path: root/src
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authorLars-Dominik Braun <>2022-08-28 13:50:28 +0200
committerLars-Dominik Braun <>2022-08-28 13:50:28 +0200
commitc03c0ff4437ba4c9169b6f240f062cd3df40a023 (patch)
tree9d5fa9e015342cc1b8d0c7be70c0aeaedf2984eb /src
parentbf3e3d9ceec8a60ee7be22a7d4dcc6f6180ba34e (diff)
lint: Add uniqueness test for Results/Alternatives
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs b/src/lib/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
index 900a700..480d161 100644
--- a/src/lib/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
+++ b/src/lib/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ Linting
> , Metadata(..)
> , LintResult(..)) where
> import Test.HUnit hiding (test, Node)
-> import Data.List (sort, isPrefixOf)
+> import Data.List (sort, isPrefixOf, insert)
> import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
-> import Data.Char (isSpace)
+> import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower)
> import Data.Ratio ((%))
> import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+> import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
> import Codec.Pesto.Graph hiding (test)
> import Codec.Pesto.Parse hiding (test)
@@ -281,6 +282,30 @@ all results and alternatives are referenced at some point.
> , cmpLint "*foobar >foo" [LintResult UndefinedReference [0]]
> ]
+Results and alternatives must not have duplicate names, so collect
+their lower-case object names into map and flag those, which reference
+multiple nodes.
+> uniqueNames nodes _ = M.foldl f [] nameMap
+> where
+> f xs fnodes | length fnodes > 1 = LintResult DuplicateReferenceName fnodes:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> nameMap = foldl buildMap M.empty nodes
+> buildMap m (nodeid, Result qty) = M.insertWith append (getObject qty) [nodeid] m
+> buildMap m (nodeid, Alternative qty) = M.insertWith append (getObject qty) [nodeid] m
+> buildMap m _ = m
+> getObject (Quantity _ _ object) = map toLower object
+> append [a] b = insert a b
+> append _ _ = error "unreachable"
+> testUniqueNames = [
+> cmpLint "+a >x +b >y *x *y >foo" []
+> , cmpLint "+a >x +b >x *x >y" [LintResult DuplicateReferenceName [1, 3]]
+> , cmpLint "+a >x +b +c |x *x >y" [LintResult DuplicateReferenceName [1, 4]]
+> , cmpLint "+a >1 _ foo +a >2 _ FOO +a >3 _ foO *Foo >y"
+> [LintResult DuplicateReferenceName [1, 3, 5]]
+> ]
A result must have at least one incoming edge. This is a special case and can
only occur at the beginning of a recipe.
@@ -344,6 +369,7 @@ Appendix
> | NonResultRootNode
> | MoreThanOneRootNode
> | UndefinedReference
+> | DuplicateReferenceName
> | TooFewChildren
> | TimeIsATool
> | TimeAnnotatesAction
@@ -361,6 +387,7 @@ Every lint test checks a single aspect of the graph.
> lintTests = [
> rootIsResult
> , referencesResolved
+> , uniqueNames
> , resultNonempty
> , twoAlternatives
> , timeIsATool
@@ -391,6 +418,7 @@ Every lint test checks a single aspect of the graph.
> testConnectivity
> , testMetadata
> , testLintRefs
+> , testUniqueNames
> , testLintQuantity
> , testLintWellKnownUnit
> , testTimeAnnotatesAction