diff options
3 files changed, 959 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6e0be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+from rdflib import URIRef, BNode, Literal, Graph, Namespace
+from rdflib.namespace import RDF, NamespaceManager
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import sys
+def first (it):
+ try:
+ return next (it)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return None
+def humanList (l):
+ if len (l) == 0:
+ return ''
+ elif len (l) == 1:
+ return l[0]
+ else:
+ return ', '.join (l[:-1]) + ' and ' + l[-1]
+def formatDomain (url):
+ d = urlparse (url).hostname
+ if d.startswith ('www.'):
+ d = d[4:]
+ return d
+def formatPerson (s, g, n):
+ firstname = first (g.objects (n, s.givenName))
+ familyname = first (g.objects (n, s.familyName))
+ if firstname:
+ return '{} {}'.format (firstname, familyname)
+ else:
+ return familyname
+def formatParent (s, g, n):
+ parent = first (g.objects (n, s.isPartOf))
+ parentname = first (g.objects (parent, if parent else None
+ volume = first (g.objects (n, s.volumeNumber))
+ ret = ''
+ if parentname:
+ ret += '{}'.format (parentname)
+ if volume:
+ ret += ', volume {}'.format (volume)
+ issue = first (g.objects (parent, s.issueNumber))
+ if issue:
+ ret += ', issue {}'.format (issue)
+ return ret
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ g = Graph()
+ result = g.parse ("index.ttl", format='turtle')
+ s = Namespace("")
+ for ref in result.objects (predicate=s.citation):
+ t = list (g.objects (ref, RDF.type))
+ assert len (t) == 1
+ t = t[0]
+ name = first (g.objects (ref,
+ authors = humanList ([formatPerson (s, g, author) for author in g.objects (ref,])
+ published = first (g.objects (ref, s.datePublished ))
+ refname = urlparse (ref).fragment
+ if not refname:
+ refname = first (g.objects (ref, s.alternateName))
+ ret = '.. [{}]'.format (refname)
+ if authors:
+ ret += ' {}:'.format (authors)
+ ret += ' *{}*.'.format (name)
+ parent = formatParent (s, g, ref)
+ if parent:
+ ret += ' {}.'.format (parent)
+ if published:
+ ret += ' {}.'.format (published)
+ urls = ['`{} <{}>`__'.format (formatDomain (url), url) for url in g.objects (ref, s.url)]
+ if urls:
+ ret += ' {}.'.format (', '.join (urls))
+ print (ret)
diff --git a/index.rst b/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73183fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Not just a footnote of history: EUMEL
+:date: 2016-08-31
+:copyright: CC0_
+.. _CC0:
+.. note::
+ This documentation is work-in-progress. If you want to contribute floppies,
+ manuals or documentation contact me via `email <>`__ or
+ file an issue on GitHub_.
+.. _GitHub:
+The *E*\ xtendable multi *u*\ ser *m*\ icroprocessor *EL*\ AN system (EUMEL) is
+a microkernel-based operating system created in the 1980s. It is sometimes
+refered to as *Liedtke 2* (L2), named after its inventor Jochen Liedtke. L3,
+EUMEL’s successor, is still in use by a few legacy systems as of 2016.
+.. contents::
+EUMEL is different from conventional operating systems in a lot of ways. Some
+of them were neccessary due to hardware constraints at that time and others
+were deliberatly designed this way. EUMEL’s key features are:
+Hardware independence
+ The OS has *two* hardware abstraction layers, significantly improving its
+ portability. The first one, Software/Hardware (SHard), provides functions
+ for a concrete machine, such as the Olivietti M20, Amiga ST or IBM PC
+ AT/XT. EUMEL0 (Urlader), the second layer, implements a virtual machine on
+ top of a specific processor architecture like Z80 or x86. Programs are
+ compiled into bytecode for this machine and thus independent of the actual
+ machine they are running on.
+Single-level store
+ Every object (dataspace) lives in a single, virtual address space. The
+ memory is organized into pages, which can reside in memory or on disk.
+ The operating system transparently moves pages to disk if they have not
+ been in use lately and reads them back as soon as a process requests it
+ ([praxis2]_, p. 82).
+Copy on write
+ Pages are shareable and EUMEL automatically unshares them if one copy is
+ written to.
+ Every file and every task is a dataspace. Since they all reside in the
+ single-level store the machine can powered off and back on again, with all
+ tasks starting from the point where they left off.
+Time-sharing and multi-user
+ A single machine running EUMEL is capable of serving multiple “thin
+ clients” connected via serial lines.
+Quick start
+Fortunately a set of 1.2 MB install floppy disks of EUMEL’s x86 port has been
+preserved. It can be installed in any virtual machine emulating an
+IBM PC. In this example we’re using qemu_. The `first disk`__ is optional and
+contains `install instructions`_ in german language. The `second disk`__ is the
+bootable setup programs. It creates a partition on the harddrive, formats it
+and installs the SHard. `Disk three`__ contains EUMEL0 and base system.
+1. Create a 128 MB harddrive: ``qemu-img create root.img 128M``
+2. Start the setup program: ``qemu-system-i386 -drive
+ file=02_setup.img,if=floppy,format=raw -drive file=root.img,format=raw``
+3. Create a new partition by pressing ``1<return>``, confirm with ``j`` and
+ accept the following defaults with <return> or ``j``.
+4. If the main screen is displayed again press ``0<return>`` and confirm yet
+ again with ``j`` to exit setup. The screen should now read “E N D E”.
+5. Quit qemu and restart it with the third floppy disk. The bootloader
+ complains that “HG ungueltig”.
+6. Press any key followed by ``2`` and a confirmation with ``j``. Reset the
+ machine again.
+7. Now we have to set up the keyboard layout and time. Select “Kanal 1” with
+ ``j``, then press ``n`` until ``pc.1.25`` is displayed and confirm. Disable
+ “Kanal 2” and 15 with ``n`` and decline deleting those channels with ``n``.
+8. Congratulations, a fully functional EUMEL is now running in your virtual
+ machine! For the next steps head over to [praxis1]_.
+__ disks/grundpaket/01_readme.img
+__ disks/grundpaket/02_setup.img
+__ disks/grundpaket/03_eumel0.img
+.. _install instructions: 01_readme_INSTALL.txt
+.. _qemu:
+Auto-generated from `RDF graph`_.
+.. see
+.. include:: bib.rst
+.. _RDF graph: index.ttl
diff --git a/index.ttl b/index.ttl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b7ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.ttl
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+@base <> .
+@prefix s: <> .
+<./> a s:Article ;
+ s:name "Not just a footnote of history: EUMEL" ;
+ s:dateCreated "2016-08-26" ;
+ s:dateModified "2016-08-31" ;
+ s:license <> ;
+ s:citation
+ <#praxis1>, <#praxis2>, <#praxis3>,
+ <#computerwoche83a>, <#computerwoche88>, <#computerwoche79a>,
+ <#computerwoche83b>, <#computerwoche87>, <#computerwoche79b>,
+ <#computerwoche86a>, <#computerwoche85>, <#computerwoche91>,
+ <#computerwoche86b>,
+ <#happycomputer86>,
+ [ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros ;
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "5" ;
+ s:name "LOG IN" ] ;
+ s:alternateName "ambros90" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Zur Akzeptanz der EUMEL-Software" ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Systemhandbuch Stand 8.8.86" ;
+ s:alternateName "sys86" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "153" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_hahn ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Systemhandbuch, Version 1.7, Stand 13.3.85" ;
+ s:alternateName "sys85" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "116" ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_hahn ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ],
+ [ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "ST-Computer" ] ;
+ s:alternateName "stc87a" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL: Ein neues Betriebssystem für den Atari ST (Teil 1)" ],
+ [ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Noltemeier" ;
+ s:givenName "Albert" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "Data processing" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "148" ;
+ s:isbn "3-8007-1527-9" ] ;
+ s:alternateName "noltemeier87" ;
+ s:pageStart "43" ;
+ s:pageEnd "57" ;
+ s:inLanguage "en-US" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Goals and principles of the EUMEL operating system" ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn,
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Stock" ;
+ s:givenName "H. Peter" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1979" ;
+ s:isbn "3-400-00386-7" ;
+ s:name "ELAN-Handbuch" ;
+ s:alternateName "hahn79" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "155" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:publisher [ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft" ] ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Quellcode der insertierten ELAN-Pakete, Stand 10.11.86" ;
+ s:alternateName "source86" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke,
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Klingen" ;
+ s:givenName "Leo H." ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1985" ;
+ s:name "ELAN in 100 Beispielen" ;
+ s:alternateName "klingen85" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:isbn "978-3-519-02521-4" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:publisher [ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "B. G. Teubner" ] ],
+ [ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "ST-Computer" ] ;
+ s:alternateName "stc87c" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL - Ein neues Betriebssystem für den Atari ST (Teil 3)" ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Beyer" ],
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Klöckner" ],
+ _:person_liedtke,
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Szalay" ],
+ [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Wegener" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Systemkern, Entwurf zur Systemdokumentation" ;
+ s:alternateName "kernel83" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Quellcode der insertierten ELAN-Pakete, Stand 16.5.84" ;
+ s:alternateName "source84a" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher [ a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Universität Bielefeld and GMD" ] ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Quellcode der insertierten ELAN-Pakete, Stand 1.10.84" ;
+ s:alternateName "source84b" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd, _:org_hrz ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Benutzerhandbuch, Version 1.7" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "VIII, 452 S. : graph. Darst." ;
+ s:alternateName "hahn84" ;
+ # are those the same? first one is 500 pages
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ # another one?
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher [ a s:Organization ;
+ s:location "Bielefeld" ;
+ s:name "Hochschulrechenzentrum der Universität Bielefeld (HRZ)" ] ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_hahn ,
+ _:person_heinrichs ,
+ _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Benutzerhandbuch, Version 1.7" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "252" ;
+ s:alternateName "hahn86" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_hrz, _:org_gmd ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:sameAs <> ] ,
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:datePublished "1976" ;
+ s:alternateName "liedtke76" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:name "Implementation eines SLAN-Compilers, Teil 1" ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:datePublished "1986" ;
+ s:name "Betriebssystem EUMEL. Der EUMEL-SHard. Version 5.0" ;
+ s:alternateName "shard86" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ],
+ [ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Zielke" ;
+ s:givenName "Elmar" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "2014-11-03" ;
+ s:alternateName "zielke14" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:name "Restauration eines Olivetti M20" ],
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "44" ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ # number 107
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Klaus" ;
+ s:familyName "Görgen" ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-X.25 : Realisierung der CCITT-Schnittstelle X.25 (Schicht 3) auf einem EUMEL-System" ;
+ s:alternateName "görgen84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:numberOfPages "16" ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:alternateName "viebeg84" ;
+ # number 114
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Viebeg" ;
+ s:givenName "Ursula" ] ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "EUMEL.X29 : Realisierung eines Software-PAD auf einem EUMEL-System" ] ,
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:name "REMIS: Programmier-Handbuch" ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Schneider" ;
+ s:givenName "Udo" ] ;
+ s:numberOfPages "117" ;
+ s:alternateName "schneider84" ;
+ # 2. auflage
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ] ,
+ [ a s:Book ;
+ s:author _:person_bartling ;
+ s:alternateName "bartling76" ;
+ s:datePublished "1976" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:name "Implementation eines SLAN-Compilers, Teil 2" ] ,
+ [ a s:ScholarlyArticle ;
+ s:name "A Persistent System in Real Use – Experiences of the First 13 Years" ;
+ s:author _:person_liedtke ;
+ s:datePublished "1993" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:name "International Workshop on Object-Orientation in Operating Systems" ] ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "en-US" ;
+ s:alternateName "liedtke93"
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse,2,Modellcomputer MOCO" ;
+ s:author _:person_heyderhoff ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:namberOfPages "21" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "heyderhoff84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse 2: LISP-Handbuch" ;
+ s:author _:person_maccarthy ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "60" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "maccarthy84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse,2,Hamster-Modell" ;
+ s:author _:person_oppor ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "12" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "oppor84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse,2,DYNAMO-Compiler" ;
+ s:author _:person_craemer ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "13" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "craemer84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse,2,DASYS-Handbuch" ;
+ s:author _:person_bendisch ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "41" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "bendisch84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anwendersoftwareklasse,2,Compilerhandbuch BASIC" ;
+ s:author _:person_indenbirken ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd , _:org_hrz ;
+ s:datePublished "1984" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "71" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "indenbirken84" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "Anschluss eines EUMEL an die IBM 3083" ;
+ s:author _:person_wermelskirchen ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "17" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "wermelskirchen83" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:CreativeWork ;
+ s:name "DYNAMO auf dem EUMEL-System" ;
+ s:author _:person_craemer ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:datePublished "1983" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "52" ;
+ # number 17
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:alternateName "craemer83" ;
+ ] , [
+ a s:BlogPosting ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:name "Mit ELAN die Hardware vergessen (machen)" ;
+ s:author [ a s:Person ; s:givenName "Stefan" ; s:familyName "Höltgen" ] ;
+ s:datePublished "2012-01-05" ;
+ s:alternateName "höltgen12" ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_elan ;
+ ] .
+### EUMEL-Praxis ###
+_:thing_eumel-praxis a s:Book ;
+ s:name "EUMEL-Praxis" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros,
+ _:person_aschemann,
+ _:person_diehl ;
+ s:datePublished "1989" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumel-praxis ;
+ s:volumeNumber "1" ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-30313-6" ;
+ s:name "Für Einsteiger" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "205" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_j_b__metzler ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros,
+ _:person_aschemann,
+ _:person_diehl ;
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumel-praxis ;
+ s:volumeNumber "2" ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-30314-4" ;
+ s:name "Für Programmierer" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "195" ;
+ s:sameAs <>;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_j_b__metzler .
+ a s:PublicationVolume ;
+ s:author _:person_ambros,
+ _:person_aschemann,
+ _:person_diehl ;
+ s:datePublished "1991" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_eumel-praxis ;
+ s:volumeNumber "3" ;
+ s:isbn "3-476-30315-2" ;
+ s:name "Für Anwender" ;
+ s:numberOfPages "224" ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:publisher _:org_j_b__metzler .
+_:thing_gmd_arbeitspapiere a s:Periodical ;
+ s:issn "0723-0508" ;
+ s:name "Arbeitspapiere der GMD" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd .
+### Computerwoche ###
+_:thing_computerwoche a s:Periodical ;
+ s:name "Computerwoche" ;
+ s:issn "0170-5121" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1983-04-22" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:PublicationIssue ;
+ s:issueNumber "17" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ] ;
+ s:url <,1178576> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Betriebssystem Eumel für die Schulausbildung" ;
+ s:name "16-Bit-Version auf Ollivetti-M20" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1988-04-15" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1154834> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "GMD startet Test für Schulsoftware" ;
+ s:name "Eumel und Schulis auf dem Prüfstand" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1979-06-22" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1193086> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "„Eumel“ mit „Elan“" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1983-10-21" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1180815> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "GMD Bonn" ;
+ s:name "Ausbildungs-Eumel" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1987-08-28" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1160959> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "GMD zeigt Eumel-System in Theorie und Praxis" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1979-10-26" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1194195> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Präsentation eines ÁP - Multi - User - Betriebssystems auf der GI - 79" ;
+ s:name "Vier Tage Härtetest für „Eumel“" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03-14" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1163651> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:name "Japaner zeigen Interesse an „Eumel“" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1985-11-08" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1171648> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Bonner Juristenorganisation selektiert Anbieterkreis" ;
+ s:name "DV-Transparenz für Anwälte angepeilt" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1991-06-21" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1140549> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "GMD fördert Computereinsatz im Bildungswesen" ;
+ s:name "Lizenzfreie Programme für Schulen und Universitäten" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-01-24" ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_computerwoche ;
+ s:url <,1162976> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:alternativeHeadline "Würdigung des Forschungstransfers in die Wirtschaft" ;
+ s:name "Technologiepreis für Eumel verliehen" .
+ a s:NewsArticle ;
+ s:datePublished "1986-03" ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_eumel ;
+ s:pageStart "20" ;
+ s:pageEnd "20" ;
+ s:isPartOf [ a s:Periodical; s:name "Happy Computer" ] ;
+ s:name "Technologie-Transfer-Preis 1985 für „Eumel“" .
+### Keywords/Topics ###
+_:thing_elan a s:ComputerLanguage ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:name "ELAN" .
+_:thing_eumel a s:SoftwareApplication ;
+ s:sameAs <> ;
+ s:applicationCategory "operating system" ;
+ s:name "EUMEL" .
+### Organizations ###
+_:org_j_b__metzler a s:Organization ;
+ s:location "Stuttgart" ;
+ s:name "J.B. Metzler" .
+_:org_gmd a s:Organization ;
+ s:name "Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH" ;
+ s:alternateName "GMD" .
+ a s:EducationalOrganization ;
+ s:name "Universität Bielefeld" ;
+ s:url <> .
+ a s:EducationalOrganization ;
+ s:name "Hochschulrechenzentrum" ;
+ s:department _:org_unibi .
+### Companies ###
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Siegburg" ;
+ s:postalCode "5200" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Bergstraße 7" ] ;
+ s:telephone "02241/63075" ; # source?
+ s:faxNumber "02241/63078" ; # source?
+ s:name "ERGOS Ergonomic Office Software GmbH" .
+# atari port?
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Bielefeld" ;
+ s:postalCode "33699" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Gustav-Winkler-Straße 22" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:name "BICOS COMPUTER GmbH" .
+# Atari port?
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Dortmund" ;
+ s:postalCode "4600" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Watermannberg 3" ] ;
+ s:name "Cadre" .
+# X86 port
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Spenge" ;
+ s:postalCode "4905" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Rabeneck 23" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:name "Martin Schönbeck Beratungen GmbH" .
+# siehe <#stcXXX>
+# Whois:
+# Siegfried Fronzek
+# ISP GmbH
+# Fliednerstr. 3
+# 40489
+# Duesseldorf
+# DE
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Dortmund 1" ;
+ s:postalCode "4600" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Emil-Figge-Straße 76" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:telephone "0211-4059540" ;
+ s:faxNumber "0211-4059541" ;
+ s:name "ISP GmbH Individuelle Softwareprodukte" .
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Bielefeld 1" ;
+ s:postalCode "4800 " ;
+ s:streetAddress "Mühlenstraße 47" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:telephone "0521-65136" ;
+ s:name "digitron GmbH" .
+# L3
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Sankt Augustin" ;
+ s:postalCode "53757 " ;
+ s:streetAddress "Rathausallee 10" ] ;
+ s:url <> ;
+ s:telephone "(02241) 92530" ;
+ s:name "ACCOMMODAT GmbH" .
+# multiline (siehe computerwoche)
+ a s:Corporation ;
+ s:address [
+ a s:PostalAddress ;
+ s:addressCountry "DE" ;
+ s:addressLocality "Mannheim 61" ;
+ s:postalCode "6800" ;
+ s:streetAddress "Wildbader Straße 7" ] ;
+ s:telephone "06 21/4 70 06-0" ;
+ s:name "Webidata Softwareentwicklung GmbH" .
+### People ###
+_:person_aschemann a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Aschemann" ;
+ s:givenName "Gerd" ;
+ s:url <> .
+_:person_diehl a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Diehl" ;
+ s:givenName "Michael" .
+_:person_ambros a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Ambros" ;
+ s:givenName "Wolfgang" .
+_:person_liedtke a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Liedtke" ;
+ s:givenName "Jochen" ;
+ s:deathDate "2001-06-10" ;
+ s:alumni _:org_unibi .
+_:person_heinrichs a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Heinrichs" ;
+ s:givenName "Dietmar" ;
+ s:employee _:org_hrz ;
+ s:sameAs <> .
+_:person_heyderhoff a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Heyderhoff" ;
+ s:givenName "Peter" .
+_:person_oppor a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Oppor" ;
+ s:givenName "Lothar" .
+_:person_creamer a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Craemer" ;
+ s:givenName "Dieter" .
+_:person_maccarthy a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "MacCarthy" ;
+ s:givenName "John" .
+_:person_bendisch a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Bendisch" ;
+ s:givenName "Jürgen" .
+_:person_indenbirken a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Indenbirken" ;
+ s:givenName "Heiko" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Bartling" ;
+ s:givenName "Ulrich" ;
+ s:alumni _:org_unibi .
+ a s:Person;
+ s:familyName "Nolting" ;
+ s:givenName "Reinhard" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Roland" ;
+ s:givenName "Rudolf" .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Möller" ;
+ s:givenName "Renate" ;
+ s:sameAs <>.
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Puhlmann" ;
+ s:givenName "Axel" ;
+ s:employee _:com_schoenbeck .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:familyName "Hahn" ;
+ s:givenName "Rainer" .