diff options
4 files changed, 231 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/artifacts.rst b/artifacts.rst
index 847bccc..e914f74 100644
--- a/artifacts.rst
+++ b/artifacts.rst
@@ -41,9 +41,11 @@ The following images contain application software for EUMEL:
`schulis Grundpaket Schulverwaltung 2.2.1`_
schulis base package, version 2.2.1
`schulis Mathematiksystem 1.0`_
- schulis math package, version 1.0
+ schulis math package, version 1.0. For documentation see
+ [schulis-mathe-handbuch]_ and [schulis-mathe-begleitheft]_.
`schulis Simulationssystem 3.0`_
- schulis simulation package for biology, chemistry and physics. Version 3.0
+ schulis simulation package for biology, chemistry and physics. Version 3.0.
+ For documentation see [simsel-handbuch]_.
diff --git a/ttl/head.ttl b/ttl/head.ttl
index 2d4e756..ed80586 100644
--- a/ttl/head.ttl
+++ b/ttl/head.ttl
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
<#eumelspiegel82a>, <#eumelspiegel82b>, <#eumelspiegel82c>,
<#benutzerhandbuch16-01>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-02>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-03>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-04>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-05>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-06>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-07>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-08>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-09>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-10>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-11>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-12>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-13>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-14>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-15>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-16>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-17>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-18>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-19>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-20>, <#benutzerhandbuch16-21>,
<#entwurfsprinzipien>, <#zukunftsweisendesbetriebssystem>, <#vertriebspartner86>,
- <#mc87>, <#68oooer88>, <#cp86>, <#ct87>
+ <#mc87>, <#68oooer88>, <#cp86>, <#ct87>,
+ <#simsel-handbuch>, <#simsel-bio1>, <#simsel-bio2>, <#simsel-chemie1>, <#simsel-chemie2>, <#simsel-physik1>, <#simsel-physik2>, <#simsel-physik3>, <#simsel-physik4>, <#simsel-physik5>, <#simsel-chemiephysik>, <#schulis-mathe-handbuch>, <#schulis-mathe-begleitheft>
; .
diff --git a/ttl/library_gmd.ttl b/ttl/library_gmd.ttl
index eefbc6e..a1c0729 100644
--- a/ttl/library_gmd.ttl
+++ b/ttl/library_gmd.ttl
@@ -575,3 +575,180 @@ _:thing_gmdstudien_52
s:url <library/gmd_studien_52_193.djvu> ;
+### schulis documentation ###
+ a s:BookSeries ;
+ s:name "schulis-Simulationssystem" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "67";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-handbuch.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "81";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_schmidt, _:person_gaschick ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Biologie 1, Populationsökologie" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-biologie-1.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "41";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Biologie 2, Enzymkinetik" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-biologie-2.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "53";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_asselborn , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Chemie 1, Reaktionskinetik I" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-chemie-1.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "73";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_asselborn , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Chemie 2, Reaktionskinetik II" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-chemie-2.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "47";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_becker , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Physik 1, Bewegungen im Gravitationsfeld" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-physik-1.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "41";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_korsch , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Physik 2, Mechanische Schwingungen" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-physik-2.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "49";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_becker , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Physik 3, Ladungen in elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-physik-3.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "67";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_korsch , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Physik 4, RLC-Schaltungen" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-physik-4.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "43";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_korsch , _:person_schmidt ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Physik 5, Relativistische Bewegungen" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-physik-5.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "47";
+ #s:datePublished "" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_schmidt , _:person_becker ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "SIMSEL: Modellheft Chemie/Physik, Radioaktiver Zerfall" ;
+ s:url <library/simsel-modellheft-chemie-physik-radioaktiver-zerfall.djvu> ;
+ s:isPartOf _:thing_simseldoc ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "97";
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_abshoff , _:person_juenger, _:person_kraft;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "schulis-Mathematiksystem: Handbuch" ;
+ s:url <library/schulis-mathematiksystem-handbuch-1990.djvu> ;
+ .
+ a s:Book ;
+ s:numberOfPages "72";
+ s:datePublished "1990" ;
+ s:publisher _:org_gmd ;
+ s:author _:person_abshoff ;
+ s:inLanguage "de-DE" ;
+ s:about _:thing_schulis ;
+ s:name "schulis-Mathematiksystem: Didaktisches Begleitheft" ;
+ s:url <library/schulis-mathematiksystem-begleitheft-1990.djvu> ;
+ .
diff --git a/ttl/people.ttl b/ttl/people.ttl
index 44adb56..ec02ffe 100644
--- a/ttl/people.ttl
+++ b/ttl/people.ttl
@@ -291,3 +291,51 @@ _:person_bovermann
s:familyName "Bovermann" ;
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Brigitte" ;
+ s:familyName "Schmidt" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Peter" ;
+ s:familyName "Gaschick" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Annemarie" ;
+ s:familyName "Abshoff" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Georg" ;
+ s:familyName "Jünger" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Reiner" ;
+ s:familyName "Kraft" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Wolfgang" ;
+ s:familyName "Asselborn" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "Jürgen" ;
+ s:familyName "Becker" ;
+ .
+ a s:Person ;
+ s:givenName "H.-J." ;
+ s:familyName "Korsch" ;
+ .