path: root/system/shard-z80-ruc-64180/1.5/src/NIBLE.INC
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'system/shard-z80-ruc-64180/1.5/src/NIBLE.INC')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/system/shard-z80-ruc-64180/1.5/src/NIBLE.INC b/system/shard-z80-ruc-64180/1.5/src/NIBLE.INC
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25971bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/system/shard-z80-ruc-64180/1.5/src/NIBLE.INC
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+; NIBLE.INC for RUC180-Card on BASIS 108
+; Version 08.09.85
+nible2 ds 57
+slot10 db 0
+iob_old_S db 60
+iob_old_D db 60
+head_table db 0,60,60,60,60,60
+slotn db 60,50,40
+time0 db 01,30,28,24,20,1E,1D,1C
+time1 db 70,2C,26,22,1F,1E,1D,1C
+ lda #00 ; wird gepatcht
+ LDX #11
+wait0 DEX
+ BNE wait0
+ INC wait_Cnt
+ BNE wait1
+ INC wait_Cnt+1
+wait1 SEC
+ SBC #01
+ BNE wait
+ ds 96-low(*-start)
+ db 000,004
+ db 098,099,008,00C,09C,010,014,018
+ db 0A0,0A1,0A2,0A3,0A4,0A5,01C,020
+ db 0A8,0A9,0AA,024,028,02C,030,034
+ db 0B0,0B1,038,03C,040,044,048,04C
+ db 0B8,050,054,058,05C,060,064,068
+ ;LDA #xx 2
+ ;JSR wrtnibl 6 6
+wrt_nibl ; len=10
+ CLC ; 2
+ PHA ; 3 3
+ PLA ; 4 4
+ STA Q6on,X ; 5 5
+ ORA Q6off,X ; 4 4
+ RTS ; + 6 + 6
+ ; ---- ---
+ ; 32 28 uS
+ db 0CA,06C,0CC,070,074,078
+ db 0D0,0D1,0D2,07C,0D4,0D5,080,084
+ db 0D8,088,08C,090,094,098,09C,0A0
+ db 0E0,0E1,0E2,0E3,0E4,0A4,0A8,0AC
+ db 0E8,0B0,0B4,0B8,0BC,0C0,0C4,0C8
+ db 0F0,0F1,0CC,0D0,0D4,0D8,0DC,0E0
+ db 0F8,0E4,0E8,0EC,0F0,0F4,0F8,0FC
+ if low(*-start) ne 0
+ .printx 'Missing bytes !'
+ endif
+ db 000,000,000
+ db 096,002,000,000,097
+ db 001,000,000,09A,003,000,000,09B
+ db 000,002,000,09D,002,002,000,09E
+ db 001,002,000,09F,003,002,000,0A6
+ db 000,001,000,0A7,002,001,000,0AB
+ db 001,001,000,0AC,003,001,000,0AD
+ db 000,003,000,0AE,002,003,000,0AF
+ db 001,003,000,0B2,003,003,000,0B3
+ db 000,000,002,0B4,002,000,002,0B5
+ db 001,000,002,0B6,003,000,002,0B7
+ db 000,002,002,0B9,002,002,002,0BA
+ db 001,002,002,0BB,003,002,002,0BC
+ db 000,001,002,0BD,002,001,002,0BE
+ db 001,001,002,0BF,003,001,002,0CB
+ db 000,003,002,0CD,002,003,002,0CE
+ db 001,003,002,0CF,003,003,002,0D3
+ db 000,000,001,0D6,002,000,001,0D7
+ db 001,000,001,0D9,003,000,001,0DA
+ db 000,002,001,0DB,002,002,001,0DC
+ db 001,002,001,0DD,003,002,001,0DE
+ db 000,001,001,0DF,002,001,001,0E5
+ db 001,001,001,0E6,003,001,001,0E7
+ db 000,003,001,0E9,002,003,001,0EA
+ db 001,003,001,0EB,003,003,001,0EC
+ db 000,000,003,0ED,002,000,003,0EE
+ db 001,000,003,0EF,003,000,003,0F2
+ db 000,002,003,0F3,002,002,003,0F4
+ db 001,002,003,0F5,003,002,003,0F6
+ db 000,001,003,0F7,002,001,003,0F9
+ db 001,001,003,0FA,003,001,003,0FB
+ db 000,003,003,0FC,002,003,003,0FD
+ db 001,003,003,0FE,003,003,003,0FF
+ if low (*-start) ne 0
+ .printx 'Missing bytes'
+ endif
+; Ende von NIBLE.INC
+ \ No newline at end of file