path: root/
diff options
authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2016-09-17 11:19:41 +0200
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2016-09-17 11:19:41 +0200
commitfef880f42c74cc40c3faa34bd439a0f4e9f0ebd5 (patch)
tree2cea0f524d6052afc92c657593eccefb064d53e1 /
parent903cb02e7235bbdcc5e77373836bc8eb36e5ec65 (diff)
Move formatRefs to tools
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8189f2d..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal, Graph, Namespace
-from rdflib.namespace import RDF, NamespaceManager
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-import sys
-from itertools import chain
-def first (it):
- try:
- return next (it)
- except StopIteration:
- return None
-def humanList (l):
- if len (l) == 0:
- return ''
- elif len (l) == 1:
- return l[0]
- else:
- return ', '.join (l[:-1]) + ' and ' + l[-1]
-def formatDomain (url):
- d = urlparse (url).hostname
- if d.startswith ('www.'):
- d = d[4:]
- return d
-def formatPerson (s, g, n):
- firstname = first (g.objects (n, s.givenName))
- familyname = first (g.objects (n, s.familyName))
- if firstname:
- return '{} {}'.format (firstname, familyname)
- else:
- return familyname
-def formatParent (s, g, n, useName = True):
- ret = []
- if useName:
- parentname = first (g.objects (n,
- if parentname:
- ret.append (parentname)
- volume = first (g.objects (n, s.volumeNumber))
- if volume:
- ret.append ('volume {}'.format (volume))
- issue = first (g.objects (n, s.issueNumber))
- if issue:
- ret.append ('issue {}'.format (issue))
- # pages
- start = first (g.objects (n, s.pageStart))
- end = first (g.objects (n, s.pageEnd))
- if start:
- num = int (end)-int (start)
- if end and num >= 1:
- ret.append ('pp. {}–{}'.format (start, end))
- else:
- ret.append ('p. {}'.format (start))
- return ', '.join (ret)
-def relUri (base, u):
- if u.startswith (base):
- return u[len (base):]
- else:
- return u
-def hideLocalUri (base, l):
- """
- Show local uris only iff no other sources are available
- """
- l = list (l)
- notLocal = list (filter (lambda u: relUri (base, u) == u, l))
- return notLocal or l
-def getRecursive (s, g, n, predicate):
- """
- Look for predicate in n and all Things it is a part of until it is found
- """
- res = g.objects (n, predicate)
- if res:
- yield from res
- parents = g.objects (n, s.isPartOf)
- for p in parents:
- yield from getRecursive (s, g, p, predicate)
-def getRecursiveAll (s, g, n, predicate):
- parents = list (g.objects (n, predicate))
- yield from parents
- for p in parents:
- yield from getRecursiveAll (s, g, p, predicate)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- g = Graph()
- result = g.parse ("index.ttl", format='turtle')
- rootUri = sys.argv[1]
- rootNode = URIRef (rootUri)
- s = Namespace("")
- for ref in result.objects (rootNode, s.citation):
- t = list (g.objects (ref, RDF.type))
- assert len (t) == 1
- t = t[0]
- # object _must_ have a name
- what = first (g.objects (ref,
- # look for people who wrote/translated/edited it
- who = map (lambda a: formatPerson (s, g, a), getRecursive (s, g, ref,
- #who = chain (who, map (lambda a: formatPerson (s, g, a) + ' (ed.)', getRecursive (s, g, ref, s.editor)))
- #who = chain (who, map (lambda a: formatPerson (s, g, a) + ' (trans.)', getRecursive (s, g, ref, s.translator)))
- who = humanList (list (who))
- # when was it published?
- when = first (getRecursive (s, g, ref, s.datePublished))
- # where can we find it? (print)
- # print from root to ref (i.e. magazine, volume, issue)
- parents = reversed (list (getRecursiveAll (s, g, ref, s.isPartOf)))
- where = [formatParent (s, g, p) for p in parents]
- thiswhere = formatParent (s, g, ref, False)
- if thiswhere:
- where.append (thiswhere)
- # where can we find it? (online)
- urls = hideLocalUri (rootUri, g.objects (ref, s.url))
- urls = ['`{} <{}>`__'.format (formatDomain (url), relUri (rootUri, url)) for url in urls]
- refname = urlparse (ref).fragment
- if not refname:
- refname = first (g.objects (ref, s.alternateName))
- ret = '.. [{}] \\ '.format (refname)
- if who:
- ret += ' {}:'.format (who)
- ret += ' *{}*.'.format (what)
- if where:
- ret += ' {}.'.format (', '.join (where))
- if when:
- ret += ' {}.'.format (when)
- if urls:
- ret += ' {}.'.format (', '.join (urls))
- print (ret)