path: root/system/eumel-coder
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'system/eumel-coder')
-rw-r--r--system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.02594
-rw-r--r--system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0_mod2043
-rw-r--r--system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel0 codes50
-rw-r--r--system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/src/eumel coder 1.8.13086
5 files changed, 7774 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0 b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9f489f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0
@@ -0,0 +1,2594 @@
+PACKET eumel coder (* Autor: U. Bartling *)
+ DEFINES coder on, coder off,
+ declare, define, apply, identify,
+ :=, =,
+ dump,
+ gosub, goret,
+ complement condition code,
+ ref length,
+ +,
+ adjust,
+ is global, is local, is ref,
+ type class, type name,
+ void type, int type, real type, text type, bool type,
+ dataspace type, undefined type,
+ row type, struct type, proc type, end type,
+ OPN,
+ set length of local storage,
+ begin module, end module,
+ is proc, is eumel 0 instruction,
+ address, operation,
+ nop,
+ init op codes,
+ mnemonic,
+ parameter,
+ next param,
+ access ,
+ dtype ,
+ param address,
+ same type ,
+ reserve storage,
+ allocate denoter ,
+ allocate variable,
+ data allocation by coder ,
+ data allocation by user,
+ run, run again,
+ insert,
+ prot, prot off,
+ check, check on, check off,
+ help, bulletin, packets :
+(* *)
+(* E U M E L - C O D E R *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Zur Beschreibung des Coders siehe *)
+(* U.Bartling, J. Liedtke: EUMEL-Coder-Interface *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand der Dokumentation : 13.02.1986 *)
+(* Stand der Implementation : 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+ (***** Globale Variable *****)
+TEXT VAR object name;
+FILE VAR bulletin file;
+INT VAR memory management mode, global address offset, hash table pointer,
+ nt link, permanent pointer, param link, index, mode, field pointer,
+ word, number of errors := 0 ;
+BOOL VAR found, end of params;
+(* *)
+(* 1. Interface zum ELAN-Compiler 12.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Beschreibung der Tabellen (-groessen), *)
+(* internen Vercodung von Typen *)
+(* und Kennungen . *)
+(* Initialisieren und Beenden des Compilers, *)
+(* Lesen aus und Schreiben in Namens- bzw. Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+LET begin of hash table = 0 ,
+ end of hash table = 1023 ,
+ begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
+ before first pt entry = 22784 ,
+ first permanent entry = 22785 ,
+ end of permanent table = 32767 ,
+ wordlength = 1 , (* compile u n d run time *)
+ two word length = 2 ,
+ three word length = 3 ,
+ four word length = 4 ,
+ permanent param const = 10000 ,
+ permanent param var = 20000 ,
+ permanent proc op = 30000 ,
+ permanent type = 30000 ,
+ permanent row = 10 ,
+ permanent struct = 11 ,
+ permanent param proc = 12 ,
+(* permanent param proc end marker = 0 , *)
+ permanent type field = 0 ,
+ ptt limit = 10000 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
+ offset to row size = 12785 ,
+ void = 0 ,
+ int = 1 ,
+ real = 2 ,
+ string = 3 ,
+ bool = 5 ,
+ bool result = 6 ,
+ dataspace = 7 ,
+ undefined = 9 ,
+ row = 10 ,
+ struct = 11 ,
+ end = 0 ,
+ const = 1 ,
+ var = 2 ,
+(* proc = 3 , *)
+(* denoter = 5 , *)
+ bold = 2 ,
+ ins = TRUE ,
+ no ins = FALSE ,
+ no lst = FALSE ,
+ sermon = TRUE ,
+ no sermon = FALSE ,
+ run again mode = 0 ,
+ compile file mode = 1 ,
+ prep coder mode = 5 ,
+ warning message = 2 ,
+ error message = 4 ,
+ point line = "..............." ;
+INT CONST permanent packet := -2 ,
+ permanent end := -3 ;
+BOOL VAR coder active := FALSE ;
+INT VAR run again mod nr := 0 ;
+ (***** Start/Ende *****)
+LET invalid coder off = "CODER not active" ;
+PROC coder on (INT CONST data allocation mode) :
+ mark coder on ;
+ init memory management ;
+ init opn section ;
+ init compiler .
+mark coder on :
+ coder active := TRUE .
+init memory management :
+ memory management mode := data allocation mode ;
+ prep pbase (global address offset) .
+init compiler :
+ no do again ;
+ elan (prep coder mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, no lst, check option, no sermon)
+ENDPROC coder on;
+PROC coder off (BOOL CONST insert, sermon, OPN CONST start proc) :
+ IF coder active
+ THEN mark coder off ;
+ end coder (insert, sermon, start mod nr if no insert)
+ ELSE errorstop (invalid coder off)
+ FI .
+start mod nr if no insert :
+ IF insert THEN run again mod nr := 0
+ ELSE run again mod nr := start proc.mod nr
+ FI ;
+ run again mod nr .
+mark coder off :
+ reset memory management mode ;
+ init opn section ;
+ coder active := FALSE
+ENDPROC coder off ;
+PROC end coder (BOOL CONST insert wanted, sermon wanted, INT CONST mod) :
+ EXTERNAL 10021
+ENDPROC end coder ;
+PROC elan (INT CONST mode, FILE VAR source, TEXT CONST line,
+ INT VAR start module number, BOOL CONST ins, lst, rtc, ser) :
+ENDPROC elan ;
+ (***** Hash/Namenstabelle *****)
+next hash entry :
+ hash table pointer INCR wordlength .
+end of hash table reached :
+ hash table pointer > end of hash table .
+yet another nt entry :
+ nt link := cdb int (nt link) ;
+ nt link <> 0 . ;
+PROC declare object (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR nt link, pt pointer) :
+ EXTERNAL 10031
+ENDPROC declare object ;
+PROC to object (TEXT CONST searched object) :
+ hash ;
+ search nt entry .
+hash :
+ hash code := 0 ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH searched object REP
+ addmult cyclic
+addmult cyclic :
+ hash code INCR hash code ;
+ IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
+ hash code := (hash code + code (searched object SUB index)) MOD 1024 .
+wrap around :
+ hash code DECR end of hash table .
+hash code : nt link .
+search nt entry :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ read current entry ;
+ IF object name = searched object
+ THEN found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE to object
+ FI
+ PER .
+read current entry :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length)
+ENDPROC to object ;
+ (***** Permanent Tabelle *****)
+next procedure :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) . ;
+PROC next pt param :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+skip over permanent row :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ next pt param .
+skip over permanent struct :
+ next pt param ;
+ mode := cdb int (param link)
+ UNTIL mode = permanent type field PER ;
+ param link INCR wordlength
+ENDPROC next pt param ;
+PROC set end marker if end of list :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
+ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
+PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode = permanent param proc THEN type of param proc
+ ELSE type of object
+ FI .
+type of param proc :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ mode := permanent param proc .
+type of object :
+ IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
+ mode := 0
+ ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
+ mode DECR type ;
+ translate type if necessary ;
+ translate mode if necessary
+ FI .
+translate type if necessary :
+ IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
+translate type :
+ type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+translate mode if necessary :
+ IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const
+ ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var
+ FI .
+permanent row or struct :
+ type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
+ENDPROC get type and mode ;
+ (***** Allgemeine Zugriffsprozeduren *****)
+INT PROC cdb int (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb int ;
+TEXT PROC cdb text (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb text ;
+(* *)
+(* 2. Spruenge und Marken 07.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps LABEL *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition und Applikation von Marken *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR invers :: FALSE ;
+PROC declare (LABEL VAR label) :
+ CONCR (label) := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10084
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC complement condition code :
+ invers := TRUE
+ENDPROC complement condition code ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10149
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label, BOOL CONST condition) :
+ IF condition xor invers THEN branch true (label)
+ ELSE branch false (label)
+ FI ;
+ invers := FALSE .
+condition xor invers :
+ IF condition THEN NOT invers
+ ELSE invers
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply ;
+OP := (LABEL VAR global label, local label) : (* EQUATE ! *)
+ EXTERNAL 10014
+ENDOP := ;
+TEXT PROC dump (LABEL CONST label) :
+ "LAB " + text (CONCR (label))
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC gosub (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10015
+ENDPROC gosub ;
+PROC goret :
+ s0 (q goret code)
+ENDPROC goret ;
+PROC branch true (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10028
+ENDPROC branch true ;
+PROC branch false (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10029
+ENDPROC branch false ;
+(* *)
+(* 3. Datenaddressen 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps ADDRESS *)
+(* *)
+(* Aufbau von Datenaddressen (Vercodung) *)
+(* Fortschalten und Ausrichten von Adressen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Fehlermeldung "address overflow" (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE ADDRESS = STRUCT (INT kind, value) ;
+LET global = 0 ,
+ local = 1 ,
+ ref mask = 2 ,
+ global ref = 2 ,
+ local ref = 3 ,
+ module nr = 4 ,
+ immediate value = 5 ,
+ eumel0 stack offset = 4 ,
+ local address limit = 16 384 ,
+ illegal ref operation = "REF not allowed" ,
+ deref on non ref = "DEREF on non-ref address" ,
+ global ref not allowed = "GLOBAL REF not allowed" ,
+ unknown kind = "Unknown address kind" ,
+ address overflow = "Address Overflow" ,
+ illegal plus operation = "+ not allowed" ;
+ADDRESS VAR result addr;
+INT CONST ref length :: 2 ;
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ADDRESS OP GLOB (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := global ;
+ result addr.value := address level ;
+ IF memory management mode = data allocation by user
+ THEN result addr.value INCR global address offset
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ADDRESS OP LOC (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := local ;
+ result addr.value := address level + eumel0 stack offset ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ IF result addr.kind = local THEN result addr.kind INCR ref mask
+ ELIF result addr.kind = global THEN errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ ELSE errorstop (illegal ref operation)
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (ref address) ;
+ IF is not local ref THEN errorstop (deref on non ref) FI ;
+ result addr.kind DECR ref mask ;
+ result addr .
+is not local ref :
+ result addr.kind <> local ref
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global :
+ CASE local : set bit (result addr.value, 15)
+ CASE global ref : errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ CASE local ref : prep local ref
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (unknown kind)
+ result addr.value .
+prep local ref :
+ IF address limit exceeded THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 14) ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 15) .
+address limit exceeded :
+ result addr.value < eumel0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+BOOL PROC is ref (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local ref
+ENDPROC is ref ;
+BOOL PROC is global (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = global
+ENDPROC is global ;
+BOOL PROC is local (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local
+ENDPROC is local ;
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : inc global
+ CASE local : inc local
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal plus operation)
+ result addr .
+inc global :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < 0 THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI .
+inc local :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < eumel 0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ FI
+ENDOP + ;
+PROC adjust (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST adjust length) :
+ IF is local or global THEN adjust to length FI .
+is local or global :
+ addr.kind <= local .
+adjust to length :
+ mode := addr.value MOD adjust length ;
+ IF mode <> 0 THEN addr.value INCR (adjust length-mode) FI
+ENDPROC adjust ;
+ kind + text (addr.value) .
+kind :
+ SELECT addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : "GLOBAL "
+ CASE local : "LOCAL "
+ CASE immediate value : "IMMEDIATE "
+ CASE module nr : "PARAM PROC "
+ CASE global ref : "GLOBAL REF "
+ CASE local ref : "LOCAL REF "
+ OTHERWISE "undef. Addr:"
+ENDPROC dump;
+(* *)
+(* 4. Datentypen Teil I 03.12.1985 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps DTYPE *)
+(* *)
+(* Interne Repraesentation der primitiven Datentypen *)
+(* Identifikation von DTYPEs *)
+(* *)
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ CONCR (l) = CONCR (r)
+ENDOP = ;
+DTYPE PROC void type : DTYPE :(void) ENDPROC void type ;
+DTYPE PROC int type : DTYPE :(int ) ENDPROC int type ;
+DTYPE PROC real type : DTYPE :(real) ENDPROC real type ;
+DTYPE PROC text type : DTYPE :(string) ENDPROC text type ;
+DTYPE PROC bool type : DTYPE :(bool) ENDPROC bool type ;
+DTYPE PROC dataspace type : DTYPE :(dataspace) ENDPROC dataspace type ;
+DTYPE PROC undefined type : DTYPE :(undefined) ENDPROC undefined type ;
+DTYPE PROC row type : DTYPE :(row) ENDPROC row type ;
+DTYPE PROC struct type : DTYPE :(struct) ENDPROC struct type ;
+DTYPE PROC proc type : DTYPE :(permanent param proc) ENDPROC proc type ;
+DTYPE PROC end type : DTYPE :(end) ENDPROC end type ;
+INT PROC type class (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ SELECT type id OF
+ CASE int, real, bool, string, dataspace, undefined : 1
+ CASE void : 0
+ CASE row : 3
+ CASE struct : 4
+ CASE permanent param proc : 5
+ OTHERWISE pt type
+pt type :
+ IF type id > ptt limit THEN permanent row or struct
+ ELSE abstract type
+ FI .
+abstract type : 2 .
+permanent row or struct :
+ mode := cdbint (type link into pt) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = struct THEN 4
+ ELIF mode = row THEN 3
+ ELSE 2
+ FI .
+type link into pt :
+ type id + begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC type class ;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name,INT VAR size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ SELECT type pos OF
+ CASE 1 : size := 0; align := 0; type id := void
+ CASE 6 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := int
+ CASE 10 : size := 4; align := 4; type id := real
+ CASE 15 : size := 8; align := 4; type id := string
+ CASE 20 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := bool
+ CASE 25 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := dataspace
+ OTHERWISE search for type in permanent table
+type pos :
+ enclose in delimiters ;
+ pos (".VOID.INT.REAL.TEXT.BOOL.DATASPACE.", object name) .
+enclose in delimiters :
+ object name := "." ;
+ object name CAT name ;
+ object name CAT "." .
+search for type in permanent table :
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF NOT found THEN size := 0; align := 0; type id := undefined
+ ELSE size := cdbint (permanent pointer + two wordlength) ;
+ type id := permanent pointer - begin of permanent table ;
+ IF size < two wordlength THEN align := 1
+ ELIF size < four wordlength THEN align := 2
+ ELSE align := 4
+ FI
+ FI .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+(* *)
+(* 5. Operationen Teil I 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps OPN *)
+(* Primitive Operationen (:= etc.) *)
+(* Bereitstellen dee Fehlermeldung 'proc op expected' (coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE OPN = STRUCT (INT kind, mod nr, top of stack) ;
+LET proc op = 0 ,
+ param proc = 1 ,
+ eumel 0 = 2 ,
+ nil = 3 ,
+ param proc at non ref = "PARAM PROC at non-ref address" ,
+ proc op expected = "PROC expected" ;
+OPN VAR eumel0 opn;
+eumel0 opn.kind := eumel0 ;
+eumel0 of stack := 0 ;
+eumel0 opn.mod nr := q pp ;
+OPN CONST pp :: eumel0 opn ,
+ nop code :: OPN :(nil, 0, 0) ;
+THESAURUS VAR eumel 0 opcodes :: empty thesaurus ;
+PROC init op codes (FILE VAR eumelcodes) :
+ eumel 0 opcodes := empty thesaurus ;
+ WHILE NOT eof (eumelcodes) REP
+ getline (eumelcodes, object name) ;
+ delete trailing blanks ;
+ IF object name <> "" CAND NOT (eumel 0 opcodes CONTAINS object name)
+ THEN insert (eumel 0 opcodes, object name)
+ FI
+ PER .
+delete trailing blanks :
+ WHILE (object name SUB LENGTH object name) = " " REP
+ object name := subtext (object name, 1, LENGTH object name - 1)
+ENDPROC init op codes ;
+ADDRESS PROC address (OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF opn.kind <> proc op THEN errorstop (proc op expected) FI ;
+ result addr.kind := module nr ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ result addr
+ENDPROC address ;
+OPN PROC operation (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF addr.kind <> local ref THEN errorstop (param proc at non ref) FI ;
+ OPN VAR opn ;
+ opn.kind := param proc ;
+ opn.mod nr :=addr.value ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ opn
+ENDPROC operation ;
+TEXT PROC mnemonic (OPN CONST op code) :
+ name (eumel 0 opcodes, op code.mod nr)
+ENDPROC mnemonic ;
+OPN PROC nop :
+ nop code
+ENDPROC nop ;
+OP := (OPN VAR r, OPN CONST l) :
+ CONCR (r) := CONCR (l)
+ENDOP := ;
+BOOL PROC is proc (OPN CONST operation) :
+ operation.kind = proc op
+ENDPROC is proc ;
+BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (TEXT CONST op code name) :
+ link (eumel 0 opcodes, op code name) <> 0
+ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
+(* *)
+(* 6. Parameterfeld 10.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Bereitstellen des Parameterfeldes *)
+(* Schreiben und Lesen von Eintraegen im Parameterfeld *)
+(* Fortschalten von Zeigern in das Parameterfeld *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Konstanten 'size of param field' (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+ ADDRESS addr, OPN push opn) ,
+ size of param field = 100 ,
+ param field exceeded = "Param Field Overflow",
+ param nr out of range = "Illegal Param Number" ;
+ROW size of param field PARAMDESCRIPTOR VAR param field ;
+ (***** Schreiben *****)
+PROC test param pos (INT CONST param nr) :
+ IF param nr < 1 OR param nr > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param nr out of range)
+ FI
+ENDPROC test param pos ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, access) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter access .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter address .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, value) :
+ result addr.kind := immediate value ;
+ result addr.value := value ;
+ define (param nr, result addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC apply (INT CONST param nr, OPN CONST opn) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter push opn .
+enter push opn :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (opn)
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC parameter (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type,
+ INT CONST access, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type ;
+ enter access ;
+ enter address ;
+ enter pp as default .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type) .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr) .
+enter pp as default :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (pp)
+ENDPROC parameter ;
+ (***** Lesen *****)
+ADDRESS PROC param address (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].addr
+ENDPROC param address ;
+DTYPE PROC dtype (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].type
+ENDPROC dtype ;
+INT PROC access (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].access
+ENDPROC access ;
+ (***** Fortschalten *****)
+OP NEXTPARAM (INT VAR param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ IF long entry THEN read until end FI ;
+ param nr INCR 1 .
+long entry :
+ type class (param field [param nr].type) > 2 .
+read until end :
+ param nr INCR 1 ;
+ NEXTPARAM param nr
+ UNTIL end marker read or end of field PER .
+end marker read or end of field :
+ param nr > size of param field OR
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) = end
+INT PROC next param (INT CONST p) :
+ index := p ;
+ NEXTPARAM index ;
+ index
+ENDPROC next param ;
+ IF p > 0 AND p <= 100 THEN dump entry (param field (p))
+ ELSE param nr out of range
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+ object name := dump (id.type) ;
+ object name CAT text (id.access) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.addr) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.push opn) ;
+ object name
+ENDPROC dump entry ;
+(* *)
+(* 7. Datentypen Teil II 20.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration neuer Datentypen *)
+(* Vergleich von DTYPEs im Parameterfeld und in der Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+DTYPE VAR pt type ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ entry into name table ;
+ put next permanent (permanent type) ;
+ put next permanent (size) ;
+ put next permanent (nt link) ;
+ mark no offsets of text elements .
+entry into name table :
+ declare object (name, nt link, CONCR (type)) .
+mark no offsets of text elements :
+ put next permanent (0)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param 1, param 2) :
+ INT CONST left type :: CONCR (param field [param 1].type) ;
+ IF left type = right type
+ THEN same fine structure if there is one
+ ELSE left type = undefined OR right type = undefined
+ FI .
+right type : CONCR (param field [param 2].type) .
+same fine structure if there is one :
+ IF left type = row THEN compare row
+ ELIF left type = struct THEN compare struct
+ FI .
+compare row :
+ equal sizes AND same type (param1 + 1, param2 + 1) .
+equal sizes :
+ param field [param1+1].access = param field [param2+1].access .
+compare struct :
+ INT VAR p1 :: param1+1, p2 :: param2+1 ;
+ IF NOT same type (p1, p2) THEN LEAVE same type WITH FALSE
+ ELIF end type found THEN LEAVE same type WITH TRUE
+ FI ;
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+end type found :
+ CONCR (param field [p1].type) = end .
+end of field :
+ p1 > size of param field OR p2 > size of param field
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ field pointer := param nr ;
+ CONCR (pt type) := CONCR (type) ;
+ equal types
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC equal types :
+ identical types OR one type is undefined .
+one type is undefined :
+ type of actual field = undefined OR CONCR(pt type) = undefined .
+identical types :
+ SELECT type class (pt type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : type of actual field = CONCR (pt type)
+ CASE 3 : perhaps equal rows
+ CASE 4 : perhaps equal structs
+perhaps equal rows :
+ is row AND equal row sizes AND equal row types .
+is row :
+ type of actual field = row .
+perhaps equal structs :
+ is struct AND same type fields .
+is struct :
+ type of actual field = struct .
+equal row sizes :
+ pt row size = row size within param field .
+equal row types :
+ same type (field pointer + 1, pt row type) .
+pt row size :
+ cdb int (CONCR(pt type) + offset to row size) .
+pt row type :
+ CONCR (pt type) INCR 2 ;
+ pt type .
+row size within param field :
+ param field [field pointer].access .
+same type fields :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ CONCR (pt type) INCR 1 ;
+ IF NOT equal types THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH FALSE FI ;
+ IF type of actual field = end
+ THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH TRUE
+ FI ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+end of field :
+ field pointer > size of param field .
+type of actual field :
+ CONCR (param field [field pointer].type) .
+ENDPROC equal types ;
+BOOL PROC is not void bool or undefined (DTYPE CONST dtype) :
+ type <> void AND type <> bool AND type <> undefined .
+type : CONCR (dtype)
+ENDPROC is not void bool or undefined ;
+(* *)
+(* 8. Operationen Teil II 07.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition der Opcodes *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition, Identifikation und Applikation *)
+(* Eroeffnen und Schliessen eines Moduls *)
+(* *)
+LET module not opened = "Module not opened" ,
+ define missing = "DEFINE missing" ,
+ wrong nr of params = "Wrong Nr. of Params:" ,
+ illegal kind = "Opcode expected" ,
+ nested module = "Nested Modules" ,
+ no mod nr = "Param Proc expected" ,
+ no immediate value = "Value expected" ,
+ type error = "Type Error" ,
+ q ln = 1 ,
+ q move = 2 , q move code = 2 048 ,
+ q inc1 = 3 , q inc1 code = 3 072 ,
+ q dec1 = 4 , q dec1 code = 4 096 ,
+ q inc = 5 , q inc code = 5 120 ,
+ q dec = 6 , q dec code = 6 144 ,
+ q add = 7 , q add code = 7 168 ,
+ q sub = 8 , q sub code = 8 192 ,
+ q clear = 9 , q clear code = 9 216 ,
+ q test = 10 ,
+ q equ = 11 , q equ code = 11 264 ,
+ q lsequ = 12 , q lsequ code = 12 288 ,
+ q fmove = 13 , q fmove code = 13 312 ,
+ q fadd = 14 , q fadd code = 14 336 ,
+ q fsub = 15 , q fsub code = 15 360 ,
+ q fmult = 16 , q fmult code = 16 384 ,
+ q fdiv = 17 , q fdiv code = 17 408 ,
+ q flsequ = 18 , q flsequ code = 18 432 ,
+ q tmove = 19 , q tmove code = 19 456 ,
+ q tequ = 20 , q tequ code = 20 480 ,
+ q accds = 21 , q access ds code = 22 528 ,
+ q ref = 22 , q ref code = 23 552 ,
+ q subscript = 23 , q subscript code = 24 576 ,
+ q select = 24 , q select code = 25 600 ,
+ q ppv = 25 ,
+ q pp = 26 ,
+ q make false = 27 , (* q make false code = 65 513 *)
+ q movex = 28 ,
+(* q longa subs q longa subs code = 65 376 *)
+ q return = 29 , q return code = 32 512 ,
+ q true return = 30 , q true return code = 32 513 ,
+ q false return = 31 , q false return code = 32 514 ,
+ q goret code = 32 519 ,
+ q esc mult = 32 , q esc mult code = 32 553 ,
+ q esc div = 33 , q esc div code = 32 554 ,
+ q esc mod = 34 , q esc mod code = 32 555 ,
+ q pproc = 35 ,
+ q compl int = 36 , q compl int code = 32 551 ,
+ q compl real = 37 , q compl real code = 32 550 ,
+(* q alias ds = 38 , *)
+ q movim = 39 , q esc movim code = 32 547 ,
+ q fequ = 40 , q fequ code = 32 548 ,
+ q tlsequ = 41 , q tlsequ code = 32 549 ,
+(* q case = 42 , *)
+ q plus = 43 ,
+ q minus = 44 ,
+ q mult = 45 ,
+ q int div = 46 ,
+ q real div = 47 ,
+ q equal = 48 ,
+ q lessequal = 49 ;
+INT CONST q make false code :: - 1 022 ,
+ q longa subs code :: - 159 ;
+ (***** Deklaration *****)
+PROC declare (OPN VAR operation) :
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ get module nr (operation.mod nr) ;
+ of stack := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation) :
+ declare (operation) ;
+ entry into name and pt table if necessary ;
+ enter params ;
+ enter result ;
+ enter module number .
+entry into name and pt table if necessary :
+ declare object (name, nt link, permanent pointer) .
+enter params :
+ field pointer := first ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO params REP
+ enter param (param field [field pointer]) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+enter result :
+ enter param (param field[field pointer].type, permanent proc op) .
+enter module number :
+ put next permanent (operation.mod nr)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC enter param (PARAMDESCRIPTOR CONST param) :
+ IF param.access = const
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param const)
+ ELIF param.access = var
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param var)
+ ELSE errorstop ("Unknown Access")
+ FI
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+PROC enter param (DTYPE CONST type, INT CONST permanent mode) :
+ SELECT type class (type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : put next permanent (CONCR(type) + permanent mode)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("Illegal Type")
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+ (***** Definition *****)
+PROC define (OPN VAR opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE proc head (opn.mod nr, of stack)
+ FI
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC set length of local storage (OPN VAR opn, INT CONST size) :
+ IF size < 0 OR size > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ ELIF of stack = 0
+ THEN errorstop (define missing)
+ ELIF opn.kind <> proc op
+ THEN errorstop (proc op expected)
+ FI ;
+ set length ( of stack, size + eumel0 stack offset)
+ENDPROC set length of local storage ;
+PROC define (OPN VAR operation, INT CONST size) :
+ define (operation) ;
+ set length of local storage (operation, size)
+ENDPROC define ;
+ (***** Identifikation *****)
+INT VAR counter, result index, result type repr;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation,
+ BOOL VAR object exists) :
+ find result entry ;
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF found THEN first fit and leave if found FI ;
+ IF eumel0 THEN identify eumel0 instruction
+ ELSE yield undefined operation
+ FI .
+find result entry :
+ result index := first;
+ counter := 0 ;
+ WHILE counter < params REP
+ NEXTPARAM result index ;
+ counter INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ check on param field exceeded .
+check on param field exceeded :
+ IF result index > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param field exceeded)
+ FI .
+yield undefined operation :
+ declare (result index, undefined type) ;
+ apply (result index, nop) ;
+ object exists := FALSE .
+first fit and leave if found :
+ WHILE yet another procedure exists REP
+ check one procedure and leave if match ;
+ next procedure
+ PER .
+yet another procedure exists :
+ permanent pointer <> 0 .
+check one procedure and leave if match:
+ param link := permanent pointer + wordlength ;
+ set end marker if end of list ;
+ counter := params ;
+ field pointer := 1 ;
+ IF end of params AND counter = 0
+ THEN procedure found
+ ELIF end of params OR counter = 0
+ THEN LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ ELSE check next param
+ FI
+ PER .
+check next param :
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ IF same types THEN set param mode ;
+ counter DECR 1 ;
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ next pt param
+ ELSE LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ FI .
+same types : (* inline version ! *)
+ equal types .
+set param mode :
+ param field [field pointer].access := mode .
+procedure found :
+ get result ;
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ operation.mod nr := module number ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ object exists := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE identify .
+get result :
+ get type and mode (result type) ;
+ declare (result index, mode) .
+module number :
+ cdbint (param link + 1) .
+result type :
+ CONCR (param field [result index].type) .
+eumel0 :
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr := link (eumel 0 opcodes, name) ;
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr <> 0 .
+identify eumel 0 instruction :
+ init result type with void ;
+ CONCR (operation) := CONCR (eumel0 opn) ;
+ object exists := check params and set result ;
+ declare (result index, DTYPE:(result type repr)) ;
+ declare (result index, const) .
+init result type with void :
+ result type repr := void .
+check params and set result :
+ SELECT operation.mod nr OF
+ CASE q return, q false return, q true return : no params
+ CASE q inc1, q dec1 : one int param yielding void
+ CASE q pproc, q pp, q ln : one param yielding void
+ CASE q test : one param yielding bool
+ CASE q clear, q ppv : one int or bool param yielding void
+ CASE q make false : one bool param yielding void
+ CASE q move : two int or bool params yielding void
+ CASE q compl int, q inc, q dec : two int params yielding void
+ CASE q compl real, q fmove : two real params yielding void
+ CASE q equ, q lsequ : two int params yielding bool
+ CASE q fequ, q flsequ : two real params yielding bool
+ CASE q tequ, q tlsequ : two text params yielding bool
+ CASE q tmove : two text params yielding void
+ CASE q accds, q ref : two params yielding void
+ CASE q add, q sub, q esc mult,
+ q esc div, q esc mod : three int params yielding void
+ CASE q fadd, q fsub, q fmult, q fdiv : three real params yielding void
+ CASE q select, q movex : three params
+ CASE q subscript : five params
+ CASE q plus, q minus, q mult : two intreals yielding intreal
+ CASE q int div : two int params yielding int
+ CASE q real div : two real params yielding real
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : two intrealtexts yielding bool
+no params :
+ params = 0 .
+one int param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) .
+one param yielding void :
+ params = 1 .
+one param yielding bool :
+ IF params = 1 THEN result type repr := bool ;
+ FI .
+one int or bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) OR p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+one bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+two int or bool params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void) OR
+ p2 (bool type, first, params, void) .
+two int params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void) .
+two real params yielding void :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, void) .
+two text params yielding void :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, void) .
+two int params yielding bool :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, bool) .
+two real params yielding bool :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, bool) .
+two text params yielding bool :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, bool) .
+two params yielding void :
+ params = 2 .
+three int params yielding void :
+ p3 void (int type, first, params) .
+three real params yielding void :
+ p3 void (real type, first, params) .
+three params :
+ params = 3 .
+five params :
+ params = 5 .
+two intreals yielding intreal :
+ two int params yielding int OR two real params yielding real .
+two intrealtexts yielding bool :
+ two int params yielding bool OR two real params yielding bool OR
+ two text params yielding bool .
+two int params yielding int :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, int) .
+two real params yielding real :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, real)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+BOOL PROC p1 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 1 AND param type is requested plain type .
+param type is requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p1 void ;
+BOOL PROC p2 (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr,
+ INT CONST result type) :
+ IF param nr = 2 AND param types equal requested plain type
+ THEN result type repr := result type ;
+ FI .
+param types equal requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first] .type) = CONCR (requested type) AND
+ CONCR (param field [first+1].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+BOOL PROC p3 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 3 AND param types ok .
+param types ok :
+ FOR index FROM first UPTO first+2 REP
+ IF different param types THEN LEAVE p3 void WITH FALSE FI
+ PER ;
+ TRUE .
+different param types :
+ CONCR (param field [index].type) <> CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p3 void;
+ (***** Applikation *****)
+INT VAR address representation, left repr, right repr, result repr;
+PROC apply (INT CONST first, nr of params, OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened) FI ;
+ SELECT opn.kind OF
+ CASE eumel 0 : generate eumel0 instruction
+ CASE proc op : call operation
+ CASE param proc : call param proc
+ CASE nil :
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal kind)
+call operation :
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, opn.mod nr) ;
+ call (opn.mod nr) .
+call param proc :
+ result addr.kind := local ref ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ address representation := REPR result addr ;
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, address representation) ;
+ call param (address representation) .
+generate eumel0 instruction :
+ SELECT real nr of params OF
+ CASE 0 : p0 instruction
+ CASE 1 : apply p1 (opn, first addr)
+ CASE 2 : apply p2 (opn, first addr, second addr)
+ CASE 3 : apply p3 (opn, left type, first addr, second addr, third addr)
+ CASE 5 : subscript operation
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+real nr of params :
+ IF operator denotation THEN nr of params + 1
+ ELSE nr of params
+ FI .
+operator denotation :
+ opn.mod nr >= q plus .
+p0 instruction :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q return THEN s0 (q return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q true return THEN s0 (q true return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q false return THEN s0 (q false return code)
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params +
+ mnemonic (opn))
+ FI .
+subscript operation :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q subscript
+ THEN subscription
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+ FI .
+subscription :
+ ADDRESS CONST element length :: param field [first+2].addr ,
+ limit :: param field [first+3].addr ;
+ check on immediates ;
+ IF element length.value < 1024
+ THEN s0 (q subscript code + element length.value)
+ ELSE s0 (q longa subs code) ;
+ s0 (element length.value)
+ FI ;
+ s3 (limit.value - 1, subs index, base addr, subs result) .
+check on immediates :
+ IF element length.kind <> immediate value OR
+ limit.kind <> immediate value
+ THEN errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+subs index : REPR param field [first+1].addr .
+base addr : REPR param field [first].addr .
+subs result : REPR param field [first+4].addr .
+first addr :
+ param field [first].addr .
+left type :
+ param field [first].type .
+second addr :
+ param field [nextparam (first)].addr .
+third addr :
+ param field [nextparam(nextparam(first))].addr
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC push params if necessary (INT CONST first, nr of params, mod nr) :
+ init param push (mod nr) ;
+ IF nr of params > 0 THEN push params ;
+ push result if there is one
+ FI .
+push params :
+ field pointer := first ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO nr of params REP
+ apply p1 (push code, param addr) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+push code :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn .
+param addr :
+ param field [field pointer].addr .
+push result if there is one :
+ IF push result necessary
+ THEN push result address (REPR param field [field pointer].addr)
+ FI .
+push result necessary :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn.kind <> nil AND
+ is not void bool or undefined (param field [field pointer].type)
+ENDPROC push params if necessary ;
+PROC apply p1 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q ln THEN generate line number
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q pproc THEN push module nr
+ ELSE gen p1 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p1 instruction :
+ address representation := REPR addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q inc1 : t1 (q inc1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q dec1 : t1 (q dec1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q clear : t1 (q clear code,address representation)
+ CASE q test : test bool object (address representation)
+ CASE q pp : push param (address representation)
+ CASE q make false : s1 (q make false code, address representation)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+generate line number :
+ IF addr.kind = immediate value THEN mark line (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+push module nr :
+ IF addr.kind = module nr THEN push param proc (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no mod nr)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p1;
+PROC apply p2 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr):
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q movim THEN move immediate
+ ELSE gen p2 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p2 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q move : t2 (q move code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q inc : t2 (q inc code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q dec : t2 (q dec code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q equ : compare (q equ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q lsequ : compare (q lsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fmove : t2 (q fmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q flsequ : compare (q flsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tmove : t2 (q tmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q tequ : compare (q tequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl int : s2 (q compl int code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl real : s2 (q compl real code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fequ : compare (q fequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tlsequ : compare (q tlsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q accds : t2 (q access ds code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ref : t2 (q ref code, left repr, right repr)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+move immediate :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN s0 (q esc movim code) ;
+ s1 (left repr, right addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p2;
+PROC apply p3 (OPN CONST opn, DTYPE CONST left dtype,
+ ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr, result addr ):
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ result repr := REPR result addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q select THEN gen select instruction
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q movex THEN gen long move
+ ELSE gen p3 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p3 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q add : int add
+ CASE q sub : int sub
+ CASE q fadd : real add
+ CASE q fsub : real sub
+ CASE q fmult : real mult
+ CASE q fdiv, q real div : real div
+ CASE q esc mult : int mult
+ CASE q esc div, q int div : int div
+ CASE q esc mod : int mod
+ CASE q plus : int real add
+ CASE q minus : int real sub
+ CASE q mult : int real mult
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : compare (comp code, left repr, right repr)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+gen select instruction :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN t1 (q select code, left repr) ;
+ s1 (right addr.value, result repr)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+gen long move :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN long move (left repr, result repr, right addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+int add : compute (q add code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int sub : compute (q sub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real add : compute (q fadd code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real sub : compute (q fsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real mult : compute (q fmult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real div : compute (q fdiv code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mult : s3 (q esc mult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int div : s3 (q esc div code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mod : s3 (q esc mod code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int real add :
+ IF left type = int THEN int add
+ ELSE real add
+ FI .
+int real sub :
+ IF left type = int THEN int sub
+ ELSE real sub
+ FI .
+int real mult :
+ IF left type = int THEN int mult
+ ELSE real mult
+ FI .
+comp code :
+ SELECT left type OF
+ CASE int : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q equ ELSE q lsequ FI
+ CASE real : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q fequ ELSE q flsequ FI
+ CASE string : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q tequ ELSE q tlsequ FI
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (type error); q equ
+left type : CONCR (left dtype)
+ENDPROC apply p3;
+ (***** Modul *****)
+BOOL VAR module open ;
+.init opn section :
+ module open := FALSE .;
+PROC begin module :
+ IF module open THEN errorstop (nested module)
+ ELSE begin modul ;
+ module open := TRUE
+ FI
+ENDPROC begin module ;
+PROC end module :
+ IF NOT module open
+ THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE end modul ;
+ module open := FALSE
+ FI
+ENDPROC end module ;
+TEXT PROC dump (OPN CONST operation) :
+ IF operation.kind = proc op THEN " PROC" + text (operation.mod nr, 5)
+ ELIF operation.kind = eumel 0 THEN " EUMEL0: " + mnemonic (operation)
+ ELSE " undef. Opn"
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC begin modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10072
+ENDPROC begin modul ;
+PROC end modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10011
+ENDPROC end modul ;
+PROC proc head (INT VAR mod nr, top of stack) :
+ EXTERNAL 10012
+ENDPROC proc head ;
+PROC set length (INT CONST top of stack, size) :
+ EXTERNAL 10013
+ENDPROC set length ;
+PROC get module nr (INT VAR module nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10016
+ENDPROC get module nr ;
+PROC compute (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr, result address) :
+ EXTERNAL 10017
+ENDPROC compute ;
+PROC compare (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10018
+ENDPROC compare ;
+PROC long move (INT CONST to, from, length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10019
+ENDPROC long move ;
+PROC put next permanent (INT CONST permanent value) :
+ EXTERNAL 10020
+ENDPROC put next permanent ;
+PROC call (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10022
+ENDPROC call ;
+PROC call param (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10023
+ENDPROC call param ;
+PROC push param (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10024
+ENDPROC push param ;
+PROC push param proc (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10025
+ENDPROC push param proc ;
+PROC init param push (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10026
+ENDPROC init param push ;
+PROC push result address (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10027
+ENDPROC push result address ;
+PROC test bool object (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10187
+ENDPROC test bool object ;
+PROC mark line (INT CONST line number) :
+ EXTERNAL 10030
+ENDPROC mark line ;
+PROC s0 (INT CONST op code) :
+ EXTERNAL 10038
+PROC s1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10039
+PROC s2 (INT CONST op code , addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10040
+PROC s3 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2, addr3) :
+ EXTERNAL 10041
+PROC t1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10042
+PROC t2 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10043
+(* *)
+(* 9. Speicherverwaltung 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Ablage der Paketdaten *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR address value;
+INT CONST data allocation by coder := 1 ,
+ data allocation by user := 2 ;
+LET not initialized = 0 ,
+ wrong mm mode = "Wrong MM Mode" ,
+ define on non global = "Define for GLOB only" ,
+ text too long = "TEXT too long" ;
+TEXT VAR const buffer :: point line ;
+.reset memory management mode :
+ memory management mode := not initialized . ;
+PROC reserve storage (INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by user
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (address value, size) ;
+ memory management mode := not initialized
+ENDPROC reserve storage ;
+PROC allocate variable (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (addr.value, size) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate variable ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate int denoter (addr.value) ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate real denoter (addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ define (addr, value)
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate text denoter (addr.value, (LENGTH value+1) DIV 2 + 2) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ skip heaplink;
+ define (addr, value) ;
+ reset heaplink .
+skip heaplink :
+ addr.value INCR 1 .
+reset heaplink :
+ addr.value DECR 1
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ replace (const buffer, 1, value) ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO 4 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ ELIF LENGTH value > 255 THEN errorstop (text too long)
+ FI ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ const buffer := code (LENGTH value) ;
+ const buffer CAT value ;
+ const buffer CAT " " ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH const buffer DIV 2 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ const buffer := point line
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC prep pbase (INT VAR offset) :
+ EXTERNAL 10032
+ENDPROC prep pbase;
+PROC allocate var (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10033
+ENDPROC allocate var ;
+PROC allocate int denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10034
+ENDPROC allocate int denoter ;
+PROC allocate real denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10035
+ENDPROC allocate real denoter ;
+PROC allocate text denoter (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10036
+ENDPROC allocate text denoter ;
+PROC put data word (INT CONST value, INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10037
+ENDPROC put data word ;
+(* *)
+(* 10. Inspector 08.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR line number, pattern length, packet link,
+ begin of packet, last packet entry, indentation;
+TEXT VAR bulletin name, type and mode, pattern, buffer;
+DATASPACE VAR bulletin ds :: nilspace ;
+.packet name :
+ cdb text (cdb int(packet link + wordlength) + two word length) .
+.within editor :
+ aktueller editor > 0 . ;
+TEXT PROC type name (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
+ type and mode
+ENDPROC type name ;
+TEXT PROC dump (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ type and mode := "TYPE " ;
+ name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
+ type and mode
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE void :
+ CASE int : type and mode CAT "INT"
+ CASE real : type and mode CAT "REAL"
+ CASE string : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
+ CASE bool, bool result : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
+ CASE dataspace : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE"
+ OTHERWISE : complex type
+complex type :
+ IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
+ ELSE get complex type
+ FI .
+perhaps permanent struct or row :
+ index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+get complex type :
+ index := type + begin of permanent table ;
+ IF is complex type THEN get name
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+is complex type :
+ permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
+get name :
+ type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + two word length) .
+link to type name :
+ cdb int (index + three word length) .
+permanent type definition mode :
+ cdb int (index + wordlength) .
+get permanent row :
+ INT VAR t;
+ type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
+ type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + wordlength)) ;
+ type and mode CAT " " ;
+ param link := index + two wordlength ;
+ get type and mode (t) ;
+ name of type (t) .
+get permanent struct :
+ type and mode CAT "STRUCT ( ... )"
+ENDPROC name of type ;
+PROC help (TEXT CONST proc name) :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ prep help ;
+ scan (object name) ;
+ next symbol (pattern) ;
+ packet link := end of permanent table ;
+ IF function = 0 THEN standard help
+ ELSE asterisk help
+ FI .
+prep help :
+ object name := compress (proc name) ;
+ INT VAR function :: 0 ;
+ INT CONST l :: LENGTH object name ;
+ IF l > 1 AND object name <> "**"
+ THEN IF (object name SUB l) = "*"
+ THEN function INCR 2 ;
+ delete char (object name, l)
+ FI ;
+ IF (object name SUB 1) = "*"
+ THEN function INCR 1 ;
+ delete char (object name, 1)
+ FI ;
+ IF another asterisk THEN wrong function FI
+ FI.
+another asterisk :
+ pos (object name, "*") <> 0 .
+wrong function :
+ errorstop ("unzulaessige Sternfunktion") .
+standard help :
+ to object (pattern) ;
+ IF found THEN display
+ ELSE error stop ("unbekannt: " + proc name)
+ FI .
+display :
+ WHILE permanent pointer <> 0 REP
+ put name of packet if necessary ;
+ put specifications (pattern) ;
+ next procedure
+ show bulletin file .
+put name of packet if necessary :
+ IF new packet THEN packet link := permanent pointer ;
+ find begin of packet ;
+ writeline (2) ;
+ write packet name
+ FI .
+find begin of packet :
+ packet link DECR wordlength
+ UNTIL begin of packet found PER .
+begin of packet found :
+ cdb int (packet link) = permanent packet .
+new packet :
+ permanent pointer < packet link .
+asterisk help :
+ hash table pointer := begin of hash table ;
+ pattern length := LENGTH pattern - 1 ;
+ list all objects in current hash table chain ;
+ next hash entry
+ UNTIL end of hash table reached ENDREP ;
+ show bulletin file .
+list all objects in current hash table chain :
+ nt link := hash table pointer ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
+ IF matching THEN into bulletin FI
+ PER .
+matching :
+ INT CONST p :: pos (object name, pattern) ;
+ SELECT function OF
+ CASE 1 : p <> 0 AND p = LENGTH object name - pattern length
+ CASE 2 : p = 1
+ CASE 3 : p <> 0
+into bulletin :
+ object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC not end of chain)
+ENDPROC help ;
+BOOL PROC not end of chain :
+ permanent pointer <> 0
+ENDPROC not end of chain ;
+PROC write packet name :
+ indentation := 0 ;
+ write line ;
+ write bulletin line ("PACKET ") ;
+ indentation := 7 ;
+ object name := packet name ;
+ write bulletin line (object name) ;
+ write bulletin line (":") ;
+ writeline (2)
+ENDPROC write packet name ;
+PROC put specifications (TEXT CONST proc name) :
+ put obj name (proc name) ;
+ to first param ;
+ IF NOT end of params THEN put param list FI ;
+ put result ;
+ writeline .
+to first param :
+ param link := permanent pointer + word length ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+put result :
+ INT VAR type;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ IF type <> void THEN type and mode := " --> " ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ write bulletin line (type and mode)
+ FI
+ENDPROC put specifications ;
+PROC put param list :
+ write bulletin line (" (") ;
+ INT VAR type;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ put type and mode ;
+ maybe param proc ;
+ next pt param ;
+ IF end of params THEN write bulletin line (")") ;
+ LEAVE put param list
+ FI ;
+ write bulletin line (", ") ;
+ PER .
+put type and mode :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ type and mode CAT name of mode ;
+ write bulletin line (type and mode) .
+name of mode :
+ IF mode = const THEN " CONST"
+ ELIF mode = var THEN " VAR"
+ FI .
+maybe param proc :
+ IF mode = permanent param proc THEN put virtual params FI .
+put virtual params :
+ skip over result type if complex type ;
+ IF NOT end of virtual params THEN put param list FI.
+skip over result type if complex type :
+ next pt param .
+end of virtual params :
+ end of params
+ENDPROC put param list ;
+PROC next packet :
+ packet link INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (packet link) ;
+ IF word = permanent packet THEN true return
+ ELIF end of permanents THEN false return
+ FI ;
+true return :
+ found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE next packet .
+false return :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ LEAVE next packet .
+end of permanents :
+ word = permanent end OR packet link > end of permanent table
+ENDPROC next packet ;
+PROC prep bulletin :
+ forget (bulletin ds) ;
+ bulletin ds := nilspace ;
+ bulletin file := sequential file (output, bulletin ds) ;
+ line number := 0 ;
+ buffer := ""
+ENDPROC prep bulletin ;
+PROC show bulletin file :
+ IF within editor THEN ueberschrift neu FI ;
+ DATASPACE VAR local ds :: bulletin ds ;
+ FILE VAR local file :: sequential file (modify, local ds) ;
+ edit (local file) ;
+ forget (local ds)
+ENDPROC show bulletin file ;
+PROC write bulletin line (TEXT CONST line) :
+ IF LENGTH buffer + LENGTH line > 75 THEN writeline FI ;
+ buffer CAT line
+ENDPROC write bulletin line ;
+PROC writeline :
+ write (bulletin file, buffer) ;
+ line (bulletin file) ;
+ line number INCR 1 ;
+ cout (line number) ;
+ buffer := indentation * " "
+ENDPROC writeline ;
+PROC writeline (INT CONST times) :
+ IF LENGTH compress(buffer) <> 0 THEN index := times - 1 ;
+ writeline
+ ELSE index := times
+ FI ;
+ line (bulletin file, index) ;
+ line number INCR index;
+ indentation := 0 ;
+ cout (line number)
+ENDPROC writeline ;
+PROC bulletin (TEXT CONST packet name) :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ scan (packet name) ;
+ next symbol (pattern) ;
+ to packet ;
+ IF found THEN list packet ;
+ show bulletin file
+ ELSE error stop (packet name + " ist kein Paketname")
+ FI .
+to packet :
+ last packet entry := 0 ;
+ get nametab link of packet name ;
+ packet link := before first pt entry ;
+ packet link INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (packet link) ;
+ IF word < 0 THEN IF word = permanent packet THEN packet found
+ ELIF word = permanent end THEN return
+ FI
+ FI
+get nametab link of packet name :
+ to object (pattern) ;
+ IF NOT found THEN error stop ("unbekanntes Paket :" + packet name) ;
+ LEAVE to packet
+ FI .
+packet found :
+ IF cdb int (packet link + wordlength) = nt link
+ THEN last packet entry := packet link FI .
+return :
+ IF last packet entry <> 0 THEN found := TRUE ;
+ packet link := last packet entry
+ ELSE found := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ LEAVE to packet
+ENDPROC bulletin ;
+PROC list packet :
+ begin of packet := packet link + word length ;
+ write packet name ;
+ find end of packet ;
+ run through nametab and list all packet objects .
+find end of packet :
+ last packet entry := begin of packet ;
+ last packet entry INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (last packet entry) ;
+ UNTIL end of packet entries PER .
+end of packet entries :
+ word = permanent packet OR word = permanent end .
+run through nametab and list all packet objects :
+ hashtable pointer := begin of hashtable ;
+ nt link := hashtable pointer ;
+ list objects of current packet in this chain ;
+ next hash entry
+ UNTIL end of hashtable reached ENDREP .
+list objects of current packet in this chain :
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ put objects of this name
+ PER .
+put objects of this name :
+ IF there is at least one object of this name in the current packet
+ THEN into bulletin FI .
+there is at least one object of this name in the current packet :
+ IF permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
+ permanent pointer < last packet entry
+ THEN LEAVE there is at least one object of this name
+ in the current packet WITH TRUE FI ;
+ next procedure
+ UNTIL permanent pointer = 0 PER ;
+into bulletin :
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
+ object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC within packet)
+ENDPROC list packet ;
+BOOL PROC within packet :
+ permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
+ permanent pointer < last packet entry
+ENDPROC within packet ;
+PROC object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC link ok) :
+ scan (object name) ;
+ next symbol (object name, mode) ;
+ IF type definition THEN put type definition
+ ELSE put object definitions
+ FI .
+type definition :
+ mode = bold AND no params .
+no params :
+ cdb int (permanent pointer + word length) >= permanent type .
+put type definition :
+ put obj name (object name) ;
+ write bulletin line ("TYPE ") ;
+ writeline (1) .
+put object definitions :
+ WHILE link ok REP
+ put specifications (object name) ;
+ next procedure
+ENDPROC object names into bulletin ;
+PROC bulletin :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ packet link := first permanent entry ;
+ list packet ;
+ write line (4) ;
+ next packet
+ UNTIL NOT found PER ;
+ show bulletin file
+ENDPROC bulletin ;
+PROC put obj name (TEXT CONST name) :
+ buffer := " " ;
+ bulletin name := point line ;
+ change (bulletin name, 1, end of line or name, name) ;
+ buffer CAT bulletin name ;
+ indentation := LENGTH buffer + 1 .
+end of line or name :
+ min (LENGTH name, LENGTH bulletin name)
+ENDPROC put obj name ;
+PROC packets :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ packet link := first permanent entry ;
+ object name := packet name ;
+ put obj name (object name) ;
+ write line ;
+ next packet
+ UNTIL NOT found PER ;
+ show bulletin file
+ENDPROC packets ;
+(* *)
+(* 11. ELAN Run-Interface 09.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Uebersetzen von ELAN-Programmen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Ausgabeprozeduren fuer den ELAN-Compiler *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR list option := FALSE ,
+ check option := TRUE ,
+ listing enabled := FALSE ;
+FILE VAR listing file ;
+TEXT VAR listing file name := "" ;
+PROC run (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ enable stop ;
+ IF NOT exists (file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ FI ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ run elan (file name, no ins)
+END PROC run;
+PROC run :
+ run (last param)
+ENDPROC run ;
+PROC run again :
+ IF run again mod nr <> 0
+ THEN elan (run again mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, no lst, check option, no sermon)
+ ELSE errorstop ("'run again' nicht moeglich")
+ FI
+ENDPROC run again ;
+PROC insert (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ enable stop ;
+ IF NOT exists (file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ FI ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ run elan (file name, ins)
+ENDPROC insert ;
+PROC insert :
+ insert (last param)
+ENDPROC insert ;
+PROC run elan (TEXT CONST file name, BOOL CONST insert option) :
+ FILE VAR source := sequential file (modify, file name) ;
+ IF listing enabled
+ THEN open listing file
+ FI ;
+ disable stop ;
+ no do again ;
+ elan (compile file mode, source, "" , run again mod nr,
+ insert option, list option, check option, sermon) ;
+ IF anything noted AND command dialogue
+ THEN ignore halt during compiling ;
+ note edit (source) ;
+ errorstop ("")
+ FI .
+ignore halt during compiling :
+ IF is error
+ THEN put error ;
+ clear error ;
+ pause (5)
+ FI .
+open listing file :
+ listing file := sequential file (output, listing file name) ;
+ max line length (listing file, 130)
+ENDPROC run elan ;
+PROC out text (TEXT CONST text, INT CONST out type) :
+ INTERNAL 257 ;
+ IF online
+ THEN out (text)
+ FI ;
+ IF out type = error message
+ THEN note (text) ;
+ number of errors INCR 1
+ ELIF out type = warning message
+ THEN note (text)
+ FI ;
+ IF listing enabled
+ THEN write (listing file, text)
+ FI
+ENDPROC out text ;
+PROC out line (INT CONST out type) :
+ INTERNAL 258 ;
+ IF online
+ THEN out (""13""10"")
+ FI ;
+ IF out type = error message OR out type = warning message
+ THEN note line
+ ELIF listing enabled
+ THEN line (listing file)
+ FI
+ENDPROC out line ;
+PROC prot (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ list option := TRUE ;
+ listing file name := file name ;
+ listing enabled := TRUE
+ENDPROC prot ;
+PROC prot off :
+ list option := FALSE ;
+ listing enabled := FALSE
+ENDPROC prot off ;
+BOOL PROC prot :
+ list option
+ENDPROC prot ;
+PROC check on :
+ check option := TRUE
+ENDPROC check on ;
+PROC check off :
+ check option := FALSE
+ENDPROC check off ;
+BOOL PROC check :
+ check option
+ENDPROC check ;
+ENDPACKET eumel coder ;
diff --git a/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0_mod b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0_mod
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6914548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel coder 1.8.0_mod
@@ -0,0 +1,2043 @@
+PACKET eumel coder (* Autor: U. Bartling *)
+ DEFINES coder on, coder off, (* 1.8.0-Korr. M.St. *)
+ declare, define, apply, identify, (* 21.11.86 *)
+ :=, =, (* EXTERNAL 10...Nummern*)
+ dump, (* und coderon-flags *)
+ (* inspector/coder1 weg *)
+ gosub, goret,
+ complement condition code,
+ ref length,
+ +,
+ adjust,
+ is global, is local, is ref,
+ type class, type name,
+ void type, int type, real type, text type, bool type,
+ dataspace type, undefined type,
+ row type, struct type, proc type, end type,
+ OPN,
+ set length of local storage,
+ begin module, end module,
+ is proc, is eumel 0 instruction,
+ address, operation,
+ nop,
+ init op codes,
+ mnemonic,
+ parameter,
+ next param,
+ access ,
+ dtype ,
+ param address,
+ same type ,
+ reserve storage,
+ allocate denoter ,
+ allocate variable,
+ data allocation by coder ,
+ data allocation by user :
+(* *)
+(* E U M E L - C O D E R *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Zur Beschreibung des Coders siehe *)
+(* U.Bartling, J. Liedtke: EUMEL-Coder-Interface *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand der Dokumentation : 13.02.1986 *)
+(* Stand der Implementation : 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+ (***** Globale Variable *****)
+TEXT VAR object name;
+FILE VAR bulletin file;
+INT VAR memory management mode, global address offset,
+ nt link, permanent pointer, param link, index, mode, field pointer;
+BOOL VAR found, end of params;
+(* *)
+(* 1. Interface zum ELAN-Compiler 12.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Beschreibung der Tabellen (-groessen), *)
+(* internen Vercodung von Typen *)
+(* und Kennungen . *)
+(* Initialisieren und Beenden des Compilers, *)
+(* Lesen aus und Schreiben in Namens- bzw. Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+LET begin of hash table = 0 ,
+ end of hash table = 1023 ,
+ begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
+(* before first pt entry = 22784 , *)
+(* first permanent entry = 22785 , *)
+(* end of permanent table = 32767 , *)
+ wordlength = 1 , (* compile u n d run time *)
+ two word length = 2 ,
+ three word length = 3 ,
+ four word length = 4 ,
+ permanent param const = 10000 ,
+ permanent param var = 20000 ,
+ permanent proc op = 30000 ,
+ permanent type = 30000 ,
+ permanent row = 10 ,
+ permanent struct = 11 ,
+ permanent param proc = 12 ,
+(* permanent param proc end marker = 0 , *)
+ permanent type field = 0 ,
+ ptt limit = 10000 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
+ offset to row size = 12785 ,
+ void = 0 ,
+ int = 1 ,
+ real = 2 ,
+ string = 3 ,
+ bool = 5 ,
+ bool result = 6 ,
+ dataspace = 7 ,
+ undefined = 9 ,
+ row = 10 ,
+ struct = 11 ,
+ end = 0 ,
+ const = 1 ,
+ var = 2 ,
+(* proc = 3 , *)
+(* denoter = 5 , *)
+(* bold = 2 , *)
+ ins = TRUE ,
+ no ins = FALSE ,
+ no lst = FALSE ,
+ sermon = TRUE ,
+ no sermon = FALSE ,
+(* run again mode = 0 , *)
+(* compile file mode = 1 , *)
+ prep coder mode = 5 ,
+(* warning message = 2 , *)
+(* error message = 4 , *)
+ point line = "..............." ;
+INT CONST permanent packet := -2 ,
+ permanent end := -3 ;
+BOOL VAR coder active := FALSE ;
+INT VAR run again mod nr := 0 ;
+ (***** Start/Ende *****)
+LET invalid coder off = "CODER not active" ;
+PROC coder on (INT CONST data allocation mode) :
+ mark coder on ;
+ init memory management ;
+ init opn section ;
+ init compiler .
+mark coder on :
+ coder active := TRUE .
+init memory management :
+ memory management mode := data allocation mode ;
+ prep pbase (global address offset) .
+init compiler :
+ no do again ;
+ elan (prep coder mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, prot, check, no sermon) (* prot, check f.test, M.St. *)
+ENDPROC coder on;
+PROC coder off (BOOL CONST insert, sermon, OPN CONST start proc) :
+ IF coder active
+ THEN mark coder off ;
+ end coder (insert, sermon, start mod nr if no insert)
+ ELSE errorstop (invalid coder off)
+ FI .
+start mod nr if no insert :
+ IF insert THEN run again mod nr := 0
+ ELSE run again mod nr := start proc.mod nr
+ FI ;
+ run again mod nr .
+mark coder off :
+ reset memory management mode ;
+ init opn section ;
+ coder active := FALSE
+ENDPROC coder off ;
+PROC end coder (BOOL CONST insert wanted, sermon wanted, INT CONST mod) :
+ EXTERNAL 10021
+ENDPROC end coder ;
+PROC elan (INT CONST mode, FILE VAR source, TEXT CONST line,
+ INT VAR start module number, BOOL CONST ins, lst, rtc, ser) :
+ENDPROC elan ;
+ (***** Hash/Namenstabelle *****)
+. yet another nt entry :
+ nt link := cdb int (nt link) ;
+ nt link <> 0 . ;
+PROC declare object (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR nt link, pt pointer) :
+ EXTERNAL 10031
+ENDPROC declare object ;
+PROC to object (TEXT CONST searched object) :
+ hash ;
+ search nt entry .
+hash :
+ hash code := 0 ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH searched object REP
+ addmult cyclic
+addmult cyclic :
+ hash code INCR hash code ;
+ IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
+ hash code := (hash code + code (searched object SUB index)) MOD 1024 .
+wrap around :
+ hash code DECR end of hash table .
+hash code : nt link .
+search nt entry :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ read current entry ;
+ IF object name = searched object
+ THEN found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE to object
+ FI
+ PER .
+read current entry :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length)
+ENDPROC to object ;
+ (***** Permanent Tabelle *****)
+next procedure :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) . ;
+PROC next pt param :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+skip over permanent row :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ next pt param .
+skip over permanent struct :
+ next pt param ;
+ mode := cdb int (param link)
+ UNTIL mode = permanent type field PER ;
+ param link INCR wordlength
+ENDPROC next pt param ;
+PROC set end marker if end of list :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
+ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
+PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode = permanent param proc THEN type of param proc
+ ELSE type of object
+ FI .
+type of param proc :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ mode := permanent param proc .
+type of object :
+ IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
+ mode := 0
+ ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
+ mode DECR type ;
+ translate type if necessary ;
+ translate mode if necessary
+ FI .
+translate type if necessary :
+ IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
+translate type :
+ type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+translate mode if necessary :
+ IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const
+ ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var
+ FI .
+permanent row or struct :
+ type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
+ENDPROC get type and mode ;
+ (***** Allgemeine Zugriffsprozeduren *****)
+INT PROC cdb int (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb int ;
+TEXT PROC cdb text (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb text ;
+(* *)
+(* 2. Spruenge und Marken 07.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps LABEL *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition und Applikation von Marken *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR invers :: FALSE ;
+PROC declare (LABEL VAR label) :
+ CONCR (label) := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10083
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC complement condition code :
+ invers := TRUE
+ENDPROC complement condition code ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10148
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label, BOOL CONST condition) :
+ IF condition xor invers THEN branch true (label)
+ ELSE branch false (label)
+ FI ;
+ invers := FALSE .
+condition xor invers :
+ IF condition THEN NOT invers
+ ELSE invers
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply ;
+OP := (LABEL VAR global label, local label) : (* EQUATE ! *)
+ EXTERNAL 10014
+ENDOP := ;
+TEXT PROC dump (LABEL CONST label) :
+ "LAB " + text (CONCR (label))
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC gosub (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10015
+ENDPROC gosub ;
+PROC goret :
+ s0 (q goret code)
+ENDPROC goret ;
+PROC branch true (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10028
+ENDPROC branch true ;
+PROC branch false (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10029
+ENDPROC branch false ;
+(* *)
+(* 3. Datenaddressen 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps ADDRESS *)
+(* *)
+(* Aufbau von Datenaddressen (Vercodung) *)
+(* Fortschalten und Ausrichten von Adressen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Fehlermeldung "address overflow" (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE ADDRESS = STRUCT (INT kind, value) ;
+LET global = 0 ,
+ local = 1 ,
+ ref mask = 2 ,
+ global ref = 2 ,
+ local ref = 3 ,
+ module nr = 4 ,
+ immediate value = 5 ,
+ eumel0 stack offset = 4 ,
+ local address limit = 16 384 ,
+ illegal ref operation = "REF not allowed" ,
+ deref on non ref = "DEREF on non-ref address" ,
+ global ref not allowed = "GLOBAL REF not allowed" ,
+ unknown kind = "Unknown address kind" ,
+ address overflow = "Address Overflow" ,
+ illegal plus operation = "+ not allowed" ;
+ADDRESS VAR result addr;
+INT CONST ref length :: 2 ;
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ADDRESS OP GLOB (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := global ;
+ result addr.value := address level ;
+ IF memory management mode = data allocation by user
+ THEN result addr.value INCR global address offset
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ADDRESS OP LOC (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := local ;
+ result addr.value := address level + eumel0 stack offset ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ IF result addr.kind = local THEN result addr.kind INCR ref mask
+ ELIF result addr.kind = global THEN errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ ELSE errorstop (illegal ref operation)
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (ref address) ;
+ IF is not local ref THEN errorstop (deref on non ref) FI ;
+ result addr.kind DECR ref mask ;
+ result addr .
+is not local ref :
+ result addr.kind <> local ref
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global :
+ CASE local : set bit (result addr.value, 15)
+ CASE global ref : errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ CASE local ref : prep local ref
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (unknown kind)
+ result addr.value .
+prep local ref :
+ IF address limit exceeded THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 14) ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 15) .
+address limit exceeded :
+ result addr.value < eumel0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+BOOL PROC is ref (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local ref
+ENDPROC is ref ;
+BOOL PROC is global (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = global
+ENDPROC is global ;
+BOOL PROC is local (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local
+ENDPROC is local ;
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : inc global
+ CASE local : inc local
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal plus operation)
+ result addr .
+inc global :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < 0 THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI .
+inc local :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < eumel 0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ FI
+ENDOP + ;
+PROC adjust (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST adjust length) :
+ IF is local or global THEN adjust to length FI .
+is local or global :
+ addr.kind <= local .
+adjust to length :
+ mode := addr.value MOD adjust length ;
+ IF mode <> 0 THEN addr.value INCR (adjust length-mode) FI
+ENDPROC adjust ;
+ kind + text (addr.value) .
+kind :
+ SELECT addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : "GLOBAL "
+ CASE local : "LOCAL "
+ CASE immediate value : "IMMEDIATE "
+ CASE module nr : "PARAM PROC "
+ CASE global ref : "GLOBAL REF "
+ CASE local ref : "LOCAL REF "
+ OTHERWISE "undef. Addr:"
+ENDPROC dump;
+(* *)
+(* 4. Datentypen Teil I 03.12.1985 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps DTYPE *)
+(* *)
+(* Interne Repraesentation der primitiven Datentypen *)
+(* Identifikation von DTYPEs *)
+(* *)
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ CONCR (l) = CONCR (r)
+ENDOP = ;
+DTYPE PROC void type : DTYPE :(void) ENDPROC void type ;
+DTYPE PROC int type : DTYPE :(int ) ENDPROC int type ;
+DTYPE PROC real type : DTYPE :(real) ENDPROC real type ;
+DTYPE PROC text type : DTYPE :(string) ENDPROC text type ;
+DTYPE PROC bool type : DTYPE :(bool) ENDPROC bool type ;
+DTYPE PROC dataspace type : DTYPE :(dataspace) ENDPROC dataspace type ;
+DTYPE PROC undefined type : DTYPE :(undefined) ENDPROC undefined type ;
+DTYPE PROC row type : DTYPE :(row) ENDPROC row type ;
+DTYPE PROC struct type : DTYPE :(struct) ENDPROC struct type ;
+DTYPE PROC proc type : DTYPE :(permanent param proc) ENDPROC proc type ;
+DTYPE PROC end type : DTYPE :(end) ENDPROC end type ;
+INT PROC type class (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ SELECT type id OF
+ CASE int, real, bool, string, dataspace, undefined : 1
+ CASE void : 0
+ CASE row : 3
+ CASE struct : 4
+ CASE permanent param proc : 5
+ OTHERWISE pt type
+pt type :
+ IF type id > ptt limit THEN permanent row or struct
+ ELSE abstract type
+ FI .
+abstract type : 2 .
+permanent row or struct :
+ mode := cdbint (type link into pt) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = struct THEN 4
+ ELIF mode = row THEN 3
+ ELSE 2
+ FI .
+type link into pt :
+ type id + begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC type class ;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name,INT VAR size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ SELECT type pos OF
+ CASE 1 : size := 0; align := 0; type id := void
+ CASE 6 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := int
+ CASE 10 : size := 4; align := 4; type id := real
+ CASE 15 : size := 8; align := 4; type id := string
+ CASE 20 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := bool
+ CASE 25 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := dataspace
+ OTHERWISE search for type in permanent table
+type pos :
+ enclose in delimiters ;
+ pos (".VOID.INT.REAL.TEXT.BOOL.DATASPACE.", object name) .
+enclose in delimiters :
+ object name := "." ;
+ object name CAT name ;
+ object name CAT "." .
+search for type in permanent table :
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF NOT found THEN size := 0; align := 0; type id := undefined
+ ELSE size := cdbint (permanent pointer + two wordlength) ;
+ type id := permanent pointer - begin of permanent table ;
+ IF size < two wordlength THEN align := 1
+ ELIF size < four wordlength THEN align := 2
+ ELSE align := 4
+ FI
+ FI .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+(* *)
+(* 5. Operationen Teil I 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps OPN *)
+(* Primitive Operationen (:= etc.) *)
+(* Bereitstellen dee Fehlermeldung 'proc op expected' (coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE OPN = STRUCT (INT kind, mod nr, top of stack) ;
+LET proc op = 0 ,
+ param proc = 1 ,
+ eumel 0 = 2 ,
+ nil = 3 ,
+ param proc at non ref = "PARAM PROC at non-ref address" ,
+ proc op expected = "PROC expected" ;
+OPN VAR eumel0 opn;
+eumel0 opn.kind := eumel0 ;
+eumel0 of stack := 0 ;
+eumel0 opn.mod nr := q pp ;
+OPN CONST pp :: eumel0 opn ,
+ nop code :: OPN :(nil, 0, 0) ;
+THESAURUS VAR eumel 0 opcodes :: empty thesaurus ;
+PROC init op codes (FILE VAR eumelcodes) :
+ eumel 0 opcodes := empty thesaurus ;
+ WHILE NOT eof (eumelcodes) REP
+ getline (eumelcodes, object name) ;
+ delete trailing blanks ;
+ IF object name <> "" CAND NOT (eumel 0 opcodes CONTAINS object name)
+ THEN insert (eumel 0 opcodes, object name)
+ FI
+ PER .
+delete trailing blanks :
+ WHILE (object name SUB LENGTH object name) = " " REP
+ object name := subtext (object name, 1, LENGTH object name - 1)
+ENDPROC init op codes ;
+ADDRESS PROC address (OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF opn.kind <> proc op THEN errorstop (proc op expected) FI ;
+ result addr.kind := module nr ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ result addr
+ENDPROC address ;
+OPN PROC operation (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF addr.kind <> local ref THEN errorstop (param proc at non ref) FI ;
+ OPN VAR opn ;
+ opn.kind := param proc ;
+ opn.mod nr :=addr.value ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ opn
+ENDPROC operation ;
+TEXT PROC mnemonic (OPN CONST op code) :
+ name (eumel 0 opcodes, op code.mod nr)
+ENDPROC mnemonic ;
+OPN PROC nop :
+ nop code
+ENDPROC nop ;
+OP := (OPN VAR r, OPN CONST l) :
+ CONCR (r) := CONCR (l)
+ENDOP := ;
+BOOL PROC is proc (OPN CONST operation) :
+ operation.kind = proc op
+ENDPROC is proc ;
+BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (TEXT CONST op code name) :
+ link (eumel 0 opcodes, op code name) <> 0
+ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
+(* *)
+(* 6. Parameterfeld 10.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Bereitstellen des Parameterfeldes *)
+(* Schreiben und Lesen von Eintraegen im Parameterfeld *)
+(* Fortschalten von Zeigern in das Parameterfeld *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Konstanten 'size of param field' (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+ ADDRESS addr, OPN push opn) ,
+ size of param field = 100 ,
+ param field exceeded = "Param Field Overflow",
+ param nr out of range = "Illegal Param Number" ;
+ROW size of param field PARAMDESCRIPTOR VAR param field ;
+ (***** Schreiben *****)
+PROC test param pos (INT CONST param nr) :
+ IF param nr < 1 OR param nr > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param nr out of range)
+ FI
+ENDPROC test param pos ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, access) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter access .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter address .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, value) :
+ result addr.kind := immediate value ;
+ result addr.value := value ;
+ define (param nr, result addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC apply (INT CONST param nr, OPN CONST opn) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter push opn .
+enter push opn :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (opn)
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC parameter (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type,
+ INT CONST access, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type ;
+ enter access ;
+ enter address ;
+ enter pp as default .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type) .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr) .
+enter pp as default :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (pp)
+ENDPROC parameter ;
+ (***** Lesen *****)
+ADDRESS PROC param address (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].addr
+ENDPROC param address ;
+DTYPE PROC dtype (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].type
+ENDPROC dtype ;
+INT PROC access (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].access
+ENDPROC access ;
+ (***** Fortschalten *****)
+OP NEXTPARAM (INT VAR param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ IF long entry THEN read until end FI ;
+ param nr INCR 1 .
+long entry :
+ type class (param field [param nr].type) > 2 .
+read until end :
+ param nr INCR 1 ;
+ NEXTPARAM param nr
+ UNTIL end marker read or end of field PER .
+end marker read or end of field :
+ param nr > size of param field OR
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) = end
+INT PROC next param (INT CONST p) :
+ index := p ;
+ NEXTPARAM index ;
+ index
+ENDPROC next param ;
+ IF p > 0 AND p <= 100 THEN dump entry (param field (p))
+ ELSE param nr out of range
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+ object name := dump (id.type) ;
+ object name CAT text (id.access) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.addr) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.push opn) ;
+ object name
+ENDPROC dump entry ;
+(* *)
+(* 7. Datentypen Teil II 20.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration neuer Datentypen *)
+(* Vergleich von DTYPEs im Parameterfeld und in der Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+DTYPE VAR pt type ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ entry into name table ;
+ put next permanent (permanent type) ;
+ put next permanent (size) ;
+ put next permanent (nt link) ;
+ mark no offsets of text elements .
+entry into name table :
+ declare object (name, nt link, CONCR (type)) .
+mark no offsets of text elements :
+ put next permanent (0)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param 1, param 2) :
+ INT CONST left type :: CONCR (param field [param 1].type) ;
+ IF left type = right type
+ THEN same fine structure if there is one
+ ELSE left type = undefined OR right type = undefined
+ FI .
+right type : CONCR (param field [param 2].type) .
+same fine structure if there is one :
+ IF left type = row THEN compare row
+ ELIF left type = struct THEN compare struct
+ FI .
+compare row :
+ equal sizes AND same type (param1 + 1, param2 + 1) .
+equal sizes :
+ param field [param1+1].access = param field [param2+1].access .
+compare struct :
+ INT VAR p1 :: param1+1, p2 :: param2+1 ;
+ IF NOT same type (p1, p2) THEN LEAVE same type WITH FALSE
+ ELIF end type found THEN LEAVE same type WITH TRUE
+ FI ;
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+end type found :
+ CONCR (param field [p1].type) = end .
+end of field :
+ p1 > size of param field OR p2 > size of param field
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ field pointer := param nr ;
+ CONCR (pt type) := CONCR (type) ;
+ equal types
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC equal types :
+ identical types OR one type is undefined .
+one type is undefined :
+ type of actual field = undefined OR CONCR(pt type) = undefined .
+identical types :
+ SELECT type class (pt type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : type of actual field = CONCR (pt type)
+ CASE 3 : perhaps equal rows
+ CASE 4 : perhaps equal structs
+perhaps equal rows :
+ is row AND equal row sizes AND equal row types .
+is row :
+ type of actual field = row .
+perhaps equal structs :
+ is struct AND same type fields .
+is struct :
+ type of actual field = struct .
+equal row sizes :
+ pt row size = row size within param field .
+equal row types :
+ same type (field pointer + 1, pt row type) .
+pt row size :
+ cdb int (CONCR(pt type) + offset to row size) .
+pt row type :
+ CONCR (pt type) INCR 2 ;
+ pt type .
+row size within param field :
+ param field [field pointer].access .
+same type fields :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ CONCR (pt type) INCR 1 ;
+ IF NOT equal types THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH FALSE FI ;
+ IF type of actual field = end
+ THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH TRUE
+ FI ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+end of field :
+ field pointer > size of param field .
+type of actual field :
+ CONCR (param field [field pointer].type) .
+ENDPROC equal types ;
+BOOL PROC is not void bool or undefined (DTYPE CONST dtype) :
+ type <> void AND type <> bool AND type <> undefined .
+type : CONCR (dtype)
+ENDPROC is not void bool or undefined ;
+(* *)
+(* 8. Operationen Teil II 07.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition der Opcodes *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition, Identifikation und Applikation *)
+(* Eroeffnen und Schliessen eines Moduls *)
+(* *)
+LET module not opened = "Module not opened" ,
+ define missing = "DEFINE missing" ,
+ wrong nr of params = "Wrong Nr. of Params:" ,
+ illegal kind = "Opcode expected" ,
+ nested module = "Nested Modules" ,
+ no mod nr = "Param Proc expected" ,
+ no immediate value = "Value expected" ,
+ type error = "Type Error" ,
+ q ln = 1 ,
+ q move = 2 , q move code = 2 048 ,
+ q inc1 = 3 , q inc1 code = 3 072 ,
+ q dec1 = 4 , q dec1 code = 4 096 ,
+ q inc = 5 , q inc code = 5 120 ,
+ q dec = 6 , q dec code = 6 144 ,
+ q add = 7 , q add code = 7 168 ,
+ q sub = 8 , q sub code = 8 192 ,
+ q clear = 9 , q clear code = 9 216 ,
+ q test = 10 ,
+ q equ = 11 , q equ code = 11 264 ,
+ q lsequ = 12 , q lsequ code = 12 288 ,
+ q fmove = 13 , q fmove code = 13 312 ,
+ q fadd = 14 , q fadd code = 14 336 ,
+ q fsub = 15 , q fsub code = 15 360 ,
+ q fmult = 16 , q fmult code = 16 384 ,
+ q fdiv = 17 , q fdiv code = 17 408 ,
+ q flsequ = 18 , q flsequ code = 18 432 ,
+ q tmove = 19 , q tmove code = 19 456 ,
+ q tequ = 20 , q tequ code = 20 480 ,
+ q accds = 21 , q access ds code = 22 528 ,
+ q ref = 22 , q ref code = 23 552 ,
+ q subscript = 23 , q subscript code = 24 576 ,
+ q select = 24 , q select code = 25 600 ,
+ q ppv = 25 ,
+ q pp = 26 ,
+ q make false = 27 , (* q make false code = 65 513 *)
+ q movex = 28 ,
+(* q longa subs q longa subs code = 65 376 *)
+ q return = 29 , q return code = 32 512 ,
+ q true return = 30 , q true return code = 32 513 ,
+ q false return = 31 , q false return code = 32 514 ,
+ q goret code = 32 519 ,
+ q esc mult = 32 , q esc mult code = 32 553 ,
+ q esc div = 33 , q esc div code = 32 554 ,
+ q esc mod = 34 , q esc mod code = 32 555 ,
+ q pproc = 35 ,
+ q compl int = 36 , q compl int code = 32 551 ,
+ q compl real = 37 , q compl real code = 32 550 ,
+(* q alias ds = 38 , *)
+ q movim = 39 , q esc movim code = 32 547 ,
+ q fequ = 40 , q fequ code = 32 548 ,
+ q tlsequ = 41 , q tlsequ code = 32 549 ,
+(* q case = 42 , *)
+ q plus = 43 ,
+ q minus = 44 ,
+ q mult = 45 ,
+ q int div = 46 ,
+ q real div = 47 ,
+ q equal = 48 ,
+ q lessequal = 49 ;
+INT CONST q make false code :: - 1 022 ,
+ q longa subs code :: - 159 ;
+ (***** Deklaration *****)
+PROC declare (OPN VAR operation) :
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ get module nr (operation.mod nr) ;
+ of stack := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation) :
+ declare (operation) ;
+ entry into name and pt table if necessary ;
+ enter params ;
+ enter result ;
+ enter module number .
+entry into name and pt table if necessary :
+ declare object (name, nt link, permanent pointer) .
+enter params :
+ field pointer := first ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO params REP
+ enter param (param field [field pointer]) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+enter result :
+ enter param (param field[field pointer].type, permanent proc op) .
+enter module number :
+ put next permanent (operation.mod nr)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC enter param (PARAMDESCRIPTOR CONST param) :
+ IF param.access = const
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param const)
+ ELIF param.access = var
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param var)
+ ELSE errorstop ("Unknown Access")
+ FI
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+PROC enter param (DTYPE CONST type, INT CONST permanent mode) :
+ SELECT type class (type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : put next permanent (CONCR(type) + permanent mode)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("Illegal Type")
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+ (***** Definition *****)
+PROC define (OPN VAR opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE proc head (opn.mod nr, of stack)
+ FI
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC set length of local storage (OPN VAR opn, INT CONST size) :
+ IF size < 0 OR size > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ ELIF of stack = 0
+ THEN errorstop (define missing)
+ ELIF opn.kind <> proc op
+ THEN errorstop (proc op expected)
+ FI ;
+ set length ( of stack, size + eumel0 stack offset)
+ENDPROC set length of local storage ;
+PROC define (OPN VAR operation, INT CONST size) :
+ define (operation) ;
+ set length of local storage (operation, size)
+ENDPROC define ;
+ (***** Identifikation *****)
+INT VAR counter, result index, result type repr;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation,
+ BOOL VAR object exists) :
+ find result entry ;
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF found THEN first fit and leave if found FI ;
+ IF eumel0 THEN identify eumel0 instruction
+ ELSE yield undefined operation
+ FI .
+find result entry :
+ result index := first;
+ counter := 0 ;
+ WHILE counter < params REP
+ NEXTPARAM result index ;
+ counter INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ check on param field exceeded .
+check on param field exceeded :
+ IF result index > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param field exceeded)
+ FI .
+yield undefined operation :
+ declare (result index, undefined type) ;
+ apply (result index, nop) ;
+ object exists := FALSE .
+first fit and leave if found :
+ WHILE yet another procedure exists REP
+ check one procedure and leave if match ;
+ next procedure
+ PER .
+yet another procedure exists :
+ permanent pointer <> 0 .
+check one procedure and leave if match:
+ param link := permanent pointer + wordlength ;
+ set end marker if end of list ;
+ counter := params ;
+ field pointer := 1 ;
+ IF end of params AND counter = 0
+ THEN procedure found
+ ELIF end of params OR counter = 0
+ THEN LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ ELSE check next param
+ FI
+ PER .
+check next param :
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ IF same types THEN set param mode ;
+ counter DECR 1 ;
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ next pt param
+ ELSE LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ FI .
+same types : (* inline version ! *)
+ equal types .
+set param mode :
+ param field [field pointer].access := mode .
+procedure found :
+ get result ;
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ operation.mod nr := module number ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ object exists := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE identify .
+get result :
+ get type and mode (result type) ;
+ declare (result index, mode) .
+module number :
+ cdbint (param link + 1) .
+result type :
+ CONCR (param field [result index].type) .
+eumel0 :
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr := link (eumel 0 opcodes, name) ;
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr <> 0 .
+identify eumel 0 instruction :
+ init result type with void ;
+ CONCR (operation) := CONCR (eumel0 opn) ;
+ object exists := check params and set result ;
+ declare (result index, DTYPE:(result type repr)) ;
+ declare (result index, const) .
+init result type with void :
+ result type repr := void .
+check params and set result :
+ SELECT operation.mod nr OF
+ CASE q return, q false return, q true return : no params
+ CASE q inc1, q dec1 : one int param yielding void
+ CASE q pproc, q pp, q ln : one param yielding void
+ CASE q test : one param yielding bool
+ CASE q clear, q ppv : one int or bool param yielding void
+ CASE q make false : one bool param yielding void
+ CASE q move : two int or bool params yielding void
+ CASE q compl int, q inc, q dec : two int params yielding void
+ CASE q compl real, q fmove : two real params yielding void
+ CASE q equ, q lsequ : two int params yielding bool
+ CASE q fequ, q flsequ : two real params yielding bool
+ CASE q tequ, q tlsequ : two text params yielding bool
+ CASE q tmove : two text params yielding void
+ CASE q accds, q ref : two params yielding void
+ CASE q add, q sub, q esc mult,
+ q esc div, q esc mod : three int params yielding void
+ CASE q fadd, q fsub, q fmult, q fdiv : three real params yielding void
+ CASE q select, q movex : three params
+ CASE q subscript : five params
+ CASE q plus, q minus, q mult : two intreals yielding intreal
+ CASE q int div : two int params yielding int
+ CASE q real div : two real params yielding real
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : two intrealtexts yielding bool
+no params :
+ params = 0 .
+one int param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) .
+one param yielding void :
+ params = 1 .
+one param yielding bool :
+ IF params = 1 THEN result type repr := bool ;
+ FI .
+one int or bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) OR p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+one bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+two int or bool params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void) OR
+ p2 (bool type, first, params, void) .
+two int params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void) .
+two real params yielding void :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, void) .
+two text params yielding void :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, void) .
+two int params yielding bool :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, bool) .
+two real params yielding bool :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, bool) .
+two text params yielding bool :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, bool) .
+two params yielding void :
+ params = 2 .
+three int params yielding void :
+ p3 void (int type, first, params) .
+three real params yielding void :
+ p3 void (real type, first, params) .
+three params :
+ params = 3 .
+five params :
+ params = 5 .
+two intreals yielding intreal :
+ two int params yielding int OR two real params yielding real .
+two intrealtexts yielding bool :
+ two int params yielding bool OR two real params yielding bool OR
+ two text params yielding bool .
+two int params yielding int :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, int) .
+two real params yielding real :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, real)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+BOOL PROC p1 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 1 AND param type is requested plain type .
+param type is requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p1 void ;
+BOOL PROC p2 (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr,
+ INT CONST result type) :
+ IF param nr = 2 AND param types equal requested plain type
+ THEN result type repr := result type ;
+ FI .
+param types equal requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first] .type) = CONCR (requested type) AND
+ CONCR (param field [first+1].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+BOOL PROC p3 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 3 AND param types ok .
+param types ok :
+ FOR index FROM first UPTO first+2 REP
+ IF different param types THEN LEAVE p3 void WITH FALSE FI
+ PER ;
+ TRUE .
+different param types :
+ CONCR (param field [index].type) <> CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p3 void;
+ (***** Applikation *****)
+INT VAR address representation, left repr, right repr, result repr;
+PROC apply (INT CONST first, nr of params, OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened) FI ;
+ SELECT opn.kind OF
+ CASE eumel 0 : generate eumel0 instruction
+ CASE proc op : call operation
+ CASE param proc : call param proc
+ CASE nil :
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal kind)
+call operation :
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, opn.mod nr) ;
+ call (opn.mod nr) .
+call param proc :
+ result addr.kind := local ref ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ address representation := REPR result addr ;
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, address representation) ;
+ call param (address representation) .
+generate eumel0 instruction :
+ SELECT real nr of params OF
+ CASE 0 : p0 instruction
+ CASE 1 : apply p1 (opn, first addr)
+ CASE 2 : apply p2 (opn, first addr, second addr)
+ CASE 3 : apply p3 (opn, left type, first addr, second addr, third addr)
+ CASE 5 : subscript operation
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+real nr of params :
+ IF operator denotation THEN nr of params + 1
+ ELSE nr of params
+ FI .
+operator denotation :
+ opn.mod nr >= q plus .
+p0 instruction :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q return THEN s0 (q return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q true return THEN s0 (q true return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q false return THEN s0 (q false return code)
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params +
+ mnemonic (opn))
+ FI .
+subscript operation :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q subscript
+ THEN subscription
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+ FI .
+subscription :
+ ADDRESS CONST element length :: param field [first+2].addr ,
+ limit :: param field [first+3].addr ;
+ check on immediates ;
+ IF element length.value < 1024
+ THEN s0 (q subscript code + element length.value)
+ ELSE s0 (q longa subs code) ;
+ s0 (element length.value)
+ FI ;
+ s3 (limit.value - 1, subs index, base addr, subs result) .
+check on immediates :
+ IF element length.kind <> immediate value OR
+ limit.kind <> immediate value
+ THEN errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+subs index : REPR param field [first+1].addr .
+base addr : REPR param field [first].addr .
+subs result : REPR param field [first+4].addr .
+first addr :
+ param field [first].addr .
+left type :
+ param field [first].type .
+second addr :
+ param field [nextparam (first)].addr .
+third addr :
+ param field [nextparam(nextparam(first))].addr
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC push params if necessary (INT CONST first, nr of params, mod nr) :
+ init param push (mod nr) ;
+ IF nr of params > 0 THEN push params ;
+ push result if there is one
+ FI .
+push params :
+ field pointer := first ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO nr of params REP
+ apply p1 (push code, param addr) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+push code :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn .
+param addr :
+ param field [field pointer].addr .
+push result if there is one :
+ IF push result necessary
+ THEN push result address (REPR param field [field pointer].addr)
+ FI .
+push result necessary :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn.kind <> nil AND
+ is not void bool or undefined (param field [field pointer].type)
+ENDPROC push params if necessary ;
+PROC apply p1 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q ln THEN generate line number
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q pproc THEN push module nr
+ ELSE gen p1 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p1 instruction :
+ address representation := REPR addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q inc1 : t1 (q inc1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q dec1 : t1 (q dec1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q clear : t1 (q clear code,address representation)
+ CASE q test : test bool object (address representation)
+ CASE q pp : push param (address representation)
+ CASE q make false : s1 (q make false code, address representation)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+generate line number :
+ IF addr.kind = immediate value THEN mark line (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+push module nr :
+ IF addr.kind = module nr THEN push param proc (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no mod nr)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p1;
+PROC apply p2 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr):
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q movim THEN move immediate
+ ELSE gen p2 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p2 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q move : t2 (q move code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q inc : t2 (q inc code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q dec : t2 (q dec code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q equ : compare (q equ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q lsequ : compare (q lsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fmove : t2 (q fmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q flsequ : compare (q flsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tmove : t2 (q tmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q tequ : compare (q tequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl int : s2 (q compl int code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl real : s2 (q compl real code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fequ : compare (q fequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tlsequ : compare (q tlsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q accds : t2 (q access ds code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ref : t2 (q ref code, left repr, right repr)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+move immediate :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN s0 (q esc movim code) ;
+ s1 (left repr, right addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p2;
+PROC apply p3 (OPN CONST opn, DTYPE CONST left dtype,
+ ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr, result addr ):
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ result repr := REPR result addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q select THEN gen select instruction
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q movex THEN gen long move
+ ELSE gen p3 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p3 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q add : int add
+ CASE q sub : int sub
+ CASE q fadd : real add
+ CASE q fsub : real sub
+ CASE q fmult : real mult
+ CASE q fdiv, q real div : real div
+ CASE q esc mult : int mult
+ CASE q esc div, q int div : int div
+ CASE q esc mod : int mod
+ CASE q plus : int real add
+ CASE q minus : int real sub
+ CASE q mult : int real mult
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : compare (comp code, left repr, right repr)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+gen select instruction :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN t1 (q select code, left repr) ;
+ s1 (right addr.value, result repr)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+gen long move :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN long move (left repr, result repr, right addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+int add : compute (q add code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int sub : compute (q sub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real add : compute (q fadd code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real sub : compute (q fsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real mult : compute (q fmult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real div : compute (q fdiv code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mult : s3 (q esc mult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int div : s3 (q esc div code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mod : s3 (q esc mod code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int real add :
+ IF left type = int THEN int add
+ ELSE real add
+ FI .
+int real sub :
+ IF left type = int THEN int sub
+ ELSE real sub
+ FI .
+int real mult :
+ IF left type = int THEN int mult
+ ELSE real mult
+ FI .
+comp code :
+ SELECT left type OF
+ CASE int : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q equ ELSE q lsequ FI
+ CASE real : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q fequ ELSE q flsequ FI
+ CASE string : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q tequ ELSE q tlsequ FI
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (type error); q equ
+left type : CONCR (left dtype)
+ENDPROC apply p3;
+ (***** Modul *****)
+BOOL VAR module open ;
+.init opn section :
+ module open := FALSE .;
+PROC begin module :
+ IF module open THEN errorstop (nested module)
+ ELSE begin modul ;
+ module open := TRUE
+ FI
+ENDPROC begin module ;
+PROC end module :
+ IF NOT module open
+ THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE end modul ;
+ module open := FALSE
+ FI
+ENDPROC end module ;
+TEXT PROC dump (OPN CONST operation) :
+ IF operation.kind = proc op THEN " PROC" + text (operation.mod nr, 5)
+ ELIF operation.kind = eumel 0 THEN " EUMEL0: " + mnemonic (operation)
+ ELSE " undef. Opn"
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC begin modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10071
+ENDPROC begin modul ;
+PROC end modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10011
+ENDPROC end modul ;
+PROC proc head (INT VAR mod nr, top of stack) :
+ EXTERNAL 10012
+ENDPROC proc head ;
+PROC set length (INT CONST top of stack, size) :
+ EXTERNAL 10013
+ENDPROC set length ;
+PROC get module nr (INT VAR module nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10016
+ENDPROC get module nr ;
+PROC compute (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr, result address) :
+ EXTERNAL 10017
+ENDPROC compute ;
+PROC compare (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10018
+ENDPROC compare ;
+PROC long move (INT CONST to, from, length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10019
+ENDPROC long move ;
+PROC put next permanent (INT CONST permanent value) :
+ EXTERNAL 10020
+ENDPROC put next permanent ;
+PROC call (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10022
+ENDPROC call ;
+PROC call param (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10023
+ENDPROC call param ;
+PROC push param (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10024
+ENDPROC push param ;
+PROC push param proc (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10025
+ENDPROC push param proc ;
+PROC init param push (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10026
+ENDPROC init param push ;
+PROC push result address (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10027
+ENDPROC push result address ;
+PROC test bool object (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10186
+ENDPROC test bool object ;
+PROC mark line (INT CONST line number) :
+ EXTERNAL 10030
+ENDPROC mark line ;
+PROC s0 (INT CONST op code) :
+ EXTERNAL 10038
+PROC s1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10039
+PROC s2 (INT CONST op code , addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10040
+PROC s3 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2, addr3) :
+ EXTERNAL 10041
+PROC t1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10042
+PROC t2 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10043
+(* *)
+(* 9. Speicherverwaltung 21.03.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Ablage der Paketdaten *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR address value;
+INT CONST data allocation by coder := 1 ,
+ data allocation by user := 2 ;
+LET not initialized = 0 ,
+ wrong mm mode = "Wrong MM Mode" ,
+ define on non global = "Define for GLOB only" ,
+ text too long = "TEXT too long" ;
+TEXT VAR const buffer :: point line ;
+.reset memory management mode :
+ memory management mode := not initialized . ;
+PROC reserve storage (INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by user
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (address value, size) ;
+ memory management mode := not initialized
+ENDPROC reserve storage ;
+PROC allocate variable (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (addr.value, size) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate variable ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate int denoter (addr.value) ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate real denoter (addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ define (addr, value)
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate text denoter (addr.value, (LENGTH value+1) DIV 2 + 2) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ skip heaplink;
+ define (addr, value) ;
+ reset heaplink .
+skip heaplink :
+ addr.value INCR 1 .
+reset heaplink :
+ addr.value DECR 1
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ replace (const buffer, 1, value) ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO 4 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ ELIF LENGTH value > 255 THEN errorstop (text too long)
+ FI ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ const buffer := code (LENGTH value) ;
+ const buffer CAT value ;
+ const buffer CAT " " ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH const buffer DIV 2 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ const buffer := point line
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC prep pbase (INT VAR offset) :
+ EXTERNAL 10032
+ENDPROC prep pbase;
+PROC allocate var (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10033
+ENDPROC allocate var ;
+PROC allocate int denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10034
+ENDPROC allocate int denoter ;
+PROC allocate real denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10035
+ENDPROC allocate real denoter ;
+PROC allocate text denoter (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10036
+ENDPROC allocate text denoter ;
+PROC put data word (INT CONST value, INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10037
+ENDPROC put data word ;
+(* *)
+(* 10. Inspector 08.01.1986 *)
+(* *)
+TEXT VAR type and mode ;
+TEXT PROC type name (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
+ type and mode
+ENDPROC type name ;
+TEXT PROC dump (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ type and mode := "TYPE " ;
+ name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
+ type and mode
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE void :
+ CASE int : type and mode CAT "INT"
+ CASE real : type and mode CAT "REAL"
+ CASE string : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
+ CASE bool, bool result : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
+ CASE dataspace : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE"
+ OTHERWISE : complex type
+complex type :
+ IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
+ ELSE get complex type
+ FI .
+perhaps permanent struct or row :
+ index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+get complex type :
+ index := type + begin of permanent table ;
+ IF is complex type THEN get name
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+is complex type :
+ permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
+get name :
+ type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + two word length) .
+link to type name :
+ cdb int (index + three word length) .
+permanent type definition mode :
+ cdb int (index + wordlength) .
+get permanent row :
+ INT VAR t;
+ type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
+ type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + wordlength)) ;
+ type and mode CAT " " ;
+ param link := index + two wordlength ;
+ get type and mode (t) ;
+ name of type (t) .
+get permanent struct :
+ type and mode CAT "STRUCT ( ... )"
+ENDPROC name of type ;
+ENDPACKET eumel coder ;
diff --git a/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel0 codes b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel0 codes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..428f71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.0/src/eumel0 codes
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
diff --git a/system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/source-disk b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/source-disk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..972580b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/source-disk
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/src/eumel coder 1.8.1 b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/src/eumel coder 1.8.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0047067
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/eumel-coder/1.8.1/src/eumel coder 1.8.1
@@ -0,0 +1,3086 @@
+PACKET eumel coder (* Autor: U. Bartling *)
+ DEFINES coder on, coder off,
+ declare, define, apply, identify,
+ :=, =,
+ dump,
+ LIB,
+ gosub, goret,
+ computed branch,
+ complement condition code,
+ ref length,
+ +,
+ adjust,
+ get base,
+ is global, is local, is ref,
+ type class, type name,
+ void type, int type, real type, text type, bool type,
+ bool result type, dataspace type, undefined type,
+ row type, struct type, proc type, end type,
+ OPN,
+ set length of local storage,
+ begin module, end module,
+ is proc, is eumel 0 instruction,
+ address, operation,
+ nop,
+ mnemonic,
+ parameter,
+ next param,
+ access ,
+ dtype ,
+ param address,
+ same type ,
+ reserve storage,
+ allocate denoter ,
+ allocate variable,
+ data allocation by coder ,
+ data allocation by user,
+ run, run again,
+ insert,
+ prot, prot off,
+ check, check on, check off,
+ help, bulletin, packets,
+(* *)
+(* E U M E L - C O D E R *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* Zur Beschreibung des Coders siehe *)
+(* U.Bartling, J. Liedtke: EUMEL-Coder-Interface *)
+(* *)
+(* Stand der Dokumentation : 29.10.1986 *)
+(* Stand der Implementation : 03.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* *)
+(* 0. Datentyp DINT 03.09.1987 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps *)
+(* arithmetischer Operationen *)
+(* und Konvertierungsprozeduren *)
+(* *)
+ -, *, DIV, MOD, <, <=,
+ dput, dget, dmov,
+ ddec1, dinc1, dinc, ddec,
+ dadd, dsub,
+ dequ, dlseq,
+ put, get, cout,
+ text, real, int, dint,
+ replace, DSUB :
+TYPE DINT = STRUCT (INT low, high) ;
+REAL VAR real value ; (* auch fuer Ausrichtung ! *)
+TEXT VAR convertion buffer ;
+DINT CONST dint0 :: dint(0) ;
+DINT VAR result :: dint 0 ;
+DINT PROC dint (INT CONST number) :
+ENDPROC dint ;
+REAL PROC real (DINT CONST number) :
+ real value := 65536.0 * real (number.high) ;
+ IF number.low >= 0
+ THEN real value INCR real (number.low)
+ ELSE real value INCR (real (number.low AND maxint) + 32768.0)
+ FI ;
+ real value
+ENDPROC real ;
+DINT PROC dint (REAL CONST number) :
+ real value := abs (number) ;
+ REAL CONST low := real value MOD 65536.0 ;
+ result.high := int(real value / 65536.0) ;
+ IF low < 32768.0
+ THEN result.low := int (low)
+ ELSE result.low := int (low-32768.0) OR minint
+ FI ;
+ IF number < 0.0 THEN dsub (dint0, result, result) FI ;
+ result
+ENDPROC dint ;
+TEXT PROC text (DINT CONST number) :
+ IF number.high = 0 THEN convert low part only
+ ELSE convert number
+ FI ;
+ convertion buffer .
+convert low part only :
+ IF number.low >= 0 THEN convertion buffer := text (number.low)
+ ELSE convertion buffer := text (real of low) ;
+ erase decimal point
+ FI .
+real of low :
+ real (number.low AND maxint) + 32768.0 .
+convert number :
+ convertion buffer := text (real(number)) ;
+ erase decimal point .
+erase decimal point :
+ convertion buffer := subtext (convertion buffer, 1, LENGTH convertion buffer-2)
+ENDPROC text;
+DINT PROC dint (TEXT CONST dint txt) :
+ convertion buffer := dint txt ;
+ INT CONST dot pos :: pos (convertion buffer, ".") ;
+ IF dot pos = 0 THEN convertion buffer CAT ".0" FI ;
+ dint (real(convertion buffer))
+ENDPROC dint ;
+PROC get (DINT VAR dest) :
+ REAL VAR number ;
+ get (number) ;
+ dest := dint (number)
+ENDPROC get ;
+PROC put (DINT CONST number) :
+ put (text (number));
+ENDPROC put ;
+PROC cout (DINT CONST number) :
+ENDPROC cout;
+# INLINE ; #
+ dmov (b, a);
+ENDOP :=;
+# INLINE ; #
+ dinc (b, a);
+# INLINE ; #
+ ddec (b, a);
+BOOL OP = (DINT CONST a, b) :
+BOOL OP <= (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDOP <=;
+BOOL OP < (DINT CONST a, b) :
+# INLINE ; #
+ NOT (b <= a)
+BOOL PROC dequ (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDPROC dequ ;
+BOOL PROC dlseq (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDPROC dlseq ;
+PROC replace (TEXT VAR text, INT CONST index of dint, DINT CONST value) :
+ INT VAR subscript := index of dint * 2 ;
+ replace (text, subscript - 1,value.low);
+ replace (text, subscript, value.high);
+ENDPROC replace;
+DINT OP DSUB (TEXT CONST text, INT CONST index of dint) :
+ INT VAR subscript := index of dint * 2 ;
+ result.low := text ISUB subscript - 1;
+ result.high := text ISUB subscript;
+ result
+DINT OP + (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDOP + ;
+DINT OP - (DINT CONST a, b) :
+ENDOP - ;
+PROC dadd (DINT CONST a, b, DINT VAR res) :
+ENDPROC dadd ;
+PROC dsub (DINT CONST a, b, DINT VAR res) :
+ENDPROC dsub ;
+PROC dinc (DINT CONST source, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dinc ;
+PROC ddec (DINT CONST source, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC ddec ;
+PROC dmov (DINT CONST source, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dmov;
+ result.low := a.low AND b.low ;
+ result.high := a.high AND b.high ;
+ result
+ result.low := a.low OR b.low ;
+ result.high := a.high OR b.high ;
+ result
+ result.low := a.low XOR b.low ;
+ result.high := a.high XOR b.high ;
+ result
+PROC dput (ROW 32000 DINT VAR array, DINT CONST index, value) :
+ENDPROC dput ;
+PROC dget (ROW 32000 DINT VAR array, DINT CONST index, DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dget ;
+PROC dinc1 (DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC dinc1 ;
+PROC ddec1 (DINT VAR dest) :
+ENDPROC ddec1 ;
+ENDOP * ;
+ (***** Globale Variable *****)
+TEXT VAR object name;
+FILE VAR bulletin file;
+INT VAR memory management mode, global address offset, packet base,
+ hash table pointer, nt link, permanent pointer, param link,
+ packet link, index, mode, field pointer, word,
+ number of errors := 0 ;
+BOOL VAR found, end of params;
+(* *)
+(* 1. Interface zum ELAN-Compiler 13.11.1986 *)
+(* 1.8.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Beschreibung der Tabellen (-groessen), *)
+(* internen Vercodung von Typen *)
+(* und Kennungen . *)
+(* Initialisieren und Beenden des Compilers, *)
+(* Lesen aus und Schreiben in Namens- bzw. Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+TYPE LIB = STRUCT (TEXT name, INT nt link, pt link, ADDRESS base) ;
+LET begin of hash table = 0 ,
+ end of hash table = 1023 ,
+ begin of permanent table = 22784 ,
+ before first pt entry = 22784 ,
+ first permanent entry = 22785 ,
+ end of permanent table = 32767 ,
+ wordlength = 1 , (* compile u n d run time *)
+ two word length = 2 ,
+ three word length = 3 ,
+ four word length = 4 ,
+ permanent param const = 10000 ,
+ permanent param var = 20000 ,
+ permanent proc op = 30000 ,
+ permanent type = 30000 ,
+ permanent row = 10 ,
+ permanent struct = 11 ,
+ permanent param proc = 12 ,
+ permanent param proc end marker = 0 ,
+ permanent type field = 0 ,
+ ptt limit = 10000 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit = 12784 ,
+ begin of pt minus ptt limit 1 = 12785 , (* plus wordlength *)
+ void id = 0 ,
+ int id = 1 ,
+ real id = 2 ,
+ string id = 3 ,
+ bool id = 5 ,
+ bool result id = 6 ,
+ dataspace id = 7 ,
+ undefined id = 9 ,
+ row id = 10 ,
+ struct id = 11 ,
+ end id = 0 ,
+ const = 1 ,
+ var = 2 ,
+ proc id = 3 ,
+(* denoter = 5 , *)
+ bold = 2 ,
+ ins = TRUE ,
+ no ins = FALSE ,
+ no lst = FALSE ,
+ sermon = TRUE ,
+ no sermon = FALSE ,
+ run again mode = 0 ,
+ compile file mode = 1 ,
+ prep coder mode = 5 ,
+ warning message = 2 ,
+ error message = 4 ,
+ point line = "..............." ;
+INT CONST permanent packet := -2 ,
+ permanent end := -3 ;
+BOOL VAR coder active := FALSE ;
+INT VAR run again mod nr := 0 ;
+ (***** Start/Ende *****)
+LET coder not active = "CODER not active" ,
+ illegal define packet = "illegal define packet" ;
+PROC coder on (INT CONST data allocation mode) :
+ mark coder on ;
+ init opn section ;
+ init compiler ;
+ init memory management .
+mark coder on :
+ coder active := TRUE .
+init memory management :
+ memory management mode := data allocation mode .
+init compiler :
+ no do again ;
+ elan (prep coder mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, no lst, check option, no sermon)
+ENDPROC coder on;
+PROC coder off (BOOL CONST insert, sermon, OPN CONST start proc) :
+ IF coder active
+ THEN mark coder off ;
+ end coder (insert, sermon, start mod nr if no insert)
+ ELSE errorstop (coder not active)
+ FI .
+start mod nr if no insert :
+ IF insert THEN run again mod nr := 0
+ ELSE run again mod nr := start proc.mod nr
+ FI ;
+ run again mod nr .
+mark coder off :
+ reset memory management mode ;
+ init opn section ;
+ coder active := FALSE
+ENDPROC coder off ;
+PROC end coder (BOOL CONST insert wanted, sermon wanted, INT CONST mod) :
+ EXTERNAL 10021
+ENDPROC end coder ;
+PROC elan (INT CONST mode, FILE VAR source, TEXT CONST line,
+ INT VAR start module number, BOOL CONST ins, lst, rtc, ser) :
+ENDPROC elan ;
+PROC unsigned arithmetic :
+ENDPROC unsigned arithmetic ;
+ (***** Paket-Rahmen *****)
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, LIB VAR packet) :
+ := name
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (LIB VAR packet) :
+ check if definition possible ;
+ declare object (, packet.nt link, link) ;
+ open packet (packet.nt link, global address offset, packet base) ;
+ set to actual base (packet) .
+check if definition possible :
+ IF NOT coder active THEN errorstop (coder not active) FI ;
+ IF module open THEN errorstop (illegal define packet) FI
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC open packet (INT CONST nt link of packet name, INT VAR offset, base) :
+ EXTERNAL 10032
+ENDPROC open packet ;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, LIB VAR packet, BOOL VAR packet exists) :
+ to packet (name) ;
+ packet exists := found ;
+ IF found THEN := name ;
+ packet.nt link := nt link ;
+ link := packet link ;
+ get pbas (packet.base)
+ FI
+ENDPROC identify ;
+ (***** Hash/Namenstabelle *****)
+next hash entry :
+ hash table pointer INCR wordlength .
+end of hash table reached :
+ hash table pointer > end of hash table .
+yet another nt entry :
+ nt link := cdb int (nt link) ;
+ nt link <> 0 . ;
+PROC declare object (TEXT CONST name, INT VAR nt link, pt pointer) :
+ EXTERNAL 10031
+ENDPROC declare object ;
+PROC to object (TEXT CONST searched object) :
+ hash ;
+ search nt entry .
+hash :
+ hash code := 0 ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH searched object REP
+ addmult cyclic
+addmult cyclic :
+ hash code INCR hash code ;
+ IF hash code > end of hash table THEN wrap around FI ;
+ hash code := (hash code + code (searched object SUB index)) MOD 1024 .
+wrap around :
+ hash code DECR end of hash table .
+hash code : nt link .
+search nt entry :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ read current entry ;
+ IF object name = searched object
+ THEN found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE to object
+ FI
+ PER .
+read current entry :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length)
+ENDPROC to object ;
+ (***** Permanent Tabelle *****)
+next procedure :
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (permanent pointer) . ;
+PROC next pt param :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) MOD ptt limit ;
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN skip over permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+skip over permanent row :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ next pt param .
+skip over permanent struct :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode = permanent type field
+ THEN param link INCR wordlength ;
+ LEAVE skip over permanent struct
+ FI ;
+ next pt param
+ENDPROC next pt param ;
+PROC set end marker if end of list :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ end of params := mode >= permanent proc op OR mode <= 0
+ENDPROC set end marker if end of list ;
+PROC get type and mode (INT VAR type) :
+ mode := cdb int (param link) ;
+ IF mode < 0 THEN type := 2769 + (32767 + mode) ;
+ mode := 0
+ ELIF mode = permanent param proc THEN translate type
+ ELSE type := mode MOD ptt limit ;
+ mode DECR type ;
+ translate type if necessary ;
+ translate mode if necessary
+ FI .
+translate type if necessary :
+ IF permanent row or struct THEN translate type FI .
+translate type :
+ type := param link - begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+translate mode if necessary :
+ IF mode = permanent param const THEN mode := const
+ ELIF mode = permanent param var THEN mode := var
+ FI .
+permanent row or struct :
+ type = permanent row OR type = permanent struct
+ENDPROC get type and mode ;
+PROC put next permanent (INT CONST permanent value) :
+ EXTERNAL 10020
+ENDPROC put next permanent ;
+ (***** Allgemeine Zugriffsprozeduren *****)
+INT PROC cdb int (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb int ;
+TEXT PROC cdb text (INT CONST index) :
+ENDPROC cdb text ;
+(* *)
+(* 2. Spruenge und Marken 07.10.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps LABEL *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition und Applikation von Marken *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR invers :: FALSE ;
+PROC declare (LABEL VAR label) :
+ CONCR (label) := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10085
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC complement condition code :
+ invers := NOT invers
+ENDPROC complement condition code ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10151
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC apply (LABEL VAR label, BOOL CONST condition) :
+ IF condition xor invers THEN branch true (label)
+ ELSE branch false (label)
+ FI ;
+ invers := FALSE .
+condition xor invers :
+ IF condition THEN NOT invers
+ ELSE invers
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply ;
+OP := (LABEL VAR global label, local label) : (* EQUATE ! *)
+ EXTERNAL 10014
+ENDOP := ;
+TEXT PROC dump (LABEL CONST label) :
+ "LAB " + text (CONCR (label))
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC gosub (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10015
+ENDPROC gosub ;
+PROC goret :
+ s0 (q goret code)
+ENDPROC goret ;
+PROC branch true (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10028
+ENDPROC branch true ;
+PROC branch false (LABEL VAR label) :
+ EXTERNAL 10029
+ENDPROC branch false ;
+PROC computed branch (ADDRESS CONST switch, INT CONST limit, LABEL VAR out) :
+ s1 (q esc case, REPR switch) ;
+ s0 (limit) ;
+ branch false (out)
+ENDPROC computed branch ;
+(* *)
+(* 3. Datenaddressen 13.11.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps ADDRESS *)
+(* *)
+(* Aufbau von Datenaddressen (Vercodung) *)
+(* Fortschalten und Ausrichten von Adressen *)
+(* Behandlung von Paketbasis-Adressen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Fehlermeldung "address overflow" (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE ADDRESS = STRUCT (INT kind, value) ;
+LET global = 0 ,
+ local = 1 ,
+ ref mask = 2 ,
+ global ref = 2 ,
+ local ref = 3 ,
+ module nr = 4 ,
+ immediate value = 5 ,
+ p base = 6 ,
+ eumel0 stack offset = 4 ,
+ local address limit = 16 384 ,
+ global address zero = 0 ,
+ illegal ref operation = "REF not allowed" ,
+ deref on non ref = "DEREF on non-ref address" ,
+ global ref not allowed = "GLOBAL REF not allowed" ,
+ unknown kind = "Unknown address kind" ,
+ address overflow = "Address Overflow" ,
+ illegal plus operation = "+ not allowed" ;
+ADDRESS VAR result addr;
+INT CONST ref length :: 2 ;
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ADDRESS OP GLOB (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := global ;
+ result addr.value := address level ;
+ IF memory management mode = data allocation by user
+ THEN result addr.value INCR global address offset
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ADDRESS OP LOC (INT CONST address level) :
+ result addr.kind := local ;
+ result addr.value := address level + eumel0 stack offset ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ IF result addr.kind = local THEN result addr.kind INCR ref mask
+ ELIF result addr.kind = global THEN errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ ELSE errorstop (illegal ref operation)
+ FI ;
+ result addr
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (ref address) ;
+ IF is not local ref THEN errorstop (deref on non ref) FI ;
+ result addr.kind DECR ref mask ;
+ result addr .
+is not local ref :
+ result addr.kind <> local ref
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global :
+ CASE local : set bit (result addr.value, 15)
+ CASE global ref : errorstop (global ref not allowed)
+ CASE local ref : prep local ref
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (unknown kind)
+ result addr.value .
+prep local ref :
+ IF address limit exceeded THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 14) ;
+ set bit (result addr.value, 15) .
+address limit exceeded :
+ result addr.value < eumel0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+PROC get base (LIB CONST packet, ADDRESS VAR base) :
+ CONCR (base) := CONCR (packet.base)
+ENDPROC get base ;
+PROC set to actual base (LIB VAR packet) :
+ packet.base.kind := p base ;
+ packet.base.value := packet base
+ENDPROC set to actual base ;
+PROC get pbas (ADDRESS VAR base) :
+ base.kind := p base ;
+ base.value := cdbint (packet link + 2)
+ENDPROC get pbas ;
+ l.kind = r.kind AND l.value = r.value
+ENDOP = ;
+BOOL PROC is ref (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local ref
+ENDPROC is ref ;
+BOOL PROC is global (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = global
+ENDPROC is global ;
+BOOL PROC is local (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ addr.kind = local
+ENDPROC is local ;
+ CONCR (result addr) := CONCR (addr) ;
+ SELECT result addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : inc global
+ CASE local : inc local
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal plus operation)
+ result addr .
+inc global :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < 0 THEN errorstop (address overflow) FI .
+inc local :
+ result addr.value INCR offset ;
+ IF result addr.value < eumel 0 stack offset OR
+ result addr.value > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ FI
+ENDOP + ;
+PROC adjust (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST adjust length) :
+ IF is local or global THEN adjust to length FI .
+is local or global :
+ addr.kind <= local .
+adjust to length :
+ mode := addr.value MOD adjust length ;
+ IF mode <> 0 THEN addr.value INCR (adjust length-mode) FI
+ENDPROC adjust ;
+ kind + text (addr.value) .
+kind :
+ SELECT addr.kind OF
+ CASE global : "GLOBAL "
+ CASE local : "LOCAL "
+ CASE immediate value : "IMMEDIATE "
+ CASE module nr : "PARAM PROC "
+ CASE global ref : "GLOBAL REF "
+ CASE local ref : "LOCAL REF "
+ CASE p base : "PBAS "
+ OTHERWISE "undef. Addr: "
+ENDPROC dump;
+(* *)
+(* 4. Datentypen Teil I 08.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps DTYPE *)
+(* *)
+(* Interne Repraesentation der primitiven Datentypen *)
+(* Identifikation von DTYPEs *)
+(* *)
+ CONCR (l) := CONCR (r)
+ENDOP := ;
+ CONCR (l) = CONCR (r)
+ENDOP = ;
+DTYPE PROC void type : DTYPE :(void id) ENDPROC void type ;
+DTYPE PROC int type : DTYPE :(int id) ENDPROC int type ;
+DTYPE PROC real type : DTYPE :(real id) ENDPROC real type ;
+DTYPE PROC text type : DTYPE :(string id) ENDPROC text type ;
+DTYPE PROC bool type : DTYPE :(bool id) ENDPROC bool type ;
+DTYPE PROC bool result type : DTYPE :(bool result id) ENDPROC bool result type;
+DTYPE PROC dataspace type : DTYPE :(dataspace id) ENDPROC dataspace type ;
+DTYPE PROC undefined type : DTYPE :(undefined id) ENDPROC undefined type ;
+DTYPE PROC row type : DTYPE :(row id) ENDPROC row type ;
+DTYPE PROC struct type : DTYPE :(struct id) ENDPROC struct type ;
+DTYPE PROC proc type : DTYPE :(permanent param proc) ENDPROC proc type ;
+DTYPE PROC end type : DTYPE :(end id) ENDPROC end type ;
+INT PROC type class (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ SELECT type id OF
+ CASE int id, real id, bool id, bool result id, string id,
+ dataspace id, undefined id : 1
+ CASE void id : 0
+ CASE row id : 3
+ CASE struct id : 4
+ CASE permanent param proc : 5
+ OTHERWISE pt type
+pt type :
+ IF type id > ptt limit THEN permanent row or struct
+ ELSE abstract type
+ FI .
+abstract type : 2 .
+permanent row or struct :
+ unsigned arithmetic ;
+ mode := cdbint (type link into pt) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = struct id THEN 4
+ ELIF mode = row id THEN 3
+ ELIF mode = permanent param proc THEN 5
+ ELSE 2
+ FI .
+type link into pt :
+ type id + begin of pt minus ptt limit .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC type class ;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name,INT VAR size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ SELECT type pos OF
+ CASE 1 : size := 0; align := 0; type id := void id
+ CASE 6 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := int id
+ CASE 10 : size := 4; align := 4; type id := real id
+ CASE 15 : size := 8; align := 4; type id := string id
+ CASE 20 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := bool id
+ CASE 25 : size := 1; align := 1; type id := dataspace id
+ OTHERWISE search for type in permanent table
+type pos :
+ enclose in delimiters ;
+ pos (".VOID.INT.REAL.TEXT.BOOL.DATASPACE.", object name) .
+enclose in delimiters :
+ object name := "." ;
+ object name CAT name ;
+ object name CAT "." .
+search for type in permanent table :
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF not found THEN size := 0; align := 0; type id := undefined id
+ ELSE size := cdbint (permanent pointer + two wordlength) ;
+ type id := permanent pointer - begin of permanent table ;
+ IF size < two wordlength THEN align := 1
+ ELIF size < four wordlength THEN align := 2
+ ELSE align := 4
+ FI
+ FI .
+not found :
+ NOT found OR invalid entry .
+invalid entry :
+ permanent pointer = 0 OR
+ cdb int (permanent pointer + wordlength) <> permanent type .
+type id : CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+(* *)
+(* 5. Operationen Teil I 30.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition des Datentyps OPN *)
+(* Primitive Operationen (:= etc.) *)
+(* Initialisieren mit den externen Namen der EUMEL-0-Codes *)
+(* Bereitstellen dee Fehlermeldung 'proc op expected' (coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+TYPE OPN = STRUCT (INT kind, mod nr, top of stack) ;
+LET proc op = 0 ,
+ param proc = 1 ,
+ eumel 0 = 2 ,
+ nil = 3 ,
+ param proc at non ref = "PARAM PROC at non-ref address" ,
+ proc op expected = "PROC expected" ;
+OPN VAR eumel0 opn;
+eumel0 opn.kind := eumel0 ;
+eumel0 of stack := 0 ;
+eumel0 opn.mod nr := q pp ;
+OPN CONST pp :: eumel0 opn ,
+ nop code :: OPN :(nil, 0, 0) ;
+IF NOT exists ("eumel0 codes")
+ THEN IF yes ("Archive 'eumel coder' eingelegt")
+ THEN archive ("eumel coder") ;
+ fetch ("eumel0 codes", archive) ;
+ release (archive)
+ ELSE errorstop ("""eumel0 codes"" gibt es nicht")
+ FI
+FI ;
+BOUND THESAURUS VAR initial opcodes :: old ("eumel0 codes") ;
+THESAURUS VAR eumel 0 opcodes :: initial opcodes ;
+forget ("eumel0 codes") ;
+ADDRESS PROC address (OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF opn.kind <> proc op THEN errorstop (proc op expected) FI ;
+ result addr.kind := module nr ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ result addr
+ENDPROC address ;
+OPN PROC operation (ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF addr.kind <> local ref THEN errorstop (param proc at non ref) FI ;
+ OPN VAR opn ;
+ opn.kind := param proc ;
+ opn.mod nr :=addr.value ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ opn
+ENDPROC operation ;
+TEXT PROC mnemonic (OPN CONST op code) :
+ name (eumel 0 opcodes, op code.mod nr)
+ENDPROC mnemonic ;
+OPN PROC nop :
+ nop code
+ENDPROC nop ;
+OP := (OPN VAR r, OPN CONST l) :
+ CONCR (r) := CONCR (l)
+ENDOP := ;
+BOOL PROC is proc (OPN CONST operation) :
+ operation.kind = proc op
+ENDPROC is proc ;
+BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (TEXT CONST op code name) :
+ link (eumel 0 opcodes, op code name) <> 0
+ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
+BOOL PROC is eumel 0 instruction (OPN CONST operation) :
+ operation.kind = eumel0
+ENDPROC is eumel 0 instruction ;
+(* *)
+(* 6. Parameterfeld 10.04.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Bereitstellen des Parameterfeldes *)
+(* Schreiben und Lesen von Eintraegen im Parameterfeld *)
+(* Fortschalten von Zeigern in das Parameterfeld *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Konstanten 'size of param field' (Coder-intern) *)
+(* *)
+ ADDRESS addr, OPN push opn) ,
+ size of param field = 100 ,
+ param field exceeded = "Param Field Overflow",
+ param nr out of range = "Illegal Param Number" ;
+ROW size of param field PARAMDESCRIPTOR VAR param field ;
+ (***** Schreiben *****)
+PROC test param pos (INT CONST param nr) :
+ IF param nr < 1 OR param nr > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param nr out of range)
+ FI
+ENDPROC test param pos ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (INT CONST param nr, access) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter access .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter address .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (INT CONST param nr, value) :
+ result addr.kind := immediate value ;
+ result addr.value := value ;
+ define (param nr, result addr)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC apply (INT CONST param nr, OPN CONST opn) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter push opn .
+enter push opn :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (opn)
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC parameter (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type,
+ INT CONST access, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ enter type ;
+ enter access ;
+ enter address ;
+ enter pp as default .
+enter type :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) := CONCR (type) .
+enter access :
+ param field [param nr].access := access .
+enter address :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].addr) := CONCR (addr) .
+enter pp as default :
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].push opn) := CONCR (pp)
+ENDPROC parameter ;
+ (***** Lesen *****)
+ADDRESS PROC param address (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].addr
+ENDPROC param address ;
+DTYPE PROC dtype (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].type
+ENDPROC dtype ;
+INT PROC access (INT CONST param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ param field [param nr].access
+ENDPROC access ;
+ (***** Fortschalten *****)
+OP NEXTPARAM (INT VAR param nr) :
+ test param pos (param nr) ;
+ INT CONST class :: type class (param field [param nr].type) ;
+ param nr INCR 1 ;
+ SELECT class OF
+ CASE 3 : NEXTPARAM param nr
+ CASE 4,5 : read until end
+read until end :
+ WHILE NOT end marker read or end of field REP
+ NEXTPARAM param nr
+ PER ;
+ param nr INCR 1 .
+end marker read or end of field :
+ param nr > size of param field OR
+ CONCR (param field [param nr].type) = end id
+INT PROC next param (INT CONST p) :
+ INT VAR index := p ;
+ NEXTPARAM index ;
+ index
+ENDPROC next param ;
+ IF p > 0 AND p <= 100 THEN dump entry (param field (p))
+ ELSE param nr out of range
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+(* object name := dump (id.type) ; *)
+ object name := "TYPE " ; (* siehe *)
+ object name CAT dump (id.type) ; (* TEXT PROC dump (DTYPE d) *)
+ object name CAT text (id.access) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.addr) ;
+ object name CAT dump (id.push opn) ;
+ object name
+ENDPROC dump entry ;
+(* *)
+(* 7. Datentypen Teil II 08.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Deklaration neuer Datentypen *)
+(* Vergleich von DTYPEs im Parameterfeld und in der Permanent-Tabelle *)
+(* *)
+DTYPE VAR pt type ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST size, align, DTYPE VAR type) :
+ entry into name table ;
+ put next permanent (permanent type) ;
+ put next permanent (size) ;
+ put next permanent (nt link) ;
+ mark no offsets of text elements .
+entry into name table :
+ declare object (name, nt link, CONCR (type)) ;
+ CONCR (type) DECR begin of permanent table .
+mark no offsets of text elements :
+ put next permanent (0)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param 1, param 2) :
+ INT CONST left type :: CONCR (param field [param 1].type) ;
+ IF left type = right type
+ THEN same fine structure if there is one
+ ELSE left type = undefined id OR right type = undefined id
+ FI .
+right type : CONCR (param field [param 2].type) .
+same fine structure if there is one :
+ IF left type = row id THEN compare row
+ ELIF left is struct or proc THEN compare struct
+ FI .
+left is struct or proc :
+ left type = struct id OR left type = proc id .
+compare row :
+ equal sizes AND same type (param1 + 1, param2 + 1) .
+equal sizes :
+ param field [param1+1].access = param field [param2+1].access .
+compare struct :
+ INT VAR p1 :: param1+1, p2 :: param2+1 ;
+ WHILE same type (p1, p2) AND NOT end type found REP
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+end type found :
+ CONCR (param field [p1].type) = end id .
+end of field :
+ p1 > size of param field OR p2 > size of param field
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC same type (INT CONST param nr, DTYPE CONST type) :
+ field pointer := param nr ;
+ CONCR (pt type) := CONCR (type) ;
+ equal types
+ENDPROC same type ;
+BOOL PROC equal types :
+ identical types OR one type is undefined .
+one type is undefined :
+ type of actual field = undefined id OR CONCR(pt type) = undefined id .
+identical types :
+ SELECT type class (pt type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : type of actual field = CONCR (pt type)
+ CASE 3 : perhaps equal rows
+ CASE 4 : perhaps equal structs
+ CASE 5 : perhaps equal param procs
+perhaps equal rows :
+ param link := CONCR (pt type) + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ is row AND equal row sizes AND equal row types .
+is row :
+ type of actual field = row id .
+perhaps equal structs :
+ param link := CONCR (pt type) + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ is struct AND same type fields .
+is struct :
+ type of actual field = struct id .
+equal row sizes :
+ pt row size = row size within param field .
+equal row types :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR 2 ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ equal types .
+pt row size :
+ cdb int (param link + 1) .
+row size within param field :
+ param field [field pointer + 1].access .
+same type fields :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR 1 ;
+ IF type of actual field = end id
+ THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH pt struct end reached
+ FI ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ IF NOT equal types THEN LEAVE same type fields WITH FALSE FI
+ UNTIL end of field PER ;
+pt struct end reached :
+ cdbint (param link) = permanent type field .
+end of field :
+ field pointer > size of param field .
+type of actual field :
+ CONCR (param field [field pointer].type) .
+perhaps equal param procs :
+ param link := CONCR (pt type) + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ is proc AND same param list .
+is proc : cdbint (param link) = permanent param proc .
+same param list :
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ DTYPE VAR proc result type ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR (proc result type)) ;
+ compare param list ;
+ check results .
+compare param list :
+ INT VAR last param := field pointer + 1 ;
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR wordlength ;
+ IF pt param list exhausted THEN LEAVE compare param list FI ;
+ IF type of actual field = end id
+ FI ;
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ last param := field pointer ;
+ UNTIL NOT equal types OR end of field PER .
+check results :
+ pt param list exhausted AND equal result types .
+equal result types :
+ save param link ;
+ IF same type (last param, proc result type)
+ THEN restore ;
+ FI .
+pt param list exhausted :
+ cdbint (param link) = permanent param proc end marker .
+save param link :
+ INT CONST p :: param link .
+restore :
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link := p
+ENDPROC equal types ;
+BOOL PROC is not void bool or undefined (DTYPE CONST dtype) :
+ type <> void id AND type <> bool result id AND type <> undefined id .
+type : CONCR (dtype)
+ENDPROC is not void bool or undefined ;
+(* *)
+(* 8. Operationen Teil II 08.09.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Definition der Opcodes *)
+(* Deklaration, Definition, Identifikation und Applikation *)
+(* Eroeffnen und Schliessen eines Moduls *)
+(* *)
+LET module not opened = "Module not opened" ,
+ define missing = "DEFINE missing" ,
+ wrong nr of params = "Wrong Nr. of Params:" ,
+ illegal kind = "Opcode expected" ,
+ nested module = "Nested Modules" ,
+ no mod nr = "Param Proc expected" ,
+ no immediate value = "Value expected" ,
+ type error = "Type Error" ,
+ q ln = 1 ,
+ q move = 2 , q move code = 2 048 ,
+ q inc1 = 3 , q inc1 code = 3 072 ,
+ q dec1 = 4 , q dec1 code = 4 096 ,
+ q inc = 5 , q inc code = 5 120 ,
+ q dec = 6 , q dec code = 6 144 ,
+ q add = 7 , q add code = 7 168 ,
+ q sub = 8 , q sub code = 8 192 ,
+ q clear = 9 , q clear code = 9 216 ,
+ q test = 10 ,
+ q equ = 11 , q equ code = 11 264 ,
+ q lsequ = 12 , q lsequ code = 12 288 ,
+ q fmove = 13 , q fmove code = 13 312 ,
+ q fadd = 14 , q fadd code = 14 336 ,
+ q fsub = 15 , q fsub code = 15 360 ,
+ q fmult = 16 , q fmult code = 16 384 ,
+ q fdiv = 17 , q fdiv code = 17 408 ,
+ q flsequ = 18 , q flsequ code = 18 432 ,
+ q tmove = 19 , q tmove code = 19 456 ,
+ q tequ = 20 , q tequ code = 20 480 ,
+ q accds = 21 , q access ds code = 22 528 ,
+ q ref = 22 , q ref code = 23 552 ,
+ q subscript = 23 , q subscript code = 24 576 ,
+ q select = 24 , q select code = 25 600 ,
+ q ppv = 25 , q ppv code = 26 624 ,
+ q pp = 26 ,
+ q make false = 27 , (* q make false code = 65 513 *)
+ q movex = 28 ,
+(* q longa subs q longa subs code = 65 376 *)
+ q return = 29 , q return code = 32 512 ,
+ q true return = 30 , q true return code = 32 513 ,
+ q false return = 31 , q false return code = 32 514 ,
+ q goret code = 32 519 ,
+ q esc mult = 32 , q esc mult code = 32 553 ,
+ q esc div = 33 , q esc div code = 32 554 ,
+ q esc mod = 34 , q esc mod code = 32 555 ,
+ q pproc = 35 ,
+ q compl int = 36 , q compl int code = 32 551 ,
+ q compl real = 37 , q compl real code = 32 550 ,
+ q alias ds = 38 , q alias ds code = 32 546 ,
+ q movim = 39 , q esc movim code = 32 547 ,
+ q fequ = 40 , q fequ code = 32 548 ,
+ q tlsequ = 41 , q tlsequ code = 32 549 ,
+(* q case = 42 , *) q esc case = 32 544 ,
+ q plus = 43 ,
+ q minus = 44 ,
+ q mult = 45 ,
+ q int div = 46 ,
+ q real div = 47 ,
+ q equal = 48 ,
+ q lessequal = 49 ,
+ q ulseq = 50 , q ulseq code = 21 504 ,
+ q pdadd = 51 , q pdadd code = 32 653 ,
+ q ppsub = 52 , q ppsub code = 32 654 ,
+ q dimov = 53 , q dimov code = 32 655 ,
+ q idmov = 54 , q idmov code = 32 656 ;
+INT CONST q make false code :: - 1 022 ,
+ q longa subs code :: - 159 ,
+ q penter code :: - 511 ;
+ (***** Deklaration *****)
+PROC declare (OPN VAR operation) :
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ get module nr (operation.mod nr) ;
+ of stack := 0
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC declare (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation) :
+ declare (operation) ;
+ entry into name and pt table if necessary ;
+ enter params ;
+ enter result ;
+ enter module number .
+entry into name and pt table if necessary :
+ declare object (name, nt link, permanent pointer) .
+enter params :
+ field pointer := first ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO params REP
+ enter param (param field [field pointer]) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+enter result :
+ enter param (param field[field pointer].type, permanent proc op) .
+enter module number :
+ put next permanent (operation.mod nr)
+ENDPROC declare ;
+PROC enter param (PARAMDESCRIPTOR CONST param) :
+ IF param.access = const
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param const)
+ ELIF param.access = var
+ THEN enter param (param.type, permanent param var)
+ ELSE errorstop ("Unknown Access")
+ FI
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+PROC enter param (DTYPE CONST type, INT CONST permanent mode) :
+ unsigned arithmetic ;
+ SELECT type class (type) OF
+ CASE 0, 1, 2 : put next permanent (CONCR(type) + permanent mode)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("Illegal Type")
+ENDPROC enter param ;
+ (***** Definition *****)
+PROC define (OPN VAR opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE proc head (opn.mod nr, of stack)
+ FI
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC set length of local storage (OPN VAR opn, INT CONST size) :
+ IF size < 0 OR size > local address limit
+ THEN errorstop (address overflow)
+ ELIF of stack = 0
+ THEN errorstop (define missing)
+ ELIF opn.kind <> proc op
+ THEN errorstop (proc op expected)
+ FI ;
+ set length ( of stack, size + eumel0 stack offset)
+ENDPROC set length of local storage ;
+PROC define (OPN VAR operation, INT CONST size) :
+ define (operation) ;
+ set length of local storage (operation, size)
+ENDPROC define ;
+ (***** Identifikation *****)
+INT VAR counter, result index, result type repr;
+PROC identify (TEXT CONST name, INT CONST first, params, OPN VAR operation,
+ BOOL VAR object exists) :
+ find result entry ;
+ to object (name) ;
+ IF found THEN first fit and leave if found FI ;
+ IF eumel0 THEN identify eumel0 instruction
+ ELSE yield undefined operation
+ FI .
+find result entry :
+ result index := first;
+ counter := 0 ;
+ WHILE counter < params REP
+ NEXTPARAM result index ;
+ counter INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ check on param field exceeded .
+check on param field exceeded :
+ IF result index > size of param field
+ THEN errorstop (param field exceeded)
+ FI .
+yield undefined operation :
+ declare (result index, undefined type) ;
+ apply (result index, nop) ;
+ object exists := FALSE .
+first fit and leave if found :
+ WHILE yet another procedure exists REP
+ check one procedure and leave if match ;
+ next procedure
+ PER .
+yet another procedure exists :
+ permanent pointer <> 0 .
+check one procedure and leave if match:
+ param link := permanent pointer + wordlength ;
+ set end marker if end of list ;
+ counter := params ;
+ field pointer := first ;
+ IF end of params AND counter = 0
+ THEN procedure found
+ ELIF end of params OR counter = 0
+ THEN LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ ELSE check next param
+ FI
+ PER .
+check next param :
+ get type and mode (CONCR(pt type)) ;
+ IF same types THEN set param mode ;
+ field pointer INCR 1 ;
+ param link INCR 1 ;
+ set end marker if end of list ;
+ counter DECR 1 ;
+ ELSE LEAVE check one procedure and leave if match
+ FI .
+same types : (* inline version ! *)
+ equal types .
+set param mode :
+ param field [field pointer].access := mode .
+procedure found :
+ get result ;
+ operation.kind := proc op ;
+ operation.mod nr := module number ;
+ of stack := 0 ;
+ object exists := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE identify .
+get result :
+ get type and mode (result type) ;
+ declare (result index, mode) .
+module number :
+ cdbint (param link + 1) .
+result type :
+ CONCR (param field [result index].type) .
+eumel0 :
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr := link (eumel 0 opcodes, name) ;
+ eumel0 opn.mod nr <> 0 .
+identify eumel 0 instruction :
+ init result type with void ;
+ CONCR (operation) := CONCR (eumel0 opn) ;
+ object exists := check params and set result ;
+ declare (result index, DTYPE:(result type repr)) ;
+ declare (result index, const) .
+init result type with void :
+ result type repr := void id .
+check params and set result :
+ SELECT operation.mod nr OF
+ CASE q return, q false return, q true return : no params
+ CASE q inc1, q dec1 : one int param yielding void
+ CASE q pproc, q pp, q ln : one param yielding void
+ CASE q test : one param yielding bool
+ CASE q clear, q ppv : one int or bool param yielding void
+ CASE q make false : one bool param yielding void
+ CASE q move : two int or bool params yielding void
+ CASE q compl int, q inc, q dec : two int params yielding void
+ CASE q compl real, q fmove : two real params yielding void
+ CASE q equ, q lsequ, q ulseq : two int params yielding bool
+ CASE q fequ, q flsequ : two real params yielding bool
+ CASE q tequ, q tlsequ : two text params yielding bool
+ CASE q tmove : two text params yielding void
+ CASE q accds, q ref, q movim,
+ q dimov, q idmov : two params yielding void
+ CASE q add, q sub, q esc mult,
+ q esc div, q esc mod : three int params yielding void
+ CASE q fadd, q fsub, q fmult, q fdiv : three real params yielding void
+ CASE q select, q movex, q alias ds,
+ q pdadd, q ppsub : three params
+ CASE q subscript : five params
+ CASE q plus, q mult : two intreals yielding intreal
+ CASE q minus : monadic or dyadic minus
+ CASE q int div : two int params yielding int
+ CASE q real div : two real params yielding real
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : two intrealtexts yielding bool
+no params :
+ params = 0 .
+one int param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) .
+one param yielding void :
+ params = 1 .
+one param yielding bool :
+ IF params = 1 THEN result type repr := bool id ;
+ FI .
+one int or bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (int type, first, params) OR p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+one bool param yielding void :
+ p1 void (bool type, first, params) .
+two int or bool params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void id) OR
+ p2 (bool type, first, params, void id) .
+two int params yielding void :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, void id) .
+two real params yielding void :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, void id) .
+two text params yielding void :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, void id) .
+two int params yielding bool :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, bool id) .
+two real params yielding bool :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, bool id) .
+two text params yielding bool :
+ p2 (text type, first, params, bool id) .
+two params yielding void :
+ params = 2 .
+three int params yielding void :
+ p3 void (int type, first, params) .
+three real params yielding void :
+ p3 void (real type, first, params) .
+three params :
+ params = 3 .
+five params :
+ params = 5 .
+two intreals yielding intreal :
+ two int params yielding int OR two real params yielding real .
+monadic or dyadic minus :
+ IF params = 2 THEN two intreals yielding intreal
+ ELIF params = 1 THEN monadic minus
+ FI .
+monadic minus :
+ result type repr := CONCR (param field[first].type) ;
+ result type repr = int id OR result type repr = real id .
+two intrealtexts yielding bool :
+ two int params yielding bool OR two real params yielding bool OR
+ two text params yielding bool .
+two int params yielding int :
+ p2 (int type, first, params, int id) .
+two real params yielding real :
+ p2 (real type, first, params, real id)
+ENDPROC identify ;
+BOOL PROC p1 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 1 AND param type is requested plain type .
+param type is requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p1 void ;
+BOOL PROC p2 (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr,
+ INT CONST result type) :
+ IF param nr = 2 AND param types equal requested plain type
+ THEN result type repr := result type ;
+ FI .
+param types equal requested plain type :
+ CONCR (param field [first] .type) = CONCR (requested type) AND
+ CONCR (param field [first+1].type) = CONCR (requested type)
+BOOL PROC p3 void (DTYPE CONST requested type, INT CONST first, param nr) :
+ param nr = 3 AND param types ok .
+param types ok :
+ FOR index FROM first UPTO first+2 REP
+ IF different param types THEN LEAVE p3 void WITH FALSE FI
+ PER ;
+ TRUE .
+different param types :
+ CONCR (param field [index].type) <> CONCR (requested type)
+ENDPROC p3 void;
+ (***** Applikation *****)
+INT VAR address representation, left repr, right repr, result repr;
+PROC apply (INT CONST first, nr of params, OPN CONST opn) :
+ IF NOT module open THEN errorstop (module not opened) FI ;
+ SELECT opn.kind OF
+ CASE eumel 0 : generate eumel0 instruction
+ CASE proc op : call operation
+ CASE param proc : call param proc
+ CASE nil :
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (illegal kind)
+call operation :
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, opn.mod nr) ;
+ call (opn.mod nr) .
+call param proc :
+ result addr.kind := local ref ;
+ result addr.value := opn.mod nr ;
+ INT CONST module nr := REPR result addr ;
+ push params if necessary (first, nr of params, module nr) ;
+ call param (module nr) .
+generate eumel0 instruction :
+ SELECT real nr of params OF
+ CASE 0 : p0 instruction
+ CASE 1 : apply p1 (opn, first addr)
+ CASE 2 : apply p2 (opn, first addr, second addr)
+ CASE 3 : apply p3 (opn, left type, first addr, second addr, third addr)
+ CASE 5 : subscript operation
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+real nr of params :
+ IF operator denotation THEN nr of params + 1
+ ELSE nr of params
+ FI .
+operator denotation :
+ opn.mod nr >= q plus AND opn.mod nr < q ulseq .
+p0 instruction :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q return THEN s0 (q return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q true return THEN s0 (q true return code)
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q false return THEN s0 (q false return code)
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params +
+ mnemonic (opn))
+ FI .
+subscript operation :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q subscript
+ THEN subscription
+ ELSE errorstop (wrong nr of params + text (nr of params))
+ FI .
+subscription :
+ ADDRESS CONST element length :: param field [first+2].addr ,
+ limit :: param field [first+3].addr ;
+ check on immediates ;
+ IF element length.value < 1024
+ THEN s0 (q subscript code + element length.value)
+ ELSE s0 (q longa subs code) ;
+ s0 (element length.value)
+ FI ;
+ s3 (limit.value - 1, subs index, base addr, subs result) .
+check on immediates :
+ IF element length.kind <> immediate value OR
+ limit.kind <> immediate value
+ THEN errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+subs index : REPR param field [first+1].addr .
+base addr : REPR param field [first].addr .
+subs result : REPR param field [first+4].addr .
+first addr :
+ param field [first].addr .
+left type :
+ param field [first].type .
+second addr :
+ param field [nextparam (first)].addr .
+third addr :
+ param field [nextparam(nextparam(first))].addr
+ENDPROC apply ;
+PROC push params if necessary (INT CONST first, nr of params, mod nr) :
+ init param push (mod nr) ;
+ field pointer := first ;
+ IF nr of params > 0 THEN push params FI ;
+ push result if there is one .
+push params :
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO nr of params REP
+ apply p1 (push code, param addr) ;
+ NEXTPARAM field pointer
+ PER .
+push code :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn .
+param addr :
+ param field [field pointer].addr .
+push result if there is one :
+ IF push result necessary
+ THEN push result address (REPR param field [field pointer].addr)
+ FI .
+push result necessary :
+ param field [field pointer].push opn.kind <> nil AND
+ is not void bool or undefined (param field [field pointer].type)
+ENDPROC push params if necessary ;
+PROC apply p1 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST addr) :
+ IF opn.mod nr = q ln THEN generate line number
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q pproc THEN push module nr
+ ELSE gen p1 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p1 instruction :
+ address representation := REPR addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q inc1 : t1 (q inc1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q dec1 : t1 (q dec1 code, address representation)
+ CASE q clear : t1 (q clear code,address representation)
+ CASE q test : test bool object (address representation)
+ CASE q pp : push param (address representation)
+ CASE q ppv : s1 (q ppv code, address representation)
+ CASE q make false : s1 (q make false code, address representation)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+generate line number :
+ IF addr.kind = immediate value THEN mark line (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+push module nr :
+ IF addr.kind = module nr THEN push param proc (addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no mod nr)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p1;
+PROC apply p2 (OPN CONST opn, ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr):
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q movim THEN move immediate
+ ELSE gen p2 instruction
+ FI .
+gen p2 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q move : t2 (q move code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q inc : t2 (q inc code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q dec : t2 (q dec code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q equ : compare (q equ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q lsequ : compare (q lsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ulseq : compare (q ulseq code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fmove : t2 (q fmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q flsequ : compare (q flsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tmove : t2 (q tmove code, right repr, left repr)
+ CASE q tequ : compare (q tequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl int : s2 (q compl int code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q compl real : s2 (q compl real code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q fequ : compare (q fequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q tlsequ : compare (q tlsequ code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q accds : t2 (q access ds code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ref : t2 (q ref code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q dimov : s2 (q dimov code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q idmov : s2 (q idmov code, left repr, right repr)
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+move immediate :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN s0 (q esc movim code) ;
+ s1 (right addr.value, left repr)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI
+ENDPROC apply p2;
+PROC apply p3 (OPN CONST opn, DTYPE CONST left dtype,
+ ADDRESS CONST left addr, right addr, result addr ):
+ result repr := REPR result addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q pdadd THEN select with dint; LEAVE apply p3
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q select THEN gen select instruction; LEAVE apply p3 FI ;
+ left repr := REPR left addr ;
+ IF opn.mod nr = q movex THEN gen long move
+ ELIF opn.mod nr = q alias ds THEN alias dataspace
+ ELSE gen p3 instruction
+ FI .
+gen long move :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN long move (left repr, result repr, right addr.value)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+alias dataspace :
+ IF right addr.value = immediate value
+ THEN s0 (q alias ds code) ;
+ s2 (right addr.value, result repr, left repr)
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+gen select instruction :
+ IF right addr.kind = immediate value
+ THEN IF different bases
+ THEN access external (left addr.value, right addr.value)
+ ELSE t1 (q select code, REPR left addr) ;
+ s1 (right addr.value, result repr)
+ FI
+ ELSE errorstop (no immediate value)
+ FI .
+select with dint :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ IF different bases THEN access external packet
+ ELSE simple access
+ FI .
+different bases :
+ left addr.kind = p base AND left addr.value <> packet base .
+simple access :
+ s3 (q pdadd code, REPR left addr, right repr, result repr) .
+access external packet :
+ access external (left addr.value, global address zero) ;
+ s3 (q pdadd code, REPR REF result addr, right repr, result repr) .
+gen p3 instruction :
+ right repr := REPR right addr ;
+ SELECT opn.mod nr OF
+ CASE q add : int add
+ CASE q sub : int sub
+ CASE q fadd : real add
+ CASE q fsub : real sub
+ CASE q fmult : real mult
+ CASE q fdiv, q real div : real div
+ CASE q esc mult : int mult
+ CASE q esc div, q int div : int div
+ CASE q esc mod : int mod
+ CASE q plus : int real add
+ CASE q minus : int real sub
+ CASE q mult : int real mult
+ CASE q equal, q lessequal : compare (comp code, left repr, right repr)
+ CASE q ppsub : distance between two objects
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (wrong nr of params + mnemonic (opn))
+int add : compute (q add code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int sub : compute (q sub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real add : compute (q fadd code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real sub : compute (q fsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real mult : compute (q fmult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+real div : compute (q fdiv code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mult : s3 (q esc mult code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int div : s3 (q esc div code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int mod : s3 (q esc mod code, left repr, right repr, result repr) .
+int real add :
+ IF left type = int id THEN int add
+ ELSE real add
+ FI .
+int real sub :
+ IF left type = int id THEN int sub
+ ELSE real sub
+ FI .
+int real mult :
+ IF left type = int id THEN int mult
+ ELSE real mult
+ FI .
+comp code :
+ SELECT left type OF
+ CASE int id : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q equ ELSE q lsequ FI
+ CASE real id : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q fequ ELSE q flsequ FI
+ CASE string id : IF opn.mod nr = q equal THEN q tequ ELSE q tlsequ FI
+ OTHERWISE errorstop (type error); q equ
+left type : CONCR (left dtype) .
+distance between two objects :
+ s3 (q ppsub code, left repr, right repr, result repr)
+ENDPROC apply p3;
+PROC access external (INT CONST old base, offset) :
+ s0 (q penter code + old base) ;
+ t2 (q ref code, offset, result repr) ;
+ s0 (q penter code + packet base)
+ENDPROC access external ;
+ (***** Modul *****)
+BOOL VAR module open ;
+.init opn section :
+ module open := FALSE .;
+PROC begin module :
+ IF module open THEN errorstop (nested module)
+ ELSE begin modul ;
+ module open := TRUE
+ FI
+ENDPROC begin module ;
+PROC end module :
+ IF NOT module open
+ THEN errorstop (module not opened)
+ ELSE end modul ;
+ module open := FALSE
+ FI
+ENDPROC end module ;
+TEXT PROC dump (OPN CONST operation) :
+ IF operation.kind = proc op THEN " PROC" + text (operation.mod nr, 5)
+ ELIF operation.kind = eumel 0 THEN " EUMEL0: " + mnemonic (operation)
+ ELSE " undef. Opn"
+ FI
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC begin modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10073
+ENDPROC begin modul ;
+PROC end modul :
+ EXTERNAL 10011
+ENDPROC end modul ;
+PROC proc head (INT VAR mod nr, top of stack) :
+ EXTERNAL 10012
+ENDPROC proc head ;
+PROC set length (INT CONST top of stack, size) :
+ EXTERNAL 10013
+ENDPROC set length ;
+PROC get module nr (INT VAR module nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10016
+ENDPROC get module nr ;
+PROC compute (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr, result address) :
+ EXTERNAL 10017
+ENDPROC compute ;
+PROC compare (INT CONST op code, l addr, r addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10018
+ENDPROC compare ;
+PROC long move (INT CONST to, from, length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10019
+ENDPROC long move ;
+PROC call (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10022
+ENDPROC call ;
+PROC call param (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10023
+ENDPROC call param ;
+PROC push param (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10024
+ENDPROC push param ;
+PROC push param proc (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10025
+ENDPROC push param proc ;
+PROC init param push (INT CONST mod nr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10026
+ENDPROC init param push ;
+PROC push result address (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10027
+ENDPROC push result address ;
+PROC test bool object (INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10192
+ENDPROC test bool object ;
+PROC mark line (INT CONST line number) :
+ EXTERNAL 10030
+ENDPROC mark line ;
+PROC s0 (INT CONST op code) :
+ EXTERNAL 10038
+PROC s1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10039
+PROC s2 (INT CONST op code , addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10040
+PROC s3 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2, addr3) :
+ EXTERNAL 10041
+PROC t1 (INT CONST op code, addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10042
+PROC t2 (INT CONST op code, addr1, addr2) :
+ EXTERNAL 10043
+(* *)
+(* 9. Speicherverwaltung 03.06.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Ablage der Paketdaten *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR address value;
+INT CONST data allocation by coder := 1 ,
+ data allocation by user := 2 ;
+LET not initialized = 0 ,
+ wrong mm mode = "Wrong MM Mode" ,
+ define on non global = "Define for GLOB only" ,
+ text too long = "TEXT too long" ;
+TEXT VAR const buffer :: point line ;
+.reset memory management mode :
+ memory management mode := not initialized . ;
+PROC reserve storage (INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by user
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (address value, size) ;
+ memory management mode := not initialized
+ENDPROC reserve storage ;
+PROC allocate variable (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST size) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate var (addr.value, size) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate variable ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate int denoter (addr.value) ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate real denoter (addr.value) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ define (addr, value)
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate text denoter (addr.value, (LENGTH value+1) DIV 2 + 2) ;
+ addr.kind := global ;
+ skip heaplink;
+ define (addr, value) ;
+ reset heaplink .
+skip heaplink :
+ addr.value INCR 1 .
+reset heaplink :
+ addr.value DECR 1
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate denoter (ADDRESS VAR addr, DINT CONST value) :
+ IF memory management mode <> data allocation by coder
+ THEN errorstop (wrong mm mode)
+ FI ;
+ allocate dint denoter (addr.value, value) ;
+ addr.kind := global
+ENDPROC allocate denoter ;
+PROC allocate dint denoter (INT VAR addr offset, DINT CONST value) :
+ adjust to an even address if necessary ;
+ put data word (value.low, addr offset) ;
+ allocate int denoter (address value) ;
+ put data word (value.high, address value) .
+adjust to an even address if necessary :
+ allocate int denoter (addr offset) ;
+ IF (addr offset AND 1) <> 0 THEN allocate int denoter (addr offset) FI
+ENDPROC allocate dint denoter ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, INT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ put data word (value, addr.value)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, DINT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ put data word (value.low , addr.value);
+ put data word (value.high, addr.value + 1)
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, REAL CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global
+ THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ FI ;
+ replace (const buffer, 1, value) ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO 4 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC define (ADDRESS CONST addr, TEXT CONST value) :
+ IF addr.kind <> global THEN errorstop (define on non global)
+ ELIF LENGTH value > 255 THEN errorstop (text too long)
+ FI ;
+ address value := addr.value ;
+ const buffer := code (LENGTH value) ;
+ const buffer CAT value ;
+ const buffer CAT ""0"" ;
+ FOR index FROM 1 UPTO LENGTH const buffer DIV 2 REP
+ put data word (const buffer ISUB index, address value) ;
+ address value INCR 1
+ PER ;
+ const buffer := point line
+ENDPROC define ;
+PROC allocate var (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10033
+ENDPROC allocate var ;
+PROC allocate int denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10034
+ENDPROC allocate int denoter ;
+PROC allocate real denoter (INT VAR addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10035
+ENDPROC allocate real denoter ;
+PROC allocate text denoter (INT VAR addr, INT CONST length) :
+ EXTERNAL 10036
+ENDPROC allocate text denoter ;
+PROC put data word (INT CONST value, INT CONST addr) :
+ EXTERNAL 10037
+ENDPROC put data word ;
+(* *)
+(* 10. Inspector 28.10.1987 *)
+(* *)
+INT VAR line number, pattern length, begin of packet,
+ last packet entry, indentation;
+TEXT VAR bulletin name, type and mode, pattern, buffer, dummy name;
+DATASPACE VAR bulletin ds :: nilspace ;
+.packet name :
+ cdb text (cdb int(packet link + wordlength) + two word length) .
+.packet entry :
+ permanent pointer = 0 OR
+ cdbint (permanent pointer) = permanent packet OR
+ cdbint (permanent pointer + wordlength) = permanent packet .
+.within editor :
+ aktueller editor > 0 . ;
+TEXT PROC type name (DTYPE CONST type) :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ IF CONCR (type) = void id THEN type and mode CAT "VOID"
+ ELSE name of type (CONCR (type))
+ FI ;
+ type and mode
+ENDPROC type name ;
+TEXT PROC dump (DTYPE CONST type) :
+(* type and mode := "TYPE " ;
+ name of type (CONCR (type)) ;
+ type and mode
+ type name (type) (* aus Kompatibilitätsgründen zum 1.9.2 Coder / rr *)
+ENDPROC dump ;
+PROC name of type (INT CONST type) :
+ SELECT type OF
+ CASE void id :
+ CASE int id : type and mode CAT "INT"
+ CASE real id : type and mode CAT "REAL"
+ CASE string id : type and mode CAT "TEXT"
+ CASE bool id, bool result id : type and mode CAT "BOOL"
+ CASE dataspace id : type and mode CAT "DATASPACE"
+ CASE row id : type and mode CAT "ROW "
+ CASE struct id : type and mode CAT "STRUCT"
+ OTHERWISE : complex type
+complex type :
+ unsigned arithmetic ;
+ IF type > ptt limit THEN perhaps permanent struct or row
+ ELSE get complex type
+ FI .
+perhaps permanent struct or row :
+ index := type + begin of pt minus ptt limit ;
+ mode := cdb int (index) MOD ptt limit ;
+ IF mode = permanent row THEN get permanent row
+ ELIF mode = permanent struct THEN get permanent struct
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+get complex type :
+ index := type + begin of permanent table ;
+ IF is complex type THEN get name
+ ELSE type and mode CAT "-"
+ FI .
+is complex type :
+ permanent type definition mode = permanent type .
+get name :
+ type and mode CAT cdb text (link to type name + two word length) .
+link to type name :
+ cdb int (index + three word length) .
+permanent type definition mode :
+ cdb int (index + wordlength) .
+get permanent row :
+ INT VAR t;
+ type and mode CAT "ROW " ;
+ type and mode CAT text (cdb int (index + wordlength)) ;
+ type and mode CAT " " ;
+ param link := index + two wordlength ;
+ get type and mode (t) ;
+ name of type (t) .
+get permanent struct :
+ type and mode CAT "STRUCT ( ... )"
+ENDPROC name of type ;
+PROC help (TEXT CONST proc name) :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ prep help ;
+ scan (object name) ;
+ next symbol (pattern) ;
+ packet link := end of permanent table ;
+ IF function = 0 THEN standard help
+ ELSE asterisk help
+ FI .
+prep help :
+ object name := compress (proc name) ;
+ INT VAR function :: 0 ;
+ INT CONST l :: LENGTH object name ;
+ IF l > 1 AND object name <> "**"
+ THEN IF (object name SUB l) = "*"
+ THEN function INCR 2 ;
+ delete char (object name, l)
+ FI ;
+ IF (object name SUB 1) = "*"
+ THEN function INCR 1 ;
+ delete char (object name, 1)
+ FI ;
+ IF another asterisk THEN wrong function FI
+ FI.
+another asterisk :
+ pos (object name, "*") <> 0 .
+wrong function :
+ errorstop ("unzulaessige Sternfunktion") .
+standard help :
+ to object (pattern) ;
+ IF found THEN display
+ ELSE error stop ("unbekannt: " + proc name)
+ FI .
+display :
+ IF NOT packet entry
+ THEN WHILE permanent pointer <> 0 REP
+ put name of packet if necessary ;
+ put specifications (pattern) ;
+ next procedure
+ show bulletin file
+ FI .
+put name of packet if necessary :
+ IF new packet THEN packet link := permanent pointer ;
+ find begin of packet ;
+ writeline (2) ;
+ write packet name
+ FI .
+find begin of packet :
+ packet link DECR wordlength
+ UNTIL begin of packet found PER .
+begin of packet found :
+ cdb int (packet link) = permanent packet .
+new packet :
+ permanent pointer < packet link .
+asterisk help :
+ hash table pointer := begin of hash table ;
+ pattern length := LENGTH pattern - 1 ;
+ list all objects in current hash table chain ;
+ next hash entry
+ UNTIL end of hash table reached ENDREP ;
+ show bulletin file .
+list all objects in current hash table chain :
+ nt link := hash table pointer ;
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
+ IF matching THEN into bulletin FI
+ PER .
+matching :
+ INT CONST p :: pos (object name, pattern) ;
+ SELECT function OF
+ CASE 1 : p <> 0 AND p = LENGTH object name - pattern length
+ CASE 2 : p = 1
+ CASE 3 : p <> 0
+into bulletin :
+ object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC not end of chain)
+ENDPROC help ;
+BOOL PROC not end of chain :
+ permanent pointer <> 0
+ENDPROC not end of chain ;
+PROC write packet name :
+ indentation := 0 ;
+ write line ;
+ write bulletin line ("PACKET ") ;
+ indentation := 7 ;
+ object name := packet name ;
+ write bulletin line (object name) ;
+ write bulletin line (":") ;
+ writeline (2)
+ENDPROC write packet name ;
+PROC put specifications (TEXT CONST proc name) :
+ put obj name (proc name) ;
+ to first param ;
+ IF NOT end of params THEN put param list FI ;
+ put result ;
+ writeline .
+to first param :
+ param link := permanent pointer + word length ;
+ set end marker if end of list .
+put result :
+ INT VAR type;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ IF type <> void id THEN type and mode := " --> " ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ write bulletin line (type and mode)
+ FI
+ENDPROC put specifications ;
+PROC put param list :
+ write bulletin line (" (") ;
+ INT VAR type, param mode;
+ get type and mode (type) ;
+ param mode := mode ;
+ put type and mode ;
+ maybe param proc ;
+ next pt param ;
+ IF end of params THEN write bulletin line (")") ;
+ LEAVE put param list
+ FI ;
+ write bulletin line (", ") ;
+ PER .
+put type and mode :
+ type and mode := "" ;
+ name of type (type) ;
+ type and mode CAT name of mode ;
+ write bulletin line (type and mode) .
+name of mode :
+ IF param mode = const THEN " CONST"
+ ELIF param mode = var THEN " VAR"
+ FI .
+maybe param proc :
+ IF mode = permanent param proc THEN put virtual params FI .
+put virtual params :
+ skip over result type if complex type ;
+ IF NOT end of virtual params THEN put param list FI.
+skip over result type if complex type :
+ next pt param .
+end of virtual params :
+ end of params
+ENDPROC put param list ;
+PROC to packet (TEXT CONST packet name) :
+ to object ( packet name) ;
+ IF found THEN find start of packet objects FI .
+find start of packet objects :
+ last packet entry := 0 ;
+ packet link := before first pt entry ;
+ packet link INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (packet link) ;
+ IF word < 0 THEN IF word = permanent packet THEN packet found
+ ELIF word = permanent end THEN return
+ FI
+ FI
+packet found :
+ IF cdb int (packet link + wordlength) = nt link
+ THEN last packet entry := packet link FI .
+return :
+ IF last packet entry <> 0 THEN found := TRUE ;
+ packet link := last packet entry
+ ELSE found := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ LEAVE to packet
+ENDPROC to packet ;
+PROC next packet :
+ packet link INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (packet link) ;
+ IF word = permanent packet THEN true return
+ ELIF end of permanents THEN false return
+ FI ;
+true return :
+ found := TRUE ;
+ LEAVE next packet .
+false return :
+ found := FALSE ;
+ LEAVE next packet .
+end of permanents :
+ word = permanent end OR packet link > end of permanent table
+ENDPROC next packet ;
+PROC prep bulletin :
+ forget (bulletin ds) ;
+ bulletin ds := nilspace ;
+ bulletin file := sequential file (output, bulletin ds) ;
+ line number := 0 ;
+ buffer := ""
+ENDPROC prep bulletin ;
+PROC show bulletin file :
+ IF within editor THEN ueberschrift neu FI ;
+ DATASPACE VAR local ds :: bulletin ds ;
+ FILE VAR local file :: sequential file (modify, local ds) ;
+ show (local file) ;
+ forget (local ds)
+ENDPROC show bulletin file ;
+PROC write bulletin line (TEXT CONST line) :
+ IF LENGTH buffer + LENGTH line > 75 THEN writeline FI ;
+ buffer CAT line
+ENDPROC write bulletin line ;
+PROC writeline :
+ write (bulletin file, buffer) ;
+ line (bulletin file) ;
+ line number INCR 1 ;
+ cout (line number) ;
+ buffer := indentation * " "
+ENDPROC writeline ;
+PROC writeline (INT CONST times) :
+ IF LENGTH compress(buffer) <> 0 THEN index := times - 1 ;
+ writeline
+ ELSE index := times
+ FI ;
+ line (bulletin file, index) ;
+ line number INCR index;
+ indentation := 0 ;
+ cout (line number)
+ENDPROC writeline ;
+PROC bulletin (TEXT CONST packet name) :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ scan (packet name) ;
+ next symbol (pattern) ;
+ to packet (pattern) ;
+ IF found THEN list packet ;
+ show bulletin file
+ ELSE error stop (packet name + " ist kein Paketname")
+ FI .
+ENDPROC bulletin ;
+PROC list packet :
+ begin of packet := packet link + word length ;
+ write packet name ;
+ find end of packet ;
+ run through nametab and list all packet objects .
+find end of packet :
+ last packet entry := begin of packet ;
+ last packet entry INCR wordlength ;
+ word := cdb int (last packet entry) ;
+ UNTIL end of packet entries PER .
+end of packet entries :
+ word = permanent packet OR word = permanent end .
+run through nametab and list all packet objects :
+ hashtable pointer := begin of hashtable ;
+ nt link := hashtable pointer ;
+ list objects of current packet in this chain ;
+ next hash entry
+ UNTIL end of hashtable reached ENDREP .
+list objects of current packet in this chain :
+ WHILE yet another nt entry REP
+ permanent pointer := cdb int (nt link + wordlength) ;
+ put objects of this name
+ PER .
+put objects of this name :
+ IF there is an entry THEN into bulletin FI .
+there is an entry :
+ NOT packet entry AND
+ there is at least one object of this name in the current packet .
+there is at least one object of this name in the current packet :
+ IF permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
+ permanent pointer < last packet entry
+ THEN LEAVE there is at least one object of this name
+ in the current packet WITH TRUE FI ;
+ next procedure
+ UNTIL permanent pointer = 0 PER ;
+into bulletin :
+ object name := cdb text (nt link + two word length) ;
+ object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC within packet)
+ENDPROC list packet ;
+BOOL PROC within packet :
+ permanent pointer >= begin of packet AND
+ permanent pointer < last packet entry
+ENDPROC within packet ;
+PROC object names into bulletin (BOOL PROC link ok) :
+ scan (object name) ;
+ next symbol (dummy name, mode) ;
+ IF type definition THEN put type definition
+ ELSE put object definitions
+ FI .
+type definition :
+ mode = bold AND no params .
+no params :
+ cdb int (permanent pointer + word length) >= permanent type .
+put type definition :
+ put obj name (object name) ;
+ write bulletin line ("TYPE ") ;
+ writeline (1) .
+put object definitions :
+ WHILE link ok REP
+ put specifications (object name) ;
+ next procedure
+ENDPROC object names into bulletin ;
+PROC bulletin :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ packet link := first permanent entry ;
+ list packet ;
+ write line (4) ;
+ next packet
+ UNTIL NOT found PER ;
+ show bulletin file
+ENDPROC bulletin ;
+PROC put obj name (TEXT CONST name) :
+ buffer := " " ;
+ bulletin name := point line ;
+ change (bulletin name, 1, end of line or name, name) ;
+ buffer CAT bulletin name ;
+ indentation := LENGTH buffer + 1 .
+end of line or name :
+ min (LENGTH name, LENGTH bulletin name)
+ENDPROC put obj name ;
+PROC packets :
+ prep bulletin ;
+ packet link := first permanent entry ;
+ object name := packet name ;
+ put obj name (object name) ;
+ write line ;
+ next packet
+ UNTIL NOT found PER ;
+ show bulletin file
+ENDPROC packets ;
+(* *)
+(* 11. ELAN Run-Interface 04.08.1986 *)
+(* *)
+(* Uebersetzen von ELAN-Programmen *)
+(* Bereitstellen der Ausgabeprozeduren fuer den ELAN-Compiler *)
+(* *)
+BOOL VAR list option := FALSE ,
+ check option := TRUE ,
+ warning option := FALSE ,
+ listing enabled := FALSE ;
+FILE VAR listing file ;
+TEXT VAR listing file name := "" ;
+PROC run (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ enable stop ;
+ IF NOT exists (file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ FI ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ run elan (file name, no ins)
+END PROC run;
+PROC run :
+ run (last param)
+ENDPROC run ;
+PROC run again :
+ IF run again mod nr <> 0
+ THEN elan (run again mode, bulletin file, "", run again mod nr,
+ no ins, no lst, check option, no sermon)
+ ELSE errorstop ("'run again' nicht moeglich")
+ FI
+ENDPROC run again ;
+PROC insert (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ enable stop ;
+ IF NOT exists (file name)
+ THEN errorstop ("""" + file name + """ gibt es nicht")
+ FI ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ run elan (file name, ins)
+ENDPROC insert ;
+PROC insert :
+ insert (last param)
+ENDPROC insert ;
+PROC run elan (TEXT CONST file name, BOOL CONST insert option) :
+ FILE VAR source := sequential file (modify, file name) ;
+ IF listing enabled
+ THEN open listing file
+ FI ;
+ disable stop ;
+ no do again ;
+ elan (compile file mode, source, "" , run again mod nr,
+ insert option, list option, check option, sermon) ;
+ IF anything noted AND command dialogue
+ THEN ignore halt during compiling ;
+ note edit (source) ;
+ last param (file name) ;
+ errorstop ("")
+ FI .
+ignore halt during compiling :
+ IF is error
+ THEN put error ;
+ clear error ;
+ pause (5)
+ FI .
+open listing file :
+ listing file := sequential file (output, listing file name) ;
+ max line length (listing file, 130)
+ENDPROC run elan ;
+PROC out text (TEXT CONST text, INT CONST out type) :
+ INTERNAL 257 ;
+ IF online
+ THEN out (text)
+ FI ;
+ IF out type = error message OR (warning option AND out type = warning message)
+ THEN note (text) ;
+ FI ;
+ IF listing enabled
+ THEN write (listing file, text)
+ FI
+ENDPROC out text ;
+PROC out line (INT CONST out type) :
+ INTERNAL 258 ;
+ IF online
+ THEN out (""13""10"")
+ FI ;
+ IF out type = error message
+ OR (warning option AND out type = warning message)
+ THEN note line
+ ELIF listing enabled
+ THEN line (listing file)
+ FI
+ENDPROC out line ;
+PROC prot (TEXT CONST file name) :
+ list option := TRUE ;
+ listing file name := file name ;
+ listing enabled := TRUE
+ENDPROC prot ;
+PROC prot off :
+ list option := FALSE ;
+ listing enabled := FALSE
+ENDPROC prot off ;
+BOOL PROC prot :
+ list option
+ENDPROC prot ;
+PROC check on :
+ check option := TRUE
+ENDPROC check on ;
+PROC check off :
+ check option := FALSE
+ENDPROC check off ;
+BOOL PROC check :
+ check option
+ENDPROC check ;
+PROC warnings on :
+ warning option := TRUE
+ENDPROC warnings on ;
+PROC warnings off :
+ warning option := FALSE
+ENDPROC warnings off ;
+BOOL PROC warnings :
+ warning option
+ENDPROC warnings ;
+ENDPACKET eumel coder ;
+PACKET dint2 DEFINES dint type :
+INT VAR dummy ;
+identify ("DINT", dummy, dummy, d) ;
+DTYPE CONST dint type := d
+ENDPACKET dint2 ;