path: root/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
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authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2015-08-01 11:46:26 +0200
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2015-08-01 11:46:26 +0200
commit27cd2842cb5e02f937fcb9363856434d47a869e1 (patch)
tree33fe4e0a5f92ca239e8eae1cdcf4f663a095b39d /src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
parentf2a73374e76e5da8ce893cae0cff6ab21209b152 (diff)
Switch on GHC warnings
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
index becae57..76253e8 100644
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
@@ -6,11 +6,9 @@ Linting
> module Codec.Pesto.Lint (lint, test, parseMetadata, extractMetadata) where
> import Test.HUnit hiding (test, Node)
> import Data.List (sort, isPrefixOf)
-> import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>), (<*), (*>))
+> import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>), (*>))
> import Control.Monad (liftM)
> import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
-> import Text.Parsec.Char
-> import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
> import Data.Char (isSpace)
> import Codec.Pesto.Graph hiding (test)
@@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ dangling.
> rootIsResult nodes edges = case walkRoot nodes edges of
> [] -> [LintResult NoRootNode []]
-> (i, Result _):[] -> []
+> (_, Result _):[] -> []
> (i, _):[] -> [LintResult NonResultRootNode [i]]
> xs -> [LintResult MoreThanOneRootNode (map fst xs)]
@@ -182,9 +180,9 @@ By definition time is a tool and not an ingredient.
> isTime (Quantity _ unit "") | unit `elem` timeUnits = True
> isTime _ = False
-> timeIsATool nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> timeIsATool nodes _ = foldl f [] nodes
> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Ingredient q) | isTime q = LintResult TimeIsATool [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs (nodeid, Ingredient q) | isTime q = LintResult TimeIsATool [nodeid]:xs
> f xs _ = xs
> testLintQuantity = [
@@ -225,11 +223,11 @@ may be used with each of them: m (milli-), c (centi-), d (dezi-) and k (kilo
Additionally time in s (second), min (minute), h (hour), d (day) should be
-> wellKnownUnit nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> wellKnownUnit nodes _ = foldl f [] nodes
> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Ingredient q) | (not . known) q =
+> f xs (nodeid, Ingredient q) | (not . known) q =
> LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Tool q) | (not . known) q =
+> f xs (nodeid, Tool q) | (not . known) q =
> LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [nodeid]:xs
> f xs _ = xs
> known (Quantity _ unit _) = unit `elem` knownUnits
@@ -339,11 +337,11 @@ Ranges
The first amount of a range ratio must be strictly smaller than the second.
This limitation is not enforced for ranges containing strings.
-> rangeFromLargerThanTo nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> rangeFromLargerThanTo nodes _ = foldl f [] nodes
> where
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Ingredient q) | not $ rangeOk q =
+> f xs (nodeid, Ingredient q) | not $ rangeOk q =
> LintResult RangeFromLargerThanTo [nodeid]:xs
-> f xs n@(nodeid, Reference q) | not $ rangeOk q =
+> f xs (nodeid, Reference q) | not $ rangeOk q =
> LintResult RangeFromLargerThanTo [nodeid]:xs
> f xs _ = xs
> rangeOk (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio a) (AmountRatio b)) _ _) = a < b
@@ -360,7 +358,6 @@ This limitation is not enforced for ranges containing strings.
-> type LintTest a = Nodes a -> Edges -> [LintResult]
> data LintResult = LintResult LintStatus [NodeId] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
> data LintStatus =
> NoRootNode
@@ -393,15 +390,15 @@ Every lint test checks a single aspect of the graph.
> , rangeFromLargerThanTo
> ]
-> withGraph doc f = f doc nodes edges
+> withGraph doc f = f nodes edges
> where
> (Right op) = (head . extract . snd . unzip) <$> parse ("%pesto " ++ doc)
> nodes = zip [firstNodeId..] op
> edges = toGraph nodes ++ resolveReferences nodes
-> cmpLint doc expect = withGraph doc (\doc nodes edges -> doc ~: sort (lint nodes edges) ~?= sort expect)
+> cmpLint doc expect = withGraph doc (\nodes edges -> doc ~: sort (lint nodes edges) ~?= sort expect)
-> cmpLintMeta doc expectLint expectMeta = withGraph doc (\doc nodes edges -> doc ~: [
+> cmpLintMeta doc expectLint expectMeta = withGraph doc (\nodes edges -> doc ~: [
> sort (lint nodes edges) ~?= sort expectLint
> , liftM sort (extractMetadata nodes edges) ~?= liftM sort expectMeta
> ])