path: root/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
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diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
index 7deb511..0d4e981 100644
--- a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Language syntax
> module Codec.Pesto.Parse (
> parse
> , test
-> , Operation(..)
+> , Instruction(..)
> , Quantity(..)
> , Unit(..)
> , Object(..)
@@ -34,23 +34,20 @@ Language syntax
> import Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize)
-Pesto parses UTF-8_ encoded input files into a sequence of operations.
-- stream of operations
-- utf8 encoded
-character within the Unicode whitespace class is considered a space.
+Pesto parses UTF-8_ encoded input data consisting of space-delimited
+instructions. Every character within the Unicode whitespace class is
+considered a space.
.. _UTF-8:
.. _spaces1:
-> stream = ((,) <$> getPosition <*> operation) `sepEndBy` spaces1
+> stream = ((,) <$> getPosition <*> instruction) `sepEndBy` spaces1
> <?> "stream"
> spaces1 = many1 space
-The following operations are supported:
+The following instructions are supported:
-> data Operation =
+> data Instruction =
> Annotation String
> | Ingredient Quantity
> | Tool Quantity
@@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ The following operations are supported:
> | Unknown String
> deriving (Show, Eq)
-> operation =
+> instruction =
> try annotation
> <|> try ingredient
> <|> try tool
@@ -72,28 +69,27 @@ The following operations are supported:
> <|> try reference
> <|> try directive
> <|> try unknown
-> <?> "operation"
+> <?> "instruction"
-The pesto grammar has two kinds of operations: The first one begins with a
-start character and consumes characters up to and including a terminating
-symbol (``end``), which can be escaped with a backslash (``\``):
+The pesto grammar has two instruction types: The first one begins with a
+start symbol (``start``) and consumes any character up to and including a
+terminating symbol (``end``), which can be escaped with a backslash (``\``).
> betweenEscaped start end =
> char start
> *> many (try (char '\\' *> char end) <|> satisfy (/= end))
> <* char end
-Annotations and Actions both are of this kind:
+Annotations and actions both are of this kind:
> annotation = Annotation <$> betweenEscaped '(' ')'
> action = Action <$> betweenEscaped '[' ']'
Here are examples for both:
-> testOpterm = [cmpOperation "(skinless\nboneless)" (Right (Annotation "skinless\nboneless"))
-> , cmpOperation "[stir together]" (Right (Action "stir together"))
-> , cmpOperation "[stir\\]together]" (Right (Action "stir]together"))]
+> testOpterm = [cmpInstruction "(skinless\nboneless)" (Right (Annotation "skinless\nboneless"))
+> , cmpInstruction "[stir together]" (Right (Action "stir together"))
+> , cmpInstruction "[stir\\]together]" (Right (Action "stir]together"))]
The second one starts with one identifying character, ignores the following
whitespace characters and then consumes an object or a quantity.
@@ -105,28 +101,34 @@ whitespace characters and then consumes an object or a quantity.
> alternative = oparg '|' (Alternative <$> object)
> reference = oparg '*' (Reference <$> quantity)
-Additionally there are two special operations. Directives are similar to the
-previous operations, but consume a qstr.
+Additionally there are two special instructions. Directives are similar to the
+previous instructions, but consume a qstr.
> directive = oparg '%' (Directive <$> qstr)
-Unknown operations are the fallthrough-case and accept anything. They must not
-be discarded at this point. The point of accepting anything is to fail as late
-as possible while processing Pesto documents. This gives us a chance to print
-helpful mesages that provide additional aid to the user who can then fix the
+Unknown instructions are the fallthrough-case and accept anything. They must
+not be discarded at this point. The point of accepting anything is to fail as
+late as possible while processing input. This gives the parser a chance to
+print helpful mesages that provide additional aid to the user who can then fix
+the problem.
> unknown = Unknown <$> many1 notspace
+Below are examples for these instructions:
> testOparg = [
-> cmpOperation "+100 g flour" (Right (Ingredient (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (100%1))) "g" "flour")))
-> , cmpOperation "&oven" (Right (Tool (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" "oven")))
-> , cmpOperation ">dough" (Right (Result "dough"))
-> , cmpOperation "|trimmings" (Right (Alternative "trimmings"))
-> , cmpOperation "*fish" (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" "fish")))
-> , cmpOperation3 "% invalid" (Right (Directive "invalid")) "%invalid"
-> , cmpOperation3 "* \t\n 1 _ cheese" (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (1%1))) "" "cheese"))) "*1 _ cheese"
+> cmpInstruction "+100 g flour"
+> (Right (Ingredient (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (100%1))) "g" "flour")))
+> , cmpInstruction "&oven"
+> (Right (Tool (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" "oven")))
+> , cmpInstruction ">dough" (Right (Result "dough"))
+> , cmpInstruction "|trimmings" (Right (Alternative "trimmings"))
+> , cmpInstruction "*fish"
+> (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" "fish")))
+> , cmpInstruction3 "% invalid" (Right (Directive "invalid")) "%invalid"
+> , cmpInstruction3 "* \t\n 1 _ cheese"
+> (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (1%1))) "" "cheese")))
+> "*1 _ cheese"
> ]
@@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ the usual escape codes like \\n, \\t, … will *not* be expanded.
-The operations Ingredient, Tool and Reference accept a *quantity*, that is a
+The instructions Ingredient, Tool and Reference accept a *quantity*, that is a
triple of Approximately, Unit and Object as parameter.
> data Quantity = Quantity Approximately Unit Object deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -363,8 +365,8 @@ Wrap qstr test in AmountStr to aid serialization test
> cmpQuantity a b = cmpQuantity3 a b a
> cmpQuantity3 = cmpParseSerialize quantity
-> cmpOperation a b = cmpOperation3 a b a
-> cmpOperation3 = cmpParseSerialize operation
+> cmpInstruction a b = cmpInstruction3 a b a
+> cmpInstruction3 = cmpParseSerialize instruction
> exactQuantity a b c = Right (Quantity (Exact a) b c)