF NOT new plot
+ THEN show (pic) FI
+END PROC pen;
+PROC select pen (INT CONST n, colour, thickness, linetype, BOOL CONST hidden):
+ select pen (p, n, colour, thickness, linetype, hidden);
+ new plot := TRUE
+END PROC select pen;
+PROC select pen (INT CONST n, colour, thickness, linetype):
+ select pen (p, n, colour, thickness, linetype, FALSE);
+ new plot := TRUE
+END PROC select pen;
+PROC selected pen (INT CONST n, INT VAR colour, thickness, linetype,
+ BOOL VAR hidden):
+ selected pen (p, n, colour, thickness, linetype, hidden);
+END PROC selected pen;
+PROC selected pen (INT CONST n):
+ INT VAR colour, thickness, linetype;
+ BOOL VAR hidden;
+ selected pen (p, n, colour, thickness, linetype, hidden);
+ out (1, 2, ""5""15"PEN #" + text (n) + ": Farbe: " + colour of (colour) +
+ ", Dicke " + text (thickness) + ", Linientyp " + linetype of (linetype) +
+ hidden text + " "14"") .
+hidden text:
+ IF hidden
+ THEN ". "
+ ELSE ", nicht sichtbare Linien werden unterdrückt." FI .
+END PROC selected pen;
+INT PROC background:
+ background (p)
+END PROC background;
+PROC background (INT CONST n):
+ new plot := n <> background (p);
+ background (p, n)
+END PROC background;
+PROC extrema pic:
+ REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max;
+ IF dim (pic) = 2
+ THEN extrema (pic, x min, x max, y min, y max);
+ out (1, 2, ""5""15"Extrema: [" + text (x min) + "," + text (x max) +
+ "] [" + text (y min) + "," + text (y max) + "] "14"")
+ ELSE extrema (pic, x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max);
+ out (1, 2, ""5""15"Extrema: [" + text (x min) + "," + text (x max) +
+ "] [" + text (y min) + "," + text (y max) +
+ "] [" + text (z min) + "," + text (z max) +"] "14"")
+ FI
+END PROC extrema pic;
+PROC extrema picfile:
+ REAL VAR x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max;
+ extrema (p, x min, x max, y min, y max, z min, z max);
+ out (1, 2, ""5""15"Extrema: [" + text (x min) + "," + text (x max) +
+ "] [" + text (y min) + "," + text (y max) +
+ "] [" + text (z min) + "," + text (z max) +"] "14"")
+END PROC extrema picfile;
+PROC identify (PICTURE CONST pic):
+ begin plot;
+ hidden lines (TRUE);
+ pen (background (p), 1, 1, 2);
+ plot (pic);
+ end plot
+END PROC identify;
+PROC erase (PICTURE CONST pic):
+ INT VAR colour, thickness, linetype;
+ BOOL VAR hidden;
+ selected pen (p, pen (pic), colour, thickness, linetype, hidden);
+ begin plot;
+ hidden lines (TRUE);
+ pen (background (p), 0, thickness, linetype);
+ plot (pic);
+ end plot
+END PROC erase;
+ INT VAR colour, thickness, linetype;
+ BOOL VAR hidden;
+ selected pen (p, pen (pic), colour, thickness, linetype, hidden);
+ begin plot;
+ hidden lines (TRUE);
+ pen (background (p), colour, thickness, linetype);
+ plot (pic);
+ end plot
+END PROC show;
+END PACKET graphic editor;