path: root/windows/neo-vars/src/source/makecompose.ahk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'windows/neo-vars/src/source/makecompose.ahk')
1 files changed, 50 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/makecompose.ahk b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/makecompose.ahk
index eb4c95b..3836373 100644
--- a/windows/neo-vars/src/source/makecompose.ahk
+++ b/windows/neo-vars/src/source/makecompose.ahk
@@ -1813,32 +1813,32 @@ SetFormat, Integer, hex
; MsgBox % Asc(SubStr(str,1,1)) . Asc(SubStr(str,2,1))
result := ""
loop {
- char := SubStr(str,1,1)
- str := SubStr(str,2)
- if (asc(char) < 0x80)
- result := result . "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr(asc(char),3),-3)
- else if (asc(char) < 0xC0) {
+ achar := asc(SubStr(str,1,1))
+ str := SubStr(str,2)
+ if (achar < 0x80)
+ result .= "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr(achar,3),-3)
+ else if (achar < 0xC0) {
; error
- } else if (asc(char) < 0xE0) {
- char2 := Substr(str,1,1)
- str := SubStr(str,2)
- if ((asc(char2) < 0x80) or (asc(char2) > 0xBF)) {
+ } else if (achar < 0xE0) {
+ achar2 := asc(Substr(str,1,1))
+ str := SubStr(str,2)
+ if ((achar2 < 0x80) or (achar2 > 0xBF)) {
; error
} else {
- result := result . "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr((((asc(char) & 0x1F) << 6) + (asc(char2) & 0x3F)),3),-3)
+ result .= "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr((((achar & 0x1F) << 6) + (achar2 & 0x3F)),3),-3)
- } else if (asc(char) < 0xF8) {
- char2 := SubStr(str,1,1)
- char3 := SubStr(str,2,1)
- str := SubStr(str,3)
-; MsgBox % "chars: " . char . ", " . char2 . ", " . char3 . ", str: " . str
- if ((asc(char2) < 0x80) or (asc(char2) > 0xBF)
- or (asc(char3) < 0x80) or (asc(char3) > 0xBF)) {
+ } else if (achar < 0xF8) {
+ achar2 := asc(SubStr(str,1,1))
+ achar3 := asc(SubStr(str,2,1))
+ str := SubStr(str,3)
+; MsgBox % "chars: " . achar . ", " . achar2 . ", " . achar3 . ", str: " . str
+ if ((achar2 < 0x80) or (achar2 > 0xBF)
+ or (achar3 < 0x80) or (achar3 > 0xBF)) {
; error
} else {
-; MsgBox % asc(char) . asc(char2) . asc(char3)
-; MsgBox % (((asc(char) & 0x0F) << 12) + ((asc(char2) & 0x3F) << 6) + (asc(char3) & 0x3F))
- result := result . "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr((((asc(char) & 0x0F) << 12) + ((asc(char2) & 0x3F) << 6) + (asc(char3) & 0x3F)),3),-3)
+; MsgBox % achar . achar2 . achar3
+; MsgBox % (((achar & 0x0F) << 12) + ((achar2 & 0x3F) << 6) + (achar3 & 0x3F))
+ result .= "U" . SubStr("0000" . SubStr((((achar & 0x0F) << 12) + ((achar2 & 0x3F) << 6) + (achar3 & 0x3F)),3),-3)
if (str == "")
@@ -1849,30 +1849,39 @@ SetFormat, Integer, d
return result
+Composita := ""
+Compsize := 0
VarSetCapacity(Composita,10240000) ; 10 MB
EncodeUnicodeFile(FFrom,FTo) {
Composita := ""
+ Compsize := 0
Miss := 0
FileRead, FileContents, %FFrom%
ProgressTop := "Converting " . FFrom . "..."
+ FileContents := RegExReplace(FileContents,"[\t ]*(<[^>]*>)[\t ]*","$1")
Loop, parse, FileContents, `n, `r ; Specifying `n prior to `r allows both Windows and Unix files to be parsed.
NumLines := A_Index
- Count := 0
+ NLP := NumLines/20 ; 20 steps on the bar
+ OldCount := -NumLines
Loop, parse, FileContents, `n, `r ; Specifying `n prior to `r allows both Windows and Unix files to be parsed.
- Count := Count + 1
- ProgressVal := Count/NumLines*100
- ProgressInd := "Lines: " . Count . ", Errors: " . Miss
- Progress,%ProgressVal%,%ProgressInd%,%ProgressTop%
+ TA := ""
+ Count := A_Index
Line := A_LoopField
+ if (Count >= (OldCount + NLP)) { ; Progress the bar not with every line
+ OldCount := Count
+ ProgressVal := Count/NumLines*100
+ ProgressInd := "Lines: " . Count . ", Errors: " . Miss
+ Progress,%ProgressVal%,%ProgressInd%,%ProgressTop%
+ }
if ((Line == "") or (SubStr(Line,1,5) == "XCOMM") or (SubStr(Line,1,1) == "#"))
- Line := RegExReplace(Line,"[\t ]*(<[^>]*>)[\t ]*","$1")
RegExMatch(Line,"([^:]*):[\t ]*""((\\.|[^""])*)"".*",OutputVar)
ReplaceLeft := OutputVar1
ReplaceRight := ""
@@ -1904,14 +1913,12 @@ EncodeUnicodeFile(FFrom,FTo) {
modkeys := modkeys . modkey
- if (ReplaceLeft != "") {
- if (CM%modkeys% != 1) {
- CM%modkeys% := 1
- Composita := Composita . " CM" modkeys . ":=1`r`n"
- }
- }
- else
+ if (ReplaceLeft == "")
+ if (CM%modkeys% != 1) {
+ CM%modkeys% := 1
+ TA .= " CM" . modkeys . ":=1`r`n"
+ }
else {
Xkbsym := "*entry*" ; make a non-fancy name from parsing error
@@ -1921,13 +1928,20 @@ EncodeUnicodeFile(FFrom,FTo) {
if (modkeys != "") {
ressymb := EncodeUni(ReplaceRight)
- Composita .= " CD" . modkeys . ":=""" . ressymb . """`r`n"
+ TA .= " CD" . modkeys . ":=""" . ressymb . """`r`n"
if (StrLen(ressymb)==5)
- Composita .= " CRC" . ressymb . ".="" " . modkeys . """`r`n"
+ TA .= " CRC" . ressymb . ".="" " . modkeys . """`r`n"
} else {
- Composita .= " `; illegal " . Xkbsym . " in " . A_LoopField . "`r`n"
+ TA .= " `; illegal " . Xkbsym . " in " . A_LoopField . "`r`n"
Miss := Miss + 1
+ Composita .= TA
+ Compsize := Compsize + 1
+ if (Compsize > 100) {
+ FileAppend,%Composita%,%FTo%
+ Compsize := 0
+ Composita := ""
+ }