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+++ b/.gitignore
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pesto.cabal
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-- Initial Pesto.cabal generated by cabal init. For further documentation,
+-- see
+name: Pesto
+-- synopsis:
+-- description:
+--license: CC0
+--license-file: LICENSE
+author: Lars-Dominik Braun
+-- copyright:
+category: Codec
+build-type: Simple
+-- extra-source-files:
+cabal-version: >=1.10
+ exposed-modules: Codec.Pesto, Codec.Pesto.Parse, Codec.Pesto.Graph, Codec.Pesto.Lint, Codec.Pesto.Serialize
+ -- other-modules:
+ -- other-extensions:
+ build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+executable pesto
+ main-is: Main.lhs
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7, HUnit, parsec
+executable pesto-test
+ main-is: Test.lhs
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7, HUnit, parsec
+executable pesto-doc
+ main-is: Doc.lhs
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.7, pandoc >=1.14, highlighting-kate, blaze-html, filepath, containers
diff --git a/Setup.hs b/Setup.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a994af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Setup.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+import Distribution.Simple
+main = defaultMain
diff --git a/_build/bg.png b/_build/bg.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..493cb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_build/bg.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1994d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_build/pesto.css
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* basic typography stuff */
+html {
+ font-size: 100%;
+ line-height: 1.4;
+ font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif;
+ text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
+ -moz-hyphens: auto;
+ -webkit-hyphens: auto;
+ hyphens: auto;
+ text-align: justify;
+ color: #444;
+ background-image: url(bg.png);
+.wrapper {
+ max-width: 40em;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+a:link, a:visited {
+ /* tango sky blue 3 */
+ color: #204a87;
+div.sourceCode {
+ overflow: visible;
+pre.sourceCode {
+ margin-left: 0;
+ margin-right: 0;
+ /* tango aluminium 1 */
+ background-color: #eeeeec;
+ padding: 1em;
+ /* tango aluminium 2 */
+ border: 0.1em solid #d3d7cf;
+pre code {
+ background-color: transparent;
+.todo {
+ border: 0.1em solid #edd400;
+ background-color: #fce94f;
+ padding: 0em 1em;
+ border-radius: 0.66em;
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c35d15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+Pesto specification draft
+Pesto is a text-based human-editable and machine-transformable cooking recipe
+interchange format.
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto where
+About this document
+This section contains various information about this document. The `second
+section <motivation_>`_ motivates why inventing another file format is
+necessary, followed by the goals_ of Pesto. After a short Pesto `primer
+<introduction-by-example_>`_ intended for the casual user the language’s
+`syntax <language-syntax_>`_ and `semantics <language-semantics_>`_ are
+presented. The `linting section <linting_>`_ limits the language to useful
+cooking recipes. Examples for user presentation of recipes and serialization
+Being a literate program this document is specification and reference
+implementation at the same time. The code is written in Haskell_ and uses the
+parsec_ parser combinator library, as well as HUnit_ for unit tests. Even
+without knowing Haskell’s syntax you should be able to understand this
+specification. There’s a description above every code snippet explaining what
+is going on.
+.. _Haskell:
+.. _HUnit:
+.. _parsec:
+The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”,
+“SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be
+interpreted as described in `RFC 2119`_.
+.. _RFC 2119:
+:Version: 1-draft
+:License: CC0_
+ - `Lars-Dominik Braun <>`_
+.. _CC0:
+.. _motivation:
+The landscape of recipe interchange formats is quite fragmented. First of all
+there’s HTML microdata. `Google rich snippets`_, which are equivalent to the
+schema.org_ microdata vocabulary, are widely used by commercial recipe sites.
+Although the main objective of microdata is to make content machine-readable
+most sites will probably do so, because it is considered a search-engine
+optimization (SEO). Additionally parsing HTML pulled from the web is a
+nightmare and thus not a real option for sharing recipes. h-recipe_ provides a
+second vocabulary, but has not been adopted widely.
+.. _Google rich snippets:
+.. _h-recipe:
+Mealmaster_, an ancient file format with – due to its age – many problems,
+seems to have the most traction right now. A large amount of recipe files is
+`available in this format <>`_. Rezkonv_ aims to
+improve the Mealmaster format. However the specification is available on
+request only. Another text-based format, MXP_ (plus MX2, MZ2), is used by
+A newer format, YumML_, is based on YAML. The specification has been removed
+from the web and is available through the Web Archive only.
+.. _xml-formats:
+There’s a number of XML-based formats:
+RecipeML_, formerly known as DESSERT was released in 2002 (version 0.5). The
+license requires attribution and – at the same time – forbids using the name
+RecipeML for promotion without written permission.
+REML_ was released in 2005 (version 0.5). It is rather complicated and has no
+`RecipeBook XML`_, released in 2005 as well and shared unter the terms of `CC
+by-sa`_ is not available on the web any more.
+CookML_, created in 2006 (version 1.0.4) for the german-language shareware
+program Kalorio has a custom and restrictive licence that requires attribution and
+forbids derivate works.
+KRecipes_ uses its own export format. However there is no documentation
+whatsoever. Gourmet_’s export format suffers from the same problem. The only
+document available is the `DTD
+.. _CC by-sa:
+All of the formats above share a common design aspect: They split recipes into
+two parts, ingredients and instructions. This is quite odd given the nature of
+cooking recipes. RxOL_, created in 1985, represents recipes as a graph with
+postfix notation and minimal “chitchat”. Although Pesto is not a direct
+descendant of RxOL it’s syntax and semantics are quite similar.
+.. _REML:
+.. _RecipeML:
+.. _CookML:
+.. _Mealmaster:
+.. _MXP:
+.. _RecipeBook XML:
+.. _YumML:
+.. _Rezkonv:
+.. _RxOL:
+.. _Gourmet:
+.. _KRecipes:
+.. There is a copy at as well
+.. More interesting stuff:
+.. -
+.. -
+First of all recipes are written *by* humans *for* humans. Thus a
+human-readable recipe interchange format is not enough. The recipes need to be
+human-editable without guidance like a GUI or assistant. That’s why, for
+instance, XML is not suitable and the interchange formats listed `above
+<xml-formats_>`_ have largely failed to gain traction. XML, even though simple
+itself, is still too complicated for the ordinary user. Instead a format needs
+to be as simple as possible, with as little markup as possible. A human editor
+must be able to remember the entire syntax. This works best if the file
+contents “make sense”. A good example for this is Markdown_.
+.. _Markdown:
+We also have to acknowledge that machines play an important role in our daily
+life. They can help us, the users, accomplish our goals if they are able to
+understand the recipes as well. Thus they too need to be able to read and write
+recipes. Again, designing a machine-readable format is not enough. Recipes must
+be machine-transformable. A computer program should be able to create a new
+recipe from two existing ones, look up the ingredients and tell us how many
+joules one piece of that cake will have. And so on.
+That being said, Pesto does not aim to carry additional information about
+ingredients or recipes itself. Nutrition data for each ingredient should be
+maintained in a separate database. Due to its minimal syntax Pesto is also not
+suitable for extensive guides on cooking or the usual chitchat found in cooking
+Introduction by example
+So let’s start by introducing Pesto in a XXXnon-formal, XXX way: By example. We
+are now going to cook XXX. The following recipe contains all the information
+you need to do that.
+.. class:: todo
+do it.
+See for example recipes.
+.. include:: Pesto/Parse.lhs
+.. include:: Pesto/Graph.lhs
+.. include:: Pesto/Lint.lhs
+.. include:: Pesto/Dot.lhs
+.. include:: Pesto/Serialize.lhs
+Using this project
+This project uses cabal. It provides the Codec.Pesto library that implements
+the Pesto language as described in the previous sections. It also comes with
+three binaries.
+.. include:: ../Main.lhs
+.. include:: ../Test.lhs
+.. include:: ../Doc.lhs
+Final words
+.. class:: todo
+Do we even need this?
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Dot.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Dot.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0ac161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Dot.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto.Dot (toDot) where
+> import Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize)
+Since each recipe is just a directed graph (digraph), we can use the dot
+language to represent it as well. This in turnXXX can be transformed into an
+image, for example.
+> toDot nodes edges = unlines $ ["digraph a {\nnode [fontname=\"Roboto Semi-Light\"];"] ++ n ++ e ++ ["}"]
+> where
+> f (a, b) = show a ++ " -> " ++ show b ++ ";"
+> e = map f edges
+> n = map (\(a, b) -> show a ++ " [label=\"" ++ dotEncodeString (serialize b) ++ "\"];") nodes
+> addcolor = "#e6ee9c"
+> dotEncodeString = concatMap dotEncodeChar
+> dotEncodeChar '\n' = "\\n"
+> dotEncodeChar '"' = "\\\""
+> dotEncodeChar x = [x]
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea2886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+Language semantics
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto.Graph (
+> toGraph
+> , walkRoot
+> , outgoing
+> , incoming
+> , firstNodeId
+> , resolveReferences
+> , test
+> ) where
+> import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, isLetter)
+> import Data.List (sort, nub)
+> import Test.HUnit hiding (test)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Parse hiding (test)
+Pesto’s syntax drives a stack-based machine that transforms the linear stream
+of operations generated by the parser into a directed graph. Think of the stack
+as your kitchen’s workspace that is used to prepare the food’s
+components. You can add new ingredients, perform actions on them, put them
+aside and add them again.
+This function processes a list of nodes, that is operations uniquely identified
+by an integer and returns the edges of the directed graph as a list of tuples.
+> toGraph nodes = edges
+> where
+> (_, _, edges) = foldl f (Nothing, [[]], []) nodes
+Ingredients are simply added to the current workspace. They should for example
+appear on the shopping list.
+> f ctx (i, Ingredient _) = addToStack ctx i
+The same happens for for tools. However they are not part of the final product,
+but used in the process of making it. For instance they do not appear on the
+shopping list. `Time is a tool <time-is-a-tool_>`_.
+> f ctx (i, Tool _) = addToStack ctx i
+Actions take all ingredients and tools currently on the workspace, perform some
+action with them and put the product back onto the workspace.
+> f (_, stack:sx, edges) (i, Action _) = (Just i, [i]:stack:sx, edgesTo i stack ++ edges)
+Results add a label to the current workspace’s contents and move them out of
+the way. It should be a meaningful name, not just A and B obviously.
+Consecutive Results add different labels to the same workspace. That’s useful
+when an action yields multiple results at once that are processed in different
+> f ctx (i, Result _) = consumeStack ctx i
+Alternatives too add a label to the current workspace’s content, but they pick
+one of things on the workspace and throw everything else away. This allows
+adding optional or equivalent ingredients to a recipe (i.e. margarine or butter).
+> f ctx (i, Alternative _) = consumeStack ctx i
+References are similar to ingredients. They are used to add items from a
+workspace labeled with Result or Alternative. More on that `in the next section
+> f ctx (i, Reference _) = addToStack ctx i
+Annotations add a description to any of the previous operations. They can be
+used to provide more information about ingredients (so “hot water” becomes
+“+water (hot)”, tools (“&oven (200 °C)”) or actions (“[cook] (XXX)”).
+> f ctx@(Nothing, s, edges) (_, Annotation _) = ctx
+> f (Just prev, s, edges) (i, Annotation _) = (Just prev, s, (i, prev):edges)
+These are helper functions:
+> addToStack (_, stack:sx, edges) i = (Just i, (i:stack):sx, edges)
+> consumeStack (_, s, edges) i =
+> let
+> stack = dropWhile null s
+> (top:sx) = if null stack then [[]] else stack
+> in (Just i, []:top:sx, edgesTo i top ++ edges)
+> edgesTo i = map (\x -> (x, i))
+Here are a few example of how this stack-machine works. Each edge is a tuple of
+two integer numbers. These are the nodes it connects, starting with zero.
+Ingredient, Tool and Reference itself do not create any edges:
+> testGraph = [
+> cmpGraph "+ketchup &spoon *foobar" []
+But Action, Alternative and Result do in combination with them:
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar [barbaz]" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar +B >barbaz" [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz +foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1), (2, 3)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar [barbaz] +foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3)]
+> , cmpGraph "&foobar [barbaz] [C] >D" [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
+If the stack is empty, i.e. it was cleared by a Result or Alternative
+operation, consecutive results or alternatives operate on the *previous*,
+non-empty stack.
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz >C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz |C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz |C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+Unless that stack too is empty. Then they do nothing:
+> , cmpGraph ">foobar >foobar" []
+> , cmpGraph "|foobar |foobar" []
+> , cmpGraph "(foobar) (foobar)" []
+> , cmpGraph "[foobar]" []
+The Annotation operation always creates an edge to the most-recently processed
+node that was not an annotation. Thus two consecutive annotations create edges
+to the same node.
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz)" [(1, 0)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz) (C)" [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz) >barbaz" [(1, 0), (0, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz (C)" [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz (C)" [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "*foobar (C)" [(1, 0)]
+> ]
+Results and alternatives can be referenced with the Reference operation.
+Resolving these references does not happen while buiding the graph, but
+afterwards. This allows referencing an a result or alternative before its
+definition with regard to the their processing order.
+Resolving references is fairly simple: For every reference its object name a
+case-insensitive looked is performed in a table containing all results and
+alternatives. If it succeeds an edge from every result and alternative returned
+to the reference in question is created.
+> resolveReferences nodes = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f edges (i, ref@(Reference _)) = map (\x -> (x, i)) (findTarget nodes ref) ++ edges
+> f edges _ = edges
+> findTarget nodes (Reference (Quantity _ _ a)) = map fst $ filter (isTarget a) nodes
+> where
+> lc = map toLower
+> isTarget dest (_, Result x) = lc x == lc dest
+> isTarget dest (_, Alternative x) = lc x == lc dest
+> isTarget _ _ = False
+References works before or after the result operation.
+> testRef = [
+> cmpGraphRef ">foobar *foobar" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar |foobar *foobar" [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
+> , cmpGraphRef "+A >foobar +B >barbaz *foobar *barbaz" [(1, 4), (3, 5)]
+> , cmpGraphRef "*foobar >foobar" [(1, 0)]
+Nonexistent references do not create an edge.
+> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar *barbaz" []
+References can use amounts and units.
+> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar *1 _ foobar *2 _ foobar" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+There are a few cases that do not make sense here (like loops or multiple
+results with the same name). They are permitted at this stage, but rejected
+`later <reject-loops_>`_.
+> , cmpGraphRef "*foobar |foobar >foobar" [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
+> , cmpGraphRef "|foobar *foobar >foobar *foobar" [(0, 1), (0, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3)]
+> ]
+> runGraphWith f doc expect = sort edges ~?= sort expect
+> where
+> (Right op) = parse ("%pesto-1 " ++ doc)
+> nodes = (zip [firstNodeId..] . map snd . operations) op
+> edges = f nodes
+> cmpGraph = runGraphWith toGraph
+> cmpGraphRef = runGraphWith resolveReferences
+> firstNodeId = 0 :: Int
+Find graph’s root node(s), that is a node without outgoing edges:
+> walkRoot nodes edges = let out = nub $ map fst edges
+> in filter (\(x, _) -> notElem x out) nodes
+Get all nodes with edges pointing towards nodeid
+> incoming edges (nodeid, _) = filter ((==) nodeid . snd) edges
+> outgoing edges (nodeid, _) = filter ((==) nodeid . fst) edges
+> test = ["graph" ~: testGraph, "ref" ~: testRef]
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96c9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Lint.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto.Lint (lint, test, parseMetadata) where
+> import Test.HUnit hiding (test)
+> import Data.List (sort, isPrefixOf)
+> import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>), (<*), (*>))
+> import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
+> import Text.Parsec.Char
+> import Codec.Pesto.Graph hiding (test)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Parse hiding (test)
+Not every graph generated in the previous section is a useful recipe, since
+some combinations of operations just do not make sense. The linting test in
+this section can detect common errors. Failing any of these tests does not
+render a recipe invalid, but *useless*. Thus implementations must not create
+such recipes. They may be accepted as input from the user.
+Every lint test checks a single aspect of the graph.
+> lint nodes edges = concatMap (\f -> f nodes edges) lintTests
+.. _recipetitle:
+.. _resultsused:
+The graph must have exactly one root node (i.e. a node with incoming edges
+only) and it must be a result. The result’s object name is the recipe’s title.
+This also requires all results and alternatives to be referenced somewhere.
+> rootIsResult nodes edges = case walkRoot nodes edges of
+> [] -> [LintResult NoRootNode []]
+> (i, x):[] -> if isResult x then [] else [LintResult NonResultRootNode [i]]
+> xs -> [LintResult MoreThanOneRootNode (map fst xs)]
+Empty recipes or circular references have no root node:
+> testLintMetadata = [
+> cmpLint "" [LintResult NoRootNode []]
+> , cmpLint "*foobar >foobar" [LintResult NoRootNode []]
+> , cmpLint "+foobar" [LintResult NonResultRootNode [0]]
+This recipe’s title is “Pesto”.
+> , cmpLint "+foobar >Pesto" []
+> ]
+Additional key-value metadata for the whole recipe can be provided by adding
+annotations to the the root node. If multiple annotations with the same key
+exist the key maps to a list of those values.
+> parseMetadata = runParser metadata () ""
+> metadata = (,)
+> <$> (char '.' *> many1 (noneOf ":"))
+> <*> (char ':' *> spaces1 *> many1 anyChar)
+> rootAnnotations nodes edges = foldl check [] rootIncoming
+> where
+> rootIncoming = map ((!!) nodes . fst) $ concatMap (incoming edges) $ walkRoot nodes edges
+> check xs (i, Annotation s) | "." `isPrefixOf` s = case parseMetadata s of
+> (Left _) -> LintResult InvalidMetadata [i]:xs
+> (Right (k, v)) -> if isKeyKnown k
+> then xs
+> else LintResult UnknownMetadataKey [i]:xs
+> check xs _ = xs
+.. class:: todo
+reject metadata annotations for non-root nodes
+The valid keys are listed below. Additionally applications may add their own
+metadata with “x-appname-keyname”.
+> isKeyKnown k = k `elem` knownKeys || "x-" `isPrefixOf` k
+The following metadata keys are permitted:
+> knownKeys = [
+The recipe’s language, as 2 character code (ISO 639-1:2002).
+> "language"
+Yield and time both must be a quantity.
+> , "yield"
+> , "time"
+An image can be a relative file reference or URI
+> , "image"
+> , "author"
+> ]
+For instance a german language recipe for one person would look like this:
+> testRootAnnotations = [
+> cmpLint "+foo >foobar (.language: de) (.yield: 1 _ Person) (.x-app-this: value)" []
+Unparseable annotations or unknown keys are linting errors:
+> , cmpLint "+foo >foobar (.invalid)" [LintResult InvalidMetadata [2]]
+> , cmpLint "+foo >foobar (.unknown: value)" [LintResult UnknownMetadataKey [2]]
+Root node annotations not starting with a dot are considered recipe descriptions.
+> , cmpLint "+foo >foobar (some description)" []
+> ]
+.. _time-is-a-tool:
+Time is a tool
+By definition time is a tool and not an ingredient.
+> timeUnits = ["s", "min", "h", "d"]
+> isTime (Quantity _ unit "") | unit `elem` timeUnits = True
+> isTime _ = False
+> timeIsATool nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Ingredient q) | isTime q = LintResult TimeIsATool [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> testLintQuantity = [
+> cmpLint "+10 min >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+10-12 h >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+90/120 s >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+~12 s >foo" [LintResult TimeIsATool [0]]
+> , cmpLint "&10 min [bar] >foo" []
+> ]
+Only actions can be annotated with a time.
+> timeAnnotatesAction nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Tool q) | isTime q && (not . allActions) (outgoing edges n) = LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> toNodelist = (!!) nodes . snd
+> allActions = all (isAction . snd . toNodelist)
+For example “cook 10 minutes” can be expressed with
+> testTimeAnnotatesAction = [
+> cmpLint "&10 min [cook] >soup" []
+> , cmpLint "&10 min [cook] &5-6 h [cook again] >soup" []
+> , cmpLint "&10 min >soup" [LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [0]]
+> , cmpLint "&10 min &15 min |time *time [cook] >soup"
+> [LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [0], LintResult TimeAnnotatesAction [1]]
+> ]
+.. _well-known-units:
+Well-known units
+Units can be an arbitrary strings, but implementations should recognize the
+common metric units g (gram), l (litre) and m (metre). One of these prefixes
+may be used with each of them: m (milli-), c (centi-), d (dezi-) and k (kilo-).
+Additionally time in s (second), min (minute), h (hour), d (day) should be
+> wellKnownUnit nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Ingredient q) | (not . known) q =
+> LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Tool q) | (not . known) q =
+> LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> known (Quantity _ unit _) = unit `elem` knownUnits
+> knownUnits = [
+> ""
+> , "mg", "g", "kg"
+> , "ml", "cl", "dl", "l"
+> , "cm", "dm", "m"
+> ] ++ timeUnits
+Usage of imperial units (inch, pound, …) as well as non-XXX units like
+“teaspoon”, “cup”, … is discouraged because the former is used by just three
+countries in the world right now and the latter is language- and
+country-dependent. The implementation may provide the user with a conversion
+.. class:: todo
+- example: 1 oz ~= 28.349523125 g, can only be approximated by rational number, for instance 29767/1050 g
+- 15 oz would are :math:`\frac{29767}{70} \mathrm{g} = 425+\frac{17}{70} \mathrm{g}`, since nobody sells 17/70 g the implementation would round down to ~425 g (although <1g is not really enough to justify adding approx)
+> testLintWellKnownUnit = [
+> cmpLint "+1 in foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+2 teaspoons foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+3 cups foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+1 ml foobar >bar" []
+> , cmpLint "+1 cl foobar >bar" []
+> , cmpLint "+1 dl foobar >bar" []
+> , cmpLint "+1 l foobar >bar" []
+> , cmpLint "+2 _ something >bar" []
+> , cmpLint "&1 min [foo] >bar" []
+The unit is case-sensitive, thus
+.. class:: todo
+Should we allow case-insensitive units? References are case-insensitive as
+> , cmpLint "+1 Mg foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+1 kG foobar >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
+> , cmpLint "&1 MIN [foo] >bar" [LintResult UnitNotWellKnown [0]]
+> ]
+All references must be resolved. An `earlier check <resultsused_>`_ makes sure
+all results and alternatives are referenced at some point.
+> referencesResolved nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Reference _) | null (incoming edges n) =
+> LintResult UndefinedReference [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> testLintRefs = [
+> cmpLint "*foobar >foobar >barbaz" []
+> , cmpLint "*foobar >foo" [LintResult UndefinedReference [0]]
+> ]
+A result must have at least one incoming edge. This is a special case and can
+only occur at the beginning of a recipe.
+> resultNonempty nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Result _) | null (incoming edges n) =
+> LintResult TooFewChildren [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> testLintResultNonempty = [
+> cmpLint ">bar *bar >baz" [LintResult TooFewChildren [0]]
+> , cmpLint "+A >bar *bar >baz" []
+> , cmpLint "+A >bar >foo *bar *foo >baz" []
+> ]
+Alternatives must have at least two incoming edges since a smaller amount would
+make the alternative pointless.
+> twoAlternatives nodes edges = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f xs n@(nodeid, Alternative _) | length (incoming edges n) < 2 =
+> LintResult TooFewChildren [nodeid]:xs
+> f xs _ = xs
+> testLintTwoAlternatives = [
+> cmpLint "+A |foo *foo >bar" [LintResult TooFewChildren [1]]
+> , cmpLint "+A +B |foo *foo >bar" []
+.. class:: todo
+should we allow this? it does not make sense imo
+> , cmpLint "+A &B |foo *foo >bar" []
+> ]
+.. _reject-loops:
+.. class:: todo
+- reject loops
+- reject multiple results/alternatives with the same name
+> data LintResult a = LintResult LintStatus [a] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+> data LintStatus =
+> NoRootNode
+> | NonResultRootNode
+> | MoreThanOneRootNode
+> | UndefinedReference
+> | TooFewChildren
+> | TimeIsATool
+> | TimeAnnotatesAction
+> | UnitNotWellKnown
+> | UnknownMetadataKey
+> | InvalidMetadata
+> deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+> lintTests = [
+> rootIsResult
+> , referencesResolved
+> , resultNonempty
+> , twoAlternatives
+> , timeIsATool
+> , timeAnnotatesAction
+> , wellKnownUnit
+> , rootAnnotations
+> ]
+> cmpLint doc expect = doc ~: sort (lint nodes edges) ~?= sort expect
+> where
+> (Right op) = parse ("%pesto-1 " ++ doc)
+> nodes = (zip [firstNodeId..] . map snd . operations) op
+> edges = toGraph nodes ++ resolveReferences nodes
+> test = [
+> testLintMetadata
+> , testRootAnnotations
+> , testLintRefs
+> , testLintQuantity
+> , testLintWellKnownUnit
+> , testTimeAnnotatesAction
+> , testLintTwoAlternatives
+> , testLintResultNonempty
+> ]
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..745d339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+Language syntax
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto.Parse (
+> parse
+> , test
+> , Operation(..)
+> , Quantity(..)
+> , Unit(..)
+> , Object(..)
+> , Approximately(..)
+> , Amount(..)
+> , Recipe(..)
+> , isResult
+> , isReference
+> , isAlternative
+> , isAnnotation
+> , isAction
+> , spaces1
+> , notspace
+> ) where
+> import Control.Applicative ((<*>), (<$>), (<*), (*>))
+> import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, isLetter)
+> import Data.Ratio ((%))
+> import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
+> import Text.Parsec.Char
+> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Pos (newPos)
+> import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Error (ParseError, Message,
+> errorMessages, messageEq, newErrorUnknown)
+> import Test.HUnit hiding (test)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize)
+XXX: magic should be an operation
+XXX: this parser should accept invalid operations
+From the XXXsyntactic point of view a Pesto recipe is just a list of
+space-delimited operations. It is encoded with UTF-8_ and starts with a magic
+identifier (``%pesto-1``) followed by one or more spaces (spaces1_). Every
+character within the Unicode whitespace class is considered a space.
+.. _UTF-8:
+.. _spaces1:
+.. _Recipe:
+> data Recipe = Recipe {
+> version :: Integer
+> , operations :: [(SourcePos, Operation)]
+> } deriving Show
+> recipe = Recipe
+> <$> magic <* spaces1
+> <*> ((,) <$> getPosition <*> operation) `sepEndBy` spaces1
+> <* eof
+> <?> "recipe"
+> spaces1 = many1 space
+The file identifier consists of the string ``%pesto-`` followed by an integral
+number and arbitrary non-space characters. They are reserved for future use and
+must be ignored by parsers implementing this version of pesto. A byte order
+mark (BOM) must not be used.
+> magic = string "%pesto-" *> int <* skipMany notspace <?> "magic"
+> notspace = satisfy (not . isSpace)
+.. _Operation:
+.. _Ingredient:
+.. _Tool:
+.. _Result:
+.. _Alternative:
+.. _Reference:
+.. _Annotation:
+.. _Action:
+The following *operations* are supported:
+> data Operation =
+> Annotation String
+> | Ingredient Quantity
+> | Tool Quantity
+> | Action String
+> | Reference Quantity
+> | Result Object
+> | Alternative Object
+> deriving (Show, Eq)
+> operation =
+> try annotation
+> <|> try ingredient
+> <|> try tool
+> <|> try action
+> <|> try result
+> <|> try alternative
+> <|> try reference
+> <?> "operation"
+The pesto grammar has two kinds of operations: The first one begins with a
+start character and consumes characters up to and including a terminating
+symbol (``end``), which can be escaped with a backslash (``\``):
+> betweenEscaped start end =
+> char start
+> *> many (try (char '\\' *> char end) <|> satisfy (/= end))
+> <* char end
+Annotations and Actions both are of this kind:
+> annotation = Annotation <$> betweenEscaped '(' ')'
+> action = Action <$> betweenEscaped '[' ']'
+Here are examples for both:
+> testOpterm = [cmpOperation "(skinless\nboneless)" (Right (Annotation "skinless\nboneless"))
+> , cmpOperation "[stir together]" (Right (Action "stir together"))
+> , cmpOperation "[stir\\]together]" (Right (Action "stir]together"))]
+The second one starts with one identifying character, ignores the following
+whitespace characters and then consumes an object or a quantity.
+> oparg ident cont = char ident *> spaces *> cont
+> ingredient = oparg '+' (Ingredient <$> quantity)
+> tool = oparg '&' (Tool <$> quantity)
+> result = oparg '>' (Result <$> object)
+> alternative = oparg '|' (Alternative <$> object)
+> reference = oparg '*' (Reference <$> quantity)
+> testOparg = [
+> cmpOperation "+100 g flour" (Right (Ingredient (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (100%1))) "g" "flour")))
+> , cmpOperation "&oven" (Right (Tool (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" "oven")))
+> , cmpOperation ">dough" (Right (Result "dough"))
+> , cmpOperation "|trimmings" (Right (Alternative "trimmings"))
+> , cmpOperation "*fish" (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" "fish")))
+> , cmpOperation3 "* \t\n 1 _ cheese" (Right (Reference (Quantity (Exact (AmountRatio (1%1))) "" "cheese"))) "*1 _ cheese"
+> ]
+Before introducing quantities we need to have a look at qstr, which is used by
+them. A qstr, short for quoted string, can be – you guessed it already – a
+string enclosed in double quotes, a single word or the underscore character
+that represents the empty string.
+> qstr = try (betweenEscaped '"' '"')
+> <|> word
+> <|> char '_' *> return ""
+A word always starts with a letter, followed by any number of non-space
+> word = (:) <$> letter <*> many notspace
+The empty string can be represented by two double quotes or the underscore, but
+not the empty string itself.
+> testQstr = [
+> cmpQstr3 "\"\"" (Right "") "_"
+> , cmpQstr "_" (Right "")
+> , cmpQstr "" parseError
+Any Unicode character with a General_Category major class L (i.e. a letter, see
+`Unicode standard section 4.5
+<>`_ for example) is
+accected as first character of a word. That includes german umlauts as well as
+greek or arabic script. Numbers, separators, punctuation and others are not
+> , cmpQstr "water" (Right "water")
+> , cmpQstr "Äpfel" (Right "Äpfel")
+> , cmpQstr "τυρί" (Right "τυρί")
+> , cmpQstr "جبن" (Right "جبن")
+> , cmpQstr "1sugar" parseError
+> , cmpQstr "+milk" parseError
+> , cmpQstr "∀onion" parseError
+The remaining letters of a word can be any character, including symbols,
+numbers, …
+> , cmpQstr "rump-roast" (Right "rump-roast")
+> , cmpQstr "v1negar" (Right "v1negar")
+> , cmpQstr "mush\"rooms" (Right "mush\"rooms")
+…but not spaces.
+> , cmpQstr " tomatoes" parseError
+> , cmpQstr "tomatoes " parseError
+> , cmpQstr "lemon juice" parseError
+> , cmpQstr "sour\tcream" parseError
+> , cmpQstr "white\nwine" parseError
+If a string contains spaces or starts with a special character it must be
+enclosed in double quotes.
+> , cmpQstr3 "\"salt\"" (Right "salt") "salt"
+> , cmpQstr "\"+milk\"" (Right "+milk")
+> , cmpQstr "\"soy sauce\"" (Right "soy sauce")
+> , cmpQstr "\"1sugar\"" (Right "1sugar")
+> , cmpQstr "\"chicken\tbreast\nmeat\"" (Right "chicken\tbreast\nmeat")
+Double quotes within a string can be quoted by prepending a backslash. However
+the usual escape codes like \\n, \\t, … will *not* be expanded.
+> , cmpQstr "\"vine\"gar\"" parseError
+> , cmpQstr3 "\"vine\\\"gar\"" (Right "vine\"gar") "vine\"gar"
+> , cmpQstr "\"oli\\ve oil\"" (Right "oli\\ve oil")
+> , cmpQstr "\"oli\\\\\"ve oil\"" (Right "oli\\\"ve oil")
+> , cmpQstr3 "\"sal\\tmon\"" (Right "sal\\tmon") "sal\\tmon"
+> ]
+The operations Ingredient, Tool and Reference accept a *quantity*, that is a
+triple of Approximately, Unit and Object as parameter.
+> data Quantity = Quantity Approximately Unit Object deriving (Show, Eq)
+The syntactic construct is overloaded and accepts one to three arguments. If
+just one is given it is assumed to be the Object and Approximately and Unit are
+empty. Two arguments set Approximately and Unit, which is convenient when the
+unit implies the object (minutes usually refer to the object time, for
+> quantity = try quantityA <|> quantityB
+> quantityA = Quantity
+> <$> approximately
+> <* spaces1
+> <*> unit
+> <*> (try (spaces1 *> object) <|> return "")
+> quantityB = Quantity
+> <$> return (Exact (AmountStr ""))
+> <*> return ""
+> <*> object
+> testQuantityOverloaded = [
+> cmpQuantity "oven" (exactQuantity (AmountStr "") "" "oven")
+> , cmpQuantity "10 min" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (10%1)) "min" "")
+> , cmpQuantity "100 g flour" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (100%1)) "g" "flour")
+The first two are equivalent to
+> , cmpQuantity3 "_ _ oven" (exactQuantity (AmountStr "") "" "oven") "oven"
+> , cmpQuantity3 "10 min _" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (10%1)) "min" "") "10 min"
+Missing units must not be ommited. The version with underscore should be prefered.
+> , cmpQuantity3 "1 \"\" meal" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (1%1)) "" "meal") "1 _ meal"
+> , cmpQuantity "1 _ meal" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (1%1)) "" "meal")
+> ]
+Units and objects are just strings. However units should be limited to
+`well-known metric units <well-known-units_>`_ and `some guidelines
+<objects-and-annotations_>`_ apply to Objects as well.
+> type Unit = String
+> unit = qstr
+> type Object = String
+> object = qstr
+Approximately is a wrapper for ranges, that is two amounts separated by a dash,
+approximate amounts, prepended with a tilde and exact amounts without modifier.
+> data Approximately =
+> Range Amount Amount
+> | Approx Amount
+> | Exact Amount
+> deriving (Show, Eq)
+> approximately = try range <|> try approx <|> exact
+> range = Range <$> amount <*> (char '-' *> amount)
+> approx = Approx <$> (char '~' *> amount)
+> exact = Exact <$> amount
+> testQuantityApprox = [
+> cmpQuantity "1-2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio (1%1)) (AmountRatio (2%1))) "" "bananas"))
+> , cmpQuantity "1 - 2 _ bananas" parseError
+> , cmpQuantity "1- 2 _ bananas" parseError
+> , cmpQuantity "1 -2 _ bananas" parseError
+> , cmpQuantity "~2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Approx (AmountRatio (2%1))) "" "bananas"))
+> , cmpQuantity "~ 2 _ bananas" parseError
+> ]
+Amounts are limited to rational numbers and strings. There are no real numbers
+by design and implementations should avoid representing rational numbers as
+IEEE float. They are not required and introduce ugly corner cases when
+rounding while converting units for example.
+> data Amount =
+> AmountRatio Rational
+> | AmountStr String
+> deriving (Show, Eq)
+> amount = try ratio <|> AmountStr <$> qstr
+> testQuantityAmount = [
+> cmpQuantity "some _ pepper" (exactQuantity (AmountStr "some") "" "pepper")
+> , cmpQuantity3 "\"some\"-\"a few\" _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountStr "some") (AmountStr "a few")) "" "bananas")) "some-\"a few\" _ bananas"
+> , cmpQuantity "~\"the stars in your eyes\" _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Approx (AmountStr "the stars in your eyes")) "" "bananas"))
+> ]
+Rational numbers can be an integral, numerator and denominator, each separated
+by a forward slash, just the numerator and denominator, again separated by a
+forward slash or just a numerator with the default denominator 1 (i.e. ordinary
+integral number).
+> ratio = let toRatio i num denom = AmountRatio ((i*denom+num)%denom) in
+> try (toRatio <$> int <*> (char '/' *> int) <*> (char '/' *> int))
+> <|> try (toRatio <$> return 0 <*> int <*> (char '/' *> int))
+> <|> try (toRatio <$> return 0 <*> int <*> return 1)
+These are all equal.
+> testQuantityRatio = [
+> cmpQuantity "3 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%1)) "" "bananas")
+> , cmpQuantity3 "3/1 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%1)) "" "bananas") "3 _ bananas"
+> , cmpQuantity3 "3/0/1 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%1)) "" "bananas") "3 _ bananas"
+XXtwo is num and denom
+> , cmpQuantity "3/5 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (3%5)) "" "bananas")
+three is int, num and denom
+> , cmpQuantity "3/5/7 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio ((3*7+5)%7)) "" "bananas")
+> , cmpQuantity3 "10/3 _ bananas" (exactQuantity (AmountRatio (10%3)) "" "bananas") "3/1/3 _ bananas"
+Can be used with ranges and approximate too. and mixed with strings
+> , cmpQuantity "1-\"a few\" _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio (1%1)) (AmountStr "a few")) "" "bananas"))
+> , cmpQuantity "1/1/2-2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Range (AmountRatio (3%2)) (AmountRatio (4%2))) "" "bananas"))
+> , cmpQuantity "~1/1/2 _ bananas" (Right (Quantity (Approx (AmountRatio (3%2))) "" "bananas"))
+> ]
+> int = read <$> many1 digit
+> parse = runParser recipe () ""
+Test helpers:
+> isLeft (Left _) = True
+> isLeft _ = False
+> parseError = Left (newErrorUnknown (newPos "" 0 0))
+> cmpParser f str (Left _) = TestCase $ assertBool str $ isLeft $ runParser (f <* eof) () "" str
+> cmpParser f str expected = str ~: runParser (f <* eof) () "" str ~?= expected
+> cmpParseSerialize f str expectp@(Left _) _ = [cmpParser f str expectp]
+> cmpParseSerialize f str expectp@(Right expectpval) expects = [
+> cmpParser f str expectp
+> , serialize expectpval ~?= expects]
+Wrap qstr test in AmountStr to aid serialization test
+> cmpQstr input expectp = cmpQstr3 input expectp input
+> cmpQstr3 input (Left expect) _ = [cmpParser (AmountStr <$> qstr) input (Left expect)]
+> cmpQstr3 input (Right expect) expects = cmpParseSerialize (AmountStr <$> qstr) input (Right (AmountStr expect)) expects
+> cmpQuantity a b = cmpQuantity3 a b a
+> cmpQuantity3 = cmpParseSerialize quantity
+> cmpOperation a b = cmpOperation3 a b a
+> cmpOperation3 = cmpParseSerialize operation
+> exactQuantity a b c = Right (Quantity (Exact a) b c)
+> test = [
+> "quantity" ~: testQuantityOverloaded ++ testQuantityApprox ++ testQuantityAmount ++ testQuantityRatio
+> , "qstr" ~: testQstr
+> , "oparg" ~: testOparg
+> , "opterm" ~: testOpterm
+> ]
+> isResult (Result _) = True
+> isResult _ = False
+> isReference (Reference _) = True
+> isReference _ = False
+> isAlternative (Alternative _) = True
+> isAlternative _ = False
+> isAnnotation (Annotation _) = True
+> isAnnotation _ = False
+> isAction (Action _) = True
+> isAction _ = False
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs-boot b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a6dee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Parse.lhs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+> module Codec.Pesto.Parse where
+> data Operation =
+> Annotation String
+> | Ingredient Quantity
+> | Tool Quantity
+> | Action String
+> | Reference Quantity
+> | Result Object
+> | Alternative Object
+> data Quantity = Quantity Approximately Unit Object
+> type Unit = String
+> type Object = String
+> data Approximately =
+> Range Amount Amount
+> | Approx Amount
+> | Exact Amount
+> data Amount =
+> AmountRatio Rational
+> | AmountStr String
diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Serialize.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Serialize.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b3007e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Serialize.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto.Serialize (serialize) where
+> import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, isLetter)
+> import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
+> import {-# SOURCE #-} Codec.Pesto.Parse
+> class Serializeable a where
+> serialize :: a -> String
+.. class:: todo
+- Add instance for graph
+- use :math:`\mathcal{O}(1)` string builder
+Finally transform linear stream of operations into a string again:
+> instance Serializeable a => Serializeable [a] where
+> serialize ops = unlines $ map serialize ops
+> instance Serializeable Operation where
+> serialize (Annotation s) = quote '(' ')' s
+> serialize (Ingredient q) = '+':serialize q
+> serialize (Tool q) = '&':serialize q
+> serialize (Action s) = quote '[' ']' s
+> serialize (Reference q) = '*':serialize q
+> serialize (Result s) = '>':serializeQstr s
+> serialize (Alternative s) = '|':serializeQstr s
+> instance Serializeable Quantity where
+> serialize (Quantity a b "") = serialize a ++ " " ++ serializeQstr b
+> serialize (Quantity (Exact (AmountStr "")) "" c) = serializeQstr c
+> serialize (Quantity a "" c) = serialize a ++ " _ " ++ serializeQstr c
+> serialize (Quantity a b c) = serialize a ++ " " ++ serializeQstr b ++ " " ++ serializeQstr c
+> instance Serializeable Approximately where
+> serialize (Range a b) = serialize a ++ "-" ++ serialize b
+> serialize (Approx a) = '~':serialize a
+> serialize (Exact a) = serialize a
+There are two special cases here, both for aesthetic reasons:
+1) If the denominator is one we can just skip printing it, because
+ :math:`\frac{2}{1} = 2` and
+2) if the numerator is larger than the denominator use mixed fraction notation,
+ because :math:`\frac{7}{2} = 3+\frac{1}{2}`
+> instance Serializeable Amount where
+> serialize (AmountRatio a) | denominator a == 1 = show (numerator a)
+> serialize (AmountRatio a) | numerator a > denominator a =
+> show full ++ "/" ++ show num ++ "/" ++ show denom
+> where
+> full = numerator a `div` denom
+> num = numerator a - full * denom
+> denom = denominator a
+> serialize (AmountRatio a) = show (numerator a) ++ "/" ++ show (denominator a)
+> serialize (AmountStr s) = serializeQstr s
+> serializeQstr "" = "_"
+> serializeQstr s | (not . isLetter . head) s || hasSpaces s = quote '"' '"' s
+> serializeQstr s = s
+> hasSpaces = any isSpace
+> quote start end s = [start] ++ concatMap (\c -> if c == end then ['\\', end] else [c]) s ++ [end]
diff --git a/src/Doc.lhs b/src/Doc.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cba5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Doc.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Building documentation
+.. class:: nodoc
+> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+> import Text.Pandoc
+> import Text.Pandoc.Error (handleError)
+> import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Styles (tango)
+> import Data.List (stripPrefix)
+> import System.FilePath (replaceFileName)
+> import qualified Data.Set as S
+The documentation is created from the source module Codec.Pesto, which includes
+the other modules. We use a slightly modified template.
+> main = do
+> tpl <- readFile "template.html"
+> doc <- readWithInclude "src/Codec/Pesto.lhs"
+> writeFile "_build/index.html" $ rstToHtml tpl doc
+Since pandoc currently does not support restructured text’s include directive,
+emulate it.
+> readWithInclude f = do
+> c <- readFile f
+> let l = lines c
+> linc <- mapM (\line -> case stripPrefix ".. include:: " line of
+> Just incfile -> readWithInclude $ replaceFileName f incfile
+> Nothing -> return line) l
+> return $ unlines linc
+The pass the resulting string to pandoc that builds a doctree, remove unwanted
+content and build a HTML page.
+> rstToHtml tpl = writeDoc tpl . dropNoDoc . handleError . readDoc
+> readDoc = readRST def {
+> readerExtensions = S.fromList [
+> Ext_literate_haskell
+> , Ext_implicit_header_references
+> ]
+> , readerStandalone = True }
+Drop blocks that should not be visible in the documentation, like module
+definitions and imports.
+> dropNoDoc = topDown f
+> where
+> f (Div (_, classes, _) _) | "nodoc" `elem` classes = Null
+> f x = x
+> writeDoc tpl = writeHtmlString def {
+> writerStandalone = True
+> , writerTemplate = tpl
+> , writerHtml5 = True
+> , writerHighlight = True
+> , writerHighlightStyle = tango
+> , writerNumberSections = True
+> , writerSectionDivs = True
+> , writerTabStop = 4
+> , writerHTMLMathMethod = MathJax ""
+> , writerVariables = [("css", "pesto.css"), ("lang", "en")]
+> }
diff --git a/src/Main.lhs b/src/Main.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b37b8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Main.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+User interface
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Main (main) where
+> import Codec.Pesto.Parse (parse, Recipe(..))
+> import Codec.Pesto.Graph (toGraph, firstNodeId, resolveReferences)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Lint (lint)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Dot (toDot)
+The pesto to dot converter can be run with ``cabal run pesto``. It expects a
+pesto recipe on the standard input and prints a dot graph to stdout that can be
+converted to an image by piping it through ``dot -Tpng``. Example:
+.. code:: bash
+ cabal run --verbose=0 pesto < spaghetti.pesto | dot -Tpng > spaghetti.png
+.. class:: todo
+add linting information to graph
+> main = do
+> s <- getContents
+> (flip . either) malformedRecipe (parse s) $ \doc -> do
+> let
+> nodes = (zip [firstNodeId..] . snd . unzip . operations) doc
+> edges = toGraph nodes ++ resolveReferences nodes
+> --print $ lint nodes edges
+> putStrLn $ toDot nodes edges
+> malformedRecipe = print
diff --git a/src/Test.lhs b/src/Test.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..852c700
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Test.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+Running tests
+.. class:: nodoc
+> import Test.HUnit
+> import Codec.Pesto.Parse (test)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Lint (test)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Graph (test)
+The testcases can be run with ``cabal run pesto-test``. This runs *all*
+testcases from all modules and prints a summary.
+> main = runTestTT tests
+> tests = TestList [
+> "parse" ~: Codec.Pesto.Parse.test
+> , "graph" ~: Codec.Pesto.Graph.test
+> , "lint" ~: Codec.Pesto.Lint.test
+> ]
diff --git a/template.html b/template.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d06e2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/template.html
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html$if(lang)$ lang="$lang$"$endif$>
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+<meta name="author" content="$author-meta$">
+<meta name="" content="$date-meta$">
+<title>$if(title-prefix)$$title-prefix$ - $endif$$title$</title>
+<style type="text/css">code{white-space: pre;}</style>
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+<script src=""></script>
+<style type="text/css">q { quotes: "“" "”" "‘" "’"; }</style>
+<style type="text/css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="$css$">
+<div class="wrapper">
+<h1 class="title">$title$</h1>
+<h1 class="subtitle">$subtitle$</h1>
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+<h3 class="date">$date$</h3>
+<nav id="$idprefix$TOC">