path: root/system/shard-x86-at/7/src/PATCH.ELA
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diff --git a/system/shard-x86-at/7/src/PATCH.ELA b/system/shard-x86-at/7/src/PATCH.ELA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f34f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/shard-x86-at/7/src/PATCH.ELA
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+(* SHard-Patcher fuer Schoenbeck AT-Shard V2.7:
+ - Vortest/Speichertest
+ - Keyboard Repeatfrequenz
+ - Baudrates 19200/38400 werden angeboten
+ - Refresh-Intervall änderbar (bis zu 5% mehr Leistung)
+ - control (-3,,,r) liefert im Highbyte das Modemstatusregister (RI etc.)
+ - control (-5,8,,r) geht in ruc-Bios-Graphikmodus (mit Textausgabe:
+ Text mit 'out', 'put' etc. schreiben, cursor (x, y) mit y:1..43,
+ Codes ""4"", ""5"", Scroll löschen jetzt vernünftig (Attribut von 7 auf
+ 0 geändert),
+ Achtung: getcursor (x, y) im 'begin plot' einbauen.
+ cursor (x,y) im 'end plot' einbauen, wegen y<25 im Textmodus!)
+ - Kanal 30 (Archiv 1) jetzt für MF-Laufwerke (5.25" bzw. 3.5"), Default-
+ Size ist 1.2MB (Achtung bei Formatieren von 3.5"-Floppys!)
+ - Mit control (-10/-11,...) ("stop", "weiter") wird an den RS232-Kanälen
+ jetzt nicht nur RTS active/inactive gesetzt sondern auch DTR (Modem).
+ - An Kanal 32:
+ Mit control (-3, x, mcr*32+kanal, r) (mcr ist Modemcontrolregister Wert,
+ x egal) können RTS, DTR explizit gesetzt werden.
+ - id (6) > 0 : SHard wurde gepatcht.
+ Michael Staubermann, Version 2: 09.10.87, Keyboardrepeat, Baudrates
+ Version 3: 04.11.87, Graphikcursor & Graphikmodi
+ Version 3.1: 20.11.87, >32MB Partitionen f. M+
+ Version 4: 04.12.87, TX-Interrupt restart
+ Version 4.1: 10.01.88, Refresh-Intervall änderbar
+ Version 5: 21.02.88, Kanal 30 1.2MB-Format (3.5")
+ Version 5.1: 22.02.88,
+LET setup channel = 28 ;
+LET max partitions = 4 ,
+ patch version = 5 ,
+ shard bloecke = 18 ;
+patch shard ;
+ROW shard bloecke ROW 256 INT VAR block ;
+ROW shard bloecke BOOL VAR modified ;
+INT VAR old session := 0 ;
+REAL VAR partition size := 0.0, partition start 1 := 256.0 * 65536.0 -1.0 ;
+INT VAR i ;
+FOR i FROM 1 UPTO shard bloecke REP
+ modified (i) := FALSE
+PER ;
+ROW 256 INT VAR partition table ;
+INT OP & (TEXT CONST hex) :
+ INT VAR i, h := 0 ;
+ IF LENGTH hex > 4 THEN errorstop ("OP &: LENGTH > 4") FI ;
+ rotate (h, 4) ;
+ INT CONST c :: code (hex SUB i) ;
+ IF c >= 97 AND c <= 102
+ THEN h := h OR (c-87)
+ ELIF c >= 65 AND c <= 70
+ THEN h := h OR (c-55)
+ ELIF c >= 48 AND c <= 57
+ THEN h := h OR (c-48)
+ ELSE errorstop ("OP &: ungültiges Hexdigit ("+code(c)+")")
+ FI ;
+ PER ;
+ h
+ENDOP & ;
+TEXT OP % (INT CONST int) :
+ LET hex = "0123456789ABCDEF" ;
+ TEXT VAR t := "" ;
+ INT VAR i, r := int ;
+ rotate (r, 4) ;
+ t CAT (hex SUB ((r AND 15)+1)) ;
+ PER ;
+ t
+ENDOP % ;
+PROC poke (INT CONST shard adr, INT CONST byte) :
+ (* Der Shard beginnt bei 1280 d.h. 0500H, EUCONECT bei 504H (='EUMEL') *)
+ INT VAR block no, block offset ;
+ IF shard adr < 256
+ THEN errorstop ("poke: Adresse < 256") ;
+ LEAVE poke
+ FI ;
+ block offset := shard adr-256 ;
+ rotate (block offset, -1) ;
+ block offset := (block offset AND 255) + 1 ;
+ block no := shard adr - 256 ;
+ rotate (block no, -9) ;
+ block no := (block no AND 63) + 1 ;
+ IF block no < 1 OR block no > shard bloecke
+ THEN errorstop ("poke: falsche Adresse") ;
+ LEAVE poke
+ FI ;
+ TEXT VAR t := " " ;
+ replace (t, 1, block (block no)(block offset)) ;
+ replace (t, (shard adr AND 1) + 1, code (byte AND 255)) ;
+ modified (block no) := TRUE ;
+ block (block no)(block offset) := t ISUB 1 ;
+ENDPROC poke ;
+PROC poke2 (INT CONST shard adr, INT CONST word) :
+ INT VAR r := word ;
+ poke (shard adr, r) ;
+ rotate (r, 8) ;
+ poke (shard adr+1, r) ;
+ENDPROC poke2 ;
+PROC poken (INT CONST shard adr, TEXT CONST str) :
+ INT VAR i, adr := shard adr ;
+ i := 1 ;
+ IF (str SUB i+2) = " " OR (str SUB i+2) = ""
+ THEN poke (adr, &subtext (str, i, i+1)) ;
+ i INCR 3 ;
+ adr INCR 1
+ ELIF (str SUB i+4) = " " OR (str SUB i+4) = ""
+ THEN poke2 (adr, &subtext (str, i, i+3)) ;
+ i INCR 5 ;
+ adr INCR 2
+ ELSE errorstop ("poken: Zuviele zusammenhängende Bytes")
+ FI ;
+ PER ;
+ENDPROC poken ;
+INT PROC peek (INT CONST shard adr) :
+ INT VAR block no, block offset ;
+ block offset := shard adr ;
+ IF shard adr < 256
+ THEN errorstop ("peek: Adresse < 256") ;
+ LEAVE peek WITH 0
+ FI ;
+ block offset := shard adr-256 ;
+ rotate (block offset, -1) ;
+ block offset := (block offset AND 255) + 1 ;
+ block no := shard adr-256 ;
+ rotate (block no, -9) ;
+ block no := (block no AND 63) + 1 ;
+ IF block no < 1 OR block no > shard bloecke
+ THEN errorstop ("peek: falsche Adresse") ;
+ LEAVE peek WITH 0
+ FI ;
+ TEXT VAR t := " " ;
+ replace (t, 1, block (block no)(block offset)) ;
+ code (t SUB ((shard adr AND 1) + 1))
+ENDPROC peek ;
+INT PROC peek2 (INT CONST shard adr) :
+ INT VAR r := peek (shard adr + 1) ;
+ rotate (r, 8) ;
+ r + peek (shard adr)
+ENDPROC peek2 ;
+PROC get partition :
+ INT VAR partition, cyls, heads, secs ;
+ get media size (setup channel, cyls, heads, secs) ;
+ get partition table ;
+ get partition number from user ;
+ line ;
+ IF (partition size high AND -256) <> 0 OR
+ (partition start high AND -256) <> 0
+ THEN errorstop ("Sorry, Partitionsangaben zu hoch")
+ FI ;
+ line ;
+ partition start1 := real24 (partition start high, partition start low)-1.0;
+ partition size := real24 (partition size high, partition size low) ;
+ putline ("Platte hat " + text (cyls) + " Cylinder, " + text (heads) +
+ " Heads, " + text (secs) + " Sektoren = " +
+ text (real(cyls)*real(heads)*real(secs)/2048.0, 5, 1) + " MB") ;
+ putline ("Partionsanfang: " +
+ text ((partition start 1+1.0)/2.0, 6, 0) + " KB = Cylinder " +
+ text (int ((partition start 1+1.0)/real(secs)/real(heads)))) ;
+ putline ("Partionsgrösse: " + text (partition size/2.0, 6, 0) + " KB = " +
+ text (int (partition size/real(secs)/real(heads))) + " Cylinder");
+ put ("Diese Partition ist") ;
+ IF NOT partition active
+ THEN put (""15"nicht"14"")
+ FI ;
+ putline ("aktiviert.") ;
+ line .
+get partition table :
+ blockin (setup channel, partition table, 0.0) .
+get partition number from user :
+ FOR partition FROM 1 UPTO max partitions REP
+ IF eumel partition CAND yes ("EUMEL-Partiton " +
+ text (partition type) + " patchen")
+ THEN LEAVE get partition number from user
+ FI
+ PER ;
+ partition := 0 ;
+ errorstop ("Keine EUMEL Partition gefunden") .
+eumel partition :
+ partition type >= 69 AND partition type <= 72 .
+entry : 216 + partition * 8 .
+partition active : bit (partition table (entry), 7) .
+partition type : partition table (entry + 2) AND 255 .
+partition start low : partition table (entry + 4) .
+partition start high: partition table (entry + 5) .
+partition size low : partition table (entry + 6) .
+partition size high: partition table (entry + 7) .
+ENDPROC get partition ;
+PROC read shard :
+ INT VAR i ;
+ old session := session ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO shard bloecke REP
+ cout (i) ;
+ modified (i) := FALSE ;
+ blockin (setup channel, block (i), partition start1 + real(i-1))
+ PER ;
+ENDPROC read shard ;
+PROC write shard :
+ INT VAR i ;
+ FOR i FROM 1 UPTO shard bloecke REP
+ IF modified (i)
+ THEN IF session <> old session
+ THEN errorstop ("RERUN während patch")
+ FI ;
+ blockout (setup channel, block (i), partition start1+real(i-1)) ;
+ modified (i) := FALSE
+ FI ;
+ cout (i)
+ENDPROC write shard ;
+REAL PROC real24 (INT CONST high, low) :
+ real (high) * 65536.0 + low real .
+low real :
+ IF low < 0
+ THEN real (low) + 65536.0
+ ELSE real (low)
+ FI
+ENDPROC real24 ;
+PROC split real24 (REAL CONST r, INT VAR high, low) :
+ high := int (r/65536.0) ;
+ low := (code (int (r MOD 256.0)) +
+ code (int ((r MOD 65536.0)/256.0))) ISUB1
+ENDPROC split real24 ;
+PROC patch shard :
+ get partition ;
+ read shard ;
+ check if patch possible ;
+ patch baudrate ;
+ patch id and mode ;
+ patch typematic ;
+ patch refresh ;
+ patch modem status ;
+ patch cursor maxima ;
+ patch attribute bytes ;
+ patch out restart ;
+ patch dtr inactive ;
+ patch mcr set routine ;
+ patch archive 1 format ;
+ IF yes ("Änderungen permanent machen")
+ THEN write shard ;
+ putline ("Änderungen durchgeführt, System neu booten.") ;
+ ELSE putline ("Keine Änderungen durchgeführt.") ;
+ FI .
+check if patch possible :
+ IF peek2 (&"0300") <> &"05EA"
+ THEN errorstop ("Partition enthaelt keinen SHard")
+ ELSE IF peek2 (shard ver) <> 7
+ THEN errorstop ("Dies ist die falsche SHard-Version")
+ ELIF peek2 (id6) = patch version
+ THEN putline ("Hinweis: Dieser SHard wurde bereits gepatcht")
+ ELIF peek2 (id6) <> 0
+ THEN putline ("Der SHard-Patch wird upgedated")
+ FI
+ FI .
+shard ver: &"0554" .
+mode: &"0556" .
+id 6: &"055C" .
+patch baudrate :
+ putline ("Baudrates 50, 75 entfernt, 19200, 38400 eingefügt.") ;
+ poke2 (&"07E8", 1047) ; (* 3: 110 *)
+ poke2 (&"07EA", 857) ; (* 4: 134.5 *)
+ poke2 (&"07EC", 768) ; (* 5: 150 *)
+ poke2 (&"07EE", 384) ; (* 6: 300 *)
+ poke2 (&"07F0", 192) ; (* 7: 600 *)
+ poke2 (&"07F2", 96) ; (* 8: 1200 *)
+ poke2 (&"07F4", 64) ; (* 9: 1800 *)
+ poke2 (&"07F6", 48) ; (* 10: 2400 *)
+ poke2 (&"07F8", 32) ; (* 11: 3600 *)
+ poke2 (&"07FA", 24) ; (* 12: 4800 *)
+ poke2 (&"07FC", 16) ; (* 13: 7200 *)
+ poke2 (&"07FE", 12) ; (* 14: 9600 *)
+ poke2 (&"0800", 6) ; (* 15: 19200 *)
+ poke2 (&"0802", 3) ; (* 16: 38400 *)
+ (* Korrektur der Adressoffsetberechnung auf Baudtable *)
+ (* Maschinencode nicht veraendern!
+ 08F4:
+ i8250_baud:
+ CMP BH,17
+ JNC i8250_not_ok
+ CMP BH,3
+ JC i8250_not_ok
+ ....
+ 0918:
+ MOV AX,WORD PTR i8250_baud_table-6[BX]
+ poken (&"08F4", "17 73 75 80 FF 03 72 70") ;
+ poken (&"0918", "87 E2") .
+patch id and mode :
+ poke2 (id6, patch version) ; (* Update Patch Version *)
+ IF yes ("Soll ein Vortest durchgeführt werden")
+ THEN IF yes ("Soll ein Speichertest durchgefuehrt werden")
+ THEN poke2 (mode, 0)
+ ELSE poke2 (mode, 256)
+ FI
+ ELSE poke2 (mode, 512)
+ FI .
+patch modem status:
+ poke (&"0A5D", 6) . (* Modem Status Register Offset = 6 *)
+patch typematic: (* Nur mit ruc-Bios *)
+ INT VAR typematic ;
+ IF yes ("Schneller Keyboardrepeat")
+ THEN typematic := 4 (* Fast *)
+ ELSE typematic := 2 * 256 + 12 (* Standard *)
+ FI ;
+ (* Maschinencode, nicht veraendern!
+ 0E20:
+ XOR AX,AX ; Set Default Video Mode
+ INT 10H
+ MOV AX,0342 ; Set Typematic + Marwin
+ MOV BX,typematic ; BH = Delay (0..3), BL = Rate (0..31)
+ INT 16H
+ 0E2C:
+ MOV AL,54H ; Ab hier in 'patch refresh'
+ OUT [43H],AL ;
+ JMP $+2 ;
+ MOV AL,interval ; interval = 1.19 * us
+ OUT [41H],AL ;
+ RET ; End pc_init
+ poken (&"0E20", "33 C0 CD 10 B8 42 03 BB " + %typematic + " CD 16 C3") .
+ (* RET wird ueberschrieben von Refresh *)
+patch refresh:
+ INT VAR refresh ;
+ TEXT VAR ref := "15.126" ;
+ line ;
+ putline ("215us Refresh-Intervall bringen 5% mehr RAM-Performance.") ;
+ putline ("Achtung: Nicht bei allen RAMs moeglich (z.B. 120ns Toshiba nicht).") ;
+ put ("RAM-Refresh Intervall (in us):") ;
+ editget (ref) ; line ;
+ refresh := int (1.19 * real (ref) + 0.5) ;
+ IF refresh < 1
+ THEN refresh := 1
+ ELIF refresh > 255
+ THEN refresh := 256
+ FI ;
+ put (real (refresh) / 1.19) ;
+ putline ("us Refresh-Intervall eingestellt.") ;
+ IF refresh = 256 THEN refresh := 0 FI ;
+ poken (&"0E2C", "B0 54 E6 43 EB 00 B0 " + subtext (%refresh, 3, 4) +
+ " E6 41 C3") .
+patch cursor maxima:
+(* Es werden nur die Maxima bei CURSOR(,) veraendert, CLEOL, CLEOP,SCROLL
+ etc. arbeiten weiter mit 24 Zeilen, 80 Spalten *)
+ (* CURSOR y:0..43, x:0..89 EUMEL lässt allerdings nur 0..79 zu *)
+ poke (&"0EFF", 43) ;
+ poke (&"0F16", 89) .
+patch attribute bytes:
+ poke (&"0FD4", 0) ; poke (&"0FE8", 0) ; (* CLEOP *)
+ poke (&"1002", 0) ; (* CLREOL *)
+ poke (&"1027", 0) . (* SCROLL *)
+patch out restart :
+ poke (&"09BA", 0) . (* out_restart immer: JP $+0 *)
+patch dtr inactive :
+ poke (&"0A30", 8) . (* RTS + DTR inaktiv, OUT2 muss an bleiben *)
+patch mcr set routine :
+ (*
+ 0812: 20 Bytes zur Verfügung
+ MOV DX,(DI+i8250_base)
+ ADD DX,i8250_mcr
+ MOV AL,BH ; Highbyte 2. IOCONTROL Parameter
+ MOV CX,0
+ *)
+ poken (&"0812", "8B 95 1B 00 83 C2 04 88 F8 EE B9 00 00 C3") .
+patch archive 1 format :
+ line ;
+ putline ("Archiv-Kanal 30-Laufwerk (bitte Typnummer angeben):") ;
+ putline (" 0: Nicht vorhanden") ;
+ putline (" 1: 360K (Standard/Doublestep)") ;
+ putline (" 2: 720K (Standard/Singlestep)") ;
+ putline (" 3: 1.2MB (Multifunction)") ;
+ putline ("ESC: Nichts verändern") ;
+ put ("Typ:") ;
+ TEXT VAR t ;
+ REP inchar (t) UNTIL t >= "0" AND t <= "3" OR t = ""27"" PER ;
+ putline (t) ;
+ line ;
+ IF t = "0" OR t = "1"
+ THEN poken (&"21DE", "00 01")
+ ELIF t = "2"
+ THEN poken (&"21DE", "04 02")
+ ELIF t = "3"
+ THEN poken (&"21DE", "01 03")
+ FI .
+ENDPROC patch shard ;
+PROC blockin (INT CONST kanal, ROW 256 INT VAR block, REAL CONST blockno) :
+ INT VAR r, my channel :: channel, high, low ;
+ split real24 (blockno, high, low) ;
+ continue (kanal) ;
+ blockin (block, high AND 255, low, r) ;
+ continue (my channel) ;
+ CASE 0 :
+ CASE 1 : errorstop ("Harddisk kann nicht gelesen werden")
+ CASE 2 : errorstop ("Lesefehler bei Block " + text (blockno))
+ CASE 3 : errorstop ("Block " + text(blockno) + " zu hoch")
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("unbekannter Lesefehler auf Harddisk")
+ENDPROC blockin ;
+PROC blockout (INT CONST kanal, ROW 256 INT VAR block, REAL CONST blockno):
+ INT VAR r, my channel :: channel, high, low ;
+ split real24 (blockno, high, low) ;
+ continue (kanal) ;
+ blockout (block, high AND 255, low, r) ;
+ continue (my channel) ;
+ CASE 0 :
+ CASE 1 : errorstop ("Harddisk kann nicht beschrieben werden")
+ CASE 2 : errorstop ("Schreibfehler bei Block " + text (blockno))
+ CASE 3 : errorstop ("Block " + text (blockno) + " zu hoch")
+ OTHERWISE errorstop ("unbekannter Schreibfehler auf Harddisk")
+ENDPROC blockout ;
+PROC get media size (INT CONST kanal, INT VAR cyls, heads, secs) :
+ INT CONST old channel :: channel ;
+ continue (kanal) ;
+ control (-10, 0, 0, cyls) ; cyls INCR 1 ;
+ control (-11, 0, 0, secs) ;
+ control (-12, 0, 0, heads) ;
+ continue (old channel)
+ENDPROC get media size ;
+PROC dump block (INT CONST adr) :
+FOR i FROM adr UPTO adr+511 REP
+ IF (i AND 15) = 0
+ THEN line ;
+ put (%i+":") ;
+ t := "" ;
+ FI ;
+ INT CONST j :: peek (i) ;
+ IF j < 32 OR j > 126 THEN t CAT "."
+ ELSE t CAT code (j) FI ;
+ outsubtext (%j, 3, 4) ;
+ out (" ") ;
+ IF (i AND 15) = 15
+ THEN out (t)
+ FI
+PER ;
+ENDPROC dump block ;
+putline ("Partitionstabelle lesen...") ;
+get partition ;
+putline ("SHard lesen...") ;
+read shard ;
+put (%peek (1364)) ;