path: root/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
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diff --git a/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs b/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
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+++ b/src/Codec/Pesto/Graph.lhs
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+Language semantics
+.. class:: nodoc
+> module Codec.Pesto.Graph (
+> toGraph
+> , walkRoot
+> , outgoing
+> , incoming
+> , firstNodeId
+> , resolveReferences
+> , test
+> ) where
+> import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, isLetter)
+> import Data.List (sort, nub)
+> import Test.HUnit hiding (test)
+> import Codec.Pesto.Parse hiding (test)
+Pesto’s syntax drives a stack-based machine that transforms the linear stream
+of operations generated by the parser into a directed graph. Think of the stack
+as your kitchen’s workspace that is used to prepare the food’s
+components. You can add new ingredients, perform actions on them, put them
+aside and add them again.
+This function processes a list of nodes, that is operations uniquely identified
+by an integer and returns the edges of the directed graph as a list of tuples.
+> toGraph nodes = edges
+> where
+> (_, _, edges) = foldl f (Nothing, [[]], []) nodes
+Ingredients are simply added to the current workspace. They should for example
+appear on the shopping list.
+> f ctx (i, Ingredient _) = addToStack ctx i
+The same happens for for tools. However they are not part of the final product,
+but used in the process of making it. For instance they do not appear on the
+shopping list. `Time is a tool <time-is-a-tool_>`_.
+> f ctx (i, Tool _) = addToStack ctx i
+Actions take all ingredients and tools currently on the workspace, perform some
+action with them and put the product back onto the workspace.
+> f (_, stack:sx, edges) (i, Action _) = (Just i, [i]:stack:sx, edgesTo i stack ++ edges)
+Results add a label to the current workspace’s contents and move them out of
+the way. It should be a meaningful name, not just A and B obviously.
+Consecutive Results add different labels to the same workspace. That’s useful
+when an action yields multiple results at once that are processed in different
+> f ctx (i, Result _) = consumeStack ctx i
+Alternatives too add a label to the current workspace’s content, but they pick
+one of things on the workspace and throw everything else away. This allows
+adding optional or equivalent ingredients to a recipe (i.e. margarine or butter).
+> f ctx (i, Alternative _) = consumeStack ctx i
+References are similar to ingredients. They are used to add items from a
+workspace labeled with Result or Alternative. More on that `in the next section
+> f ctx (i, Reference _) = addToStack ctx i
+Annotations add a description to any of the previous operations. They can be
+used to provide more information about ingredients (so “hot water” becomes
+“+water (hot)”, tools (“&oven (200 °C)”) or actions (“[cook] (XXX)”).
+> f ctx@(Nothing, s, edges) (_, Annotation _) = ctx
+> f (Just prev, s, edges) (i, Annotation _) = (Just prev, s, (i, prev):edges)
+These are helper functions:
+> addToStack (_, stack:sx, edges) i = (Just i, (i:stack):sx, edges)
+> consumeStack (_, s, edges) i =
+> let
+> stack = dropWhile null s
+> (top:sx) = if null stack then [[]] else stack
+> in (Just i, []:top:sx, edgesTo i top ++ edges)
+> edgesTo i = map (\x -> (x, i))
+Here are a few example of how this stack-machine works. Each edge is a tuple of
+two integer numbers. These are the nodes it connects, starting with zero.
+Ingredient, Tool and Reference itself do not create any edges:
+> testGraph = [
+> cmpGraph "+ketchup &spoon *foobar" []
+But Action, Alternative and Result do in combination with them:
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar [barbaz]" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar +B >barbaz" [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz +foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1), (2, 3)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar [barbaz] +foobar >barbaz" [(0, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3)]
+> , cmpGraph "&foobar [barbaz] [C] >D" [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]
+If the stack is empty, i.e. it was cleared by a Result or Alternative
+operation, consecutive results or alternatives operate on the *previous*,
+non-empty stack.
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz >C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz |C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz |C" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+Unless that stack too is empty. Then they do nothing:
+> , cmpGraph ">foobar >foobar" []
+> , cmpGraph "|foobar |foobar" []
+> , cmpGraph "(foobar) (foobar)" []
+> , cmpGraph "[foobar]" []
+The Annotation operation always creates an edge to the most-recently processed
+node that was not an annotation. Thus two consecutive annotations create edges
+to the same node.
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz)" [(1, 0)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz) (C)" [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar (barbaz) >barbaz" [(1, 0), (0, 2)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar >barbaz (C)" [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "+foobar |barbaz (C)" [(0, 1), (2, 1)]
+> , cmpGraph "*foobar (C)" [(1, 0)]
+> ]
+Results and alternatives can be referenced with the Reference operation.
+Resolving these references does not happen while buiding the graph, but
+afterwards. This allows referencing an a result or alternative before its
+definition with regard to the their processing order.
+Resolving references is fairly simple: For every reference its object name a
+case-insensitive looked is performed in a table containing all results and
+alternatives. If it succeeds an edge from every result and alternative returned
+to the reference in question is created.
+> resolveReferences nodes = foldl f [] nodes
+> where
+> f edges (i, ref@(Reference _)) = map (\x -> (x, i)) (findTarget nodes ref) ++ edges
+> f edges _ = edges
+> findTarget nodes (Reference (Quantity _ _ a)) = map fst $ filter (isTarget a) nodes
+> where
+> lc = map toLower
+> isTarget dest (_, Result x) = lc x == lc dest
+> isTarget dest (_, Alternative x) = lc x == lc dest
+> isTarget _ _ = False
+References works before or after the result operation.
+> testRef = [
+> cmpGraphRef ">foobar *foobar" [(0, 1)]
+> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar |foobar *foobar" [(0, 2), (1, 2)]
+> , cmpGraphRef "+A >foobar +B >barbaz *foobar *barbaz" [(1, 4), (3, 5)]
+> , cmpGraphRef "*foobar >foobar" [(1, 0)]
+Nonexistent references do not create an edge.
+> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar *barbaz" []
+References can use amounts and units.
+> , cmpGraphRef ">foobar *1 _ foobar *2 _ foobar" [(0, 1), (0, 2)]
+There are a few cases that do not make sense here (like loops or multiple
+results with the same name). They are permitted at this stage, but rejected
+`later <reject-loops_>`_.
+> , cmpGraphRef "*foobar |foobar >foobar" [(1, 0), (2, 0)]
+> , cmpGraphRef "|foobar *foobar >foobar *foobar" [(0, 1), (0, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3)]
+> ]
+> runGraphWith f doc expect = sort edges ~?= sort expect
+> where
+> (Right op) = parse ("%pesto-1 " ++ doc)
+> nodes = (zip [firstNodeId..] . map snd . operations) op
+> edges = f nodes
+> cmpGraph = runGraphWith toGraph
+> cmpGraphRef = runGraphWith resolveReferences
+> firstNodeId = 0 :: Int
+Find graph’s root node(s), that is a node without outgoing edges:
+> walkRoot nodes edges = let out = nub $ map fst edges
+> in filter (\(x, _) -> notElem x out) nodes
+Get all nodes with edges pointing towards nodeid
+> incoming edges (nodeid, _) = filter ((==) nodeid . snd) edges
+> outgoing edges (nodeid, _) = filter ((==) nodeid . fst) edges
+> test = ["graph" ~: testGraph, "ref" ~: testRef]